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Blogging at Fresh Fiction
Jade Lee | Cover Reveal: INTO THE LYON'S DEN + Giveaway!
February 5, 2020
For those of you who know me as both Jade Lee and Kathy Lyons, the cover below may surprise you. First – I&rsquo Read More...
Jade Lee | How did this book happen?
December 2, 2015
It’s all Elizabeth Hoyt’s Fault!
My best writing pal in the whole wide world has left me. Yes, she used to Read More...
Jade Lee | The Great Adventures of a Really Hot Girl
November 5, 2015
Hello Wonderful Readers!
I’ve got some exciting news! Guess what it is.
Jade Lee | In Just 2 minutes, I Can Make You a Horse!
October 7, 2015
My trip to Italy was amazing. Sadly, I caught a bug there, and I’m still recovering.
But the good
news is that I have
Jade Lee/Kathy Lyons | Guess What I'm Doing This Month!
September 19, 2015
September is an exciting month for me and it has nothing to do with my writing.
Guess why.
A. Nothing to do with my
Jade Lee | Corn Ice Cream and
Sweltering Heat in NYC
August 5, 2015
Travel to NYC is always fun, but add in the Romance Writers of
conference and a book launch, and life got really Read More...
Jade Lee | Mystical Cleaning Experiment OVER!
July 5, 2015
Those of you on my newsletter list know that I’ve just finished my mystical
experiment. The idea was to clear out 27 items Read More...
Jade Lee | Guess What I Did Today...
June 5, 2015
I’m often asked how I can write so many books. The answer is simple: 2000 words a
Every day. No matter what. Except
Jade Lee | The Best Part About Cinco de Mayo
May 5, 2015
Let’s start right in.
What’s the best part about Cinco de Mayo?
A. Margaritas! Tequila! What’s not to
Jade Lee | FRESH FICTION PUBLISHING!!!! Or maybe not...
April 6, 2015
Has Sara Reyes started a book publishing wing of Fresh Fiction?
A. Absolutely. It’s been going on behind the scenes for years Read More...
Jade Lee | What I Do Instead of Watching Baseball
March 5, 2015
My husband loves baseball. Tiger baseball, to be specific. Since he grew up in
Michigan near Detroit, that's reason enough for his allegiance. Also Read More...
Jade Lee | The Joys of Being an Older Athlete
February 5, 2015
As many of you regular readers know, I used to play very competitive
racquetball. In fact, I even went pro for 2 weeks but blew Read More...
Jade Lee | Guess What I Plotted Over Breakfast!
January 5, 2015
Most Wednesday mornings, I have breakfast with my bestie who is NOT a writer.
She's a finance professor and we used to live across Read More...
Jade Lee | It's Done!!
December 5, 2014
Guess what???
A monthly quiz with loads of fun, strange images, and who knows, maybe even a Read More...
Jade Lee | While Jade Is Away, #Squidge Will Play
October 6, 2014
While I’m in my writing cave, I thought it’d be a good idea to check in on
#Squidge and see what he
Kathy Lyons | Marriage Quiz for Sheri and Alex
August 5, 2014
Since I’ve already shared my mother-of-the-bride gown. I thought I’d show you my
wedding speech. Yes, it’s in my
Jade Lee Doesn’t Have a New Book Out, But Kathy Lyons Does!
July 2, 2014
Let’s start with the basics. Kathy Lyons has a new
book out! It’s
Jade Lee | Wedding Shopping
June 5, 2014
If any of you follow me on Facebook you know that I spent the last Read More...
Jade Lee | WRITING JUST TO WRITE. Wait...what?
May 5, 2014
A couple weeks ago, I finished my contracted book. It's a great book, coming out
next year, titled (for the moment) The Duke
Jade Lee | Monday Musing Tennessee
April 8, 2014
I leave for a writer's retreat on Wednesday. It's a week at a Tennessee
cabin with fellow writers Cindy Dees and Elizabeth Hoyt Read More...
Jade Lee Quiz! ~ Win PRIZES and more...
March 5, 2014
It's been a long day of writing blogs, so I've gotten a bit punchy. What does
that mean for you? YOU GET THE
Jade Lee | That Bizarre Moment
February 13, 2014
There's a moment in every book I write that really surprises me. I'm not talking
about the romance moments. I work very hard
Jade Lee | Squidges and Love Scenes
February 6, 2014
There are lots of things that writers do to avoid writing. There's chocolate and
pictures of man chest. Also funny pet pictures. You can Read More...
Jade Lee | MANCHEST!
January 5, 2014
My new e-novella releases on Jan 7th. It's a sexy story of a housekeeper who
finds love and lust with her employer, a
Jade Lee | Happy Holidays Conversations Plus a Free Screensaver
December 5, 2013
A few weeks ago I was in Dallas for one of my favorite events of the year:
Readers and ‘Ritas. Tidbits of fun included gifting
November 5, 2013
I seem to struggle with transitions. Not book transitions. They're easy. End a
chapter on a dramatic note, and then turn the page. Bam Read More...
Jade Lee | Sara Showed Me!
August 29, 2013
So this past week, I got to hang out a little with Sara Reyes in Vegas. (Note
to people who fly before their morning coffee
Jade And Elizabeth's Excellent Adventure
August 5, 2013
GOAL: writer's retreat where MUCH writing will occur
Problem: Attendees will include Damon Suede, Cindy Dees, Elizabeth Hoyt, and me.
And um
Jade Lee | It's Sara's Fault!
July 5, 2013
It was Sara Reyes of Fresh Fiction who first told me about feed-in novellas.
There was lots of discussion and business talk around this Read More...
Jade Lee | About Proms, Brides, And The Men Who Deserve Everything A Woman Goes Through To Be Beautiful
April 3, 2012
Raise your hand if you're in the midst of prom season! I have two daughters who
started going to prom when they were freshmen
Jade Lee | My Favorite Time Wasters
December 22, 2011
This blog was the first thing I had to do today. The very first thing, well
right after coffee. Actually, that's not true. Before
Jade Lee / Kathy Lyons | Possessed Or Crazy? You Decide
March 2, 2011
I play with my heroes. I play with them, torture them, gab with them, and yes,
I even do naughty things with them. Seriously.
Jade Lee | Deadline Psychosis
January 11, 2011
So we writers are generally a normal lot. No really! Yes, we talk to the
voices in our heads. They’re characters, I swear! And Read More...
Jade Lee | TORTURED PRO NEEDS HELP. A lot of help…
April 6, 2009
Some book are written from inspiration. Some books are written because there is
a contract. And then there are books that simply won't Read More...
Jade Lee | It's All In The Accessories!
March 21, 2008
My mother always stressed accessories in dressing. Me, I wanted to be DOING
something, not fussing with finding the perfect earrings (which always fell