B.A.D. #5
April 2010
On Sale: April 20, 2010
Featuring: Hunter Wesley Thornton-Payne III; Abbie Blanton
400 pages ISBN: 141659745X EAN: 9781416597452 Mass Market Paperback Add to Wish List
Tough-as-nails Bureau of American Defense agent Hunter
Thornton-Payne is no stranger to uncomfortable top-secret
missions, but tonight takes the cake. He just needs to
stick out a stuffy charity fundraiser long enough to find
the ruthless assassin he’s hunted for four years. It’s a
rogue operation, but Hunter’s got nothing to lose—until a
beautiful brunette unexpectedly pulls him into her own
dangerous agenda.
Abbie Blanton will do anything to find out why her healthy
mother has become critically ill. When a high-profile
heiress is shot as Abbie tries to blackmail her for the
truth behind her mother’s mysterious illness, Abbie
realizes she’s stumbled into an unforgiving conspiracy—and
she’s the next target. She and Hunter discover an alarming
connection that puts them at opposing goals as they begin a
treacherous battle against an evil enterprise a secret
organization will go to terrifying lengths to keep hidden.
Death is inevitable for someone before it’s all over.
Survival comes down to choice. Her salvation or his
Only one can win and the assassin holds the best odds.
Author Note
Have you ever wanted to blow up something? I mean, something other than your computer. I didn’t realize that I did until the day I was working way up on a hill overlooking Atlanta’s famous Spaghetti Junction where I-285 (east and westbound) and I-85 (north and southbound) intersect. I showed up on the site that morning to paint the mural on a billboard and found a team of men ready to blow up the interstate. Once I determined they were engineers who were supposed to do this and not a bunch of insane extremists I asked if I could detonate the explosion. They were like, “Sure.” Probably the most amazing thing was watching the traffic held back a mile away in every direction waiting on this because the interstates in our town are NEVER empty. It was not a huge explosion, but I did get to detonate it and take pictures with the crew. A few years later I started writing and realized that day on the hill was just the start of researching for stories, because I love to write action-adventure thrillers with a full romance woven through.
Nowadays I’m co-writing the NYT best selling Bureau of American Defense (BAD) Agency series with #1 NYT best seller Sherrilyn Kenyon. Our first book was PHANTOM IN THE NIGHT, then WHISPERED LIES and now SILENT TRUTH is coming out April 20, 2010. Pick up a copy when you’re ready to spend a fun night all alone with a BAD boy.
I'm retired, so it's nice to be able to read, walk & take care of two Yorkies, Spencer & Kirby & of course my husband. We enjoy each others company. So my passion is living everyday to the fullest. (Pat Wilson 10:10am April 16, 2010)
I totally agree with passions changing over a life time. Times and circumstances affect the change. One thing that hasn't changed for me in years is that I passionately feel it is a woman's duty to help guide a younger woman. If only to listen. If I can share my life experiences and it helps someone I feel like I've made a difference. So often today we expect the younger generation to know it already and they don't. I know I'm a better person for the guidance I've received from the older women in my life. (Jill Merriott 2:13am April 19, 2010)
I'm retired too but reading has been my major, lifelong passion. Closely allied to this is history. My first adult books were historical novels and history books, before historical romances came on the scene. But from my reading, I also developed a passion for the English language: grammar, vocabulary, syntax, etc. and led to my studying English with a view to teaching it in Germany. Actually, English is my second language, too. I also loved learning other languages. I have one outdoor passion: geology, esp. fossils and rock formations. When some people have moved some of my boxes, they jokingly say, "Man, these are heavy. It feels like rocks in here." I can sweetly say, "Yes, you're right. The box is full of rocks." Geology and archaeology would have been some other job choices. Now my passion for these, and history, is mainly restricted to TV documentaries and the odd book. (Sigrun Schulz 2:21am April 19, 2010)
Hi Pat W - You said - "So my passion is living everyday to the fullest."
I love that. I have a saying on my computer of "Nothing is worth more than today."
thanks for stopping by (Dianna Love 5:24am April 19, 2010)
Hi Jill M -
You said - "One thing that hasn't changed for me in years is that I passionately feel it is a woman's duty to help guide a younger woman. If only to listen."
What a wonderful thought. I've had the benefit of advice from women older than me over the years and it was invaluable. I try to share with others to save them some of the painful learning curve in life, too. A wonderful passion for you to have.
thanks for stopping by today (Dianna Love 5:26am April 19, 2010)
Hi Sigrun -
What an amazing background formed from several passions of the English language and geology. I'm sure many people have benefited by your learning English and teaching it in Germany. LOL over the rocks in the boxes people move.
thanks for stopping by to say hello (Dianna Love 5:30am April 19, 2010)
I think that it is wonderful to have more than one passion, and those seem to change with age. I don't think that we ever lose those passions, they just get added to. (Joanne Reynolds 6:28am April 19, 2010)
have read several of your books. Very enjoyable reading. (Sherry Russell 8:24am April 19, 2010)
Hi Joanne -
I agree that our passions change with age and take on new meanings in our lives. I like the idea of "adding to them."
thanks for saying hello today (Dianna Love 9:03am April 19, 2010)
Hi Sherry R -
Thanks so much for the nice words on my books - thrilled that you enjoy them.
I appreciate you stopping by today (Dianna Love 9:03am April 19, 2010)
My passion at work is helping special need kids achieve a higher reading, spelling or mathmatics score. The look on their faces when they can achieve it is like nothing else. (Barbara Hanson 9:04am April 19, 2010)
Hi Barbara H - That's a wonderful passion, to help special needs children. I can see where that would be a highly rewarding passion.
thanks for saying hello today (Dianna Love 9:45am April 19, 2010)
Hi Dianna, Well, I've always been passionate about books and reading. But now I also have a passion for traveling and meeting authors and readers. We all speak the same language and how cool is that! (Barbara Vey 10:01am April 19, 2010)
Hi Barbara V - (for those who don't know, Barbara Vey is the senior contributing editor at Publisher's Weekly and has the Beyond Her Book blog).
You said - "Well, I've always been passionate about books and reading. But now I also have a passion for traveling and meeting authors and readers."
I love meeting readers and agree we all speak a special language. You've definitely become a road warrior, much like Sara Reyes. Thank goodness both of you get around as much as you do to meet readers and authors.
Looking forward to seeing you at the Readers & 'Ritas event Fresh Fiction is hosting this November.
thanks for stopping by (Dianna Love 10:28am April 19, 2010)
Dianna, absolutely love your those BAD Agency novels!
Passion? Hmmmm. Well, after finally making the decision to quit the rat-race and stay at home to take care of my grandson, I found time for many of the things I had left behind: Reading, cooking, gardening, baking, firearms. But most of all, my passion for my dear husband of thirty years! (Cynthia Netherton 11:00am April 19, 2010)
Hi Cynthia N -
Thanks for letting me know you love the BAD Agency books. :)
Your said - "...after finally making the decision to quit the rat-race and stay at home to take care of my grandson, I found time for many of the things I had left behind: Reading, cooking, gardening, baking, firearms. But most of all, my passion for my dear husband of thirty years!"
Ooooh...that is so sweet. :)
Glad you stopped by today (Dianna Love 11:20am April 19, 2010)
My passion is what ever I am doing at the time. If its a quilt I am making or just reading a book. I put all I have in it and then more! (Gail Hurt 11:21am April 19, 2010)
Hi Gail H -
You said - "My passion is what ever I am doing at the time. If its a quilt I am making or just reading a book. I put all I have in it and then more!"
Putting your ALL into something is what I consider the purest definition of passion. I say all the time that I only do something I'm passionate about because I don't know how to do something half measure. Like your attitude. :)
thanks for stopping by (Dianna Love 11:53am April 19, 2010)
My passion is for holistic practice, cooking, eating, reading, and just fun in general. (Leni Kaye 11:57am April 19, 2010)
I love to read and spend time with my grandchildren. Thanks for an interesting column. (G S Moch 12:04pm April 19, 2010)
My passion is finding more hours in a day. I wish I were retired because I have more things planned to do than I have time to do them!
I am a juvenille diabetic but it was when I faced having cancer in my 40's and then heart surgery in my 50's that I decided I was too busy to be sick and miss life. My passion is to make wonderful plans for not only today but also tomorrow. My passion is to live a wonderful life every day and think of problems as ways to make me stronger. Everyone is going to die some day but what's important is being passionate about living today. (Jeanne Miro 12:51pm April 19, 2010)
Other things come and go but cooking, gardening and reading have been passions forever. (Elizabeth Parzino 1:22pm April 19, 2010)
My passions... reading and drawing! :) (Colleen Conklin 1:25pm April 19, 2010)
Other than my passion for my family? That would be my passion for cooking. I love to see the items put together into something beautiful and delicious...It is a piece of art, earnestly given to the people I love though the piece itself does not last long. (G. Bisbjerg 1:37pm April 19, 2010)
I am passionate about reading, animals, and my family. (Cassie Holloway 2:37pm April 19, 2010)
I am passionate about my husband, my children and reading. I also love to bake. Trying out new recipes is very relaxing for me and then seeing my family enjoy my efforts really is thrilling. (Cherie Japp 3:02pm April 19, 2010)
Passionate about reading, cooking and life. (Josie Roetemeyer 3:11pm April 19, 2010)
Hi Leni - You said "My passion is for holistic practice, cooking, eating, reading, and just fun in general."
Those sound like very soothing passions - smart choices.
thanks for stopping by (Dianna Love 3:16pm April 19, 2010)
Hi GS Moch - You said "I love to read and spend time with my grandchildren. Thanks for an interesting column."
Another vote for spending time with grandkids - I'm seeing a fun pattern. :)
I'm glad you enjoyed the column. thanks for visiting today (Dianna Love 3:17pm April 19, 2010)
Hi Jeanne M - You said "...I decided I was too busy to be sick and miss life. My passion is to make wonderful plans for not only today but also tomorrow."
Wonderful outlook on life and great passion to nurture. Bless you for surviving so much and having such a positive attitude. I'm sure it helps others, which comes back to you two fold.
thanks for saying hello today (Dianna Love 3:20pm April 19, 2010)
Hi Elizabeth P - You said "Other things come and go but cooking, gardening and reading have been passions forever."
I see cooking and gardening a lot and it reminds me of when i used to end almost every day by spending an hour putzing in my garden. I miss that and can see why so many enjoy it.
thanks for stopping by (Dianna Love 3:23pm April 19, 2010)
Can't wait to read it!!! You ladies are the best! (Lori Roche 3:24pm April 19, 2010)
Hi Colleen C - You said "My passions... reading and drawing! :)"
Ah ha! I knew I'd see someone with a passion for art too. I do still love to draw when I get a minute.
thanks for saying hello today (Dianna Love 3:25pm April 19, 2010)
Hi G. Bisbjerg -
You said "...my passion for cooking. I love to see the items put together into something beautiful and delicious..."
thankfully, my husband shares your passion or we'd go hungry. :) I have a passion for eating anything he cooks - now, if I only had a passion for working out. ;)
thanks for stopping by (Dianna Love 3:28pm April 19, 2010)
Hi Cassie H -
You said "I am passionate about reading, animals, and my family."
And I bet your family is thrilled that you focus on them. A win-win with that passion.
thanks for stopping by (Dianna Love 3:29pm April 19, 2010)
Hi Cherie J - You said "I am passionate about my husband, my children and reading. I also love to bake."
I think it's wonderful to see so many of you passionate about your family and still remember to think of what makes you happy - reading, gardening, art...
thanks for stopping by (Dianna Love 3:32pm April 19, 2010)
My newest passion is quilting. I taught myself to sew during my Martha Stewart phase and have loved it. But sewing always made me want to swear! With quilting I can learn and try new techniques. Best of all, no swearing involved. (Tanja Haack 3:33pm April 19, 2010)
Passions can change in the blink of an eye. I've got an "obsessive compulsive" personality and zero in on something very passionately like bridge, golf, reading. But 3 years ago my wonderful, active, and very healthy husband had a freak fall at home and in the blink of an eye he became a quadrapegic wtih a forgiving central cord syndrome. Now my passion is finding help to get this man back on his feet and to find out everything I can about stem cells, etc. So he went from playing golf 4-5 times a week, doing all the yard work, pool cleaning, etc. to someone that can watch tv and read on his Sony reader.
Please, everyone live each day to the fullest and appreciate all of God's goodness. I've met you Dianna at the first Fresh Fiction Readers 'n Ritas and am so impressed with you vitality, attitude, and thoughtfulness. May all you do be a big success! (Betty Cox 3:34pm April 19, 2010)
Hi Josie R - You said "Passionate about reading, cooking and life."
I'm seeing a theme here about really fun passions that celebrate life.
thanks for saying hello today (Dianna Love 3:34pm April 19, 2010)
Hi Lori R - You said "Can't wait to read it!!! You ladies are the best!"
You're so sweet. :) I hope you enjoy SILENT TRUTH as much as we enjoyed writing it.
thanks for stopping by to say hi (Dianna Love 3:35pm April 19, 2010)
I just recently retired and right now I am just passionate about staying home, catching up on books and movies, and the grandkids, etc, etc. (Barbara Studer 3:37pm April 19, 2010)
Hi Tanja H - You said "...sewing always made me want to swear! With quilting I can learn and try new techniques. Best of all, no swearing involved."
LOL - that's great. Sounds like fun and you end up with something wonderful to enjoy.
thanks for sharing with us today (Dianna Love 3:37pm April 19, 2010)
HI Betty C -
You said "But 3 years ago my wonderful, active, and very healthy husband had a freak fall at home and in the blink of an eye he became a quadrapegic wtih a forgiving central cord syndrome. Now my passion is finding help to get this man back on his feet and to find out everything I can about stem cells, etc."
Bless you for shifting your attention and energy to him in more ways than just researching. He draws from your energy and will hopefully benefit by your drive to find the answers.
"I've met you Dianna at the first Fresh Fiction Readers 'n Ritas and am so impressed with you vitality, attitude, and thoughtfulness. May all you do be a big success!"
You are so kind to say that. We had such a great time hanging out with everyone at Readers & Ritas that when Sara suggested doing it this year Sherrilyn (Kenyon)and I said of course. :)
My best wishes to the both of you and may you find those answers soon. thanks for stopping by (Dianna Love 3:42pm April 19, 2010)
Hi Barbara S -
You said "...recently retired and right now I am just passionate about staying home, catching up on books and movies, and the grandkids,..."
Well,it sounds like you've earned your right to just settle back and do whatever hits your fancy each day. Good for you. :)
I'm glad stopping by to visit hit your fancy today (Dianna Love 3:45pm April 19, 2010)
My passion is reading. For years, I was to busy and could not find the time....and when I did, I felt guilty for taking the time away from work, family, friends....Now, I make the time to read and I'm loving it!!! (Mitzi Hinkey 3:50pm April 19, 2010)
My pasion was teaching. My daughter used to say, "Mum, when I ask a question, just answer it, don't teach me a lesson". Now that I am retired, I am trying to do one thing every year that I never did before - climb the rock wall, fly a glider, ride in a Zorb, etc. (Karin Tillotson 3:56pm April 19, 2010)
I am passionate about my husband of 36 years, our families, our 3 girls (dogs), reading, and computering. (Cathy Phillips 4:16pm April 19, 2010)
I am retired now, so I get to indulge my passion for reading, gardening, and spoiling my hubby and grown boys. (Cathy MacDonald 4:22pm April 19, 2010)
I am like Cassie H., just a different order. I am passionate about my family, my animals and reading. (Tonya Atchley 5:05pm April 19, 2010)
I love to read, bake, cook, surf online & enter random contests...they're all addictions actually. (Anna Hoque 6:09pm April 19, 2010)
My passion is reading and history. One thing I found is that my interests are going full circle. By the end I will be back where I started. (Rosemary Krejsa 6:17pm April 19, 2010)
I would say my family, especially my girls... books, ummm books and more books!!! (Brandy Blake 6:18pm April 19, 2010)
I have a passion for creating. I am not the best at knitting, sewing crochet etc & I never expect perfect but everything is made with love & a great deal of enthusiasm. I believe in giving things a go. If you don't try because it will not be perfect, that's just sad. (Mary Preston 7:18pm April 19, 2010)
My passion is books. I purchased a bookstore this year and enjoying it greatly. (Phyllis Lamken 8:30pm April 19, 2010)
I'm passionalte about my friends and family. Listening and encouraging to take care of each other is my purpose. (Alyson Widen 8:42pm April 19, 2010)
Hi Mitzi - I love that where you once felt guilty for taking time to read you now do it because you deserve to. Absolutely!
thanks for stopping by. (Dianna Love 8:53pm April 19, 2010)
Hi Karin T - LOL - my husband is the child of a teacher and he once felt that way, too - just answer the question, don't teach me. Now he teaches motorcycle safety and I laugh because he is always in teaching mode.
Good for you to pick something you want to do every year.
thanks for coming out to say hello (Dianna Love 8:55pm April 19, 2010)
Hi Cathy P - I see that often here - a passion for your husband and family. That is so endearing to me. thanks for saying hello today (Dianna Love 8:56pm April 19, 2010)
Cathy M - Ah, spoiling your husband and grown sons is nice for everyone. You're clearly having a great time with your passion.
thanks for coming out to share (Dianna Love 8:57pm April 19, 2010)
Hi Tonya A - It's just wonderful to see so many like you who enjoy their family so much it's your passion. That's so terrific.
thanks for stopping by (Dianna Love 8:59pm April 19, 2010)
Hi Anna H - LOL - yes, a passion is pretty much an addiction, but in a good way. I like how you slipped "surfing" in with reading,baking, cooking... nice.
thanks for coming by to visit. (Dianna Love 9:00pm April 19, 2010)
Hi Rosemary - I have a friend with your same name whose passion is history. You said, "One thing I found is that my interests are going full circle. By the end I will be back where I started."
LOL - thanks for saying hello today (Dianna Love 9:02pm April 19, 2010)
Hi Brandy B - You said "...my family, especially my girls... books, ummm books and more books!!!"
I think a lot of the visitors today would have to agree we all have a passion like yours. Books, books, and more books. Yay.
thanks for stopping by (Dianna Love 9:03pm April 19, 2010)
Hi Mary P - You said "...I believe in giving things a go. If you don't try because it will not be perfect, that's just sad."
How true. You said you crocheted. I did at one time in my life (when I was a kid). I wasn't very good at it but my aunt who taught me never seemed to mind.
thanks for coming by to say hello (Dianna Love 9:05pm April 19, 2010)
Hi Phyllis L - You said, "My passion is books. I purchased a bookstore this year and enjoying it greatly."
Now that's the way to indulge a passion...except I'd be broke if I owned a bookstore. Good for you and I hope it does well.
thanks for coming by to say hello (Dianna Love 9:06pm April 19, 2010)
Hi Alyson W - You said, "I'm passionalte about my friends and family."
I think that sums up nicely what we've shared today and you're obviously a reader to be here. thanks for coming by to visit (Dianna Love 9:08pm April 19, 2010)
I have many things that I enjoy and would wither away without. First is God. Second is my family, my grandbabies amaze me the way they look at the world. I love my alone time to read, listen to music or watch a good movie. (Cindy Olp 9:12pm April 19, 2010)
Well, gang - I have to roll early tomorrow to leave for our book tour and I'm not even packed yet (too much fun hanging out with all of you!).
A huge thanks to Sara and the wonderful Fresh Fiction group who work constantly to assure this site is always up to date and ahead of the curve for all of us on what's coming up. I have never seen a reader site like this one and am continually awed by the amazing job they do. I had the great pleasure of meeting Sara and many of these ladies back in Dallas when my first book was released and they treated me - little nobody author - like a queen. I will never forget their warmth, their welcome and their joy of stories. (nor have I forgotten the laundry discussion...haha)
Thanks for supporting this site and please send all your friends here so we will always have a great place to visit and share our love of reading.
Thank you all again for coming out and "hello" to anyone who shows up after I leave. Have a super week!
Watch out for our BAD boys...they're on the prowl this week. (Dianna Love 9:15pm April 19, 2010)
Hi Cindy O -
I knew someone would pop in right now. :) I think passion for family, and in particular - grandbabies - has been high today. Bless you and thanks for stopping by. [I'm really gone now :)] (Dianna Love 9:17pm April 19, 2010)
I'm semi-retired and am passionate about spending time with my hubby,kids, books and gardening. I love being able to start that next great read and staying up all night to finish it. I love taking off for the weekend with my husband and our friends for long rides in the mountains on our motorcycles. I love spending the day cooking for my kids and their families. And I love getting up early to walk through my yard, admiring my flowers and pulling a weed here and there. (Lisa Richards 9:17pm April 19, 2010)
My passion has changed over the years. Other than my family, my passion has always been working with children. I've always done something with them in some capacity. Until recently I was a children's librarian which allowed me to combine with my other passion, books. I am suffering from children withdrawal at the moment, but at least I am surrounded by books. I am working with my grandson and am trying to work out something with his homeschool group so I can teach and introduce them to new books. May be a little problem there, I think my daughter is afraid to expose them to me. I am probably too liberal and open for them. (Patricia Barraclough 9:34pm April 19, 2010)
My passion is cooking and decorating the house. Cooking because it is a way I think through in solving a problem. Decorating is one way I can get some creativity going. (Kai Wong 9:39pm April 19, 2010)
My passion was always dancing, then I had 7 surery's on my back and neck and had meningitis. Obviously I can't dance like I used to, so am not always sure who I am other than a wife to my husband who loves me so much. He is pretty much my passion, no one has ever treated me better! I love reading, I am an avid reader, I spend time with my husband and friends of ours, he has an old corvette and I do car shows with him some of the time, but always take a book! LOL (Brenda Rupp 10:01pm April 19, 2010)
I love going to the National Portrait Gallery in London.I too love to draw faces. (Catherine Myers 10:03pm April 19, 2010)
Hello Diana, Please enter me in your fantastic contest. I love entering and winning contests from FreshFiction.com God bless you always, Cecilia (Cecilia Dunbar Hernandez 11:32pm April 19, 2010)
My passions, in order, are my daughter(and soon to be born granddaughter), reading, crafting, video games, and baking/cooking. (Carol Cobun 11:37pm April 19, 2010)
Life... specifically family, photography, reading, cooking, writing, crafts, and the environment.
I'm passionate about everything from that first glorious breath of air I take each morning when I wake up that say's I'm still alife, to the warm, tight hugs I give my husband every day to silently show him how much I still love him. Yes, I'm passionate about life! (Donna Holmberg 12:31pm April 20, 2010)
My Passion has always been reading I was one of thouse kids that was a lways in the corner reading or at the libery bring home books be the armfull.now i just buy them by the armfull.so i hope you keep on wrighting because i will allway need more books to read. (Stacey Smith 2:10am April 20, 2010)
I guess thats one of my struggles... not feeling overly passionate about things. I am passionate about books though and my family and honesty. (Mindy Holt 8:10am April 20, 2010)
MY passion Is LIFE you only live once so I beleive that ywe need to put our all into anything we do and enjoy it. And have passion for Life and all that life has to offer. (Vickie Hightower 10:29am April 20, 2010)
Reading, books in general, cooking and baking, but foremost on the list is family and friends. (Sue Ahn 2:55pm April 20, 2010)
Thank you for your post, Dianna. Obviously I'm passionate about reading, or I wouldn't be logging on to Fresh Fiction.
I'm also passionate about writing, especially creative writing. Asking me to stop writing is like asking me to stop breathing.
I'm passionate about my four furry children, aka cats; some people I admire; the causes I support.
I'm fascinated by science, history, mythology and folklore, and world religion. And of course, the one religion I practice as well as read about, Nichiren Shoshu Buddhism.
I used to be a real movie freak, but that scene has passed me by. The films I love almost all predate the current generation. I'm getting more and more into graphic arts.
Wish I had more time and energy to, as Joseph Campbell put it, follow my bliss. One lifetime just isn't enough! (Mary Anne Landers 6:57pm April 20, 2010)
Besides being passionate about my family and friends, It would have to be reading. I put so much time into it. I'm a new reader, just picked up reading as a hobby in Aug 09 never expecting to love it so much and there's so much out there I have yet to read. I love entering these contest to win books and try new to me writers. Thanks for the contest and the copy of your book!
Congratulations! (Karin Tillotson 3:04pm May 2, 2010)
Couldn't happen to a "badder" guy or two nicer and talented authors! Cheers! (Betty Cox 3:14pm May 2, 2010)
It's always great when this happens. Congratulations!! (Pat Wilson 4:44pm May 2, 2010)
Congratulations! Hope it goes higher! (JoAnn White 4:54pm May 2, 2010)
Now that's always good to hear! (Diane Sadler 4:54pm May 2, 2010)
Congratulations!! I have just started reading Silent Truth and am loving it and yes this is my first book by these authors and I di think I'm hooked!! I am now looking for other books by these two to read and add to my collection (Vickie Hightower 5:21pm May 2, 2010)
Woo Hoo... that's great news. Now, if we can only get it into the top 10!
Maybe I'll order my two sisters their own copies off of Amazon.com. (Donna Holmberg 6:28pm May 2, 2010)
Thats Terrific!!!! (Mitzi Hinkey 6:53pm May 2, 2010)
Congratulations!!! (Mary Preston 7:04pm May 2, 2010)
Congratulations! (Brenda Rupp 8:15pm May 2, 2010)
congrats--this sounds like a good one; I have a gift card to use and was not sure what to get-------ahhhh, an idea (Barbara Studer 8:42pm May 2, 2010)
Great News! I know you are on Cloud Nine and deservedly so! (Gladys Paradowski 8:58pm May 2, 2010)
Congratulations! I hope that you and B.A.D. Agent Hunter Payne have a long run. (Rosemary Krejsa 9:07pm May 2, 2010)
Awesome! Hope the libraries of the world are among the first purchasers!! (Susan Driskill 9:40pm May 2, 2010)
Congratulations.! I hope it keeps moving up the charts for you. (Patricia Barraclough 10:31pm May 2, 2010)
Congrats!!! (Colleen Conklin 2:03pm May 3, 2010)
Congratulations!! (Lisa Richards 2:24pm May 3, 2010)
congrats!!! (Brandy Blake 2:41pm May 3, 2010)
Congrats!! (Cindy Olp 5:52pm May 3, 2010)
Congratulations! I can't wait to read this one.. (Martha Lawson 11:18pm May 3, 2010)
congratulations!! I can't wait to read this one. (Julie Swaney 8:31pm May 5, 2010)
Congratulations! I hope that you and B.A.D. Agent Hunter Payne make #1 next week! (Susan Lathen 12:57pm May 6, 2010)
Congrats on hitting the many bestsellers lists. (Jane Cheung 6:49pm May 7, 2010)
Can we get an update on whether or not it made it to the top 10 yet? (Donna Holmberg 2:20am May 9, 2010)
Hooray for B.A.D.!!! (Susan Driskill 10:26pm May 10, 2010)
Congratulations!! (Kelli Jo Calvert 12:48pm May 11, 2010)
Sounds like a good suspense. The choices needed to be made when a life is in danger are difficult. Who knows what choice we would make if faced with it. I have WHISPERED LIES waiting to be read. I look forward to reading which sounds like a great series. (Patricia Barraclough 8:41pm May 11, 2010)
What an exciting and frightening thought! If I were faced with the decision to leave my family and friends forever, I don't know what I would do. I want to read 'Silent Truth' and find out what happens. (Rosemary Krejsa 9:34pm May 11, 2010)
Given that so many people are in financial despair, many starting anew isn't such a bad thing.
Still, although I sympathize with Abbie, I would think that Abbie's mother rather she be safe. (S Tieh 11:21pm May 11, 2010)
It would be so hard. Even though I don't see family and friends for long stretches of time, we keep in touch via the Internet. I don't know if I am willing to give that up. COuld you make sure that I would be killed quickly? If so, No WITSEC! (Karin Tillotson 1:44pm May 12, 2010)
Difficult choices all around. Where do they draw the lines about family? Most of us need to feel connected to others for our mental health. It isn't just about walking away from family & friends...you'll have to abandon your career and all your plans or dreams of the future. If you had spent the time and energy to become a doctor, could you walk away and never practice again? How do you cut the caring connections and start over cold turkey? Rules cannot supply emotional support. (Susan Driskill 3:58pm May 12, 2010)
WOW!! Now that's a topic to do your head in. (Mary Preston 4:09pm May 12, 2010)
Sounds like a great suspense book. Can't wait to read it. (Julie Swaney 5:26pm May 12, 2010)
This sounds like a wonderful story. As to your question what would it take for you to go into witsic. I do not know. I like to think that the only reason I would do anything like that would be to protect my family but...to miss out on everything in their future would be heartbreaking. (Cindy Olp 5:27pm May 12, 2010)
congrats on it hitting the best sellers list. (Julie Swaney 5:27pm May 12, 2010)
WITSEC frightens me to even think about, so there's no way I'd step up for that duty. (Alyson Widen 10:48pm May 12, 2010)
Hubby and I have talked about what we would do if anything ever happened that required us to go into WITSEC... our combined answer... we have no clue. We'd have to decide when we got there. What a miserable decision to have to make. It does sound like a heart-rending book. (Donna Holmberg 11:16pm May 12, 2010)
Got to read this one. (Yvonne Butler 11:06am May 13, 2010)
This sounds really good!!! (Brandy Blake 1:23pm May 13, 2010)
Thank you for all the great posts!!!!! Sherri and I so appreciate all of you and especially Fresh Fiction who connects readers and authors. I don't know what we'd do without them. (Dianna Love 7:51am May 14, 2010)
This book sounds really good. I love the TV show IN PLAIN SIGHT and have thought what a huge decision to make. (Barbara Studer 12:52pm May 15, 2010)
Had a great time at the last Readers and Ritas and am looking forward to going again this year. You can't beat a day talking about books and meeting authors. (Maria Munoz 8:40am May 15, 2010)
I can't make this years conference, so I'll read several books and drink lots of Margaritas so I can participate from afar. (Tanja Haack 9:27am May 15, 2010)
I will be there and can't wait! Who can't love books, authors, margaritas, and making new friends! (Felicia Sparks 9:31am May 15, 2010)
That sounds like such fun. What a great combination. But I'm afraid I'll have to toast with my margaritas from afar this year. (G S Moch 12:55pm May 15, 2010)
This sounds like a lot of fun but I have never been to a convention before, but would love to go! I just don't travel much! (Gail Hurt 2:32pm May 15, 2010)
Not much of a traveler... but from all of the different posts I read... conventions seem to be so much fun! (Colleen Conklin 2:44pm May 15, 2010)
Oh man, I wish I could go. It sounds like a terrific time. We already have 3 trips planned for the rest of this year. Maybe next year. You have some great authors lined up. (Patricia Barraclough 3:15pm May 15, 2010)
That sounds like so much fun, I wish I could go..... Have FUN FOR ME!!! (Brandy Blake 3:42pm May 15, 2010)
Sounds like a lot of fun but I don't travel too much any more because of my diabetes (Teresa Ward 6:05pm May 15, 2010)
That sounds like such a great time!! One of these days I will have to plan that! It sounds like you all have a blast:) Angie D (Angie Dubisher 8:09pm May 15, 2010)
I can't make it there so you'll have to come back and dish on all the goings on and don't forget to bring us back some loot! (Sue Ahn 8:24pm May 15, 2010)
Had a blast last time- and will be there with bells on this time also. (Sara Edmonds 8:26pm May 15, 2010)
I love a good suspense novel. (Lisa Richards 10:28pm May 15, 2010)
Sounds like a fun place to go. (Lisa Richards 10:28pm May 15, 2010)
Getting together with friends and even meeting new ones can be such fun. I was at a getogether today with those who graduated from my High School (called the Tiger Lunch Bunch.) We chatter like magpies and the hotel has delicious food. The only problem today was that rain poured down and on the way home we were tied up for hours by a bad wreck. An eighteen-wheeler was totally demolished and the driver had to be rescued from the cab, but luckily he seemed to be fine. But there were parts of that rig scattered for a block on the freeway and the four-lane road became a one lane road on a busy, rain-soaked Saturday in Houston traffic. What a mess! (Gladys Paradowski 10:34pm May 15, 2010)
Hello Sara, Please enter me in your fantastic contest and please let me know when I win too! God bless you with success too! Cecilia (Cecilia Dunbar Hernandez 10:59pm May 15, 2010)
It sounds like so much fun! I wish I could come there but can't travel this year, husband is unemployed. Michigan has very high unemployment, worst in the US! Please enter me in your contest! (Brenda Rupp 11:31pm May 15, 2010)
How much fun! To be able to talk about books with so many talented writers who love the written word as much as I do, yes! Sounds like a great time was had by all. (Jean Merriott 12:18pm May 16, 2010)
I'm quite envious. (Mary Preston 12:22pm May 16, 2010)
Sounds like so much fun! Wish I had the ability to attend, but time and money play a part in that. Keep having fun! (Joanne Reynolds 7:46am May 16, 2010)
I've always wanted to attend this event. If only I lived closer to Texas. But alas, Texas is only 1/2 a country away... (sigh) (Molly Wilsbacher 9:22am May 16, 2010)
i would love this one (Debbi Shaw 12:05pm May 16, 2010)
I would love to attend sounds like a load of fun and meeting or seeing some of the best authers would be as my daughter wouls say just to totaly cool. (Vickie Hightower 12:26pm May 16, 2010)
I would love to attend this!!! I'm going to have to see what I can work out... (Courtney Hedrick 1:12pm May 16, 2010)
I wish I could get on a plane and fly over the ocean and be there with you. We used to have a small romance conference here in Germany, I met Sherrilyn Kenyon and Diana Love here....great ladies. Yep, when you get a bunch of bookaholics together, it's going to be a long night!!! (Valerie Bongards 1:54pm May 16, 2010)
If wishes were horses I would be there. Have fun!! (MaryEllen Hanneman 1:57pm May 16, 2010)
Wish I could be there! Sounds great. Jayne Blackledge (Jayne Blackledge 5:01pm May 16, 2010)
Wish I could go but can't this time. Maybe next time. (Brenda Hill 5:38pm May 16, 2010)
Ugh--I can't make it in November, but I really wish I could! There will be some great authors in attendance. Oh well, there's always next year! (Julie Perez 6:00pm May 16, 2010)
Would love to attend and meet these great authors and other readers!! Not possible, tho. Have a great time everyone! (Martha Lawson 6:03pm May 16, 2010)
Do you have a location yet? I am planning on attending but some friends that want to come with me need some more details.
I can't wait! (Amanda Fenley 3:54pm May 17, 2010)
This will be my first time and I can hardly wait... come November Come! (Mindy Holt 4:40pm May 17, 2010)
what fun that would be. Now that I am retired i will have to look into that:) (Barbara Studer 6:42pm May 17, 2010)
Leaving my family would be the hardest thing for me to do. I would only leave them if their lives were on the line. I would not do it for my own, because life would be nothing without loved ones. (Sandra Dickey 12:45pm May 18, 2010)
I suspect WitSec was easier before all our electronic connections bloomed like red algae. Even if one followed most of the rules; how many would really give up facebook, etc? Too easy to slip up and make mistakes that could have deadly consequences. I don't know if I could leave; it would unquestionably be financially disastrous. My spouse & I are too close to retirement to start over in an entirely different profession and work our way up. Choices, choices, choices. (Susan Driskill 5:53pm May 22, 2010)
WTG! I love the B.A.D. books...wish there were actually more of them, to be honest. (Kathy Walsh 2:32pm May 23, 2010)
Man, I can't imagine having to cease all contact with people in my life and the location that I am from. (Gladys Paradowski 12:27pm May 24, 2010)
With all of the stresses that life throws us today, if something came up and I was faced with a situation where I had to go into hiding, I'd just have to do what I had to do. It wouldn't be easy, but I'm used to living by the rules all of my life. (Peggy Roberson 10:50am May 26, 2010)