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Love, Secrets, and Second Chances—February’s Must-Read Books Await!

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A Stray Pup, A Second Chance, and a Killer on the Loose�Wagtail�s About to Get Wild!

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A Hacker, an Undercover Mission, and a Love Worth Fighting For.

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A Duke by any other name would smell as� dastardly?
� delightful?

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Shaken, Stirred, and Unexpectedly in Love�Can They Mix Business with Pleasure?

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As London's high society watches their every move, can these two brilliant minds find the formula for true love?

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Chocolate, Second Chances, and a Love Too Sweet to Let Go.

Redeeming The Rogue by Donna MacMeans


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Also by Donna MacMeans:

The Whisky Laird's Bed, July 2014
The Whisky Laird's Bed, July 2014
The Casanova Code, June 2012
Paperback / e-Book
Redeeming The Rogue, August 2011
The Seduction Of A Duke, April 2009
The Trouble with Moonlight, June 2008
The Education of Mrs. Brimley, October 2007

Redeeming The Rogue
Donna MacMeans

Can a rogue be judged by his cover?

August 2011
On Sale: August 2, 2011
Featuring: Lady Arianne Chambers; Michael Rafferty
336 pages
ISBN: 0425242676
EAN: 9780425242674
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Romance Historical

Hoping to escape a past indiscretion, Lady Arianne Chambers, accidental matchmaker and sister to a duke (William from SEDUCTION OF A DUKE) undertakes the challenge of transforming an Irish rogue into a proper diplomat so he can catch an enemy to the Crown. Little did she expect that the journey would continue beyond etiquette lessons and into Irish rebellion, gun smuggling and the assassination of American president James Garfield. Can she risk everything she holds dear to follow an arrogant Irishman who has stolen her heart?

Michael Rafferty has little patience for hoity-toity lessons and less for the upper crust lady assigned to deliver them. He has a killer to catch and a vengeance to satisfy. But even the best-laid plans can go awry, when his heart leads in one direction, and his mission another.

Read An Excerpt

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103 comments posted.

Re: Redeeming The Rogue

I love the book cover- very sexy.
(Christine Arcidiacono 12:13pm August 30, 2011)

This book sound great. I loved the Wild West characters, so this should be such fun. Can't wait to read it.
Constance Biller 1:16am August 30, 2011)

That first paragraph is priceless. I love the idea of the story.
Rachel Morse 1:36am August 30, 2011)

Thanks Christine- This is the first time I've had a hero on the cover.
Before it was just the heroine. Do you have a preference? Do you prefer
to see the hero...or do you like to leave him to your imagination?
Donna Macmeans 3:35am August 30, 2011)

Constance - I always liked that show. It was fun recreating them with an
Irish twist. Hope you enjoy the Rogue. Hmm..is there another old tv show
that you like? Maybe I can explore using those characters (grin)
Donna Macmeans 3:41am August 30, 2011)

Thanks Rachel - this one worked out really well. It's amazing the fictional
turns possible utilizing factual history...and a little imagination. Hope you
like the Rogue.
Donna Macmeans 3:44am August 30, 2011)

Thanks for the post. I definately think that Phineas' story will need to told. When I have characters I can't seem to "close the book" on I am very sad. It is so nice to see them pop up again in someone elses story. I haven't read any of your books yet but after reading this. I now have them on my wish list.
Patti Paonessa 8:57am August 30, 2011)

if the characters have not left, then see what they have to say. maybe there is another book. if not, maybe a short story for readers like a special on the website.
Pam Howell 8:59am August 30, 2011)

Thanks Patti - sometimes it's hard not to have the characters keep
popping up. They become such good friends in my memory with their own
distinct voices (grin). I hope you give the books a try, then pop over to
my website and let me know what you think.
Donna Macmeans 9:29am August 30, 2011)

Pam - that's an excellent idea! I hadn't considered a short for the
website. (I'm not really good at promotion. Writing is one thing, but I'm
always at a loss when it comes to ideas on promoting the book. How
great to put the two things together). I hope you give Rogue a try.
Donna Macmeans 9:38am August 30, 2011)

All of the previous comments are great. How about characters like the ones from "I Spy" or "the Man from U.N.C.L.E." I am going to add your name to my list of must read authors. I am looking for to reading your books.
Beverly Beltz 10:24am August 30, 2011)

A series with these characters..sometimes it is hard to finish a book and not want to let those characters go..then all one can do is daydream about what would happen next...
Dawn Staniszeski 10:44am August 30, 2011)

When a book ends and I don't want to let the characters go I just re-read it.
Maureen Emmons 10:50am August 30, 2011)

I always loved Wild Wild West. I thought is was only fair when Artemus got some female attention. I liked Pam's idea of a short story if you don't have time/material for an entire book. If you make it a free short e-book, it could also serve as a promotion of your other work.
r w 11:40am August 30, 2011)

Beverly -I Spy. That sounds great. I remember loving Man from.UNCLE. I
Donna Macmeans 11:45am August 30, 2011)

Goofy iPad posted before I finished. Grrr... I used to have a gold pen with
retractable inks that broke and looked just like that pen from UNCLE. I'll
have to consider using those characters. Thanks!
Donna Macmeans 11:54am August 30, 2011)

Dawn - hey send me those daydreams!! They might turn into a book.
That's really where it all starts...daydreams... Thanks. Hope you love the
Donna Macmeans 11:58am August 30, 2011)

Maureen -now that's thinking. You know, I don't think I've ever reread
books - too many on my TBR pile. Hope this one ends up on your keeper
Donna Macmeans 12:02pm August 30, 2011)

Robin - great idea!! I'm more likely to post a free story on my website,
though. I'm not sure how to create an ebook. Oh dear. Looks like I'm
going to learn how to do something new!
Donna Macmeans 12:07pm August 30, 2011)

Historical Romance! YAHOO! What a wonderful genre!
Sandy Fielder 12:12pm August 30, 2011)

Sandy - I agree. I love it. Back in my "professional" CPA days I never
read romance. Professionals didn't read "those" kind of books. Can I just
say what idiots we were. I love all romance, but historicals are the best.
Donna Macmeans 1:00pm August 30, 2011)

Looks great!
Summer Grinstead 1:16pm August 30, 2011)

It is sad when a book ends and I the reader want to enjoy more... I guess then it is left to my imagination... unless it is part of a series and we get to see some of the characters we enjoyed again in secondary spots...
Colleen Conklin 1:27pm August 30, 2011)

LOVE! LOVE! LOVE! Historical Romance! Very excited aboutthis contest!!!
Elizabeth Rodriguez 1:50pm August 30, 2011)

Summer- Hope you give the Rogue a try.
Donna Macmeans 2:12pm August 30, 2011)

Colleen- It was my plan to do Phineas's book - especially as this character
won't leave me alone. Then I came up with an idea for a new series that I
love. The first chapter of that book, The Casanova Code, is in the back of
Redeeming the Rogue. (Does Kindle & Nook carry those first
Teaser chapters?). So now I'm trapped between writing the series that I
love, and writing Phineas's book who I adore. sigh...
Donna Macmeans 2:20pm August 30, 2011)

I like the hero on the cover. Probably more than the heroine.
Jayne Townsley 2:20pm August 30, 2011)

Elizabeth - As I have no part in choosing the winner I can send you good
luck thoughts LOL. Hope you give Redeeming the Rogue a try.
Donna Macmeans 2:22pm August 30, 2011)

Jayne - This is good to know. I've requested the hero to be with the
heroine on Casanova Code but as you probably know we authors haven't
a lot to do with the cover. Berkley has been wonderful in this regard,
though. They've given me some great covers. So we'll see what happens.
Donna Macmeans 2:28pm August 30, 2011)

So enjoyed your post that I followed the link to your site to read the excerpt. It sounds like a grand adventure of a romance.
G. Bisbjerg 2:28pm August 30, 2011)

Thank you G. I hope you give Redeeming the Rogue a try. It's really a
fun post
Donna Macmeans 2:48pm August 30, 2011)

Oops that's fun BOOK not fun post. Thank heavens may books are
proofread by three professionals. I obviously need a proofreader here
Donna Macmeans 2:50pm August 30, 2011)

usually when i read a really great story...i never want to leave the town or its people...hoping the author will build from the character who just dropped by...i love when series continue...congrats on the release i love historicals & rakes
Chele Blades 3:20pm August 30, 2011)

I absolutely mourn when a favorite servies comes to and end---let's continue this one for a bit longer, please.
Sue Farrell 3:33pm August 30, 2011)

Chele - you'll have to give Redeeming the Rogue a try. It's got a sigh-
worthy ending. Why is it, do you suppose, that we like rakes so much. I
admit I'm partial as well. Loved my Irish rogue in this book. He's a
challenge, but tender at all the right moments
Donna Macmeans 3:33pm August 30, 2011)

Bless you Sue. I think I'll keep one foot in this world and give Phineas a
happily ever after...of course I could have him put a personal ad in the
Mayfair Messenger and pull him into the next series as well...have to think
about that
Donna Macmeans 3:38pm August 30, 2011)

Wild Wild West was great fun so I certainly look forward to this book.
Marjorie Carmony 3:57pm August 30, 2011)

WOW, this sounds like a very exciting and interesting Book. Please enter me in this great contest and I love entering and winning contests on freshfiction.com too. Thank YOU. Cecilia CECE
Cecilia Dunbar Hernandez 4:00pm August 30, 2011)

As a matter of fact, I have read a book or two where the book ended too soon, and has haunted me to this day. The one thing I can say is that I'm glad that I read the particular book, because even though it still haunts me to this day, I was taken for a wonderful ride while I read it, and in the one case, came out of it a stronger person. The book was a whirlwind of emotions, and I enjoyed reading it to the point that I couldn't put it down - all 600 pages!! The other thing I've done is told others about the books so that they can experience the same things I have. Of course, they have to be similar in tastes as me, and trust my judgement, but I never steer them wrong, and they know it. Even thinking about these books bring me comfort, and if there is ever a sequel, I'll be the first one in line for it. I have to tell you that I love the story line you chose for your book. It's very inventive, and considering who you chose to pick as your source, I can't wait to read it!! I also love the cover. It's very steamy, in a tasteful way.
Peggy Roberson 4:04pm August 30, 2011)

Interesting cover!
Cindy Rader 4:10pm August 30, 2011)

Love the name in your title, but not sure if all rogues are really redeeming. I guess it's something to aim high for. When a book ends, I look forward to the next in line of a series or hope the author will let the characters, main, secondary or distant walk on the page of future book. They might be a best friend or enemy.
Alyson Widen 4:11pm August 30, 2011)

Oh, I loved that show and look forward to your story - sounds like something I would enjoy!!
Jeanne Sheats 4:16pm August 30, 2011)

The book sounds good, I'd love to read it.
Wilma Frana 4:18pm August 30, 2011)

I used to love the Wild, Wild West! This book sounds awesome!
And I hate that feeling of a book ending, so I just write my
characters into another book!
Margay Roberge 4:23pm August 30, 2011)

I'm definitely adding this book to my must read list. Sounds great!
Cheryl Lynne 4:23pm August 30, 2011)

Sounds like a great read for the coming winter and snow/ice storms sitting by the fire.
Shirley Younger 4:37pm August 30, 2011)

Marjorie- I really liked the tv series. Not so much the movie version.
Artemis was one of my favorites. I guess it's no surprise that he should
pop up in this book.
Donna Macmeans 4:37pm August 30, 2011)

Cece - you are in. Good luck! Hope you give the Rogue a try
Donna Macmeans 4:39pm August 30, 2011)

Peggy - hope you like the Rogue. Loved the "tasteful steam.". I curious
now about the name of the book that impacted you so. Can you share?
Donna Macmeans 4:44pm August 30, 2011)

I loved the Wild Wild West Series so I know I will enjoy reading your book. I do like mystery, suspense and romance all mixed together to make a great story. Would love to win your giveaway. Thanks for the opportunity to enter.
Brenda Hill 4:45pm August 30, 2011)

Thank you Cindy. Berkley has been good to me.
Donna Macmeans 4:46pm August 30, 2011)

Alyson - in this series it's been tough to hold the related characters back
LOL. But it does make it easier for the author to have access to characters
with complete backstory. Hope you give the series a try.
Donna Macmeans 4:51pm August 30, 2011)

Oh Jeanne - I hope so. It's not a western but the interaction between the
characters is the same - I hope! ( grin)
Donna Macmeans 4:54pm August 30, 2011)

Wilma - I hope you give the Rogue a try. Be sure to drp by my website to
let me know.
Donna Macmeans 4:56pm August 30, 2011)

Margay - like the idea of writing the characters into another story. If you do
that for Redeeming the Rogue, you'll have to tell me what you do with
them .... Sounds like another contest LOL
Donna Macmeans 5:13pm August 30, 2011)

Cheryl Lynne - I hope you enjoy the ROGUE. Be sure to let me know
what you think.
Donna Macmeans 5:16pm August 30, 2011)

Shirley -
Donna Macmeans 5:18pm August 30, 2011)

When I read a book and can't let the characters go, I reread it and then wait for the next book in the series. If it's not a series, I reread and reread it from my Keeper's shelf. In this case, Phineas's story must be told.

Redeeming the Rogue sounds like a wonderful book, and I must read it. Also loved the Wild Wild West series.
Cathy Phillips 5:20pm August 30, 2011)

Crazy iPad post again. Shirley - while the sexual tension should keep you
warm in the winter months. I just wanted to say the book takes place
during the spring/summer months. President Garfield was shot in early
July 1881. I had to live within that timeframe.
Donna Macmeans 5:24pm August 30, 2011)

Cathy there seems to be a lot of us that loved that tv series. Makes you
wonder why they pulled it off the air. I know they said the series was too
violent- but certainly not by today's standards. Just makes you wonder.
Hope you like Redeeming the Rogue.
Donna Macmeans 5:29pm August 30, 2011)

Oh darn, if you end the series, yours will be the 3rd authors series that has ended just as I've discovered them. Since I go into a major depression after a series is ended, please help me to avoid a mental breakdown by continuing with Phineas's story. I promise to calm myself and wait patiently for you to write it so that you aren't overwhelmed. I absolutely love historical romances. Thank You & Safe Travels.
Darchelle McKesson 6:21pm August 30, 2011)

Darchelle - of course, you could be on the leading edge of loving a new
series before it officially comes out. The first book comes out in June
2012. LOL. Yeah, I'll have to do Phineas's book. I'm just going to learn
how to write faster.
Donna Macmeans 8:20pm August 30, 2011)

Interesting question you ask, I was recently wondering why there aren't more series that spend more time with specific characters. It would take a very creative mind and lovable characters but I'm sure there are plenty of both out there.
Good luck and happy writing!
Tracie Travis 8:34pm August 30, 2011)

An Irish Wild West, how fun. I so enjoy a series of books with the same characters. When the book ends, I like to know that I can meet up with these same characters again. look forward to this book.
C.M. Biller 8:38pm August 30, 2011)

I have often read a book & not been ready to let characters go. This is where series can be brilliant.
Mary Preston 8:47pm August 30, 2011)

Hi Donna. I'm loving your books. The Education of Mrs. Brimley is one of my all time favorite books. Please keep books like these coming!
Molly Wilsbacher 9:14pm August 30, 2011)

I like both hero and heroine on the cover. I also like to read about pass characters in other stories.
Deb Pelletier 9:17pm August 30, 2011)

There are some characters that just stick to me and I really want an author to write that story! Good luck figuring out what to do about your stuck to you character! Enjoy your trip and getting computer service!
Jennifer Beyer 9:43pm August 30, 2011)

The book sounds great.
Kara Lepard 9:49pm August 30, 2011)

Trace - what series/characters would you have liked to see continued?
Sometimes it's out of an author's control whether or not they can continue
a series at least with that publisher. I know that has happened to me in
the past. Hope you give Redeeming the Rogue a try.
Donna Macmeans 10:06pm August 30, 2011)

Tracie - what series/characters would you have liked to see continued?
Sometimes it's out of an author's control whether or not they can continue
a series at least with that publisher. I know that has happened to me in
the past. Hope you give Redeeming the Rogue a try.
Donna Macmeans 10:09pm August 30, 2011)

Hi CM! Some of these characters were in earlier books. Hopefully
Phineas will get his own book in the future. Hope you enjoy the Rogue.
Donna Macmeans 10:14pm August 30, 2011)

Hi Mary! I hope you consider this series brilliant. Let me know what you
Donna Macmeans 10:17pm August 30, 2011)

Bless you Molly! Thank so very much! Hope you find Redeeming the
Rogue an excellent addition.
Donna Macmeans 10:20pm August 30, 2011)

Hi Deb! William comes back in Redeeming the Rogue from past books.
Thanks for the cover love. I hope you enjoy Redeeming the Rogue.
Donna Macmeans 10:23pm August 30, 2011)

Hey Jennifer! The iPad has been a wonderful tool to use for this blog. I
am writing from Mexico today. After reading Redeeming th Rogue let me
know if you think Phineas should get his own book! I hope you enjoy it!
Donna Macmeans 10:27pm August 30, 2011)

Kara, thanks so much. I hope you add Redeeming the Rogue to your
TBR file.
Donna Macmeans 10:29pm August 30, 2011)

The cover does look for inviting to read, and I love the parallel you used with the old "Wild, Wild West" series of working friends in this book too. Hope your time abroad is wonderful!!
Debra Simning-Chapman 10:37pm August 30, 2011)

Debra- So far it's been hot, hot, hot here in Los Cabos. Even at night the
temps are in the 90s. Hope you give Redeeming the Rogue a try.
Donna Macmeans 11:55pm August 30, 2011)

Hey Debra ~ great to see you here! I'm a Tart from Tartan Ink
and I got your books from visiting with you there, so don't
enter me in the contest (unless you want to send me The
Seduction of a Duke or The Trouble With Moonlight);-) I just
wanted to say Hi!
Lenna Hendershott 12:21pm August 31, 2011)

I love the Wild Wild West. Great show. I do miss the characters when I grow so close to them and I do feel depressed when I have to let them go. Coping is not easy and different depending upon whether or not we may get a chance to see the characters again in a future book?
Lisa Kendall 12:37pm August 31, 2011)

Hi Kenna - that's for stopping by. I had a great time at Tartan Ink. I don't
have any control over selecting the winner, but if you win - I'll be happy to
substitute books. Thanks for mentioning The Trouble with Moonlight. It's
one of my favorites.
Donna Macmeans 1:03am August 31, 2011)

Lisa - believe me it's hard as an author sometimes to let the characters
go. Sort of like letting sending your children off to college, it's hard to see
them leave after having them around constantly. I think Phineas though
will come back in a book. I'm just not sure when and where.
Donna Macmeans 1:08am August 31, 2011)

I believe that if you think that Phineas has more to say you should bring him back in a book of his own. Sounds like and interesting book.
Kathleen Yohanna 3:57am August 31, 2011)

I love the name Rafferty. It conjours up a tall, dark and very handsome individual. Do you start with a name or does the name come to you as you write about the character?
Linda Guest 4:02am August 31, 2011)

I've added it to my reading list.
Theresa Norris 6:41am August 31, 2011)

wild wild west -- brings back childhood memories of saturday afternoons watching westerns w/ mom :) those 2 guys were very complimentary partners, what an intriguing addition to your book ;) Just let him know that the right lady will show up if he's patient and let you "look" for her in peace (or else you'll create all sorts of havic and trouble for them) :)
d Kenney 8:08am August 31, 2011)

What a wonderful imagination you have! The concept of this book and your
new series are phenomenal. When a really good series ends I mourn it but I
also hope the author doesn't dilute it's power by writing another book just to
extend the series. Sometimes those can ruin what has gone before. If you
feel a short story might help this character "fine his place to settle" an
anthology or an e-short story or on your website is a great idea. Please go on
with the new idea while it is fresh in you head so it is a good as it can be!
Sandra Spilecki 10:45am August 31, 2011)

Kathleen - not sure he has more to say, he was just a fun character to
write (grin). Hope you give Redeeming the Rogue a try to see what I
Donna Macmeans 11:32am August 31, 2011)

Linda - The name comes to me as I write. I think Rafferty was the third
name I'd given the character, but once I found it - it clicked. I dose it from
a period Irish census. Glad I hung in there till the "R's".
Donna Macmeans 11:38am August 31, 2011)

Thank you Theresa! Hope you enjoy the Rogue.
Donna Macmeans 11:39am August 31, 2011)

D Kenny - LOL! Good idea! Not sure he'll be patient though. He knows
I'll make trouble for him either way. It would be a boring book otherwise.
Donna Macmeans 11:42am August 31, 2011)

Sandra - I think you're right. I've seen this happen as well. It's like the
author is bored with the series, but not with the new contract (grin). Well
have to see how this works out.
Donna Macmeans 11:46am August 31, 2011)

When a story ends and the characters are too much to let go, I tend to
dream later about them, write the author hoping they will add them even
as secondary characters, there is also fan fiction.
Carla Carlson 1:09pm August 31, 2011)

Carla - ii certainly hope you dream about my characters (grin). Let me
Donna Macmeans 1:29pm August 31, 2011)

It happens frequently which is why I tend to read series books.
The only problem with that is once you've invested years in
this character when the series is over it's as if a good friend
has passed away. Then I just desperately look for that next
great series to take me out of my mourning.
Lisa Richards 4:17pm August 31, 2011)

Lisa - I sure hope you regard the Chambers as good friends -I know I do.
And if yo do feel that way...I hope you look at The Rake Patrol (first book
in June 2012) to help you with the mourning. (grin)
Donna Macmeans 5:13pm August 31, 2011)

I tend to get a bit melancholy and if one of seires hope I see mention of them as the series unfolds.
Also I keep books I have read and loved.
Marcelle Cole 6:08pm August 31, 2011)

When I have been totally wrapped up in a series that I have enjoyed, I find it hard to pick up a new book in the same genre so I try to read something completely different to "clear my head". I do still like to revisit those characters and some writers post short novellas that continue the story; for example, Julia Quinn does those short Second Epilogues.I haven't read this series but your post has me interested so those go on my TBR list, especially this one!
Dolores Feagin 9:17pm August 31, 2011)

Marcelle - I keep the books I love as well, but I don't tend to reread them.
I just like keeping them close.
Donna Macmeans 10:37am September 1, 2011)

Dolores - I've heard others say they do this as well. I tend to switch to
nonfiction for research for awhile. Thanks for adding Redeeming the
Rogue to your TBR pile

Donna Macmeans 10:52am September 1, 2011)

I am not an author, but an avid reader. Once I finish a book and become saddened that there should be more, more for a character to find their love, etc, then I alert the author and ask, "Will you please be writing of that character".
Joanne Bozik 12:53pm September 1, 2011)

Joanne - I hope you have that reaction to my book. Look forward to
hearing from you!
Donna Macmeans 12:04pm September 2, 2011)

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