Fragmented, January 2015
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Vipers Run, July 2014
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Unbreakable, November 2013
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Dire Desires, July 2013
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Surrender, April 2013
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Dire Needs, March 2012
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Night Moves: A Shadow Force Novel, October 2011
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Night Moves, October 2011
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In The Air Tonight, August 2011
Promises in the Dark, December 2010
Lie With Me, November 2010
Hold On Tight, February 2010
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Too Hot To Hold, January 2010
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Hard To Hold, December 2009
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Hot Nights, Dark Desires, May 2008
Trade Size
Beyond His Control, March 2008
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Risking It All, June 2007
Coming Undone, April 2007
Eternal Wolf Clan #1
March 2012
On Sale: March 6, 2012
Featuring: Rifter; Gwen
400 pages ISBN: 0451236238 EAN: 9780451236234 Kindle: B006LU0HE2 Paperback / e-Book
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Romance Paranormal
Feared by humans and envied by werewolves, the Dire Wolves
are immortal shifters, obeying no laws but their own bestial
natures. Rifter leads the pack, and his primal instincts have led him
to claim Gwen, a woman seeking solace from the chronic pain
that has wracked her body her entire life. But whatever future Rifter and Gwen have is threatened by an
enemy of both humanity and the Dire Wolves...
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51 comments posted.
Re: Dire Needs
This sounds like a Great book! I agree with you that I like to read series but that I also complain about not wanting to wait for the next book to be release to find out what happens next. I hope you have a great day. (Chelsea Knestrick 5:55am March 5, 2012)
I love reading a series and I love the phrase "biker wolf"!! (Renee Pajda 7:53am March 5, 2012)
I like stand alone books, but love series books and though I sometimes have to wait a year for the next one, it's always worth the wait. I can't wait to get my hands on this book, it sounds fantastic. (Rose Germano 9:40am March 5, 2012)
I love reading series for the same reason. I love reading more about the characters and then secondary characters getting their own stories. Almost all the historical romances I've been reading lately are all series. I love reading a book, loving it, then having to go out and buy the rest of the series immediately because I love it that much. I love Kenyon and her Dark Hunter series and recently I've been reading Stephanie Laurens and The CYnsters. (Sharon D 9:40am March 5, 2012)
Series are always fun..I like when stories continue. Biker wolves, witches and ghosts..I like the sounds of this story!! (Dawn Staniszeski 10:04am March 5, 2012)
When a story is very good, then I love a series. But I HATE cliffhanger endings, and rarely read any series that do that. I mean, you have no idea when the next book will come out, it may be over a year. Occasionally, I've read such a series, but only when it's been out for years and years, and I have all the books lined up and so don't have to wonder what happens. That's my 2 cents... I'm glad to see that werewolf-books are "coming into their own"; yours sounds interesting. (Kathleen Conner 10:42am March 5, 2012)
I prefer series books that can also be read as stand-alones. It seem that libraries are good at getting books 1 and 2 but often forget 3. It takes reminding them more than once. (Sandra Spilecki 11:31am March 5, 2012)
I can go either way, as far as books go, although I'm a big Janet Evanovich fan, so with sequels, when I drop that name, need I say more!! :-) If I truly like an author, I will read her books, whether they be a sequel or a stand alone book. All I have to do is see her name on the spine. I am looking forward to reading your book, and getting started into another new realm of books. Your book sounds fascinating, and it sounds like you put your heart and soul into not only the first book, but the sequel as well, which I'd be interested in looking at after reading the first book. Congratulations!! (Peggy Roberson 11:41am March 5, 2012)
I like both, but I get most of my books at the library and sometimes its hard to get the whole series. (Wilma Frana 11:42am March 5, 2012)
Ok, you had be at cookies... (Cate Sparks 11:46am March 5, 2012)
I love series - and am always sad when they end! Mercedes Lackey for example has many different series that usually connect in one way or another, and I love being able to explore those worlds. Some books are good on their own, like you said, thrillers or mysteries don't always need a sequel. I'm usually just excited to find more books I can't put down! (Alyssa m 11:54am March 5, 2012)
I find an addiction in series, from the main characters continuing their saga, to the secondary characters having their own. Jo Beverly is great for capturing me. I even find that I might not like the first book, but must read the second..as if I was brainwashed to do so. I also love stand alones, they are complete, the end has occurred and as a reader that can be extremely satisifying (Carla Carlson 12:04pm March 5, 2012)
I like stand-alones. I look for a book that is so good I want to re-read it. (Holly Sanders 12:13pm March 5, 2012)
I am somewhat conflicted on this - LOL - I am a series bait junkie for sure - I hate to see stories end and love how everyone and everything evolves - BUT, like other readers have mentioned - having to WAIT for the next step - it gives me the jitters! Stand alones are definitely great, too - as long as the various plots and characters have been well-defined enough. :-) (Felicia Ciaudelli 12:27pm March 5, 2012)
I definitely read mostly series, but I consider some series really stand alones. You know, those romances where the characters from one book aren't in the second book, and future lead characters get maybe a couple of sentences to set them up for the next book and the backstory is so loosely connected that they're really stand alones. (Anne Muller 12:42pm March 5, 2012)
I certainly do enjoy series, and sometimes really dislike the long wait between books. Blessings, Marjorie (Marjorie Carmony 12:43pm March 5, 2012)
I enjoy series... I just do not like it when I fall behind on the books or have to wait a long time in between the books... (Colleen Conklin 1:43pm March 5, 2012)
I have not read any of your work, but this sound like something I would enjoy reading. I do read some series, but like everyone else I don't like to wait too long for the next one!! (Joyce Bruner 2:09pm March 5, 2012)
I like series but I tend to wait until they are all written and out (or almost out) since I can't stand waiting to read the next one. Sometimes that's hard expecially when other people are talking about the books. (Wendy Hulbert 2:14pm March 5, 2012)
I like series and stand-alones. (Natasha Donohoo 2:16pm March 5, 2012)
Congrats on your book!
I like the J.D. Robb series... It shows the character developing... (May Pau 2:37pm March 5, 2012)
I love sequels...up to a point. Then, they can get ridiculous. But having said that, it's really in the hands of the author. My favorite kind of sequel is a character that steps outside him/herself in the next series and does something completely out of their norm for a chance at reaching their goals or love or whatever. Because I believe that sometimes, we really have to push ourselves out of our comfort zone to gain a new strength or understanding. These kinds of sequels are the best. (Sharon Hutchins 2:40pm March 5, 2012)
I like both, but really love folowing characters in series. (Alyson Widen 2:42pm March 5, 2012)
I like both. There have been a couple of books I have read, that I would to have them be series. Others tell such a full story, I don't feel I need more. (Debbie Penny 2:48pm March 5, 2012)
I LOVE series books - prefer them!! I'm like you - I want to "see" these people and places again. And also like you, I like stand alones when they are thriller/suspense... I love your series books!! (Kelli Jo Calvert 3:22pm March 5, 2012)
I like both, but lean more toward being a series bait junkie. When I've found a great book, I anxiously await the next, because I'm now addicted to that author. I know I'd enjoy your book since I love a story including a biker, wolves, witches and ghosts. I'm very interested in reading this new book and all your sequels to come! I'm happy to find a new author of something I love reading. You look so much like and resemble my youngest sister, too. I like you already. (Linda Luinstra 3:34pm March 5, 2012)
(Linda Luinstra 3:40pm March 5, 2012)
This is a wonderful new series. I hope you all enjoy Dire Needs and Dire Warning as much as I have. I think I read mostly series too. It so nice to become involved with the characters. (Victoria Sloboda 3:48pm March 5, 2012)
Series are wonderful, but only if they're all finished by the time I start. I hate waiting 2-3 years for the next book to come out, but they're great because you can watch the characters slowly grow. I do love stand-alones, too. :) (Hyunjin Jeon 4:20pm March 5, 2012)
This sounds like a great new series to read. I do enjoy reading sequels in a series I like, because it gives me something to look forward to reading in the next book when it's released. Stand-alones that a really good that end abruptly, leave you wanting more to read on, should be a series. I've read a few like that. (Rich Cook 4:34pm March 5, 2012)
Congrats on the new release, Stephanie. I like stand alones, but I do prefer series. I like revisiting with characters from previous books. (Jane Cheung 4:41pm March 5, 2012)
I think there are more stand alone stories in romantic suspense. I can't remember the last contemporary I read that was a stand alone story. I like both as long as the stories in a series can be read out of order. (Maureen Emmons 4:57pm March 5, 2012)
I love series. I like knowing I will get to stick with a world for a while. Stand alone books are great too but I really love series. (Stacie Deramo 5:04pm March 5, 2012)
I like a good series of books because it gives me more time to stay in the fantasy that it has created. It does seem like there are a lot of fantastic series out there that I just can't pass up. I really think it depends on the story. I also think a fantastic stand alone book can do it too. Not to say that I haven't said too bad that book had to end. Congrats on your book. They sound delish. Thanks (Margie Gagarin 5:08pm March 5, 2012)
I am a series junkie. I love romance and it's almost always in series. I love getting to know the characters, their families and friends. I love eventually knowing about their HEA and how it all worked out. I figure an author had a lot invested in the world of a book and why not returning for a visit. There are some worlds I'd love to live in, for instance Lynsay Sand's Argeneau Vampires. Oh, to be a lifemate of one of those hot vamps, ;-). I can't wait for your new series. Thanks for the giveaway! (Lenna Hendershott 5:09pm March 5, 2012)
I prefer series. I read stand alone books all the time, but feel like I get so much more out of series. You get the chance to form a deeper understanding of the characters and can get more emotionally invested. (Christina Aldridge 5:19pm March 5, 2012)
Oh man, I am such a series junkie. Love both kinds, when the same characters are featured in each book, and new (and returning) characters for each story. (Cathy MacDonald 6:17pm March 5, 2012)
I do like series, but I also like stand-alones. (Cheryl McEwen 7:14pm March 5, 2012)
I like series and stand-alones. If the series is short, like a trilogy, I like to wait until I can get them all & read one after another. But sometimes I just can't wait... (r w 7:46pm March 5, 2012)
I am a series junkie. I love getting to know characters and have their stories continue in other books. I also love the occational stand alone. No matter what type the book is I always feel I want more after I finish a book. (Annetta Stolpmann 8:04pm March 5, 2012)
I enjoy both series and stand alones, but find it hard to wait. Like Robin, if the series is short, I will purchase the books as they are released, but wait for the last one to be published before reading them. (Mary C 8:57pm March 5, 2012)
I like both types of reading, but I really get investing in a series and I love them. (Lisa Kendall 9:26pm March 5, 2012)
I do love series - I like to catch up with the characters of the earlier books and see what they are up to. (Diane Sallans 9:36pm March 5, 2012)
I'll admit that I do tend toward series but...I read quite a few stand alone books. I try to be open minded because you never know when you might find something just wonderful! BTW, I love biker wolves. Eeeee!!! (Jennifer Beyer 9:47pm March 5, 2012)
your books sounds great and i can't wait to read. i love series-keri arthor and lora leigh have get series.but i do read both.bikers cant wait to read!!!! (Jennifer Beck 10:04pm March 5, 2012)
Cookies & Wolves - it does not get much better than that!! (Mary Preston 10:06pm March 5, 2012)
I do like some stand-alones as well but they don't always give you as much story and plot as well as character development as you tend to get when you read a series of books. (Chelsea Knestrick 10:18pm March 5, 2012)
I like both, stand alone and series though I prefer short series rather than long series. Seeing characters grow and develop and plots surrounding these characters are great. (Diane Sadler 10:37pm March 5, 2012)
Your book sounds great! I don't like series where the main character's the same in every book. I want romantic closure! (Lisa Elwood 2:43pm March 6, 2012)
Congrats on the new release!!!!!
I love series. Especially b/c we can see the characters grow and mature. However, there are some longer series that have grown stagnate and I wish they'd end them. And I do love stand alone books too. I guess it all depends on the author ;) (Erin Fender 2:49pm March 6, 2012)
Happy Release to you! (Na S 11:49am March 7, 2012)
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