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Love, Secrets, and Second Chances—February’s Must-Read Books Await!

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A Stray Pup, A Second Chance, and a Killer on the Loose�Wagtail�s About to Get Wild!

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A Hacker, an Undercover Mission, and a Love Worth Fighting For.

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A Duke by any other name would smell as� dastardly?
� delightful?

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Shaken, Stirred, and Unexpectedly in Love�Can They Mix Business with Pleasure?

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As London's high society watches their every move, can these two brilliant minds find the formula for true love?

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Chocolate, Second Chances, and a Love Too Sweet to Let Go.

Fever by Joan Swan


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Also by Joan Swan:

Blaze, October 2012
Paperback / e-Book
Intimate Enemies, July 2012
Fever, March 2012
Trade Size / e-Book

Joan Swan

Feel the heat...

Phoenix Rising #1
Kensington Brava
March 2012
On Sale: February 28, 2012
Featuring: Teague Creek; Alyssa Foster
448 pages
ISBN: 0758266383
EAN: 9780758266385
Kindle: B005QFC76O
Trade Size / e-Book
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Romance Paranormal

When Dr. Alyssa Foster is taken hostage by a prison inmate, she knows she's in deep trouble. Not just because Teague Creek is desperate for freedom, but because the moment his fingers brush against her skin, Alyssa feels a razor-sharp pang of need...

A man with a life sentence has nothing to lose. At least Teague doesn't, until his escape plan develops a fatal flaw: Alyssa. On the run from both the law and deadly undercover operatives, he can only give her lies, but every heated kiss tells him the fire between them could be just as devastating as the flames that changed him forever...

Read An Excerpt

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226 comments posted.

Re: Fever

Great interview! It's really admirable that you stay true to one goal, and to do things to the best of your abilities. It sounds easy, and this is a commonly known phrase, but it's still so hard to accomplish.

I's REALLY love to get my hands on Fever and Last Man Standing!!!! GAH, I love their covers, especially Fever's! Haha.All that red and defined pecs..Sigh.. *Wipes drool* :P Thanks for the giveaway!
(Chia Yet Peng 2:56am January 25, 2012)

The covers of both of the books are amazing!
Renee Pajda 8:10am January 25, 2012)

I've heard that before, doing something for 21 days in a row creates a
habit .... if only I could get past day 5! LOL!!!!! "Fever" sounds like an
AMAZUNG book! The cover is very eye-catching!!!!!!!! Best wishes :~)
Stefanie Finn 8:14am January 25, 2012)

some good advice, best of luck on your release
d Kenney 8:57am January 25, 2012)

I've had VERY indifferent success with New Year's Resolutions, so on that front my goal setting skills are practically nil. I do best when I have a support group or have to report to someone by a certain date.
Rebecca Whitehead-Schwarz 9:05am January 25, 2012)

I have set many goals, but they always fail due to some life mishap...but I still have goals and am still determined to reach them!!
Dawn Staniszeski 9:42am January 25, 2012)

I don't make NY Resolutions anymore. I just feel too guilty when I fail. I seem to have the ability to do all the things that aren't good for me. I always admire people who can stick to one goal. I must have a selective form of ADD. I think I need a drill sgt or something to follow me around to make sure I do what's right. Hmmm maybe he could be hot and give me private bonuses for completion of tasks...that would be perfect.
Patti Paonessa 10:17am January 25, 2012)

Joan, very best wishes for your debut. LOVE the cover!

Ms. Gerard, in my opinion, writes novels that are high on the list of those that set the standard for RS. I think it can safely be said that she consistently produces outstanding work, and I cannot wait for Last Man Standing. 6 days and counting down...
Sharon Spiller 10:44am January 25, 2012)

Thank you for discussing writing and the need
tos push through. I am so glad that you were
able to interview someone else about it to. I
think that the work involved has been
overlooked but appreciated. I am a little ocd, I
also find that life interrupts those goals I set.
Afterall, the one that can get things done the
way they are supposed to, is me. I have to learn
delegation and relax on being hard on myself if I
can't jump the bar I set.
Carla Carlson 10:44am January 25, 2012)

I think that the greatest thing about this interview is that Cindy Gerard
knows her readers and is willing to give it to them.

I know that it is all the rage and authors may be pushed by their
publishers to venture into the paranormal, but its quite a jump from the
genres their readers prefer. I do not mean to suggest that authors
should not write only RS, for example. I read contemporary, historicals
and straight suspense. It may be me but the vampire thing and books
that are way out there are not what authors I read generally write. Lately,
authors that I never would have expected are venturing there.

I know this might seem inconsistent, but I do read J.D.Robb and know
what to expect just as I do when I read Nora Roberts.

Anyway, I am glad that I know what I am getting from Cindy Gerard, and
that is terrific RS.

Good luck with your debut novel, I will be on the lookout for it Joan!
Marijane Diodati 11:11am January 25, 2012)

I would love to win Cindy Gerard books - and your ARC for your debut novel. Best of luck with your debut novel - and a very happy 2012.
Nancy Reynolds 11:15am January 25, 2012)

Great interview. And the best advice I have on goals is to write them down. It makes you responsible for them, rather than just dreaming of them as a pipe dream.
Pam Howell 12:02pm January 25, 2012)

I gave up setting goals along time ago. I just have a mental to do list. I try to accomplish everything with in reason on that list.
Annetta Stolpmann 12:07pm January 25, 2012)

I am not a writer and sometimes just defining the goal is the major difficulty. However, after setting the goal it is a matter of continuing to work until I reach it.
G. Bisbjerg 12:09pm January 25, 2012)

I am a great fan of Cindy Gerard! You are in good company!
Marjorie Carmony 12:16pm January 25, 2012)

I don't work due to illness, so I can't comment on the work vs personal life angle, so to speak. What I can say works for me in my everyday life as a whole to reach a goal that I've set is to take so much time a day to apply towards your goal. We do that with knitting or crocheting. Even if you start out with just 10 minutes a day, before you know it, you start getting the hang of it and enjoying what you're doing more, and want to spend more time doing it. It doesn't seem like the drag you thought it was going to be. You also have to change your mindset into something positive. Keep thinking that it's going to be a wonderful change when you complete it, instead of thinking how awful the process to get there is going to be. I would absolutely love to win all of those books!! They would help keep me occupied in between my goals since I don't get out much due to my illness and the cold weather in the North.
Peggy Roberson 12:17pm January 25, 2012)

Great interview; thanks. I love Cindy's take on setting goals--that she has control over the book. Period. I think if we can all pare things down what is ours to do, to control, then we'll be much happier about our own goal setting.
G S Moch 12:20pm January 25, 2012)

Love your goals, Cindy. And I agree. Only sweat the stuff you're in control of. Write the best, put it out, move on to the next. :) Workin' it! :) Thanks for the post!
Cj Snyder 12:27pm January 25, 2012)

I really enjoyed getting to know you both more. As for goals, I only put my work goals on paper, life goals are on a fuzzy to do list in my head that I try to whittle away at.
Cathy MacDonald 12:29pm January 25, 2012)

I love both Cindy and Joan! Great interview.
Jennifer Wilson 12:31pm January 25, 2012)

Great interview. I love Cindy's attitude toward her work. This is our career and we should take it seriously if we want to succeed. I set goals. I make New Year Resolutions. Then I do the most important thing...sit my butt in my chair and make it happen. ((smile))
Barb Han 12:32pm January 25, 2012)

I love Cindy's books & her advice is good even if you aren't a
writer...I haven't read Joan yet but she's @ the top of my TBR
Ivy Truitt 12:36pm January 25, 2012)

It's so reassuring the hear the advice to write the best
book you can write and do so again and again. I used to
hear that consistently when I began writing. Now there is
so much focus on promotion and getting your name and face on
social media, it's easy to lose focus on what's most
important. Thanks for the reminder.
Sara Daniel 12:39pm January 25, 2012)

Great advice! Cindy, you have always been one of my favorite suspense authors!

Joan, congrats to you!

susan meier
Susan Meier 12:41pm January 25, 2012)

Love these interviews, I learn a lot! I was just recently
introduced to Cindy Gerard's books and I am looking forwarded
to reading them!! Thank you.
Kathy Meyers 12:42pm January 25, 2012)

I enjoyed reading the interview...thanks for sharing it with us... Goals for me... I try to plan things out and take things one step at a time...
Colleen Conklin 12:43pm January 25, 2012)

Love the interview. For every new year, I have certain goals that I try to obtain. Most of successful, but sometimes some do not pan out. Keeping organized in my job and personal life has helped a lot. Focus is also important. Good luck on your debut novel! Can't wait to read it :)
Angela C. 12:53pm January 25, 2012)

I have ADHD and so for me sticking to a goal long term is a toughy sometimes. My most recent goal was losing 30 lbs in 6 months after joining a weight loss challenge. I am happy to say that i met that and exceeded it by 7 lbs. 37 lbs and so far i am maintaining that loss and working on losing just a few more plus toning everything up. Never did i think i could do this but i turned it into a mental game. I figured out what i had to do or not to get there without it being to complicated. I don't dwell on wanting that big mac i figured out what i could have and just order that. Think about it and you'll go for the big mac. lol Same with exercise. Don't think about whether you feel like it or not just suit up and do it. I think that works for a lot of things. Find what motivates you and use it and if it's possible get others to help keep you on that path.

Love your book Cindy! Whatever you've been doing to reach your girls is working and i bet it feels great to be able to do that.

Lisa B
Lisa Boggs 12:57pm January 25, 2012)

I really enjoyed this interview. The books all sound so good and I promise I will give them all a very loving home!! :)
Sue Sattler 1:00pm January 25, 2012)

Great interview. Any good advice given will be gratefully read
by me as I am terrible at setting goals let alone achieving them!
Ilona Fenton 1:15pm January 25, 2012)

Great interview. I think goals are important,
HOWEVER they need to be achievable. Like
losing 50 lbs instead of the 100 lbs you really
need to lose. LOL. If you can't reach the goal,
you'll just give up. I have ALL of Cindy's book
except Last Man Standing. Would love to win a
copy of it and Fever. Thanks.
Trish Johnson 1:23pm January 25, 2012)

Linda Bass 1:35pm January 25, 2012)

I just try to keep the big picture in mind when I set a goal.
That usually helps!
Heather McKenna 1:42pm January 25, 2012)

Is there any genre you really shy away from? Or do you set a goal of writing about a certain topic and you just go for it?
Cheryl English 1:49pm January 25, 2012)

Great post Joan and lovely interview with Cindy! I love her Black Ops series. I just discovered them earlier this month and just love the balance of suspense and romance in the novels. I wonder, is maintaining this balance churning in the back of your head as your write?
Annie Tegelan 2:01pm January 25, 2012)

I'm a full time mom therefore my goals are a lot different to what they used to be while I was working. When I was working my boss set the goals for me and I made my schedule to get them done in time. Nowadays I set my own goals and am flexible about it. I have 3 kids between 1 and 5 years old, the most important thing I learned: if something does not work out how you wanted it, suck it up and make the best out of it. There is always a tomorrow to get back on track :-)
I would love to win the ARC Fever (looks yum, lol) but I already have all of Cindy Gerards book (she is the best!).
Christine Hoelzl 2:03pm January 25, 2012)

I cannot wait to read last man standing .... and your book looks pretty
good too
Patty Porter 2:14pm January 25, 2012)

I enjoyed the post; it was a great read. Looks like I'll be adding some books to my wish list!
Tracey Dent 2:16pm January 25, 2012)

Congrats on making your debut soon. The cover is great which is the thing that makes me pick up a book to read the blurb or pause to read an excerpt.

I no longer do resolutions too. I can remember the last goal I set for myself, I'm a roll with the breeze kind of person.
Anne Muller 2:22pm January 25, 2012)

I finished my first book last year and have now started writing my second... The hardest part for me is starting, not finishing! But then again, if you don't start, you can never finish.
Laura Sheehan 2:24pm January 25, 2012)

Hi! I liked reading your blog, I don't make New Year Resolutions but I do write down on things that I'd like to do that I've never have done. this year, IU'm going to try horsebacking for I've never have rode a horse, mucked stall, but never have ridden.I like Cindy Grards books alot, and finding a new author like yourself is so cool-your book sounds so good. I have dyslexia which I've overcome but its still a challenge especially if I'm over tired but it never stopped me from reading, and when I had it they didn't know how to treat me, my mom and a good 4th grade teacher helped me...so I just keep working hard, thats my motto...don't ever give-up! Love to win this package!
Carole Fiore 2:25pm January 25, 2012)

Great interview!
Cheryl McEwen 2:28pm January 25, 2012)

Chia Yet Peng - Thanks! I do love both covers! Hot, hot, hot!
Joan Swan 2:32pm January 25, 2012)

Thanks Renee!
Joan Swan 2:32pm January 25, 2012)

Hi Stefanie! I stop right about 5 as well! :)
Joan Swan 2:33pm January 25, 2012)

Thanks D Kenny!
Joan Swan 2:34pm January 25, 2012)

Some of those "writer" to-do's/goals are applicable for us
non-writers too. I find it helpful to break long term or big
goals down into pieces, then you get that accomplished feel
good several times. I also like to make easy short term goals
too make me feel like things are progressing.
Diane Sallans 2:35pm January 25, 2012)

Hi Rebecca! Sounds like you've found what works for you! YAY!
Joan Swan 2:35pm January 25, 2012)

Go Dawn!!
Joan Swan 2:35pm January 25, 2012)

Patti, you are certainly not alone! I'm with you all the way! It's tough!
Joan Swan 2:36pm January 25, 2012)

Sharon, Thank you! And I whole heartedly agree with your assessment of Cindy's work!!
Joan Swan 2:37pm January 25, 2012)

Hi Carla, I'm on that OCD level with you! I enjoyed interviewing Cindy on the topic - it's a fantastic compare and contrast of not only styles but places in our careers. I hope to look back on this in several years and be far more set in my goal making practices as Cindy is (and have the success to show for it) :)
Joan Swan 2:40pm January 25, 2012)

I love all of Cindy's books. Would love to read your new also!
Jodi Morgan 2:42pm January 25, 2012)

Hi Marijane! It is fantastic when authors are so great at what they do that they can remain successful even when the market shifts!
Joan Swan 2:42pm January 25, 2012)

Thanks Nancy!
Joan Swan 2:43pm January 25, 2012)

Thanks Pam! That is one of the pieces of advice that works for many people!
Joan Swan 2:44pm January 25, 2012)

Hi Annetta - that sounds very reasonable and balanced. :)
Joan Swan 2:45pm January 25, 2012)

G. Bisbjerg, Figuring it out is a big first step, isn't it? Sounds like you're got the process down.
Joan Swan 2:46pm January 25, 2012)

Hi Marjorie, I'm in the Cindy fan club with you!
Joan Swan 2:48pm January 25, 2012)

Hi Peggy, you've got an awesome outlook and attitude! Wishing you better health!
Joan Swan 2:50pm January 25, 2012)

G S Moch, Good point -- work at the things you can control, let go of the things you can't. :)
Joan Swan 2:51pm January 25, 2012)

CJ, Thanks for coming out! :)
Joan Swan 2:52pm January 25, 2012)

Cathy, sounds like you've got your ways figured out!
Joan Swan 2:53pm January 25, 2012)

Awww, thanks Jennifer!! XOXO
Joan Swan 2:53pm January 25, 2012)

Go Barb!
Joan Swan 2:54pm January 25, 2012)

Hi Ivy! Thanks for coming by! :) XO
Joan Swan 2:55pm January 25, 2012)

Hi Sara, Yes! Very easy to lose focus!! But all the big names will tell you -- focus on the next book!
Joan Swan 2:56pm January 25, 2012)

Hey Susan M! Thanks for stopping by!
Joan Swan 2:56pm January 25, 2012)

Hi Kathy -- I've learned so much from doing these interviews!! It's amazing! Enjoy Cindy's books! They ROCK!
Joan Swan 2:57pm January 25, 2012)

Hello Joan! When I want to achieve a goal I usually map it out on my calendar. It motivates me to not drag my feet if I can see that big red X looming in front of me.
Stacie Deramo 2:58pm January 25, 2012)

Hi Colleen, very reasonable and sane! :)
Joan Swan 2:58pm January 25, 2012)

Thanks Angela! Great advice: organization and focus--simple yet awesome!
Joan Swan 2:59pm January 25, 2012)

Lisa, KUDOS!!! That's a huge accomplishment!! Your positive attitude is inspirational!
Joan Swan 3:01pm January 25, 2012)

Sue & Iliona, Thanks! Appreciate you coming by!
Joan Swan 3:01pm January 25, 2012)

Welcome. I look forward to reading your books.
Cindy Olp 3:02pm January 25, 2012)

Hi Trish! Another great piece of advice: attainable goals so you are successful!
Joan Swan 3:02pm January 25, 2012)

Thanks Linda B.!
Joan Swan 3:03pm January 25, 2012)

Hi Heather! Another great piece of advice: keep the big picture in focus.
Joan Swan 3:04pm January 25, 2012)

A big shout out to all of you who have stopped by. LOVE that you're loving my books~ Thanks to Joan for inviting me to blog with her today. Good luck with all of your projects and with winning one of the 5 books!
Cindy Gerard 3:04pm January 25, 2012)

Great post. I would love to win the book.
Wilma Frana 3:05pm January 25, 2012)

Hi Cheryl, great question! I don't shy away from genres as much as I'm drawn to others. Romantic suspense is my first love. I enjoy certain paranormal elements as I enjoy thrillers and mainstream suspense, so that's the direction I take when I write.
Joan Swan 3:07pm January 25, 2012)

Joan, congratulations on your upcoming debut release of Fever. It sounds like a great read and what a HOT cover! Thank you for the lovely and insightful interview.
Christine Stack 3:07pm January 25, 2012)

Hi Annie! Thanks for coming by! I'm not sure how it works for Cindy, but for me it's not a conscious thought anymore. When I started writing - absolutely. It was always in my mind, but then, so was every other element of craft, which of course is why my first works didn't sell :). Now, the story is far more fluid, it ebbs and flows and the romance is as integral a part of the plot as the suspense, so they easily intertwine. That also gets evened out in editing/revising if I see I've gone awry somewhere.
Joan Swan 3:10pm January 25, 2012)

Hi Christine! I imagine FLEXIBILITY is your middle name! :)
Joan Swan 3:11pm January 25, 2012)

Patty & Tracy, Thanks much! Appreciate you coming by!
Joan Swan 3:12pm January 25, 2012)

Hi Anne, the rolling with the breeze reduces a lot of stress and opens you to what life brings. There's a lot to be said for that!
Joan Swan 3:13pm January 25, 2012)

Hi Laura! WHOO-HOO! Congrats on finishing your first and starting your second! You're on the right path!!
Joan Swan 3:14pm January 25, 2012)

Hi Carole! Sounds like you've got a system to overcome obstacles! Congrats on your accomplishments!
Joan Swan 3:16pm January 25, 2012)

Hi Di! Another great piece of advice: breaking big goals into smaller pieces so you feel more successful!
Joan Swan 3:33pm January 25, 2012)

Hi Jodi! Thanks!
Joan Swan 3:35pm January 25, 2012)

Hi Christine! Thanks for swinging by!
Joan Swan 3:36pm January 25, 2012)

Thanks Wilma!
Joan Swan 3:36pm January 25, 2012)

Hi, thanks for doing interview and contest :)

MaDonna Lemmen
[email protected]
MaDonna Lemmen 3:38pm January 25, 2012)

CINDY G - Thanks so much AGAIN for taking the time to do the interview! Can't wait to get LMS! :)
Joan Swan 3:40pm January 25, 2012)

Congrats on your upcoming debut release, Joan. I don't always set goals, but I do find that when I do set them I find it easier to see the finish line.
Jane Cheung 3:58pm January 25, 2012)

Great interview!

I'm not a big planner for the long term future. I have goals, but no specific time of when I want them completed.
Lindsay Wolford 4:10pm January 25, 2012)

Hi Joan, I've been eagerly awaiting FEVER since I first heard about. Getting an early copy would be such a great thing. I've got so many goals and am always suprised when I actually reach one! My biggest goal is to be a debut author one of these days. Congrats! : )
Amy Valentini 4:10pm January 25, 2012)

Fabulous interview, Joan! I have been a huge fan of Cindy's
since I stumbled upon the Bodyguard Series! (I've read each of
them several times!) I an eagerly awaiting the release of Last
Man Standing, as well as Fever! Both of them are sure to be
great novels! I only wish I could write like that! :)
Laura Kelley 4:24pm January 25, 2012)

I'm big on goal-setting and I think big or small it's a great way to set a map of where you want to go. Even if I don't accomplish what matters is that I try and keep on trying.
Na S 4:53pm January 25, 2012)

Great interview, and I feel it's important to set goals (but not too far in advance), and it then sets forth something to look forward to accomplishing. The best approaches when working is to work well with others and be positive about their input in their suggestions and ideas. It's easier said than done in both work and personal life, but I've always found out that it's better for you, being upbeat rather than downbeat and you get further ahead, especially when you want others to hear and respect anything you put forth. Criticisms and negativity doesn't go far with most. I love your new release, Joan, and would love to own it and of course, Cindy's series, as well. You've both been really busy!
Linda Luinstra 4:56pm January 25, 2012)

I make general resolutions and this year it was to take the clutter out of the house and, so far, I have been moving forward with it. Congratulations on the new book!
Maureen Emmons 5:20pm January 25, 2012)

I love Cindy's books. Thanks for giving us the chance to win them.
Marilyn Legault 5:33pm January 25, 2012)

FEVER sounds like a great book! I didn't make any resolutions, but I do set forth goals for myself and usually accomplish most of them, which gives a person a good feeling. Congrats on your upcoming new release! Good luck with it and Cindy with all her books.
Rich Cook 5:43pm January 25, 2012)

I enjoyed the post and Fever sounds like a fantastic story, as well as Cindy
Gerard's books. I think the hardest thing is figuring out what my goal is. Once I
do that, I just work toward it until I achieve it, then set the next one.
Barbara Elness 6:04pm January 25, 2012)

I find that I dont' set many goals myself anymore. I'm a teacher, and I have to be really flexible day to day as thing are always changing. I've found that my personal life is the same, so I just go with the flow and let things work itself out. Congratulations on the upcoming release of Fever.
Tabitha Monroe 6:15pm January 25, 2012)

Here lately my goal setting techniques are nil. I've been
in a slump, so until I get desperate - ARGHHH - who knows.
Although I know I'll never let myself reach that point.

Joan, I immediately put FEVER on The List when I started
hearing about it. I want this book. Oh, and excuse me,
your critique partner is none other that the uber wonderful
Elisabeth Naughton? She who pens the fabulous and fearsome
Eternal Guardians. I am impressed. Yep, you are one to be
Cynthia Netherton 6:31pm January 25, 2012)

Awesome interview!
Natasha Donohoo 6:52pm January 25, 2012)

I don't set New Year's resolutions because they just don't make sense to me. I do set goals for myself but just in small chunks each month. I have always been amazed that authors are able to organize and stay on task. I don't think I could do it.
Jennifer Beyer 7:51pm January 25, 2012)

I don't make goals anymore but I have decided to do my best to take better care of my health. No promises and no disappointments just trying.
Diane Sadler 7:58pm January 25, 2012)

I know it sounds oversimplified and all Nike... but best way to meet a goal is just do it. Starting is the hardest part for me. Then just staying focused and just trying to avoid anything that might deter me. Yeah harder said then done huh :P Great interview and great giveaway.
Sharon D 8:16pm January 25, 2012)

Finishing small goals first helps me finish the bigger goals
Tammy Yenalavitch 8:31pm January 25, 2012)

Great interview with a savvy writer. Goal setting is tricky for me because I am too high. But breaking it down into small chunks is more doable and halfway achievable. It must be nice to cross tasks off your lists.
Alyson Widen 8:41pm January 25, 2012)

Wow that would be difficult to just hand off your book and leave it to the
publisher/whoever to do the publicity (content and delivery). Even book
covers they choose right?
Good for you for having goals. I havn't set goals for myself in a long time, just
too busy with getting through every day. So good for you, hope you keep it
up! And I hope your book is a success!
Lexi Hansen 8:44pm January 25, 2012)

Csan't wait to read Last Man Standing and Fever!
Mary C 9:33pm January 25, 2012)

It's always very interesting to find out how the whole process works. I love debut authors and also authors I know to be a sure thing. So that's perfect for both of you. And all the covers are gorgeous!
Jeanne Sheats 9:36pm January 25, 2012)

Congrats on the new release! How exciting. Do you write for fun, or is it a chore?
MaryAnne Banks 9:59pm January 25, 2012)

Great interview! Can't wait to read Last Man Standing and Fever. Have
heard some buzz on Both books and have added to my TBR. Cindy
Gerard is one of my favorite author!

No goal setting for me, I just try to find a happy medium.
Susan Tso 10:02pm January 25, 2012)

Thanks MaDonna!
Joan Swan 10:29pm January 25, 2012)

Hi Jane! Good point - setting goals give you greater focus!
Joan Swan 10:30pm January 25, 2012)

Hi Lindsey, Often hard to see that far out, isn't it?
Joan Swan 10:31pm January 25, 2012)

Hi Amy! Thanks so much!! And that's an awesome goal :-)
Joan Swan 10:32pm January 25, 2012)

Thanks so much Kelly!
Joan Swan 10:33pm January 25, 2012)

Thanks for coming by Laura! I too got hooked on Cindy's Bodyguard series!
Joan Swan 10:34pm January 25, 2012)

Hi Na! Thanks for coming by! You're inspiring me to set goals!
Joan Swan 10:35pm January 25, 2012)

Linda, love that positive attitude!!!
Joan Swan 10:36pm January 25, 2012)

Oh, Maureen...come over to MY house!! What a GREAT resolution!
Joan Swan 10:36pm January 25, 2012)

Marylin, I join you in the Cindy fan club!
Joan Swan 10:37pm January 25, 2012)

Rich, thanks for coming by! Congrats on your successes with setting and achieving your goals!
Joan Swan 10:38pm January 25, 2012)

Hi Barbara, the deciding factor can be tough!
Joan Swan 10:38pm January 25, 2012)

Hi Tabitha, I definitely find myself more flexible as I get older. And I'm really enjoying it!
Joan Swan 10:40pm January 25, 2012)

LOL, Cynthia, yes that is my CP. She was even my CP BEFORE those Eternal Guardians were even a sparkle in her eye! :-) They are fantastic, aren't they? She is awesome, no doubt!!
Joan Swan 10:42pm January 25, 2012)

Thanks Natasha!
Joan Swan 10:46pm January 25, 2012)

Hi Jennifer, they don't make sense to me either, the way Valentine's Day doesn't make sense.
Joan Swan 10:47pm January 25, 2012)

Hi Diane, very reasonable and your health is always paramount.
Joan Swan 10:47pm January 25, 2012)

Sharon, I agree, starting is the hardest part!! Nike was onto something!
Joan Swan 10:48pm January 25, 2012)

Tammy, great principle!
Joan Swan 10:48pm January 25, 2012)

Alyson, you must be in the overachievers club. I actually have friends who makes lists with items on there already done so they have something to immediately cross off -- gives them momentum. :)
Joan Swan 10:50pm January 25, 2012)

Thanks Lexi! Yes, an author loses a lot of control once the book is handed over to the publisher. The cover, the cover copy blurb, their in house marketing, so much is completely out of your control. As Cindy says, all we can control is the writing of the book. :)
Joan Swan 10:52pm January 25, 2012)

Thanks Mary C!
Joan Swan 10:52pm January 25, 2012)

Thanks Jeanne! I enjoy the process too -- it's always a little bit different for each house.
Joan Swan 10:53pm January 25, 2012)

Thanks MaryAnne! Hmmm, fun or chore... Depends on the day :), but I'd have to say it's mostly fun. The chore part is there, but it's there with any job. And there are ways to make even the most mundane or tough part of writing entertaining.
Joan Swan 10:54pm January 25, 2012)

Susan T, very reasonable!
Joan Swan 10:56pm January 25, 2012)

Thanks for the interview I enjoyed it. I like setting small goals. I find it is easier not to set myself up for failure that way.
Lisa Kendall 11:07pm January 25, 2012)

Thank you for the wonderful interview. I don't make resolutions either.
Mary Preston 11:19pm January 25, 2012)

Thanks to all of you for dropping by! You totally rock!
Cindy Gerard 9:06am January 26, 2012)

Oh - and many thanks to Joan Swan for setting this all up.
Cindy Gerard 9:08am January 26, 2012)

Having tried various methods of goal setting without much success, I decided to try to keep whatever it is for one day at a time. That is working better than the other ways for me. Any little success is good for me so I don't beat up on myself.

Thanks for having the drawing.
Linda Howell 9:53am January 26, 2012)

I tend to run as a perfectionist, I will make lists
from lists to make sure nothing is overlooked. I
have my own schedule that can be tweaked
when things POP up.
Carla Carlson 12:56pm January 26, 2012)

I really liked this interview. Congrats on the new novel coming out! I have been trying to collect your books for a while now lol. I have tried setting goals and what not, but I always feel as though there is a knife over me and I do not want to put out a piece of crap.

Thanks for the giveaway!
Desiree Bingham 1:36pm January 26, 2012)

Congratulations on the book Joan. Cindy, thanks for letting us know about it.
Tracy MacLeod 4:21pm January 26, 2012)

Congrat's and Best of Luck with your Fantastic sounding book "Fever". Your interview was terrific and I learned a lot from it about both of you. :) Thanks so much for having this contest. Although I wish Everyone Good Luck, I secretly hope that I will be the LUCKY winner! As far as goals, I haven't set any for many years. I used to set them but tended to set too many and ones that were nearly impossible (for me anyway) to reach. Of course, since I could never reach those goals, I stopped setting them. I decided I might try to set smaller, more reasonable ones that I will, with some effort, be able to reach. Hopefully this will give me enough encouragement (as I reach each one), to set a bit more difficult goals the next time. I was told that IF you do something daily for 2 weeks, it WILL become an automatic part of your daily routine. (I like the sound of that, LOL) A few of the goals I hope to achieve: 1. set aside a few hours a week to help someone, 2. try to schedule at least 1/2 hour each day to do some form of exercise to help improve my health 3. every month read a book by a new author(or new to me). Ms. Swan,I hope 2012 brings you much happiness and success with both"Fever" and "Blaze" (as well as, all the other books that are sure to follow).
Cheri Minott 2:05am January 30, 2012)

thanks for the morning chuckle :D
d Kenney 9:12am March 7, 2012)

he says- "I can fix this, it will be an easy job"
what he means- "start looking up the numbers of the repair and the insurance, because I am really going to screw this up"
Debbie Penny 9:37am March 7, 2012)

When she says "Never mind" she means " I know you're not going to do it so I'll just do it myself."
Sue Farrell 9:59am March 7, 2012)

LOLOL, Angie! Good one!
Joan Swan 10:49am March 7, 2012)

My pleasure, d Kenny. Glad you enjoyed.
Joan Swan 10:50am March 7, 2012)

Debbie -- LOLOL Nice!!
Joan Swan 10:50am March 7, 2012)

Sue -- Exactly!!
Joan Swan 10:50am March 7, 2012)

I love this! The, "it's fine" and "it's a guy thing" is pretty common but I never could get them. Also if you hear "I'll get to it" from a guy that means don't hold your breath as it won't be happening in this lifetime ;)
Na S 11:46am March 7, 2012)

I can't find it: It didn't fall into my outstretched hands, so I'm completely clueless. In my house we would say it was put in a "SAFE" place (and should be found again when we pack up to move - eventually)
Barbara Andersen 12:40pm March 7, 2012)

What I say: Will you do.....
What I mean: Do .... NOW!
What he hears: Blah Blah Blah
What he does: nothing
Victoria Sloboda 12:42pm March 7, 2012)

After 30 years, I've learned I can only say what I mean to him--he can't read between the lines. And the silent treatment will not be noticed.
Lisa Elwood 12:59pm March 7, 2012)

Perfect list... had to laugh because it is so right!
Colleen Conklin 12:59pm March 7, 2012)

I love your list.
Carla Carlson 1:35pm March 7, 2012)

When he says: I'll do it later....
What he really means: I'll do it when you nag me again about it....
May Pau 1:37pm March 7, 2012)

I really don't care--actually means--I care a lot, but I know you don't understand so I will work it out myself.
Carol Gowett 1:55pm March 7, 2012)

Linda Bass 2:00pm March 7, 2012)

Where did you find it (whatever it was) I couldn't find it and have looked everywhere. Meaning - Everywhere from this spot that my eyes can see from here ;)
Wendy Hulbert 2:11pm March 7, 2012)

Thanks for the laugh!
Mary C 2:21pm March 7, 2012)

Na, LOL, too funny and so true!
Joan Swan 2:45pm March 7, 2012)

Hi Barbara! That's always when we find stuff -- moving furniture, cleaning. :)
Joan Swan 2:46pm March 7, 2012)

Victoria - ROTFL!!
Joan Swan 2:46pm March 7, 2012)

Hi Lisa! So true. In my house, the silent treatment is enjoyed!
Joan Swan 2:47pm March 7, 2012)

Colleen & Carla--glad you enjoyed! :) Thanks for stopping by!
Joan Swan 2:47pm March 7, 2012)

May -- On the nose! :)
Joan Swan 2:48pm March 7, 2012)

Carol--yes! Sometimes that is the best way to handle things.
Joan Swan 2:49pm March 7, 2012)

Hey, Linda. So I only have 18 more years until mine gets it? WHOOT! So much to look forward to! Thanks for coming by!
Joan Swan 2:50pm March 7, 2012)

Wendy--Exactly! God forbid they actually LIFT something. :)
Joan Swan 2:51pm March 7, 2012)

Mary -- Glad you enjoyed!
Joan Swan 2:52pm March 7, 2012)

Don't worry about it, I got it: I told you to do this several times, but I'll just do it myself. If you want to start a fight, just ask me "What's wrong?"
Rachel Flesher 3:01pm March 7, 2012)

LOL those are some good ones! I can't think of anymore to add to it :/ Hope I win your book, it sounds really good :)
MaDonna Lemmen 3:50pm March 7, 2012)

He says, "I'm hungry"
What he means, "Feed me"
Mary Primorac 4:09pm March 7, 2012)

He looks at you and says, "OK".
She stares at him and waits for more response which rarely happens.
He means it as a compliment for everything, dinner, looks, calendar, whatever.
She just waits for what he's supposed to intuitively know like a mind-reader and gets upset when the telepathy isn't working then.
Alyson Widen 5:05pm March 7, 2012)

LOL...I love these!
Tammy Beck 5:05pm March 7, 2012)

"I put it somewhere safe" in my house typically translates into it is lost and so safe it is even safe from me. Have a great day.
Chelsea Knestrick 5:23pm March 7, 2012)

I can always use a laff!
Christy Comstock 5:26pm March 7, 2012)

What He Says (when it comes to repairing something): I can "jimmy-rig" this, I guess.
What He Means: I don't really know how to fix the darn thing, but I'll do the best I can at f...ing it up in the meantime.
Or... "I'll tell you later." Meaning: I really don't want to tell you at all, and by waiting, I hope you'll forget all about it altogether.
Just a couple of my favorites...lol. What a great blog! Love your book and cover!
Linda Luinstra 6:11pm March 7, 2012)

And the worse thing is that is exactly what's being thought!
Diane Sadler 8:08pm March 7, 2012)

When he says: "It's not you it's me."
He means: It's You.
My husband likes to say: What do you think about when you think of nothing?
I don't know what to think, or what it means.
This is fun,Thanks.
Deb Pelletier 8:34pm March 7, 2012)

I agree with so many of these! I love them!!
I frequently tell my husband, "Your opinion is noted." What it means is,"There is no way in H*LL I'm going to go along with that."
MaryAnne Banks 9:17pm March 7, 2012)

Awesome. I love these. Especially Go Ahead and Whatever.
Donna Simmonds 9:28pm March 7, 2012)

Thanks for the chance to win!
Natasha Donohoo 9:31pm March 7, 2012)

that was so funny and true!!!it gave me a much needed laff!!!
Jennifer Beck 9:49pm March 7, 2012)

I say to my son: What do you need to do for homework tonight
My son hears: All work and no play (actually, he hears dirty words but that just didn't seem appropriate here)
Jennifer Beyer 10:16pm March 7, 2012)

Rachel, that's a good one!
Joan Swan 10:21pm March 7, 2012)

Hi Madonna! Thanks! Good luck in the drawing!
Joan Swan 10:22pm March 7, 2012)

Hi Mary -- LOL, that's pretty straight forward!
Joan Swan 10:23pm March 7, 2012)

Ah, yes, Alyson, the big catch all-- okay!!
Joan Swan 10:24pm March 7, 2012)

:) Glad you enjoyed Tammy!
Joan Swan 10:25pm March 7, 2012)

LOL, Gina! It's a nice cover :)
Joan Swan 10:25pm March 7, 2012)

Hi Chelsea! Safe, huh? :) Cute.
Joan Swan 10:26pm March 7, 2012)

Me too Christy, me too!
Joan Swan 10:26pm March 7, 2012)

Gave me a good laugh, Linda L. The first one had me thinking of my dad and his infamous duct tape!
Joan Swan 10:28pm March 7, 2012)

So true, Di! So true!
Joan Swan 10:28pm March 7, 2012)

Deb -- that cracks me up -- when you think of nothing! LOLOL.
Joan Swan 10:29pm March 7, 2012)

MaryAnne -- I like that one. May I borrow? I'll give it back :)
Joan Swan 10:30pm March 7, 2012)

Donna & Jennifer -- Glad you enjoyed! Thanks for stopping by!
Joan Swan 10:31pm March 7, 2012)

LOL, Jennifer B. They all hear those dirty words, don't they?
Joan Swan 10:31pm March 7, 2012)

Well all I can say is being married to a man who very rarely swears...when he swears during a fight. I have won...it means he has nothing else to say and is frustrated. After 20 years I haven't told him I have figured that out..lol
Patti Paonessa 10:49pm March 7, 2012)

Okay'You're right! (When Hell freezes over)
Charlotte Zimmerman 10:54pm March 7, 2012)

Hmmm, I'm not really sure.......I really don't want to think about it now. Did you say something?.......not now, I'm busy. My friend was reading some of yous and he just laughed and said they would be different if a man wrote them. LOL. This was funny because then he wouldn't get off the subject, I got a good laugh. Thanks
Margie Gagarin 11:06pm March 7, 2012)

Mary Preston 11:43pm March 7, 2012)

Love your list, how true it is.
mine would be:
When he says: I'll do it later or the next day
What he really means: he won't do it, I have to do it or it
doesn't get done.
Becky Ward 5:51am March 8, 2012)

LL -- LOL, like never done? :) That would be my guy.
Joan Swan 9:48am March 8, 2012)

Patti - that's funny! And you're a smart woman, keeping that little gem to yourself!
Joan Swan 9:49am March 8, 2012)

Charlotte - ROTFL. Nice!
Joan Swan 9:49am March 8, 2012)

Hey Margie --- Oooo, I want to know what a GUY would write!!!!!!!!!!!!! Though a couple of these were from guys :)
Joan Swan 9:51am March 8, 2012)

Glad you enjoyed Mary!
Joan Swan 9:51am March 8, 2012)

Becky...sounds too familiar!!
Joan Swan 9:52am March 8, 2012)

'What's Wrong' - 'Nothing' - can't believe that one from
either side.
Diane Sallans 11:55am March 8, 2012)

Loved the list. I have heard all of those and you have interrupted them
correctly. When my husband says he will fix it, he is handy. It really
means. When I find someone else to fix it for practically nothing. That is
when it will get done.
Joy Isley 6:23pm March 8, 2012)

Love this blog! My favorite: he says, 'That just doesn't make any sense', he means--we should do it my way. When I say, 'nothing's wrong' or 'you don't want to know what's wrong', it means I have been saving up and he will eventually hear it all! We've been married almost 39 years and we really do get each other. We just don't always let on that we do! :-) Love the cover of your book and would like to read it.
Mary Perry 6:43pm March 8, 2012)

*falls out of chair laughing* OMG! Those are sooo true! My favorites are Fine and Whatever. I say them multiple times throughout the day. DH always says "it's fine". :)

I also always say "Really" or "Seriously" - which basically means: Is it possible for you to actually be this dumb? Common sense doesn't seem to be your strong point.

Thanks for the fun post!
Kendra @ Reader's Edyn
Kendra Edens 9:44pm March 9, 2012)

LOL so funny!
Emily Tardy 4:28am March 11, 2012)

Oh, my gosh, I love that list! You must have had so much fun
coming up with it!
Margay Roberge 9:31am March 12, 2012)

I just received an email that I won Fever! Thanks Joan and Fresh Fiction! Looking forward to reading it.
Mary Perry 7:35pm March 12, 2012)

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