The Secret Marriage That Forever Changed The Fate Of England
Sourcebooks Landmark
March 2010
On Sale: March 1, 2010
Featuring: Katherine Woodville
400 pages ISBN: 1402237669 EAN: 9781402237669 Paperback
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On May Day, 1464, six-year-old Katherine Woodville, daughter
of a duchess who has married a knight of modest means,
awakes to find her gorgeous older sister, Elizabeth, in the
midst of a secret marriage to King Edward IV. It changes
everything—for Kate and for England. Then King
Edward dies unexpectedly. Richard III, Duke of Gloucester,
is named protector of Edward and Elizabeth's two young
princes, but Richard's own ambitions for the crown interfere
with his duties... Lancastrians against Yorkists:
greed, power, murder, and war. As the story unfolds through
the unique perspective of Kate Woodville, it soon becomes
apparent that not everyone is wholly evil—or wholly good.
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42 comments posted.
Re: The Stolen Crown
I really enjoy historical fictional books that masquerade as non-fiction. Your book sounds very enjoyable! (Molly Wilsbacher 12:08pm March 15, 2010)
I have started reading more historical fiction lately. I've read historical romance for years and have always preferred those that were accurate in their historical and daily life details. Historical fiction promises that and more. I've heard of this book on several other sites and look forward to reading it. (Patricia Barraclough 2:22am March 15, 2010)
I have not read any historical fiction lately but will have to now that I have read about your new release. I love the setting and want to know about all who were there. Thanks.. (Brenda Hill 9:15am March 15, 2010)
I love history and I agree with you--where would we be without those who wrote all the beautiful details down before us. Your book sounds fascinating. Thanks for visiting. (G S Moch 9:33am March 15, 2010)
Can not wait to read. sounds good. (Sherry Russell 9:54am March 15, 2010)
I enjoy hostorical novels and this one sounds very good. Thanks for guestblogging. (Cherie Japp 11:26am March 15, 2010)
I love historical fiction (and rely on authors to be historically accurate). (Shannon Scott 12:10pm March 15, 2010)
I don't read many historical novels. If it is an author that I like then I'll buy it. (Leni Kaye 12:50pm March 15, 2010)
I love history, especially, English history. (Marlene Breakfield 1:08pm March 15, 2010)
I have always been a history buff. This book sounds interesting enough. (Kai Wong 1:46pm March 15, 2010)
I love historicals myself! They are my favorite read but most are romances! (Gail Hurt 1:59pm March 15, 2010)
I have gotten away from reading historical fiction in the last few years. But your book has caught my eye and I have added it to my tbr list (Kimberley Coover 4:05pm March 15, 2010)
The time period that your book setting takes place in is a favorite of mine! Many thanks, Cindi jchoppes[at]hotmail[dot]com (Cindi Hoppes 5:33pm March 15, 2010)
I love historical novels. Particularly ones based on actual historical figures. (Tanja Haack 6:35pm March 15, 2010)
The historical genre is my favorite. I especially enjoy stories from this time period. I've put your book on my TBB list. I can't wait to read it. (Phyllis Crabtree 7:10pm March 15, 2010)
I love to read historical fiction and this sounds fantastic. (Elke Bullis 7:20pm March 15, 2010)
I usually read historical romance and haven't tried historical fiction. (Diane Sadler 7:47pm March 15, 2010)
This era is such a romantic setting and your topic sounds delightful. I eagerly look forward to reading"The Stolen Crown" (Cathy Delgado 7:51pm March 15, 2010)
I've been hearing good things about this book! It really looks good.. Thanks for the chance (Martha Lawson 8:46pm March 15, 2010)
I have been tracing our family trees for many years and when I find personal information that someone 'way back when' wrote down, it makes my ac=ncesters seem more like real people rather than just names and dates! (Karin Tillotson 9:31pm March 15, 2010)
History can be fascinating as your blog shows. Times past were so different from today and tommorrow will doubtlessly be as equally different from today. (Gladys Paradowski 9:51pm March 15, 2010)
I have always loved historical fiction romances. They take me to places and situations I have only dreamed of. I know the writers do their research, which makes it more interesting. (Cathy Phillips 10:20pm March 15, 2010)
I love reading historical fiction and if there is so romance thrown in so much the better. (Lisa Richards 10:30pm March 15, 2010)
Historical Fiction, & indeed fact, my all time favorite to read. Great insight thank you. (Mary Preston 10:34pm March 15, 2010)
THis looks like a good book (Catherine Myers 10:38pm March 15, 2010)
All the comments here have added to my interest in this book. (Jung Ja Ahn 12:02pm March 16, 2010)
I still think that Shakespeare gave Richard III a bum rap. There's enough historical evidence there (if one digs deep and hard enough) to prove that he was as much a victim as the two princes he was regent for.
Having said that, this does sound like an excellent book. On to the TBB list with it!!
Lynn (Lynn Rettig 12:30pm March 16, 2010)
The story sounds like it has lots of dark corners to discover throughout to make for a very good read. (Shirley Sego 12:35pm March 16, 2010)
This sounds like a great historical novel. I love to read them and research some of the history behind the novel. I am adding this to my TBP list! (Lisa Glidewell 12:56pm March 16, 2010)
Ah, I've often wondered about Elizabeth Woodville, especially since I saw her name again just recently. In essence, I'm more a history and historical fiction than h.r. buff and I know this book will suit me. (Sigrun Schulz 1:27am March 16, 2010)
There is a song "May all who come behind us find us worthy". I guess a part of history is the recording of life so that in a way, they are trying to show that they have fulfilled their part in life to be worthy as that song said. I have always loved history, the good, bad, boring, or exciting. I enjoy books such as your novel, giving us a peek down the halls of the past. (Jean Merriott 1:48am March 16, 2010)
I love these and knowing that the author spent so much time researching keeps me reading. (Joanne Reynolds 6:17am March 16, 2010)
You make history come to life! Blessings, Marjorie (Marjorie Carmony 6:29am March 16, 2010)
Historical fiction is a favorite genre of mine, but it needs to be accurate to be good for me... (Diane Pollock 7:58am March 16, 2010)
I am grateful for all the historical records that have been passed down through time. I am a genealogist and love to find records about an ancestor that brings him/her to life. (Robin McKay 9:02am March 16, 2010)
I will read almost anything, but I always go back to romance, especially historical romance. Thank you for another good read. (Tonya Atchley 12:01pm March 16, 2010)
I love reading books with elements of history. I like to feel like I'm learning something. Sometimes we get lucky if at the end of the book the author tells what's real and what's fiction, like Steven Berry. If it's got romance also, all the better! (MaryAnne Banks 7:56pm March 16, 2010)
Historical fiction is one of my favorites. It keeps my imagination going. I remember an author with the last name of Holt who wrote in this genre and I kept the books because they were so good. (Alyson Widen 8:19pm March 16, 2010)
I love historical fiction! dancealert at aol dot com (Brenda Rupp 11:09pm March 16, 2010)
Believe it or not,I have actually managed to get my students enthused about historical fiction. As a class we have investigated four historical novels ths year. My students enjoy separating fact from fiction and verifying the facts. (Cheryl Stillwell 11:41pm March 16, 2010)
Historical Fiction is one of my favs!!! I love to learn about history while reading my romance novels...It's Fun!!! (Mitzi Hinkey 11:41pm March 16, 2010)
Have heard many good things about this book. I expect accurate historic details in the historical fiction I read. Susan, it is obvious you take your research seriously. That will make the book that much better. (Patricia Barraclough 8:19pm March 22, 2010)
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