Embrace The Highland Warrior
Anita Clenney
November 2011
On Sale: November 1, 2011
Featuring: Shay Logan; Cody
384 pages ISBN: 1402251262 EAN: 9781402251269 Kindle: B005UDAURA Paperback / e-Book
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Romance Paranormal
When the demon that left Shay Logan for dead discovers her
empty grave, he comes seeking retribution and the mysterious
book he believes she stole. But he isn't the only one after
it... As a teen, Shay fell in love with the boy next door,
Cody MacBane. She didn't know that Cody was a Scottish
warrior sent to protect her-or that she was descended from
an ancient warrior clan. When Shay learns the truth, she
feels betrayed and her life unravels. But as danger lurks,
Shay is forced to return to her clan and the Scottish
warrior who's the only man she's ever loved.
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59 comments posted.
Re: Embrace The Highland Warrior
I don't usually fear things that go bump in the night ... however, if I have a nightmare, it may take me awhile to get back to sleep! (Diane Brixius 7:04am November 1, 2011)
If it's bumping in my house after dark I wont sleep till I know what it is, I get up and check it at, guess that's a yes for me. (Theresa Norris 7:16am November 1, 2011)
Wow, I would love to win a copy of this fantastic book (Michele Casteel 7:41am November 1, 2011)
I grew up in an old 3 story Victorian house. It was about 100 years old when my family and I lived there....and still setteling....floorboards creaked....pipes rattled. Therefore "things that go bump in the night" just remind me of my childhood and give me a warm comfortable feeling. (Betty Hamilton 8:08am November 1, 2011)
Diane, I've had some pretty frightening dreams. I have an active imagination! (Anita Clenney 8:12am November 1, 2011)
Theresa, If I hear a noise I can't rest until I figure it out. Have to make sure it's not someone sneaking in the window. :) (Anita Clenney 8:18am November 1, 2011)
Betty, that's such a wonderful way to look at it. I love that. (Anita Clenney 8:18am November 1, 2011)
Of course. Everyone does at some point or other. That is basic human nature. (Pam Howell 9:34am November 1, 2011)
Love Paranormal books. :) Your book sounds terrific! (May Pau 10:14am November 1, 2011)
Thanks, May Pau. It was so much fun to write. (Anita Clenney 10:33am November 1, 2011)
Thanks for your comment, Pam. (Anita Clenney 10:34am November 1, 2011)
Things that go bump in the night in my house make me nervous and I usually have to check them out before I can go to sleep. Thanks for the giveaway..... love the series so far and can't wait to read Embrace!!! (Laura Pumphrey 10:38am November 1, 2011)
I am one who has to check out the noise. I have always feared the human "monster" in our world more than the "other" type. I don't watch the slasher movies..to bloody and gory. Give me a pyschological thriller anytime. The mind is a wonderful thing and nothing can scare you more than your own imagination!
Thanks for the giveaway - your books are a treasure! (Kimberley Coover 11:02am November 1, 2011)
Normally I do if there is no one in the house or nobody is supposed to be coming over. I get scared easily, so if I'm by myself in private and in public, I can get pretty startled. I've been that way since I was little. (Meghan Anderson 1:05pm November 1, 2011)
I really didn't think that I would like a book like this, until I read the passage you put in today's blog. I am definately hooked, and have you on my TBR list!! I also have no idea how you were able to keep so many characters straight while writing your book!! I was definately riveted to my chair while reading this passage,and hated to see it end!! The cover is very artfully done as well!! Congratulations on your latest book. You have a new fan. (Peggy Roberson 1:15pm November 1, 2011)
Things that go bump in the night scare me silly if I'm home alone. Thanks for the chance to win your book. It sounds amazing! (Jennifer Langford 1:57pm November 1, 2011)
um - I wrap Christmas presents on Halloween watched Texas Chainsaw Massacre movies. So pretty sure i LIKE things that go BUMP in the night (Pamela Faye Howell 2:25pm November 1, 2011)
I usually find the night peaceful. It's the only time of the day I can actually concentrate enough and read. So, it's a good time for me. But if I have to move around at night, to use the bathroom or something, the shadows do scare me. (Judith Quiroz 3:46pm November 1, 2011)
If I hear something out of the norm, my heart rate will go up... but normally I am not afraid of things that go bump in the night... Enjoyed reading the excerpt! (Colleen Conklin 3:55pm November 1, 2011)
Yes, I believe I am afraid of things that goes BUMP in the NIGHT, especially if you are reading a book that deals with the paranormal and totally engrossed in the story. Especially when you there is supposed to be no one in house or the worst thing is the unexpected crash and rumble of lightning and thunder. (Wilma Salas 3:56pm November 1, 2011)
Anything that goes bump in the night around here is usually a cat on the prowl, so no fear. Blessings, Marjorie (Marjorie Carmony 4:06pm November 1, 2011)
I am someone that would get spooked if there were strange noises late at night versus during the day. But I also have a herd of dogs that would protect me :) Thanks for the great post and giveaway! (Erin Fender 4:07pm November 1, 2011)
This would make a great read! (Mary Smith 4:22pm November 1, 2011)
If I hear strange noises or if I even think I am going to get spooked I just think of it as my Dad or Grandmother telling me hello!!!Thank you... (Leisa Prater 4:54pm November 1, 2011)
I am usually pretty good at night but sometimes there are unexplained noises that I don't care for. (Maureen Emmons 4:54pm November 1, 2011)
What I fear during the night is waking up and having to use the facilities or need to wet my whistle. And then stepping on a spider - barefoot. Yuck! (Cynthia Netherton 5:24pm November 1, 2011)
When I hear unexplained noises at night, whether they be inside or outside my house, I usually have to investigate to put my mind at rest as to what caused the unusual, odd noise. Once while sitting in my family room, reading with the TV on, I kept hearing an unusual nasty growl. I turned the volume off, looked out my patio doors, only to find a bobcat sitting on my picnic bench near my bbq grill. We'd barbecued chicken a couple hours earlier and he must have smelled it from a long way. A very nasty, vicious-sounding animal. I was happy he ran off into the darkness when I turned on the light and he saw me! Most noises usually come from pipes or the furnace in the house inside and others from animals outside. I got a kick out of your job history, Anita. Love the pickle factory job, and I can relate, because I held a candy factory job (and I felt like Lucy & Ethel many times). Fortunately, it was only part-time seasonal work for 3 mos. while I was attending school! Loved reading about your book, it sounds very good. (Linda Luinstra 6:12pm November 1, 2011)
Great excerpt, Anita. Embrace downloaded on my kindle yesterday. Woo hoo! Can't wait to read it. As for things that go bump in the night..I grew up in a small house with a lot of kids, and we had a converted closet in the bedroom where an electric furnace was housed. Because it was the warmest place in the house, my mother used to hang wet clothes there to dry. When the furnace kicked in at night, the empty hangers would move and bang into each other. To this day, the thought of those moving hanger monsters and the shadows on the wall still scares the heck out of me. (Liz Lipperman 6:25pm November 1, 2011)
Hi Anita! A little bit of fear, but I keep in control! As a kid we had a cellar that we were all afraid to go down to, but as an adult, living in CA now, we don't have many cellars so I don't have to worry about it! (Susan Galley 7:03pm November 1, 2011)
I do have some fear of things that go bump in the night, we recently had a squirel in the attic rolling acorns around making noise, going bump in the night. I was concerned but managed my curiosity. (Lisa Kendall 7:43pm November 1, 2011)
Having Irish Ancestors, I definitely believe in ghosts and the supernatural. :D (MaryAnne Banks 8:06pm November 1, 2011)
I like the cover Anita. I am more afraid of spider or roaches, then sounds at night time. I do not like things crawling on me. A good scare is great for your heart- makes you feel alive. I look forward to reading your book- congrats. (Christine Arcidiacono 8:21pm November 1, 2011)
Sometimes I have heard unusual noises that can be startling, and I listen & wait until my heart stops beating so fast before I can settle down & go back to sleep. (Diane Sallans 8:42pm November 1, 2011)
Once I'm secured/safe within vehicle or building after dark, I have no fear of noises without and, once asleep, I dream of romance and know not of noises within. Nonetheless, I have been startled during the occasional "scary" movie! (Carla Schuller 9:53pm November 1, 2011)
If I'm alone at home and hear weird noises yeah I might get startled. Your book sounds like a great read, I hope I win the chance to read it. I've always loved paranormal books. (Karima Chiali 10:36pm November 1, 2011)
Liz, oh my gosh. I can just see that happening. That sounds like something in one of your mysteries. (Anita Clenney 10:46pm November 1, 2011)
Laura, so glad you're enjoying the series. I can't rest if I hear strange noises. Maybe that's because I love mysteries. I have to solve them. (Anita Clenney 10:47pm November 1, 2011)
Kimberly, what a sweet thing to say. Thank you!! (Anita Clenney 10:48pm November 1, 2011)
Meghan, my husband got me good the other day. He came around the corner suddenly while I had my head stuck in a plot I was writing.I came right off my chair. (Anita Clenney 10:49pm November 1, 2011)
I'm a light sleeper, so if something makes noise at night, it wakes me up. I usually can't get back to sleep until I figure out what it is. The book looks great- thanks for the giveaway! (Debbie Burdeen 11:00pm November 1, 2011)
Unexpected sounds at night have to be identified or I can't sleep! (Mary C 11:08pm November 1, 2011)
More so after watching a scary movie late at night. (Deb Pelletier 11:21pm November 1, 2011)
Yes, I do fear things that go bump in the night. Am not fond of being alone at night for that reason. (G. Bisbjerg 11:24pm November 1, 2011)
Peggy, I love reaching readers who wouldn't normally read this genre. This book really does blend genres. It has adventure, romance, mystery and lots of humor. (Anita Clenney 11:34pm November 1, 2011)
I don't like things that go bump in the night. Thanks for giving me a chance to win it and read it. (Linda Hall 12:17pm November 2, 2011)
Mary, I'm the same way. Maybe we're just nosey :)
Deb, those scary movies do get the imagination working overtime.
Thanks, Debbie. I had fun writing the stories. I love these characters.
G, It's strange how things can seem so much more frightening when you're alone. A sound that might not bother me if someone else was in the house would take on a different feel if I'm alone.
Thanks, Karima. If you get a chance to read the book, I hope you enjoy it.
Carla, you're lucky. :) Strange noises do take on a different feel if you're in a protected place.
Diane, I hate that feeling when your heart is pounding.
Christine makes a good point, it does make you feel alive afterwards. I don't mind spiders, but roaches...ick!
Maureen - we had an earthquake a couple of months ago, which is unusual for Virginia, and when I would go to bed I would listen for that rumbling sound. I heard it once. We had an aftershock at 1AM.
Lisa, so your ghost turned out to be a squirrel. We have those too. I've heard things rolling around on the roof at night.
Susan, what is it about kids and cellars? They're creepy. When I first wrote Awaken, I had the time vault buried in a cellar, but I later changed it to a crypt.
MaryAnne - I bet you have some spooky Irish stories. I'm fascinated with the supernatural. (Anita Clenney 8:55am November 2, 2011)
Linda Hall, thanks for stopping by. Good luck!
Thanks Mary Lynch!
Leisa, that's a great idea. If my kids are uneasy about something I tell them to think of something funny. Humor can dispel fear. Perfect example is when I watched The Grudge, which was scary, but I got so tickled at the people in the theater who were screaming that I started laughing.
Pam if you watched that movie I'm think you DO like bumps in the night. :)
Linda, we don't have bobcats in the yard but we have a family of raccoons. They're cute but I think they need to go. The candy factory sounds fun. I only lasted at the pickle factory half a day.
Erin, dogs are great defenders and they help ease fears too.
Marjorie, I've heard some unearthly noises at night that turned out to be cats mating or fighting, not sure which.
Cynthia, while visiting my in-laws, I went to the bathroom in the middle of the night and the next morning I saw a little scorpion in the doorway where I'd walked. They have them there. I could surmise that they were trying to get rid of me, but my in-laws are awesome. (Anita Clenney 9:06am November 2, 2011)
Wilma, when you get that absorbed in a book it's easy to make more of noises than you normally would.
Judith, I'm a night person. I think it's peaceful, but I'm with you, shadows are scary. (Anita Clenney 9:09am November 2, 2011)
This book look awesome and would love to win and read it. I am a total night person and sometimes I fear what goes bump in the night. I live in the country and there is always something going bump in the night. I think the paranormal bump in the night is interesting and would love to meet up with some of them. As long as they are the nice kind. LOL. (Chris Bails 9:45am November 2, 2011)
Do I fear them--not really because I am one of them. (Sandra Spilecki 10:04am November 2, 2011)
I do fear things that go bump in the night especially if they are hairy, move and otherwise make themselves known to me! (Na S 1:33pm November 2, 2011)
I'm not usually nervous unless my hubby is working nights then I'm not a happy camper. (Diane Sadler 3:41pm November 2, 2011)
Naw, I don't fear things that go bump in the night, I will be careful though. My house is real secure but as a Mom I always have an ear open. When I do hear things it's usually the kids or the cat. I have a husband (and now son) that like to creep up on me in the dark and say BOO! Kinda cured me... (Lenna Hendershott 3:42pm November 2, 2011)
I love things that go bump in the night. The excitement, the rush of adrenaline, the need to explore further.. while people run away, I run to.. there is an attraction to the darkness and what comes alive in it. (Carla Carlson 4:41pm November 2, 2011)
I hear a lot of bumps in the night from my cats and hopefully that's all it will ever be lol. Your book sounds intriguing and I just love anything highlander! (Jeanne Sheats 10:58pm November 2, 2011)
I don't fear things that go bump in the night as long as those bumps happen during daylight. lol Seriously, the dark makes for a wicked imagination. Nightmares bother me and I have trouble getting back to sleep. Overall I'd say yes. I just want to tell you that I loved Awaken The Highland Warrior. Carol L Lucky4750 (at)aol (dot) com (Carol Luciano 5:08am November 3, 2011)
I used to, but now I have become one with the night... Sounded dramatic anyway. I love walking around at night, the perfect time to take my Siberian husky out for a run or walk (maybe because I have him with me I am not afraid). But sit me down with a scary movie about demons and such and I will be awake all night long! The new book sounds great! (Lexi Hansen 10:35pm November 3, 2011)
I have some very watchful dogs; I'm not afraid of anything that goes bump in the night. (Susan Navidad 5:46am November 6, 2011)
Noises at night seem to be worse than in the day. As the dark seeps in, my sense of freedom vanishes while listening carefully to mysterious clicks, squeaks and thuds as the bewitching hours pass. (Alyson Widen 3:13pm November 6, 2011)
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