February 11th, 2025
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Love, Secrets, and Second Chances—February’s Must-Read Books Await!

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A Stray Pup, A Second Chance, and a Killer on the Loose�Wagtail�s About to Get Wild!

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A Hacker, an Undercover Mission, and a Love Worth Fighting For.

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A Duke by any other name would smell as� dastardly?
� delightful?

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Shaken, Stirred, and Unexpectedly in Love�Can They Mix Business with Pleasure?

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As London's high society watches their every move, can these two brilliant minds find the formula for true love?

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Chocolate, Second Chances, and a Love Too Sweet to Let Go.

Carla Carlson

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422 comments posted.

Re: What the Bride Wore (11:24pm August 5, 2013):

Have a great time - its good to get away and
work, but as important not to work too hard and
enjoy the time spent with others.

Re: A Father For Her Triplets (11:21pm August 5, 2013):

I have been working on my creative fire lately -
crafts, sewing, art, all kinds of projects. That path
is taking me somewhere good and happy.

Re: Death Al Dente (2:31am August 4, 2013):

I left, returned, left, returned, and left again. I
am thinking of going back, due to my
grandmother being ill, but I love where I am
now. Although I am 1000 miles from where I
grew up I think I still carry it with me. When the
time comes I will do as needed, but I know now
that I have gotten out and explored, I won't
stop. I am even thinking Europe now.

Re: Reckless (1:58am July 25, 2013):

I really love 007 movies, especially lately. I do
like Mission Impossible. Bruce Willis films, Die
Hard and RED. I also like other 'action' like Van
Helsing, X Men, The Brothers Grimm, Hansel and
Gretel. Also Star Wars. I can't forget Lord of The
Rings and Hobbit.

Re: Rugged Hearts (1:49am July 25, 2013):

My grandmother. She raised me and she is the
most influential person in my life. She was the
first one born in this country and 1 of 9 children.
She quit school in 9th grade to help support her
family by working in a plant, which she did until
after the war. She married and 13 years later
became a widow. Started her own business,
which got destroyed in the civil rights riots. She
went on to get a real estate license and sold
homes. Got remarried, designed and built her
home, started businesses for other family
members. In her 70s she worked with high
schoolers and got her ged at 75. She has battled
breast and lung cancer, and currently battling
colon and liver. She is a survivor. She taught me
to sing and laugh, to love stories, to read, most
importantly she taught me love. She is the
person that gave me my values, who is the
definition of sacrifice and joy. I would not be
who I am or who I dream to be, I would have
never had the skills of life if not for her. She is
my heart. They day the word for God on a child's
lips is mother and she is mine. Now and always

Re: Rancher to the Rescue (11:13pm July 17, 2013):

My ex hid his alcohol and drug problem. My DH
(current) is an open book. Good, bad, sweet, and
ugly - he let me know and see all of it. When I do
the socks or the dishes that make their way to
the sink but not the dishwasher - I know I am
lucky. From where I stand, these days are easier
and so much better.

Re: Magic Rises (11:08pm July 17, 2013):

I love the fact you are a husband and wife team.
And how sweet the way you met.

Re: Merger to Marriage (7:13pm July 14, 2013):

I love reading "truth" in fictional situations. I find
the closer I relate to the characters and situation
I can't wait to turn the next page
My favorite Lucy moment is when she tells Ricky
she is expecting. Funniest is the episode when
she wears a fake nose and it catches fire.

Re: Jungle Fire (8:32am July 10, 2013):

I can delve into any setting, but Middle Earth and
Westeros have to be my favorite.

Re: Pennsylvania Patchwork (8:30am July 10, 2013):

I used to visit Lancaster as a child and teen,
collected the dolls, quilts, carpentry. I loved their
homemade candy, especially chocolate licorice.

Re: The Medic's Homecoming (11:58am July 8, 2013):

I like a lot of paranormal types - angels/demons, ghosts, undead - zombies to Dracula, man made monsters - Frankenstein. I don't know if I have a favorite, I think Mary Shelley's Frankenstein has amazing depth on human beings, human kind, compassion, et al.

Re: Winning a Bride (3:21pm July 7, 2013):

I am so glad you went with it. Novellas can be good, but sometimes the full book feeds the need as you read.

Re: Love's Peril (3:19pm July 7, 2013):

plots, characters, and villains - perfect!!

Re: Prince of Secrets (10:41am July 3, 2013):

I am a bit OCD - so cleaning and making things just so tend to drive me crazy. I have been known to clean late at night just to get a head start in the morning. UUUgggh! I can't imagine what you have had to go through to complete so many.

Re: Final Sentence (10:38am July 3, 2013):

Clark Gable, William Powell, Alan Rickman
I love the old movies and dialogue - Nick and Nora is a must too.

Re: It Happened One Midnight (10:35am July 3, 2013):

I think it will most definitely happen again. I love how you built up the intensity - with the pupils especially - I find that to be true in real life.

Re: Masters of The Cats: Collaring The Saber-Tooth (2:28pm June 30, 2013):

I do the most of my reading - everywhere. At home in the AC, by the pool while the sun and breeze fills my body, at the beach with the ocean ions relaxing my spirit as I slip off into another world, I am even guilty of reading while DH drives or when I wait in the car as errands are done.

Re: Wish You Were Here (10:54am June 29, 2013):

I was raised and cared for by and older generation. I did as I was told, I worked outside, I help clean, cook, but me time came in the quiet of a book. I have always had a book in my hand. My grandmother took a picture of me at 3/4 years old surrounded with books and I fell asleep with one open on my lap, she knew I was a reader at that moment.

Re: Smoking Hot (11:07am June 27, 2013):

I have been having the same problem as Raine - family and life. My grandparents raised me - unfortunately I now live 1000 miles away and my grandmother has stage 4 cancer and my grandfather has alzheimers. I think if an angel appeared I would be asking for help and guidance, or even an extra set of hands to help out.

Re: Luck of the Dragon (10:33am June 26, 2013):

I think having a few young ones makes the conversation a little more engaging, you have to work hard at it, and become creative. Banter is the way to this girl's heart - entice me, make me laugh. I like that you tested the real world.

Re: Anything But Sweet (3:01pm June 25, 2013):

Thank you for the tour - the pictures are wonderful and so is the descriptions.

Re: All Out of Love (3:00pm June 25, 2013):

I am a mix of everything. I guess that explains my large collection of books and multiple authors. Variety is the spice of life ;)

Re: Just Beyond the Garden Gate (12:17pm June 24, 2013):

A couple friends and myself left a Wonderful Halloween party - in costume, and in need of the strong brew of coffee, hence we went to Denny's. At after 2 in the am we are not the only ones in search of food and drink to help sober up. I met a man I can say holds a piece of my heart waiting for a table at Denny's in an adult Goldilocks costume. At first I fell for him but he didn't feel it, then he fell for me when I moved away - now we are best of friends- for 12 years we still laugh at our chance meeting

Re: The Guardian's Witch (11:00am June 22, 2013):

Spells are an intention put forth into the universe, at times a celebration, at times an emotional need - there is so much about "wise women" beliefs, thinking, and even treatment - that works across the bounds of other religions, of medical treatments, of spiritualism. There is symbolism too that crosses the lines. It is sad to think of the stigma that was (and still is) attached to The Craft.

Re: One Night With A Rake (2:05pm June 21, 2013):

Over a year ago I had to put down my cat of numerous years, I was feeling a little lost when for Christmas DH took me to the shelter. I looked around, but nothing - until I reached a far corner, hidden - there was this fat, older, beautiful cat that looked up with her green eyes and I just had to get in there. She purred and snuggled, played, and was very affectionate. My present - Miss Fancy. She has lost the extra weight she had, she makes me get up and take care of things, she has a pattern that if off - she vocally and physically lets me know. When DH is away, she knows and keeps me company, when I am sick she lays beside the bed on the side I sleep on and gets DH when I wake up. She requires daily activity in the screened porch and lets me read and catch some sun. I am so glad for my Christmas present.

Re: The Lady Mercy Danforthe Flirts With Scandal (1:57pm June 21, 2013):

What an amazing storyline - I am so in love with this book already!! A Must read!!

Re: The Look of Love (1:55pm June 21, 2013):

Trust is so hard to give out once you have been hurt and/or betrayed

Re: If The Shoe Fits (1:11pm June 19, 2013):

Carry On by Fun., a lot of hair bands, a dash of Frank Sinatra and Doris Day, and I would have to give a shout to - Celine Dion, Faith Hill, Matt Nathanson, John Mayer, Jason Mraz (who was a soundtrack to a whole vacation), candles and moonlight goes to Barry White, Marvin Gaye, Smokey
I love music, I can close my eyes and go back to the roller rink, dancing in my room, my dates, my heartbreaks - I think we all have a soundtrack, it will play as long as we do.

Re: Widow Of Gettysburg (12:56pm June 19, 2013):

I peruse the shelves or online stores looking for something that catches my eye. I will read reviews in blogs, goodreads, amazon, b and n to get an idea if whether it will be "my type" of book. I am guilty of watching trailers when I get sucked into the YouTube vortex and find that I have ordered 20 books in an hours time.
This book seems interesting - I used to live near Gettysburg and having that history in the buildings and soil, makes it an amazing place

Re: Just One Kiss (1:13pm June 16, 2013):

I believe in donating some, make investments for the future - that way I could have the interest to play with - I know that is boring, but the future is never certain.

Re: He Belongs to Me (1:10pm June 16, 2013):

I was raised to be the woman of the house - cooking, cleaning, decorating, etc. I used to make dinners based on ideas - cajun night, mexican, chinese, etc. - unfortunately, DH has the meat and potatoes stomach and never heard of or understood seasoning. My cajun was soo hot for him, he drank milk right out of the container, I used garlic when I didn't know he was allergic. No I was not trying to kill him, although the insurance policy was signed by that time.

Re: Billion Dollar Cowboy (11:45am June 13, 2013):

I would do anything for those eyes. Love the premise of the story, I can't wait to read it.

Re: The Fireman's Homecoming (11:12am June 12, 2013):

Reading, sewing, crochet, even cleaning - I think that getting my mind and hands busy always makes the time pass by and soothe me. What a wonderful idea with the shawls, my church makes caps for women with cancer - very rewarding.

Re: It Had To Be You (11:10am June 12, 2013):

Great interview - and a great quote from Luke.

Re: Summer at Mustang Ridge (11:24am June 11, 2013):

I have been cooking with my grandmother the moment that I could climb a stool and stir. I use the measuring in my palm as to what is a teaspoon, a tablespoon. I love passing down the dance, the secret of the ingredients to my children, the knowledge that done with love it will taste a lot better.
One family tradition is to make over a dozen different cookies and desserts for Christmas (at times we can even pay our plumber this way).

Re: Tainted Angel (2:07pm June 6, 2013):

This sounds amazing - I love spies and the intrigue. I think The Scarlet Pimpernel got me hooked.

Re: It Had To Be You (11:05am June 5, 2013):

Music, the melody, the lyrics all have their own stories and the images they put in my head. I think it can add to a book, enhance the emotional discovery of what lies within the pages. Thank you for the playlist, I love the choice of songs.

Re: Sweet Revenge (5:43pm June 3, 2013):

Jack sounds like a wonderful hero.

Re: South Of Surrender (1:20pm June 1, 2013):

I think that bringing a disability into your work is commendable. The research and "funny" looks helped the authenticity of Laney. Many people with disability wish to remain independent and have great will power and strength to achieve it.
My question: What motivated you to give the gift of 'sight', was it the studies done to ask whether if a sense was lost - others are heighten and the possibility of the sixth?

Re: Dead, White, And Blue (1:50pm May 30, 2013):

Wow - this sounds great!!

Re: Lighten Up (3:57pm May 28, 2013):

OMG! This sounds amazing!! Yes, I am guilty of looking at my pastor a certain way (even with DH next to me in the pew), have I had a bit of alcohol in me at the Italian Church Dinner, oh, yes, that was me... let's not forget the three hours to shower, do hair, make up and get dressed to go to church.
I think it is too true the fight for perfection, not just in our eyes but in others. The real things are in the quiet moment of reflection, the moment your loved ones hold you when sickness or fear creeps in, the kindness in a stranger.. these are real and much more valuable than perfection.
Thank you for a chance to win!!

Re: Until She Comes Home (3:50pm May 28, 2013):

An interesting time and place you decided to set this book.
And Ben, well, he sounds like my son when I brought a little sister home.

Re: The Secret Life of Lady Julia (12:41pm May 26, 2013):

I tell my DH that I live in multiple dimensions and have amazing adventures in each - at the risk of sounding crazy, but I think I dive into my imagination, whether it is in Kings Landing, Rivendell - I indulge in the fantasy of leisurely travel, exploration.. of course in that world there is no calories in sweet food.
I have had a "secret life" of being an actress, a writer, working for MI6 - but in many ways I am - when my teen makes me want to laugh when I should be disciplining, when I tell my step grandkids stories, and when I feel like going to the post office is an adventure.

Re: Lady Vivian Defies A Duke (10:45pm May 23, 2013):

Oh, my, one might say once I find a series I am addicted to them - did it start with Julie Garwood when I was a teen, Jo Beverley, Julia Quinn, Amanda Quick, Megan McKinney, who knows I know it is there though. I love finding characters in new books that make an appearance, let you know HEA does not mean saying goodbye to them in their book.

Re: The Summer I Became A Nerd (11:54am May 22, 2013):

I am norkilious - nerd, dork, delicious - that's what my friends say and DH. I love comic books (and lost a collection to an ex), used to play a little D & D - yes, people that are the bosses in this life now, I am a Whovian and knew the Tardis before it became popular, Cosplay wasn't even a word when I was growing up and dressing up. I let my Nerd Flag fly and I am proud. I love to learn new things, laugh hard, and find interest in even the mundane.

Re: Past Due (12:37pm May 17, 2013):

Live life now - not with what ifs. Don't let your past define you. Time is too precious to waste - be it on people, situations, doubt - spend it doing what feeds your heart and soul. Nothing works like a good laugh.

Re: Changing Lanes (10:42am May 16, 2013):

I think there is a part of me that would change everything. What I should have done, what I could have done, what I never tried. A life filled with the fear of trying/failing/even achieving leaves you with an imagination of what ifs. I would choose to be free - free from my own criticism and others, free to be who I am and I was meant to be, free to travel. I would not compromise my beliefs or values, I would keep my boundaries and not let them be crossed, I would not excuse the inexcuseable or make excuses, I would grow into me and fall in love with me. I would never change for someone, I would never put my life on hold for another, I wouldn't allow the value of me to be determined by others.
There is a big difference between what you want and what you need and sometimes that takes years. I love the premise of this book, thank you for sharing.

Re: Undone (10:32am May 16, 2013):

Integrity, Intelligence, Wit/Humor, and the Quiet Strength one needs. I think respect, passion, and general stability are also very great qualities.

Re: Ours To Love (12:42pm May 9, 2013):

Murder, Intrigue, Sex, What better way to start the summer

Re: A Highland Werewolf Wedding (12:40pm May 9, 2013):

Highlander + Wolf + Swordfights = SEXY!! Congrats!

Re: It Stings So Sweet (12:30pm May 7, 2013):

An amazing time and wonderful beginning for women to express themselves - look forward to this book.

Re: Heart Of Iron (9:24pm May 6, 2013):

A hero has integrity, one who despite flaws has the ability to overcome and make the right decisions, one who grows through his love and development, heal through love. He can be abrasive, wanting a debate, but those qualities show intelligence and passion - and that is the perfect combination.

Re: A Wedding In Springtime (9:22pm May 6, 2013):

I love both - so rugged in their own way making me want more. Both a challenge that you want to take.

Re: What A Mother Knows (9:20pm May 6, 2013):

When the time comes, your daughters probably won't think too much about it - this is mom's job, but any future son-in-laws might look uncomfortable at holiday dinners.

Re: Midnight Sacrifice (10:10am May 1, 2013):

No! DH is proof of that.
I think that the more attention our soldiers returning home can get is amazing and great - it is really appreciated.

Re: Father By Choice (3:14pm April 30, 2013):

I think that children add another dimension to the characters, they also have a way of bringing the best and worst out of a character. Also believe that children have an innocence that allows them to view and judge without blinders or pre judgement.

Re: Honorable Rancher (4:38pm April 27, 2013):

I do enjoy the boy next door - the one that all the sudden has a different glow to him that you didn't quite notice before. Maybe because I had a lot of guy friends growing up and the occasional thought of them at one point had me blushing and wondering if I had lost my mind.

Re: Mr. Perfect (10:07am April 25, 2013):

I read so many genres - I think it would all depend on the person. I do collect books and refuse to get an e reader because I love the feel of a book in my hand, the ability to put it on my shelf, to pass it on. I do give books so much that almost everyone I know, knows that they will receive a book from me a few times a year. Every Christmas I will definitely be giving stories more of a spiritual/good message and sometimes I come across a book that I buy 10 copies and mail them to all my family members and loved ones that I know would enjoy the experience. I think a book is a gift that is immeasurable.

Re: The Last Telegram (10:01am April 25, 2013):

I think you honored your father by writing something inspired by him and his family. What a great and amazing history!

Re: Prophecy Girl (11:27am April 24, 2013):

Hookers I think can be appropriate given certain circumstances, if regency novels can have them why not YA. Even some classics have them Moll Flanders for instance.
Sluts can be understood as they search for themselves or the lack of love and affection that they have recieved.
Bitches - please, they are on youtube and national news - the bitches and mean girls seem to be getting their 15 minutes of fame, they definitely have a place in a book (and a ring of hell).
Pimps - they might be the guy that starts off nice, then a bit abusive, then controlling, -- yes, I think getting a pimp in a book and allowing the deterioration of a character under his control is acceptable and a life lesson for girls about the cycle of abuse, from physical, emotional, to the sexual. This might be taboo but it is happening and a discussion should be raised.

Re: Torment (11:13am April 24, 2013):

Perfection is in the eyes of the beholder - thank you for not letting "society's" definition sway you from making a more detailed, dimensional character.

Re: The Collector (11:11am April 24, 2013):

I have read Kiersten White's series and understand how it could influence you. My daughter is a big Heather Brewer fan. I will have to check out Jennifer L Armentrout. Thank you for the tip.

Re: The New Rules for Blondes (10:38am April 23, 2013):

I like the concept and think that you have an original voice that will lend humor to the book. Great job!

Re: The Summer He Came Home (3:20pm April 18, 2013):

I think some of the greatest rock bands (and men) came from the 80s and 90s - I don't know but put on some Whitesnake to Poison, add a dash of Van Halen and Def Leppard stir some Mr Big, Train and I am in heaven. I am sure I am dating myself but remember when MTV actually played videos and Head Bangers Ball was on Fri night late -- funny to think that G & R was "headbanging" compare to the crazy things my children have listened to - yup, definitely dated myself

Re: Speak No Evil (10:41am April 17, 2013):

I love Charleston. One place that I have thought of living, and love to visit. The private gardens, Rainbow Row. I love to be at the battery looking at Ft Sumter in the distance, in that moment it is as if time has stood still in an amazing city. I also have the belief that we are all connected the that one action can be the "butterfly effect" for good or evil.

Re: Love, Lies, and British Spies (10:14am April 16, 2013):

I love reading form his point of view, giving a different level of understanding of the person he is - from what he is thinking, to what he observes. What lady wouldn't want to crawl inside the head of a man for a few hours?

Re: Night Demon (1:02pm April 14, 2013):

I love intellectual men. I find that a man that is smart and witty can pretty much have his way with me. One who debates me, is interesting is too desirable and impossible to resist.

Re: Abby Road (1:33pm April 13, 2013):

I love the beach and live near one in the sunshine state - we have so many beautiful perfect beaches!! Truly this is paradise. I love the Keys especially, the clear water with the sandbars that you can walk 200 ft out into the ocean, with turquoise to navy water calling you into Neptune's embrace.

Re: Bite Me, Your Grace (4:35pm April 11, 2013):

I am so sorry for your loss. I think it is amazing that you were able to redirect yourself and create an amazing book.

Re: Flirting Under A Full Moon (4:33pm April 11, 2013):

Love IT!! I hope to read more.

Re: Last Chance Book Club (12:23pm April 8, 2013):

Who doesn't love a ball player, I think many women have one or two in their past, for some reason they are irresistible.

Re: What She Wants (12:21pm April 8, 2013):

I think men don't realize the depth of a woman, a lot of their thoughts and feelings are at the surface. I have had a lot of male friends and the same old same old comes up - they are visual creatures and find intellectual stimulation a waste (the opposite is true for women)- I also think that they feel basic emotions, for example if they are angry they are angry, women find that they can go step by step in their emotion, I am hurt then I am angry - Men also think that love is love, not necessarily the variations in between - I love my friend, I love my sibling, I love my lover, but if the emotion is love they only feel that (my go to - I love you more than a brother but less than a lover).

Re: Second Chance (4:09pm March 31, 2013):

Who doesn't love the 90s, great books, great music, great movies. Love the 90s.

Re: Revenge On Route 66 (10:41am March 29, 2013):

I found it interesting that Captain America and Billy Pilgrim (from Slaughterhouse 5) share a July 4th birthday.

Re: A Shot Of Sultry (10:38am March 29, 2013):

I think I get thoughtful gifts all the time, when my husband brings me coffee in the morning, when - if he works the night shift- he picks up breakfast, and when I am having a bad day it becomes Movie Night or he makes dinner. I think he celebrates me all the time, even when he has had to go out of state he has hidden letters for me to find around the house (mostly in the garage) for each day he is gone.

Re: Identity Crisis (11:23am March 27, 2013):

I recently saw a forger on tv being interviewed and tested. I was amazed at their talent to create in their portfolio everything from DaVinci to Dali, to recreate the signatures and see other forgeries for what they were. You would think that they would have talent to create and design their own works and leave something original behind. I know the artists I buy from.

Re: Evidence Of Life (6:35am March 26, 2013):

What an amazing and fun way to celebrate and keep the memory, very original!!

Re: Sins of a Ruthless Rogue (6:32am March 26, 2013):

I have St Petersburg on my bucket lists of places I must see. It sounds like you don't just write adventure, but live them.

Re: The Forsaken (11:08am March 25, 2013):

I believe in Angels. I know that they walk among us and are there in our times of need. From the wrong number from a stranger that lends a kind ear, or a "person" that disappears after they pulled you safely away from an accident (-which happened to my sister-in-law).

Re: Lord of the Keep (8:57am March 23, 2013):

Congrats on the "reprint"
I think a cover can grab my attention and admittedly at times I have bought strictly because I fell for the cover. But the thing that truly sells me is the blurb on the back, if I am unsure I will check out some reviews on different sites.
A half naked guy, where? Of course I enjoy a half naked guy..sorry, got lost in my thoughts. Congrats again.

Re: Shadows And Strongholds (12:08pm March 21, 2013):

Seems like everywhere I have ever lived. I lived on what was once part of the Civil War Battlefield near Harper's Ferry - which is an amazing town. I also have visited Cassadaga - a town filled only with mediums and spiritualists. I am planning a Sedona trip later this year.

Re: If You Give A Rake A Ruby (10:38am March 21, 2013):

Integrity, Adventure, Compassion, Intelligence (Wit/Humor/Healthy Sarcasm included), and Passion are my top 5. A strong character that might have flaws but has the passion and qualities that make any obstacle a non issue is wonderful.

Re: When She Was Gone (11:22am March 20, 2013):

When I think home, it is my grandmother's home, where I was raised. There is a sweet almost powdery smell in the air that is only her smell, as you go through the rooms a hint of lemon pledge will linger in the air. Enter the kitchen and you know this is the heart, it stays warm and smells of recipes from generations past - from the anise in cookies, garlic in the sauce, and fresh coffee (still made on the stove top).
Outside is nothing short of a homage to nature throughout the seasons. Azalea bushes placed just so, Chinese Peony in the only spot it could bloom (which only happens for one week and leaves the most fragrant smell in the summer breeze), trees and hills that bulbs plants so long ago still peek through the forest ground. There is a pond and stream that accents the land, with little bridges, tiny walkways, and a gazebo with wisteria that has been growing around and on it that the vine looks like a giant trunk of a tree (this is the perfect place in the evening to hide away watching twilight come across, the stars reflect upon the surface of the pond).
Nature is alive here. The animals know this sanctuary that was created, from the fish that never seem to be caught, the deer that find bushes and berries to eat from, the fox that makes twilight an adventure, an occasional woodpecker that has never heard of an alarm, hummingbirds, mallard ducks, a symphony of crickets to sing you to sleep. I can't forget the cardinals in the winter snow that splash the landscape with their bright color.
No matter what my age, I find my happiness and home here.

Re: Falling Into Paradise (8:45am March 18, 2013):

I think people can change if they want to, if they have inspiration and the drive to change, and I think it is 50/50 whether it sticks and that is the new improved.
There is something about a bad boy that brings the heart rushing, but the older I get the "older" bad boy looked more selfish, insecure, and "Peter Pan" -- I'll take them in books, but not in life

Re: Trouble In The Tarot (9:40am March 17, 2013):

I love interesting characters, witty conversation, I enjoy the eccentric (especially when they don't even know it), humor is a plus.

Re: Buried In A Bog (9:37am March 17, 2013):

My DH is Irish - I hope to visit Ireland with him. Oh, and yes, he does have green eyes :) Congrats on your book!

Re: Her Knight's Quest (11:06am March 15, 2013):

I think I have always loved secondary characters - they have the ability to draw out the situation, draw out the main character characteristics, provide insight and humor. I can't say that I have a favorite, although I waited for Rothgar to have his story for what seemed 4 or 5 books into Jo Beverley's series. I do find that once I love a story, I will follow the secondaries once they receive their books.

Re: Assaulted Pretzel (12:32pm March 14, 2013):

I love people watching - thankfully my DH and children love this and play along. Why is that woman only buying trash bags - for her husband's body parts that are waiting to be disposed of - even the way people are in their cars bring stories about them alive.
A interesting tidbit of the Amish came from one excommunicated that I knew - there was a large community in Costa Rica.

Re: The Geek Girl And The Scandous Earl (12:27pm March 14, 2013):

Wow! And the title is amazing - a definite must read. Your first one might have not been picked up, but the truth of you and your spirit of writing this in a couple months - amazing!

Re: A SEAL's Surrender (9:25pm March 12, 2013):

I think that sometimes the animal can bring truth of the characters into light - is there a gentle truth about the beastly hero, is there some ugly nature that has yet to be revealed yet the dog hates senses the evil.

Re: A Risk Worth Taking (1:02pm March 10, 2013):

I think characters give a sense of "humanity" in them. Whether dealing with obstacles or personal flaws, even quirks, a well written character can make their way into the reader.
I enjoy escaping onto a book but unbelievable and the everyday.

Re: Stranger on Raven's Ridge (12:59pm March 10, 2013):

I think that when I am dealing with certain people I think of flying monkeys and that some people haven't been the same since my house landed on their sister and I got some great shoes.

Re: Out Of Circulation (12:57pm March 10, 2013):

I love Maine Coons - I rescued one that still had her eyes closed and fed her by bottle, watch her grow into one of the most magnificent cats I have ever seen - I named her Minx (for she was, a minx that is). She was a smart cat that was very protective of me and my home.

Re: The Blue-Ribbon Jalape?o Society Jubilee (10:34am March 7, 2013):

Sounds wonderful - like Mayberry with secrets.
Was this inspired through small town living? I have lived in 3 small towns and know the secrets each carried (of course they were whispered over coffee by multiple people in my house, which made it all so much more delicious).

Re: The Turncoat (9:40am March 6, 2013):

I think that the fire the ignites a person to hate can be also directed to love. I find that hate is a passionate emotion and that passion can be redirected. I think that the best way to engage me is the verbal foreplay of an excellent debate - so, yes, I think enemies can become lovers.

Re: The Survivor (10:40am March 5, 2013):

Talk to people - I think talking to your neighbors, watch out for each other, talk to the shop owners and workers of the places you frequent (you would be surprised at this, but they will tell you how the neighborhood is turning, they will talk about a robbery that took place, about what kind of people the new store/restaurant is bringing in, if it gets "shady" after dark in the parking lot).
Lately you can get a crime app that shows the areas that are being hit and at what frequency. You can also find this in your local paper - read it!
Being aware of your surroundings, go out with another person (this not only saves on gas and gives possible coupon swapping, but also can be a determent in a criminal having to attack 2 vs. 1 person).
When it comes to the crime at your doorstep - again have your neighbors play a part in watching each other, place a home security sign outside and in windows, double bolt doors and keep a bar with sliding glass. Remove temptation from visibility through the windows - don't leave jewelry out (keep in drawers or if in a big piece keep in closet). Be aware of who is coming into your house - from the delivery man to the cable repair. Another tip is if you live in an isolated area fire off a firearm once a month, people will know you have one and are less likely to choose your house.

Re: Lord Of Darkness (9:22pm March 4, 2013):

Simply - WOW! What a wonderful excerpt and great storyline - on top of my must be read list!!

Re: The Christie Curse (10:30am March 3, 2013):

I could never work with my mother - now my sister and her, most definitely. There is a running joke about my sister and mother having one brain they share between them, for if you separated them and asked 100 questions, they would answer it the same way.
My daughter is different - I would work with her in a heartbeat. She loves to write and comes to me for help sometimes (she writes on Wattpad) - she is extremely talented and we are able to bounce ideas off and twists in the plot. What a great bonding experience to write together and get published - great job.

Re: Protector (10:25am March 3, 2013):

I always bring a book or few. If it is just to an appointment from doctor to hair, I bring the one I am currently reading, for longer trips I bring a few. Getting lost on the beach within the pages, while in the airport or plane (which is perfect for getting your mind off the fact that you are in a heavy machine in the air), even on car rides - I was raised to think an idle mind is the devil's playground - so I never let it idle.

Re: The Family Way (10:21am March 3, 2013):

I hate the phone light in the theater - it doesn't matter if it's for a movie or a play, I realize that it is a nerve that someone has just trampled on and I suddenly go all Mr. Hyde on them. Of course only to spend the rest of the movie worried about some gum landing in my hair...
I also love letters. I spend once a month writing my relatives, letting them know how I am,, what I am thinking, that I was thinking of them -- it's so nice to get something other than junk mail or bills in the mailbox. Unfortunately, I wonder whether my children ever got an education - with writing it is as is they have been texting, breaking down words, using abbreviations that make no sense. Technology might have made communication easy, but it certainly destroyed it.

Re: Into the Spotlight (10:25am March 2, 2013):

My favorite Casino - I could watch that every week - Love that film, DeNiro, Pesci, Rickles feels like old Vegas the moment it begins.

Re: Hot Ticket (11:14am March 1, 2013):

A good friend tells the "harsh truth", will hold your hair when you get sick, will try to block the sh*t that hits the fan, and stand beside you the whole time.

Re: An Encounter at the Museum (10:35am March 1, 2013):

The most special place I have ever been is The Hilltop Hotel. It sat high up on a cliff with a view you couldn't buy, right below was where two rivers converged. They had a path that lead to the point and walking out there, a train down below, the rivers - it was the most amazing place. Unfortunately due to winter storms 3 years back, the roof collapsed and it has sat abandoned in her glory since..slowly fighting the fading that is occurring to her. I discovered the place in high school and it became my "zen" place, I knew the staff, had my special table in the corner where I had an amazing 360 view - it is where I would spend a day writing in my journal, where "mental" health days were spent lingering away from work, where I discovered myself, spent my birthdays, and wanted to get married.

Re: Cowboy Tough (2:29pm February 28, 2013):

I love your definition of "cowboy tough" - I think a lot of those values live today in families, to find them combined with integrity is a treasure not to ever be let go of.

Re: Wait Until Dark (2:26pm February 28, 2013):

My favorite definition of home - "A house is made of walls and beams, A home is made of love and dreams"

Re: The Marriage Bargain (10:11am February 27, 2013):

I love to read and find that I will devour "category" romance. They are fun, a great read, something that you can look forward to picking up.

Re: The Chieftain (10:07am February 27, 2013):

I love the storyline - and what a cover ;) A definite must read.

Re: Silence Of The Llamas (11:58pm February 25, 2013):

Down the street from my grandmother a family bought land and created an alpaca farm. I love going to visit her and on the way seeing these amazing creatures going about their day

Re: Scorned Justice (10:33am February 23, 2013):

I am addicted to the ID channel - real life stories of people getting their revenge from scorned lovers to business partners.
A classic book of revenge, The Count of Monte Cristo - the plotting, the life changing ... Iago out of revenge and jealousy causes everyone to be destroyed in Othello

Re: Gold Fire (12:39pm February 22, 2013):

The muse is a very fickle thing, I am glad you still can reign her in.

Re: Checkmate, My Lord (1:55pm February 21, 2013):

I love secondary characters and can't wait until they get their own stories. There are so many authors that I just follow series after series loving those secondary as much as the main characters. Beverley, Quinn are just a couple.

Re: X Marks The Scot (1:49pm February 21, 2013):

I don't know if I have a Fav - Although Reyes from the Charley Davidson series has a definite spot in my mind

Re: The Mistress Memoirs (1:46pm February 20, 2013):

Love the interview and the character - this is definitely on my list as a must!!

Re: Murder Hooks a Mermaid (11:30am February 18, 2013):

I want to go to Sicily and the Aeolian Islands - that is my dream trip. I am always looking into the travel sites, the tourist sites, even those Rick Steves travel shows. I can almost smell and touch being there.
I want to visit family (distant) there, see where my great grandparents once lived, worked, and traveled.
Sometimes it is important to go to the past to find your future and I want to go there.

Re: Wildcat (11:04am February 13, 2013):

A stallion riding a stallion, this only happens in my dreams

Re: A Howl For A Highlander (11:02am February 13, 2013):

I am a water person, I have to get in (even in winter dipping my feet into an ice cold creek). The water calls to me and is a release of the tension in my body, a cleansing of the day. I would jump in the water, swim a bit, sun myself, hopefully get a drink with an umbrella, and watch the sunset. Maybe get someone to put lotion on me :)

Re: A SEAL's Seduction (11:30am February 12, 2013):

My confession is, yes, I have used a cover - years ago, when I was in a catholic high school. Oh, how the nuns suspected what was on the pages that I would flip furiously through, even during class, hiding the book in the textbook I was supposed to reading. But never since that time.
My favorite covers were those bodice rippers, I remember Fabio and the Topaz man (which was Adrian Paul - yes, the one from the Highlander series). Some covers still have that type of feel to them and those are the ones I strangely will zoom in on.

Re: The Eldritch Conspiracy (11:22am February 12, 2013):

I really can not deal with a book turned tv show - the idea was that the book was so good that they wanted it for the "masses" yet they change it around, ruin the originality of the book and twist it in a way that leaves a bitter taste.
Yet, movies can be either way... funny that a book I would find ok, would be magic onscreen and yet, 80% of the time I love the book more than the film. I think the "movie" in my head as I read the story is more involved, more intriguing, more visual that when it reaches the screen I am left questioning my experience. Although, for some reason I can't seem to help going and seeing it.

Re: Hard Ridin' (11:01am February 10, 2013):

Sounds like a book to warm the winter chill.

Re: Fly Away Peta (2:08pm February 8, 2013):

I think that the "hero" varies as much and as often as I pick up another book. I can lose myself within the pages, fall for the hero - I am good.
I love Jackman and could easily fall for him ;) I think there was a Lifetime or Hallmark movie very similiar to this the starred Andrew McCarthy.

Re: Once Again A Bride (12:45pm February 7, 2013):

I have given up certain styles to incorporate my DH, at first he felt as though there was no "stamp" of him around the house. I feel as though the intermingle of style and taste has made this a true home for both of us. I keep his childhood memories and mine out, I have my collections all about, and although I have three bookcases filled, he has one for his books and nit nacs. I have liberty to design certain places and have with a Movie themed family room (where my GWTW stands out) and a LOTR guest room with murals and elven writing.

Re: Lady Eve's Indiscretion (12:36pm February 7, 2013):

I love this analogy and how you found the spirit and ability through the things you like to do most.
I miss riding and now I know what my next weekend adventure will include.

Re: To Brie or Not to Brie (9:01am February 5, 2013):

You are not alone - whether I am in my home, car, or even the store or gym - you will catch me singing and dancing. Just yesterday I was singing and "bopping" in my car at a red light that when I looked over I got an applause from the car beside me. I find a music and dance a release of my spirit. It makes everything feel better, from looking for inspiration, to making time go faster (especially at the gym), to making a chore not feel like one (dusting can be choreographed as well as mopping and nothing like the vacuum for a "partner").
My creativity jumps at music, nature, art, and pictures. Sometimes just relaxing using breathing techniques with aromatherapy.

Re: Soul Deep (3:48pm February 4, 2013):

Most of my best friends have been male. I would consider them mostly alpha and that at one point or another we have found each other irresistible just at different times. Timing is everything. I love the storyline idea, afterall with male friends over time the question of what if can and does pop up.

Re: The Billionaire's Baby SOS (12:33pm February 1, 2013):

I love big families in books, to have them in real life is too much - my DH is one of 8, I have 14 (almost 15) step grandchildren (and he has 3 children, and one daughter is on her 9th - yup, ninth). It means juggling my family, his, my children (2), and his children and grandchildren. Not a month goes by without having to run out for a gift and card, and drama is nothing new when you gather so many people together or have to split your time.
I escape all of this by reading about big families, can you blame me?

Re: Deck the Halls With Love (1:40pm January 31, 2013):

I love secondary characters and the continuation of a story - from Julie Garwood to Jo Beverley to Lisa Kleypas to Julie Quinn - oh, Barbara Dawson Smith and Stephanie Laurens
I will admit the one character I loved and followed through a series until he got his own book was Rothgar from Jo Beverley's books. I think I sometimes feel like a stalker until the secondary character gets their own story.

Re: The Autumn Bride (1:35pm January 31, 2013):

I do belong to a book group - I find that books are to be enjoyed and to be discussed. There are different books out there that feed these needs and more than a few that cross the lines into both.
I love reading, and I love sharing what I get out of a book and bouncing the ideas off others - which can change a perspective on a character or even a writer.
I have a site that I review books on and find that I will share my books with family, friends, and people I never met (other than online) so that they can experience a book. Some though must be put on my shelf to return to.

Re: Murder for the Halibut (1:49pm January 28, 2013):

Love your reasons - and St Jude (the Saint, the Hospital, and Danny Thomas) are in your corner and so am I -- enjoy rising to the top :)

Re: Pride, Prejudice and the Perfect Match (1:46pm January 28, 2013):

I could never do online - first, I am not tech savy and secondly, I have seen enough on Dateline to make me stay clear... murphy's law tends to apply to me, so meeting someone that way would definitely be meeting my killer. Third, I am in a happy relationship.
I do have a friend that used match and has come up with a catch, after years of dating and meeting people, he finally found "the one".

Re: Cupid?s Shaft (12:00pm January 25, 2013):

I find that erotic novels are making a great turn in the development of the story and the characters. Years ago it was simply scene after scene of graphic sex that I couldn't believe the idea these people just met and spent 24 hours doing all they were.
I think the way people interact not just in communication can also verify their emotions in a physical way. Sex is an external action for the internal - from make up sex to angry sex to the exploration of love sex, it makes the characters in the book more "human".

Re: The Officer Breaks The Rules (4:41pm January 24, 2013):

Art should imitate life - I think friends can make the best of couples, all it takes is that one moment that pushes them together. Most of my best and happiest relationships were with former friends, and I am with my DH - my best friend.

Re: Falling for her Fiance (10:09am January 23, 2013):

I love intelligence, humor, compassion, and integrity - the perfect combination :)

Re: Real Men Don\'t Break Hearts (10:06am January 23, 2013):

I love people watching and creating their stories - great use of a past to create the characters. Look forward to reading this.

Re: After the Rain (12:54pm January 22, 2013):

I love to think about do overs, but if it wasn't for the good and bad I wouldn't be where I am and who I am. That's the double edge sword.

Re: Doomed (11:25am January 17, 2013):

I love all of mythology, the nature of the gods and goddesses still are captivating and amazing.

Re: Thread On Arrival (11:21am January 17, 2013):

What a great premise!

Re: Thread On Arrival (4:27pm January 15, 2013):

What a great storyline.

Re: Waking Up With A Rake (10:40am January 10, 2013):

Remember "the bodice rippers", a man would kidnap, seduce or take, betray, and then live happily ever after. I never really got the hero raping or betraying.

Re: South Of Surrender (3:11pm January 9, 2013):

Let me heal you ---
Deep Sigh - who doesn't want that?!

Re: A SEAL's Seduction (3:11pm January 9, 2013):

The storyline, the characters, the author - once I am wrapped into a story that is unforgettable - one that pulled me into the pages and kept me there -- KEEPER.
I have bookshelves filled with ones read and unable to release and I most definitely go back to them, the emotions that are tugged within me as each character returns to life.

Re: Seven Days Normal (8:05am January 7, 2013):

Thank you for your words of inspiration and wisdom.
I also love that your teacher did all that for you and that is where you got your start.

Re: The Missing Manuscript Of Jane Austen (8:03am January 7, 2013):

I remember in school I had a little notebook that I wrote ideas, scribbled all about - the scene, characters- I love your process and know editing is the insanity.

Re: Chance Of A Lifetime (8:01am January 7, 2013):

I love small towns. There is an intimacy that occurs when you know the names and where people live, their highs and lows. Most times in a small town you will find a knitted community. There are some downs, where people know all the business they have no need to know, there is gossip - but if there were more Mayberry and Stars Hollow, I think this world would be a better place. Thank you for Harmony.

Re: Prince Of Power (12:39pm January 3, 2013):

I LOVE your playlist! I think that I was able to feel the story through the music you listed, a journey, through sound and lyrics - I also love your covers ;)

Re: For The Love Of A Goblin Warrior (12:37pm January 3, 2013):

Oh, you definitely have my attention. How original and I can't wait to read!!
I love that moment myself - the build-up and electricity of it all.

Re: A Little Bit Wicked (4:23pm December 30, 2012):

Resolutions never worked for me, from the day to day hustle that swallows them alive, to the outrageous things I say I want to do -- but goals, yes, those wonderful achievements that allow you to set the bar every month, week, day to jump over and even raise it for the next time. My health must be top priority and random acts of kindness.

Re: Fallen Angel (4:20pm December 30, 2012):

That although I have lost some family members, that I still have some around, and every day they are here and in more or less good health - I know I am blessed.

Re: The Seventh Victim (4:19pm December 30, 2012):

Setting creates a character as well as the outside forces that influence them. Thanks for the pics and exploring TX.

Re: Captive Of The Border Lord (11:45am December 21, 2012):

I come from storytellers both true and false. I keep that going through my children and hopefully it will continue.
My grandmother once told me the story of her father getting the land that they live on...
They came by cover wagons and were attacked by Indians. They fought them off day and night (enter sound effects and vivid details), until the Indians went away knowing the strength of the family they encountered. I told this story in second grade to my teacher, who then called my mother about the amazing way it was told and the great rich history - my mother laughed, it was just a story to tell me by her mother.

Re: Deliver Me From Temptation (11:40am December 21, 2012):

What a teaser - I have to find out what happens next. Thank you for the excerpt.

Re: Waltz With A Stranger (11:38am December 21, 2012):

I loved The Malloren series by Jo Beverly, the Cynsters are classic too.

Re: Against The Odds (2:46pm December 19, 2012):

I do the same every year that my great grandmother did years ago - there is no meat, so the 7 fishes dishes, homemade pizza, fried bread dough, so many cookies (that I started baking and freezing in late October), cannolis, and Midnight Mass - the morning consists of rice speenges, fried bread dough, and plenty of coffee as the presents unwrap, for dinner homemade pasta with sausage and meatballs, and a 6" fluffy cheesecake for dessert.

Re: A Seal At Heart (7:24am December 14, 2012):

My DH and DD and DS are my team, I have a large extended family that I can count on too. Through their love and support I know I can and have been able to do anything. This is my second marriage and I am so grateful for the man I love, he became a father to my children, giving them unconditional love and selfless support. Never once have we argued about my children and their needs, he puts them and me above.

Re: Just A Cowboy And His Baby (7:19am December 14, 2012):

I am a passionate person - and I find nothing more stimulating than a great debate (remember respect the person, there is no need to accept the idea). What is better to make your pulse rise, your eyes flash?

Re: Fortune's Hero (9:59am December 13, 2012):

I have seen a few Sci Fi movies that take the future in polar directions, either returning to the "Victorian Age" or "Blade Runner". If I could fast forward 100 years into the future, I am more likely to think that:
Cures for certain diseases have been found, along with the gene and have been eradicated.
Society has more of an agricultural need and more little farms - everyone cultivating their food -which could be engineered to feed more and have more nutrients
I could believe a break down of the monetary system and more of bargaining or reward
I also can believe that with science possible communication within other galaxies can occur
I think it would take longer but I would love to have a Tardis - that would most likely be my favorite invention

Re: Love Thy Sister (11:15am December 11, 2012):

I also was raised by my grandparents, Sicilian. I think the culture allows the passion for the arts to be praised. It sounds like you had a wonderful life and a wonderful time writing your story, thank you for sharing.

Re: Counterfeit Cowboy (12:07pm December 10, 2012):

I allow the writer to develop the appearance of the hero, his looks, mannerisms, characteristics. I love the introduction and development of the hero and find that more than looks it is the being of the character that is appealing.

Re: Wanting Sex Again (1:37pm December 9, 2012):

I can relate to this struggle. My DH is older and now we have separate rooms. I think that it is as much my doing why for some reason the reconnecting is not happening. I can joke about it and say I last longer than a camel, but this is not really how I wish to be. Thank you for addressing this, so many don't.

Re: Jane's Gift (12:54pm December 8, 2012):

I am the type that goes in the store and walks out with two bags, I am hoping and hinting to getting gift cards this Christmas. I just finished The 13th Day of Christmas and truly recommend it.

Re: Rancher's Son (10:55am December 7, 2012):

I found out about the cattle a few years ago when I moved to Florida. Any tidbits I know is from being a tourist and now a resident and from that Weird Florida with Charles Carlson (no relation) and Miss Scarlet. My favorite story and place to visit is The Coral Castle. As legend or story goes a man from nothing in love with a much younger woman, was left at the altar, in his broken heart he built a castle entirely through carving. There is a table in the shape of FL (even had a hole for Okeechobee) and a way to see the stars through rock holes. If you find yourself going to the Keys, a quick stop in Homestead and you will find the place. Also Flagler (whose name came be found from a college to a road in every town) was the man with a vision and his ideas created the state as we know it - a mix of industry and tourism (he was the one with the idea of a train to the Keys and his college can be found in the oldest town in America - St Augustine *guess that was another tidbit).

Re: Too Close For Comfort (9:25am December 5, 2012):

I grew up in the country, learning to shot a pistol and a rifle was a matter of life. My first time with a rifle I shot a pheasant (yes, it was dinner) and with a pistol I shot bottles and cans. I am a very good shot and an interesting tidbit - women tend to be a better shot, better aim, better patience.

Re: Holiday Buzz (12:29pm December 4, 2012):

Food and Books - a woman after my own heart. This sounds like a great series, I must pick it up

Re: She Can Tell (2:11pm December 3, 2012):

I brought home a female Maine Coon only a few weeks old, her mother was eating all the females in the litter and I wasn't going to allow that to happen. Her name was Minx, she was so beautiful, loving, had a wild coy personality. I fed her with a little bottle and formula, she slept with me (all nestled up), she was around for my first born (his birthday is today) and she would sleep under his crib and come find me as soon as he woke up. Over the years she got old and I found her gone one morning. So many pictures of her can be found in the baby book, I can tell you I miss her as much today as I did years ago.

Re: Under the Mistletoe (1:06pm December 2, 2012):

I have had my children buy me clothes I would never put on and about 5 times larger than I am, yet I still have them in my closet hanging (I am too sentimental to let them go).
Once my boyfriend (at the time) bought wine and condoms -- that was enough to re evaluate the relationship.
My one aunt still gives me five dollars every year and says "to save it". (yes, I often look around wondering if I am related to the Griswalls).
Oh, you are not alone - I love plants, but as my friends and family say, I have a black thumb..don't let me near a plant, it will die.

Re: Wish Upon A Christmas Star (12:58pm December 2, 2012):

I used to live 30 minutes from Pittsburgh, all that snow a few years ago had me packing my bags and going to SoFLo. They just had the Toys For Tots drive on the Intercoastal with all the boats lighted up - that has a certain magic to it, floating lights and decorations.
My Christmas wish is for people to find peace of mind, heart, and spirit.

Re: Mistletoe, Merriment, and Murder (2:27pm December 1, 2012):

Never experienced a white elephant exchange quite like yours - we always had x amount to spend and depending on your number you could steal from another, I always stole to get the ones I put in -- heck, I wanted it more than I figured my co workers would

Re: Double Time (2:27pm November 30, 2012):

I am very ecletic in my love of music. My ex husband played rhythm and lead. It took me about a year to figure all the differences. I think that in most music that I like I follow the bass - rock, jazz - the bass has a certain sound that allows you to find the beat (even if there are no drums or it has a seperate beat). Dueling riffs can be a lot of fun to hear and listen to, I am glad that I got my education and know I will enjoy your book.

Re: Heart Of A Texan (2:22pm November 30, 2012):

There is something to Cowboys, a different set of rules, a wildness and beauty to them that can't be locked in - the earth and animals guide them as the blanket of the sky covers them, they can not be caged, they can not deny their spirit.

Re: How I Came To Sparkle Again (11:19am November 29, 2012):

Growing up in the country I never looked for roads, it was aways the "visual clues" - the broken barn with Mail Pouch still on it, and once you have seen the llama farm you have gone to far - go over the creek and by the second pond you will see a shed with a tree that just came down on it.. didn't matter if you were the one giving the directions or receiving them. I miss those days. I find I still give directions like that but it's more .. go through the second light and merge over to the left, turn and you will be heading east, pass the shopping center, you want to turn right when you see the bus stop (there are always people standing around there)..doesn't sound quite as nice as where I used to live and how I grew up, but all roads take you somewhere and it's good to take in the view :)

Re: Christmas Confidential (12:39pm November 28, 2012):

I have homemade pasta with meatballs and sausage on Christmas, on Christmas Eve - no meat - homemade pizza, fried bread dough, homemade italian cookies, and cannolis. Enjoy family and off to Midnight Mass. It was a lot more extravagant when I was younger, but since people have passed and others moved on, it is good to keep those that you can.

Re: A Christmas Bride / Christmas Beau (10:22am November 27, 2012):

I get excited for this season - I find a glint in my eyes, a lightness in my heart, just an all around glow. I see people getting things together to give away, buying an extra can or two to put in the donation box, even stores offering you to give a monetary gift to great causes (like St Jude's Hospital) - and people no matter the hardship find a way of giving, of material things and of themselves, they go out of their way to smile to wish you a great holiday, to let someone else get a spot closer to the store. It is infectious, the spirit rises within to meet it and something wonderful happens to people as a whole. Thank you for recognizing this, the season definitely is its own character - I hope one day it will be that way throughout the year.

Re: The Prince's Gamble (9:38am November 26, 2012):

What a great setting! And a wonderful charitable action!! The bonus is a book with a prince and a HEA ending. Definitely getting the word out.

Re: Taming the Outback (9:35am November 26, 2012):

I love nothing more than the development of a female that gathers her strength from within, no longer a cub but a true lioness. I think that in most cases that is how it is in life - women, I believe are more resiliant, have more strength that can come upon our shoulers.

Re: The Clue Is In The Pudding (9:32am November 26, 2012):

Amazing how your past influenced your writing - thehotel and your memories sound amazing

Re: Untamed (3:31pm November 23, 2012):

I used too get plenty of coffee in me and do the Black Friday madness, this year I am relaxing, eating leftovers, going to see the very sexy Daniel Craig in James Bond, mailing off some presents that will take a while to be received.

Re: Wolfishly Yours (3:23pm November 23, 2012):

I think I have all I need. I am an easy person, books are my addiction - so that is the gift to give, but just being around the people I love is the thing I most care about (with some living so far, and some getting much older - each holiday is a present)

Re: The Fangover (10:43am November 13, 2012):

I love music - I am the guilty one that turns up the music and slides across the room while doing chores and such. I think at times when reading particular books, I guess get a tune in my head (like when reading The Grave Series - Don't Fear The Reaper ends up in my head). When an author writes out the scenes, I picture the "movie" in my head and what is a movie without a soundtrack.
Most Romantic - I am a sucker, give me corny, give me Hallmark, give me a song that has romantic lyrics and I am done. Give me Louis Armstrong and Etta James, give me Patsy Cline and Faith Hill, give me Peter Gabriel and Bryan Adams, I also love Jim Croce and even boy bands - Take That, 98 Degrees, don't forget Beth by Kiss. I know what a list and I am very eclectic.
Sexy - Marvin Gaye, Robbie Williams, Barry White, George Michael, Nickelback, James Blunt, Boys II Men, En Vogue, Def Lepard, Poison, Silk, Color Me Badd -- oh, Chris Isaak (I will want to play any Wicked Game with him), JT, you name it, and of course every hair band I ever grew up with.

Re: What The Cat Saw (6:05pm November 10, 2012):

I have always been a cat person, since childhood I have always had at least one. They each have amazing personalities, and they will let you know it. I am one of those people that could easily become the crazy cat lady at the end of the block. Oh, they understand you when you are talking to them - even if they choose to ignore you. A few have cries that sound like they talk back, it makes me laugh and talk to them more. Remember that one Haley Mills movie, That Darn Cat.. Disney Classic.

Re: Heart of Danger (5:58pm November 10, 2012):

I think the reading books the have TEOTWAWKI includes such greats as A Brave New World, Farenheit 451 - amazing books that can make you think, others like the mix of Crichton and Rollins make the world feel as though it is too close. When reading books like The Strain, I feel my heart racing in a world of evil.

Re: Enslaved (10:29am November 9, 2012):

I love the damage that makes the hero unavailable, the kind that builds the wall around his heart, the one that makes him an enemy of himself for feeling something once again.
I remember the bodice rippers and in some of them the hero could be redeemed even after selling/buying the heroine and being brutal - so I don't think that there has been a hero that is completely unredeemable, as long as the heroine loves him.

Re: Christmas On Mimosa Lane (10:58am November 8, 2012):

Tinker Bell.
My best memories come from childhood. I come from a large Sicilian family. We would crowd into my great grandmother's house filled with family, friends, and food. During the evening Santa would knock on the door (my grandfather) with red bags filled with gifts. Each kid would be on his lap and go through their list and then as if magic a (large) gift would come out of the bag to be opened. When Santa left, we would all head to the local church and have Midnight Mass. I often was amazed at how we filled a whole church up. My family would then go to my grandparents where Santa made another appearance and handed out more presents and I would be allowed to open a few.
I loved those days and thankfully sokme of them were caught on camera, last year I transferred those memories to DVD and handed them out. Memories of good times, of all those people that are no longer with us, the joy - I am blessed to have shared it with so many.

Re: The Hoard (10:48am November 8, 2012):

I love the horror genre, something that can keep me up into the wee hours. I got hooked in Lovecraft and King when I was in high school. Right now I am still floating on Guillermo Del Toro and Chuck Hogan's series. I can tell you I got my son (a teen) to finally pick up a book that didn't have cliff notes by giving him the series and now he is hooked.

Re: Renegade (2:21pm November 6, 2012):

I remember each man I ever dated, the first time I saw them, the way it felt to be asked, to get ready. I remember how each time my senses were heightened and how each time our eyes met across the table...
I miss that intensity, the new, exhilaration, and adrenaline all pumping throughout - the pheremones. Love the newness.

Re: The Warrior (12:23pm November 1, 2012):

Gerard Butler inspires a great many things within me - He also starred and sang in the movie version of Phantom of the Opera (as the Phantom). He is so enticing and I can see why he would be the inspiration for a Scottish Hero.
Being the result of Disney and HEA stories, I do love castles, legends, ghosts. Reminds me of that Gordon Lightfoot song - If you Could Read My Mind.

Re: Conspiracy Of Angels (12:40pm October 31, 2012):

I am reminded at how "men's books" have relationships - take Sir Arthur Conan Doyle to Ian Fleming complex characters, complex relationships and emotions. I am glad that some men won't allow a writer or a genre stop them from diving in and enjoying the book.

Re: Death In The Floating City (2:19pm October 30, 2012):

Dickens, Mitchell are perfect and my faves. I fell for LM Montgomery and Anne of Green Gables when I was young. Shakespeare has always had an amazing way of bringing Ceaser to MacBeth alive. I also like to "travel" in other places - Tolkien, George RR Martin.

Re: Midnight Exposure (1:37pm October 29, 2012):

I know this might be corny - but I loved Buffy the Vampire Slayer - the fact that she was a teen, blonde, little girl, that when she walked into a dark alley it was the things hiding in the dark that needed to be afraid. I think her character gave a lot of empowerment to girls.

Re: Down for the Count (1:31pm October 29, 2012):

I love dares - I think I have a side of me that waits to be woken up and expressed without fear. I have done crazy stupid things - from drag racing to streaking. Life is filled with responsibilities and occassionally it is important to throw fun into the wind and grasp it - those moments are too brief but amazing.

Re: One Night with a Hero (6:19pm October 27, 2012):

The death before dishonor - I find men with integrity irresistible

Re: Mistletoe Cowboy (12:58pm October 26, 2012):

I see the characters come to life (a movie in my head or something I am witness to). I love to lose myself in the pages of a series where I can meet a whole family or town, that I am able to laugh with, cry with, and contemplate matchmaking skills in secondary characters. In some way - great characters are (please don't call the Dr) my adopted relatives.

Re: Lady Louisa's Christmas Knight (12:43pm October 26, 2012):

I must admit I am addicted to Christmas stories. It could be the traditions, the food, the tree and all the trimmings, but I truly think that it simply the season. The season of hope and miracles, the season that brings the best in people and the light of humanity shines bright.

Re: Night Thief (12:04pm October 25, 2012):

It's a merge of two of my favorite things - history and paranormal. I love when a writer stays true to the historical backdrop, it makes the story multi dimensional.

Re: Losing Control (9:53am October 24, 2012):

I think linked books bring an intimacy between the reader, the writer, and the story. I love when secondary characters are well developed that they get their own book/story. I compare it to seeing and catching up with people at a reunion or a family gathering.
I don't think I have a favorite

Re: Tempting the Best Man (9:48am October 24, 2012):

I agree when a couple is well matched than it simply is irresistible. Alpha males know and hold their own, they aren't the "bad boywith a heart of gold" - they are the one that is the rock and the hammer when the time seems fit, they know what they want and how to get and keep it.

Re: Blood Therapy (10:28am October 23, 2012):

There is such a movement to the paranormal in books. I think that having a good book and a storyline the public wants is a great combiation. Maybe it took a little time, but if you write it - they will buy

Re: Rev It Up (11:25am October 19, 2012):

I think that it is good to be pleasantly suprised. Sometimes having more of the same is the idea of having pizza 3 times a day for the rest of your life. I would never have found some great authors if I didn't branch out - into other genres, into storylines that I might have walked away from. At least when someone reads your series there is an emotion - some people can't claim that.

Re: Sultry With A Twist (11:06am October 19, 2012):

Some people have no boundaries! I think what happens behind close doors stays behind those doors. I don't consider myself a prude, but the intimacy that is shared between two is not meant for discussion around the globe. Next time ask if when reading books they incorporate the scenes - I think they will stop asking then.

Re: Miss Lavigne's Little White Lie (11:04am October 18, 2012):

I tend to trust my instincts - they have never failed. A couple times I got a sick feeling in my stomach after meeting someone only to have another person tell me what they have done in their life letting me know the feeling was not unfounded. I think that giving someone the benefit of the doubt (meeting in sweltering heat next to a grill - well, let's face it, would you be your best?) is something you know to do. There will be personalities that you can see over a mile away and either they will draw you in or repulse you and that tends to happen almost immediately.

Re: Return Of The Border Warrior (11:04am October 17, 2012):

I love British music, I have always found their groups and singers much more talented than American Idol pop. I love Robbie Williams and the boy group he was in Take That, there is also an AMAZING singer I think that could give Adele a run - her name is Paloma Faith. I see that someone mentioned Jane Monheit - I got my cousin to listen to her years ago and her wedding song was her rendition of My Bill. You might want to check out Claire Martin, great jazz.

Re: Death, Taxes, and a Sequined Clutch (2:57pm October 16, 2012):

Break ups are harsh and all is fair in love and war. But after some time one can look back and not feel anything at all, by releasing the anger (hopefully on some fling as a rebound) you can get on with your life.
Now if one has been truly hurt and not seen this coming (as in most break ups you see the signs beforehand) well, as my grandmother told me - revenge is a dish best served cold. Yes, I have served up some cold dishes (I don't take any betrayal lightly - emotional, physical - you are dead to me and when I am done you would wish you were) I have bided my time and delivered. Over time you can forgive, the person but not necessarily the action.

Re: Tall, Dark, and Divine (2:39pm October 16, 2012):

I love ythology and find this is going to be a great series. My favorite work of art is psyche and eros in the kiss - it is the meeting of the heart and the mind in nothing as spectacular as them caught in marble in the moment.

Re: The Shadowy Horses (1:52pm October 12, 2012):

It depends - is it so incorporated into the story that it feels like reading a book in a totally different language. I do like when words are thrown in, little phrases - those things add to the story.

Re: In The Barrister's Bed (12:42pm October 10, 2012):

Do you remember Colin Firth as Mr. Darcy (Barrister) in Bridget Jones? The perfect example of SEXY!! Oh, I do believe lawyers can be sexy simply for that reason. I think the sexiest is an intelligent man with a sense of humor - it doesn't matter what his profession is, as long as he has a depth and a heart.

Re: Run The Risk (12:37pm October 10, 2012):

My absolute favorite hero behaving badly is Rhett Butler. He wants to protect, share passion, and lose himself into one person that was too entraced with an illusion. But lets face it, he was the ultimate bad rake that would use any means necessary to get what he wanted.

Re: Contract For Marriage (10:09am October 4, 2012):

I think I am a calm person - I will confront people behaving badly, but normally I just go through my day. I am one of those that the more silent I get, the more you know I am upset. I know that I will emerge like a superhero, a mother bear if you will, if anything happens to my children. I think that there is something that is innate within me that keeps my nurturing spirit ready to pouce on injustices done to children and the elderly in particular.
Now when I am pushed up against a wall - I will in most cases stand up (the fight rather than flight), but I believe in picking your battles (also to see where this occurence is coming from - afterall some people are not worth your time)

Re: Dark Light Of Day (10:39am October 3, 2012):

I love the premise of your book. In fact one of the things that one learns is that depending upon intention and the need you use the waxing and waning of the moon. You use the natural phenomenon to help with manifestations and cleasings.
With power comes great responsibility - but to produce fire, yes - to control demons, depends - my touch killing life, most likely
One series I love is Charley Davidson, The Grave series - funny, quirky, unlikely heroine with the ability to see and work with the dead (she is the Grim Reaper and a PI)

Re: Secrets Of A Wedding Night (12:39pm September 28, 2012):

I know Faro is some kind of game of cards. I love card games and I would love to learn it. Your character sounds wonderful, I love intelligent men. I also love Judith McNaught's "Whitney, My Love" hooked me on romances. Your book has made my must read list.

Re: Diary of a Vampire Stripper (11:06am September 26, 2012):

I didn't notice that I have "creepy" taste in men - Vincent Price, as a child I fell for his looks and voice in Laura, Christopher Walken - makes you understand the affair Natalie Wood had with him, Alan Rickman had me captivated with Die Hard- Maybe it is the creepy that add intrigue and a certain mystery that you want to uncover (amongst other things on their person)

Re: A Home For Nobody's Princess (2:56pm September 25, 2012):

I used to torment my sister tellig her that she was adoptedand that we found her. I was just talking and laughing with her, and told her how times have changed because now I pay therapists to help convince me I was. Sounds like the perfect storyline.

Re: Boyfriend From Hell (5:47pm September 24, 2012):

OMG! This has become a must read. I am a BMore girl, born and raised. I moved to another state but visit twice a year, nothing like seeing home when going off 895 and seeing the Harbor. Sounds like a great orginal story.

Re: Where There's A Will (11:34am September 21, 2012):

I love banter, battle of wits - I love HEA and watching (reading) the characters grow and develop.
I love fairy tales, all kinds, I even named my daughter after one -- from Sleeping Beauty, Beauty and the Beast, to the darker Bluebeard.

Re: Charming Blue (11:29am September 21, 2012):

The common rule is that you can please some of the people some of the time, you can't please all the people all of the time. As a writer you have a unique voice and it resonates with readers.

Re: Resurrection Express (11:56am September 19, 2012):

I appreciate you sharing your experience. Sometimes it takes the pure honesty of another to make you take a step back, learn and develop.

Re: Deadly Little Lies (11:51am September 19, 2012):

Growing up I loved Anne of Green Gables, I also have this love for Gone With The Wind, The Scarlet Pimpernel, Frankenstien - let's not forget Dickens, and DH Lawerence. For pop culture books at the time there were the Sweet Valley High books (yes, I am dating myself).
I have always loved books and can't live without them.

Re: Twin Passions (6:09pm September 13, 2012):

I think that it is inspiring to take ancestory and find a story. Thank you for sharing.

Re: Chasing a Dream (12:46pm September 11, 2012):

I was told a lot of can't growing up, I can't go to college, I can't have {fill in the blank} dream, the worst was when docotrs told me I couldn't have children -- I have two children, both in their teens now, and the reward of proving the doctors wrong

Re: Pitch Perfect (2:42pm September 10, 2012):

I am guilty of people watching. My brother and I and now my spouse and I have been guilty of playing with the observations - doing our versions of their conversations, giving people backgrounds and personalities. It is a great way to keep up creativity and have a bit of fun.

Re: When You Give A Duke A Diamond (11:28am September 9, 2012):

I truly dislike heroines that are weak - in mind, spirit, emotion. I think that I find characteristics that I find within myself - but perhaps stronger, the type that I not only identify with but thouroghly enjoy reading about.
A heroine, to me, has to be strong - in mind, spirit, even strong-willed, humor, a little sarcasm won't hurt after it is a sign of intelligence and wit, humble, and friendly. One who might have a few scars and disadvantages but works above and beyond them - no victim mentality - so I born into a situation, I can rise above it.

Re: Take it Like a Vamp (2:09pm July 26, 2012):

I have to say my favorite vamp is Spike from Buffy the Vampire Slayer - the look, attitude, the tongue in cheek, but also under his non beating heart there was a goodness to those he cared about (Dru and later Buffy).

Re: Tangle Of Need (3:53pm May 28, 2012):

I will dedicately follow characters, I love when a secondary that has caught my heart finds their way into a new book. Be it through family, friends, a bet, the joining of such characters brings about a familiarity the I enjoy within the pages of their adventures.

Re: The Taming Of A Scottish Princess (12:38pm May 23, 2012):

I love the intellect of the hero - be he a "nerd" or a gentleman that actual has a business. I like that when such characters are written - there is wit and anjoyable conversations, that there are fireworks on multiple levels. I prefer the "nerd" in life too, so maybe I am partial.

Re: The Reason Is You (12:47pm May 21, 2012):

I love the battle of wits and wills between the hero and heroine. I find that if someone can rile something in you, it is passion - from an intellectual argument/debate, to the intesity of a look. To watch (read) the characters grow into themselves and each other is a gift that leaves you glow from the radiance the relationship puts out thru the pages.

Re: Final Sail (12:43pm May 21, 2012):

I used to be so OCD I couldn't leave the house - it is a family trait I think from vacumning curtains and everything in it's spot - hard to think I had time for anything

Re: Deadly Secrets, Loving Lies (12:42pm May 21, 2012):

Hawkeye and Iron Man--- and you wonder why I consider movies like this a binus - your man will want to go for action, you for the eye candy :)

Re: Kiss Of The Goblin Prince (6:18pm May 13, 2012):

What a great story and an eyecatching book cover - definitely wants you to delve deep within the pages

Re: Pretty Amy (7:22am May 11, 2012):

I know exactly how you felt. What great songs to list, I have them downloaded..can't seem to get rid of them, they are so imbedded in me.

Re: Demon's Bride (7:02pm May 2, 2012):

I don't have a favorite - lord or commoner, I love the character description - whether he has integrity, depth, and all important..passion (for life, love, desire, work, family).

Re: Woodrose Mountain (3:47pm April 4, 2012):

I like the concept and the character development. It sounds really great

Re: Wedded In Scandal (3:45pm April 4, 2012):

I live in Spring Formals this time of year, thankfully my son will be going to Prom (not my girl) - I definitely think it is much easier for boys - I help raise my younger siblings and the bridezilla has no comparision to the promzilla

Re: A Seal In Wolf's Clothing (12:07pm March 16, 2012):

How original! I envision hot and sexy of course.

Re: The Needle In The Blood (12:06pm March 16, 2012):

Art holds its own meaning, there have been
symbols found especially during times of
persecution. It's amazing that when we see a
symbol what that means to us as an individual.
Thank you for sharing the tapestry.

Re: Hellsbane (12:47pm March 15, 2012):

First- thank you for Robbie Williams, I love him
and not many people know him or Take That.
Now, yes, unfortunately I multi task that it
becomes an insane trait to the ones around me.
I think I have always been this way, doing
homework could not be done on silence, radio,
tv, and even a phone in my hand as I worked on
problems. Flash into today where, I exercise
while I clean, can listen to my husband/children
and the news on tv. It is a wonder how I get
things done and I wear out my friends when they
watch me.
Music to drown out...I listen to everything, but to
relax there is the Gregorian Chants, Whale
Sounds, Loreena McKennitt, and my favorite
Gary Stadler (faerie music- which will always
take you somewhere else).

Re: Rule Of Three (8:41am March 13, 2012):

I understand the thought but really would the
intimacy be as intense...it is simply a fantasy, like
being in the sandwich between Daniel Craig and
Gerard Butler.

Re: Sketch a Falling Star (10:56am March 12, 2012):

I learned it as disassociation. It is when time
blocks are loss, from ten/fifteen minutes to
hours. I describe it as getting lost inside your
mind or the movie behind the eyes. Everyone
has experienced this on some level, for example
driving along and how did you get home.. you
are unable to recall the drive. Don't worry about

Re: Against The Night (11:50am March 9, 2012):

I love movies. My favorites are Gone With The
Wind, The Lord Of The Rings trilogy, Anonymous,
Kenneth Branaugh's Hamlet, Bridget Jones Diary,
Love Actually, anything with Colin Firth and
Daniel Craig, Indiana Jones, I adore The Thin
Man series, the original Carole Lombard and Jack
Benny film To Be Or Not To Be, I can't forget The
Scarlet Pimpernel, wow..I know there is more
and my movie collection is only topped by my

Re: Texas Pride (10:52am March 8, 2012):

I know my husband loves when I finish a
romance. I am affectionate anyway, but then the
spark is there..I tend to take my time in listening,
responding, and being more gentle in all
approaches with him.
We are a great loving couple anyway. And it is
always quality time spent together, whether we
go for a walk or sit in the car eating from a drive
thru...we have dates throughout the week,
making the little things very grand. Romance
novels help push you through, believing that any
conflict cam be overcome through
communication, patience, and love and you can
male Happily Ever After every day.

Re: Fever (1:35pm March 7, 2012):

I love your list.

Re: Sweet Enemy (9:32am March 6, 2012):

The banter, the battle of minds and words. I am
a passionate person and I know that once banter
occurs there is a connection, your adrenaline
increases, you get flush. For someone to press
buttons (in a good way) they must intrigue you in
some way. There is a sexiness to it.

Re: Dire Needs (12:04pm March 5, 2012):

I find an addiction in series, from the main characters continuing their saga, to the secondary characters having their own. Jo Beverly is great for capturing me.
I even find that I might not like the first book, but must read the second..as if I was brainwashed to do so.
I also love stand alones, they are complete, the end has occurred and as a reader that can be extremely satisifying

Re: Obsidian (4:53pm March 4, 2012):

HEA can happen, thanks for your blog. And a
chance to win.

Re: The Rodeo Man's Daughter (9:44am March 1, 2012):

I dread my reunion. 20 years in a couple
months. I went to a very small private school,
and for two reasons I think I will not go...1. I was
with my high school sweetheart throughout high
school and beyond and I don't want to deal with
his drama. 2. If I wanted to see my classmates I
would have stayed friends with them over the
years or messaged them on Facebook. I did go to
my 5th, and was so disappointed .. skins don't
change, neither do vicious people.

Re: A Sliver Of Shadow (12:18pm February 29, 2012):

I have had it both ways multiple times. I have had those moments that
you turn to the one you have known a long time but suddenly there is
just something different, I have had it where in an instant I knew
something great is happening ... I have been with my something great
for 10 years and we have gotten to be not just lovers but best friends. I
once told a friend, be happy with yourself and who you are, at least 80%
not that someone else will fill that 20%, but the right one will help you
grow in it.

Re: Miss Hillary Schools a Scoundrel (12:10pm February 29, 2012):

If I knew then what I know now I would have quit work and
homeschooled my children.

Re: Donovan's Bed (9:12am February 26, 2012):

Donovan sounds like most men I know, they
have blinders to all that gets done, as if it was a
magic wand that cleaned the house, did the
clothes, got groceries, made trips and errands,
and cooked dinner..I believe in ripping those
blinders off when they act up, I went on strike. It
is in those moments that they, just as you said
are one task at a time mentality, will stay up and
try to prove you wrong, but can't.

Re: The Rogue Pirate's Bride (10:50am February 24, 2012):

I have read romances as far back as I can
remember. Afterall, isn't Cinderella and Sleeping
Beauty a child's version of romance and happily
ever after. I love the sparks, the connection, the
banter, the trials that will be overcome, and the
end filled with promise and hope.
I love pirates. Whatever happened to them?
There used to be months of pirates to choose
from. I hope you are creating a trend, I can't
wait to read yours.

Re: The Risque Target (12:57pm February 23, 2012):

A mystery around him, a wicked streak that you
can see in the way he moves and that look in his
eyes, a broken heart needing to be healed by just
the right woman, he has a soft center despite his
reserve. And of course he would come to his
knees for the right one.

Re: King of Darkness (12:53pm February 23, 2012):

I can't remember my first cup. I was raised in a
Sicilian household. Coffee is what you poured
cereal in to eat in the morning with another cup
to drink. Espresso was what you drank after
dinner. My favorite ice cream flavor is coffee. I
know the love and I also wonder if my 5'2"
frame isn't because of my consumption of the
black gold.

Re: Courting His Favorite Nurse (10:49am February 21, 2012):

I would love a hot air balloon ride, right now I
am saving for my first skydive. I am excited
about it. Just two years ago I was afraid of
planes and refused to get on one, now I am
trying to jump out of one. I found the thrill and
the beauty of flying, feeling a part of the
vastness below.

Re: The Legacy Of Eden (10:45am February 21, 2012):

Imagination is the key to writing. To visualize
and put down in words for others to have a
similar experience is a wonderful gift. I think its
entirely possible to write of a place one has
never been. With the internet, books, resources
one can stay true to the basics and run from
there. I personally have been around the world
in my head and seen and walked streets stopped
in shops. Imagination a wonderous gift.

Re: The Last Beginning (9:41am February 19, 2012):

My worst was when my dear, thoughtful man
decided oops and ran to cvs got a card, hair
products, soap, condoms, and wine. Let me back
that up with, I don't drink and I have a
hysterectomy..I was horrified, filled with
suspicion. The moment things were handed to
me one at a time out of the bag I was beyond a
boiling point and mortified. The look of disdain
was apparently on my face as he slowly collected
the items, afterall it wasn't as fast as I would like,
and promptly returned the presents. Uggh, what
a memory.

Re: The Night Is Mine (10:11am February 17, 2012):

What I "hear" is a need to do something and it is
getting louder. My creative side is screaming to
be unleashed, I just haven't tapped into yet. It
makes it hard to deny this urge, and try to "get" it
right, to answer whatever the calling seems to

Re: Kismet (10:26am February 16, 2012):

The truest "word fail" I ever had was delivering
my children, the joy, magic, happiness, and so
much emotion that can't be described.
I am an emotional person, one that feels music,
art, and history. The first time I heard boccelli,
the first time I saw the statue of the kiss, the
first time you stand in a spot rich with
history...the simple awe of them that leaves you
wordlessly and breathless.

Re: The One (11:54am February 15, 2012):

I must admit I also have an addiction to reality
tv. I find drama release watching and a grateful
attitude for not being like them or being involved
in the things they get into.
Personally, I find that they give regular women a
bad name. What is a man to think about the
drama, the pettiness, and backstabbing...oh, and
let's not forget the slutty behavior. I also wonder
if it is scripted, afterall do people really act this
way day to day, hour by hour and like you I think
that a change occurs where the person has
become a character in the program and has a
need or obligation to behave on a certain way.
Do I think Kim on RHOA is as dumb as she acts,
Teresa of RHONJ as much in denial as she comes
across, Drita on Mob Wives as mouthy and tough
as nails as she portrays, and Vicki on RHOOC as
innocent as she wants to come across (and
Tamara as "victimized")... The list goes on and
They all have one thing in common - they are a
"character" bigger than life.Do you think Alex
from RHONY would have gotten a modeling
contract if she wasn't on the show. I think there
is a reward for bad and outrageous behavior -
look at how many talk shows and mentions
Snooky has. The more they behave this way
maybe it allows you to release that is behavior
inside as the viewer.

Re: Ride With Me (4:28am February 14, 2012):

I don't dare, I cook. My hubby doesn't know the
difference when I use lamb anymore (oh, but he
never tried it and didn't want to), he didn't like
"hot" food until I fixed cajun. I think if given a
chance to taste without knowing people would
enjoy more foods.

Re: Secrets of the Knight (1:56pm February 13, 2012):

My first paranormal was Always, I fell in love
with it and wanted more, but at the time it
wasn't a popular genre as it is now.
As far as movies go humor - The Frighteners or
Buffy the Vampire Slayer .. for visual
entertainment Hellboy, Afraid of the Dark, Pan's
Labyrinth- I love the illusion, imagery, and
depth. Hope you get a chance to enjoy them.

Re: A Fitting End (9:02am February 12, 2012):

A gallery owner and the artists that come in with
something in the past the must be solved.

Re: A Scandalous Countess (12:30pm February 9, 2012):

I love both, though I am partial yto
Georgian- namely because of your
books. I have read all your books, still
have my "Waiting for Rothgar" pin on
my bookcase. I love your books and am
so delighted to see you here.

Re: Stud (3:33pm February 8, 2012):

Movies cut scenes and change characters for the audience
they want to gear to, so no, movies don't live up to the
book..although for some I do like interpretation..The
Princess Bride for one, enjoyed the movie as much as the
book, even Forrest Gump..which I did like the movie a bit
more. The best interpretation and respect shown to
keeping as much true is Peter Jackson's Lord of the Rings
trilogy. The worst, Michael Crichton books have never
translated well to the screen, the books are amazing only
to be destroyed when becoming a movie and distributing
to the masses.

Re: The Duchess Diaries (6:15am February 7, 2012):

What a twist, that's why I hide my journal. The
books sounds great!

Re: Darkest Highlander (6:14am February 7, 2012):

I LOVE Magic. I think magic is in everyday life, it
feels good to read a book with it. If you look
closely, magic is all around - fairy rings, animals,
even knowing who is calling before they do..and
most definitely romance.

Re: Far from Here (8:41am February 4, 2012):

I am all over the place, I'm just one of those
people that have a drive to be creative in life.
Writing, decorating, painting, doing crafts like-
shadowboxes, flower arranging, making dried
flowers, photography, wreath making (and
swags), decoupage, crochet, I also love doing
makeovers (make up, clothes, shoes). The list
might seem exhausting but it allows my energy
I have redone furniture, finding a piece at
goodwill and seeing the diamond it can become,
making my image come out, stripping, painting,
stenciling, reeling the fabric - you would never
guess it was the same item.

Re: The Lord Of Illusion (2:08pm February 3, 2012):

Soothing and healing are amazing qualities. The gift of peace of mind is
priceless and the wholeness of the body. I am intrigued by all of them
though, to grow plants, to glimpse into the future, and having a collective
of gifts regarding the arts - would love a little from each. Healing,
soothing, have plants flourish (considering I have a black thumb, but wish
differently), to forsee, and at least gracefulness ( I fall going up the stairs

Re: Alpha Instinct (10:45am February 2, 2012):

The intrigue, the possible forbidden, as of a
curtain was raised to reveal a world that was just
beyond a veil

Re: Chosen By Sin (6:00pm January 31, 2012):

I think books written by people that have
experience in what they are writing brings more
vivid and color into the pages. What made you
turn to writing?

Re: Touch Me (2:30pm January 30, 2012):

I love all kinds of heroes. The kind to banter,
the kind that is the saving brute, the funny
almost too good, all though must be brought
"whole" by the heroine, and she by him.
Sometimes there is nothing like opposites that
compliment each other, the dreamer and realist
for example.

Re: Rosi's Castle (1:55pm January 29, 2012):

I love this post. It has depth, thought, and a true
understanding of characters. As an avid reader I
find myself drawn to the characters that you
have listed. I considered them my "friends' as I
read and grew. The written word is able to take
the reader into depths that can be somewhat
foreign but very rewarding. I find I re read
books, such as Tolkien, to even gather a new
perspective of the characters and myself.
Thank you for taking the time to write this blog.

Re: The Stubborn Dead (12:32pm January 28, 2012):

I do crafts with seashells, shadowboxes, collages,
and coloring..yes, in a coloring book. I find
release in reading and cleaning. Nothing quite
like scrubbing and the sound of the vacuum.
I collect old books, first editions, barbies
..remain on the box, anything Gone With The
Wind, movies and related items, fairies crystals,
statues,.. I am beginning to see I just might be a
collectible hoarder. I even collect fancy soaps,
which I use. I love the exotic smells. Scarves are
another love, with shoes. Oh, no, I am a hoarder!
Looks like spring cleaning might have to come

Re: Double Dare (10:44am January 27, 2012):

I think that sexy is blue collar work. The use of
muscles tones by the daily trade, the idea that
beneath that dirt is something beautiful, I also
think that it is the smell, where the musk and
sweat and pheremones do something to my
body. Uniforms are hot, but so is a button down
shirt in jeans and boots.

Re: Fever (12:56pm January 26, 2012):

I tend to run as a perfectionist, I will make lists
from lists to make sure nothing is overlooked. I
have my own schedule that can be tweaked
when things POP up.

Re: Hold Me If You Can (12:53pm January 26, 2012):

I think romance and love is a great theme. The
overcoming of obstacles, the Soulfire series
looks amazing. I can't wait to read.

Re: Fever (10:44am January 25, 2012):

Thank you for discussing writing and the need
tos push through. I am so glad that you were
able to interview someone else about it to. I
think that the work involved has been
overlooked but appreciated. I am a little ocd, I
also find that life interrupts those goals I set.
Afterall, the one that can get things done the
way they are supposed to, is me. I have to learn
delegation and relax on being hard on myself if I
can't jump the bar I set.

Re: Falling For The Fireman (2:53pm January 24, 2012):

I dated a fireman same I must say, they make
such giving lovers. The heat they put out is what
they give you. I think its the life and death
balance and the adrenaline. Plus, there is a
reason why they make those calendars ;)

Re: Amazon Heat (4:53pm January 23, 2012):

I like novellas. A quick escape from the day to day is always nice.

Re: Dreamers (11:32am January 21, 2012):

This story sounds amazing!

Re: Sex, Lies and Surveillance (12:04pm January 19, 2012):

Can it just be Daniel Craig, as Bond, as Bloomkist...I do enjoy the Sigma
Force novels by Rollins.

Re: Lure of Song and Magic (11:57am January 19, 2012):

I believe in magic, the elements, life, and those things that can't be
explained. I lived in fairy tales as a girl and had grown up on a property
the inspired and fed my imagination. To this day a breeze, or fairy rings
can be magic. I also believe in some people having a.gift, being able to
"see" or witness the past or future, that they can look beyond the veil. I
think all of us have certain abilities if we open ourselves up. Things like
calling someone who was thinking of you or picking up to dial you,
hearing your child's cry when they are in school, the messages are there
for everyone to grab and open themselves up to.

Re: Scrumptious (7:16am January 18, 2012):

I always had large dreams and I like to think I have been able to achieve them on a smaller scale..(be a famous actress to a local acting troupe, be a writer which I have had small things published like my poetry but.., to be an artist to doing my children's projects and projects around the house) The greatest thing I ever wanted to be I achieved 17 years ago buy becoming a mother- the reat is like parenthood, shooting from the hip and experimenting as I learn more about myself.

Re: Made For Marriage (9:19pm January 17, 2012):

Try, try, and try some more. Practice makes perfect and sooner than later
others will see your potential and quality before you know it.

Re: Sins Of The Highlander (7:49pm January 14, 2012):

The one trait in all my "heroes" is integrity. Simple, though in life hard to

Re: The Duke is Mine (8:42pm January 3, 2012):

I love GWTW. I would choose Rhett and of
course he would be the hero.

Re: A Promise Of Safekeeping (12:35pm January 1, 2012):

I hold onto every project my children have ever
made. It sits behind glass and in 2 trunks..one
for each. I think I do it because when I was little I
would go through a draw in my grandmothers
house and it had all my handmade things,
letters, cards, projects. I still go into her house
and open the draw occasionally and the latest is
sitting on top, makes you feel loved and

Re: The More the Terrier (8:02pm December 31, 2011):

I want 2012 to give my family and I peace of
mind, heart, and spirit..I want to have my loved
ones healthy, happy, and prosperous, I want
them to abtain their dreams and create new
ones. I hope that everyone does one random act
of kindness a day and pays it forward. The new
year is filled with hope.

Re: The Angel Of Blythe Hall (8:25pm December 30, 2011):

I was told at 17 that I could not have children.
Despite operations the news remained the
same, my unexpected gifts were my children.
One born in Dec (he is 17 this year), one near
thanksgiving (she is now 13- acting 23). They are
my blessings, my gifts, and my angels (although
the horns occasionally hold the halo up). Looking
at the sadness and depression I was in and then
having my hopes and dreams realized not just
once, but twice, no competition, they are my

Re: Mozart's Last Aria (7:06am December 28, 2011):

I love Mozart! I think so much is written fiction
and non fiction on many other maestros. Your
book is on my TBR list as a must.

Re: The Last Slayer (4:39pm December 26, 2011):

WOW!! The characters seem larger than life.
Love your descriptions!

Re: Finding Felicity (11:01am December 24, 2011):

Tis the season to know that it is much better to
give than receive. Give, give, give. Go through the
closet, go into my wallet, choose a couple
children off the angel tree, and donate my time.
The world would be a better place if people
practiced this all year round. Never forget the
reason for the season. Have a Merry Christmas!

Re: The Nine Lives Of Christmas (10:57am December 24, 2011):

I don't know if this holiday will allow me to put
my feet up. I'm still cooking, got up at 6 this
morning to start the traditions that have been in
our family for years and to begin to cook for
tomorrow. Then it is serving and cleaning up. I
don't know how I put 5 lbs on during the
holidays when I am doing more running around
than at the gym on the treadmill. May your
holiday be relaxed and filled with those you love.

Re: Wedded In Scandal (10:11am December 23, 2011):

Lately my time consumer is preparing for Christmas, from shopping and
wrapping, visiting and cooking, making cookies and trimming the tree.
Along with the normal everyday this is added to leave me exhausted.

Re: Lady Seductress's Ball (8:49am December 19, 2011):

My favorite are the ones my grandmother
makes, pizzelles. They are an Italian cookies so
thin yet filled with flavor. Just a couple drops of
anise makes the whole batch. Since they are so
thin, you can go through a dozen on a blink.
Greatest part is that they are homemade and
part of tradition, and of course that my
grandmother is still here making them out of

Re: Sleight Of Paw (4:38pm December 18, 2011):

I used to model, what seems a thousand years
ago and 50lbs. ago, I loved the camera...then
children arrived and since I have behind the
lens. It's rare to even find a recent photo of me I
think the last was at a wedding 5 years ago.
Funny story though, my nephew in law, is in
every photo of family events and candid shots.
He attaches himself to other family members
standing around the tree, always putting his
head and body in almost every shot. Considering
he is over 30 now, continues to do this, it is a
long running family joke. You can have a copy of
your family around the tree with Jon in the
background (looking like he belongs to you).

Re: The King's Mistress (10:56am December 17, 2011):

I love the holiday traditions that are still being
used from ancient times, from the garland on
the tree to the 12 days/yule log. Thanks for
another tidbit of information I must share on the

Re: How To Worship A Goddess (8:35pm December 13, 2011):

I understand how watching hockey players can make the
cold seem hot. I live where spring season occurs for the
baseball teams and those views are magnificent, thank
goodness for cold drinks and sunglasses.

Re: Shield of Fire (1:17pm December 11, 2011):

Thank God for people like you. When I was
seperated and divorced, working two jobs to
keep things going, not knowing what to do for
Christmas, I got a call to pick up something for
my children..someone had put my children and
myself on a list, and I later found out it was the
peditricans secretary, for gifts. I cried the
moment I saw the packages. Humbling and truly
grateful, I can recall that moment and the look
on my children's faces Christmas morning. Over
the years when I have extra I find myself
choosing a boy and girl from a tree, hoping to
give a chance to another family that I was given.
Many blessings to you this Holiday and always.

Re: Mistletoe and Margaritas (3:25pm December 10, 2011):

I have always dreamed of living in Europe, to live in Sicily where my family is from, to explore the Aeolian Islands and the Amalphi Coast. I currently live in So. Fl. and love it, the colors, the ocean, the slight tempature changes in winter - I feel better in my body, mind, and spirit. I used to live where I couldn't find my car under the snow for days, and the cold would settle in and I would never feel warm.

Re: Beyond The Darkness (11:19pm December 4, 2011):

My life has been filled with overcoming the
abuse I suffered from my father and my ex. It
led me to find strength within me to care for my
children, to always have an ember of hope even
when the flame has gone out. I never give up,
push myself to the limit, and love with my whole
being. The road that I took might not be filled
with glitter, but it is filled with wisdom, hard
knocks, and the lessons of love.

Re: Acquainted with the Night (12:21pm December 1, 2011):

WOW!! I used to work in the field of clinical studies with drug companies, this sounds amazing!

Re: Hot Zone (12:19pm December 1, 2011):

My wish is to have family near, and to be able to see a few because they are getting close to passing. For my family and loved ones to have peace of mind, heart, body, and spirit.

Re: The Earl's Mistaken Bride (2:07pm November 30, 2011):

I have said, especially lately due to family drama, when life gives you
lemons get lemoncello. Sometimes just stepping back allows everything
to breath, like you, and things become clearer.

Re: Waking Up Dead (1:58pm November 26, 2011):

Never giving up is what it is about. I would love to read this.

Re: The Spy Who Left Me (1:55pm November 26, 2011):

I feel life gets sucked out every time I do black Friday shopping, and
every year I say that I will not go, be better prepared...but I go. Now my
list is done. I mail them off they live over 1000 miles away. I enjoy quiet
Christmas, Midnight Mass. Counting my blessings.

Re: The Storm That Is Sterling (3:30pm November 22, 2011):

Tormented "hero" if I can use that word a little
loosely, Othello. Truly tormented, great line.."I
have loved not wisely, but all too well" His
character has always had a strong impact on me.
For the holidays, favorite meal and trimmings
and get the tree and decorations out if not up.

Re: White Dawn (11:19am November 21, 2011):

Our stories sound similiar, my children excel at creative writing with
awards and fan base on a writing site, I excelled in writing, english,
history, and I also love telling stories and writing long letters (of course
through the mail) I used to write and had things published, but after the
children, there seemed as though there was no time. Your story reminds
me that I am never too old.

Re: The Return Of The Stranger (11:12am November 21, 2011):

I think that there are certain books one can go back and modernize,
tweak, even add a happy ending to..I look forward to reading yours.

Re: The Highlander's Heart (11:33am November 16, 2011):

I love the banter that occurs between the couple, but the true inspiration
comes from the internal battles. If it wasn't for those "demons", the
character, like real life, wouldn't be how they are, wouldn't have the
struggle to overcome..and let's face it we all have our own struggle and
reading/seeing someone overcome is inspiring.

Re: Until There Was You (11:26am November 16, 2011):

Prom seems so far away. I went to a school that had 200 people, my
class 26.. those cliques were all represented. Funny I just went down
memory lane with my best friend, whom I met in high school, and it left
me feeling young and fresh again.

Re: Because Of You (1:52am November 15, 2011):

What an accomplishment! Congratulation!

Re: Shadowlander (10:38am November 12, 2011):

Characters, all time, Scarlett-Buffy the Vampire Slayer-right now movie
wise I am in love with Anonymous, I do love Lord of the Rings The
Fellowship series. I think I love too much, I am very ecletic.

Re: The Last Rising (2:15am November 10, 2011):

Scarlett ... Definitely fits the profile you have
provided. Strong, not conforming to the wishes
of others, caring for those she loved and the
legacy of her family.

Re: North of Need (3:40pm November 9, 2011):

Integrity makes a hero - honest, faithful, loyal, giving, loving, compassionate, humor - I enjoy your idea of a God, he sounds so hot.

Re: Risking Trust (3:35pm November 9, 2011):

Flaws allow growth another deminsion to develop or find "quirky" - It helps to be human and overcome

Re: Radiant Desire (4:48pm November 2, 2011):

I thought I was the only woman who was attracted to your not popular man and turned off by the most popular. I have found Brad Pitt unappealing and of course I am attracted to House.. I also find the strong man - intellectually very alluring. I saw Anonymous and found myself attracted to Rhys Ifans.
I think I also choose lovers the same way, afterall the real aphrodisaic is the mind.

Re: Enchanted Destiny (4:43pm November 2, 2011):

How 3 dimesional - love the interview with character.

Re: Embrace The Highland Warrior (4:41pm November 2, 2011):

I love things that go bump in the night. The excitement, the rush of adrenaline, the need to explore further.. while people run away, I run to.. there is an attraction to the darkness and what comes alive in it.

Re: The Virtuoso (4:37pm November 2, 2011):

I love series involving families and friends. I look forward to catching yours - as a must read.
I also used to live in Western MD - between Frostburg and Cumberland up to a year ago. What a great use of time in the winter is writing. Hope the winter isnt as harsh as it has been the past couple years. Good Luck with all your endeavors

Re: Ecstasy Untamed (2:12pm October 27, 2011):

You are never too old to grow out of "what if" and answering that question is pure creativity. Love this blog..it lets me know I am not alone.

Re: His Last Duchess (2:09pm October 27, 2011):

I like how you described writing as a discovery of invention. I also admire the fact that you spend time teaching -- the world needs more people like you in it.

Re: If You Hear Her (12:02pm October 25, 2011):

Halloween is my favorite holiday. I still go to
haunted houses, watch scary movies, decorate
like a madman, and of course dress up. I get a
strange thrill from jumping out of my skin and
scaring my friends. I love it when a book can give
me that same thrill. Can't wait to read yours.

Re: Haunting Embrace (10:03pm October 24, 2011):

I love your characters. I hope for more.

Re: Dire Threads (10:01pm October 24, 2011):

My grandmother. She raised me, has the best
taste. She taught me to cook, paint, decorate,
sew, crochet,.. she has taught me everything, she
would make up stories and songs just like that..I
know any creativity in me was forge with her.
Thank God for her and all the happiness she has
brought into my life.

Re: Entice Me (9:57pm October 24, 2011):

There are good guys out there, but too few.
Hope your research gets you a HEA .

Re: Against The Storm (2:41pm October 17, 2011):

I find it encouraging to read what happened and
that 50 books later your name is sought out. It's
also a testament that you and your husband
enjoy writing and encourage each other.

Re: Queeen of the Sylphs (11:09am October 13, 2011):

I was addicted years ago to those "bodice rippers" (sometimes it's still nice to read one) but there was this theme that ran through them for a year or so, which was the intolerable acts and behavior of the "hero". He was able to kidnap, rape, leave, harm, and return all to have her character grown to love/need/can't live without him. The characters to vivid that I remember the story lines today, the way you could hate him only to have him realize that she is everything (hopefully grow from her family trying to kill him/losing everything/going through his revenge/etc) and then my heart would skip a beat and tears roll down my face. Yes, I believe villians can become heroes - it happens in real life, people grow as do the characters that one creates, life lessons are learned, sometimes great acts of heroism will change everything - as humans we have this capablility to develop are character, change if we need to - same is true for the characters on paper. I'm left thinking about The Color Purple (the movie) and how much I hated Danny Glover, only to find his character development made me respond to his gift and self inflicted pain in the end.

Re: The Rose Garden (1:34pm October 12, 2011):

I love secondary characters, it adds that dimension. Sometimes I can find myself enjoying them more than the main characters. There is something to be said, my grandmother taught me, "show me your friends and I will tell you about yourself" - wise words and I love reading and experiencing that in a great book.

Re: Unleashed (9:20pm October 10, 2011):

To choose just one animal, I would choose a mythical creature like the Pheonix, animals in reality I love cats and that whole family of them.. from a house cat to a panther they are cleek, independent, have personalities, and I think that they are very primal.

Re: Chosen By Fate (3:50pm October 9, 2011):

I think men are visual..like its too hard for them to get "stimulated" by a
book that contains romance, adventure, and sex - but a movie, they will
watch. Don't be too hard on your brother, he doesn't know better, he's
wired differently. Great job on your book.

Re: The Goblin King (12:59pm October 7, 2011):

I find inspiration everywhere - nature, photography, crafts, books, movies, and just people watching.. I also find it in dreams, be nighttime or daydreams. I think creativity grows with outlets allowing further inspiration to enter.
By and by, Clive Owen makes great inspiration as does the story of Tristan and Isolde, but I love the fact that I am not the only Disney person out there, I also know every line in Beauty and the Beast (my favorite song is Something There from the movie - too cute). You have shared your inspiration wonderfully and make The Goblin King a must read, I hope to see more blogs by you.

Re: Roommates (5:52pm October 5, 2011):

I love names like Joseph, William, Charles, Anthony, and Michael but there is that part that wistfully glances at Giovanni and Vincezzo (even Montgomery) - names that create an image that I picture irrestible, versus putting a name to the image. Naming your characters is like a little of both, I suppose - kind of like naming your real children, afterall they will be stuck with it.

Re: Chaos Tryst (10:35pm October 2, 2011):

I have had a pervert magnet for years, its good to know I'm not the only
one experiencing these horrifying moments.
Once I went bowling with someone I thought was normal, after work,
met up with a few of my friends/co workers there. After being on my feet
all day than those bowling shoes, I needed to kick them off - next I know
he was taking off my socks, admiring my feet, rubbing them with his
hands and then, mind you first date, put my foot into his crotch where he
Another was meeting a guy blind date, set up..he saw me,knew a friend
of mine ( who for many reasons including this, no longer is), I had to
meet him and pick him up at his apartment. No problem, until, he
answered the door with porn on the tv and it was him, his brother, a box
of Kleenex, lotion, and dirty socks that greeted me. Yuck!
I hate sitting across from a man, like you did, that has no other interest
in you therefore they make assine comments, smile, compliment you
and say let's get it on... Not in this lifetime, where are the good guys?

Re: Studenstein (4:10pm September 30, 2011):

Royce sounds awefully human, I think we all
have a duality to us. A perfectionist can be
perfect yet suffer low self esteem, a
compassionate person at work can be abusive at
home, you can be a whore in the bedroom and a
chef in the kitchen, and the idea that he is
frightened to hope- how human and how often
in life do we go through that. He sounds like a
delightful character. Thank you for creating him.

Re: The Norse King's Daughter (1:32pm September 29, 2011):

I have been reading you for years. In a reading
slump I do bookswap, go back to favorites,
switch genres. Sometimes mixing it up seems to
help, every third book pick up something
different. If its really bad, sometimes you just
need that break, it will never last too long,
especially if your out getting fresh air, relaxing
the mind, soon it wants activity.

Re: The Seduction of Sophie Seacrest (4:17pm September 26, 2011):

I have a love for Rhett Butler, a man's man and a ladies man.. a man
truly passionate, even patient, but one driven mad by love
almost...maybe that's also why I love Othello..who loved not wisely but
all too well.

Re: Jennifer's Garden (9:37pm September 25, 2011):

Jackson Montgomery.. I love that name. It's great
to see that your main interest in writing is
twofold, the romantic and story, for women.
Love how it sounds.

Re: Once Upon A Groom (5:48pm September 22, 2011):

I think along with fairy tales, Disney, the Hallmark Channel..any female,
of all ages is succeptible to the belief of HEA, of being princesses- heck, I
named my daughter after one.
BTW, Happy Anniversary.

Re: Fitzwilliam Darcy, Rock Star (1:49pm September 21, 2011):

I love music and the weight of the lyrics that
hold the grasp of emotion behind the
songwriter/ musician. Sounds like an original
take on Darcy, can't wait to read it.

Re: Murder By Mocha (1:44pm September 21, 2011):

I love sweet than salty. My fab is cannolis, I can
even just eat the cream like it was sherbert, but
now I can't eat dairy or soy, I have an allergy to
nuts, so my fantasies involve eating the
decadent food I used to. I stick to berries, freeze
a banana, top add a coat of sugar, mix, .. it takes
that sweet tooth and satisfies it. Salty, I love
fingerling potatoes with olive oil, rosemary,
garlic, and spice.. good and filling too.
Also, you are not alone with the boss from hell

Re: The Rake And The Recluse (3:06pm September 18, 2011):

What an original idea to keep up with the
technology today. Love the pictures, they seem
more like portraits and art than crossing a line
or cheesy. Great job!

Re: The Last Rising (3:02pm September 18, 2011):

I think I have always been a very sensual person.. touching, kissing,
sucking, oh my! From soft caresses to the slap on the behind.. I must say,
I'm aroused.

Re: To Sketch A Thief (4:51pm September 16, 2011):

I named my daughter after my favorite story growing up, my fault though it was a fairy tale and she acts like a princess.. But there was no compromise, no, not at all, I think because I have always been an avid reader that if I had a baseball and softball team, I still wouldn't have run out - but it's thanks to the writer's (more so than any baby name book) and to fairy tales, great novels, and those names we can never forget along with the characters.

Re: Tempted (2:40pm September 15, 2011):

Non traditional damsel.. from recent film, if that counts,
Zooey Daschanel in the mini series take of a modern
Dorthy in "Tin Man" .. your book sounds great.

Re: Out in Blue (2:31pm September 13, 2011):

I have always enjoyed the paranormal, as far as
the traits..I like the abilities the ability to soothe,
telekensis, great strength.. it is the abilities that
makes the story grasp me, keep me intrigued,
especially when there is the anti hero and
climatic build up with the " powers " - wow.

Re: No Proper Lady (2:23pm September 13, 2011):

Great idea. Book sounds great.

Re: Stone Cold Seduction (4:41am September 11, 2011):

I love relaxation tapes at the end of the day..to meditate, hypnotize
before bed, a cleansing of mind and work on the sub conscious as I relax
and hopefully wipe away the stress of the day. The present is just that a
present, but I admit I am a worrywart, I do allow moments,people to
bother me - longer than I care to admit, but, life is not about perfection,
its about growing. Thanks for this blog.

Re: Wings of Fire (12:51pm September 9, 2011):

I love the inspiration taken from the paranormal, taking all sorts, angels, demons, ghosts, phantoms, the mysteries that existed in stories and "fairy tales" - I love when a series has great secondary characters that are reintroduced and have their own books, I think that that series would have an air of darkness with the light of hope and love.
I would drive/walk in a snowstorm (and I have) to get books. Any and every - depends on the mood that the storm has caught me in and who I am "trapped" with (the landlord next door from hell or the good looking guy 2 floors up). Luckily I got away from the snow and can get books every day!Your series sounds amazing!!

Re: Lord and Lady Spy (2:02pm September 8, 2011):

Daniel Craig is so hot.. I can understand picturing him in anything and
nothing, wink. I also love Ryan Gosling. Men that have talent and are eye
candy, boy, I have a sweet tooth... Gerard Butler, Clive Owen, wow..my list
goes on...women spies I like Cate Blanchett..brillant actress, classic.

Re: Bel Air (9:30pm September 7, 2011):

I also am firstborn, and a Virgo - coming up on Sunday. Being the picky one, the perfectionist, the one the "parents experiment on" is never easy. I have so many favorite quotes - I think the song my grandmother taught me to get through everything, "Smile"... and since I developed food allergies I can no longer eat my favorite birthday cake - Cannoli! Please treat yourself to one, and have a Happy Birthday!

Re: Deep Disclosure (9:02pm September 7, 2011):

I think if I didn't have regret I would have the possibilities and dreams for the future - Without the what if, I wouldn't be able to appreciate the present. Sometimes looking back is the most painful thing to do, but without it how would I grow and make things better, make me, my life, and the lives around me better.

Re: The Wedding Affair (11:25pm September 6, 2011):

That brought me back, my grandfather built me one, and dressed as Santa delivered it to me one Christmas. Luckily we had those reels transfered, and I can see those moments - especially that one over again. The dollhouse has since been passed on to my daughter. Along with the love that took all the care and diligence to create something so magical.

Re: Serendipity (3:31pm September 1, 2011):

I think all three, try each on and see which would mold better with my
personality. I love the strength of the alpha and know that I need a
strong personality to help keep me in check or keep me going, I also love
southern gentleman - that romancing angle seducing works, with
integrity and laid back mentality helps soothe me, the combo.. depends
on the traits but sounds too good too be true.

Re: Diaries Of An Urban Panther (1:17pm August 31, 2011):

Thank goodness I carry hot pepper spray aka legal mace. I would hope
that I would stand up for myself and keep myself at a distance from
physical attack. I loved how Mr whedon wrote Buffy as someone you
wouldn't think would fight by her looks, going down dark alleys, having
things jump out..I'm not like that, looking for trouble, but not crazy to
flight and make it hunt me down.

Re: Redeeming The Rogue (1:09pm August 31, 2011):

When a story ends and the characters are too much to let go, I tend to
dream later about them, write the author hoping they will add them even
as secondary characters, there is also fan fiction.

Re: Blood of the Demon (7:48pm August 28, 2011):

You had me at sexy and loyal. I love them also
intelligent, having integrity, the alpha that knows
it but doesn't throw it around until its needed. I
love heroes that have "character", brings out the
best (and worst) of his heroine.

Re: Ward Against Death (2:13pm August 27, 2011):

Dream job... Paid to travel, explore, write. Can I add shop? Eat? Read?
Afterall, it is a dream right.

Re: Secrets: Desires Unleased (4:32am August 25, 2011):

One time we had to live way in the wilderness, taking my pampered, fat, male cat into the far reaches of his anxiety as he could go.. and myself, to be honest. There were snakes (copperheads to greet me at the front door), racoons (climbing onto the high deck at night), bats, spricket (spider+cricket creature), mice (which the cat kindly shared his food with), but the worst was while fumigating out of the attic dropped spiders bigger than any I have ever seen - my cat who was sitting atop the back of a chair leaped higher and ducked lower than I have ever seen him before or since.

Re: Lucky Girl (6:08pm August 23, 2011):

The first date with the man I'm with for the last ten years, he was my
nurse when I was sick in the hospital. I had surgery, complications, but
not enough to effect my flirting. I think he was suprised. He was
attracted, but rules are rules, until I signed those papers. More or less
saying well, I'm not a patient any more..he said, so that gave him the go
ahead to ask me out. We did. Right after his shift. Been together since.

Re: Desire and Deception (1:16pm August 19, 2011):

I think the black white thinking comes from home and being how you
were raised with those influences, good/bad.. I was raised in a very strict
house, had nuns for teachers til graduating high school, I was abused my
family member, I received corporal punishment everyday just because-
so I would be a good girl. Rebelling was smoking, trying to run away, and
finding abusive relationships.. fulfilling the role set. I denied myself, who
I am for good/bad, black/white, denied my creativity, my hopes, dreams,
and fantasies. Through it all, I am getting to know who I am now, my
wants without contraints or labels.

Re: Love Me Twice (12:16pm August 18, 2011):

I am lucky to have rhythm, but everyday walking..watch out. I fall going
UP the stairs. People look for my "Lucy" moment of the day. I love to
disappoint them and if I think wow a day without banging myself up of
tripping, there goes my legs. But start the music, my body knows, and
teach a few steps that last a lifetime (rhumba, sumba, even foxtrot) I
become graceful.

Re: The Vampire Next Door (1:28am August 15, 2011):

I love the banter and the way you describe your characters, they seem
quirky, fun, and a must read. Very unique.

Re: Fezariu's Epiphany (1:18pm August 13, 2011):

Tolkien's lifework began with love, a development of a new world,
languages, cultures, the history,.. etc. The lifework and love spills forth
into the creation of the books. I am sure you and him have those shared
pains and love of labor. What you have done is rare and should be
applauded. Sounds great, great job.

Re: Spycatcher (12:52pm August 11, 2011):

Very few of us have the gut, the fire the grab the
dream, to bite life and make with it what we can-
I definitely believe experience takes the cake.
You can describe people, place, things, food,
aroma, but it isn't as good as being there.
Admittedly, reading and experiencing second
hand through story telling is good, but what
would I give to experience life without fear.

Re: The Landlord's Black-Eyed Daughter (3:36pm August 10, 2011):

I love that you compared authoress, improper
ladies.. whores. Brillant.
Happy Ever After is wonderful to read, dream,
hope for.. heck, I would love to join a class action
suit to pay for getting over the idea of Prince
Charming riding up to rescue, leading to the
HEA- darn Disney. But I am hooked. Love
reading about it, love watching movies/tv about
it, and love dreaming/searching for it.

Re: Making Waves (7:45am August 8, 2011):

For someone that doesn't know actors, you picked some great ones.
Picking the ones you did certainly makes the characters come alive
before I even read your book. They sound amazing, fun, quirky, and sexy.

Re: Dead Man's Switch (12:20pm August 7, 2011):

I double check my triple check..uggh. life never stops, but sometimes I
have to force myself to stop, just stop. Stop doing, stop thinking, stop
worrying, stop "doing it all" (afterall if you want something done right, do
it yourself), stop and breath, stop and relax my body and mind, stop and
rest (I don't even know about rest anymore). It takes a while to shut
down, but nothing to start back up, and more often I wish I was shut
down longer.

Re: Pleating for Mercy (12:11pm August 7, 2011):

Reading, writing, collecting all kinds of stuff.. books, GWTW, fairies,
antiques, crystals, scarves, ... I have not reached the hoarders line but
I'm sure I could cross it.

Re: The Lady Of The Storm (12:05pm August 7, 2011):

A picture is worth a thousand words, a few
words can paint a picture. That is talent, the
ability to captivate the reader and transport
them, giving life to people, places, dialogue, and
actions. I love that journey.

Re: Too Hot To Touch (12:32pm August 3, 2011):

I had plenty of celeb crushes, I don't even think at the time I understood
what it was about Indiana Jones that made me watch over and over. But
my break my heart crush.. unfortunately, was a friend. We hung out,
knew people, went to movies, clubs, dinners, functions...years and years.
From helping with him being locally elected to him helping me through
my medical problems.. but I wanted so much more, looking in his eyes,
my heart would pause and flip and there was one time, but, life happens.
We email almost every week, I saw him 2 years ago and my heart still
flipped. Now I'm the one that he compares everyone to, but I wonder if
too much time has gone by. I still crush on him though, he still holds my

Re: The Full Moon Bride (12:59pm August 1, 2011):

I loved where I used to live on Sat. there was a 2 hour public access
program that focused on the Indian culture, what was happening,
bollywood, and the music videos. I would sit entranced by the beautiful
imagery and saris. The videos shown seemed to always tell a story about
love. I miss those quiet mornings. Your book sounds just as entracing.

Re: Notorious (11:58am July 29, 2011):

I would do whatever it took to find love. If it
meant disguise, barging into a ball as if I was
invited, making myself a companion, or traveling
off to search it. The idea of arrangement,
servitude, losing myself strictly for the sake of
priority and society - well society be damned.
There are things worth fighting for, yourself, that
inner spirit inside of you, and love.

Re: What A Goddess Wants (9:06am July 28, 2011):

I think that women are able to multi task in ways
that amaze others. We can juggle housework,
cooking, work, home ec, tutoring, raising
children, nursing, scheduling, ..and thats just
inside the home, barely, just goes to show...it
takes a woman, or in each one of the cases, a
goddess to be a able to do all of that.

Re: The Genesis Key (7:19pm July 27, 2011):

I love the idea of science and religion crashing in a book. Taking an idea
and formulating it into a novel that is interesting and compelling, is a
science and art. I love novels like this (James Rollins writes a mix like
this). Can't wait to read yours.
P.S. thanks for sharing, you never know where and when inspiration will

Re: A Gentleman Never Tells (1:39am July 25, 2011):

The typos are one thing to find, to err is
human..looking for what seemed like a whole
scene missing..editor/printers error. I have also
come across pages where the ink faded into
nothing or pages were bond so words were
somewhere in the glue or cut. Oh, as for
pictures..well, never buy a book for its cover. I
just chalk it up afterall I make mistakes too.

Re: Hold Me (9:04pm July 24, 2011):

I was rushed to the hospital my family thinking I was having a heart
attack, pain unable to breath, throwing off erratic heartbeats than
none..but I was in my 20s. Stress test, echo test, even a catherization...
Cardiomyopathy. No I never used drugs, never abused my body... But
the strain of others harming me, breaking me, could that have done
it..possible. there is medicine out there but I can't take it, so I am
monitored all the time. The ticker inside, a ticking time clock reminder to
live each day to its fullest. I would love to read your book.

Re: Undead And Undermined (3:11am July 23, 2011):

--I would never judge anyone for giving their
opinion, and when in your eyes things seem a
little skewed well it never hurts to point it out.

Re: Touch If You Dare (11:15pm July 21, 2011):

My hero varies.. sometimes the bad boy, sometimes the dangerous, to
the one needing reform, to the one reformed. I change heros like
underwear, everyday :) But, seriously, its the story that catches me, the
character that keeps me reading. Your book sounds great.

Re: In The Heat Of The Bite (12:07pm July 19, 2011):

I think that even in the classics, you learn to
distinguish a great writer based on the way they
can give dimension to the characters, including
secondary. I love secondary characters, they
bring a history, a sense of personality to the
main, they can lighten or darken the book
appropriately. Do I have a favorite.. no, I have
too many. I love it when I get to read their story
after being intrigued and having that early
character development and taste of them.

Re: The What If Guy (1:56pm July 17, 2011):

Inquiring minds need to know... You have an inquiring mind. I'm sure
people aren't offended by the conversation, afterall it takes them back
and lets them reminiscence.

Re: The Crepe Makers' Bond (6:47pm July 13, 2011):

Unfortunately I let others define me for years. I had let them choose the path I would take in my life, the goals I was to achieve and fail, and as time has passed I have come to realize I am none of the things that they defined/pushed upon me - everyday I am molding myself, healing myself, creating and achieving, everyday is a blessing and adventure. I have learned Not to box my children in with defining lines - they are free spirits with dreams and wings for flight, my job is to give them roots and a branch to land on (and a whole lot of love that comes naturally)

Re: Magnificent Passage (12:44pm July 12, 2011):

Good old fashion bodice rippers- my favorite.
How I miss them, I find myself keeping,
rerreading, and looking for them in second hand
book stores. It was the bodice ripper that turned
me to romance.. that and GWTW. Hope to get
your book, love them.

Re: Just One Season In London (8:48pm July 11, 2011):

If I could trade places... Miranda. :)

Re: Luck of the Devil (1:40am July 11, 2011):

Thank you for sharing your story. My daughter is
a tween and has caught the creative writing
bug..fanfiction. I love it. It's great that I can
share your story with her, gives her that glimpse
of the what the future could hold.

Re: Runestone (4:59am July 9, 2011):

Don't get me wrong I am a sucker for eyes (window to the soul type
thing), but I love the humor, intellect, and compassion within. I
immediately know if someone knows the meaning of respect..if they
respect themselves, their family, others, they have the capability to
respect you. I hold honesty high up there along with all forms of fidelity (
intellectual, mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical)- but I think the
biggest turn-on is integrity. Now that is sexy and all too rare.
Like I said, please don't get me wrong.. I have a wicked sense of humor
and a dirty mind is a horrible thing to waste -on the wrong person, and I
love double meaning conversations... But the rare gem, the sexiest find is
a man with integrity.

Re: The Doctor Takes A Princess (12:54pm July 8, 2011):

My first born had the better temperment,my second child... Oh, I was
brought to tears, thinking there was something radically wrong. I cradled
her, she wanted to be bundled, I'd rock her, run the shower (until I got a
sound machine) for her to relax to, I would sing Dream A Little Dream ...
Somehow along that mix it worked and she would sleep, my son..slept
through it. Amazing how quick that time flies. And how you would take a
moment like that to have them young just once more, for just a second.

Re: Loved By A Warrior (11:33am July 6, 2011):

Myths and Legends I believe were used to explain the unexplainable, to
prevent things from happening/ or certain questions raised to peak
curiousosity, to control the believers, and as a form of social history
storytelling. I am not dismissing any myth or legend, for I was raised to
believe in quite a few. These "tales" were told to me from my
grandmother, she was told by her mother..I told my children, who
somewhat believe and half roll their eyes. They are part lesson/part
superstition/part unexplained and all entrancing.
I love the ideas that you put for your books, they sound amazing.

Re: Shadow Of A Quarter Moon (12:10pm July 5, 2011):

I think that its important to step outside of yourself, once in a while it is
good to take a new way home from work, discover a new view-that's
exactly what I think in reading. It's important not be stagnant, not firing
nuerons in the brain can lead to ruin...what do I do, take a new route, try
something new, learn and attempt to master something, step outside of
normal everyday, read something new, experience something new. To
be honest, sometimes I cheat... Something new to read, experience,
learn,and step outside of my norm can all be combined. It's easy to keep
a promise to do this at least once a month, add books, all the time.

Re: Never Cry Wolf (12:35pm July 2, 2011):

His hair grows faster than anyone you have ever
known. He is banned from every nail salon (from
that metro fad look time). He has an uncanny
sense of smell, the better to stalk you with.. if
need be. The nibble can turn to a bite - not to
complain. Pure animal magnetism.

Re: Wild and Unruly (3:21am June 30, 2011):

I discuss this theory of time, all the time (pardon
the pun). I love the idea that space is curve and
that the possibility that not only is time, but time
folds upon itself. I love using simple examples of
blackhole theory and incorporating it even
further. Is travel possible.. why not. Who is to
say what has/hasn't been done to further
humanity or our existence. There is so many
layers yet to peel away from this mystery and it
will only be revealed when it is "time". I loved
Somewhere In Time, the theme song was even
my fist husband and my wedding song..he was
actually the one that turned me on to the movie.
Ironic as that sounds. I fell for this one book
called Always by Trevor Meldal-Johnsen,Always
My Love by Carla Simpson, Rememberance,
Knight In Shining Armour.. think I have kept and
re-read all my TT books, just can't depart from

Re: Dying For Justice (5:50am June 28, 2011):

I fear settling, I fear abuse, I fear being unable to right any wrong I might
have caused or it being too late to say I love you or sorry. I fear a life
without meaning, without gratefulness, without love, compassion, or
When I read of fearful things, I prefer to have the end work out..
afterall,it is much harder in life for it to happen that way.

Re: Night Veil (5:58pm June 27, 2011):

I love this question. I used to collect comic books, hang out with my
friends, play D&D, how times have changed but the eternal question
remained.. Batman or Superman. Superman is an alien with
superpowers, yes he stands for good, justice, so on, so on... But take a
man that has scars, darkness, pain and fallibility and still fights for good
and for others to have daylight shine upon them.. well, that's the true
hero. Definitely a Batman girl. As I write this I think of Shakespeares
Sister's song Face to Face.

Re: The Dark Enquiry (9:15am June 26, 2011):

I love history and somehow it breaths still in my head, the way you wrote
it here it does for you. My friends and family call it Jeopardy Geek, which
is filled with tidbits of information that they only see the use of in games
of trivia for. I understand your vision of this period, to think them lacking
in forethought of the road that was to be paved is ignorant and to think it
was done openly or without fear is another.

Re: Missing Persons (12:42pm June 25, 2011):

There was this one story that chilled me. HBO I think did the special and
I was spellbound. It made me read this book about this man, called The
Iceman. Charasmatic, family man, every loves... but under the eyes glints
a monster unlike anything you would have thought. It was strange to like
this person and then see a flash of that darkness in his eyes during that
interview. I have to admit it was very intriguing but I don't know if I could
be the person sitting across asking those questions . You must have some
hesitation at times sitting across someone like that.. my fear is how often
we do without knowing

Re: Burning Skies (1:26pm June 24, 2011):

I like the idea of flying and being wherever I need to be (my familylives
far from me),of traveling (airlines are getting high in their pricing), but I
also think that they would be comforting... Soft and enveloping so that
would be my favorite part of having them, healing almost.

Re: City Of Promise (12:31pm June 23, 2011):

I can't stop reading. I just finished a great erotic
called The Harlot, I started this creepy vintage
picture filled time travel/fantasy/mystery called
Miss Peregrines home for Particular Children. I
did enjoy the above mentioned Roses ... it
reminds you of Giant. There was Cold Mountain if
you didn't get a chance to read it. I think it all
depends on what your preference in the storyline
is... maybe go back to some classics by taking a
breather from the writers of today- some books
from then can be just as exciting. Let us know
what you do decide on :)

Re: A Ghost of a Chance (3:49pm June 22, 2011):

My grandmother said I was born with the veil. I
have seen and communicated with people that
have passed. My first experience was with my
dead great grandfather in his burial suit who died
before I was born. I have lived in homes that I
was able to tell who died where,told friends to
leave homes and areas alone because of the
energy there. I have a strange intuition that made
me an outcast in catholic school when I would
blurt out things to my classmates like your going
to break your ARM, your mom has been in an
accident that's why she is late, and the worse
repercussions came when out of nowhere I told a
girl her grandmother was going to die in three
days. Since then I have kept a lot to myself and
talk only to my loved ones. My brother loves
using me for interpretations and finds it right on.
I have noticed that when I get extremely angry I
blow out bulbs and mess up phones and the tv or
radio. I also have never been able to wear a
watch, even the wind up kind, they just stop
working once they are on my wrist. I don't know
what all this means and it is kind scary sharing so
much, but thank you for letting me.

Re: Demons Prefer Blondes (3:23am June 20, 2011):

I think that romance novels are meant to be
somewhat unrealistic giving the reader the flutter
of butterflies and anticipation as when starting a
new love affair. The freshness and candlelight
dinners. Over time the reality is that the courting
is done the dinners are rushed and appointments
for time together are penciled in and not always
priority. Romances bring us back to the first
feelings and sometimes the dh is very thankful for.

Re: Under a Desert Sky (11:04pm June 18, 2011):

Peace of mind heart and spirit. The hope and promise of tomorrow both
in reality and fiction. Happily ever after exists even after the storm has
come and years have passed.

Re: Louisa And The Missing Heiress (9:37am June 15, 2011):

I think as I finish a book and reach "The End", it's too final for my imagination, for my head - I have always been like this, since I was a child. The idea of happily ever after in fairy tales needed to include pets, kids, travel, and more adventure - and remains true today. Well written characters in a book are lost friends (historical or contemporary), just because the pages are filled doesn't mean there isn't more out there.

Re: Blood Of The Wicked (2:02pm June 13, 2011):

I think that their are some people that are stil archaic in their thinking. I think that some people fear those that have knowledge beforehand, knowledge beyond explaination. Are people still superstitious in this day and age, avoiding black cats and walking under ladders? My personal belief is that the veil between this world and the next is thinning and if you are open - it will reveal itself. I think there is more out there than meets the eye, children knowing people, places, things, and occupations way beyond their time and years and understanding. I also think that people thought that if you did not conform, you were a witch.. think how much sadder the world would be without those "witches".

Re: Money Shot (11:28am June 11, 2011):

I love dialogue, descriptions of setting, as the words flow from the page onto my minds eye I am able paint the picture - allow the fluid of the movie as each page turns. The author is that artist and at times allows me liberal liscense to create, if they aren't as descriptive it allows my imagination to flow.

Re: Heart of the Highland Wolf (8:31am June 9, 2011):

I love a man in a kilt - sexy, muscled.. there is just something to it, explains my addiction to such festivals to in such sights. The idea of a werewolf... I have a fever. I can see the reasons, the hills, the moors, the sweat, the hair.. umm.. this is certainly a great combination.

Re: Frostbound (9:21am June 7, 2011):

Wow!! This sounds like a great and intense read!

Re: The Soldier (7:08pm June 2, 2011):

I was raised in an immigrant family. Tradition and each other are everything and instilled into you at an early age. Blood is thicker than water, you can always get another spouse but not another sibling, strange ideas-but deeply ingrained. The loyalty to each other, the responsibility that a younger person has to the older generation, the Sunday dinners - from celebrations, to the deep sorrows we turn to each other and hold tight. We are simply a tie that binds between old and new and continues the stories, the lessons, the love. My grandmother says it best when she says she is so glad she chose the parents she did. I know I am blessed for them too.

Re: The Darkest Sin (9:58am June 1, 2011):

I have London as one of the top ten places to visit before I die. I would want to see the historical sites, take them all in. I am a history "nerd" and to walk through the streets and buildings of history where amazing things took place, changed courses, left art-books-philosophy behind-- to be in awe of how time is and significant each one of each is.

Re: The Gin & Chowder Club (3:33pm May 30, 2011):

feel that way with Gone With The Wind and Othello thinking of thw what ifs and if onlys. Some stories take time to develop, the winding path that leads us right to where we are supposed to be.

Re: A Courtesan's Guide to Getting Your Man (4:18pm May 26, 2011):

#1 Lust is right up my alley, #2 to find the Appetite of your blog and book not lacking, #3 I would find some idleness to be loss in such a novel, #4 definitely covet a copy, #5 I am a firm believer in indulgence and can't wait to sink into a great book, #6 the wrath I feel is when I have to get to other things. #7 I think you should be proud of writing such an sinful book and blog

Re: Mind Games (7:02pm May 25, 2011):

I appreciate your honesty - to have such passion to leap over people - well it also shows that you are in great shape. I think some people move us, it's ok to be moved by them, I met a few people that I looked up to that at first I was shaking in line but they were so personable it left me feeling really relaxed and great afterwards.

Re: It Happened On Maple Street (9:09pm May 19, 2011):

I have recommended this book for my book club - I can't wait to read this - It touches close to my own personal story. Great job for getting out there and sharing yours, helping others.

Re: Awaken The Highland Warrior (10:02pm May 18, 2011):

I think fictional characters are some part of the author, the characters can have characteristics that one admires, dreams of having, actually has, sees in their loved ones - somehow the development of the character is the birth of a child so to speak, one within the imagination pulled from the reality around, pieced together with the heart, sweat, and tears - the DNA, of the writer. A perfect melding.
Your book sounds great! And don't feel too clumsy, I am the only person I know that continues to fall up the stairs.

Re: Ashes Of The Earth (9:55pm May 17, 2011):

As long as people wonder about themselves, their beliefs, I think they will often question what the future holds- being a blank, empty slate can often cause groups to fill that emptiness with the images or even beliefs that certain dates, symbols, historic moments hold the "key" to the end, to the apocalypse - which is really just man's general fear of mortality, don't you think?

Re: Wickedly Charming (2:01am May 17, 2011):

Fairy Tales are the best kind of tales worth writing- sounds like the path of your career has lead you exactly where you are meant to be. Great Job.

Re: Already Home (9:30pm May 12, 2011):

I love making the recipes the family has had for generations. The cards are splattered and faded in the ink, but passing down the hearth and heart of the meal to my children with the stories and celebration that is at times only special food is cooked for - is the beauty of melding present, past, and future.
Do I like to experiment? Yes, but my husband doesn't like it as much- he has to try it.

Re: The Hat (11:04pm May 10, 2011):

My grandmother mostly raised me. She is still alive, Thank God, and still puts on lipstick to go out the door to check the mail. The picture of glamour and elegance she always has a regal quality about her. Time is ticking and fraility has hit - but hair gets done on Saturday before church and visits to her siblings, flowers on the plots, and Sunday drives.. consistancy and beauty in the grace of her life, age, and wisdom. She suffered many losses, rose above; she had to leave 9th grade to help support her family and got her GED at the age of 76, this is the first year she hasn't worked (due to budget cuts) - she was working in a local high school where kids adored her, came to her for advice, even years later showing they no longer need the detention room. I think her proudest moment was walking that stage, she used to eat with CEOs, and misses the high school lunchroom. She is my inspiration.

Re: Deadly Promises (10:05pm May 9, 2011):

Thank God for Our Troops! Those special people that train beyond training to become something better, to protect us the faceless, the nameless, those they have sworn to protect. My brother is in the Navy and has been for years, something I am deeply proud of, the SEALS program is the hardest endurance test - They are all heroes!

Re: The Alchemy of Desire (9:34pm April 25, 2011):

The alpha works with some story lines with the comparable heroine, but in the end the beta is the man that happily ever after lasts with. I like to think of that wonderful combination of both where the strength of the alpha is hidden beneath the kindness and gentle guidance of the beta. I tend to think of that movie The Wedding Date right now for that combo.
I also applaud you on steampunk - love it! We have parties at some of the places here that encourage dressing in costume.. a lot of fun and very imaginative.

Re: Hidden Embers (4:54pm April 24, 2011):

It's funny- there once was a study done that tried to compare the time of year people were born and that to being their favorite season.. strangely, it was. I love all seasons, all that they bring, the deep frost of winter, the dew of spring awaking, the heat of summer with green and bright colors, but my favorite is fall- when you taste the air..apples, the crunch of leaves, the bright blue of the sky, the spices of the earth's soil in every breath.. and the colors bright and burnt - burning without flame.

Re: Blood Sin (9:28pm April 21, 2011):

Elizabeth sounds like a great character. The story surrounding the free-will and loyalty the way you have described puts your book on my must read list.

Re: It Happened On Maple Street (10:55pm April 19, 2011):

If it wasn't for the kindness of some strangers, I wouldn't have known how to get through my day -- that was years ago, when I was married. I spent years in a horrible cycle, and years dealing with its aftermath. It was looking at my children, the need to protect them, that got stronger within me and gave me the strength and courage to get away. Years later he still trys to abuse in whatever way he can, my children and I suffer from PTSD, but through it all every day is a blessing, we are together and alive, we are respected and happy.
The best thing I think - talk to people you think are abused, don't allow them to continue to be isolated, feel alone, don't judge- listen, and when you have items around the house - donate them to a woman's shelter -- toys, books, clothes, shoes, linens help too.
Thank you for your story and a chance to share a little of mine.

Re: Tangled Threads (8:16pm April 18, 2011):

My TV character addiction is House. I have it bad for a bad boys, I like Wilson... but the one that stimulates me is House. He pushes the limit, searches, and underneath it all is just as vunerable if not more so than the rest.

Re: Demons Are A Girl's Best Friend (8:29pm April 12, 2011):

The best thing about Witch books are the possiblities are endless - from the powers of The Wicked Witch to The Dicovery of Witches the adventure the books take you on is enthralling

Re: Vowed In Shadows (10:12pm April 11, 2011):

I personally love how well written characters are that the heroine is the person you admire and want to be, their flaws are outweighed by their good traits and hopefully some characters can and have inspired you over the years as they have me. I have always loved Scarlett O'Hara for her strength and even her manipulation, but learned from her not to overlook the love that would be right in front of me, to indulge in that passion.

Re: Haunting Desire (9:22pm April 6, 2011):

As far as Celtic legends, Avalon I believe is one and one of my favorite. I love the Celtic Goddess the Morrigan which is a complication within herself. And there is a tale that still goes strong about Glastonbury, from the tree to the healing waters.

Re: The Shadow Guard (12:45pm April 5, 2011):

I have always loved the vision that was invoked into my head by the writer, but in all truth to see Rhett from Gone With The Wind would certainly take the cake, Scarlett would have a battle on her hands.

Re: A Taste of Seduction (5:29pm March 11, 2011):

I truly understand the hard road of Drs. taking the steps to a hysterectomy. I had mine when I was 33, 3 yrs ago. My appendix was wrapped around my uterus ready to explode and they preform a full removal and appendicomy. I was ill for a while and they couldn't figure what was the cause. It was a hard road traveled and a hard recovery. Your strength and focus on such a character to build is inspiring. I am lucky to be here and I look forward to reading your book. Thank you for sharing your story and letting me share mine.

Re: Kiss At Your Own Risk (1:36am January 12, 2011):

I was married to a man that beat me, degraded me, raped me, punished me, emotional ripped me to shreds. I was in fear of him, I hated him, I believed the lies that he told me of my worthlessness (amongst others). I found my strength when I was pregnant, by him - he wanted me to "get rid of it" - but I was finding a reason to go, a reason to strong, an identity. As each week, each month grew with my baby.. I had a plan, because I saw him withdrawing. My triumph came the moment I had my EX-husband sign papers for divorce, for rights to my son, and delievering/raising on my own.

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