A hunky werewolf and a beautiful stranger collide in this hot new paranormal shape-shifting romance Gray werewolf Tom Silver is determined to find the wolves who have been attacking local livestock. While tracking the pack through the Rockies, a blizzard forces him into a remote cabin where he hears a plane crash nearby. When he discovers the sole survivor is a beautiful female werewolf/ coyote shifter mix, bound as a prisoner, he knows it's his duty to hide her. Now, they are both at risk as a search ensues for the missing prisoner. Will Tom be able to protect this beautiful stranger while tracking down the wolves responsible for terrorizing the local livestock?
I think it would have to be the Cayman Islands with Duncan. I have always wanted to explore those islands and would love to do so with him. (Denise Boyd 2:57am March 20, 2014)
Would like to read (Celeste Gelinas 6:01am March 20, 2014)
OMG! I've read Silence of the Wolf and won't give away whose story is next... Oooh la la! I can hardly wait! (Linda Townsend 7:41am March 20, 2014)
Denise, I loved the Cayman Islands!!! The only thing I wished was that I could have run into Duncan before Shelley got hold of him! :)
Thanks, Celeste.
LOL, Linda, I'm so thrilled you loved it! I'm excited about writing A Silver Wolf Christmas next. I'm working on A SEAL Wolf for Sale right now. :) (Terry Spear 8:23am March 20, 2014)
this looks really good thanks so much (Denise Smith 8:32am March 20, 2014)
Love the cover and can't wait to read this book!!!!! (Bonnie Capuano 8:38am March 20, 2014)
Denise, thanks!
Bonnie, he is hot! :) Tom. *sigh* (Terry Spear 9:11am March 20, 2014)
I'll go with Ian. ;-) Highlanders. Sigh. (Karin Anderson 9:52am March 20, 2014)
already read the reviews for this book and I think this book is awesome. (Ummi Akma 10:09am March 20, 2014)
I would pick Ian. (Pam Howell 10:09am March 20, 2014)
It would be a toss-up between Wade and Bjornolf. All I can say is "Oh My!" Who else could choose better protectors than these two, and better locations to go to than these?? I'm looking forward to reading your latest book!! (Peggy Roberson 10:40am March 20, 2014)
i now you from face goodread have you on good read the book you have look great and would love to read and blog on it (Desiree Reilly 10:50am March 20, 2014)
I wouldn't want to choose just one; line them up and I'll pick one. Just one????? No way! (Diane Sadler 11:09am March 20, 2014)
I love your characters... have not read your Highlanders yet though... (Colleen Conklin 1:07pm March 20, 2014)
You are such a tease ;). (Victoria Sloboda 4:08pm March 20, 2014)
I would say Ian,and anywhere .. love your books Terry.. (Ruth Gutscher 5:06pm March 20, 2014)
I want Guthrie under my Christmas tree. LOL Cold weather is always better with someone warm to snuggle with. (Marcy Shuler 5:37pm March 20, 2014)
I cannot choose just one - I covet all of Terry's heroes! They're the stuff that dreams are made of *swoony sighs* :) It's for sure that I like them furry for sure though, lol!! (Gena Robertson 6:38pm March 20, 2014)
I really need to be reading your shape-shifter wolf books, since I love wolves and have read other books with werewolves. I've seen your books on our library shelves. Duncan, Jake, Tom, they all sound like good heroes and do look good on those fabulous book covers! Howl...lol! (Linda Luinstra 7:01pm March 20, 2014)
Chase in Cougar's Mate looks good, and so does the storyline. I definitely have to read that one soon! I'm assuming he is the cougar shape-shifter (sexy)! (Linda Luinstra 7:09pm March 20, 2014)
I would be all in for the Highland wolves. I would have loved to be part of Cearnach's story. I am dying to know about Guthrie. Since we have no idea what may happen I would really like to be part of that adventure. (Jeanne Buckingham 7:57pm March 20, 2014)
Can't choose just one - each is unique in his own way. (Mary C 9:24pm March 20, 2014)
I'm very partial to wolves. I love reading more on wolf shifter than a panther shifter. (Kai Wong 9:54pm March 20, 2014)
Karin, lol, yes, Highlanders are hot. :) Thanks, Ummi! Pam, Ian was so much fun to write as the alpha pack leader. I enjoyed bringing him back in A Hero of a Highland Wolf as Grant MacQuarrie's best friend. :) Peggy, a hot jaguar and a hot SEAL wolf, not that is a combination. And I soooo agree! :) Thanks, Desiree! LOL, Diane, like potato chips, salty and delicious and you can't have just one. :) (Terry Spear 10:01pm March 20, 2014)
Thanks so much, Colleen! The Highlanders are a must. Really! Victoria, you love me for it, don't you? LOL Ruth, thanks so much! I'm so thrilled you are loving them!!! Ohmigosh, Marcelyn, you should see what he does under the Christmas tree with you if you end up getting him to visit you there! Gena, you are too funny. I'm so thoroughly glad you love them! :) Linda, they are all good enough to eat all up. And yes, Chase is in Cougar's Mate and it's a fun filled cougar shifter story. :) Lots of action, romance, adventure, humor, sexiness, and just plan fun. Jeanne, you've got it! Guthrie's story will be out in October! Mary, I so agree. They all have their own special personalities and their own unique stories. Kai, me too. Though I've been having a blast with the jaguars and now the cougars. :) (Terry Spear 10:07pm March 20, 2014)
One of the MacNeills, for sure! I'd probably choose Guthrie for the cuddling under the Christmas tree. (Janie McGaugh 10:11pm March 20, 2014)
I liked Leidolf Wildhaven. He is very determined & a memorable character! (Laura Gullickson 11:14pm March 20, 2014)
You had me at Hot - Highland - Wolves. (Mary Preston 7:03am March 22, 2014)
I would like to claim Duncan and the Cayman Island. Love sexy wolves and beautiful tropical islands! (Bonnie H 10:58pm March 26, 2014)
How could i chose just one? (Sarah Hansrote 10:43pm March 31, 2014)