February 7th, 2025
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Love, Secrets, and Second Chances—February’s Must-Read Books Await!

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A Stray Pup, A Second Chance, and a Killer on the Loose�Wagtail�s About to Get Wild!

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A Hacker, an Undercover Mission, and a Love Worth Fighting For.

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A Duke by any other name would smell as� dastardly?
� delightful?

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Shaken, Stirred, and Unexpectedly in Love�Can They Mix Business with Pleasure?

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As London's high society watches their every move, can these two brilliant minds find the formula for true love?

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Chocolate, Second Chances, and a Love Too Sweet to Let Go.

Demon's Bride by Zoe Archer


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Also by Zoe Archer:

Wicked Temptation, June 2014
Paperback / e-Book
Dangerous Seduction, December 2013
Paperback / e-Book
Winter's Heat, October 2013
Skies of Gold, August 2013
Paperback / e-Book
Sweet Revenge, June 2013
Mass Market Paperback / e-Book
Sinner's Heart, April 2013
Paperback / e-Book
Skies of Steel, October 2012
Lady X's Cowboy, September 2012
Demon's Bride, May 2012
Paperback / e-Book
Skies Of Fire, April 2012
Devil?s Kiss, December 2011
Paperback / e-Book
Collision Course, April 2011
Stranger, December 2010
Mass Market Paperback / e-Book
Rebel, November 2010
Mass Market Paperback / e-Book
Scoundrel, October 2010
Mass Market Paperback
Warrior, September 2010
Half Past Dead, January 2010
Love in a Bottle, December 2006
Lady X's Cowboy, February 2006
Paperback / e-Book

Demon's Bride
Zoe Archer

Ambition is wicked but so is desire...

Hellraisers #2
Kensington Zebra
May 2012
On Sale: May 1, 2012
Featuring: Anne Hartfield; Leo Bailey
370 pages
ISBN: 1420122282
EAN: 9781420122282
Kindle: B006YBREHG
Paperback / e-Book
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Romance Historical | Romance Paranormal

Leo Bailey may have been born to poverty, but ruthless business sense and sparkling intelligence have made money worries a thing of his past. It doesn't hurt that the Devil himself has granted Leo the ability to read the future. But even infallible predictions are a declasse commoner's trick to some members of the ton. They'll never see Leo as their equal - one good reason to prove himself their better. And a noble marriage is an obvious start.

Bookish Anne Hartfield, daughter of a baron, is hardly the flashiest miss on the marriage market. But her thoughtful reserve complements Leo's brash boldness in an attraction neither can deny. A whirlwind courtship sweeps Anne and Leo into a smoldering marriage before either can believe their luck. But happiness built on Leo's dark powers can't last. Soon, Anne will have to save her husband...or lose her heart.

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26 comments posted.

Re: Demon's Bride

Yes, I like commoner hero's but I also like other types of hero's. The most important thing is his personality and the way he acts. A hero must have a strong personality and be will to fight for what is important to him as well as be able to defend the heroine if needed.
(Chelsea Knestrick 6:01am May 2, 2012)

Yes, I do like a down to earth man, one who is not afraid to show his emotions and feelings. He must be strong and love his woman!
Ann Thaxton 8:05am May 2, 2012)

I love commoner heros because I can relate to them more than the others. But I enjoy any kind of hero! LOL Thanks for the chance to win!
Angie Lilly 8:24am May 2, 2012)

By all means...a commoner hero..they can relate to us every day people and yet stand out amoung us...Would love to read this book Thanks
Bonnie Capuano 8:50am May 2, 2012)

I think the commoner hero reminds us that romantic men don't
have to be wealthy, titled men. (which I am lucky enough to
know already) Heroes with those qualities of kindness,
compassion, strength, a sense of humor & the ability to love his
lady are what we all look for and they come in every walk of life.
Love always supersedes money every time. We'll all go through
hell and back to be with that person we are loved by them.
Penny Keeler 10:49am May 2, 2012)

Whichever a man is, commoner or titled, in the end, it all comes down to his qualities,so I do agree with the previous poster. I, too, am married to my hero,and in myeyes, he's always been the King of my heart.
Lili Booth 11:36am May 2, 2012)

Linda Bass 12:08pm May 2, 2012)

I like when a common man shows strength of character. Thank you for this cool contest...my fingers are crossed that I win!
Jan Terry 12:28pm May 2, 2012)

I always prefer a hero who is a self-made man. They usually have a chip on their shoulder because they will never be fully accepted by high society. I have more respect for commoner heroes who make their own fortune than heroes who are born into it.
Stacie Deramo 1:26pm May 2, 2012)

this book sounds really good cant wait to read
Denise Smith 2:00pm May 2, 2012)

I, too, enjoy the "common man" hero - but, in agreement with the others who posted, character certainly does count as well - the hero who is secure enough to show his feelings - and I definitely look forward to getting to know more about Leo!
Felicia Ciaudelli 2:02pm May 2, 2012)

I love commoner heroes. Some of my favorite historicals have featured successful commoners.
Phyllis Lamken 2:02pm May 2, 2012)

Nothing wrong with it as long as the hero is a good guy. :) Don't always need a billionaire as a fantasy although I have nothing against billionaires in general. :)
May Pau 2:18pm May 2, 2012)

Demon's Bride sounds like a great read! I'll definately have to check out the others in the series. Want to read more about Leo!
Kaci Verdun 2:41pm May 2, 2012)

I love the many heroes out there... I want to see them all get past whatever struggles they have and find happiness... whether they are commoners, everyday joes or millionaires and royalty.
Colleen Conklin 3:04pm May 2, 2012)

sounds like a great book and i put it on my wish list!!!
Jennifer Beck 4:16pm May 2, 2012)

I like commoner heroes; heroes that have to struggle, work hard and earn their way to make things happen and must be strong, romantic and compassionate. DEMON'S BRIDE sounds like quite a good story!
Linda Luinstra 4:31pm May 2, 2012)

I do like them because they don't have everything handed to them and their success in life is what they earn.
Maureen Emmons 6:19pm May 2, 2012)

I'm a sucker for cute with a good line!
Beth Elder 6:58pm May 2, 2012)

I don't have a favorite - lord or commoner, I love the character description - whether he has integrity, depth, and all important..passion (for life, love, desire, work, family).
Carla Carlson 7:02pm May 2, 2012)

I like commoner heroes because they are the ones I can relate
to the best. While privileges of the higher classes are
great, it is nice to see someone rise above their birth. It
gives us all hope that we can do the same.
Karin Anderson 9:07pm May 2, 2012)

I like heroes too, especially those that have suffered before.
Molly Wilsbacher 9:34pm May 2, 2012)

Commoner's are more likely to be self-made, and probably don't
have a sense of entitlement, so they can be a nice change from
all the Lords.
Diane Sallans 9:46pm May 2, 2012)

It's funny that you're asking that question!! Right now I'm in the middle of reading the Autobiography of Queen Elizabeth, and although I have the utmost respect and awe for the Royal Family, Especially the Queen herself, knowing everything she's gone through so far during her years of ruling England, I would prefer a commoner. I, by no means was raised with "a silver spoon in my mouth," and would be more suited to be connected with someone who more or less had gone through some of the same experiences with me. Interesting question, interesting cover, and book that I'm very interested in reading. Thank you for the great blog today!!
Peggy Roberson 10:01pm May 2, 2012)

I like nobel heroes , maybe from a commoner's background. They have seen both sides of the track.
Deb Pelletier 11:52pm May 2, 2012)

Do I like commoner heroes? Yes! They are men who have taken
the raw materials God gifted them with and made something
out of themselves. In some of the series' I have read they
start out as a secondary character. After several books they
demand their own HEA and I love that. Sabrina Jeffries
frequently does that. Hannah Howell has the Wherlocke Series
that has most family members not titled. So yes, I agree
with you self-made men are awesome.
glittergirl54 at ymail dot com
Lenna Hendershott 5:14pm May 6, 2012)

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