February 15th, 2025
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Love, Secrets, and Second Chances—February’s Must-Read Books Await!

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A Stray Pup, A Second Chance, and a Killer on the Loose�Wagtail�s About to Get Wild!

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A Hacker, an Undercover Mission, and a Love Worth Fighting For.

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A Duke by any other name would smell as� dastardly?
� delightful?

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Shaken, Stirred, and Unexpectedly in Love�Can They Mix Business with Pleasure?

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As London's high society watches their every move, can these two brilliant minds find the formula for true love?

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Chocolate, Second Chances, and a Love Too Sweet to Let Go.

Collision Course by Zoe Archer


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Also by Zoe Archer:

Wicked Temptation, June 2014
Paperback / e-Book
Dangerous Seduction, December 2013
Paperback / e-Book
Winter's Heat, October 2013
Skies of Gold, August 2013
Paperback / e-Book
Sweet Revenge, June 2013
Mass Market Paperback / e-Book
Sinner's Heart, April 2013
Paperback / e-Book
Skies of Steel, October 2012
Lady X's Cowboy, September 2012
Demon's Bride, May 2012
Paperback / e-Book
Skies Of Fire, April 2012
Devil?s Kiss, December 2011
Paperback / e-Book
Collision Course, April 2011
Stranger, December 2010
Mass Market Paperback / e-Book
Rebel, November 2010
Mass Market Paperback / e-Book
Scoundrel, October 2010
Mass Market Paperback
Warrior, September 2010
Half Past Dead, January 2010
Love in a Bottle, December 2006
Lady X's Cowboy, February 2006
Paperback / e-Book

Collision Course
Zoe Archer

Buy From Carina Press

Carina Press
April 2011
On Sale: April 4, 2011
Featuring: Mara Skiren; Kell Frayne
161 pages
ISBN: 1426891458
EAN: 9781426891458
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Science Fiction | Romance

In a galaxy torn apart by war…

Mara Skiren is a scavenger, a black-market dealer. Blackmailed into helping Commander Kell Frayne infiltrate a treacherous corner of the galaxy, Mara learns that her biggest danger is from her sexy, by-the-book partner. She's a loner with more than a few battle scars on her heart, but something about Commander Frayne stirs up her long-buried need for an intimate connection.

An ace pilot for the elite Black Wraith Squadron, Kell's mission is to rescue a lost pilot and ship. Unable to deny his attraction to the beautiful, rebellious Mara, he decides bedding her would cool his ardor. But one taste is not nearly enough, and he finds himself sharing more of his real self with her than he has with anyone.

With deadly criminals on their heels and an increasingly dangerous assignment to complete, he's starting to wonder…if they survived, could he let her go? And will Mara want to stay?

Read An Excerpt

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37 comments posted.

Re: Collision Course

Thank you for your post, Zoe. During my childhood, I didn't even know what science fiction was. I spent part of these years in countries where there was little or no TV. Even when I could watch it, there was hardly any sci-fi available. I rarely went to the movies, and I doubt my parents would have let me watch the typical sci-fi films of the era: monster movies.

But I discovered science fiction books when I was about twelve. I've loved the genre ever since. And a little later I was back in the US in time for "Lost in Space" and "Star Trek".

I was one of the original Trekkies. My first big crush was Leonard Nimoy as Mr. Spock. I doubt my mom ever figured out why I was so in love with an alien spaceman who had green blood and pointed ears.

Yes, I'm a fan of science fiction films. My faves are too many for me to list here. But allow me to note that the film I love best in any genre happens to be a science fiction romance, "Somewhere in Time".

I go for lively, colorful, fast-paced science fiction adventures with plenty of subtext. I call them space operas for the thinking reader. And if there's a moving romance in the mix, I'm really hooked!

Good luck with your new release.
(Mary Anne Landers 4:26am April 8, 2011)

I grew up on the Star wars and Star Trek movies. My favorite sci fi series recently was Battlestar Galactica.
Pam Howell 7:54am April 8, 2011)

I love Orson Scott Card's Ender series. I also enjoy Lois Bujold McMaser's Miles series too.

Tv shows: Love Q on Voyager... Favoite characte for sure.
May Pau 8:46am April 8, 2011)

I grew up in between the ages of the original Star Trek and Star Wars era. You might laugh, but my Husband introduced me to the world of science fiction by taking me to see E.T. I've enjoyed the Star Wars movies, and Hans Solo was my favorite character as well. I also got a kick out of Yoda!! As far as reading the books, I found them to be a little far-fetched for my taste. I'm hoping that your book is going to be just the ticket for me so that I can share the love of science fiction that my Husband is so crazy about. If it is as entertaining as your post is, I know I'm in for a treat!! Good Luck with your latest book!!
Peggy Roberson 8:52am April 8, 2011)

I LOVED the original Star Trek. Mr Spock was my first crush. I'm a Star
Trek gal married to a Star Wars guy. Luckily we both like the
Firefly/Serenity world.
Stacie Deramo 10:01am April 8, 2011)

Jean Luc! Best Captain Ev-ah!

My favorite sci fi scene is Ripley in Aliens 2, when she straps the ammo all over her body
and picks up that huge-ass gun, ready to battle Mama Alien. I love her transformation
from mild-mannered crew member to warrior princess. That movie is so fabulous!

Congrats on your new release! Can't wait to read it.

Penny Watson 10:34am April 8, 2011)

Battlestar Galactica was always one of my favs!
Dawn Staniszeski 10:40am April 8, 2011)

I started with Ray Bradbury and The Creature form the Black Lagoon--talk about
different choices. I love the sci/fy that seems like it could happen in our future.
I will try any form and find enjoyment--how much determines of which I will
read more.
Sandra Spilecki 11:13am April 8, 2011)

Oh, I grew up with sci-fi too! And I haven't lost my love for the genre either.
Birgit Lehner 12:25pm April 8, 2011)

I didn't have TV as a child---so I didn't grow up with scu-fi, but I fell in love with Star Trek. Now I'm a faithful follower of Fringe.
Sue Farrell 12:48pm April 8, 2011)

Congrats on your new release. I loved watching the original Star Trek, still love to watch it. Enjoyed the original Battlestar Galactica and Buck Rogers. Enjoy when they have a marathon of Star Trek: The Next Generation on SyFy channel
Jean Patton 12:50pm April 8, 2011)

Oh my... loved ThunderCats and Voltron, also watched Star Trek The Next Generation!
Colleen Conklin 1:05pm April 8, 2011)

Oh, I was a Star Trek fan, a Star Wars fan and loved Ray
Bradbury. After reading The Time Travelers Wife, I ran down a
copy of an old scifi book at the library to reread, it was "The
Man Who Folded Himself". This was one book that really stuck
with me.
Lisa Richards 2:27pm April 8, 2011)

It was a big event every Saturday to watch Star Trek re-runs in our house. I love William Shatner! I just watched the new Star Trek movie with my kids and we loved it. I watched the Star Wars movies when I was little and read all the books.
Renee Pajda 3:20pm April 8, 2011)

I have always loved Sci Fi, but I remember waiting for Battlestar Gallactica come on every week. I just dated myself!
Beth Melito 3:53pm April 8, 2011)

Captain Video and his Video Ranger - Monday nights at 7 (right before my piana lesson - good thing the shows were only 15 minutes long!)
Karin Tillotson 3:55pm April 8, 2011)

I discovered Sci Fi at age 10 and that was over fifty years ago, so when Star Trek came along I was on it. I even wrote a letter to the network to keep it on the air. I've seen most of the Sci Fi movies and about all of the TV shows. Like Beth, I've just dated myself!!
Joyce Bruner 4:07pm April 8, 2011)

Would be a great book to win!
Paula Carlson 4:50pm April 8, 2011)

I'm going to date myself too. I watched the original Star Trek episodes wthen they aired the first time. I was hooked on episodes of Doctor Who. Don't know which number he was but he had a really long scarf. I think I started reading sci-fi with Andre Norton. I'll watch or read almost anything in the genre.
r w 5:42pm April 8, 2011)

Since I am 82, I grew up with "Tom Swift and His Television Detector". My generation thought that was a wild thought.
I still enjoy such and, of course, find love stories special, including historical.
Marjorie Carmony 5:46pm April 8, 2011)

I grew up with Lost in Space and then Star Trek. I still remember the first episode because my Dad had just assembled a color TV from a Heathkit. All the characters were green and I didn't know if that was how they were supposed to be. I like Anne McCaffery (Petaybee & Tower series), Linnea Sinclair, Kristine Smith, Elizabeth Bear... I keep discovering new ones.
Carol Drummond 6:56pm April 8, 2011)

Anne McCaffrey, the X-Men, and of course Star Trek but I really loved Anne. Star Wars came out when I was in high school and I went with my little brothers and missed some of the movie by taking them to the bathroom.
Lena Lee 7:38pm April 8, 2011)

The Twilight Zone, Star Trek. That should give you an idea of how long ago we're talking about.
Diane Sadler 8:49pm April 8, 2011)

I grew up loving Star Wars and Battlestar galactia. I wanted to be Pricess Lei when I was small.

I wish you all the best on ur new release !
Kym Amaral 9:04pm April 8, 2011)

I loved Star Trek growing up, and later Stargate: SG1 ^_^ These days I love Eureka, Warehouse 13, and more than anything, Doctor Who!!! :)
Katherine Cullis 9:12pm April 8, 2011)

I thought Cpt Apollo was the cute one! I started out on Flash Gordon reruns and the beginning of Star Trek. I can remember being very young and watching the moon landing on tv. I didn't understand what the big deal was since we'd already been so many places!
Lynda Smith 9:34pm April 8, 2011)

I watched and loved tons of sci-fi growing up. In fact, I still do! I loved Starblazers. I just rewatched some of the episodes and they are still good. As an adult I got hooked on The X-Files. And more recently, Firefly and Farscape. I was commenting today that the field of sci-fi romance is slim pickings. I plan to check out your book!
Jennifer Beyer 10:52pm April 8, 2011)

Battle Star Galactica and V were favorite shows.
G. Bisbjerg 12:15pm April 9, 2011)

I loved the new Star Trek and Star Wars...
Robin Daily 12:25pm April 9, 2011)

Hi Zoe! I have similar memories of my mom sitting me down to watch the original Star Wars on TV and as soon as I saw my first hovercraft I was hooked. I wanted to be Luke, the dork who had the awesome adventures. Plus I was a bit too young to get the whole Hans bad boy appeal. Anyways great post!
Lauren Guarneri 4:30am April 9, 2011)

Growing up, I loved Lost in Space. I especially love time travel movies. Both Time Machine movies were great and I wish that I could find reruns of Quantum Leap. They are even better when a little romance is involved. Good luck on your new book.
Kathleen Yohanna 4:30am April 9, 2011)

I loved star trek, I think my favorite was the trouble with tribbles. Then on to ray bradberry, stephen king and whatever else I could get my hands on.
Debbie Penny 7:14am April 9, 2011)

Yes, I love science fiction films and books. Good Luck on your new release
Frances Namuth 10:01am April 9, 2011)

I loved Star Trek, Lost in Space, and Battlestar Galactica on tv growing up. Add to that Star Wars and Babylon 5 later. I like the classic stuff. I find the remakes disappointing for the most part.
Cherie Japp 3:22pm April 9, 2011)

I fell in love with fantasy and sci-fi at the ripe old age of 8years old. I had an uncle who was reading Stranger in a Strange Land by Robert Heinlin and I picked it up and have been hooked ever since. I watched Battlestar Galactica (both origional and the Sci-Fi remake), all of the Star Trek series (my favorite is Voyager) and of course have seen every new series that comes out. The sci-fi film genre is a wonderful thing and I have probably seen every good and bad movie possible in the last 20years. I love finding a great romance in the middle of a sci-fi story, it makes it just that much better.
Denise Boyd 9:34pm April 9, 2011)

I love the original Star Wars Series! R2D2 was my favorite! Mazel Tov on your new release!
Tamarak Harris 12:06pm April 10, 2011)

My favorite movie was Stargate. SG-1 is still my fave series. I love the way they used the ancient names like Anubis as the god-like war lords. Even the search for Atlantis carried forth something amazing. The crystal skull had a purpose and so many other abnormalities were worked into the plot of the whole series. I even liked the team members for their own personalities.
Christina Harrison 4:56am April 11, 2011)

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