Secrets, Scandals, and Seduction, June 2022
The Virgin and the Viscount, April 2021
The Earl and the Reluctant Lady, November 2018
The Marquess and the Maiden, September 2018
Dueling With The Duke, May 2016
Undercover with the Earl, August 2015
The Masquerading Mistresses Series, December 2014
Misadventures in Seduction, September 2014
For Her Spy Only, August 2014
No Ordinary Mistress, April 2014
Forbidden Love Series, November 2013
A Little Bit Scandalous, August 2013
The Secrets of Mia Danvers, May 2013
A Little Bit Sinful, April 2013
A Little Bit Wicked, December 2012
Treasure Me, March 2011
Paperback / e-Book
The Mammoth Book of Regency Romance, August 2010
Trade Size
Desire Me, June 2010
Mass Market Paperback
Seduce Me, August 2009
Mass Market Paperback
Tempted at Every Turn, August 2007
Mass Market Paperback
Deliciously Wicked, October 2006
A Study in Scandal, February 2006
Courting Claudia, August 2005
Legend Hunters #1
August 2009
On Sale: July 28, 2009
Featuring: Esme Worthington; Fielding Grey
320 pages ISBN: 0446542008 EAN: 9780446542005 Mass Market Paperback
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Romance Historical
Fielding Grey is the second son of the Marquess of Eldon and
fortune hunter by night. He's on a mission for the Legend
Hunters--a group of wealthy, titled, and heart-breakingly
gorgeous men, each of whom are after the find of the
century--he has his eyes set on obtaining the illustrious
Pandora's Box. But before he finds it, he encounters an
equally alluring treasure--the woman bold enough to look
Esme Worthington can't resist taking
the tiniest peek inside when fate drops the real Pandora's
Box in her lap. Thus, she unleashes one of Pandora's
irresistible curses: the curse of lust. Now, both Esme and
Fielding must deal with this passionate curse--or
blessing?--before unknown implications of Pandora's Box
overpower them both.
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46 comments posted.
Re: Seduce Me
Very interesting post. I agree with the emotional thing (I hate it when a scene is all about athletic contest ;-). Congratulations !! (Joeelle Jappissont 1:56am July 29, 2009)
I like your trailer to your book looks like its going to be a good book to read. [email protected] (Stacey Smith 3:10am July 29, 2009)
I so agree about a love scene needing to be a real part of the characters. (Joanne Reynolds 6:29am July 29, 2009)
Seduce Me sounds like a good book, can't wait to read it. (Amanda Jenkins 8:12am July 29, 2009)
Congratulations on the new book. It looks great! (Maureen Emmons 9:24am July 29, 2009)
I'm glad the book sounds good, I don't think any of you will be disappointed. Thanks for joining me today. (Robyn DeHart 9:37am July 29, 2009)
Great post. Congratulations on your new book. Seduce Me sounds good. I love the cover. (Crystal Broyles 9:50am July 29, 2009)
"Seduce Me" looks like fun! (Cheryl Snyder 10:30am July 29, 2009)
I love romances that build up the tension between the hero and heroine. I usually don't care for books that have the main characters having sex within the first few chapters. It just seems so rushed and not believable. (Cherie Japp 11:10am July 29, 2009)
I love the idea of finding Pandora's box and opening it, I can't wait to read what happens next! I am sure this book will be as great as all your others! (Barbara Hanson 11:58am July 29, 2009)
I feel that there is a difference between a love scene and sex. Many authors are throwing a sex scene in just for the sex scene. When two people who just met are running away from the slasher -killer and just drop down in the grass and have sex it not only turns me off I lose the story line. (Karin Tillotson 1:06pm July 29, 2009)
You are so right. Love scenes are only right if they are in line with the characters. (Elizabeth Parzino 1:11pm July 29, 2009)
As a reader the emotions and actions in a love scene flow so naturally that I never realized how difficult it would be to write. The author has to find the perfect balance between love and lust. Also, your new book sounds great! (Rosemary Krejsa 1:17pm July 29, 2009)
Interesting discussion (Anne Jones 1:31pm July 29, 2009)
Interesting 12 steps. Thanks! Marjorie (Marjorie Carmony 1:36pm July 29, 2009)
Great discussion. As long as the love scenes go along with the charaters and storyline then it's great. It's when it's just thrown in there that it makes it unrealistic. Thanks for the info (12 Steps-very interesting). (JoAnn White 2:19pm July 29, 2009)
I think the best part of the love scene is the steps leading up to the love scene. That is what is sexy! I'm not one for really graphic all physical no emotion love scenes. They have to have some heart to them. Looks like an interesting book - I'll have to check it out. (Josie Roetemeyer 2:29pm July 29, 2009)
I can't wait for the chance to read this! Best of luck everyone. (Tabatha Basham 2:34pm July 29, 2009)
I like love scenes to be very sensual. The setting up of the scene is often more important than the sex. That sensation of "being there" is what pulls me into the scene and makes it come alive. (DeeAnn Szymanski 3:06pm July 29, 2009)
I like to have the love scenes flow from the emotions of the two protagonists as you describe. I got very tired of reading sexy scenes which were in books just because the author felt there had to be one or two or... If the emotions aren't involved beyond the purely physical, I'd rather not have an "obligatory love scene." That just doesn't work for me.
I'm glad you are one of the authors who really pays attention to this. (Sigrun Schulz 3:53pm July 29, 2009)
Congrats on the new release. Sexual tension is very important. (Jane Cheung 4:27pm July 29, 2009)
I'm loving all these comments! What a great discussion on love scenes. (Robyn DeHart 4:37pm July 29, 2009)
:) Loved the 12 steps...and it was kind of funny, but I truly believe it to be true! Neat post! (Rachael Grime 5:01pm July 29, 2009)
Those 12 steps of intimacy - fascinating. I found myself stepping into a scene with those, one by one. (Elizabeth Krentz-Wee 5:16pm July 29, 2009)
hmm, quite interesting formula (of sorts). I shall indeed make a mental note of this sage advice.btw love your books! (Dawn Raymer 6:04pm July 29, 2009)
This post was so interesting. As you said the best love scences are those where conflict is a major component. (Maude Allen 6:17pm July 29, 2009)
I love the trailer. Hot Hot Hot!! A build up of desire and sexual tension are a definite must in a good romance. The twelve steps are really interesting. Good luck with the new release. (Theresa Buckholtz 6:19pm July 29, 2009)
The book sounds great and the cover is gorgeous. (Sue Ahn 6:50pm July 29, 2009)
I like the look of your book and it does sound good (Diane Sadler 7:28pm July 29, 2009)
Great blog! Congratulations on your newest release! Sylvia (Sylvia Bortman 7:39pm July 29, 2009)
I think the best love scenes come not only from the characters but from the relationship they've built from the beginning. There are some sex scenes that fit and some that just don't. Sometimes the characters do guide you in that respect. Depends on the personalities they have. And, chemistry. (Angela Arno 7:41pm July 29, 2009)
Looking forward to reading Seduce me. Love the cover! (Teresa Ward 7:50pm July 29, 2009)
Congrats on the release of your book. Good luck. Have a great day. Thanks for the info of writing a great love scene. (Roberta Harwell 8:01pm July 29, 2009)
Thank you for all the kind comments about my cover - isn't it lovely? They did such a fantastic job on it. And it's really quite fitting for the book. (Robyn DeHart 8:17pm July 29, 2009)
I agree, best love scenes that show emotion and/or tension, and sex words aren't needed always to convey that. Different things work for different characters/stories. If a love/sex scene is just thrown in, you can tell. (Pamela Pellini 8:37pm July 29, 2009)
I like the way you break down love scenes, I really agree that it needs to be a genuine part of the characters and not just sex for the sake of sex. (Denise Boyd 11:01pm July 29, 2009)
i totally agree that great love scenes should have emotional involvement if not then its just an x rated story. great post thank you. (Sara Hurt 11:23pm July 29, 2009)
I agree with some of the other commenters, too many authors are throwing sex scenes into their books and leaving out the romance. I read a mystery a few month ago, and the main characters were at it by chapter three and they had just met. Sorry, there is no romance in that. Not only do the heroine and hero have to seduce each other, the author must seduce the reader into the story and the relationship. Some authors are forgetting that. The twelve steps you listed are very good. Some authors are barely getting past #2 before they hit #12. You make some very good points. Seduce Me should be very good. (Patricia Barraclough 12:30pm July 30, 2009)
I so am looking forward to this new series Robyn! Great post with the 12 steps! Its the first I've seen of this, but so true! I can see those happening in your books too. (Cathie Morton 12:23pm July 30, 2009)
Great article, thanks for the tips. Can't wait to read your new book. (Kay Swederski 3:00pm July 30, 2009)
I have already read this new book and absolutely adore it!thank you so much for reminding me about our Sherlock Holmes hero in A Study In Scandal, I think I will reread that tonight! I can't wait for the rest of this new series! (Angela Frawley 11:33am August 1, 2009)
Love scenes should anticipation, emotional and sensual connection. Love your book trailer and cover. Congratulations on your release. (Armenia Fox 3:00pm August 2, 2009)
Congrats on your release. I think sex scenes must be one of the hardest parts of a book to write...when to put it in, how much detail, how many times to write about it...it must be hard. (Patsy Hagen 6:12pm August 2, 2009)
Congratulations on your new release. The book sounds wonderful and the cover - enticing! Writing sex scenes, boggles the mind. I don't know how you do it. I do know that if I have to but the book down for a minute, blushing, then start reading -that was some scene. I am not looking for over the top unbelieveable sex. If I can't believe it, the book is no longer interesting. The characters and their actions have to be one - a sex scence that comes out of left field and is not true to the characters in it will ruin the book. This is why I love to read your novels...the connections is fluid and true. (Kimberley Coover 3:26pm December 3, 2009)
Getting to the sex scene is what is important to me. Is there the sexual tension build up? Does it seem real? Thats whats important. (Kathleen Bianchi 1:32am August 31, 2011)
I just LOVE love scenes that have e-x-t-e-n-d-e-d foreplay.....I guess I mean that the "love" scene starts waaaay back at the beginning of the story ;-) (Kathy Kasley 7:15pm May 26, 2012)
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