Staged, November 2018
Paperback / e-Book
Rock Hard, October 2016
Paperback / e-Book (reprint)
Outsider, September 2016
Paperback / e-Book
Backstage Pass, June 2016
Paperback / e-Book (reprint)
Almost Paradise, March 2016
Insider, July 2015
Paperback / e-Book
Take Me To Paradise, December 2014
Sinners at the Altar, March 2014
Wicked Beat, August 2013
Paperback / e-Book
Hot Ticket, February 2013
Paperback / e-Book
Double Time, November 2012
Paperback / e-Book
Defying Destiny, September 2011
Rock Hard, April 2011
Trade Size / e-Book
Backstage Pass, October 2010
Trade Size / e-Book
On Stage, On Tour, In Bed, They'll Rock Your World
Sinners on Tour #2
Sourcebooks Casablanca
April 2011
On Sale: April 1, 2011
Featuring: Jessica; Sed
448 pages ISBN: 1402245777 EAN: 9781402245770 Kindle: B004MMEG5C Trade Size / e-Book
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Other Editions Paperback (reprint - October 2016)
Romance Erotica Sensual | Erotic | Romance Music
Sinner’s lead singer, Sed, had his heart shredded when
Jessica left him to pursue her dreams, so when she dances
her way back into his life, he's not sure he's ready for
her brand of pain, or pleasure, again. When she convinces
Sed to engage in a benefits with benefits relationship,
things seem to be going his way, until one of his fans
catches their explicit public display of affection on film
and posts it all over the internet. Will Jessica ever
trust Sed again? And has Sed become the man of Jessica’s
dreams or is he just posing to get what he wants?
No awards found for this book. Sinners on Tour
61 comments posted.
Re: Rock Hard
Looking forward to reading it! (Patti DelValle 1:45am April 4, 2011)
Would LOVE to win a copy of this to read. The story and the characters sound great and I would love to see how they go from lust/hate relationship to hopefully love. (June A, Manning 3:22am April 4, 2011)
I would love to read it, it sounds really good. (Debbie Penny 6:08am April 4, 2011)
It usually works both ways, this back and forth relationship. As they say, the making up is the joy. Blessings, Marjorie (Marjorie Carmony 6:58am April 4, 2011)
I WOULD LOVE TO WIN THIS BOOK! (Silvana Moscato 7:12am April 4, 2011)
WOW!! I can't wait to read this one! Thank you for the chance to win! (Heather Hardy 7:47am April 4, 2011)
I can relate to a relationship like that. Been in 1 for 23 yrs, lol. Sounds like a great book. (Vicki Hancock 7:48am April 4, 2011)
Thought Backstage Pass was great, can't wait to read Rock Hard. (Maria Munoz 8:19am April 4, 2011)
Sounds intriguing - would love to read this book! (Birgit Lehner 8:32am April 4, 2011)
Sounds great! I love the lust/hate thing. Just added this to my growing wish list. (Beth Melito 8:49am April 4, 2011)
Olivia's characters are fresh, unbelievably HOT and always ready for action!! They are so alive and the by-play between the guys is just phenomenal! Her writing quickly mesmerizes and like 'the fly on the wall' you just can't help soaking up every nuance, every emotion, every interaction.Olivia, -you ROCK!! (Pearl Gonzalez 9:04am April 4, 2011)
I absolutely LOVE the cover!!! (Krista Eyler 9:07am April 4, 2011)
This sounds so good.I can't wait to read it. (Elaine Gauthier 9:15am April 4, 2011)
Sounds good! Can't wait to read it! (Beth Foster 9:50am April 4, 2011)
I can't say that I've ever wanted to kiss a guy I've also wanted to beat over the head but you certainly make it sound like something worth thinking about (and maybe trying!). (Amy Petty 9:54am April 4, 2011)
Ooowee..would love to win this exciting read! (Leanna Morris 9:58am April 4, 2011)
Wow! Sounds like a great read! Would love to win! Thank you for sharing! (Dawn Staniszeski 10:12am April 4, 2011)
That guys hot on that cover. I am sure the books real interesting as well! This looks like a great contest! (Gillian Ben 10:21am April 4, 2011)
With a lust/hate relationship the worry as always is will it degenerate further or blossom. Leaves you wondering... (Felina Pence 10:33am April 4, 2011)
Sounds like this would be an exciting read. Enjoyed the excerpt. (Jean Patton 10:51am April 4, 2011)
Sounds like a great book; would love to read it. (Wilma Frana 10:52am April 4, 2011)
It sounds like Sed will definitely have his hands full convincing Jessica that he is a keeper. (G. Bisbjerg 11:24am April 4, 2011)
Im really looking forward to reading your book! :) (Jennifer Gatlos 11:25am April 4, 2011)
I love a romance with love/hate relationships! I also went to a bunch of concerts when I was young too. I haven't traveled a 1000 miles, but I have done road trips to see my favorite band, Cheap Trick. Good luck with your book! (Renee Pajda 11:31am April 4, 2011)
Sounds like a great book! And, yes, those relationships are fun/exhausting! (Kelli Jo Calvert 12:07pm April 4, 2011)
Sounds like a HOT read! I love the excerpt, smoking. Good luck and happy writing! (Tracie Travis 12:14pm April 4, 2011)
Looking forward to the next Sinner book whether I win it or buy it! :-) (Dana Fredstu 12:25pm April 4, 2011)
WOW - sounds like a really good read! Will be checking your website to find out more about you and your books. Thanks for the chance to win. (Karen Cherubino 12:31pm April 4, 2011)
Oooh friction between characters is great! I truly enjoy reading how characters like them finally get together and have a relationship that will last! (Colleen Conklin 12:55pm April 4, 2011)
This sounds like a really fun read! (Sandy Fielder 1:25pm April 4, 2011)
I can't wait to read this!! (Holly Wright 1:50pm April 4, 2011)
I can't wait to read this book! I loved Brian's book and I can't wait to get pulled in by Sed's too! (Destynee Romo-Daniel 1:51pm April 4, 2011)
I have heard so much (ALL GOOD) about this series. I finally purchased a copy of BACKSTAGE PASS and it is next on the reading list. I would love to win ROCK HARD!! (Cynthia Netherton 2:04pm April 4, 2011)
I was in a love/hate relationship before i met my DH 40 years ago. Luckily the hate won out and I broke up with him. Your book sounds wonderful and I love the cover. (Cathy Phillips 2:11pm April 4, 2011)
Love the question/title. So often the "Lust/Hate" thing is simply a power struggle--the attempt of 2 strong personalities to come to grips with the attraction between two equals. How can a strong woman ever be satisfied with a man who is less than her equal? (Janet Martin 2:27pm April 4, 2011)
Looks good! I really want to read this book......... (Joyce Bruner 3:02pm April 4, 2011)
Hi, everyone! Happy to see you all here. *big smootchies to my fans for dropping in* If you have questions, I'll check in again later and answer them.
Happy Monday! (now there's an oxymoron...) (Olivia Cunning 3:19pm April 4, 2011)
WOW! Sounds like this is an awesome read! (Amy Conley 4:22pm April 4, 2011)
I have one of those relationships right now- but it is with chocolate! LOL This sounds like a totally sweet read (which got me thinking about candy of course!) and I look forward to getting to reading in the future! (Laura Parmentier 4:25pm April 4, 2011)
Oh so sexy. (Deb Pelletier 4:45pm April 4, 2011)
Sounds like a great book. Thanks for giving me a chance to win it.so I can read it. (Linda Hall 4:56pm April 4, 2011)
Sounds like a fun read! (Diane Sallans 5:06pm April 4, 2011)
I can hardly wait!!!! super excited!!! (Shea Terry 5:16pm April 4, 2011)
Love the cover!! and I saw Styx too...but I was 19..sigh...but it was good! This does look like a great read!! (Hollie Rieth 6:23pm April 4, 2011)
After 31 years, even when we've had a fight, by the time we get to bed all I can think about is how would I live without him? (Diane Sadler 6:38pm April 4, 2011)
I'm looking forward to reading this series. (Andrea Infinger 6:57pm April 4, 2011)
This is normally not the type of romance book I would normally read, but I can relate to the type of romance you are depicting in the storyline. I am also a closet lover of certain types of rock music, so I would really love to read the book!! By the way, in the lust/hate relationship, the lust turns to love in time, the hate varies in intensity, and you do your best to just get along. I've learned that after many years of laughter, lust, and tears. (Peggy Roberson 7:37pm April 4, 2011)
Hi, Olivia.
I enjoyed the and really enjoyed the excerpt. I can't wait to continue this series. (Tracey Dent 8:23pm April 4, 2011)
Wow Love hate relationship are always so HOT! lol Love the excerpt. I believe there is more struggle in these stories which makes them that much more interesting. This one sounds really good!
Lisa B (Lisa Boggs 8:36pm April 4, 2011)
Sounds like a good book. (Cindy Olp 8:52pm April 4, 2011)
Those lust/hate relationships aren't entirely bad at all and make for some good reading, too :) (Leni Kaye 9:17pm April 4, 2011)
I'd love to see how they make that work out! (Robin Daily 10:05pm April 4, 2011)
I always enjoy READING about relationships like these. I've never been in one and I'm not sure I'd want to be.
Really enjoyed the excerpt. A Styx concert at age 6? I don't remember even listening to rock music at that age. (Mona Garg 10:26pm April 4, 2011)
I love plots like that... The excerpt was great. :) Looking forward to reading that book... (May Pau 10:35pm April 4, 2011)
Sounds like a great read! Since you love rock and Sed is in a band, did you listen to music as your wrote for inspiration? (Lynda Smith 10:47pm April 4, 2011)
Yep, Styx at age 6. My parents took me with them to the concert when we lived in Germany. 30+ years later and I still remember it.
Lynda- I usually listen to metal music on my iPod when I write. I know that seems like it would break my concentration, but it actually blocks out other distractions like dog barking, phone ringing, TV, etc. It's just really good background noise to me. (Olivia Cunning 11:13pm April 4, 2011)
There's alot of buzz about BackStage Pass and this book on the online book club I'm a part of. I'd love to win a copy to read :) (Belinda B 12:01pm April 5, 2011)
Started Book one and hope to finish and get started on book two soon. (Lindsey Ekland 3:18am April 5, 2011)
I'm going to buy the first book. You sound a lot like me. I've been from South Carolina to Canada and Detroit just to see concerts. It's amazing to just be young and free and slip in through the back stage and have a little fun for the evening. I lost my first real love through a band and can relate to this kind of writing. He's married with two kids now and I'd never contact him to even say hello. Some things need to stay in the past. Buying the first and hoping to win the second. (Christina Harrison 3:32am April 5, 2011)
I was an instant fan of the Sinners after reading the first book in the series, Backstage Pass. I've been eagerly anticipating Rock Hard for months and was not disappointed. Sed and Jessica's unexpected reunion sets the stage for a story filled with romance, hot sex, drama, and emotion. For fans of erotic romance, this is a must read! (Maria Munoz 10:23am April 17, 2011)
I love it when a couple tosses the conversation around. It's rather playful. (Alyson Widen 11:23am April 25, 2011)
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