Ever since the death of her fiance, Nela Farley has found
herself plagued by a sixth sense: she understands the
thoughts of cats when she looks into their eyes. Nela knows
that what she's experiencing is completely irrational, but
it's hard to ignore...
At times I believe my mum can talk to cats. The storyline of What The Cat. Saw is so intriguing I must buy a copy for my mum for Christmas. She would love it!! (Chris Coulson 1:11am November 10, 2012)
Love it! Cats are mysterious creatures.Have always had a cat or 2 or 3 in my life,just can not see a time without one. This sounds perfect.Will be on top of my tbr list. (Holly Vanderhule 1:35am November 10, 2012)
My cats see things that I don't. Just now, they were both looking out into the dark and they were on alert, not eating the food I had just given them. Then they both turned in unison and headed for the food. Danger over. (Kathleen Yohanna 2:43am November 10, 2012)
This book would be perfect for a friend of mine whose love for books is surpassed only by her love for her cat. (Liesl Lane 4:58am November 10, 2012)
This sounds like a book Id love to read!!! (Bonnie Capuano 5:51am November 10, 2012)
Cats look directly into your soul. Blessings, Marjorie (Marjorie Carmony 6:12am November 10, 2012)
I love my cats. This sounds like such a good book. (Debbie Penny 6:13am November 10, 2012)
This sounds like a really good book! I often wonder what m pets are thinking! Thanks for the giveaway! (Christine Mead 6:22am November 10, 2012)
This will make the perfect gift for my friends C'mas stocking; she has 7 cats. (Shirley Younger 7:39am November 10, 2012)
I can recommend 'The Witches of Worm' for a cat book with a difference. The lonely girl in a flat has to raise a kitten without wanting it, and her mother is usually off trying to snag a new husband. The girl read about the Salem witchcraft trials and starts to think the cat, Worm, is encouraging her to harm other people. From a cat owner's viewpoint this so so well observed. Most cat lovers also love reading about cats as characters in books! (Clare O'Beara 8:14am November 10, 2012)
I cannot wait to read this book. I am a complete animal lover, with cats being my favorite. Mine are not pets, they are family members. Thanks for sharing your book with us. (Stephanie Strausberger 8:46am November 10, 2012)
This book sounds wonderful. I love cats, but with children allergic to them, I put my love on our cat "Olivia" at my place of work. She always knows which weekend she will see me and always greets me at my office door. (Connie Rowe 9:18am November 10, 2012)
I love cats but here, too, allergies get in the way (husband's not mine). I'd love to win this book. (Mary Hay 10:04am November 10, 2012)
Sounds like a great premise for an intriguing book. (Janice Milliken 10:46am November 10, 2012)
a another great contest (Kent Cook 10:49am November 10, 2012)
would love to win and read PICK ME!! (Pamela Faye Howell 10:59am November 10, 2012)
Our cats are our "kids" since our son and daughter have left us empty nesters. I work with cats as a volunteer at our local shelter. It breaks my heart to see the sadness in the eyes of adult cats that are surrendered from once loving homes. It gives me great pleasure to hold and love on these beautiful God created creatures. (Beth Charette 11:26am November 10, 2012)
A great post which was thought provoking. (Sharon Berger 12:17pm November 10, 2012)
What an interesting book character. Jugs sounds intriguing. I love cats, but alas, Hubby does not. I have to get my "cat fix" when I visit my mom and sister. (G S Moch 1:17pm November 10, 2012)
Cats are independent creatures. They don't care what we think of them. They know how to be lovable that we really can't get mad at them. They see things that we don't see. There are times I think they know more than we do. (Kai Wong 1:29pm November 10, 2012)
yay sounds great. thanks for this chance (Debbi Shaw 2:11pm November 10, 2012)
I've not been without a cat in 70 years. That's a lot of cats and a lot of love--they are absolutely the cat's meow! (Suzanne Gonneville 2:12pm November 10, 2012)
I don't have a cat but my boyfriend did until last year. (Sandy Giden 2:21pm November 10, 2012)
I adore cats, I always had one as a child. When I moved out I couldn't have pets so my dad bought me a cement cat statue. I still have it and it is a great reminder of my love for animals. (Ann Sheiring 2:50pm November 10, 2012)
I love cats. They are very curious. I love that about them, they are bored with anything. (Cynthia St. Germain 2:56pm November 10, 2012)
Very interesting sounding book... thanks for sharing... love books with animals in them.. they add so much more to the story. (Colleen Conklin 3:32pm November 10, 2012)
Enjoyed reading your blog. Your new book sounds great to a cat loves like myself. (Sheila True 3:53pm November 10, 2012)
What a unique idea, I'm looking forward to reading it! =) (Kathleen Conner 4:06pm November 10, 2012)
My cats know they are special---and they let me know it. Even the dogs obey their commands. (Sue Farrell 4:50pm November 10, 2012)
my cat knows she is special . She is my campanion as well as my husband she knows when something is wrong . My husband talks to her and she understands him but when I talk she ignores me lol (Danielle McDonald 4:54pm November 10, 2012)
I had a cat growing up that was so sweet and another, when I first got married, given to me as a Christmas gift when it was a very tiny kitten; it fit in my hand. Each cat has a different personality and some are very smart and understand what you're saying to them. I love the storyline to your book very much and it really sounds like an amazing book I'd love to own and read. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for this one! (Linda Luinstra 5:21pm November 10, 2012)
I have always been a cat person, since childhood I have always had at least one. They each have amazing personalities, and they will let you know it. I am one of those people that could easily become the crazy cat lady at the end of the block. Oh, they understand you when you are talking to them - even if they choose to ignore you. A few have cries that sound like they talk back, it makes me laugh and talk to them more. Remember that one Haley Mills movie, That Darn Cat.. Disney Classic. (Carla Carlson 6:05pm November 10, 2012)
After reading the book, Dewy, the story about the cat who lived his life in a library, I said I would not read another book about cats. I cried my til there were no more tears. Well, eat my words, because I was moved again to read another cat book. This one sounds humorous and delightful. (Jd Simm 6:09pm November 10, 2012)
Sounds like a fun read. (Shannon Scott 6:48pm November 10, 2012)
I own 2 kittens, and have owned them since they've taken their first breath. I held my kitten, Sugar Ray, since he was less than a minute old!! Since my Husband and I are home most of the time, due to our circumstances and his caretaker position, I have the pleasure of watching them grow up. It's amazing to watch them through their eyes, and see how they take everything in. Mine want to experience everything as well!! They're fascinated with everything from the coffepot, to the kitchen faucet, to the shower, to the bathroom sink!! We've taken them on walks on a leash, and they love when we bring leaves in the house for them to play with!! I'm waiting for their first snowfall. They come from our second floor like dogs when you call them by name. They play hard, and love to snuggle with us in bed at night. They also like to wake us up at 3 in the morning, to get up and play with them!! Sugar Ray and Gizmo are the loves of our lives, and are the most intuitive cats that we've ever owned. We've owned cats, as well as dogs in our lives, but these 2 are going to be the most unusual, as well as the best we've ever owned!! (Peggy Roberson 9:52pm November 10, 2012)
What a fabulous story. I was thinking about my Grandmother the other day & how much she loved her cats. (Mary Preston 9:57pm November 10, 2012)
I wish I could know what my cats are thinking. I can generally figure out feed me, pet me, or STOP TOUCHING ME, but the rest is a major mystery...LOL. (Catherine Lee 10:34pm November 10, 2012)
cats are my life and love reading about them...thanks (Kimberly Hoefs 11:06pm November 10, 2012)
I agree cats are mysterious, elegant creatures. They would make great spies!!! ;) (Penny Mettert 11:40pm November 10, 2012)
It is so true that you are owned by a cat. Our daughter complains, "Those cats do what they want." And they do. (Maureen Emmons 7:13am November 11, 2012)
This sounds like quite a unique, mysterious book with a great storyline to it. What a fun book to read for everyone, especially cat lovers! (Rich Cook 4:45pm November 11, 2012)
Cats are such mysterious creatures! (Mary C 9:45pm November 11, 2012)
Of course Jugs looks, sees, and knows all - he's a cat!!
And as one who had been cat-owned for most my life, but currently isn't (I have to go to friends to get my cat fixes), you've sold two copies of this book, once I get my check from working this past election. One for me, and one for my best friend who is multi-cat owned!!
Thanks be to Jugs!
Lynn (Lynn Rettig 4:03pm November 12, 2012)
Cats know when you want company, curl up beside you and release their loud purr. (Alyson Widen 5:46pm November 18, 2012)