She Can #2
December 2012
On Sale: December 4, 2012
348 pages ISBN: 1612185657 EAN: 9781612185651 Kindle: B00818J18A Paperback / e-Book Add to Wish List
When a terrible accident abruptly ends her riding career,
Rachel Parker returns to Pennsylvania to rebuild her
family’s horse farm. But her welcome home is anything but
warm. Her sister’s abusive husband and a violent vandal
threaten Rachel’s new business and her life. Someone is
systematically trying to destroy her. Someone who knows
private things about her. Someone who’s been watching her.
Now Rachel must face the fact that the sins of her carefully
hidden past have returned to haunt her…
Police Chief Mike O’Connell never had trouble drawing the
line between his personal life and his job — until he met
Rachel Parker. Mike’s investigation uncovers a shocking
number of secrets and suspects. But the stalker’s escalating
violence convinces him he doesn’t have much time to sort
through it all. Whoever is watching Rachel wants her dead.
Mike and Rachel race to untangle a web of deceit and lies
that stretches two decades into the past — before her
stalker strikes again.
We had our dog Remus, a Boxer, for 13 years - he definitely became a part of our family - it was a riot to see him become more and more "human" - LOL - I could go on all day describing even SOME of his antics! (Felicia Ciaudelli 10:21am December 3, 2012)
Felicia, I've heard boxers are great family dogs. Thanks for stopping by today. (Melinda Leigh 10:27am December 3, 2012)
I brought home a female Maine Coon only a few weeks old, her mother was eating all the females in the litter and I wasn't going to allow that to happen. Her name was Minx, she was so beautiful, loving, had a wild coy personality. I fed her with a little bottle and formula, she slept with me (all nestled up), she was around for my first born (his birthday is today) and she would sleep under his crib and come find me as soon as he woke up. Over the years she got old and I found her gone one morning. So many pictures of her can be found in the baby book, I can tell you I miss her as much today as I did years ago. (Carla Carlson 2:11pm December 3, 2012)
Carla, that's so sweet. I had an orange tabby that was devoted to my kids when they were babies. (Melinda Leigh 4:28pm December 3, 2012)
Stories with animals are heart-warming and remind me of the pets of my past. I can remember reading "Lad, A Dog" in elementary school. (Alyson Widen 6:38pm December 3, 2012)
I loved that story, Alyson! Big Red by Jim Kjelgaard was another of my favorites. I always say you can tell a lot about a man from the way he treats animals. (Melinda Leigh 7:04pm December 3, 2012)
Every animal I've ever had has made an impact in my life. I've owned both cats and dogs, and although I love dogs, being on a fixed budget right now has priced me out of the market for owning one. My Husband and I just lost our beloved "Bandit" (real name) a little over 2 years ago. She was the love of our life, and did everythiing with us. Ever since we lost our house, we were determined that wherever we ended up, we were not going to lose our dog, too, so we found an apartment where our dog could live out the rest of her days in bliss. She had 300 acres to run. Currently, we were taking care of 2 stray cats who were mother and daughter. Little did we know that they were pregnant at the same time, and the daughter gave birth right at my feet!! We had 8 kittens in our apartment, along with a very understanding landlord. In the end, we decided to keep 2 of them, and the rest went to a place that will give them a good home. The babies are now 7 months old, and we're happy to have life in the apartment again!! We've always loved dogs, but there's a special love you get from a cat, that can't be explained. Your books sound wonderful, and I can't wait to read them!! Have a wonderful Christmas, and a Happy New Year!! (Peggy Roberson 10:24pm December 3, 2012)
Old Yeller made a very big impression in my life. I cried at the end because I didn't like the ending. I also read James Herriot's books: All Creatures Great and Small.... I still loves his books. I wanted to be a veterinarian after that.
My cats Pookie, Baby, and Monkey made the biggest impression in my life. Pookie taught me to really R&R (relaxation and recreation), Baby gave me unconditional love, and Monkey taught me to listen to music. I still missed them to this day. When I looked back, they really made my sisters and I get along when they were alive. (Kai Wong 10:58pm December 3, 2012)
Happy Release Day, Melinda. I do enjoy stories with pets. We didn't have any pets growing up and I've only had fish since. (Jane Cheung 12:18pm December 4, 2012)
Peggy, we have 2 cats and 2 dogs. They all add warmth and love to a house. Good luck to you and your new kitties!
Kai, I LOVED the James Herriot books! The PBS series based on him was also wonderful. I laughed when I read your cat taught you to relax. Cats are exceptionally good at that! Thanks so much for sharing your story today.
Jane, thanks for stopping by. I hope you enjoy the animals in my books. (Melinda Leigh 8:12am December 4, 2012)
i love books with animals in it especially animals that have saved lives . I have to agree with a comment about Old yeller was a favorite. All my cats I have ever owed have made a major impact on my life .My Cat right now is 7 years old and I don't consider her my pet she is my family/ my baby if it wasn't for her howling every time she can sense my fiance having a seizure I would probably never know he is having one half the time considering my home is go big. (Danielle McDonald 2:02pm December 4, 2012)
That's amazing, Danielle. I've heard of dogs being trained to alert people to oncoming seizures, but for you untrained cat to do it is incredible. That's one smart feline! (Melinda Leigh 3:02pm December 4, 2012)