October 2010
On Sale: September 28, 2010
352 pages ISBN: 0758234627 EAN: 9780758234629 Trade Size
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Women's Fiction Contemporary
Every woman remembers her firsts: Her first kiss. Her first
lover. And her first time contemplating an affair... Each Friday morning at the Indigo Moon Café, Jennifer,
Bridget and Tamara meet to swap stories about marriage,
kids, and work. But one day, spurred by recent e-mails from
her college ex, Jennifer poses questions they’ve never faced
before. What if they all married the wrong man? What if
they’re living the wrong life? And what would happen if,
just once, they gave in to temptation… Soon each woman is second-guessing the choices she’s
made—and the ones she can unmake—as she becomes aware of new
opportunities around every corner, from attentive colleagues
and sexy neighbors to flirtatious past lovers. And as
fantasies blur with real life, Jennifer, Bridget and Tamara
begin to realize how little they know about each other,
their marriages, and themselves, and how much there is to
gain—and lose—when you step outside the rules…
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31 comments posted.
Re: Friday Mornings At Nine
Sounds like a very thought provoking book. I was married 54 years. Wonder what would have happened if I was in a group like that early on. (Jan Rogoway 11:19am October 1, 2010)
"Firsts" and "second-guessing" - the stories of our lives! (Jl Welling 6:39am October 5, 2010)
I enjoyed the music you mentioned too.
I LOVED the film Somewhere In Time...it moved me to tears!!!
Valerie in Germany (Valerie Bongards 2:41pm October 5, 2010)
I loved the Lake house One of my favs (Jennifer Mathis 3:02pm October 5, 2010)
We need more stories about ordinary women like us. Blessings, Marjorie (Marjorie Carmony 3:12pm October 5, 2010)
I still love the 70's music but my teen yrs were Elvis, Brenda Lee, Jimmy Rogers, Teresa Brewer, and the list goes on. I love the story line of your book and I have thought the same thing. What if? No one knows what the future will hold for you and if you made the right choice or wrong. Would love to win your book. Thanks the this opportunity to enter. (Brenda Hill 4:06pm October 5, 2010)
The first secret I would like to know is what is this &mquot;what ifs&mquot; Seriously, I have thought about what if's and decided that if I had taken a different route (or man) I wouldn't be where I am now with the good friends and family I have now. I don't think I am willing to give this group up! (Karin Tillotson 4:49pm October 5, 2010)
Jl~Oh, I agree...it *is* something many of us wonder about, isn't it?!
Valerie~I loved that film, too! Christopher Reeve and Jane Seymour were wonderful together ;).
Jennifer~I really like The Lake House as well! I need to see it again because I spent the whole first viewing of it wondering what was going to happen...
Marjorie~We do, yes! Those kinds of stories simply about ordinary women and our lives are my very favorite.
Brenda~Elvis was amazing, wasn't he? I love his old beach films (like "Clam Bake") -- he had such heart and when he sang "But You Don't Know Me" I just melted ;).
Karin~LOL!! I thought it was a secret code, too! Next time I'll capitalize instead of trying to use quotes :). Glad you're with people you wouldn't give up and that you're where you want to be! I wouldn't trade my gang either!! (Marilyn Brant 5:14pm October 5, 2010)
Going back quite a ways but "Little House n The Prairie" always pulled at my heart strings. The love overcame the hardship. (Mary Preston 5:19pm October 5, 2010)
What if can be a dangerous game to play. Unless our current situation is really a disaster, why want something different. I am content in my marriage of 38 years. I am sure the path would have been different with someone else, but the path I took had some wonderful surprises and still does. I don't think any relationship doesn't have a few bumps in the road, but unless they are major wrecks, it's OK.
As for romantic films, PRIDE AND PREJUDICE and LAST OF THE MOHICANS are perfect for me.
The 60's and 70's had some great songs. The first one that comes to mind for me is TIME IN A BOTTLE. It says so much about the relationship. I love it. (Patricia Barraclough 5:36pm October 5, 2010)
I have never known anyone who didn't wonder what if, when upset,lonely or disappointed. If you have a good life,just be content, the what ifs could be a lot worse than the what is. Any song Robert Goulet sings will open the flood gates. Thanks for the chance of winning your new book. (Sheila True 6:06pm October 5, 2010)
The Notebook was a movie that really moved me the first time i saw it. It still does.
Lisa B (Lisa Boggs 7:29pm October 5, 2010)
Any time I hears 80s music it takes me back to simpler, happier times (Mary Lynn Hayes 7:35pm October 5, 2010)
Being a good listener, I'm always receiving secrets and have to hold onto them a long time since they come with "strings attached". I like the movie Love Story and the wintry scenes as spring held a promise of a date for joining two families together. (Alyson Widen 8:09pm October 5, 2010)
I think we all have what if's some place in our lives no matter how good we have it now. (Vickie Hightower 8:14pm October 5, 2010)
My fsvorite era was the 50's and 60's since the values and times were wonderful. (Sharon Berger 8:27pm October 5, 2010)
I love Forest Gump I could watch many times over. Crash really spoke to me, I hope it gave the message to a lot of people! One that is really a story between my husband and I, I saw it the first time while in the hospital for surgery, is The Great Gatsby! The story is really too long to tell here but my hubby went and bought it for me after I got out of the hospital. (Brenda Rupp 9:33pm October 5, 2010)
Thanks for a chance to win your book. <3 (Tiffany Harvey 9:56pm October 5, 2010)
I am a big Elvis fan but also enjoyed the music of the 70's.Looking forward to your new book. Thanks for the contest (Teresa Ward 11:22pm October 5, 2010)
Mary P.~I spent hours watching Little House as a kid...and I loved the book series, too!
Patricia~Congrats on 38 years of marriage -- that's wonderful! I love hearing about such great relationship success stories ;). As for Pride & Prejudice -- that's my favorite novel EVER, so I love all film versions, too!!
Sheila~You're absolutely right --great point! It's those times when we're really vulnerable that we most often wonder "what if"...
Lisa~I know...what a poignant film that was!
Mary Lynn~80s music does that for me, too. I think that's especially the case whenever someone hears songs from their childhood or teen years. It's such a carefree time by comparison to adulthood -- the songs just take us back to a far less complicated era in our personal history. (Marilyn Brant 11:33pm October 5, 2010)
Alyson~Ohhhh, Love Story! I still cry when I see that film or read scenes from the book. I loved it...
Vickie~I think that's really true for most of us, yes! Probably because, no matter how well things may have turned out, people are multi-faceted. Being in a situation that's different from our current one will, almost inevitably, I think, bring out a few new sides of ourselves.
Sharon~50s and 60s music is so often upbeat, I can't help but want to dance! (I'll always love Buddy Holly. ;)
Brenda~I really enjoyed all 3 of the films you mentioned, but my husband especially LOVED Gatsby!! It's a huge favorite of his, and his appreciation for it has increased mine even more ;).
Tiffany~You're very welcome!
Teresa~I've already mentioned this today, but it's worth repeating -- I love Elvis!! (Marilyn Brant 11:42pm October 5, 2010)
I love the movies "Pride and Prejudice" and "The Holiday." (Ginger Hinson 1:46am October 6, 2010)
Ginger~I'm a HUGE Pride & Prejudice fan (!!) and I thought The Holiday was very cute, too ;). (Marilyn Brant 9:35am October 6, 2010)
Thanks for the contest.... (Carrie Conley 5:38pm October 6, 2010)
I may be the only person who saw and loved this film, but I adored how the relationship between Ted Danson and Isabella Rosellini's characters developed in 'Cousins'. Also, 'Harold and Maude'.
Congrats on the new book, the cover is beautiful. (Maya Missani 11:06pm October 6, 2010)
The Living Years sung by Mike and the Mechanics. The song speaks to me. It's reminds me the good times that my dad, my two uncles and cousin are gone since they past away. Since that moment, there are times that my two nephews do certain things and say certain things that reminds of them.
It just proves that even though my dad, my two uncles and cousin are gone, they are still with me in spirits. (Kai Wong 11:10pm October 6, 2010)
Carrie~You're very welcome!
Maya~Thanks for your comments on the book cover -- I like it, too! (Full credit goes to the Kensington art dept. :) And, for what it's worth, I thought "Cousins" was pretty funny, too!
Kai~I believe that as well -- that the spirits of those whom we truly loved stay with us forever. Thanks, also, for reminding me of that beautiful song... (Marilyn Brant 12:43pm October 7, 2010)
I really don't understand how you and other writers come up with books that are compicated like us women in real life, to understand how a woman may be questioning herself and her life and we all like a happy ending! Agatha Townsend (Agatha Townsend 6:08am October 7, 2010)
Thanks so much, Agatha! As complicated and confusing as life and relationships can be, I know I love happy endings, too :). (Marilyn Brant 9:46am October 7, 2010)
Jan Rogoway~your comment showed up on the Friday Mornings at Nine book page but not the blog page, for some reason, so I just saw it today... Thank you so much for your nice comment about the book and, also, CONGRATULATIONS on 54 years of marriage! That's a tremendous accomplishment ;). (Marilyn Brant 1:57pm October 9, 2010)
Thanks so much, Yinglg!! I'm very glad you enjoyed it. (Marilyn Brant 6:07pm November 1, 2010)
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