Love Inspired Historical
Steeple Hill Love Inspired Historicial
August 2010
On Sale: August 10, 2010
288 pages ISBN: 037382842X EAN: 9780373828425 Paperback Add to Wish List
No one knows who he is or where he's from. But witnesses
throughout San Francisco report a masked man in black is
bringing supplies—and badly needed hope—to homeless
earthquake survivors. Some believe that the city's gallant
rescuer is a gentleman of wealth. But others whisper that he
is a working-class man with courage as great as his faith.
And rumor has it that one of the city's most spirited
society belles is helping him against her family's wishes.
What can be confirmed is that the masked messenger will need
more than a miracle to escape those on his trail—and win the
woman risking everything to save him….
I agree with your first comment. My grandfather used to remind me that HATE is a strong reaction. Use DON't LIKE and save HATE for something you really DON'T LIKE! (Karin Tillotson 8:50am August 14, 2010)
How refreshing to take such a devastating part of History, and turn it into a pure and wonderful love story!! There's that little sense of mystery, as well as love in it, and it sounds like you have the bases covered. I can't wait to read it!! Great job!! You've kept History alive with a wonderful story to boot!! (Peggy Roberson 9:40am August 14, 2010)
Karin, I try to keep my kids from using the hate word, too. Peggy, I'm glad you find the story intriguing. Thanks for the kind words. (Allie Pleiter 1:59pm August 14, 2010)
WOW what a great twist on things! your book sounds great (Vickie Hightower 6:16pm August 14, 2010)
Sounds like a good story. A disaster brings out the best and worst in man. We don't know what we are capable of until we are put to the test. Best of luck with the release of MISSION OF HOPE. (Patricia Barraclough 10:31pm August 14, 2010)