Leisure Books
September 2008
On Sale: September 1, 2008
Featuring: Evelyn Stanton; Jacob Cato
352 pages ISBN: 0843960469 EAN: 9780843960464 Paperback Add to Wish List
A Chinese monk striding down the aisle was the first shock
at countess-to-be Evelyn Stanton’s wedding. To watch him
dispatch three groomsmen, unarmed, and to learn that he was
white and the long-lost heir to the Earldom of Warhaven,
was the second. He would be her husband?
After the slaughter of his family in far-off China, Jacob
Cato found sanctuary. In a Xi Lin temple he learned to be
strong, but now he had a grander goal: to reclaim his
English heritage and the woman he’d left behind.
Revenge. It poisoned everything he’d learned, everything
he’d done, and yet every fiber of Jacob burned for it—just
as he burned for the beautiful but very English Evelyn.
Long ago, the conspiracy to kill his family had stranded
him, lost Jacob in the exotic East and made him
unrecognizable to his countrymen…and women. He had not
forgotten that past. It was to make peace that he had
returned. The manner was yet to be decided.
That is SOME wedding day!!! (Ann Brown 2:37am September 7, 2008)
Some books begin by one scene that sticks in my head. For this book...that wedding scene just stuck. Old norman church. Bride and groom at the altar. Then a guy in saffron monks robes coming down the aisle sayingm, "Wait! I'm the REAL groom!". That was just too perfect a scene to let go...so The Dragon Earl was born! (Jade Lee 10:19am September 9, 2008)
Sounds Deliciously devious! (Kathy Newton 8:17pm September 28, 2008)
What a wonderful event. I would be in heaven. I love history which is one of the reasons I read historical romance. It is much more enjoyable learning about the smuggling problem along the English Coast by reading a romance than by listening to a dry lecture from a grouchy old man. I am going to check their website and see what the event is like. Would love to attend in England. Of course, I'm not a writer, but would love to sit there and listen. (Patricia Barraclough 10:48pm June 21, 2009)
I especially enjoy Victorian era historical novels. (Cindy Madson 5:55pm July 6, 2009)
I recently joined the Historical Novel Society. I found their sight by accident and was in HEAVEN! I'm a hughe Historical fiction fan. Their web sight and quarterly reviews newsletter is the best I have found for Historical Fiction Nuts. One of these days I hope to make it to a conference (as a reader). (Pamela Lelekis 2:20pm July 26, 2009)