Canine Protection, August 2024
Mass Market Paperback / e-Book
CSI Colton and the Witness, December 2023
Mass Market Paperback / e-Book
The Soldier's K-9 Mission, May 2023
Mass Market Paperback / e-Book (reprint)
Undercover Cowboy Protector, March 2023
Mass Market Paperback / e-Book
Shielding Colton's Witness, November 2022
Mass Market Paperback / e-Book
Guardian K-9 on Call, May 2022
Mass Market Paperback / e-Book
Trained to Protect, January 2022
Mass Market Paperback / e-Book
Uncovering Colton's Family Secret, November 2021
Mass Market Paperback / e-Book
Her Undercover Refuge, August 2021
Mass Market Paperback / e-Book
Colton First Responder, February 2020
Paperback / e-Book
Pick and Chews, May 2018
Paperback / e-Book
To Catch a Treat, May 2016
Bite the Biscuit, May 2015
Lost Under a Ladder, October 2014
Paperback / e-Book
Loyal Wolf, August 2014
Paperback / e-Book
Untamed Wolf, May 2014
Paperback / e-Book
Teacup Turbulence, January 2014
Paperback / e-Book
Covert Attraction, December 2013
Paperback / e-Book
Read Humane Hounds Abound, May 2013
Paperback (reprint)
Oodles Of Poodles, February 2013
Paperback / e-Book
Undercover Wolf, February 2013
Paperback / e-Book
Hounds Abound, April 2012
Paperback / e-Book
The More the Terrier, October 2011
Paperback / e-Book
Guardian Wolf, August 2011
Beaglemania, March 2011
Mass Market Paperback / e-Book
Alaskan Wolf, December 2010
Mass Market Paperback
Feline Fatale, July 2010
Howl Deadly, December 2009
Awakening The Beast, October 2009
Mass Market Paperback / e-Book
Back To Life, June 2009
Mass Market Paperback
Never Say Sty, April 2009
Alpha Wolf, January 2009
Mass Market Paperback
Double Dog Dare, June 2008
The Fright of the Iguana, October 2007
Meow is for Murder, February 2007
Fine-Feathered Death, May 2006
Sit, Stay, Slay, January 2006
Nothing To Fear But Ferrets, August 2005
Not a Moment Too Soon, November 2004
Lawful Engagement, July 2004
Guardian of Her Heart, February 2004
Special Agent Nanny, September 2003
Tommy's Mom, November 2002
Operation: Reunited, March 2002
The Ballad of Jack O'Dair, October 2000
Winter Wonderland, October 1999
A Pet Rescue Mystery #2
October 2011
On Sale: October 4, 2011
Featuring: Lauren Vancouver; Mamie Spelling
304 pages ISBN: 0425243796 EAN: 9780425243794 Kindle: B0052RHBOO Paperback / e-Book
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Mystery Pet Lovers | Mystery Cozy
Shelter manager Lauren Vancouver, “an ardent advocate for
homeless pets,” has taught herself a new trick: sleuthing.
Now she has a chance to hone her skills, as animal hoarding
leads to one less human life... When Lauren finds out that her old mentor, Mamie Spelling,
is an animal hoarder, no one is more shocked, and she jumps
in to help rehome the cramped critters. But Mamie’s troubles
don’t end there. She’s accused of murder when the CEO of a
pet shelter network is found dead. The aggressive
businesswoman was bullying Mamie to join her organization by
threatening to expose her hoarding, but that was before
Lauren took control of the situation. Now Lauren’s dogged
determination to clear her former friend of murder may put a
killer on her tail...
No awards found for this book. Pet Rescue Mysteries
56 comments posted.
Re: The More the Terrier
A new grandbaby on the way. A different job and hopefully more time with my family. Happy New year!! (Dawn Staniszeski 9:37am December 31, 2011)
My plans? 1. Force my 18 year old to learn how to drive. 2. Convince my 16 year old that she can't work a job and handle 4 AP classes. 3. Actually finish one of my remodeling jobs. 4. Learn how to make a quilt using my regular sewing machine. And, 5. call my father more. (Tanja Haack 9:56am December 31, 2011)
I've just started at a new job, so my plans are to learn everything well, and also buy a lot of books with my newly earned money:) (Dovile Petrasiunaite 10:04am December 31, 2011)
I plan to retire this year. I want to travel, travel, travel. It is time to see the world in person. Too much T.V. is not good for you. (Kathleen Yohanna 10:51am December 31, 2011)
I'm hoping to get a new job in 2012. I've been out of work for a while and a job would really help. (Joanne Balinski 11:12am December 31, 2011)
Wonderful plans, Dawn--especially the new grandbaby!
All sound good, Tanja. Good luck with them all...
Hey, I like your attitude, Dovile!
Traveling is definitely fun, Kathleen, especially with time to do it. Enjoy!
Fingers crossed that you find the perfect new job in 2012, Joanne. (Linda O, Johnston 11:42am December 31, 2011)
You are one busy lady! Happy New Year. (Janie Emaus 12:33pm December 31, 2011)
Same to you, Janie! (Linda O, Johnston 12:48pm December 31, 2011)
Plans for 2012... nothing big, but I do plan on reading as much as I can! Happy New Year! (Colleen Conklin 12:57pm December 31, 2011)
It's a little hard to believe as the year went by so quick but I am ready for 2012. No major plans but I plan on making each day a good one :) Wishing you a wonderful 2012. (Na S 1:14pm December 31, 2011)
This year I want to lose some weight,and do more fundraising for the local aps .I work for a doggie daycare and i love my job and this year we brought in over 400 pounds of dog food donations alone as well as toys and blankets .This cause is very near and dear to me and I love helping them its a non profit no kill shelter . (Wanda Flanagan 1:15pm December 31, 2011)
I'm looking forward to a great year, first of all. At some point, this year, I'd love to get a puppy since our beloved dog passed away a little over 2 years ago. Our household hasn't been the same since. It's way too quiet around here. I'd also like to get my charity work going that would keep my Mother's name alive. I also have some ideas in my head for designs that I'd like to get into for knitting. I'd like to put those into fruition. In between that, there's always time to pick up a book, since your brain does need a break and books are a wonderful way to unwind and get away from the everyday world for a while. I want to thank you for all the good you do for our four-legged friends, as well as well as the literary and legal worlds. I love the cover of the book being shown, as I don't show prejudice as to breed of dog!! Have a wonderful New Year!! (Peggy Roberson 1:29pm December 31, 2011)
Planning to read a lot is definitely a good thing, Colleen!
I like the idea of making each day a good one, Na S. Sounds like a great goal for everyone.
Excellent goal, Wanda. I'm all for helping no-kill animal shelters!
Belated hugs on the loss of your dog, Peggy, but I hope you find the perfect new family member in 2012. Sounds as if you have a lot of great goals for the new year. (Linda O, Johnston 1:58pm December 31, 2011)
My hubby and I are taking a Caribbean cruise in March and then heading out in June to visit Yellowstone and other parks for about two months. Hopefully, we then plan to head to Hendersonville, NC to hike and spend time with our son and grandchildren. I pray that our health will remain good for us to see and enjoy these things.
I am so very proud of you in your efforts at rescuing helpless animals. It has always totally puzzled me why people do not get their pets spayed and care for them. They are a member of the family!! We have had pets over the years that have brought such love and joy to our lives. You mentioned "Oodles of Poodles" which made me laugh. I love poodles! Our last little girl, Suzi, was so sweet. At the same time, we had, Sarah, our golden retriever. They were our babies, but unfortunately, their little lives gave out as age overcame them. Our son recently had to euthanize his nearly 21-year-old cat. It broke his heart. She was so frail and unwell yet he knew he had to do this for her. He put a beautiful note on facebook about her life that made all of us cry.
Thank you for all you do to help innocent little animals and for writing great novels for your readers. I look forward to your upcoming ones.
I wish you and happy, healthy and prosperous New Year. Bless you! (Connie Fischer 2:33pm December 31, 2011)
That's a catchy title. (Marilyn Legault 3:01pm December 31, 2011)
Your travel plans sound great, Connie. I agree with you that pets are family. I, too, don't understand why people don't take better care of their pets. There shouldn't be any need for shelters and rescue organizations, if everyone did their part. But I'm delighted to be part of the rescue community and furthering pet rescue in my way. Hugs on the losses of your pets, and thanks for reading! (Linda O, Johnston 3:04pm December 31, 2011)
I realize I didn't say it before, but Happy New Year to all of you! (Linda O, Johnston 3:05pm December 31, 2011)
I'd love to start 2012 without a hangover and a good night's sleep..... cleaningrhouse at yahoo dot com (Debbie Kennedy 3:36pm December 31, 2011)
We just rescued 4 4 month old kittens. Our old fellows, 16 and 18, just look st them and try to remember when they had that much pep! So do I! Blessings, Marjorie (Marjorie Carmony 3:38pm December 31, 2011)
Lets see we just got restationed to quantico marine corps base in virgina ..so leaving california will not be so much fun.also we are expecting a new addition in may.so now just going to sit down and enjoy the ride =) (Darlene Ysaguirre 3:47pm December 31, 2011)
Our new year plans are to continue to enjoy our retirement. This past year we went to alaska for 14 days and then hawaii for my 65th birthday in dec. We spent 11 days there. What a birthday gift. We want to travel all over before one of us is not able. So many people put off plans and then never get to do them. Off to fl in march and then who knows where next. Enjoy the grandkids. One is a 7th grade volleyball player and a cheerleader and the other is is pre school. What sweet girls they are . Love them to pieces. Would like another pet if we were not traveling. Miss our last one Misty who passed away about 8 years ago. (Mary Branham 3:49pm December 31, 2011)
My new year plans will be to read as many books as possible, and to change the people I surround myself with. I want to be around ones that have a positive outlook on life in general and are not going to take more from me than I am willing to give. Happy New Year Everyone. (Cheryl English 4:02pm December 31, 2011)
I want to try to get more organized. I think it would help get rid of some of the chaos. This summer I would like to build an outdoor "room" for my cats so they could safely feel like they get to go outside. (Debbie Penny 4:24pm December 31, 2011)
2012 is going to be an awesome year. I hope to finally get the house built in Texas and move from the Pacific Northwest to - shall we say - a much warmer and drier climate. Books to be read will stay on the top of the list of things I want to do. I hope everyone has a wonderful New Year! (Angee Bartlett 4:32pm December 31, 2011)
Sounds like the saying, "No good deed goes unpunished" is quite true about your story. Just glad that it doesn't happen every time, but in real circumstances this happens more than what one might think. Sounds like a fight to survive that will bring out the best or worse in us. Interesting book I would say. (David Christian 4:33pm December 31, 2011)
I plan to work my way a bit more through my long reading list. Usually grow a vegetable garden. I joined many hiking groups so plan on doing some hiking. I have many other plans, too many to mention them all. Basically in a nut shell I do my best to do it all. (Diane Lapierre 4:52pm December 31, 2011)
Planning to live a simpler life. Husband and I have made that our goal. Clear out stuff. And buy no new stuff. Simplicity. The new 2012! :-) (Lisa Hutson 4:54pm December 31, 2011)
I would like to get organized and learn to bake. (MaryEllen Hanneman 4:56pm December 31, 2011)
I will be reading a lot more books. (Annetta Stolpmann 5:16pm December 31, 2011)
We hope to be more financially sound and watch what we buy. (Mary Smith 5:22pm December 31, 2011)
I plan to downsize and move to the beach. (Lisa Garrett 5:23pm December 31, 2011)
get organized and let go some of my books since i got a kindle. sorry for your loss peggy .i know it's hard i lost my bandit about 5 yrs. ago and he is still missed. happy new year everyone and good luck jen (Jennifer Beck 5:23pm December 31, 2011)
YES, Please enter me in your great contest. The More The Terrier. Great Title for a Dog Book. We have 4 Chawinnies. Chihuahua/Dachsunds and really love little bouncing bundles of Joy. Rosita my favorite is a Barkaholic and has a white cross on her chest. We love our little Doggie Kids and they are truly a Blessing from GOD too. I would love to become a Writer and could use our 4 Dogs and GOD for the new books. Thanks and GOD Bless YOU. Cecilia CECE (Cecilia Dunbar Hernandez 5:39pm December 31, 2011)
Spend more time with family and friends.
Happy New Year to all! (Mary C 5:40pm December 31, 2011)
I plan to lead a more settled life. 2011 was a bit of an upheaval year.
Wishing you A Happy New Year. (Mary Preston 5:48pm December 31, 2011)
I just love dog stories! they are funny and they are so cute! I am a very big dog person, have been raising dogs and training them since I was 25! however, for the first time in my life i only have one dog in residence-she is a beautiful little chinese crested named BeeBee and several folks have said she is so smart she is like a 5 year-old child! I am planning to have her spayed on the 4th of January and having my little friend with me for many years! PS: I think she can read-she sits on my shoulder and follows along when I read! (Sue Perdue 6:05pm December 31, 2011)
Reading more books is at the top of my list, taking some sewing lessons and possible some cooking lessons. I'm always willing to learn new things and of course more time with the family. (Theresa Norris 6:25pm December 31, 2011)
going to Everglades National Park this month (Kay Lettner 6:28pm December 31, 2011)
Happy New Year! I plan to get a lot of work done on my house this year. (Maureen Emmons 6:36pm December 31, 2011)
For 2012, I am sending my first child to college. That will be hard enough. (Renee Brown 6:57pm December 31, 2011)
well me i hope the cncer is taken out and gone for good and then i am going challenge a authro to book read she want to read only 100 me i reading up to four week so i think i beat her by about 300 (Desiree Reilly 7:45pm December 31, 2011)
I want 2012 to give my family and I peace of mind, heart, and spirit..I want to have my loved ones healthy, happy, and prosperous, I want them to abtain their dreams and create new ones. I hope that everyone does one random act of kindness a day and pays it forward. The new year is filled with hope. (Carla Carlson 8:02pm December 31, 2011)
I'm trying not to make to many resolutions so I'm not disappointed but I do plan to spend more time with my dogs. (Catherine Myers 8:30pm December 31, 2011)
In 2012 I plan to exercise 3-4 times a week and spend more time with friends and family (Shirley Younger 8:37pm December 31, 2011)
Plans for 2012 include finding a new job and actually put and keep money in my savings account! (Beverly Clark 9:08pm December 31, 2011)
I'm getting some debt paid off in 2012. (Robin Daily 9:29pm December 31, 2011)
Wow--I haven't stopped in for a while and I'm delighted to see how many comments have been left. Thank you all--and I hope every one of you achieves all you want to and even more in 2012! A very Happy New Year to everyone!!! (Linda O, Johnston 9:34pm December 31, 2011)
2011 has been the hardest year of my life. I am looking forward to making this next year better all the way around. Wishing all a safe and happy New Year! (Mary Baker 11:07pm December 31, 2011)
I'm planning on wrapping up a lot of small projects I have going around the house and spending some quality time with my family this year. rsgrandinetti@yahoo(dot)com (Renee Grandinetti 11:28pm December 31, 2011)
Lots of great and positive plans - for me? Learn to drive (and yes, I am 48) - get TOTALLY back on track with my weight loss - becoming more focused in my life - work, home, everything! (Felicia Ciaudelli 12:22pm January 1, 2012)
Take a deep breath, put the negative voices behind me. Take a leap of faith and listen to God's small still voice. Embark on the greatest adventure of my life, living, reading,learning, and giving. Pay it forward. Happy 2012, another year to start fresh and learn from the past but not dwell on it. :) (Debbie Moulds 6:57am January 1, 2012)
Not expecting anything but hope the year will be a good one. Happy New Year! (Diane Sadler 10:34am January 1, 2012)
So many wonderful plans and wishes posted here. I wish the best for everyone. It's 2012!!! (Linda O, Johnston 12:42pm January 1, 2012)
I do feline rescue and put all my extra time into my foster cats and getting them adopted out - My goal is to continue and try to get even more cats off the streets and into homes. (Anne Jones 4:16am January 2, 2012)
Hoping to finally meet my youngest grandchild in person...he'll be two in May! Also, just finished the first draft of a book, so I will be working on that. Those are the top two. :) (Penny Mettert 2:08am January 3, 2012)
I have high hopes for 2012 across a lot of fields. Family and friends are my focus for support in my causes and passions. (Alyson Widen 2:59pm January 7, 2012)
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