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A Stray Pup, A Second Chance, and a Killer on the Loose�Wagtail�s About to Get Wild!

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A Hacker, an Undercover Mission, and a Love Worth Fighting For.

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A Duke by any other name would smell as� dastardly?
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Shaken, Stirred, and Unexpectedly in Love�Can They Mix Business with Pleasure?

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Chocolate, Second Chances, and a Love Too Sweet to Let Go.

The Last Rising by Rachel Firasek


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Also by Rachel Firasek:

Curse of the Phoenix Bundle, July 2014
Curse of the Phoenix Bundle, June 2014
Halloween Heat II, October 2012
Creating Fate, June 2012
The Last Beginning, January 2012
The Last Awakening, December 2011
The Last Rising, September 2011
Piper's Fury, March 2011

The Last Rising
Rachel Firasek

Ice melts under the heat of love's flame...

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Curse of the Phoenix
September 2011
On Sale: September 6, 2011
Featuring: Turner Alcott; Ice
102 pages
ISBN: 1937044289
EAN: 2940012979469
Kindle: B005L92H56
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Romance Paranormal

After paying two millennia’s penance to Osiris, a world-weary phoenix, Ice, has had enough. Saving souls without any hope for her own redemption isn’t how she imagined spending eternity. Fed up, she decides her next death will be her last. But when she sacrifices her own life for a sexy Texan in a catastrophic plane crash, she has no idea the consequences will be so great…or that she’ll end up back in his life for her next assignment.

Now that Turner Alcott has survived the worst, finding a wife and mother for his son matters more than ever before. When the mysterious Ice comes into his life, Turner knows she’s the one—but love is the last thing Ice wants. If he wants to win her heart, Turner must teach Ice how to forgive herself, and prove that love is the ultimate sacrifice.

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150 comments posted.

Re: The Last Rising

favorite "hmmm...." moment is "watch your back" Now how am I going to watch my back? My head does not turn that far and if I'm watching my back, how about the front of me?
(Shirley Younger 10:11am September 17, 2011)

Shirley, awesome "hmmm..." moment. I've never quite figured that one out. It's one of those phrases that literally is impossible unless you're a mutant from another planet. lol. Thanks for commenting.
Rachel Firasek 10:21am September 17, 2011)

This was a super fun post and one that I guess I never
really though about until just now. Your so right, many of
the things that I have read either seem impossible or just
not a turn on. I also would end up in a fit of giggles if
someone ran their hand down my side. I guess in the right
moment maybe not but still! Too funny!
Lisa McGeen 10:23am September 17, 2011)

my favorite is when the hero speaks (whispers) against the
heroine's neck/ear. That feeling of his breath caressing her
skin :shudder:
Sharon Stogner 10:25am September 17, 2011)

Lisa, I'm glad I'm not alone in the giggles. It's what we think we want, but when we get it, yikes. lol. I think sometimes, we need an instruction manual.

Sharon, that's a great one. When my hubs does that me knees buckle and I end up smacking him in the nose with my temple as I try to dodge the sensation. So ticklish. lol
Rachel Firasek 10:32am September 17, 2011)

I also love when the hero and when my hero whispers against my neck/ear. ooh,wee does that send shivers up and down my spine.
Kathleen Bianchi 10:38am September 17, 2011)

"That's a good one." LOL, hilarious Rachel! You're so right,
some things just shouldn't be replicated at home. Just like I
love reading about the Alpha male, but in real life I would so
kick his ass out the door. :-)
Rosalie Lario 10:48am September 17, 2011)

Kathleen, shivers are so good! Thanks for commenting. lol. I love it.
Rachel Firasek 10:48am September 17, 2011)

Rosalie, that's exactly it! Alphas make our skin tingle and the submissive inside warms up nicely, but in real life...I'd probably take a frying pan to him. lol.
Rachel Firasek 10:50am September 17, 2011)

Very funny, Rachel! And oh so true.
Aubrie Dionne 10:52am September 17, 2011)

It's Sassy Siren Sister Earth coming to you from the
interwebs. The knee thing, I know quite well. My hubby uses
it on me all the time and it melts me like butter.
Rib cage never really tried that but he does go a little to
the left and right and makes friends with "sodom and
And the neck thing, oh yes but not leaving any marks. I have
a day job that doesn't like that too well. I want to add the
back of the neck too. It's a certain spot:P
Great post Rachel...now I gotta pull my hubby into the
bedroom when he gets home from work:P
Heather Powers 11:01am September 17, 2011)

Silvana Moscato 11:06am September 17, 2011)

I have read passages that have actually made me say "ouch!!" I couldn't picture my Husband doing certain things, then again, there are others that would make me melt like butter. It makes me wonder if some of the authors are having a glass of wine while they write, to loosen them up a bit, and come up with an idea. Anyway, I loved your posting today, and I'm glad that you did your experiment to keep us in the loop as to what works. I'll keep it in my memory bank for future reference. I'll also be sure to get my hands on your book!! I love the cover!
Peggy Roberson 11:09am September 17, 2011)

Aubrie, I thought it would give us some good fodder to chat about. lol

Heather, I never knew you were quite the adventurous. Now, I know who to go to for research. lol. And, please after you've attacked your husband upon his return think of me fondly. ;)

Silvana, whisper kisses are yum. ;)
Rachel Firasek 11:13am September 17, 2011)

Peggy, my new bff, I adore anyone who snags my book. lol. Yes, I will do anything in the name of research. As for the wine, I'm not usually one to go for that to relax. Sadly, these thoughts roam my mind most of any given day. My hubs has dubbed me the house freak. lol. You never quite know what I'll ask him to do or to explain. LOL He's a good sport. Thanks for commenting and good luck!
Rachel Firasek 11:16am September 17, 2011)

Thanks for giving me a good laugh. I've just finished reading "The Love Slave" by Bertrice Small. Wow, there were a lot of "Hmm" moments in that book. The one "hmm" that really surprised me was when the hero was licking her foot, and pressed some sort of spot there that sent shots of lust all through her body. Hmm, I wonder whereabouts on the foot that is?

Thank you for this opportunity.
Diane Diamond 11:16am September 17, 2011)

Maybe we can get a padiatrist in here to help. Or are there any physical therapists present? Bahaha. This is great. Diane, you've made me laugh. Love it. Don't know if I'll be able to get the hubs to lick my feet. I haven't asked that one yet. Hmmm.. Stay tuned for next blog post. lol.
Rachel Firasek 11:19am September 17, 2011)

Thanks for giving me a good laugh. I've just finished reading "The Love Slave" by Bertrice Small. Wow, there were a lot of "Hmmm" moments in that book. The one "hmmm" that really surprised me was when the hero was licking her foot, and pressed some sort of spot there that sent shots of lust all through her body. Hmmm, I wonder whereabouts on the foot that is?

I also had a lot of "Ahh" and "Ooh" moments too.

Thank you for this opportunity.

Sorry that this is a duplicate entry, only I needed to add a couple more things to my original entry but, could not delete that one.
Diane Diamond 11:21am September 17, 2011)

Lol - great post! My "hmmm...." moment - when he comes up behind her and kisses the back of her neck - but that one does work in real life (I'd swear my other half reads my books when I'm not around - I make sure I fold the corner of the page on the bits he might find useful).
Nina Croft 11:23am September 17, 2011)

The one that always gets me is he thrust into her to the hilt, hard and fast. Every time I read this I think OUCH! Yet, the heroine always enjoys it - go figure ;).
Victoria Sloboda 11:24am September 17, 2011)

lol awesome post! i love your research! hehe this post was so funny! thanks for sharing! :)
Shadow Kohler 11:27am September 17, 2011)

Sarah, You know me. I love the bite, I just have them where you can't see. lol. Bite me, baby! Woot! You are so funny!

Nina, I love it. I like the back of the neck. I'm not quite as tender there. It'll only melt me. lol. I'm so going to have to try the folded corners thing. Great idea.

Victoria, I love you! Thank you!!! Yes, I've never quite understood that one. Even when reading and or writing it, I'll go hmmm.. Am I totally buying this. lol.
Rachel Firasek 11:30am September 17, 2011)

Shadow, ah, I'm glad you liked it. Please feel free to share it with your friends. I'm hoping to make everyone's night nice and spicy. lol.
Rachel Firasek 11:31am September 17, 2011)

My biggest hmmmmm moments are when the two people have spent the night making love, fall asleep in each other's arms, and then wake up to smile lovingly at each other and start making out right away. Ummm, Yuck! Why don't characters in books or on TV or in movies ever have morning breath?! That is SO unfair! I don't know a quicker way to kill the moment than to have a nice deep breath of stink sent my way first thing in the morning! Pet peeve of mine, I guess :D
Julie Witt 11:40am September 17, 2011)

Julie, I totally get that. In fact I'm waiting for the editor to get onto me for brushing my teeth so much in my books. Lol. Hygiene is important. And morning breath is a total mood killer, especially if there is any exchange of saliva. Gross. lol. Greay hmmm... moment.
Rachel Firasek 11:48am September 17, 2011)

Oh the whisper kiss is the best who could get by without that!
Gail Hurt 11:58am September 17, 2011)

Enjoyed the post and all the comments - really can't think of anything that hasn't been mentioned.
Mary C 12:00pm September 17, 2011)

Biting rocks. Never, however, have I had the teethmarks to
show for it.
Lucianne Rivers 12:06pm September 17, 2011)

LOL Now everytime I read romance I'm going to think of the research that went into it!!! :)
Shannon Johnson 12:06pm September 17, 2011)

Gail, yest the whisper kiss does seem to be the winner so far. lol.

Mary, that's okay. The comments have been awesome. I thought of one that is a hmmm...moment without being awkward after. When he teases your lips with his. You know right before his tongue finds a home in your throat? lol. I love that. Those little nibbles right before the torture.
Rachel Firasek 12:08pm September 17, 2011)

Lucianne, teethmarks take you to a whole new level of kink. lol. My problem is that I'm so pale and I bruise so easy it's almost impossible not to leave a mark. So, we have to hide them. Thanks for commenting and sharing in one of my faves. :)
Rachel Firasek 12:09pm September 17, 2011)

OMG Rachel, I almost spit out my coffee! I have actually
thought about moments like those while reading. And what's
worse, actually had those thoughts pop into my head while,
ummm, okay you get the picture. So not appropriate, and
maybe why sometimes imagination is "better", lol. Books
probably set the bar a little higher than reality. As usual,
your post make my day start off with a smile!
Lisa Richardson 12:10pm September 17, 2011)

Lisa, thank you so much. Please, do not ruin your PC with coffee spew. It's amazing what peeps with imagination will ponder at the most inopportune times. Sometimes, my hubs will have to ask if I'm still with him... lol. Poor guy. He's so mistreated. NOT!

It's a good thing we are wriing fiction and in an ideal world, all of these things are great to everyone. Ah, the world of make believe.
Rachel Firasek 12:14pm September 17, 2011)

P.S. Sweet Savage Love was one of the first "adult" romances I
ever read, and I could never get past the image of not having
a bath for days, being in fear of my life, and right in the
middle doing the deed, lol. But of course I read it again. Go
Lisa Richardson 12:14pm September 17, 2011)

I've read that one and I'm not exactly sure why I loved it too. I may have to go find an old copy. lol. Perfectly full of hmmm... moments.
Rachel Firasek 12:18pm September 17, 2011)

I love Christine Feehan, sometimes the blood grosses me out a little though-I always love how strong and protective the heroes are. edysicecreamlover18
Kathyrn Little 12:20pm September 17, 2011)

I'll have to try that behind-the-knee thing with my husband. :)

Actually, any blow-by-blows (as such) tend to sound pretty funny to me. It's the conversation and the relationship that are turn-ons-- or not.
Mary Ann Dimand 12:25pm September 17, 2011)

I think my moment is a soft caress of a kiss on my lips followed by a soft bite on my neck. ahhh- is it too early for a quickie ;-)
I can't wait to read your book Rachel- congrats!
Christine Arcidiacono 12:25pm September 17, 2011)

Krystal, perfect example. When the hero cuts on himself and tells you to drink it and that you'll go through a horrific change, I can't say that I'm feeling all that romantic. lol. But, I fall for it in the books.
Rachel Firasek 12:26pm September 17, 2011)

Okay, this may be a little risque but when they are making
love and the author describes it as "he filled me to the hilt"
I'm not sure where that part of my body is, but it really
sounds painful and I don't think I want to be filled there!
Heather Rosdol 12:27pm September 17, 2011)

Sounds like a good book, I'll have to look for it.
Wilma Frana 12:28pm September 17, 2011)

Mary Ann, you nailed it. We wouldn't care about any of it, if we didn't trust the relationship with the characters. It's only really funny when you take it out of context. lol. Great thoughts.

Christine, it is never too early. And I'm almost to noon here, so.... lol. Thanks, sweets. I hope you enjoy!
Rachel Firasek 12:28pm September 17, 2011)

Oh, Heather, bahahaha. Love it. The hilt would be that part of you that enters the stomach. lol. I think. Wiki definition of a hilt: The hilt (sometimes called the haft) of a sword is its handle, consisting of a guard, grip and pommel. So theoretically it could be any length. lol. Not sur I want the hilt to be the length of a samurai sword. Have you seen those things? OUCH! Great comment.

Wilma, thanks for coming by and I hope you do!
Rachel Firasek 12:33pm September 17, 2011)

Thank you for sharing your research! I laughed out loud! Can't wait to read The Last Rising
Michele Lawrence 12:49pm September 17, 2011)

Ah, Michele. No problem. It's always fun. Somethings work really well, and then others like the knee lick just don't cut it. lol. I'm always happy to share.
Rachel Firasek 12:50pm September 17, 2011)

As a reader of the "more daring" erotic romance and paranormal books
being released in today's society, there has been a time or two recently
where I've come across a scene that will make me cringe. 
The couple is hot and heavy into their lovemaking, getting all worked up
and perhaps losing inhibitions fast, and suddenly there are unlubed fingers
reaching in the backdoor.  This one for me is an "ouch" and auto clench
the butt cheeks.  Not something IMHO would be pleasurable. The rear
area is not self lubricating and certainly requires some additional attention
before any insertion is going to be happening.  Although perhaps a turn on
for some, dry entry into the forbidden zone is just not all that believable.
Gina Kincade 1:09pm September 17, 2011)

Well my moment is when the hero starts at the neck and moves
his way down the stomach with light butterfly kisses and
finally moves to the inner thigh. My hubby did this and it
tickled so much when he got to my inner thigh I
instinctively slammed my legs together and cracked him in
the head giving him a nose bleed. It wasn't much of an ah ha
moment after that, just me shoving tissue up his nose to
stop the bleeding.
Shawnee Poling 1:13pm September 17, 2011)

This is great!
One of the things in romance that makes me go Hmmm... is toe sucking. I'm sorry but, I don't care how good it feels, unless you are fresh from the shower or tub, well, do you know what kind of bacteria and germs are on someone's feet? Seriously, not sexy at all.
Avery Olive 1:20pm September 17, 2011)

I'd have to agree with some of the folks about anything to do with feet. I'm so ticklish on my tootsies that doesn't quite seem like it would be the turn on for me that it is for some of the characters!
Cheryl Pinette 1:39pm September 17, 2011)

Gina, I'm so excited you stopped by. I knew you'd have a great take on this. Albeit a little hot. lol.But, you are exactly right. This is a deal stopper for me, most definitely. Keep the lube in a drawer. lol.

Shawnee,I love this. Draw blood, my friend. Priceless!

Avery, toe sucking is not that big a deal to me, but it has to be clean. Definitely. LOL! I don't necesarrily want to read it though. lol.
Rachel Firasek 1:42pm September 17, 2011)

Oh I enjoyed reading this post... what great answers listed above! I will admit reading a few stories where the characters do stuff and I wonder why...
Colleen Conklin 1:42pm September 17, 2011)

Heavy breathing on the neck is nice and can lead up to more intense reactions.
Alyson Widen 1:46pm September 17, 2011)

Cheryl, now my feet are ticklish. lol. Bahaha. It's funny how much we think about feet.

Colleen, it's going to happen. Authors can't please everyone, but it's definitely fun to pick at the things that did stop you. I'm sure I've written a few moments that are definitely, hmmm... worthy. lol

Alyson, I like heavy breathing against my ear. Something about the sound of the breath and moist heat makes me melt. On the side of my neck, not so much. Thanks for coming by.
Rachel Firasek 1:54pm September 17, 2011)

Enjoyed the post, giggled when I read about the soft stroke down the ribcage, never works in my house, too ticklish! Always kind of go hmmmm when there is toe sucking involved in a story.
Jean Patton 2:08pm September 17, 2011)

Jean, thanks for coming by and yes, I agree. Tickling isn't always a way to get to my heart. lol
Rachel Firasek 2:11pm September 17, 2011)

I love everyone's sense of humor. I always thought imaginations are so much better than the real thing lol. Reading about some things (especially since you authors have such a way with words) can be a lot more romatic and erotic than the real thing lol. Isn't that why we read romance, for the fantasy of it all and of course the HEA.
Jeanne Sheats 2:14pm September 17, 2011)

Jeanne, exactly right. We do read it for the escape. Isn't it funny what it really looks like, though. lol. Thank you for stopping in!
Rachel Firasek 2:27pm September 17, 2011)

I enjoy reading about menages, but there have been several times I've spent more time trying to figure out the logistics (where are all the hands, how can the body bend like that, etc.) of what's happening, than enjoying the writing, particularly when there are more than 3 involved. And, come on, even if all the guys weren't bi, there has to be some cross touching. That's never addressed.

I also wonder how the characters would really feel, doesn't someone feel left out, doesn't the woman sometimes feel like a piece of meat? That's when it's time to switch to something else.

(Toe sucking, I've read that in a couple of stories. There can never be anything erotic about that to me. Nope.)
Anne Muller 2:56pm September 17, 2011)

Wow! After reading all these comments...I need to do some research of my own! I would like to add "the whisper in the ear"...my hubs tends to breath in when he does this, which although he's trying to be romantic- feels like a wind tunnel through my brain! Not an oooh moment- more like a "what did you say" moment- for the next 4 hours!
Patti DelValle 2:58pm September 17, 2011)

Reading about shivers makes me want to do some homework of my own. Keep it up.
MaryEllen Hanneman 3:05pm September 17, 2011)

I actually like the kisses on the neck, but I'm not sure about the kissing on the feet or sucking of toes.
Jane Cheung 3:12pm September 17, 2011)

Anne, you cracked me up. Loved it. You ever driven through town and seen a dog in heat with a long line of waiting partners? That's kind of what I think of when I read more than three. It doesn't mean I won't enjoy the story, jut tickles me a bit first. lol

OMG, Patti. I bust out laughing and hubs is getting suspicious. lol. This was awesome. I hear the sea when my husband kisses me. ROTFL! Thank you!!!

MaryEllen, so glad I could set the mood, uh, I mean research.

Jane, I think there is a long line of us standing with you. lol. Thanks for coming by!
Rachel Firasek 3:16pm September 17, 2011)

I spotted a news story recently two guys take there dead buddy out for a night on the town and use the dead guys credit card to get into a strip club.Now isn't that a night on the town.I think that was a movie already i wonder if they got that idea from the movie.Ah parting is such sweet sorrow.So funny it could get smelly.At lease they would not fight as much over the girl.Humor is good for the soul!!!
Brenda Cushman 3:29pm September 17, 2011)

Well, that's definitely a different take on the things that make you go hmmm... Although, I'm totally intrigued. Humor rocks! Thanks for coming by Brenda!
Rachel Firasek 3:32pm September 17, 2011)

My hmmmm moment is when my hubby licks and nibbles my spine, from the top to the bottom. He has grown and kept a trimmed beard for me and it adds to the hmmmm feeling!
Barrie MacLauchlin 3:42pm September 17, 2011)

Barrie, wow! I'm so going to research that. Tonight! lol. Thanks!!!
Rachel Firasek 3:45pm September 17, 2011)

When I'm reading a romance novel, and it describes how they felt a jolt of electricity go through them when their eyes met. It makes me think of how you feel when you are being stalked. Not a good feeling!
Marilyn Legault 3:53pm September 17, 2011)

The brush of fingertips up from the heroine's waist to just under her breast. The heroine is usually portrayed gasping at the sensuous experience. I on the other hand, would probably react in uncontrolled paroxysm of laughter and flailing wildly at the hero...posibly injuring the poor fellow.
G. Bisbjerg 3:58pm September 17, 2011)

Marilyn, Yes. That pesky little jolt. LOL! How does it feel really? I don't know about stalker, but short of walking across a carpet and shocking the heck out of my honey, I don't know if I've ever felt the jolt.

G. It seems that most of us are quite dangerous when lightly stroked. I love it. Thanks for stopping by!
Rachel Firasek 4:09pm September 17, 2011)

Thanks for making me laugh! I hope your book is a great success!
Renee Pajda 4:16pm September 17, 2011)

A great big hug is a great start; then large hands that smooth
down the back, over the hips and ..... mmmmm - time for a spa
Diane Sallans 4:17pm September 17, 2011)

Renee, your welcome and thank you back.

Diane, definitely a mmmm moment, lol. I liked to be wrapped tight in a hug too.
Rachel Firasek 4:25pm September 17, 2011)

for me its the gribbing her hips tightly and then after the
bad guys show up and they have to make a run for it.. but they
never tell me how she runs so fast with all the hand bruises
on her hips
Jennifer Mathis 4:41pm September 17, 2011)

The feeling of his hot breath caressing her and his fingertips and hands touching all the right places and all the climaxing. Very drawn out and most readers wish it all would go the way their imaginations are leading them, when they go to try it out! Especially, the all-night long love-making and then again the next morning--whew-wie!!!
Linda Luinstra 5:35pm September 17, 2011)

LOL... :) Mmm... :) That made me laugh so much...

Congrats on your new book... :)
May Pau 5:39pm September 17, 2011)

In a very well-done historical western romance that I read years ago, the hero was definitely the strong, silent type. He showed his feeling through actions rather than words. He had suffered a horrible childhood with an abusive father. His mother had died during childbirth. He was not used to the warm, gentle and caring manner of the heroine, and he often rebuffed her compassion. However, after a particularly long day on the trail, he actually bathed her face and neck with cool water and brushed out her hair. He did this in complete silence. Only the sound of the crackling campfire, the pull of the brush through her hair, and her soft gasps of pleasure were to be heard. Wow--I so wished to be that woman!
Virginia Campbell 5:55pm September 17, 2011)

Jennifer, I'm sure the heroine never felt the pain. lol. Great point.

Linda, maybe marathon competitors have this kind of stamina, but I know the average male does not. And talk about sore. lol. Great hmmmm.... moment.

May, thank you!

Virginia, that is a mmm moment, not a hmmmm... moment--for sure. I've had my hair super long for the last few years and my husband not once would brush it. Yet, he didn't want me to cut it, either. So, the last time we were watching tv and I asked him if he would and he said no, I went to the bathroom, snatched the scissors and wacked off 9 inches. I didn't care about the hair, but now that I look like a boy, he does. lol. Great share. Thank you!
Rachel Firasek 6:16pm September 17, 2011)

What a great post Rachel, that is a research project I would
love to do, I know when I read your books I have an
overwhelming desire to see if I can re-enact with the
boyfriend lol, he loves when I read hot romance books, he benefits well lol. But like you the lick behind the knee
made me giggle a lot. lol
Sassy Siren
Naughty Nattie
Natalie Hillier 6:38pm September 17, 2011)

Fun post Rachel! I agree with the whole stroke of the ribcage... it's sounds so sexy while reading it, but I am too ticklish for it myself:)
Yadira Alonzo 6:41pm September 17, 2011)

Natalie, somehow I can just picture you rushing to bf and attacking him after reading a naughty romance. Lol Thanks for coming by!

Yadira, you and me both, sista! ;)
Rachel Firasek 6:46pm September 17, 2011)

My moment!!! hahaha, ok you asked for it!! Well this happened yrs ago. My hubby was out late one night with friends. I was sound asleep and awoke to very sensual love making!!!!! Well, you asked me right? lol, no lie, I must have been in a coma, but his foreplay had me ready, set and go.........
Joanne Bozik 6:58pm September 17, 2011)

Joanne, lol. You're not the first. I've even woke the next morning and had to ask if we did. Bahahaha. Maybe one of my Italian Margarita nights. Love it. Thanks for sharing.
Rachel Firasek 7:47pm September 17, 2011)

I cannot try anything out for a while, I just had surgery. But
your book does help while I'm stuck in bed, but the only
romance in my life these days is my dh feeding me soup. Lame,
I know!
Stephanie Bondlow 7:56pm September 17, 2011)

Stephanie, that is the best mmmm... moment. When a man loves you enough to feed you in bed. So sweet. Give him a sweet kiss tonight and remind him of how good he is. Ego stroke him now, so he'll be ready for you when your better. Thanks for coming by from your bedside. :)
Rachel Firasek 8:09pm September 17, 2011)

nothing quite like a little beard tickle on my neck.. but yeah -- I'm so with you on the ones where they are licking & sucking the neck... I'm thinking -- were they all wearing high necked dresses -- I don't think so!!!
Cate Sparks 8:10pm September 17, 2011)

Turtle necks have been out of style for a while, but thank gosh they were still in during the early nineties. lol. I'd have been so grounded. Thanks for stopping by, Cate.
Rachel Firasek 8:18pm September 17, 2011)

the book is great and yes i have some book to stop me dead
with the info in them wow the goodies is great
Desiree Reilly 8:20pm September 17, 2011)

Desiree, thank you! Good luck!!!
Rachel Firasek 8:22pm September 17, 2011)

I missed Shannon up top at about noon. Thanks for coming by, girl. Sorry I missed you. But, I'm not sorry you'll have a different look at romance now. Different is always good. Hugs!
Rachel Firasek 8:38pm September 17, 2011)

LOVED this post. I could not stop laughing. Reality is not so romantic.
Mary Preston 8:41pm September 17, 2011)

Mary, perfectly put. Thanks for stopping by. I'm glad you enjoyed!
Rachel Firasek 8:46pm September 17, 2011)

We could all use a little more relaxation and a good book.Thanks and best wishes to all.
Catherine Myers 9:00pm September 17, 2011)

Loved this post. I think my "Oh have mercy" moments are when the hero
gives a much needed massage to the hero who has almost be blown up,
kidnapped, held at knife point and broken the heel on her shoe. That
massage leads to the kissing of the neck. I know it's not too racy but sheesh,
after the way her day has been, she just needs to relax. :)
Val Pearson 9:06pm September 17, 2011)

Catherine, yessss.... Best combo!

Val, it's the comfort for a cause as I like to call it. He'll only comfort as long as it supports his cause. bahahaha. Thank you for the great laugh. Good thoughts!
Rachel Firasek 9:16pm September 17, 2011)

Well loved the post and since we are all being so forward and honest I must say That Ive read some books and thought oh !!! my !!! as far as the licking goes I could certainly handle a tongue anywhere over my body pmsl !! but romance books sure do steer us in a differnt direction at times ** waggles eyebrows !! So nibbling always gets me, or the biting that causes that sensation !! ya know !! lol.. Great post Rachel !! I hope to see more necking, loving and biting in all your books ** mwahhhaarrrrr **

Katrina Whittaker 9:41pm September 17, 2011)

Kat, well, of course. I'm a maker outer, so there will always be some heat. Hugs, girl. Thanks for the comment.
Rachel Firasek 9:47pm September 17, 2011)

the toe, foot thing makes me go ewwwww.
Lisa Kendall 10:38pm September 17, 2011)

Lisa, lol, I know. Many others too. Thanks for stopping by!
Rachel Firasek 10:52pm September 17, 2011)

Thanks for this opportunity.
Janice Reyes 10:55pm September 17, 2011)

Janice, thank you for stopping by. Goodluck!
Rachel Firasek 11:18pm September 17, 2011)

Having my eyelids kissed does it every time...:)
Susan Navidad 1:47am September 18, 2011)

loved the post. I find myself often going, that sounds great in the book but not in real life. But then again, different people like different things. I am not a big fan of nibbling on the ear but an old boyfriend totally loved it.
Pam Howell 8:17am September 18, 2011)

Hi Rachel! I loved your post... and I've loved ALL your books... This is a must-read, folks...
Linda Townsend 9:03am September 18, 2011)

Can't remember if I posted or not...all this talk has got me hot and bothered!!!
Diane Brixius 9:03am September 18, 2011)

Susan, oh, that's a new one. Great mmmm... moment. Like those.

Pam, I bet that got a little awkward. Him holding you neck so you can't pull your head away. lol. Awesome hmmmm.... moment. Thanks for coming by!

Diane, lol. So glad we could help!
Rachel Firasek 9:39am September 18, 2011)

I guess maybe I'm just not too romantic---but sucking on my toes just wouldn't do it for me.
Sue Farrell 11:27am September 18, 2011)

Great post, I'd love to read the book.
Wilma Frana 12:20pm September 18, 2011)

Interesting & fulfilling!
Nancy Ludvik 12:20pm September 18, 2011)

Oh some of these are great! I have often read a scene where the discription sounds like something that might be oh so hot and then I think Owww that could also be really uncomfortable. At 5 ft even lots of the things I read would not even be physically possible if my hero were 6 ft forever..lol
Patti Paonessa 1:59pm September 18, 2011)

I think I have always been a very sensual person.. touching, kissing,
sucking, oh my! From soft caresses to the slap on the behind.. I must say,
I'm aroused.
Carla Carlson 3:02pm September 18, 2011)

Well, my hmmmm moment would be when reading a paranormal shifter story about a scorpion shifter. I dealt with that but the bad guy was a SPIDER SHIFTER who could ever get romantically excited while making out with a SPIDER for heavens sake!!!! Just can't do it could handle most anything but arachnids.... Michelle B. aka Koshkalady
Michelle Bauer 5:15pm September 18, 2011)

Sue, I hear ya!

Ah, Wilma, thank you!

Nancy, hmmm... that brings all new ideas to the table.

Patti, Patti, I'm a shortie, so I so get this. My husband hates kissing standing up, he complains that he's too old to stoop. lol.

Carla, I think you and I should have an off scene interview. Sensual people intrigue me. I'm a sensory deprived person. I can't stand the contact. lol

Michelle, That's totally new. I've never read anything about shifter insects. lol. But, can you imagine a man with eight hands, hmmm.... lol.
Rachel Firasek 7:37pm September 18, 2011)

I love the whisper in the ear which sends shivers down my spine and tickles at the same time. How that is possible, I will never know but it happens. I absolutely LOVE it!
Renee Brown 7:40pm September 18, 2011)

Rachel, the book is by Desiree Lee and is titled The Chariot - Scorpio Risen.... Michelle B.
Michelle Bauer 8:33pm September 18, 2011)

This is absolutely the best prize I've seen offered on this site. If I could win this I would definitely be saying hmm...
Peggy Probus 9:12pm September 18, 2011)

when hero comes behind her and whispers in ear what there going to do and kiss back on neck!!
Jennifer Beck 9:14pm September 18, 2011)

Wow, some yummy and erotic ideas here and I like the whispers and kissing on the neck but no biting. Makes me think of Vampires; hee hee. Yes, I would love to win this great prize and it would be a true blessing since I have not had a vacation in over 15 years and been married 23 years. LOL
Thanks so much. Cecilia
Cecilia Dunbar Hernandez 9:56pm September 18, 2011)

Luv the feeling that it gives me after I read these books...love the nibbling on the neck so sensual and sexy.....love to win [email protected]
Lnda McFarland 10:18pm September 18, 2011)

I like the anticipation. That's when he's near you and you can feel his breath on the back of your neck. But he keeps you waiting and waiting,causing a high level of tension. Just makes the moment even more ,Hmmm, sexual.
Deb Pelletier 10:19pm September 18, 2011)

You certainly have given me something to think about. Thank you for the interesting ideas.
Jeanette Jackson 11:19pm September 18, 2011)

Renee, you sound like you have someone who knows how to do it right, lol.

Thanks, Michelle. Checking it out. LOL! Have to see this.

Oh, well, Peggy thank you! Good luck!!!

Jennifer, dirty talk and a kiss is a mmmm... moment for sure!

Cecilia, awesome. Definitely will help you relax. lol.

Linda, I hear ya! Good luck, sweets!

Oh, Deb. Great one! So freakin hot. Love it.

Jeanette, go have fun. lol.
Rachel Firasek 12:08pm September 19, 2011)

I just read a book and it had a great scene that would be perfect. He was getting ready to take her from behind and he reached down and licked her spine and then bite her on her hip. Now that was sexy. That was a good one, I really liked it.
Chris Bails 11:35am September 19, 2011)

My moments is spending the evening with the man I love talking and sharing important feelings, wants, and dreams with one another. I think that is ideal.
Jeanette Huston 7:20pm September 19, 2011)

Chris, such a good example of a mmmm... moment. ;)

Jeanette, that is so sweet. Shared it with my hubby hoping that he'll learn to express his dreams. Wish me luck.
Rachel Firasek 9:46pm September 19, 2011)

I think that J. D. Robbs' Eve Dallas fits your description very well.
Marjorie Carmony 6:35am November 9, 2011)

Jane Eyre ranks at the top among my heroine list. I enjoy women who have the desire to be treated justly, to be acknowledged, and to find fulfillment. Jane Austen has the power to make you feel that nothing else matters except the happiness of her heroines.
Diane Brixius 6:42am November 9, 2011)

Marjorie, thanks for stopping in and I haven't read that heroine, yet.

Diane, that is a perfect example of what I'm talking about.Love it!
Rachel Firasek 7:02am November 9, 2011)

I agree. Eve Dallas is exactly right!
Sandra Spilecki 7:20am November 9, 2011)

Yep, I vote for Eve too. She is such a great heroine, strong fearl;ess, intelligent and slightly vunerable too.
Barbara Hanson 8:26am November 9, 2011)

Absolutely Ice is a great heroine that fits this description
perfectly, but one of my other favs is Anne Boleyn, King
Henry VIII, most might not agree with me, but I found her
to have a big and loving side to her at the same time as
making her way to the crown. I really find she fits this
description as well.
Great post today :)
SSS Naughty Nattie
Natalie Hillier 8:52am November 9, 2011)

Jane Austen is wonderful she is my favorite and Elizabeth Bennett is headstrong
but also has a soft side. Ice is a great heroine and another one of my favorites.

SSS Babs
Barbara Hightower 9:04am November 9, 2011)

Morning Rachel. I would agree with everyone else about Eve.
She is tough as nails on the outside but her soft side comes out
with Roarke. Now, Roarke is a completely different post all
Marika Weber 10:18am November 9, 2011)

Hi Rachel, you are a new author for me and have heard great things about your book. I would love to win and read.
I have a couple of favorite heroines: Anita Blake from Laurell K Hamiton's Anita Blake series and also Cat (Catherine)Crawfield by Jeaniene Frost's Night Huntress series. Both a strong, sexy, fighters, sassy, and love preternatural characters. A great heroine makes a book. Thanks for the giveaway and the chance to win.
Chris Bails 10:51am November 9, 2011)

I definitely like heroines who are strong and yet have vulnerabilities and compassion as well. Eve Dallas was mentioned earlier and I agree. She's a gutsy strong lady fighting her own inner demons along with the outer.
Na S 12:03pm November 9, 2011)

Eve Dallas from JD Robb's IN DEATH series definitely comes to mind first...
Colleen Conklin 12:42pm November 9, 2011)

Eve Dallas from JD Robb
Summer Grinstead 2:01pm November 9, 2011)

It sounds very interesting, I would love to read it!Thank you for the opportunity to win the contest!
Alice Vernescu 2:46pm November 9, 2011)

Thanks for a lovely post. Gotta throw in my vote for Eve also. She's grown tremendously over the 30+ books and she definitely fits all your categories.
Erin Fender 3:39pm November 9, 2011)

The aunt in Anne of Green Gables was a tough and cold lady who softened over time caring and raising a strong-willed teen girl who amongst other scenes dyed her young hair green and grew up to become the spunk that she loved very much indeed.
Alyson Widen 3:46pm November 9, 2011)

I think that Rachel from the Hallows also fits this well.
Lisa McGeen 4:53pm November 9, 2011)

I have to vote for Eve Dallas. Book sounds great. Thanks for giving me a chance to win your book.
Linda Hall 5:44pm November 9, 2011)

i do the audio book of JD Robb and read all of t hem and love them i would love to read your and then blog on it for you [email protected]
Desiree Reilly 7:10pm November 9, 2011)

So easy....Phedre from Kushiel's Dart by Jacqueline Carey. I had a hard time with the first 50 pages of the book but then I just loved her.
Jennifer Beyer 8:46pm November 9, 2011)

Definitely J.D. Robb's Eve Dallas.
Mary C 9:01pm November 9, 2011)

Oh, wow! You are all so awesome.

I see so many Eve hits, and sadly I haven't read the books! Gah! ;) Christmas is right around the corner, so maybe I'll ask for a new series.

Natalie, I haven't read that one either. I'm afraid I was addicted to HQN for a bit and I've missed out on some goodies.

Chris, we have a lot of the same faves! and Babs, you have some a new one to me too!

Alyson, I love that you're thinking outside the box, lol. Secondary character score there! ;)

Oh, Lisa, another great one! Kim Harrison is chaos magic. I love her stories.

Desi, you so make me smile. I wish you luck, friend.

Jennifer, often it's those hard sells that win your heart the hardest. Thanks for a new heroine!

Again, you are all rocking and I'm sure JD Robb would be excited to see so much love. ;)
Rachel Firasek 9:15pm November 9, 2011)

I am going to say Ayla from Jean Auel's Earth's Children Series with Clan of the Cave Bear being the first of the series.
Jeanne Sheats 9:19pm November 9, 2011)

Caitrin from HEART'S BLOOD by Juliet Marillier ticks all the boxes for me.
Mary Preston 10:08pm November 9, 2011)

Cora from Much Ado about Vampires.
Lisa Kendall 10:46pm November 9, 2011)

Scarlett ... Definitely fits the profile you have
provided. Strong, not conforming to the wishes
of others, caring for those she loved and the
legacy of her family.
Carla Carlson 2:15am November 10, 2011)

I agree with many of the other choices but have to add Jennifer Estep's
Gin Blanco (after all, she was an assassin), David Weber's Honor
Harrington, and most of Linnea Sinclair's leading ladies as well as Dana
Stabenow's Kate Shugak....and many more. (0:
E Felder 4:15am November 10, 2011)

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