Dark Sword
St. Martin's Press
February 2012
On Sale: January 31, 2012
336 pages ISBN: 0312533497 EAN: 9780312533496 Kindle: B005J4EXCS Paperback / e-Book Add to Wish List
For years, Broc has watched over her, protected her—and
hidden his love for her. But when his beautiful Sonya finds
herself in a hopeless situation, the Highlander flies to her
side to save her. Unfortunately, before the Druidess can
thank him, Broc is captured by his enemy and destined for
eternal pain…
Sonya vows to help her noble warrior, though he is
imprisoned in a mountain of pure evil—bound in chains of the
darkest magic. With Sonya’s own magic fading, she must
summon the greatest power of all to save the man she loves.
But even if these two hearts are united, will they be strong
enough to defeat the heart of darkness? Or will their
undying love doom them for all eternity…?
I do like mixing magic with my historical romance! Depending on how far in the past it is, the time period can seem magical on its own. (Rebecca Whitehead-Schwarz 12:38pm February 6, 2012)
I do enjoy having magical or paranormal elements in a historical romance. I think it can add danger to the story. (Stacie Deramo 12:45pm February 6, 2012)
Magic is always an added bonus to a story... think of the boundries that get pushed... what extra can be created... love to see where an author and their characters take us! (Colleen Conklin 12:45pm February 6, 2012)
History and magic are a great match! There are so many great stories that have combined both and done so very well. There was the Merlin Trilogy by Martha Stewart that started with The Crystal Cave. I have recently been reading Diana Gabaldon's Outlander. Time travel and historical fiction are the underlying themes in that book. Then there was The Physick Book of Deliverance Dane. And, there are many historical fiction books written about the Salem Witch Trials. I think you are in great company writing about magic and history. I'll look forward to reading your Highlander novels! (Sandy Fielder 12:46pm February 6, 2012)
PUUUUUUUUUUUUURRR DONNA. THIS IS MY KIND OF STORY!! (Linda Bass 12:46pm February 6, 2012)
One of my favorite romance items is time travel, but there can be too much of that too. Tortured souls are great. (Debra Simning-Chapman 12:50pm February 6, 2012)
I do like magic and history. To me, it is a good mix partly because I like historical stories for sweeping me away. Add magic and I get quite the journey. (G. Bisbjerg 12:55pm February 6, 2012)
Rebecca - So true!
Stacie - It definitely can. :)
Colleen - I know! It can take a story to a new, exciting level. :)
Sandy - Thank you! :)
Linda - lol. Thanks!
Debra - Tortured souls can make the best kinds of characters. ;)
G - Same for me!!! lol (Donna Grant 1:25pm February 6, 2012)
I love a good mixture of magic and history! Blessings, Marjorie (Marjorie Carmony 1:29pm February 6, 2012)
I love the combination. I started by reading the Outlander series and have since discovered many new (to me) authors including Donna Grant. Also, adding Highlanders to the mix is outstanding reading. (Joan OToole 1:39pm February 6, 2012)
I love history and magic adds that paranormal element that I'm looking for in 2012. (Diane Sallans 1:47pm February 6, 2012)
Brooding men..... ggggrrrr!!!!!!! Add alpha and preternatural powers, OMG! (Marcelle Cole 2:18pm February 6, 2012)
I love a touch of magic in any story. My favorite is when it blends with history though. Keep up the great work! :) (Erica Paczesny 2:21pm February 6, 2012)
I like a little bit of magic in my genres, though they have to have a little bit of thought behind them. (Melora Brock 2:27pm February 6, 2012)
wow the alpha is great and then the book cover is great and many more to you (Desiree Reilly 2:37pm February 6, 2012)
Marjorie - Yay!
Joan - Whohoo! Glad you found my books. :)
Diane - :) Hope you give my books a try.
Marcelle - lol. I know. I feel the same way. ;)
Erica - Thank you!
Melora - True!
Desiree - Thanks! :) (Donna Grant 2:41pm February 6, 2012)
I like a little magic - it adds a little spice to the story. I do prefer historical novels over contemporary, and I'm not really sure why! (Marguerite Guinn 2:45pm February 6, 2012)
It depends on the author. I love paranormal and history when written by Teresa Medeiros and Amanda Quick. I don't enjoy it as much when Elizabeth Thorton and Liz Carlyle. I think the reason is that I love Thorton and Carlyle's straight historicals so much. (Phyllis Lamken 2:55pm February 6, 2012)
I started out reading historical novels, I loved being taken to a different time period. I bought a historical paranormal by accident (I was in a hurry and just grabbed one that caught my eye). I have since read every one that I could get my hands on! The added element of magic makes them totally unique and I am a fan of this genre! (Kris Bowers 2:58pm February 6, 2012)
A combination of both makes for interesting reading. I like it. The book sound great. Look forward to reading it. (Diane Castiglione 2:59pm February 6, 2012)
I love sword and sorcery stories and yours sound very interesting. Will add them to my reading list. (Wendy Burgess 3:11pm February 6, 2012)
I am a new comer to the genre of paranormal books. I first started to read Karen Marie Moning's books and have become hooked. The cover art for Darkest Highlander caught my eye and your description of the book really grabbed my attention. Now I can't wait to read it :). (Robin McKay 3:21pm February 6, 2012)
It really depends on the story itself. Some times, when well writen and with a good plot, magic and history go well together. The thing is, that you have to be very careful to not have the character lean too heavily on magic or magical items. (Tayn Sicel 3:58pm February 6, 2012)
i love historical romance!!! including the ones that mix magic and history!! (Ioana Churchill 4:42pm February 6, 2012)
I enjoy historical romances that include magic! (Cheryl McEwen 4:55pm February 6, 2012)
Marguerite - historicals were my first romances, so I always go to them first. :)
Phyllis - :)
Kris - I so agree!!!! :)
Diane - Thank you!
Wendy - Thanks. :)
Robin - I love KMM books. She's an amazing storyteller for sure! Thank you! :D
Tayn - That would probably depend on how big a part of the plot the magic/magic items were. :)
Ioana - :) love to hear it!
Cheryl - Whoohoo!!! :) (Donna Grant 5:25pm February 6, 2012)
I do enjoy the combination of the mix of magic with historical romance which adds the spice and mystery to the story, and makes it more luring to the reader, and they must have tortured heroes, also. Love the cover art for your books! (Linda Luinstra 5:51pm February 6, 2012)
I do enjoy mixing some magic into historical romance since it seems that people believed in magic in past times. (Maureen Emmons 6:15pm February 6, 2012)
I too enjoy magic and historical. My first love is historical. Add some magic and what heaven!! (Debra Guyette 6:21pm February 6, 2012)
I do enjoy mixing a little supernatural with my history. Most Irish girls do, don't they? :D (Molly Wilsbacher 6:36pm February 6, 2012)
Magic and historical is so different, I must check it out. (Deb Pelletier 6:39pm February 6, 2012)
I love when magic and history is mixed. (Dawn Owens 6:50pm February 6, 2012)
Since I love reading both magic & history, this is the perfect mix for me. (Mary Preston 7:09pm February 6, 2012)
I don't think that a little magic never hurt anyone. I think that everyone believes in magic in one way or another in their everyday lives, so why not read about it, and enjoy the ride? I would love to read your book, and see how it plays out in History. (Peggy Roberson 7:11pm February 6, 2012)
So, do you like mixing magic with your history? YES, YES, YES, YES, YES!!! I am a lover of highlanders, celtic and viking themes. Magic and fae mix VERY WELL within those aspects. I gobble up anything that has those themes. Add a little pirates or a sultan's harem and I'm in heaven within my imaginary adventure. Books allow me to adventure along with the characters and take me away from the here and now. Thanks for giving us so many wonderful adventures. (Lenna Hendershott 7:34pm February 6, 2012)
I like adding some magic - adds a magical touch..... (Anne Derkat 7:40pm February 6, 2012)
My friend KD & I adore your Highlander's! Love the history & hope to make it there one day! (Ivy Truitt 9:01pm February 6, 2012)
I enjoy magic. It adds a special dementon to a story. my heroes don't always have to be tortured, but they need to be strong individuals. (Gladys Paradowski 9:43pm February 6, 2012)
i love any kind of paranormal and the cover art is great!! cant wait to read!!! (Jennifer Beck 10:19pm February 6, 2012)
Looks like a great book to read. (Michael Dorbuck 11:12pm February 6, 2012)
Linda - Thank you!
Maureen - so true. :)
Debra - lol. Yes!
Molly - I'm not Irish, so I'll take your word for it. ;)
Deb - I hope you do! :)
Dawn - I love hearing that!
Mary - Awesome! I hope you check out my books. :)
Peggy - Exactly. Isn't love magic? ;)
Lenna - Thank *you*! :)
anne - :)
Ivy - Aw, thank you, Ivy! And tell your friend KD thanks as well. Scotland is stunning. I *highly* recommend a visit there.
Gladys - I agree!
Jennifer - Thank you! Hope you enjoy. :) (Donna Grant 11:14pm February 6, 2012)
Michael - thank you! (Donna Grant 11:14pm February 6, 2012)
I do like mixing my history with magic. What is more magical than dragons and wizards like Merlin? (Lisa Kendall 11:40pm February 6, 2012)
I LOVE Magic. I think magic is in everyday life, it feels good to read a book with it. If you look closely, magic is all around - fairy rings, animals, even knowing who is calling before they do..and most definitely romance. (Carla Carlson 6:14am February 7, 2012)
Hmm, I kinda do, actually! Haha. I think magic adds that dangerous aura around the tale, and it does have its MANY perks. Hahaha. I'm quite a fan of fantasy too actually - I watch Legend of the Seeker!! Haha. Anyway, your book sounds awesome, and I'd love to read it! Thanks for the giveaway! (Chia Yet Peng 8:19am February 7, 2012)
Magic is fun to read about, no matter the genre. (S Tieh 5:12pm February 7, 2012)
Magic puts a twist that's more interesting with HEA (Happily Ever After). It throws a touch of whimsey and begs you to leave the real world and talk a walk on the wild side. (Alyson Widen 8:47pm February 7, 2012)