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Love, Secrets, and Second Chances—February’s Must-Read Books Await!

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A Stray Pup, A Second Chance, and a Killer on the Loose�Wagtail�s About to Get Wild!

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A Hacker, an Undercover Mission, and a Love Worth Fighting For.

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A Duke by any other name would smell as� dastardly?
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Shaken, Stirred, and Unexpectedly in Love�Can They Mix Business with Pleasure?

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Chocolate, Second Chances, and a Love Too Sweet to Let Go.

The Lord Of Illusion by Kathryne Kennedy


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Also by Kathryne Kennedy:

Shaman's Seduction, October 2018
Enchanting the Beast, April 2014
Hardcover / e-Book
Everlasting Enchantment, December 2013
Paperback / e-Book
The Lord Of Illusion, February 2012
Paperback / e-Book
The Lady Of The Storm, August 2011
Beneath The Thirteen Moons, December 2010
Mass Market Paperback
The Fire Lord's Lover, July 2010
Mass Market Paperback
My Unfair Lady, December 2009
Mass Market Paperback
Enchanting the Beast, May 2009
Mass Market Paperback
Double Enchantment, September 2008
Mass Market Paperback / e-Book
Enchanting the Lady, January 2008
Mass Market Paperback

The Lord Of Illusion
Kathryne Kennedy

His dreams of her are all he has...

Sourcebooks Casablanca
February 2012
On Sale: February 1, 2012
Featuring: Camille; Drystan Hawkes
384 pages
ISBN: 1402236549
EAN: 9781402236549
Kindle: B006M7QWM0
Paperback / e-Book
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Paranormal Historical

He'll do anything to save her...

Rebel Lord Drystan Hawkes dreams of fighting for England's freedom from the endless evils of the Elven Lords. He gets his chance when he finds a clue to opening the magic portal to Elfhame, and he must race to find the slave girl who holds the key to the mystery. But even as Drystan rescues Camille Ashton from Dreamhame Palace, it becomes unclear exactly who is saving whom. For the fate of humankind lies with Camille...

Enslaved for years in a realm where illusion and glamour reign, Camille has learned to trust nothing and no one. But she's truly spellbound when she meets Drystan--a man different from any she's ever known, and the force of their passion may yet be strong enough to banish the Elven Lords from this world forever.

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42 comments posted.

Re: The Lord Of Illusion

I adore Kathryne Kennedy's books and would be thrilled to win a copy of LORD OF ILLUSIONS and complete the trilogy at last! Thanks so much.

[email protected]
(Amy Harlib 11:41pm January 29, 2012)

"The ability to heal (non-lethal wounds or ailments), or
soothe mental stress." Would be the one I would want, though
the finder ability would be every day handy.
Gayle Cochrane 11:55am February 3, 2012)

Healing, both physical and emotional, is a wonderful talent.
Marjorie Carmony 12:21pm February 3, 2012)

Teleportation--I want to be able to get home to my kids quicker
Audra Holtwick 12:28pm February 3, 2012)

I too have had dreams of flying and it seems like a wonderful thing. But healing is the most tempting and to calm. My practical side would love to find lost items - I just lost a gold ring my husband gave me 20 years ago. They all sound so wonderful but of course they would have their downsides too. It surely is fantastic reading about all your characters having these many magical powers.
Jeanne Sheats 12:38pm February 3, 2012)

The power to heal. I think that would be the most satisfying power for me to have.
G. Bisbjerg 12:40pm February 3, 2012)

Hi Gayle! Finding my glasses would be handy...I'm always misplacing them...usually on my head. :}

Hi Marjorie! I absolutely agree!

Hi Audra! I would love to spend less time on the freeway! And it would be fabulous to never have to fly in a plane again.

Hi Jeanne! Insightful comment...I often deal with the issue that with great power comes great responsibility.

Hi G.! Absolutely! I keep wanting another just for fun, though. :}
Kathryne Kennedy 1:06pm February 3, 2012)

The ability to heal & calm a beast would be my choices.
Colleen Conklin 1:19pm February 3, 2012)

I think the ability to fly would be awesome- although, the ability to use glamour
or become invisible would be pretty incredible too. Your book sounds really
good, Kathryne!
Debbie Burdeen 1:23pm February 3, 2012)

Hi Colleen! Calm a beast...that would be fascinating.

HI Debbie! Another great answer! And thanks so much, Debbie!
Kathryne Kennedy 1:25pm February 3, 2012)

Not real sure what gift I would want. Healing has its perks but then it would be too demanding

Empathy comes to mind. I always hate seeing people sad or anxious. If I could take that stress in, turn it into something better, and ease it back in a person. (Okay so a character I have influences this.)
Rachel Flesher 1:51pm February 3, 2012)

Soothing and healing are amazing qualities. The gift of peace of mind is
priceless and the wholeness of the body. I am intrigued by all of them
though, to grow plants, to glimpse into the future, and having a collective
of gifts regarding the arts - would love a little from each. Healing,
soothing, have plants flourish (considering I have a black thumb, but wish
differently), to forsee, and at least gracefulness ( I fall going up the stairs
Carla Carlson 2:08pm February 3, 2012)

I would love to have the ability to solve problems of any kind, as they occur, for family and friends and perhaps, myself, so no one has to suffer financially, physically or mentally, by just wishing for it and rubbing on a magical ring. That would be my incredible magical power and choice!!
Linda Luinstra 2:08pm February 3, 2012)

The ability to heal, or soothe mental stress and the ability
to make plants flourish, or calm a beast would be my choice.
The first because my husband has so many illnesses that I
would need it for him. the second because I can kill cacti and
it would be nice to not do that :D
Ilona Fenton 2:31pm February 3, 2012)

I would choose the ability to heal, just knowing that you are using your abilities for a good cause and help others is pretty awesome.. =)
Ntzee Thao 2:51pm February 3, 2012)

I would choose Verdanthame: Tree and plant. I could feed all the hungry people in the world. Plants would be used for healing. Trees could provide shelter and shade and prevent landslides. All this and the beauty of nature itself would be mine to share.
Kathleen Yohanna 3:04pm February 3, 2012)

Of course, I, like everyone else would choose healing. I am a
Reiki Master & and I have seen the wonders of healing...but I
would also be an invisible healer-that way I could get to
places that a normal person shouldn't be:-)
Patti DelValle 3:24pm February 3, 2012)

I would choose the ability to find lost items, water and glimpses into the future. It would be so helpful to know where misplaced and lost items were (rather than spending hours looking for something) and would like to know the future and what it would be like when I'm no longer around to see and live it for myself. Especially, future inventions and explorations and discoveries.
Rich Cook 3:46pm February 3, 2012)

Fascinating answer, Rachel!

We have a lot in common, Carla. :}

Hi Linda! Wow! That would cover it all, and it would be incredible

Hi Ilona! Another wonderful answer!

Hi Ntzee! I agree!

Hi Kathleen! I have the same sort of vision for Verdanthame...I think I miss my forests after living in the desert for so long.

Hi Patti! Very clever. :}

In fact, all of you ladies have given such creative answers, I'm so very impressed!
Kathryne Kennedy 3:48pm February 3, 2012)

Hi Rich! We must have been posting about the same time. I would have to agree with the inventions and discoveries...there's so many things we still don't know...so many possibilities!
Kathryne Kennedy 3:50pm February 3, 2012)

I like the one about the ability to calm a beast. I love animals.
Michelle Fidler 4:48pm February 3, 2012)

Being an outdoor person I would like anything to do with animals, trees and
plants, the earth and the sea--from all that comes LIFE!
Sandra Spilecki 5:25pm February 3, 2012)

Healing is what I try to do in my everyday life with chance encounters. Being connected or grounded to earth helps, too. To get refreshed and refueled,I go to places with running water like lakes, brooks, streams and even the mall with fountains.
Alyson Widen 6:05pm February 3, 2012)

The ability to heal would be great to have.
Natasha Donohoo 6:47pm February 3, 2012)

I would love to have fire magic. The ability to soothe a
mental hurt would be very useful today.
Tanja Haack 7:19pm February 3, 2012)

healing and soothing would be great..
Jennifer Beck 7:46pm February 3, 2012)

I would have to choose the ability to make plants flourish and to calm a beast. Part of my reasoning is a little selfish. I've been having a little bit of turmoil in my life as of late, and I would use my power to calm down those people who are causing me grief (hence the beast). I would also use the powers to try and bring some peace to the world, since we are experiencing such turmoil. As for the plants, I would use the powers to grow plenty of beautiful flowers in the world, as well as plenty of food to feed the starving and keep everyone fed.
Peggy Roberson 8:10pm February 3, 2012)

I would love to heal and I also would love to be able to communicate with animals.
This was a great post and I can't wait to read your book.
Patti Paonessa 9:11pm February 3, 2012)

I would love the power to manipulate time. I could erase mistakes & find TIME do to everything I want.
Mary Preston 9:44pm February 3, 2012)

I would love to heal the sick,and feed the hungry. Thanks for giving me a chance to win your book.
Linda Hall 10:28pm February 3, 2012)

If I had to pick I think I would like either "the ability to heal (non-lethal wounds or ailments), or soothe mental stress" or "the ability to make plants flourish, or calm a beast" also would be kind of interesting to have.
Chelsea Knestrick 11:30pm February 3, 2012)

Dreamhame, definately. So much could be done with illusion. Even the illusion of
health can sometimes be enough to help people. But it would mostly be just
plain fun, oh the places I could create =) Fun post!
Lexi Hansen 1:15am February 4, 2012)

I always thought it would be amazing to breathe underwater and have power over water. I love the ocean, lakes, and rivers. But your descriptions make me want to try other things too. Being able to keep those around me healthy, because I too have family members fighting terrible illnesses, would be a priority. Thanks for sharing your magic!
Alyssa m 2:11am February 4, 2012)

^Wow...New! Haven't read one with Elves before! Preview really peaked interest! Sounds like will enjoy escaping to follow twisting adventure of romance & magick thru their journey thru paranormal world created!
^Tis very difficult choice to make, but:'Sea & Sky'! Sea cover 3/4's of earth...greatly unexplored, many species undiscovered! Also, many healthy/healing properties in sea!
Sky:Sun Heals, Sunrise/Heat of day or Romantic Sunset to Greet Nite! Moon for Magick & Tides-with Stars for Romance!
Sun, Rain, Wind, etc are life{of all kinds}givers! Without Earth's just a Frigid, Dark, Arid, 3rd rock...A Void!
^Could go on, but will save my time from writing it & yours for having to read further!
)0( Warmest Blessings )0(

*Paranormal Romance is Magickal*
L E Williamson 7:11am February 4, 2012)

Sounds like a terrific idea... I agree.. Flying would be terrific.. no more long aiport lines!
May Pau 8:47am February 4, 2012)

Hi Michelle! My niece would choose the same, she loves animals as well.

Hi Sandra! Well said!

Hi Alyson! Lovely response.

Hi Natasha! We chose the same.

Hi Tanja! There is healing fire too, so you would have it all.

Hi Jennifer! It would!

Hi Peggy! You paint a wonderful world!

Hi Patti! Great choices…and thank you kindly!

Hi Mary! Fantastic creative choice!

Hi Linda! Great choice, and my pleasure!

Hi Chelsea! It was hard for me to choose, as well. :}

Hi Lexi! Fabulous imagination! Glad you enjoyed it!

Hi Alyssa! A water sprite! :} My pleasure!

Hi L E! I enjoyed reading your comment very much!

Hi May! You are so right!

Again, you ladies are the best. Such creative, joyful answers! Good luck to all of you in the drawing! THANK YOU Fresh Fiction for having me here today! As always, it’s been a great pleasure!
Until Next Time,
All of My Magical Best,
Kathryne Kennedy 9:28am February 4, 2012)

I would love to be able to fly. I could travel wherever I wanted and not be
cramped in a plane.
Sharyn Lewis 1:09pm February 4, 2012)

I, like you would pick the power to heal. My mother is in
rehab right now because of falling from a stroke. She also
has emphysema and now dementia from the stresses of the last
few months of change. It's been SO hard. I am also a Type 1
diabetic and that NEVER goes away and effects all aspects of
my health. I also have vivid dreams of flying and that's
always been a heart's desire of mine :-). We seem to be
kindred spirits.
Lenna Hendershott 4:14pm February 4, 2012)

Healing of course. Just imagine how much good you could do.
Mary Preston 7:07pm February 4, 2012)

Kathryne I love it that you check back and say "Hi" to everyone =)
Lexi Hansen 3:45pm February 5, 2012)

Linda Bass 3:59pm February 5, 2012)

I'd choose Healing and mental soothing. To ease anyone's suffering would be amazing. Thanks for the interview.
Carol L
Lucky4750 (at) aol (dot) com
Carol Luciano 7:16am February 26, 2012)

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