February 7th, 2025
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Love, Secrets, and Second Chances—February’s Must-Read Books Await!

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A Stray Pup, A Second Chance, and a Killer on the Loose�Wagtail�s About to Get Wild!

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A Hacker, an Undercover Mission, and a Love Worth Fighting For.

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A Duke by any other name would smell as� dastardly?
� delightful?

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Shaken, Stirred, and Unexpectedly in Love�Can They Mix Business with Pleasure?

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As London's high society watches their every move, can these two brilliant minds find the formula for true love?

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Chocolate, Second Chances, and a Love Too Sweet to Let Go.

Hellsbane by Paige Cuccaro


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Also by Paige Cuccaro:

Heaven And Hellsbane, September 2013
Paperback / e-Book
From Here To Eternity, February 2013
Commencement, October 2012
Hellsbane, December 2011
Paperback / e-Book
The Gift Of Love, June 2010
Gifted, September 2009
Queen of Hearts, August 2007
Cavemen Anthology: Dreams of the Oasis, March 2006

Paige Cuccaro

December 2011
On Sale: December 1, 2011
Featuring: Emma Jane Hellsbane
256 pages
ISBN: 1937044653
EAN: 9781937044657
Kindle: B006GR3BD4
Paperback / e-Book
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Romance Paranormal | Fantasy Urban

Emma Jane Hellsbane just found out she's not human-or, at least, not only human. She's half angel, too, and now Heaven's got a job for her: round up all the Fallen angels and their red-skinned, horned devil-demon minions and boot their butts back into the abyss. Only problem? The demons and their Fallen masters fight back...and they don't fight fair.

Luckily for Emma, she can put a stop to the constant threat of having her head hacked off if she figures out which Fallen angel is her father-and then kill him before he kills her. Of course, in the meantime, she'll have to avoid accidentally seducing her angelic mentor, help an old friend conquer his own Fallen sperm donor, and basically save the world from a cataclysmic divine smack down.

No one said being Heaven's bounty hunter would be easy. But with a name like Hellsbane, Emma Jane was born for the job.

No awards found for this book.


56 comments posted.

Re: Hellsbane

Well, we normally go over to my sister's for x'mas... but I think that we have finally reached the point where there are too many kids and we can't all fit into her house... We'll probably go out for dinner one night instead and just do a smaller get-togethers...

I just love getting together with everyone since it's hard to be together all the time now....
(May Pau 4:18pm December 7, 2011)

With all of our kids grown with familys of their own...and 3 out of 4 living approx 150 miles away...it's tough to get everyone together. My husband insists they we arrange a time when we can all get together (did I mention there are 9 grandchildren as well?)...which is frustrating for everyone. I try to tell him to just get together with whoever is avail whenever...no big deal. They are much busier than we are...but he forgets what it was like with a house full of little ones. I think I might have to put my foot down this year and tell him to stop harrassing the kids! Christmas can be any day we want it to be...

barbbattaglia at yahoo dot com
Barbara Battaglia 5:18pm December 7, 2011)

We haven't followed the traditional Christmas since my hubby lost his job and we had to move to a different province. We have just the four of us made the best of being together and celebrating!
Diane Sadler 7:16pm December 7, 2011)

We still do some things that we have continued to do for years... but this year I am so far behind on getting stuff done... being together is the most important thing... Happy Holidays!
Colleen Conklin 7:53pm December 7, 2011)

I'm holding onto 3 traditions. Since I won't be with my family, I've started new ones with my Husband in the place that I now live. This year I will be baking my Mother's cookies, and sharing them with my Landlord (who will be here) and take some to friends who love them. The second tradition is to decorate as much as I can, because I love Christmas, and want it to be a Holiday to remember. The third tradition is to get these contests changed to a choice of copy or e-book, because I don't own an e-reader. I can't afford to buy one, new or used. I prefer a hard copy of a book, anyway, and love the cover of your book. It would be advertising for me to walk around, reading it. I hope that you have a Merry Christmas and a great New Year!!
Peggy Roberson 8:16pm December 7, 2011)

I combine various traditions and like the carols and the cookies.
Alyson Widen 8:52pm December 7, 2011)

Linda Bass 8:53pm December 7, 2011)

Oh yes - back in the day we had lots of stuff going on - lots of baking - mom used to make a birthday cake for the Baby Jesus - etc - but over the years, things totally scaled back, which is kind of sad in a way, but there are always ways to make new traditions as you said! We always have Christmas music going though - mostly the older, "traditional" songs we know and love mixed with some newer stuff!
Felicia Ciaudelli 9:13pm December 7, 2011)

My favorite part is driving around looking at the Xmas lights and visiting with friends and family. We don't really have a lot of traditions and our family is far and wide.
Lisa Kendall 9:23pm December 7, 2011)

Thanks for a lovely post. My family doesn't really do "traditions". We just gather together to catch up, exchange presents and eat!
Erin Fender 12:19pm December 8, 2011)

Christmas has changed for us. My daughter is grown now and has a life outside of her parental units:-) We've taken our small family and added it to a cousins, and we have a wonderful dinner and then sit and chat. It's all low key and relaxing. I still miss all the crazy fun we had when the kids were small and the paper would go flying, the cats in the 'real' tree and we nearly resembled 'Christmas Vacation'!
Gail Siuba 2:14am December 8, 2011)

Growing up in a home that didn't have many extras, but did have an abundance of love, made Christmas a wonderful time of year. Presents were few, but after all it is the thought that counts, or used to anyway.
Marjorie Carmony 9:00am December 8, 2011)

In the last couple of years, we've lost some very dear family right at the holidays. Due to these losses, we've struggled to push through missing them, knowing that the loved ones wouldn't want such unhappiness to mar the joy that comes with the holidays that they enjoyed so much. Helping our childen through these times has brought us even closer.
LaRonda Atchison 12:56pm December 8, 2011)

We hold all the main Holidays at our house, I usually cook for around 18 people. It is wonderful. just getting us all together is great. Merry Christmas
Debbie Ellis 1:51pm December 8, 2011)

Now there is just my husband and me to celebrate the holidays by ourself--and we still haven't figured out exactly what to do. I still cook a big dinner, then we have leftovers for a weeK!!
Sue Farrell 2:26pm December 8, 2011)

Now that we have a little one, we still try and see all the family, but make it known that Christmas morning is for us now.
Summer Grinstead 2:38pm December 8, 2011)

Well I traditionally cook for Thanksgiving. But as our children have grown and moved away the crowd is getting smaller. I once cooked turkey for 43. This year is was just 15 and my father-in-law was in the hospital. He has since passed away. This was not a good thanksgiving. I am hoping next year is good again. The men and children also go on a hike in the forest preserve every year and that is one tradition we try to keep. It has been happening for at least 18 yrs.
Patti Paonessa 3:45pm December 8, 2011)

Unless we go East it is just my Husband and I. So there is no tradition when we stay home. A roast chicken or a Rib
Roast and no decorations. bah humbug.
Kathleen Bianchi 4:37pm December 8, 2011)

I have always loved since I was a small child, a tradition in our family, that my brother still holds dear and does each year on Dec. 23 or 24, taking the family to look at the many beautiful Christmas lighting displays in front of the homes, etc. Also, love getting together with my siblings and all their children (as many of us that can each year, since several are from one state, but not all of us), and we have a huge buffet that everyone contributes to that is always fantastic. There are 8 sisters and brothers and 31 children & grandchildren. So it's a huge houseful if most show up and a noisy, fun time together! I also, prefer reading my books from paperback or hardcover, since I do not own any type of e-reader and wish authors would consider the option, for those of us that do not, in their giveaways. Thanks!
Linda Luinstra 5:28pm December 8, 2011)

The last several years, my parents have come to our house because of our kids & the frustration of trying to bring gifts from Santa on the trip without our kids discovering them, but this year we will have to go there because my grandfather is very ill. That is a sacrifice we will gladly make.
Jenny Finstrom 7:06pm December 8, 2011)

Struggling with it. The kids are now teens and it just isn't the same, they are not really into it but still want the magic they remember from their elementary days. I am trying to get them involved by giving to others and doing deeds for each other. My one son took my other sons broken chain in and is getting it fixed for him as a surprise for Christmas :)
Darci Paice 10:27pm December 8, 2011)

looking at all the lights and time with family
Jennifer Beck 11:19pm December 8, 2011)

Original ideas don’t always come easy. All of us need a little kick start from time to time, to get our minds ticking. To get excited. The short black of inspiration.
i-Phone case
Risy Kco 4:17am December 17, 2011)

I have the same problem with music. I put it on to help me type up reviews and then I end up having my own mini concert at the computer and end up getting no work done.
Kristin Bingham 1:14am March 15, 2012)

I have the TV on while reading. My husband will come in and ask what I am watching. I answer "Nothing, I am reading".
Marjorie Carmony 6:17am March 15, 2012)

Sounds like a fun read. I like music in the background.
Molly Wilsbacher 6:44am March 15, 2012)

I know what you mean I'm to interested in the music too.
Theresa Norris 7:02am March 15, 2012)

When my son was younger due to his aspergers I couldn't listen to music at all. Through years of working with him, I desensitized him to it. Now, he can listen to it for at least a little while. So, I play it whenever I can. The thing is, he finds this really eclectic music. One minute we will be listening to Sarah Mclachlin, and the next to Egypt doing the Queen of all Time (which is a obscure heavy metal doom band- which happens to be my favorite song right now. It is an amazing song). I have learned to multi-task, because I enjoy the music so much.
Debbie Penny 7:38am March 15, 2012)

I have no problem multitasking and I do prefer noise of any kind around me. If I turn music on it will be country or maybe ray gay. There was always so much noise (TV, music, Wii games, etc.)going on that I just got used to it. The only thing I couldn't go with is when to kids start arguing between themselves, then I had to stop everything and go take care of other business. If I'm turning music on for any reason besides just listening then the music would go with what I was going to do. Thanks
Margie Gagarin 8:28am March 15, 2012)

Sometimes I can and sometimes I can't (now THERE is a non-answer for you!) - right now, I have my headphones on as I type, listening to the opera Carmen (my tastes, too, are very eclectic - I may be listening to the Beastie Boys next!) - but then I will start daydreaming to the music and get completely sidetracked! LOL - I have a "mental soundtrack" during the day, and will think that a certain song would be just right as background for a certain situation. :-)
Felicia Ciaudelli 10:47am March 15, 2012)

It is hard for me to really concentrate if I have the radio turned to my favorite songs channel. So I don't tend to have it on when I must focus on something but crank it up when the situation is less demanding...like cleaning the house.
G. Bisbjerg 11:32am March 15, 2012)

I used to listen all the time...then my radio broke and I went
without...now I have several but still mostly go without.
Mary Hay 11:43am March 15, 2012)

To read, anything could be going on around me but if I had to write I don't think I could be like that. It would be too distracting.
We moved to S.C. from Ohio about a year ago. I sure don't miss the crazy weather lol.
MaDonna Lemmen 11:57am March 15, 2012)

I'm with you, Paige. Lyrics usually distract me when I'm writing. I do, however, like to listen to electronic music for certain scenes. Thumpin' techno often works well for action scenes. Ambient is nice for moments of introspection, etc. Today, I'm listening to the rain on my rooftop. :)
Celia Breslin 12:14pm March 15, 2012)

First- thank you for Robbie Williams, I love him
and not many people know him or Take That.
Now, yes, unfortunately I multi task that it
becomes an insane trait to the ones around me.
I think I have always been this way, doing
homework could not be done on silence, radio,
tv, and even a phone in my hand as I worked on
problems. Flash into today where, I exercise
while I clean, can listen to my husband/children
and the news on tv. It is a wonder how I get
things done and I wear out my friends when they
watch me.
Music to drown out...I listen to everything, but to
relax there is the Gregorian Chants, Whale
Sounds, Loreena McKennitt, and my favorite
Gary Stadler (faerie music- which will always
take you somewhere else).
Carla Carlson 12:47pm March 15, 2012)

I like all kinds of music but when I'm doing something I will put on public radio from Temple University that plays classical in the morning and jazz at night. It's nice background music.
Maureen Emmons 12:57pm March 15, 2012)

I definitely use a playlist when I'm writing. It really helps me keep the mood for the book! (And also drowns out the noise in the house! LOL)

Congratulations on the mass-market release!!!

Lisa :)
Lisa Kessler 12:58pm March 15, 2012)

Personally, I tend to have my local Public Radio (Hurray for WPR!) on all the time, except for three programs on Friday and Saturday nights, when I will turn the radio off, and the TV on. Unless, of course, I'm out in the car, in which case I switch to the CD (running Tony Bennett right now) or tapedeck (Robin & Linda Williams here).

My problem is, as a professional musician (violist), classical can distract me enough so that I lose track of what I'm supposed to be doing. And making a road trip with CD's of it? Nope. Ain't gonna happen. I've found out the hard way that playing classical CD's when on a long already boring drive will put me to sleep faster than using the cruise control does. SO I bring along the CD pack with all my favourite swing-era stuff in it.

I tend not to like most of what passes for popular music today. It's just too loud and obnoxious for my taste. Otherwise, my taste is fairly eclectic, although there are some things I will not listen to, and there's nothing in the world that will make me do so.


Lynn Rettig 1:48pm March 15, 2012)

I'm with you, Paige. I can listen to music no problem, but not if there are lyrics. Much too distracting. If there are lyrics, I actually sit down and listen to them, and think about them, and dissect them - I married a songwriter - and that's not good at all. I need quiet when I write. Dead. Quiet. So there's no such thing as a playlist for any of my books. I always thought I was weird. Now I see I'm not. And I thank you for that!
Jennie Bentley 2:57pm March 15, 2012)

I'm such a light sleeper, I have both white noise, and a CD by Steven Halpern that I listen to. It's all the little noises that jolt me, at night or during the day.
Kathleen Conner 3:10pm March 15, 2012)

I enjoy music in the background...depending on my mood I can listen to Josh Groban, ENYA, Loreena McKinnett, Daughtry, Carrie Underwood, etc... so many choices that I just go with what my mood wants to enjoy...
Colleen Conklin 3:21pm March 15, 2012)

Like you, I have founf myself typing out lyrics quite by accident when I was very intent on typing something but there was a favorite song on the radio in the background! That's so funny! That new Adele album is so awesome. Everytime I hear "Rolling in the Deep," I've just go to get off my arse and move. She was incredible at the Grammys!
Catherine Lee 4:43pm March 15, 2012)

I usually like to turn some kind of music on while I am playing games on the computer or while I am typing something but I don't if I am going to be reading anything because then I usually completely tune it out or get distracted. I don't usually read books with background noise. I do like to try to listen to some music everyday though.
Chelsea Knestrick 5:08pm March 15, 2012)

I listen to very little music and usually only in the car during my commute, but this year I've switched to listening to books on CD.

If I have to focus, no music or books, but if it's a menial task like pitting together kits for work, I do listen to books on CD. (Thank you public library, at $50-120 a pop, I couldn't afford them.)
Anne Muller 5:17pm March 15, 2012)

The book sounds awesome Paige..congrats! I'm not someone who can write with a lot of noise. I'm to easily distracted. If I have music on, like you, I'd either start singing or typing out the lyrics. The most noise I can work with is the snoring of my 2 dogs as they lay at my feet or the hum or the refrigerator. LOL
Christine Warner 5:26pm March 15, 2012)

I find noise & music distracting & I don't write.
Mary Preston 6:41pm March 15, 2012)

I love music when I am crafting or crocheting. However, I never listen to it when working or trying to sleep. I get sucked in and will zone in to the music to the exclusing of work and sleep
Kelly Knapp 7:21pm March 15, 2012)

I usually have the radio going from the time I wake up until the time I go to bed. Although I'll listen to everything but rap, I keep the radio tuned to "adult lite rock," as they classify it. The station I found plays songs going back to when I was in school, which goes back quite a while, and plays a lot of songs that are out now, but aren't what I call "sreamin' meme" songs. Normally that relaxes me to where I can concentrate on whatever I'm working on, and I can shut out the world. If there's a project where I need some energy, I have CD's that I put on. Those I call my "motivation music," and they give me the extra energy I need to get major projects done around the house. One is a classical CD, and the others are mixed CD's that I happen to love.
Peggy Roberson 8:48pm March 15, 2012)

The radio is on NPR in the car and I mix it up a bit with oldies and CD's. Multitasking is the key to parenting, but for concentrating on studying, it seems from studies that doesn't keep you focused.
Alyson Widen 9:26pm March 15, 2012)

I love music, but don't listen to it nearly enough.
Margay Roberge 10:36pm March 15, 2012)

I love most all kinds of music and I play what suits my mood. I can't have music playing while I am writing or typing though. I listen to music while I do most other things. I listen to music I can sing along with while cleaning, gardening or driving but only backround music while I do other things like reading is usually music without lyrics.
Patti Paonessa 10:39pm March 15, 2012)

I usually have the radio on while I'm at work and in the car. When I'm dealing with details, I have the radio off just to focus. When I'm not concentrating on a detailed information, I could do several things at once.
Kai Wong 11:03pm March 15, 2012)

sounds like a great book and i added to my wish list.i have a great job i answer the phones so i read at work but one of the grils talks nonstop so i put on head phones so i dont hear her.funny thing she still talks to ya!!!
Jennifer Beck 11:23pm March 15, 2012)

I always have the tv going just for the noise. As for music when Im getting ready to go out Im on a Susan Boyle kick right now and listen to her. Your book sounds really good will have to put it on my list.
Robin Priddy 1:06am March 16, 2012)

I usually always have the tv on, and I listen to music alot too, it is hard to concert on reading and listening to music or the tv at the same time though sometime.
Natasha Donohoo 2:36am March 16, 2012)

I need music as a background but often I end up paying more attention to the music than whatever it is I'm supposed to be doing.
Tara Smith 12:48pm March 17, 2012)

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