February 11th, 2025
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Love, Secrets, and Second Chances—February’s Must-Read Books Await!

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A Stray Pup, A Second Chance, and a Killer on the Loose�Wagtail�s About to Get Wild!

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A Hacker, an Undercover Mission, and a Love Worth Fighting For.

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A Duke by any other name would smell as� dastardly?
� delightful?

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Shaken, Stirred, and Unexpectedly in Love�Can They Mix Business with Pleasure?

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As London's high society watches their every move, can these two brilliant minds find the formula for true love?

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Chocolate, Second Chances, and a Love Too Sweet to Let Go.

Hot Ticket by Olivia Cunning


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Also by Olivia Cunning:

Staged, November 2018
Paperback / e-Book
Rock Hard, October 2016
Paperback / e-Book (reprint)
Outsider, September 2016
Paperback / e-Book
Backstage Pass, June 2016
Paperback / e-Book (reprint)
Almost Paradise, March 2016
Insider, July 2015
Paperback / e-Book
Take Me To Paradise, December 2014
Sinners at the Altar, March 2014
Wicked Beat, August 2013
Paperback / e-Book
Hot Ticket, February 2013
Paperback / e-Book
Double Time, November 2012
Paperback / e-Book
Defying Destiny, September 2011
Rock Hard, April 2011
Trade Size / e-Book
Backstage Pass, October 2010
Trade Size / e-Book

Hot Ticket
Olivia Cunning

Sinners on Tour #3
Sourcebooks Casablanca
February 2013
On Sale: February 6, 2013
Featuring: Jace Seymore; Aggie
400 pages
ISBN: 1402245831
EAN: 9781402245831
Kindle: B009RXJ04S
Paperback / e-Book
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Romance Erotica Sensual | Erotic | Romance Music

Fourth in Olivia Cunning's hard-rockin' erotic romance series, Hot Ticket delves into the oh-so-skilled sensuality of Sinners' enigmatic bass guitarist, Jace Seymore.

When Jace walked through the doors of Aggie's dungeon, the last thing he expected was to find self-forgiveness and the love of a remarkable woman. But when a terrible accident sidelines Jace during the band's tour, the burdensome chains of his past wrap ferociously around his heart. Determined to crack through Jace's armored shell, Aggie must go beyond her usual methods to mend his heart to love again.

No awards found for this book.

Sinners on Tour


55 comments posted.

Re: Hot Ticket

A good friend is someone who has been there with you in hard times and
fun times someone who can be crazy and serious and love you and hate
you too someone who would bend over backwards to be there for you
(Ava Curtis 11:14am February 28, 2013)

Sounds like a great read.
Wilma Frana 11:14am February 28, 2013)

A good friend is someone that supports you in good times and hard times. They are always there for you, whether to clean your house, or just listen and give advice.
Cathy Phillips 11:32am February 28, 2013)

A good friend is there for you... be there when needed... an ear to listen, a shoulder to cry on, a hand to help, etc.
Colleen Conklin 11:37am February 28, 2013)

A really good friend is always there even when she isn't
there. I have really good friends that have been with me for
years and years, even though they live far away.
Mary Hay 11:44am February 28, 2013)

I think a good friend is someone who is there for you, listens
to you, laughs with you, cries with you, lets you scream when
you need it or takes you for a drink.
Thank you for the opportunity to read it. :)
Tina Becker 11:52am February 28, 2013)

A good friend accepts EVERYTHING about you, good or bad. They are
there when you need them AND there when you don't!
Dawn Bush 12:14pm February 28, 2013)

A good friend is someone who knows you really well and STILL stands by you. I believe to have a best friend you must be one. You don't have to ask twice nor would you have to be asked twice for anything your friend needs.
Annetta Sweetko 12:23pm February 28, 2013)

A good friend laughs with you through the fun things in life,
and gives a helping hand through the rough times.
G. Bisbjerg 12:27pm February 28, 2013)

Wow, I am having a hard time topping these great comments. A good friend knows you and likes you for who you are. They enjoy your company as you enjoy theirs. They have your back during the hard times.
Phyllis Lamken 12:43pm February 28, 2013)

It is hard to find a good friend because people befriend you because they want something. I have one good friend and I will continue to try to be a good friend to her.
Kathleen Yohanna 12:54pm February 28, 2013)

A good friend, a real friend, is someone who has seen through you and
still loves you. A friend walks by your side through your highs and your
lows and never looks down at you unless they are helping you get back
up. You know you have a true friend when you can tell them anything
knowing they would never judge you.
Brenda Uylaki 1:02pm February 28, 2013)

I've given this a lot of thought in my own life...
A good friend is someone who "gets" you and accepts you through your flaws. Someone
who will take the time to be there when you're hurting, who will do what needs to be
done when you need rescuing or help. That doesn't just offer to help but drops by with
food, cleans your house, gives you a shoulder to cry on and listen.

I've seen your books out there but I haven't looked closer. It appears there is much
more in your books than hot sex. Thanks for the post.
Lenna Hendershott 1:06pm February 28, 2013)

A good friend is someone who is always there... Even if time
passes and you haven't talked in awhile... It is if time
never passed... You have a way of talking without saying
anything and laugh at random things only you know about...
Not to mention the feeling of knowing this person will
always have your back no matter what.
Jeannie Platt 1:07pm February 28, 2013)

A good friend sees beyond what you see in the mirror each day, and loves you not inspite of it, but because of it.
Carla Shevalier 1:23pm February 28, 2013)

A good friend accepts you for who you are and doesn't judge. S/he is there for you through the good and bad, and is encouraging, accepting, but also isn't afraid to tell you like it is. A good friend celebrates life with you but is also there for you through the hardships and pain.
It is hard to find a true friend so make sure you treat them well too!
Alyssa Chen 1:41pm February 28, 2013)

Someone who listens and is there for you when you need them.
Pam Howell 2:27pm February 28, 2013)

A good friend is someone who is always there for you, no matter what. It's also more than that, though. They're also one that isn't there to pass judgement, unless it's asked for, or unless they know that you're going to be hurt deeply in regards to something. By deeply, I mean physically by someone, or do something to yourself. Otherwise, we all make mistakes, and we can't live each others' lives. So a good friend can't tell you how to live your life, but if you are going to be hurt by someone, that would be a time to step in. They should also be able to make you laugh, and be there when you feel the need to cry. I have a wonderful friend who is like a Sister to me, and another one who is like a Big Brother. I wouldn't trade either one for the world!! They're very hard to find, and I try to reciprocate to them the same way. We're like a small family of friends. You're book struck a nerve with me, when I read the plot, and I would love to read it, then pass it on, more than anything. It really does sound good!! I apologize if my answer got a little wordy.
Peggy Roberson 3:40pm February 28, 2013)

.jlooks good
Kent Cook 4:17pm February 28, 2013)

A Good friend is such a complex thing. You have to have communication, understanding, lack of judgement, but most of all I think you have to have unconditional support and love. I've had friends come and go (everybody has) but the ones that remain are those that the bond has been strengthened by these elements unconditionally. They may not always tell you what you want to hear (the truth hurts) but you know they have your back, even when you're wrong-although they will tell you that you're wrong as they support your decision to be wrong! LOL I hope that everybody has the opportunity to know at least one best friend like the ones I have! They sure make life better-even on the worst days!
Kirsten Christensen 4:25pm February 28, 2013)

a good friend is there for you, to listen, to vent to share joys with. I have friends I haven't seen in years and it's like there was never a gap!
Michelle Schafer 4:28pm February 28, 2013)

A good friend is always there for you, to help out, to listen, to share joy with, to share your sorrow with, etc...
Aimee Robison 6:22pm February 28, 2013)

A good friend is always there for you no matter what.
Thanks for the chance to win!
Natasha Donohoo 6:30pm February 28, 2013)

You know, its funny you should ask what a good friend is
because I just pinned a rotten ecard to my bbf :)And yes, at
41, I still call her bff! :)A good friend will always make
you smile when you talk to each other, help you finish that
bottle of pinot grigio even when you really don't feel like
it and they will always stand in as your "life partner" when
the creepiest guy in the bar won't stop hitting on you!
That's our motto and we are sticking to it! :)
Jill Oswalt 7:17pm February 28, 2013)

What makes a good friend is a nice person that is there to
listen to you and not judge you and will never leave you
hanging alone by yourself. They are there for you in good
times and bad times and always seem to care. Thanks for the
great contest. God Bless Everyone! Cecilia CECE
Cecilia Dunbar Hernandez 7:19pm February 28, 2013)

A good friend is someone you can have a good time with, no
matter where you are, or what is going on.
Heather Machel 7:49pm February 28, 2013)

they are always there know mather what!!! love the cover!!
Jennifer Beck 8:03pm February 28, 2013)

Love your books and the new one sounds great, Can't wail to read it
Vickie Hightower 8:13pm February 28, 2013)

A good friend will stay by you no matter what. They love and support you. They share your sorrows, your joys, your disasters and triumphs. They tell you when you are being a bitch and remind you that you will go to jail if you commit murder. They are there to share drinks and hold your hair when you are praying to the porcelain god. True friends are priceless and irreplaceable.
Debbie Murray 8:15pm February 28, 2013)

A good friend is someone who always has your back and
supports you no matter what -- but also someone who can,
when necessary, tell you what you NEED to hear, not what you
want to hear.

I totally loved Backstage Pass and can't wait to check out
Hot Ticket!
Elizabeth Hyatt 9:02pm February 28, 2013)

A good friend can overlook what some people call faults and find the good stuff to boost up instead.
Alyson Widen 9:45pm February 28, 2013)

I just went through a rough patch in my life. My best friend is a good friend. She was there when I called her about my Mom's medical conditions. Even though we are miles away, she was there when I called her. She has helped me deal with this crisis emotional. I would have been a mess.
Kai Wong 11:15pm February 28, 2013)

Good friends ar ehard to find, so hold on if you got one...love to read this one...hope i'm lucky to win....thanks a bunch
Kimberly Hoefs 11:56pm February 28, 2013)

Book sound great. Would love to win it.
Linda Hall 12:40pm March 1, 2013)

A good friend is someone who knows you, will laugh with you, and will continue the friendship seamlessly even after not seeing you for weeks.
Laura Gullickson 1:16am March 1, 2013)

A good friend is a friend no matter what happens
Ava Curtis 2:59am March 1, 2013)

A good friend will stand by you when you need them, and expect the same from you.
Ruth Ayres 4:39am March 1, 2013)

a good friend is someone who is always there for you and you for them.
Lisa Fitzgibbons 6:06am March 1, 2013)

Honesty, Commitment and Loyalty.
Karin Anderson 6:37am March 1, 2013)

Someone you can always count on, male or female.
Clare O'Beara 7:06am March 1, 2013)

A good friend is not only will always be there for you..
thanks for the chance to win !!
Rosemary Foley 8:24am March 1, 2013)

Sometimes you're Lucy, sometimes you're Ethel.
Lisa Elwood 9:38am March 1, 2013)

loyalty, a good sense of humor and a great sounding board!
Thanks for sharing!
Erin Fender 10:15am March 1, 2013)

A good friend is someone who will always be there for you no matter what!
Sue Galuska 11:14am March 1, 2013)

A good friend tells the "harsh truth", will hold your hair when you get sick, will try to block the sh*t that hits the fan, and stand beside you the whole time.
Carla Carlson 11:14am March 1, 2013)

a good friend will listen and then tell you what you need to
Diane Sallans 12:24pm March 1, 2013)

Life would so bleak without a good friend. A good friend never judges you; always listens and holds your hand when needed. Consider yourself very, very lucky if you have a good friend.
Nancy Wolfe 12:36pm March 1, 2013)

A good friend is there for you throughout time and distance.
Valeri Davila 1:03pm March 1, 2013)

a good friend is there. sounds good
Debbi Shaw 1:41pm March 1, 2013)

A good friend is there in the good times and bad and helps. A good friend is critical (no "yes" types for me), but doesn't beat you down.
Anne Muller 2:16pm March 1, 2013)

A good friend is a keeper of secrets, big and small. Great cover too!
Kathy Sullivan 3:34pm March 1, 2013)

Shelley Summers 6:54pm March 1, 2013)

This is a fantastic book and series. I fell in love with Jace even more with this book. But I fell hard core in love with Eric. He was a great friend to Jace in this book and had his back. I love these characters and this is a series that I love to re-read over and over.
Chris Bails 12:22pm March 27, 2013)

Due to the fact that all age groups are due to watch CBS news, although I am not one of them, I don't feel that books or any medium of this kind should be discussed during that time of day. It's a more adult topic, and since normal parents would discuss these topics with their kids, it could fall on the wrong ears. As for your sentence about the Barbie dolls breaking, I haven't been around Barbie dolls for a l-o-n-g time now, but when I was younger, they had dolls with limbs that bent in every direction. I haven't had a chance to read her books yet, but what was her problem?? Lol Anyway, I had no idea of her age, and that makes my thoughts go in other directions that I won't put in my comments. Lol I would like to read her books, however, and see what the big deal is about her books!!
Peggy Roberson 2:09pm March 28, 2013)

Erotic fiction seems to be having a rise and I think the
resurgence has to do with Fifty Shades of Grey having so much
Alyson Widen 4:42pm March 29, 2013)

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