Two in One
Harlequin Romance
May 2013
On Sale: May 7, 2013
Featuring: Missy Johnson; Wyatt McKenzie
256 pages ISBN: 0373742401 EAN: 9780373742400 Kindle: B00B0A5VV2 Paperback / e-Book Add to Wish List
A Father for Her Triplets: An uplifting new tale
celebrating Mothers in a Million.
Single mom Missy
Johnson has worked hard to provide her adorable triplets
with the secure childhood she never had. But now that her
baking business has taken off, Missy's left struggling to
juggle cupcakes and kids!
That is until gorgeous Wyatt
McKenzie comes back to town, bringing memories she'd prefer
stayed locked away… But when she sees him bonding with her
mischievous trio, Missy realizes five might just be the
perfect number!
Reader Favorite—Her Pregnancy
Grace would do anything for her
daughter—even if it means seeing Danny again. He broke her
heart once, and he doesn't even know he has a child…
Congratulations on your success so far Susan! I can sympathize with the weight gain over the years. One of my goals this summer has been to eat healthier and exercise more and that has the benefit of helping me to lose weight. (Maureen Emmons 6:37am August 5, 2013)
I hope to get a different job this week. I am getting tired of mopping other people's floors. I hope to get a job with an area library. (Laura Gullickson 7:14am August 5, 2013)
Congratulations on the weight loss. I have found that if you aren't in you twenties it is harder than it should be. One of my goals (besides losing weight too) is to not put off doing things that need to be done. It's a lot easier to do one load of laundry a day than ruin my weekend with 10! (Annetta Sweetko 7:26am August 5, 2013)
I'm sorry I can't read comment #1. There is a book ad smack dab on top of it! LOL (Susan Meier 7:50am August 5, 2013)
Laura...Good luck with the new job! Fingers crossed for you!
susan (Susan Meier 7:50am August 5, 2013)
Annetta...I did that goal a few months ago and now have a very nice system set up where I do little things every day instead of putting things like laundry off to one day where I have so much to do I can't keep up! LOL
susan (Susan Meier 7:52am August 5, 2013)
I love the "teaser" you have written about your latest book. Having never had the opportunity to read your books, after retiring from the work force, I am playing catch up...thank you (C Culp 8:01am August 5, 2013)
yes right now im looking to get back to work and find a good job again i have 2 girls and my youngest is severly autistic nonverbal so i am always looking for a happier path for us all i havent worked in 14 years because we started our family but it became harder after we had our youngest because of her medical needs so now i like to start looking and hopefully i will have success my oldest is 14 and my youngest is 10 (Denise Smith 8:47am August 5, 2013)
Thank, you, Carletta!
I love writing the little things like teasers as much as books! :)
susan (Susan Meier 8:54am August 5, 2013)
Denise, Having a special needs child can be a real challenge. Our oldest has epilepsy.
Much luck and success finding a job. I'll keep my fingers and toes crossed for you!
susan (Susan Meier 8:55am August 5, 2013)
My path right now is retirement. After many years of strict 'time management' I am learning to relax! (Betty Hamilton 9:08am August 5, 2013)
Well done on the commitment needed to lose some weight as well as keeping to a writing schedule! It's been said that for every book, a writer puts on half a stone. Healthwise I don't think that would be very good, so let's all take dance classes! (Clare O'Beara 9:47am August 5, 2013)
Good luck with the weight loss. Zumba! Really! I would collapse 5minutes into that. Good for you. (Susan Falkler 10:32am August 5, 2013)
Congratulations on your weight loss - and continued success as you keep on track. I am going to take your post to heart and start on my own course of losing weight and getting in shape. Your book sounds great. Thanks for the chance to win. (Nancy Reynolds 10:36am August 5, 2013)
Betty! That's wonderful! Sometimes learning to relax can be as challenging as learning to be a hard worker!
susan (Susan Meier 10:41am August 5, 2013)
You're so right, Clare! It isn't good to be consistently putting on weight as I had been the past few years. I love the idea of taking care of myself as well as writing great books. :)
susan (Susan Meier 10:42am August 5, 2013)
Susan, I was amazed at how easily I took to zumba. I had planned to do fifteen minutes the first week and add fifteen minutes every week until I got up to the hour...but I did the whole hour the first night. I'm not coordinated, hoping that I soon reacquire coordination, LOL, but I love it!
susan (Susan Meier 10:43am August 5, 2013)
You're welcome, Nancy! I found a website called It's now helping me track calorie intake.
I'm hoping the site makes everything easier to manage!
susan (Susan Meier 10:44am August 5, 2013)
I have a bad knee so I do my working out on an exercise bike. (Sandy Giden 10:44am August 5, 2013)
I have arthritis so can't do a lot of exercises. (Wilma Frana 11:31am August 5, 2013)
Sandy, my husband like the exercise bike for that reason!
susan (Susan Meier 11:35am August 5, 2013)
Wilma, my friend had arthritis and I know how bad it can be!
susan (Susan Meier 11:35am August 5, 2013)
I am working toward adding exercise to my daily schedule. I have a number of disabilities that make that a pretty big challenge, but even if all I do is wiggle around in my chair to get my blood moving several times a day it is better than sitting still :-} I have an ergometer (like an 'arm bicycle')that I can use on good days, and I am shooting for using it three days per week, twice each day. If I can do MORE days a week, I am thrilled :-} (Diana Troldahl 12:19pm August 5, 2013)
I need to motivate myself on losing some weight... I know what surprises some mirrors can show you... (Colleen Conklin 1:03pm August 5, 2013)
Everytime I get close to finding my path for happiness it always seems to be filled with stumbling blocks. Looking forward to taking the right path. (Sheila True 1:19pm August 5, 2013)
Diana! It's fantastic that you challenge yourself that way! Sometimes it is a matter of doing what you are able to do.
Good for you!
susan (Susan Meier 2:14pm August 5, 2013)
Colleen, I trained today and told my trainer that story and she laughed. She said some day she would show me the pix of her before she began training! Now that's incentive
susan (Susan Meier 2:15pm August 5, 2013)
I hear you, Sheila! The trick is never give up. Keep looking for that path.
susan (Susan Meier 2:15pm August 5, 2013)
You could say that I'm working on my own happiness at the moment. I am currently trying to get 3 baby gifts finished within the next couple of weeks. Since I have dial-up, I do my knitting and crocheting while the pages download on my computer. I'm currently done with one of the gifts, and am 2/3 done with the second one. I just started the baby afghan with the 3rd, and need everything to be done before the 17th, which means the afghan, sweater, and bib at least!! After that, I have to make 2 shawls, then I have a little girl dress and one other item to make. I have some books that I want to read, and haven't had the time to get to them yet. Hopefully that will happen by the end of the month. Because I have been staying up late working on my projects, along with trying to catch up on my e-mail (don't ask me how many I have), I'm making headway. Once the baby gifts are done, I'll at least get a smirk on my face. It'll be some time before that smirk turns to a smile!! Sorry I got a little long, but I had to fully explain it. (Peggy Roberson 2:17pm August 5, 2013)
Not yet, but I should be working on a measure of contentment. I would love to win and read your book, as it sounds like a wonderful and loving story. Thank you so much for this chance to win. My Best To You. (Esther Somorai 4:11pm August 5, 2013)
yes I am trying to work on my path to happines. Trying to lose weight and am going to the gym at least 5 times a week, use to have a trainer and after reading your article think I will hire one again (Shirley Younger 4:57pm August 5, 2013)
I am on my own weight loss journey. Trying to lose weight and be more active. Thanks. (Dianne McVetty 5:05pm August 5, 2013)
Congratulations on your journey. May you find it successful beyond your wildest dreams. I'm pushing on motivating myself to begin that journey. (Zumba sounds like a lot of fun.) (Lisa Root 5:37pm August 5, 2013)
Good luck with the weight loss, Susan. I've been sick lately and have accidently lost weight. I need to lose more but have little motivation until I feel better. :) (Marcy Shuler 6:16pm August 5, 2013)
I live in a nursing home and have somewhat limited movement from chronic Rheumatoid Arthritis. My big exercise is walking with assistance every day, maybe 100 to 150 feet. I spend most of my time on my computer or reading. (Carol Woodruff 6:17pm August 5, 2013)
I'm trying to learn to control my temper and my mouth better. I also need to get to a gym and take off some weight. (Sue Farrell 6:39pm August 5, 2013)
Congratulations on the weight loss and your writing. May you have continued success in both! My weight has always been a challenge for me. It's a daily struggle, so I can relate. Thanks for the giveaway! (Linda Brennan 6:57pm August 5, 2013)
Wow, Congrats on your weight loss and your new book: A FATHER FOR HER TRIPLETS. I am doing my best to lose a bunch of weight and eat more healthy at the same time. I have not eaten meat; beef, pork, chicken and other dead animals since 2007. Guess, You could call me a Vegan/Vegetarian now. I am trying to put GOD First in my life too. I would also love to write books in the near future and would love to get into real estate too. Thank You very much. Cecilia CECE (Cecilia Dunbar Hernandez 7:15pm August 5, 2013)
One step forward two steps back. That's what it feels like lately. Sounds like a good book. :) (Penny Mettert 7:30pm August 5, 2013)
I feel ok til I put on some pants that fit last year & now are too tight - I need to find some easy low-cal foods to reach for when I get hungry & need a quick snack. (Diane Sallans 9:03pm August 5, 2013)
My path to happiness includes having a partial knee surgery in September and my continued recovery from breast cancer. I'm not looking for sympathy as I regain my health. I'm proud of my success! One can choose to be "Better" of Bitter". (Joanne Hicks 10:48pm August 5, 2013)
I am on a similar path to happiness, which includes getting more fit and healthy. I've lost six pounds and my new eating and exercise habits are giving me more energy. That helps me to pursue my family and writing goals. (Cathy Shouse 10:59pm August 5, 2013)
I'm working on my path to happiness. I plan on taking dances to learn how to dance and to lose some weight. There are some things I would love to learn like horseback riding and archery. (Kai Wong 11:19pm August 5, 2013)
I have been working on my creative fire lately - crafts, sewing, art, all kinds of projects. That path is taking me somewhere good and happy. (Carla Carlson 11:21pm August 5, 2013)
It's a continual work in progress. (Mary Preston 5:19am August 7, 2013)
Peggy! I love knitted and crocheted blankets! Your baby gift recipients will love you. :)
susan (Susan Meier 7:07am August 7, 2013)
I agree with those who said it's a continual work in progress! I think all of life is.
And I genuinely believe the best path to happiness is gratitude -- taking what you have and making the best of it!