Kickin' Up Dust, July 2016
Under Control, April 2016
Soul Ties, February 2016
Ropin' Hearts, June 2015
Marked as His, May 2015
Fevered Hearts, April 2015
Reining Men, January 2015
Heart Ties, November 2014
Body Language, September 2014
Almost a Cowboy, August 2014
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Pushin' Buttons, June 2014
Somethin? Dirty, February 2014
Unbroken, October 2013
Slick Rider, July 2013
Lip Lock, June 2013
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Hard Ridin', February 2013
Encompassed, December 2011
Wilder, October 2011
Runestone, July 2011
Forbidden, May 2011
Trefoil, April 2011
Runes, October 2010
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Immortal #3
Red Sage
July 2011
On Sale: July 7, 2011
Featuring: Sean Livingston; Evangeline Mayer; Will Cochran
214 pages ISBN: 1603106936 EAN: 9781603106931 e-Book
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Romance Suspense | Romance Erotica Sensual
When Sean Livingston asks his immortal beloved, Evangeline
to elope with him, not only does it alienate her from her
immortal mate Will, but sets off a series of life-altering
events. Torn from the one man she needs more than air,
Evangeline is desperate to find ease from the impending
madness the separation will cause her. With the help of
their immortal friends, they discover her tattoo contains a
map leading them to Will. While Will battles an army
hell-bent to annihilate ancient immortals, he unearths new
passion in the arms of a dashing Saxon warrior as together
they fight to destroy the evil cell and reunite Will with
his mate and lover of his heart.
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47 comments posted.
Re: Runestone
Don't get me wrong I am a sucker for eyes (window to the soul type thing), but I love the humor, intellect, and compassion within. I immediately know if someone knows the meaning of respect..if they respect themselves, their family, others, they have the capability to respect you. I hold honesty high up there along with all forms of fidelity ( intellectual, mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical)- but I think the biggest turn-on is integrity. Now that is sexy and all too rare. Like I said, please don't get me wrong.. I have a wicked sense of humor and a dirty mind is a horrible thing to waste -on the wrong person, and I love double meaning conversations... But the rare gem, the sexiest find is a man with integrity. (Carla Carlson 4:59am July 9, 2011)
I agree with Carla, a sense of humor is essential. Reasonable looks, nice body with the ability to talk! sounds easy but some men just talk a load of rubbish. (Barbara Hanson 6:29am July 9, 2011)
Hard to say... It's a certain thing about a guy... It can be a certain part of the body.... But I think the personality and attitude are what make the difference... (May Pau 9:00am July 9, 2011)
Behaviour is the sexiest thing to me. A man hard at work, a guy playing ball with his kids, stuff like that. Doesn't have to be heroic stuff either, though that is definitely sexy as well. A smile on his face is a big plus. (Carly Carson 9:21am July 9, 2011)
I think it is the combination of eyes and attitude. I don't like men who are so cocky that they know they are stunning. I prefer men who suggest it but don't absolutely know it. Often this characteristic is reflected in their eyes. It's the way they look and carry themselves. Willing to please yet not taking themselves so seriously. Behavior is the key. (Renee Brown 9:51am July 9, 2011)
I have met some sexy guys in my life--Two stand out: One was a greek (god, truly) with curly black and aquamarine eyes (I swear that was the color!) and a body that was sun bronzed and muscular--even my friend who had been a model could not speak around him. He was sexy, teasing, and totally gorgeous. The second guy I met on a construction site (I was the secretary/acct--me and 71 guys) He walked in and literally turned on the charm. He had green eyes and looked me up and down and said teasingly, he could do the paperwork better if I was sitting in his lap. His body--OMG--buff. Yes, he made me feel weak every time he came in the office. He oozed sex appeal. But I cant remember his name! Kate Thorn (Kate Thorn 10:08am July 9, 2011)
i am a shoulders girl. when i was first dating my husband the thing the brought him to my notice was his shoulders. he was 6'4", and his shoulders measure 54" across. He was a farm/cowboy and use to a hard day of work. we are not together anymore but i can honestly say that after 10 years i still have never found a set of shoulder that were as broad or made a woman feel more like a woman. After the shoulders i go for the eyes and a sense of humor. (Tammy Ramey 10:14am July 9, 2011)
Someone who is kind, compassionate, easy to talk to. Someone who cares about others as much as they care about themselves. (Holly Caulfield 10:30am July 9, 2011)
I find a man's eyes and how he expresses himself 'using them'! Also the way he walks and moves his body. (Shirley Younger 10:36am July 9, 2011)
First the smile, then right on down from there. I will leave it to your imagination. (Jody Hollenbeck 10:46am July 9, 2011)
Humor - I couldn't live with any man if he didn't have a wonderful sense of humor. Probably my husband thinks the same thing. Blessings, Marjorie (Marjorie Carmony 10:48am July 9, 2011)
Give me a smartass any day. Meek and mild just isn't my style. :) I do love the idea that when it comes to looks, there are many kinds of sexy but to me true appeal starts with a brain and a sense of humor. (Avery Flynn 11:07am July 9, 2011)
I do look at a man's hands, particularly his fingers. Lol, I have no idea when I started that, but you can tell a lot by how clean a guy is from his hands, no matter what kind of job he does. And sometimes you just get hit by a revelation: one day I saw someone I had know forever, but had only seen him in office attire. I saw someone outside in Levis and a white tshirt, and wham....I couldn't believe it was the same guy - I was overcome! And yes, I love those secret moments when you get a big rush like that.
Laughter and honesty are two other turn ons I must add. (Lisa Richardson 12:21pm July 9, 2011)
I find sexy, a man holding you all night as you sleep, lots of love in that move. His eyes also have a love story to tell you,and that's really sexy. (Frances Namuth 12:31pm July 9, 2011)
Eyes (kind & twinkley), hands (strong), confident but not arrogant, connects with kids & animals, tall, quirky sense of humor, hard working. (Diane Sallans 1:16pm July 9, 2011)
I think intelligence, humor and willing to listen are all really sexy to me. [email protected] (Debbie Penny 1:47pm July 9, 2011)
well i now some singer and there eye and and his hair is gorgeous his name is mike and would look great in kilt long hair and on he is with the group notin fancy group check them out on y tube (Desiree Reilly 2:00pm July 9, 2011)
Sexy works both ways. A woman who can't pass up a child or animal in distress commands my immediate attention. Add conversation beyond soap operas and double coupon day, and I'll massage her feet. And while many won't believe this, the first physical part of a woman that draws my eye is her hair - soft and shoulder length or shorter. After that, a gentle voice like a spring breeze. (Da Kentner 2:00pm July 9, 2011)
Yes, I love a man who is kind, compassionate and has great muscles and great ideas too. Please enter me in your great contest and I hope I win this great book too. Thank YOU, CECILIA (Cecilia Dunbar Hernandez 2:05pm July 9, 2011)
Expressive, attentive eyes attached to kindness; height and physical strength applied to goals; a curious, expansive mind to share; and a special skill or talent--preferably in the arts.....productive more than at rest.....with me. (Carla Schuller 2:28pm July 9, 2011)
It's definitely a combo of things with the eyes and smile leading the way, with sense of humor and honesty right there, too (Barbara Studer 2:32pm July 9, 2011)
I like men who are kind, caring, giving, loyal, and honest. It also helps if they have a sense of humor and can hold you in their arms without having to say anything, making you feel like everything is right in your world no matter how hard things get. (Cathy Phillips 2:41pm July 9, 2011)
Loyalty, honesty, caring and like others said above the eyes! Love to see what a man shows through his eyes! (Colleen Conklin 2:46pm July 9, 2011)
OK, first I love height in a man, since I'm married to one that 6'6"... Well built/strong, intellegent, funny, witty, loving, outward love/lot's of hugs and kisses without asking for them. Eyes are very important, for you can read all emotions in them, as one commenter said, the eyes are the windows to the soul........... Must be good in the bed.....lolol (Joanne Bozik 2:51pm July 9, 2011)
It would have to be my guys butt in his Levi's. I just find that so sexy. (Shawn Andree 3:30pm July 9, 2011)
His smile..a smirky grin...and big brown gorgeous eyes! (Dawn Staniszeski 3:37pm July 9, 2011)
Emma! Great topic! Been married for a long time..but I still look...*S* It is so much a combo of things that draws me to be attracted to them. I love animals, and I watch how men react around them because it show if they have empathy and compassion. Kindness to young and old alike. Laughter and smiles at the simple things.If his eyes smile. If he listens and not just hears.Strong and sure of himself but not arrogant about it. Thank you!
pommawolf @hotmail.com (Darcy Johnson 3:44pm July 9, 2011)
I love a man with a sense of humor, muscular arms and a muscular chest. (Deb Pelletier 4:57pm July 9, 2011)
A sense of humor is one of the most important qualities as to if a friendship or relationship will be there for the long haul. Unexpected kindness is also something I love. (Alyson Widen 4:59pm July 9, 2011)
HUMOR, AND EYES FOR ME. (Kathleen Bianchi 5:22pm July 9, 2011)
Butt, Eyes and a someone who is loyal and happy. (Patti Paonessa 5:26pm July 9, 2011)
A great sense of humor is what I like most in a man. Loyalty and honesty are next. Good looks and a nice body are just extra benefits. Too many guys with body and looks have an ugly inside. Inside matters most! (Constance Biller 5:32pm July 9, 2011)
The usual: biceps, butt, honesty, smile. What I can't get past though is bad hygiene. Yuck! Don't get me started..... (Cynthia Netherton 6:10pm July 9, 2011)
Because you asked, and inquiring minds want to know, I've always thought you could always find out a lot about someone just by looking into a persons' eyes. I always thought that my husband had sexy wrists, which sounds weird, but you would have to see them. There's just something about them that's a big turn-on to me, and always has been, even 28 years later. I've always loved a spontaneous laugh, as long as it wasn't one of those bawdy, being with the guys, type of laughs. Just a good humor, type of laughs. A genuine smile to go with it goes a long way, too!! A person doesn't have to be drop-dead gorgeous on the outside - just in his heart!! (Peggy Roberson 6:59pm July 9, 2011)
Hmmm, give me a kick ass sense of humor and beautiful eyes not afraid to look back into yours. Then you have me! (Jennifer Probst 7:18pm July 9, 2011)
Like most things, sexy is subjective. It's NOT all about the hot bod or smoldering looks. Intellect & a quick wit can be HOT!! (Mary Preston 8:48pm July 9, 2011)
Loyalty and when he shows he loves his woman, that is sexy. (Lisa Kendall 10:04pm July 9, 2011)
A sincere loving man, with great eyes, lips and body... (Robin Daily 2:47am July 10, 2011)
Sexy to me is MANY different things. First of all it depends on the situation; is it a black tie affair of the calibre of the Oscars? Is it taking the kids to the park/pool for a day of playing around, laughing and loving? Is it a quiet moment when you see a man (or woman) in the car/train/bus/plane next to you look over and just smile at you? So, as you can see, sexy is as sexy does, for me at least. As far as physical attributes I look for strong hands/handshakes (can't stand a fishy handshake from a man or woman, totaly turn-off!), then their eyes, add a smile and a few laugh lines around said eyes and I may melt! (Amy Conley 4:12am July 10, 2011)
Broad shoulders and physical fitness catch my attention. Sexiness, though, comes with attitude and behaviour. Self-confidence without vanity is part of attitude. Behaviour includes letting me know that he finds women attractive as a whole and individually yet behaves as a gentleman. (Carol Drummond 2:30pm July 10, 2011)
One thing I'm really attracted to is a deep, sexy voice speaking proper english... yes, it sounds funny, but all day long I'm surrounded by people who don't know how to say a single thing in proper english (tons of street slang) and I love hearing regular language like we were taught in school. A great low-tone voice can send chills up my spine. (Donna Holmberg 9:15pm July 10, 2011)
Sexy to me is a man with a great bod and a great accent when he speaks perfect english. (OK so I'm more of a visual person.) (Kai Wong 10:35pm July 10, 2011)
Sexy to me is flexing muscles, tan skin, tight ridged abs, white teeth and a great sense of humor. (Marcelle Cole 5:09pm July 11, 2011)
I like that line along a man's hipbones that shows above a low waistband (Lisa Elwood 6:00pm July 12, 2011)
LOL i think thats why we Love romance Novels (besides the fact that the men are Buff hot and are great in bed) -- they take time to get to know the woman out of bed too .. what makes US laugh what makes us cry .. what we want in life .. dreams goals and ambitions ...
Plus me myself i love a guy with sexy eyes (think damon salvatore from vampire diaries) and a nice solid build realistically (think the sexy blonde guy from the uk show a place in the country and the scottish ones in how to be a property developer) .... but most of all its how a man listens and if he has a sexy accent like irish or scottish HOT DAMN!!!!!! (Rachael Kennedy 9:24pm July 12, 2011)
LOL @ Lisa E .. ya mean the V lines ? like what ya see on hot toned (many a book cover) man ? yes very nice (Rachael Kennedy 9:27pm July 12, 2011)
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