Duncan MacNeill is hell-bent on catching the thief who's
stolen the clan's fortune and run off to Grand Cayman
Island. Duncan has rarely left his homeland and he
care less about an island paradise. He never expected to
find a beautiful distraction who will show him just how
appealing paradise can be...
Meets a Dangerous Distraction...
Lone wolf and botanist Shelley Campbell headed to the
to study the old growth forests. She didn't count on
a handsome Highlander who can't keep his paws off her.
I would like to swim in the beautiful waters of the Grand Cayman Islands. Did you say Highlanders swim naked? (Kathleen Yohanna 12:13pm February 13, 2013)
the book sounds great, very interesting cover, love his eyes (Kimberly Hoefs 1:27am February 13, 2013)
My husband is Scottish but from Glasgow, so that makes him a Lowlander. I still love the accent though! If we went to Grand Cayman we'd probably have to get into t-shirt and shorts right away from the heat, he'd slap on sun lotion - Scots have fair skin - and we'd head for some place we could sip a cool fruit punch and look over the beautiful scenery while planning our explorations, water sports, barbecues... now I want to go! (Clare O'Beara 5:49am February 13, 2013)
Kathleen, absolutely!!! And they make a perfect anchor in the ocean!!! :)
Kimberly, thanks! He's a hunk!
Clare--same here, my mother, my kids--all have that fair Celt skin. My dad had more resistance to the sun and I got some of that, but I still have gotten badly burned, so wear a t-shirt! You'd have a great time! (Terry Spear 7:30am February 13, 2013)
......looks good (Kent Cook 8:16am February 13, 2013)
Hi Terry!! Feels like its been awhile since I commented....losing track of the books too! First thing I would do? Hmmmm....scope out a nice spot on the beach and just veg! I'm one of those that prefer to be near the water but not necessarily in it...spoken like a true cat? Don't get me wrong...love me some wolves too!! (Cathy Matkovic 8:40am February 13, 2013)
OH YES!! His eyes are beautiful and love the cover. This is one book I'd love to read (Bonnie Capuano 9:23am February 13, 2013)
I would like to take a walk around the island (particularly on the beach) and see the sights. (Karin Anderson 9:29am February 13, 2013)
Makes me want to be there sounds great can't wait to read it (Ava Curtis 9:37am February 13, 2013)
I would swim and just try to find peace and relaxation. (Pam Howell 10:26am February 13, 2013)
I am a water person, I have to get in (even in winter dipping my feet into an ice cold creek). The water calls to me and is a release of the tension in my body, a cleansing of the day. I would jump in the water, swim a bit, sun myself, hopefully get a drink with an umbrella, and watch the sunset. Maybe get someone to put lotion on me :) (Carla Carlson 11:02am February 13, 2013)
Thanks, Kent!
Hey, Cathy!!! Sounds good. Sand and sun, a romp through the woods, a dinner cruise, it all works! :)
Thanks, Bonnie!!! His eyes and, wait, is everyone JUST looking at his eyes??? Or, just afraid to say what else appeals??? His a wolf. He can handle it. :)
Karin, I love island paradises!
Ava, thanks so much!!!
Pam, swimming is good. That water is SOOO beautiful!
Carla, I'm with you there. If there's water, I've got to get in it. I should have been a water sign. Truly. :) (Terry Spear 11:44am February 13, 2013)
I would love to go to Grand Cayman Island. First I would go sightseeing and then I would go swimming in the beautiful blue water with my own Highlander. Love the cover of your new book. Thanks for the giveaway. (Bonnie H 11:47am February 13, 2013)
Oh I love your covers... the sexy guys and the beautiful animals... What would I do... enjoy the beauty of nature. :) (Colleen Conklin 12:30pm February 13, 2013)
I'd hit the beach, very first thing. (Diana Thomas 12:55pm February 13, 2013)
I'm in love with highlanders! (Melissa Roma 1:06pm February 13, 2013)
I would.... Howl-er at him. get it? "Holler"? Bahahaha! Alright, I'll be strictly serious now... of course I'd ask if I could swim with him. (Meaning, I'll pretend to drown so he can dive in and save me from disaster!) =P Thanks for the giveaway Terry! (Lazydrag0n Puff 1:09pm February 13, 2013)
Bonnie, it's beautiful and having a Highlander at your beck in call, even if he is a bit wolfish, especially if he's a bite wolfish, you would even have more fun!
Of course, Colleen. What else??? :)
Diana, me too. (Terry Spear 1:19pm February 13, 2013)
nice cover and sounds good (Debbi Shaw 2:51pm February 13, 2013)
I would familiarize myself with the island and find out where the best looking men are hiding! (Shirley Younger 3:33pm February 13, 2013)
I'd look for the hot nekkid Highlander..... (Sheila Mulholland 3:38pm February 13, 2013)
Hi Terry, I'm almost done with book 4 Legend of the White Wolf. I have really enjoyed this series. The character and world building is wonderful. I also like that the books can be read as stand alones or in the series order and your not lost, and also that some characters just keep popping up in other books. Can you say Leidolf?? Louise (Louise Evans 4:16pm February 13, 2013)
I'm not a sun and sand person, so I would be looking for a secluded spot and enjoy the quiet. (Sheila True 4:27pm February 13, 2013)
The first thing I would do would be to get on my swimwear and a beach hat to go walking on the sandy beach. Then i would stake out a section, spread out my towel, and get some sun. i would ask the cute waiter for a tropical drink and just enjoy myself. No one could see me eyeing the cute guys behind my dark sunglasses. (Joy Isley 5:02pm February 13, 2013)
My Scottish blood is moving right along. Blessings, Marjorie (Marjorie Carmony 5:08pm February 13, 2013)
Love the books Terry! :) (Donna Long 5:21pm February 13, 2013)
My Scottish blood says---let's go golfing. (Sue Farrell 5:24pm February 13, 2013)
Terry - Great post and I totally agree...if you can't beat 'em, TOTALLY join 'em!! So looking forward to reading your book!! (Liberty Ann Ireland 5:30pm February 13, 2013)
Set up one of those giant umbrellas on the beach and just take in the beauty of the ocean, all the while protected from the sun!
Sounds like a great book, I will add it to my Must Get List. (Judith Cauthan 5:43pm February 13, 2013)
Get a tropical drink, head down to the beautiful beach for a walk along the ocean, then jump in and go for a swim! So looking forward to reading your book and catching up with the others! (Rich Cook 6:20pm February 13, 2013)
Another wonderful Highlander book,please keep them coming..Thank you for the giveaway. (Holly Vanderhule 6:47pm February 13, 2013)
i loved this series!!! was a great book i got it for my kindle!!
EVERYONE NEEDS TO READ THIS BOOK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Jennifer Beck 7:47pm February 13, 2013)
great setting for this book. (Lisa Fitzgibbons 8:17pm February 13, 2013)
I'd like to swim. (Cheryl McEwen 9:09pm February 13, 2013)
I would head out to the beach and grab a tropical drink on my way there. Now if there are horses near the beach, I'm going riding along the coast first. (Kai Wong 10:14pm February 13, 2013)
I reading almost nothing but historical romances and paranormal romances, and those that take place in Scotland are my faves. Pleased to meet you on this blog! (Janice Hougland 10:19pm February 13, 2013)
I love water, I've got to be in it. Would love to win it. (Linda Hall 11:32pm February 13, 2013)
I'm not sure what I would do first. The mind boggles. (Mary Preston 4:18am February 14, 2013)
Wow Terry you sold me. I adore Highlander stories and I'm a big fan of shifters ;-) What's not to like combining both...
I was at Discover A New Love's chat last night and missed you. I was looking forward to getting to know you better and finding out more about your books...I'll drop you an email and find out where to start :-)
HAPPY VALENTINES DAY (Lenna Hendershott 2:25pm February 14, 2013)
Nothing sexier than a highlander!! (Susan Dyer 2:48pm February 14, 2013)
The first thing I'd want to do is put on some type of beach attire, and head for the beach, blanket in tow, so that I can dig my toes in the sand, or perhaps get my feet a little wet (or perhaps live dangerously and get the rest of me wet, too), and enjoy the crystal blue waters, bright sunshine, and perhaps the wonderful people of the Islands. (Peggy Roberson 3:44pm February 14, 2013)
Sit, read, and people-watch for the Highlander (Denise Holcomb 11:14pm February 14, 2013)
I'd suit up and head for the beach. (Janie McGaugh 11:47pm February 14, 2013)
I would find a den to nest in and start setting up house and claim my territory and see who crosses the threshold because of my magnetic qualities to attract and track the Alpha Wolf or the Alpha in whatever form he takes. (Alyson Widen 2:52pm February 17, 2013)
Go wolf hunting! (Linda Gibson 11:40pm February 20, 2013)
I received my book today! Thank you so much Terry I can't wait to read it! Sexy cover too!! (Susan Dyer 2:27pm February 23, 2013)