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Awaken The Highland Warrior by Anita Clenney


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Also by Anita Clenney:

The Lost Chalice, February 2015
Paperback / e-Book
Heart of Highland Warrior, June 2014
Paperback / e-Book
Faelan: A Highland Warrior Brief, December 2013
Fountain of Secrets, September 2013
Paperback / e-Book
Here We Go Again, February 2013
Guardians Of Stone, December 2012
Paperback / e-Book
Embrace The Highland Warrior, November 2011
Paperback / e-Book
Awaken The Highland Warrior, May 2011
Mass Market Paperback / e-Book

Awaken The Highland Warrior
Anita Clenney

Sourcebooks Casablanca
May 2011
On Sale: May 1, 2011
Featuring: Bree Kirkland; Faelan
448 pages
ISBN: 1402251238
EAN: 9781402251238
Kindle: B004TTS2T4
Mass Market Paperback / e-Book
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Romance Time Travel

Historian Bree Kirkland has always been in love with the past, but when she accidentally wakes an ancient Scottish warrior who's spent the past 150 years sleeping in her backyard, her present is suddenly fraught with danger.

Faelan has awakened from the time vault hungry and horny. He grieves for his lost family, wondering who sent the woman to wake him. If she's a demon, Faelan will have to kill her. If she's innocent, she's unleashed the gates of hell in her backyard. Either way they must rely on each other to save their future.

Read An Excerpt


82 comments posted.

Re: Awaken The Highland Warrior

I think it depends on the author. Perhaps if there is a
deep thoug or idea that sprouts from the writers deep
feeling or desire about a plot or character. But why not?
It's all about he creative imagination isn't it.
I fins writers fascinating as they have the ability to put
their thoughts and ideas in words and then into stories.
I just know that I love the stories for they are a great
escape and another way to use our minds and
Thank for the contest!

pommawolf @hotmail.com
(Darcy Johnson 1:07am May 18, 2011)

I usually think that the characters are a part of the author, although sometimes it's not on purpose. Writing a book is such a big thing and the whole story is tied to who the author is, so the characters usually are too. I've tried writing before but usually my characters are either pretty much me or something I've seen before.

Jessica Sutton 2:19am May 18, 2011)

I think they are definitely part of the author either as their desired alter ego or through life experiences. Sometimes we choose one path that sets the stones in motion vs the other path that would have smoothed the ride or caused a break in the road ;)
Darci Paice 2:25am May 18, 2011)

Love the cover candy!
Thinking about it I guess it could go either way. An author writes themselves in their character because they are most comfortable with it but I believe the more creative authors creates their characters based on how they want people to be. They both have their places but if an author can't step outside of themselves they limit their variety and potentially their reader base.
Good luck and happy writing!
Tracie Travis 3:09am May 18, 2011)

I think characters usually share a few characteristics with the author. I'm sure not all characters do. Sometimes they may be modeled after someone the author knows. Part of the fun of being a writer is being able to create characters. Building a world and characters from scratch you would have to borrow from your own life and experiences.
Stacie Deramo 7:04am May 18, 2011)

How could the characters not hold part of the author, it's their view on their emotions, reactions and even sometime speech patterns. I think that's what makes all the books different and intersting.
Barbara Hanson 8:31am May 18, 2011)

I believe the characters start out as the authors imagination, then they take on the characteristics of the authors desires as the plot thickens, if it's a love story, of course. To make the plot interesting to the reader, they would have to make some of the characters from someone they know, so the story would move along at a comfortable pace. Of course, to make a story plausible, the author also uses their imagination, so they might also throw in an imaginary character or two in the mix, to make it interesting. Your book is one of a genre that I normally wouldn't read, but sounds so darn good, that I really want to read it!! Congratulations, and I'm sure it's going to do well. You have the right ingredients to have what it takes to write a good book!!
Peggy Roberson 8:49am May 18, 2011)

Peggy, it's a thrill to have the book appeal to someone who wouldn't normally read that genre. Thank you so much.
Anita Clenney 9:01am May 18, 2011)

Very insightful comments here. I'm enjoying reading them.
Anita Clenney 9:02am May 18, 2011)

I think it's cool that this story came from a vivid dream. I drive people crazy telling them about my detailed dreams and you actually did something constructive with your dream! I hope you have great success with Awaken the Highland Warrior and all your future endeavors!
Renee Pajda 9:34am May 18, 2011)

I think that a character can come from the author him/herself but again I think that it could also be someone else he/she knows or a combination of the author and someone else. It is fun and interesting to learn how authors create their characters.
Dawn Staniszeski 9:59am May 18, 2011)

Always, they are either parts of the reality or, more likely, the fictional reality we all daydream about in our minds.
Pam Howell 10:08am May 18, 2011)

The characters are definitely a part of the Author's imagination, otherwise, how could they come up with such vivid storylines. It has to be something that they've imagined or dreamt about. Case in point - as in your dream about your son and you being in a castle with a couple of evil people.

Your book sounds incredible, it's not normally the genre that I would read but, I would definitely read this and perhaps you could be responsible for turning me onto a different genre of book in the future.

The Highlander and background on your book cover is simply awesome.
Diane Diamond 11:23am May 18, 2011)

Either part of the author or maybe made of parts of people known or imagined and dreamed. We the reader are blessed to be allowed in. Love the Highlander books and can't wait to read this one.
Elizabeth Parzino 11:51am May 18, 2011)

Darcy, I think it does depend on the author. I think a lot of us have some pieces of ourselves in our characters,
Anita Clenney 11:55am May 18, 2011)

Jessica, sometimes authors aren't aware of the similarity at first.
Anita Clenney 11:56am May 18, 2011)

Darci, I think some of our experiences find their way inside our characters lives.
Anita Clenney 11:58am May 18, 2011)

Tracie, an author definitely can't stop with a character that resembles them. It might be okay for pieces here and there, and even to have one character with a strong similarity, but you have to have diverse characters. I heard an author talking about how writers can write things we don't know. I'm not a serial killer, but I could write one. In fact, I have. I'm not insane (that I know :) ) but I could write an insane person.
Anita Clenney 12:01pm May 18, 2011)

Stacie, it's fun to slip in some of your experiences but take that character to a completely different place.
Anita Clenney 12:02pm May 18, 2011)

Barbara, if an author has experienced childbirth, she has that knowledge of what it's like, the emotions, the joys and fears. We draw on first hand experiences to go deep into characters, even if they aren't exactly like us.
Anita Clenney 12:04pm May 18, 2011)

Renee, I have wild dreams. I've had this one vampire dream that was just amazing. I wish I could really capture the feel.
Anita Clenney 12:05pm May 18, 2011)

Dawn, I think authors create characters in different ways. We can base them on someone we know, or parts of two or more people we know. Or the character may be completely unique, just a product of our imagination. But in writing that character, the author will probably draw on their own experiences if the character faces something the author has faced. The author might take the character an entiredly different direction, but the knowledge is there to either make use of or purposely disragard.
Anita Clenney 12:10pm May 18, 2011)

Pam, it seems with authors, our fiction sometimes becomes real to us. I feel like the characters in my book are alive. I know they're not, but they sure feel real. All those tough warriors are family to me.
Anita Clenney 12:12pm May 18, 2011)

I think it is both imagined and actual. The reason is sometimes the author has go with fact and base it on a person they know. Even though it is fiction they want thier characters to be as much to letter and actual as they have imagined them to be in thier book or in real life.
Anthonia Sharp 12:14pm May 18, 2011)

Diane, I do hope you'll give it a try and see if you like it. My husband was just telling me that he thought the book covered all genres. It's romance, adventure, suspense, mystery, touch of thriller, comedy, not really horror - it's not dark, but there are some ugly creatures roaming around. I was at dinner with my agent and her clients and a director she knows was there. He said Awaken the Highland Warrior would make a great animated action film. My husband says the swords and castles make up for the romance. :)
Anita Clenney 12:16pm May 18, 2011)

Anthonia, it does tend to be a combination usually. It can also be influenced by other characters. I'm writing another series as well. It's a mystery series, and I'm having so much fun. I thought about my characters and then found the closest actor or celebrity who resembled the character. For instance, I have the sherrif who's Clint Eastwoodish, and the nosy neighbor is Gladys Cravitz from Bewitched. It's been so much fun. This is the first time I've done this but it really gives me a feel for the characters.
Anita Clenney 12:20pm May 18, 2011)

I love how you explained how you
identidy yourself with the main
female character, it was fun and
interesting to read! I am a huge
fan of historical highland novels,
esp time travel. Its not very often
you read anout a highlander from
the past traveling into our time
period! Its usually the heroine
going back in time. Can't wait to
read it! BTW, your picture reminds
me so much of a girl I went to High
School with! (Which is a good thing
in this case LOL)
Stefanie Finn 1:54pm May 18, 2011)

I do feel there is a part of the author in each of the characters; not just the main characters. Whether it be a personality trait of the author's or of someone close to them or even someone they have known.

A well-written book makes the reader feel that the book is about them as well. It is all about imagination and that is why I love reading so much.
Jody Hollenbeck 2:01pm May 18, 2011)

It probably would be very difficult not to have some of your own traits when writing. How many would vary greatly I would think.
Marjorie Carmony 3:38pm May 18, 2011)

i think that there is at least a small amount of the author in each character because it is from the authors imagination afterall. however that does not mean that the author is like that character or is that character just that they may have an personality trait that the author took from themselves used or magnified and built upon to rech the desired effect for that character. for example the hero may be brave and trustworthy beyond the normal. but without the author having those traits it would be hard for them to write them. in other words all people ,authors included, have good and bad traits. this could be love,hate,jealousy,trust,honor,courage,pain or any other emotion and this helps when you are and author.
Tammy Ramey 3:53pm May 18, 2011)

I'm sure they are part of the authors imagination; otherwise, how could they write all those books.
Wilma Frana 4:13pm May 18, 2011)

I think it's a combination of all of the above, but mostly imagination.
Leni Kaye 4:31pm May 18, 2011)

I love whatever pieces make up the puzzle of a character. If it is imagination, bits of reality, pieces of the author, etc... they all come together to create such wonderful and interesting characters for us the readers to enjoy and fall in love with! I am impressed with all the hard work that goes into the creation of the characters and their stories...
Colleen Conklin 5:18pm May 18, 2011)

Silvana Moscato 5:20pm May 18, 2011)

I think it depends partly on the time frame and setting of the book. The characters have to fit the storyline. But I also think a lot of imagiation has to go into the charactera to make the hero larger than life.

BTW I love your cover.
Robin McKay 5:38pm May 18, 2011)

Looks like a very good read, my kind of read!!!
Joanne Bozik 6:03pm May 18, 2011)

I think that many authors build a part of their main characters based on their own personality. I remember one author commenting that she based the personality of a heroine on one of her friends so it depends on where the inspiration comes from.
Carol Drummond 6:21pm May 18, 2011)

I think the characters are apart of the author and other people they may know.
Deb Pelletier 6:27pm May 18, 2011)

i think they are apart of the author
Jennifer Beck 6:29pm May 18, 2011)

Desired & imagined - absolutely. Actual? Who knows really?
Mary Preston 6:34pm May 18, 2011)

I believe fictional characters are part of the author. Book sounds great.
Sheila True 6:49pm May 18, 2011)

I believe that it depends on the author and on what they want the characters to do. Your book sounds wonderful. I'll have to look for it the next time I'm out.
Maude Allen 6:58pm May 18, 2011)

Stefanie, I loved the idea of the historical figure coming forward. And having a big bad warrior like a fish out of water and having to rely on a woman was so much fun! But Faelan is such a great guy.

About your friend, they say we all have a double. :)
Anita Clenney 7:24pm May 18, 2011)

Well, since I am trying to write a romance book myself, I do
think that the characters have a lot of myself in them. My
favorite hero is someone who was in my life only a weekend,
but to me he makes the very best hero imaginable! It is
impossible for me to put words about the hero on the page
without thinking about that special someone who will still
remain anonymous.
Sue Perdue 8:22pm May 18, 2011)

I think that all the fictional characters have to be part of the author, at least a part of their imagination. Unfortunately, I don't have a very good imagination so the voices in my head are just boring, LOL :D
Love the sounds of this book...who wouldn't want to find a highlander?
June A, Manning 8:57pm May 18, 2011)

There is probably at least some small aspect of the character that the author connects to either personally or thru someone close too them. Love the Highlanders!
Diane Sallans 9:08pm May 18, 2011)

Jody, I think there are pieces of me in various characters.
Anita Clenney 9:13pm May 18, 2011)

Marjorie, when a character faces a certain situation, the author has her own experiences to draw on, but at the same time, this character must deal with it her way, which isn't necessarily how the author herself would handle it. But that knowledge gives a basis to go on.
Anita Clenney 9:17pm May 18, 2011)

Diana, that's often the case. I love highlanders too.
Anita Clenney 9:26pm May 18, 2011)

Sue, ooohh sounds like a fun secret!!!
Anita Clenney 9:28pm May 18, 2011)

Tammy, we are all a mixture of many traits.
Anita Clenney 9:30pm May 18, 2011)

June, you're too funny. Sometimes the voices are boring. It's up to the author to make them interesting.
Anita Clenney 9:31pm May 18, 2011)

I do think that a certain amount of real life bleeds through in an authors writing but I don't think that most authors always model a character after themselves. In fact, I think it is often what the author would like to be not what they are. It allows the author to be anyone or anything!
Jennifer Beyer 9:37pm May 18, 2011)

I think they are imagined. Maybe a few characteristics are from the author.

Thanks for a great contest.
Billie Deese 9:40pm May 18, 2011)

I think fictional characters are some part of the author, the characters can have characteristics that one admires, dreams of having, actually has, sees in their loved ones - somehow the development of the character is the birth of a child so to speak, one within the imagination pulled from the reality around, pieced together with the heart, sweat, and tears - the DNA, of the writer. A perfect melding.
Your book sounds great! And don't feel too clumsy, I am the only person I know that continues to fall up the stairs.
Carla Carlson 10:02pm May 18, 2011)

I think they are in a way since they come out of their imagination.
Robin Daily 10:13pm May 18, 2011)

I do believe that the fictional characters are part of the author. It could be in the image of their significant other or their best friends. It could be based on the qualities of the perfect hero or heroine (like the shopping list for the ideal husband) or imagined if the characters do not exist. It is the people that the author associated or interact on the daily basis that creates her characters.
Kai Wong 10:18pm May 18, 2011)

I think some characters are based on the author but I think a great many more come from the many characters he/she meets in their everyday life. Thanks for the contest!
Teresa Ward 10:22pm May 18, 2011)

I hope you like the book, Elizabeth. I love highlanders.
Anita Clenney 10:43pm May 18, 2011)

Billie, thanks so much. I'm going to bed happy. I love it when someone besides me is excited about the book. :) Please let me know if you like it. Sign up for my newsletter. I'll be sending it out soon. I may have some fun tidbits about book two.
Anita Clenney 10:45pm May 18, 2011)

Teresa, most writers seem to be people watchers. We're fascinated by the interactions and personalities we see.
Anita Clenney 10:47pm May 18, 2011)

Kai Wong, maybe writers are playing out multiple personalities. Now that's in interesting thought.
Anita Clenney 10:48pm May 18, 2011)

Robin, writers have very vivid imaginations.
Anita Clenney 10:48pm May 18, 2011)

Carla, I'm glad to meet someone who can fall up stairs. :) Creating a character is like giving birth. We're proud of those babies, even our villains. I LOVE my villains.
Anita Clenney 10:50pm May 18, 2011)

Wanda, it's exciting to know that you're hearing the buzz about Awaken. Fabulous!
Anita Clenney 10:51pm May 18, 2011)

Jennifer, this can be very true. I think a lot of times we give our characters qualities we wish we had.
Anita Clenney 10:55pm May 18, 2011)

Maude, thanks so much for thinking of Awaken the Highland Warrior. With all the wonderful choices for books, I really appreciate it.
Anita Clenney 10:58pm May 18, 2011)

Deb, characters can come from so many places.
Anita Clenney 10:59pm May 18, 2011)

Thanks Robin. They did a nice job with the cover.
Anita Clenney 11:00pm May 18, 2011)

Colleen, writing the plot and the characters is like one big puzzle. It's so much fun to layer and hide things.
Anita Clenney 11:01pm May 18, 2011)

Leni, writers sometimes live too much in their imaginations. Sometimes we talk to our characters.
Anita Clenney 11:02pm May 18, 2011)

Joanne, I hope the book proves as good as you expect.
Anita Clenney 11:02pm May 18, 2011)

Thanks Sheila. Hope you like the book.
Anita Clenney 11:04pm May 18, 2011)

Carol, I used my critique partners name in a book. We had a lot of laughs over that.
Anita Clenney 11:07pm May 18, 2011)

Mary, desired and imagined is a good way to put it.
Anita Clenney 11:09pm May 18, 2011)

Jennifer, certainly some of the characteristics are.
Anita Clenney 11:09pm May 18, 2011)

Thanks everyone. you guys were so much fun. Stop by my website and sign up for my newsletter. I'll send out occasional news and tidbits about the books, maybe some giveaways.
Anita Clenney 11:11pm May 18, 2011)

This book sounds wonderful!
Molly Wilsbacher 12:02pm May 19, 2011)

I believe that heroes and heroines are largely imagined with perhaps bits of the author or author's loved ones mixed into the characters.
G. Bisbjerg 1:25am May 19, 2011)

Anything we do has a part of us in it. A writer's mind never totally shuts off.
You walk down a street and a person, a picture, a scene become part of you. When inspiration strikes you write what you have done, seen, believed and
top it off with a viewpoint no one else has. Perspective is as individual as
snowflakes. Your life experiences affect what you do, say or write. So, yes, a
writer is in every book he/she produces.
Sandra Spilecki 7:15am May 19, 2011)

I know that as a reader the book becomes more meaningful when there is a character that has qualities that I have or wish I have, so I would assume as a writer it is similar.
Jan Terry 11:17am May 20, 2011)

Characters are lived in the mind of the author first and then marched out in flesh to see where they'll go and what they could possibly do about the predicaments and events they find themselves in.
Alyson Widen 4:56pm May 21, 2011)

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