She's in their world, but does she have to play by their rules?
Abby Sinclair #2
Pocket Books
March 2012
On Sale: February 28, 2012
Featuring: Abby Sinclair; Moira
384 pages ISBN: 1439198349 EAN: 9781439198346 Kindle: B005GG0KTY Paperback / e-Book
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Fantasy Urban
WAR IS HELL. AND WAR WITH HELL IS NO FUN EITHER. Just when her new life as a TouchStone—a mortal bound to
help OtherFolk cross between Faery and human worlds—seems to
be settling down, Abby Sinclair is left in charge when the
Protectorate, Moira, leaves for the Faery Court. And when
the Protectorate’s away . . . let’s just say things spiral
out of control when a spell on Abby backfires and the Faery
Queen declares the Doors between their worlds officially
closed. The results are disastrous for both sides:
OtherFolk trapped in the mortal world are beginning to fade,
while Faery is on the brink of war with the daemons of Hell.
Along with her brooding elven prince Talivar and sexy
incubus Brystion, Abby ventures to the CrossRoads in an
attempt to override the Queen’s magic. But nothing in this
beautiful, dangerous realm will compare to the discoveries
she’s making about her past, her destiny, and what she will
sacrifice for those she loves.
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39 comments posted.
Re: A Sliver Of Shadow
I experienced "instant love" and it has lasted 50 years this coming August. Pretty good testimony. Blessings, Marjorie (Marjorie Carmony 9:30am February 29, 2012)
"Instant love" is wonderful! I found that with my husband. I have been truely blessed! (Wendy Hulbert 9:33am February 29, 2012)
I most definately believe in "instant love"...3 children and 3 grandchildren later. I love the names of your characters..Thanks for sharing. (Dawn Staniszeski 9:37am February 29, 2012)
I don't know what zi think about instant love. It's something I really can't come up with one answer for. When I do though, I will send it to you in a future blog. This book sounds great by the way. Hope you have a great day and continue writing. :) (Meghan Anderson 10:50am February 29, 2012)
I've never believed in instant love. I think you can be attracted to someone in an instant, but for real love to exist it has to develop over time. (Rebecca Whitehead-Schwarz 11:00am February 29, 2012)
I so believe in instant love. It has happened to me. It may not happen often, but it does happen. And it is so romantic. (Carol Trochelman 11:20am February 29, 2012)
I've been watching soap operas since I was a kid, so I'm totally in to love triangles! Good luck with your new book! (Renee Pajda 11:36am February 29, 2012)
I for one am not a believe in instant love, although I have friends that say, that the minute they met their spouses they're knew that was the one for them and again some have felt the same, only to discover they made a mistake. So I think taking the time to know one another is best. (Wilma Salas 11:50am February 29, 2012)
I think that instant love can happen, but it's unusual. But I do believe that it happens with some people, and when they recognize it, it's their intuition talking to them. (Kathleen Conner 11:53am February 29, 2012)
I have had it both ways multiple times. I have had those moments that you turn to the one you have known a long time but suddenly there is just something different, I have had it where in an instant I knew something great is happening ... I have been with my something great for 10 years and we have gotten to be not just lovers but best friends. I once told a friend, be happy with yourself and who you are, at least 80% not that someone else will fill that 20%, but the right one will help you grow in it. (Carla Carlson 12:18pm February 29, 2012)
I don't buy into the whole love at first sight thing. Attraction, yes. Love is something that comes about when you really know and understand another person. It's a spiritual connection. (Debbie Burdeen 12:36pm February 29, 2012)
I am not sure about love at first sight. Lust at first sight...yes. I think there are too many things that go into a relationship for it to happen 'instantly'. (Robin McKay 1:27pm February 29, 2012)
I don't buy into instant love. It's VERY rare. I think it's just as nice when you take time to know someone! (May Pau 2:25pm February 29, 2012)
I think some people experience instant love. (Cheryl McEwen 2:37pm February 29, 2012)
Instant love? no. Instant attraction? of course. You can't love someone just by looking at them. no matter how attracted to someone you are, after getting to "know" that person, you might not be able to stand them as a person. No, I don't think there is anything like instant love or love at first sight, just attraction. (Andrea Amy 3:57pm February 29, 2012)
I believe that sometimes people can have instant connections and in some cases perhaps instant love. Instant love is not common and still needs to be nurtured and develop through getting to know each other better but I believe that it exists to a certain degree. (Chelsea Knestrick 4:42pm February 29, 2012)
I do think that instant love can happen sometimes. Thanks for the giveaway! (Natasha Donohoo 4:45pm February 29, 2012)
I think you can instantly recognize whether the person you meet is someone you would want to get to know better and could fall in love but I agree that it takes time to really build that love into a lasting relationship. (Tabitha Monroe 4:59pm February 29, 2012)
I believe in that instant spark, but I don't think I'd call it love. However, I'll go with it in PNRs! (Lisa Elwood 5:11pm February 29, 2012)
People have instant attractions which they may consider to be "instant love" or "love at first sight" if it leads to love, but happens only after they get to know each other and feel they have a connection which builds and turns into a committed, loving, lasting relationship. They may love you for your smile, your eyes, or overall looks, but that's physical attraction only. (Linda Luinstra 5:30pm February 29, 2012)
I believe in instant love but the one I'm with now was not instant loe. Instant love is rare. (Susan Mahaffey 5:40pm February 29, 2012)
I think instant love and falling in love are the same thing. There's this glint in the eyes and smile creasing the lips that is a surefire sign of interst and more. (Alyson Widen 5:44pm February 29, 2012)
When it comes to love I think anything is possible. I do think instant attraction is more likely to happen than instant love. I think love takes time, trust, maybe some tests to develop. If not, I think love needs these things to be sustained. Falling in love is a wonderful thing and it's even better when you can stay in love over time. (Na S 6:35pm February 29, 2012)
Yes I believe in love at first sight; it happened to my hubby and I and we've be en together for 32 years. Don't get me wrong, we've had our ups and dpwns and we've had to work to stay together but together we are and planning on staying that way! (Diane Sadler 6:45pm February 29, 2012)
I have never had instant love but I would be open to it. I believe in karma and fate. I hope that one day I will find my soul mate and live HEA. Everyone should have one true love in their lifetime. I love the cover it is so interesting with all the different details. Congrats on the release Allison. (Christine Arcidiacono 6:45pm February 29, 2012)
It was "instant love" when I saw the man I'm married to for the first time. If I had married him back when I was in my early 20's, I know that our marriage wouldn't have survived. I thought at the time, as all young women do, that I knew everything about life, but I sure had a lot of growing up to do!! We had gone our separate ways, and had reconnected a few years later by a fluke. By then I can't say that I was an expert, but at least I was better prepared for what life had to offer, and could be a much better wife to the man I adored. We have now been married for over 29 years now, and if I had to do it over again, I would still wait, and make my mistakes, which made me a better wife. I am looking forward to reading your book, and think the artwork on the cover is very seductive and mysterious. It makes you want to open the cover and read what's inside!! Congratulations!! (Peggy Roberson 6:45pm February 29, 2012)
I'm not sure about "instant love", but I do believe in "instant connection". Love takes more time to grow. (John Billiris 7:00pm February 29, 2012)
I never knew the difference in pnr and uf. Good to know. I believe in all sorts of love, whether it be fast or slow. (Darlene Stewart 7:55pm February 29, 2012)
Instant love is not terribly realistic, but it is romantic. (Mary Preston 8:32pm February 29, 2012)
When I met Devin, I was scared to have my heart broken again, but we've been together for over five years now. He is the love of my life, and we're even talking about getting engaged now. I'm not sure if it was "love at first sight" sort of deal, but ever since I saw him and spoke to him we've just fit together so perfectly since that day. It many ways it was an instant love that has had a lot of time to grow and mature, so I do believe in an instant connection with someone. (Alyssa m 8:48pm February 29, 2012)
Hi Allison! Reading about this book is exciting! I love both paranormal romance and urban fantasy. I too love that the romance blossoms and the characters grow more in the UF books. So they may or may not get the the HEA but we see the relationship is so much more than a PR. I know I felt that spark with my soul mate and feel it 29 years still. So I think tho that the spark can be different for everyone, in that it may be one thats instant or grows in time as they get to know the person etc. So I really think its individualized and I like that variety!
Great post! (Cathie Morton 9:06pm February 29, 2012)
i do believe in love at first sight.and your book sounds great and i can't wait to read it!!!!! (Jennifer Beck 9:41pm February 29, 2012)
I believe some people fall in love a first sight,I think they are the lucky ones. Book sounds good,Thanks for giving me a chance to win it. (Linda Hall 10:38pm February 29, 2012)
I don't really believe in instant love. I think there can be instant attraction, but love takes time, how can you love someone you don't even know? I loved A Brush of Darkness and I'm really looking forward to reading A Sliver of Shadow. (Barbara Elness 10:47pm February 29, 2012)
I havent experienced instant love. But I would like too. While I dont know that its common I do believe it can happen. Sounds like a great book. Congrats on the release! (Donna Simmonds 11:18pm February 29, 2012)
I believe a very few number of people actually experience true instant love but it does exist for some (Lisa Kendall 1:18am March 1, 2012)
Hm, I love to read about instant loves in novels, but I don't really believe in them happening in reality. I've never heard of an instant love relationship lasting long. Or even if there were such cases, there wouldn't have been many of them. It's such a sad truth, but a truth nonetheless. :(
Haha, anyway, thanks for this giveaway! I've been wanting to read the Abby Sinclair series for quite some time now!:D (Chia Yet Peng 6:58am March 1, 2012)
I've seen the evidence that it exists around me, but I'm not very comfortable with it personally. I'm not an insta- anything so I guess that's me.
Enjoyed the posting about the book and look forward to reading both of them. (Sophia Rose 8:42pm March 1, 2012)
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