He resisted the dark huntress?now he?ll use all his powers to make her his own.
Samhain Publishing
January 2010
On Sale: January 1, 2010
Featuring: Tezra Campbell; Daemon
256 pages ISBN: 160504332X EAN: 9781605043326 Paperback Add to Wish List
Tezra Campbell treads a dangerous line between her job as a
telepathic investigator for the Hunter Council and her
alternate life as a renegade. Beneath her cool,
professional exterior lies a dark obsession to find the
rogue vampire who murdered her parents ten years ago and
left her sister a traumatized shell. An obsession that
drives her to use herself as bait.
Daemon, former bastard prince of Scotland and now head of
the American vampire clans, sees Tezra as a danger to
herself and to his people. Especially if the killer vampire
takes her bait. Concerned his own brother might be accused
of the crime, Daemon takes Tezra into custody, intending to
keep her out of the way so he can find the killer himself.
Things don’t work out the way either planned. The more she
fights him with her telepathic powers, the more she stirs
up his sexual bloodlust—the kind only a mate can cool. And
Tezra begins to wonder...is her desire for him real, or
a way to use Daemon to find the murderer?
It’s a deadly game they both aim to win—even while they try
to keep their hearts intact. Warning: Romance with a
Thanks so much for having me, Fresh Fiction!! And I've got a special treat! My book came in, so some lucky person will win a book. The winner will be announced a week from today! Happy New Year's Eve! (Terry Spear 8:43am December 31, 2009)
Hmmm... vamp or werewolf... suave or rugged... I think I will choose the manly man of nature... here him howl! ;) Wishing you a wonderful and safe New Year! (Colleen Conklin 2:11pm December 31, 2009)
I want guys with bite. Both werewolves & vampires are on my list of HOT!!!! I would choose werewolves for pure, raw energy. (Mary Preston 4:58pm December 31, 2009)
Since I definitely am averse to seeing blood--makes me go green and...--I don't like vampire tales, since blood-letting seems to be obligatory in those. I don't mind werewolf stories as long as they're not too gory. Even vivid descriptions of crime scenes, as well as operating-room scenes, real or fake--make me avert my head. So no CSI dramas either, I don't know why I'm such a chicken, but it may go back to when I was about 6 and "saw" a man covered in blood from where it came from his head coming towards me just outside our house. My parents have always tried to convince me it was a dream. Was it??? (Sigrun Schulz 5:51pm December 31, 2009)
Hard! choice you gave us; but I like them all. I've read your previous books and already have Legend of the whit wolf on my wish list, now I will add the next two to my wish list. Thanks for the stories, they are believable and very good. (Diane Sadler 6:50pm December 31, 2009)
As in so many things, it depends on your mood. I can see myself with either one since they both have qualities that I love.I could never make the choice. (Rosemary Krejsa 7:25pm December 31, 2009)
Definitely an alpha male with bite!! (Armenia Fox 11:01pm December 31, 2009)
Colleen, yeah, wolves are pretty sexy, even when they come in the manly variety!
Mary, hmm, pure, raw energy, I like that! :)
Sigrun, I totally understand!
Thanks so much, Diane, I'm thrilled you're enjoying them!
I feel the same way, Rosemary! I'd think it would depend on the guy, truly. I mean, if he's a hunk of a wolf, but also just the kind of man you need in your life, he's the one. But if he's a vampire and sets your blood afire, and is there for you every step of the way, then he's the right kind of guy for you!
Armenia, totally agree! (Terry Spear 12:54pm January 1, 2010)
Werewolves are the best, but put a werewolf and a vampire together - WOW. There you have the best of both worlds (the rough and outdoorsy, plus the smooth and suave). Can't go wrong with that combination. (Pamela Purcell 1:37pm January 1, 2010)
Hmmm... seems to me like they both have bite! Can we just roll 'em up into one? :) (Michelle K 2:04pm January 1, 2010)
I love vampire and shifter stories. They each have their unique storylines and make up most of my favorite's bookshelf. Congrats on your cover away, Terry and happy new year. (Cathy MacDonald 4:23pm January 1, 2010)
I like a guy who has a good bite but sometimes their bark is worse than their bite! LOL Happy New Year! (Lisa Glidewell 9:47pm January 1, 2010)
Absolutely, Pamela, and that's what I've done in Deadly Liaisons! :)
Yes, Michelle! In Deadly Liaisons, the vampires shift into wolves when the need arises. :)
Thanks so much, Cathy! Happy New Year to you also!!!
Lisa, too funny! And you're so right! Happy New Year! (Terry Spear 7:35am January 2, 2010)
Agree with you that vampires seem more the opera-type and wolves the beer/tavern type. With or without bite - either, as long as they are sexy as h*ll :) (Susan Davco 7:16pm January 2, 2010)
Absolutely, Susan! :) (Terry Spear 7:10am January 3, 2010)
I love a vampire that can shape shift into wolves!!! (Kara Tulanko 9:47am January 3, 2010)
I love werewolves. A combination of werewolf and vampire would be fantastic. :) (Crystal Broyles 10:54am January 4, 2010)
I have read the first 3 Werewolf books and loved them. Can't wait for Legend of the White Wolf to hit the shelves. I just know that Deadly Liaisons will have the same "bite" to keep me glued to the pages. Your writing is a joy to read, thanks for the stories! (Cathy Decker 7:09pm January 4, 2010)
With bite for sure. All your books sound great. I love both vampire and werewolf stories. (Donna Simmonds 3:16pm January 6, 2010)
Yes, both make for the perfect hunk, Crystal!
Thanks so much, Cathy! I can't wait for Legend of the White Wolf to come out too! :) I'm thrilled you're enjoying the stories!!!
Thanks, Donna! Hope you have a chance to read them some day! :) (Terry Spear 7:49pm January 6, 2010)