Undiscovered, March 2017
Paperback / e-Book
Trouble Walks In, August 2016
Paperback / e-Book
The Good, the Bad, and the Vampire, January 2016
Paperback / e-Book
Brave the Heat, September 2015
Paperback / e-Book
Get Lucky, March 2015
Vampires Never Cry Wolf, March 2015
Paperback / e-Book
Unbound, January 2015
Vampire Trouble, July 2014
Paperback / e-Book
Enthralled, June 2014
Pumped, January 2014
Unclaimed, December 2013
Paperback / e-Book
Asmodeus: Demon of Lust, December 2013
Tall, Dark, And Vampire, August 2013
Paperback / e-Book
Undone, May 2013
Paperback / e-Book
Untamed, November 2012
Paperback / e-Book
Untouched, April 2012
Paperback / e-Book
Unleashed, October 2011
Paperback / e-Book
Amoveo Legend #1
Sourcebooks Casablanca
October 2011
On Sale: October 1, 2011
Featuring: Malcolm; Samantha
320 pages ISBN: 1402258437 EAN: 9781402258435 Kindle: B005EU511O Paperback / e-Book
Add to Wish List
Paranormal - Supernatural
A fresh, exciting take on shape-shifters, which is one of
the hottest areas of paranormal romance, this debut was
originally self-published in a limited edition and was a
word-of-mouth sensation for booksellers in a major national
book chain. The acclaimed and highly original world-building of Sara
Taney Humphreys introduces the Amoveo race– beautiful,
strong shape-shifters who live secretly among humans and are
threatened by outside forces as well as enemies from within.
After endless searching, Malcolm has found his mate,
Samantha, but she doesn't know who she really is and won't
believe it when he tells her...
No awards found for this book. Amoveo Legend
52 comments posted.
Re: Unleashed
If I could be any animal if would be a white squirrel. We have them in my parents neighborhood and they are so fun to watch. (Pam Howell 7:52am October 10, 2011)
I would like to be a dog, they live the good life, sleeping in comfy beds, eating the best of food, often from the hands of their owners and get plenty of love (Shirley Younger 8:36am October 10, 2011)
A bear! I love the shifter bear stories by Shelly Laurenston. They sleep alot and love sweet food and nobody messes with them! (Barbara Hanson 8:47am October 10, 2011)
I always enjoy reading the YA Jennifer Scales books by Anthony Aloni. (Molly Wilsbacher 8:51am October 10, 2011)
I'd love to explore the world's oceans - I'd be a whale. Then I could travel with family. (Beth Elder 8:52am October 10, 2011)
UNLEASHED sounds great and I will be getting it, OH and the cover HOT!! (Vickie Hightower 9:47am October 10, 2011)
The sparse blue-eyed true white haired lion; praised and valued for beauty and rareness; a mysterious anomaly, exotic, sought after, fierce, powerful. (Diane Brixius 9:56am October 10, 2011)
If I was going to be one, I'd have a hard time choosing between 'the traditional' wolf (pack family, all males are extremely HOT, and tall. You just couldn't go wrong.) lol And then some type of cat. Names: torn between Jason and Richard (werewolvess), but also really like Micah, the wereleopard... (Sebrina Cassity 10:52am October 10, 2011)
I'd have to go with a wolf...Who wouldn't want to be top dog LOL To me, Wolfs are the top of the shape shifting world for me, tough, hot, large and in charge and that is where I want to be :) (Jolene Allcock 11:17am October 10, 2011)
A cat has it all independent but still able to make demands of the humans that serve their every need. (Roseann Moss 11:39am October 10, 2011)
Lion? Fiece and strong... especially after reading Magic Bites... Really think that Lion is the way to go... (May Pau 1:22pm October 10, 2011)
I love animals... as for choosing one I would like to be, well somedays I would choose a wolf, others a tiger, the next maybe a bird to soar through the clouds... (Colleen Conklin 1:25pm October 10, 2011)
If I could shapeshift, I would want to be a wolf. One of my favorite movies as a kid was Disney's "The Legend of Lobo". I'm very family oriented & love that wolves are too. (Kathryn Merkel 1:27pm October 10, 2011)
I would be a beautiful, graceful leopard.....quick and lethal.....a metaphor for skilled use of language. (Carla Schuller 1:29pm October 10, 2011)
I would love to be a cat...they are so pampered and spoiled...and nothing to worry about what a easy carefree life......would love to win a copy of the book Unleashed by Sara [email protected] (Lnda McFarland 1:40pm October 10, 2011)
Hi Everyone! Thanks so much for coming by :)
@Pam--A squirrel...that's interesting. We have a bunch of them that hang around our house and torment our dogs. LOL.
@Shirley-Dogs definitely have the good life!
@Barbara--Ah yes the bears. There is a bear clan in the Amoveo and let's just say they're bad ass.
@Molly--I've never read her stuff. I'll have to check it out.
@Beth--I've thought about adding a rougue Amoveo clan of dolphins...perhaps a tribe that separated due to being water bound. Hmmm.....
@Vickie-_Thanks. I hope you'll love it and I dig the cover too.
@Diane--Ooooh!! I like that. The Prince of the Amoveo is a member of the Lion Clan. Perhaps he'll have a cousins who are White Haired lions. I like that....
@Sebrina--Gotta love the wolves. I will tell you that the Panther and Cheetah clans are prominent in the coming Amoveo Legend books.
@Roseann--I know! Dogs were domesticated by humans but cats actually domesitcated themselves. Basically...they hung out in barns where there were mice to eat. They grace us with their presence when they feel like it. LOL
@May--Yup. Love the lions too.
@Colleen-I had the same problem which is why the Amoveo have 10 animal clans. Too many cool things to choose from.
@Kathryn--Love that movie!
@Carla--Well played. The leopards and panthers are part of the same clan in the Amoveo...and they are bad ass.
@Linda-Good luck!
Thanks again for coming by today everyone! I hope you'll check out Unleashed and fall in love with the world of the Amoveo. Best-Sara (Sara Humphreys 2:15pm October 10, 2011)
Unfortunately, wolves are still misunderstood, and being hunting close to the brink of extinction. There are some people who will never accept that wolves are, in general, good people.
As to which animal I"d choose? It would definitely be feline, whether it would be one of the "big" cats (cheetah, they're just so totally elegant!), or a "small" one (Maine Coon, just because!), depends on the context. But having been cat-owned all my life, I simply don't see myself any other way!
Lynn (Lynn Rettig 2:40pm October 10, 2011)
Wolf! It is a pack animal that is all about family and loyalty but if I were to be a fantasy shifter then it would have to be a Dragon - just love the majesty of them. (Ilona Fenton 2:54pm October 10, 2011)
I would be an ordinary domestic Cat! Our felines have the best life imaginable. Blessings, Marjorie (Marjorie Carmony 2:58pm October 10, 2011)
Thanks for the awesome post! I'd have to say that I'd love to be a dog for all the reasons presented before. Good home, lots of love, long walks, sleep all day! :)
Can't wait to try your book! (Erin Fender 3:54pm October 10, 2011)
PLEASE ENTER ME IN THIS CONTEST, I WOULD LOVE TO WINTHIS BOOK!!! (Elizabeth Rodriguez 4:28pm October 10, 2011)
I would love to be an Eagle or a Hawk because I would live to fly. (Diane Sallans 4:30pm October 10, 2011)
Thank you for the opportunity to enter this contest!
Would love to win! (Katherine Reese 4:44pm October 10, 2011)
If I could be a shapeshifter, I would be want to be a predator, not prey, so I guess I would be something strong, yet beautiful, like a leopard or cheetah. I feel lucky today- maybe I'll win!! (Monica Vargo 4:55pm October 10, 2011)
Looking forward to reading Unleased. I would like to be a cat with 9 lives. (Pat Walker 5:37pm October 10, 2011)
shape shifter i would be a bear and then be gentle one and then who know what would go on thank you for the contest and love the cover (Desiree Reilly 6:01pm October 10, 2011)
There are so many choices but I'd want to choose to between being a koala bear, a dolphin or a large sea turtle just because they're sweet-looking, fun-loving creatures. I wouldn't want to be a mean, vicious animal--even though I love the beauty of them and watching them in movies (especially wolves). (Linda Luinstra 6:44pm October 10, 2011)
Oh, it would have to be a cat but one that flies would be even better lol. They're beautiful and very independent. (Jeanne Sheats 7:08pm October 10, 2011)
I guess I'd like to be a cat - my cat Onyx sure has it made. Gets what he wants when he wants it, and now that he's getting older, likes to cuddle - which I like. Thanks for having your contest. (Patricia Baldwin 7:11pm October 10, 2011)
I would love to be able to shape shifter to a snow owl. Against the winter/misty background, it gives a ethereal and mysterious illusion. Beside, the owl is supposed to be a wise animal. Goddess Athena has a snow owl and Harry Potter has a snow owl. So I can't go wrong with being a snow owl. (Kai Wong 7:27pm October 10, 2011)
Most likely a wolf. As to a favorite, there are so many - I love Shelly Laurenston's shifters, Christine Feehan's leopards and Dani harper's Changelings.
The covers for Unleashed and Untouched(bk 2-Apr'12)are gorgeous! (Mary C 7:27pm October 10, 2011)
I would like to be a bird of some kind. An owl maybe. (Judy H 7:29pm October 10, 2011)
I love cats, kittens. So I wouldn't mind being a cat, cougar, leopard, panther, lion or jaguar. They are stealthy, powerful and beautiful. (Diane Sadler 7:33pm October 10, 2011)
This one is a toss-up. The one animal I like is an owl. I think it's a neat looking bird, and it's pretty cool to sit up in trees and be able to watch what is going on around you at night, not really being spotted by anyone. The other animal would be anything from the cat family - cat, leopard, puma, etc. I love their coat, the sleekness of their body, how quick they can run. There's nothing like having a cat in your lap, and having them purr in contentment. So you see, it's really a toss-up. I'm very anxious to read your book, because I'm a dog lover as well, and wolves fall in that category. (Peggy Roberson 8:08pm October 10, 2011)
WOLF BECAUSE THEY ARE BEAUTIFUL!!! I WOULD LOVE TO WIN!!! (Jennifer Beck 8:22pm October 10, 2011)
I would like to be a cat because they own their humans. (Lisa Garrett 8:42pm October 10, 2011)
I would have to say a wolf or a tiger. Both beautiful animals, plus a lot of my fav stories about shifters have these in them. Anita Blake and the Sookie Stackhouse books both have these types of shifters in them. Very gorgeous and sexy men. (Chris Bails 9:03pm October 10, 2011)
I think the book sounds kinda cool. I can't wait to read it. Okay, so if I could shapeshift, I'd want to turn into a wolf or a snake. A wolf because they are majestic and are my favorite animal. A snake because I have some characteristics of snakes. I like the heat if I'm not moving, I can be very sneaky, and I'm slow most of the time but quick when I have to be. Well, hope you have a great day. (Meghan Anderson 9:12pm October 10, 2011)
To choose just one animal, I would choose a mythical creature like the Pheonix, animals in reality I love cats and that whole family of them.. from a house cat to a panther they are cleek, independent, have personalities, and I think that they are very primal. (Carla Carlson 9:20pm October 10, 2011)
I'd like to be a rich ladies cat. Thanks for giving me a chance to win book. (Amy Milne 9:40pm October 10, 2011)
Yes, I would love to be a Wolf or a Dog because they are fascinating animals and have great lives and adventures too. We have 4 Chawinnies; Chihuahua/Dachsunds at home and 2 are Brothers Romeo and Bandito and 2 Sisters Rosita and Rosebud. They have great personalities and Rosita my favorite will sing and howl like a wolf with me with her head up looking up. We sing together and she barks alot and really talks to us too. She lets us know when everyone is hungry or thirsty or needing something. They are small but great big protectors too. God bless you. Thanks, Cecilia CECE (Cecilia Dunbar Hernandez 11:14pm October 10, 2011)
An Eagle, they can see from a great distance, and they rule the skies. (Deb Pelletier 11:19pm October 10, 2011)
I would be a wolf I love the strength and beauty of these creatures ,the way they live being able to run free .Ive always fent an affintiy with them and their domestic cousins .I work in a doggie daycare and theres nothing better than being with playing and cuddling my pack :) (Wanda Flanagan 11:34pm October 10, 2011)
How about a dragon? Incredibly magic & powerful & rare. (Mary Preston 1:09am October 11, 2011)
I think a beautiful BIG cat, or majestic wolf. (Lisa Kendall 1:15am October 11, 2011)
I still have to go with the cheetah for speed and sleek beauty. (G. Bisbjerg 2:26am October 11, 2011)
A cute Golden Retreiver being loved and catered too by a loving family!!!!!! lolol (Joanne Bozik 2:22pm October 11, 2011)
I would say a tarsier, they are so cute. Or, one of my cats. They are spoiled rotten, so I would choose to be one of them. (Debbie Penny 7:04pm October 11, 2011)
Something in the cat family gets my vote. I love how they slink around and plan for play or prey. (Alyson Widen 8:41pm October 11, 2011)
deep in the heart of me I know I am part cat. I have green eyes and have recently found myself sprouting whiskers.:^) But then again. I'm a bit of the raucous, playful, sparkle loving crow as well. What a hard decision. (Heidi Durham 11:03pm October 11, 2011)
Ahhh. I love animals, so it's hard to choose. BUT the animal close to my soul, my whole house has them around and I just got done cross-stitching one- is the wolf. Protective, family, and to me, they are a very spiritua; animal. I hope to win Unleashed- to read and them pass on to so someone else can enjoy:-) sweepingnews(at)gmail(dot)com (Patti DelValle 10:52pm October 12, 2011)
Yes, please enter me into the contest. As to what type of shifter would I choose to be? Hmmm, I think I would choose to be some breed of cat...I love how graceful and quiet they are...and the way they purr when they are happy. (Barbara Battaglia 1:50am October 15, 2011)
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