February 8th, 2025
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Love, Secrets, and Second Chances—February’s Must-Read Books Await!

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A Stray Pup, A Second Chance, and a Killer on the Loose�Wagtail�s About to Get Wild!

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A Hacker, an Undercover Mission, and a Love Worth Fighting For.

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A Duke by any other name would smell as� dastardly?
� delightful?

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Shaken, Stirred, and Unexpectedly in Love�Can They Mix Business with Pleasure?

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As London's high society watches their every move, can these two brilliant minds find the formula for true love?

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Chocolate, Second Chances, and a Love Too Sweet to Let Go.

Protector by Nancy Northcott


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Also by Nancy Northcott:

The Deathbrew Affair, October 2017
Sentinel, April 2014
Guardian, July 2013
Protector, March 2013
Renegade, November 2012

Nancy Northcott

He was too hot to handle. She wasn't afraid to play with fire

Protectors #1.5
Grand Central Publishing
March 2013
On Sale: March 5, 2013
Featuring: Stefan Harper; Edie Lang; Josh Campbell
140 pages
ISBN: 1455599662
EAN: 9781455599660
Kindle: B00AG0VN3W
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Suspense | Romance Paranormal


Danger is nothing new to mage firefighter and paramedic Edie Lang, but she’d run cheerfully into a blazing forest rather than face Josh Campbell. The hot-as-hell flyboy is less the one that got away than the one who pushed her away—and Edie will be damned if she’ll go there again. But everything changes when they are connected by an evil that threatens their magic—and their lives.


For Josh, flying his helicopter in and out of fires is nowhere near as nerve wracking as dealing with Edie. She’s more than just another mage, and he hasn’t forgotten a single scorching moment of their brief time together. Now a dark, unseen force is attacking them both. It is draining their power, forcing them to search together for a cure . . . and making them live each moment as if it were their last.

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The Protectors


77 comments posted.

Re: Protector

Absolutely, I pack a book or Kindle when I go to an appointment. For a trip, several books and the Kindle will accompany me.
(G S Moch 12:24pm March 2, 2013)

Kent Cook 1:38pm March 2, 2013)

I always have a book or magazine with me when I leave the house. And when I travel there are usually several of both that come along. I keep the few books that I want to re-read. The rest I pass on to my family.
Pam Howell 1:50pm March 2, 2013)

I carry a book in my bag every time I leave the house. I re-
read favorites when I need a comfort read.
G. Bisbjerg 2:08pm March 2, 2013)

I always have a book, and never mind waiting in line! =)
Kathleen Conner 2:49pm March 2, 2013)

Hi, GS--That's me, several books and the iPad if I'm going out of town.
Nancy Northcott 3:40pm March 2, 2013)

Hi, Kent. Thanks.
Nancy Northcott 3:40pm March 2, 2013)

Pam, I admire your discipline. I tend to keep more books than I give away, but
I'm trying to be more ruthless about it. Our bookshelves are full and then
Nancy Northcott 3:41pm March 2, 2013)

G, I also find that favorite books are sometimes more relaxing, maybe because I
don't have to focus as intently.
Nancy Northcott 3:42pm March 2, 2013)

Kathleen, when I have something to read, I don't mind waiting in line, either.
Nancy Northcott 3:43pm March 2, 2013)

love the cover
Debbi Shaw 4:10pm March 2, 2013)

I usually always keep a book or two in the car, for times I have to sit waiting in the car or in a waiting room for an appointment. I'd rather be reading one of my books than old magazines any day. It definitely takes my mind off getting in the dentist's chair or seeing the doctor and the waiting time seems a lot less. I once had to wait over an hour and a half, and I was so grateful I brought a good book and got several chapters read! I think the nurses and doctors were having an extended break (since everyone seemed to disappear)! I also love holding onto books I've read from my favorite authors, not really knowing if I'll get around to reading them again, but I like to keep collections from those authors together on my bookshelves (like treasures)! Maybe, it's actually book hoarding.
Linda Luinstra 4:29pm March 2, 2013)

I enjoy bringing books with me... never know when you can squeeze in some reading time... love reading both new and rereading old books... some I just keep going back to...
Colleen Conklin 4:40pm March 2, 2013)

If I know I am going to be waiting I will bring a book or magazine with me. I prefer to read something new rather than rereading.
Lin Berda 6:14pm March 2, 2013)

Debbi, thanks! I love the cover, too.
Nancy Northcott 6:17pm March 2, 2013)

Linda, I would also rather read a book I've chosen than rely on magazines that
may not interest me. If you're book hoarding, so am I. Paperback editions can
be especially hard to find again a few years down the road, so I keep mine in
case I want to read them again. I shelve by genre, alpha by author last name,
and by date of publication so I can find things easily. A few months back, I
weeded the romance shelves, and it was hard. I just had to face the reality that
some of those books were never going to be read again. I still have
mystery/thriller and science fiction/fantasy to cull. I'm not looking forward to it.
Nancy Northcott 6:21pm March 2, 2013)

Colleen, the never knowing is why I like to have a book handy if out of the
house for any period of time. Some books, I read over and over. Those are
rare, but I sometimes don't know for a while whether I'll want to re-read a
particular one, so I keep it a while.
Nancy Northcott 6:22pm March 2, 2013)

Lin, I have a number of friends who read a book once and are done. They have
no desire to go back to it, ever. Their houses tend to be much less cluttered
than mine. :-)
Nancy Northcott 6:23pm March 2, 2013)

I usually have a book or my Nook with me. The advantage with the Nook is the number of books it contains - the downside is if I forget to charge it and don't have the cord with me.
Despite my tbr pile, I do enjoy rereading old favorites.
Mary C 6:43pm March 2, 2013)

I always have a book or two with me when I travel. I don't usually have one with me when I go to town, I enjoy reading book much more at home than somewhere else, but will flip through magazines in waiting rooms.
Shawn Andree 6:57pm March 2, 2013)

I have a few I reread but mostly just like new ones. And I ALWAYS have my Kindle.
Vicki Hancock 7:06pm March 2, 2013)

I enjoy reading there is always a book on the coffee table,
thank you for making these giveways possible
Zelda Gallant 7:42pm March 2, 2013)

Mary, I'm all for the space advantages of e-readers. I love having a variety of
books with me. But yes, the charging thing can be a downer. I try to charge
mine nightly, but I sometimes forget.
Nancy Northcott 7:43pm March 2, 2013)

Shawn, I generally take more than one book because I like having an option. I
can see how toting one around town might not be convenient. I sometimes see
an interesting magazine article in a waiting room, but I like having a book just
in case there's nothing appealing.
Nancy Northcott 7:45pm March 2, 2013)

Vicki, your house is probably a lot tidier than mine if you're strict about which
books you keep. I have friends who take their Kindles everywhere. I read on an
iPad, which isn't always convenient to haul. When it isn't, I take an actual book.
Nancy Northcott 7:46pm March 2, 2013)

Zelda, I always have a book out, too. I like being able to give books away. In
this case, we should thank the publisher, Grand Central, for making these ARCs
available. Unlike the novel-length stories, Protector will be released only in
electronic form, so these ARCs are the only print editions I expect to ever see.
Nancy Northcott 7:48pm March 2, 2013)

I never leave home without a book!
Bonnie H 7:48pm March 2, 2013)

I always grab a book to take with me when I leave the house. Waiting at the school or bus stop for the kids, waiting to pick up my son from work, going to a meeting at church...it's a great way to pass the time while waiting and makes me have a lot more patience...smile.
Brenda Rumsey 8:08pm March 2, 2013)

Bonnie, I think you have a lot of company. :-)
Nancy Northcott 8:12pm March 2, 2013)

Brenda, I used to have a particular book that was designated for the carpool
line. Having something to do besides just wait helps my patience, too.
Nancy Northcott 8:13pm March 2, 2013)

I carry a book everywhere too, especially if I know I'm going
to have to wait around. I love re-reading favorites.
Mary Preston 8:19pm March 2, 2013)

I ALWAYS take a book with wherever I go! I would take them in
restaurants if I could get away with it - and do when I'm alone. If going on
a trip, I take several along. I don't remember how many I made it through
on my week long trip out West. On re-reading favorites, every Summer, I
read the Harry Potter series! ;)
Kelli Jo Calvert 8:32pm March 2, 2013)

Hi, Mary--Another vote for re-reading. We run the gamut from those who
frequently re-read to those who rarely, if ever, do.
Nancy Northcott 8:33pm March 2, 2013)

I take my book along in case I do want to read it while waiting at the clinic, or doing laundry
at the laundromat. And re-reading books are always awesome because you'll never feel exactly the
same each time. I've read some of my books 5 times +. Some stories are really THAT great. :)
Lazydrag0n Puff 8:41pm March 2, 2013)

Xoun, that's a great point about not feeling the same way every time. I also
tend to notice things I didn't catch on an earlier reading. And I agree, some
stories, at least for me, really are that great.
Nancy Northcott 8:43pm March 2, 2013)

Kelli, I always take a book if I go to a restaurant alone. It gives me something to
do while I eat. I can't imagine taking a trip with no books. We haven't re-read
Harry Potter, at least not so far, but for many years I re-read LOTR every
summer. Haven't done that since we read it to the boy when he was small, so
I'm overdue.
Nancy Northcott 8:45pm March 2, 2013)

Always have a book or my Kindle when I leave the house!!
Martha Lawson 9:47pm March 2, 2013)

I always take a book (or several if I take my e-reader) when I'm leaving the house. I read in the waiting rooms. I learn my lesson that the waiting room, there is nothing to do except to get bored and I can't watch my favorite shows if there even a television there. I always have my favorite books to read just in case I need something familiar. I never leave the house without new and old books (e-reader and smart phone, they are so awesome to have).
Kai Wong 10:06pm March 2, 2013)

I always have a book with me where ever I go. In a doctor's office, sitting in car waiting on house, by my bed, etc. I have found out my doctors like the books I read and got to know my doctors well because of having a book. In fact my Arthritis Specialist gets excited because I bring her a book every time I am there. She says that way she can read them on plane when she has seminars.
jrs362 at hotmail dot com
Jane Squires 10:09pm March 2, 2013)

ABsolutely! I always take a book with me or I'll be bored.
May Pau 10:15pm March 2, 2013)

I take a book or my kindle with me everywhere! Even the
Deb Diem 10:47pm March 2, 2013)

Martha, I totally get that!
Nancy Northcott 11:45pm March 2, 2013)

Kai, I rarely like what's on a waiting room TV. I'd rather have a book, either new
or familiar, any day.
Nancy Northcott 11:46pm March 2, 2013)

Jane, how nice to find a reading buddy! Isn't it fun to talk about books with
someone who likes the same ones?
Nancy Northcott 11:47pm March 2, 2013)

May, I find that books are great shields against boredom.
Nancy Northcott 11:47pm March 2, 2013)

Deb, I completely understand that strategy.
Nancy Northcott 11:48pm March 2, 2013)

The book sounds great, love to own it an dread it ...thanks..can't wait to own a kindle someday to put my books on..so much easier to carry around..keep dreaming each day
Kimberly Hoefs 11:49pm March 2, 2013)

Thanks, Kimberly! I'm sure you'll get that Kindle, and yes, that it would be
easier to carry.
Nancy Northcott 11:53pm March 2, 2013)

Yes, it is a great idea to always have a book and notebook
for notes anytime you go to Dr appointments and other places
too. Thanks for the great contest and God Bless Everyone!
Cecilia CECE
Cecilia Dunbar Hernandez 12:12pm March 3, 2013)

Cecilia, I like the idea of a notebook. I usually forget to take something to write
Nancy Northcott 12:21pm March 3, 2013)

I take my kobo with me everywhere! Now that the app for kindle can be put on an ipad I am using that too!
Darci Paice 12:31pm March 3, 2013)

Darci, I have the Kindle app on iPad, too. I'm looking into adding the Kobo app
so I can support our local indie bookstore. They have a way to sell Kobo books
and get credit.
Nancy Northcott 12:42pm March 3, 2013)

I love my nook and it is never far from me but I don't read in line. I use this time to check out the magazine rack.
Kathleen Yohanna 1:06am March 3, 2013)

Gotta love that cover!!!!
Bonnie Capuano 6:20am March 3, 2013)

I can't read while driving so don't always bring book on journeys, but my husband does and lets me drive! We bring books on trains, on holidays - and we'll eventually have an e-book each to save weight. Read a tale recently of a group of young people whose e-books broke one by one on holiday and they all passed around the same tattered paperbacks they'd found. Also we tend to keep books that are good enough to read again but my husband is the one who actually does this and I'm the one who brings in new ones.
Clare O'Beara 7:40am March 3, 2013)

I'm never without a book. I take it one in my purse
everywhere I go. My friends come to me with requests for
recommendations all the time.
Karin Anderson 7:48am March 3, 2013)

I take a book with me to carpool, my sons' sports practices, doctor appointments, etc.! I just wish I didn't get sick when reading in a car or I'd take them on road trips too! I love the cover of your book and I wish you much success!
Renee Pajda 8:28am March 3, 2013)

I always have something to read with me. I now have a Kindle.
Leona Olson 9:47am March 3, 2013)

I have always carried books to read with me and i do re-read favorites.
Since my children could turn pages they have carried books with them and
my grandchildren are continuing the tradition. We have added giving our
favorite story book with a special message written inside to our baby
showers. We set up a little bookshelf for people to place the book on as
they come in. People seem to love the idea and others have copied it.
Patti Paonessa 10:01am March 3, 2013)

I always bring a book or few. If it is just to an appointment from doctor to hair, I bring the one I am currently reading, for longer trips I bring a few. Getting lost on the beach within the pages, while in the airport or plane (which is perfect for getting your mind off the fact that you are in a heavy machine in the air), even on car rides - I was raised to think an idle mind is the devil's playground - so I never let it idle.
Carla Carlson 10:25am March 3, 2013)

I usually have a book in the car and also take 2-3 when I go visit the grandkids; the kids go to bed early and so do I, to give the parents some alone time.....so that is when I read.
Barbara Studer 12:33pm March 3, 2013)

I always have some sort of book with me, whether paper or
kindle. Thanks for the giveaway!
Sara Doyle 2:19pm March 3, 2013)

Shelly Caggiano 2:30pm March 3, 2013)

I always take a book or have reading material with me when I leave home. My family physician suggests that you bring a book because he does not rush with his patients and you may have a bit of a wait. I do not re-read books I like reading something new
Shirley Younger 2:34pm March 3, 2013)

Hi, Nancy! I always take at least one book with me whenever I am going somewhere where I have to wait or on a vacation. When I am in a waiting room I always read. I do re-read books I really enjoy.
Cathy Phillips 3:09pm March 3, 2013)

I normally take my kindle everywhere with me... Can't run out
of books or books to buy lol... Vacation I like taking a
couple paperback because i like reading in bed and after a
long day of family time nothing like reading a couple chapters
or the whole book then going to bed lol.
Jeannie Platt 4:19pm March 3, 2013)

I take "BOB" everywhere! I have tons of books packed on that
kindle and if I know I'm going on a long trip I cruise through
the books and download more...just in case I'm some place with
NO internet...Total Book Junkie here!!!!!
Billie Gaskill 4:21pm March 3, 2013)

I always have a book with me. Don't leave home without one.
Sheila True 5:29pm March 3, 2013)

I take books with me everywhere. I have a stack of what I call "disposable" books (ones in bad shape I've bought for cheap at yard sales) that I can read and simply leave behind or pitch when going places like doctor's office.
Donna Holmberg 5:36pm March 3, 2013)

I ALWAYS have a book on hand. When I've go on trips I've been known to leave items at home (no really on purpose) to fit more books in my bag.
Laura Gullickson 6:03pm March 3, 2013)

I never the house without a book. I love books, hope I win.
Linda Hall 7:42pm March 3, 2013)

I have books I have re-read over the years. When I travel or go anywhere I
have my kindle app on my phone, my kindle and also my print books that
come with me. I also find used book stores or even buy books on the road.
I usually have audiobooks going at the same time. I just can't seem to help
Patti Paonessa 7:43pm March 3, 2013)

always have a book with me. Going away for a week it a few books and numerous on whatever e-device we bring.
Lisa Fitzgibbons 8:38pm March 3, 2013)

I do tend to grab a couple of books. I love reading. I have reread only one book and that was because when I had originally read it I wasn't that interested in reading so I quickly got bored and forgot it. That was Harry Potter. Rereading it though is what inspired me to start wring. I may not be that good at it but at least I'm trying. I have not read a book yet though that I want to pick up and read again, but hey, key word. . yet. :)
Meghan Anderson 10:14pm March 3, 2013)

i have books every where and i got a kindle and i stil buy books>love the cover!!!!
Jennifer Beck 11:11pm March 3, 2013)

Gorgeous cover!
I never leave home without a book or two and my iPad with the Kindle app. There have been times when I have forgotten a book and literally had a panic attack. I guess it's like my security blanket. It could be worse!
Tracie Travis 11:35pm March 3, 2013)

My mom always had high BP and I tried to convince her to take a book with her, so she could read and relax and her BP wouldn't go so high.
Joyce Mandle 9:52pm March 4, 2013)

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