A Hero Comes Home, February 2020
Mass Market Paperback / e-Book
Life, Love and the Pursuit of Happiness, July 2019
Mass Market Paperback / e-Book
The Red-Hot Cajun, February 2019
Mass Market Paperback
The Forever Christmas Tree, October 2018
Mass Market Paperback / e-Book
Cajun Persuasion, July 2018
Mass Market Paperback / e-Book
Cajun Crazy, December 2017
Mass Market Paperback / e-Book
The Cajun Doctor, June 2017
Mass Market Paperback / e-Book
Good Vampires Go to Heaven, December 2016
Paperback / e-Book
The Angel Wore Fangs, June 2016
Paperback / e-Book
Even Vampires Get The Blues, September 2015
Paperback / e-Book
Vampire in Paradise, December 2014
Paperback / e-Book
Christmas in Transylvania, November 2014
Snow On The Bayou, September 2014
Paperback / e-Book
Kiss of Wrath, June 2014
Paperback / e-Book
The Pirate Bride, November 2013
Paperback / e-Book
Kiss Of Temptation, April 2013
Paperback / e-Book
Kiss Of Surrender, December 2012
Paperback / e-Book
Santa Viking, December 2012
Trade Size / e-Book (reprint)
The Love Potion, August 2012
Paperback / e-Book
Kiss of Pride, May 2012
Paperback / e-Book
Hot and Heavy, January 2012
Hardcover / e-Book
Wet & Wild, December 2011
Paperback / e-Book (reprint)
A Dixie Christmas, November 2011
Paperback / e-Book
The Very Virile Viking, November 2011
Paperback (reprint)
The Norse King's Daughter, October 2011
Paperback / e-Book
Truly, Madly Viking, September 2011
Paperback (reprint)
The Last Viking, August 2011
Paperback (reprint)
The Tarnished Lady, July 2011
Paperback (reprint)
The Outlaw Viking, June 2011
Paperback (reprint)
The Reluctant Viking, May 2011
Paperback (reprint)
A Tale of Two Vikings, April 2011
The Blue Viking, March 2011
Mass Market Paperback / e-Book (reprint)
The Bewitched Viking, February 2011
Mass Market Paperback / e-Book (reprint)
The Viking's Captive, January 2011
Mass Market Paperback
'Twas the Night, November 2010
Trade Size (reprint)
Dark Viking, October 2010
The Viking Takes a Knight, September 2010
Mass Market Paperback / e-Book
Ladies Prefer Rogues, February 2010
Viking in Love, February 2010
Santa Honey, October 2009
Mass Market Paperback
Viking Heat, September 2009
So Into You, August 2009
Mass Market Paperback
This Year's Christmas Present, October 2008
Paperback (reprint)
Viking Unchained, July 2008
Wild Jinx, March 2008
Mass Market Paperback
Down and Dirty, November 2007
Pearl Jinx, July 2007
Rough and Ready, December 2006
Desperado, December 2006
Pink Jinx, November 2006
Sweeter Savage Love, August 2006
Paperback (reprint)
Hot & Heavy, June 2005
The Red-Hot Cajun, April 2005
Paperback / e-Book
Wet and Wild, October 2004
The Cajun Cowboy, May 2004
Paperback / e-Book
The Love Potion, October 2003
Paperback (reprint)
Tall, Dark and Cajun, July 2003
Paperback / e-Book
The Very Virile Viking, March 2003
My Fair Viking, April 2002
Mass Market Paperback
Truly, Madly Viking, July 2000
The Last Viking, December 1999
Paperback (reprint)
The Bewitched Viking, June 1999
Mass Market Paperback
Blue Christmas, November 1998
Paperback (reprint)
The Outlaw Viking, August 1998
Mass Market Paperback
Frankly, My Dear, July 1996
Hot & Heavy, November 0000
Paperback / e-Book
The Norse King's Daughter
Sandra Hill
Viking I # 10
October 2011
On Sale: September 27, 2011
Featuring: Sidroc Guntersson; Drifa
384 pages ISBN: 006167351X EAN: 9780061673511 Kindle: B004V54DTE Paperback / e-Book
Add to Wish List
Romance Historical
Princess Drifa can certainly see why Sidroc Guntersson is a
living legend—on battlefield and in bedchamber both. But the
King of Stoneheim’s daughter pitches a royal fit when she
learns of the true reason for the virile Viking’s passionate
attentions. A third-born son with no hope of inheriting the
family jarldom, scheming Sidroc must marry and is interested
in Drifa only for her father’s land and money. The barbarian
is lucky she just cracks him on his fool head with a pottery
pitcher! Five years later, Drifa needs Sidroc’s protection—in
Byzantium, no less!—though revenge holds more appeal for
this man she left for dead. ‘Tis a pity two such perfect
enemies match each other so well, passion for passion. So
much so that the bold Viking berserker is soon thinking
marriage again...only this time it will be on his terms!
No awards found for this book.
105 comments posted.
Re: The Norse King's Daughter
Funny, that first sentence that you wrote for this entry got my attention because currently, I am in a slump too. I am getting concerned because I don't have a huge pile to go through...and winter is coming here in the Northwoods of WI. That means HURRY and stash lol When I am in a slump, I often look through reviews on Amazon. I look up my fav authors, then see "people who have bought this, have bought these". Amazon has a good way of clumping together like authors and books. Might want to try it Sandra! Meantime, can I go through your huge pile? :) (Patti DelValle 12:56pm September 29, 2011)
I read faster then books can come out it seems.. So Since I have everyone of this authors books I am always rereading the J.D Robb series.. (Tammy Jungmann 1:26am September 29, 2011)
I hate those slumps, it makes me feel so out of sync. I usually go for a walk, or I play with tarot cards and it usually gets me focused again. (Heidi Durham 4:52am September 29, 2011)
I don't like those either! I usually go to the library or just grab a random book from the pile. I have discovered new authors that way too! Hmm, one was Sandra Hill come to think of it. LOL! (Cynthia Netherton 7:06am September 29, 2011)
Interesting topic because I am in a reading slump now because of recent eye surgery and my eyes hurt when I read. So I went to the library and got some large print books yesterday and hopefully that will pull me out of the slump until my eyes adjust to normal (Shirley Younger 8:33am September 29, 2011)
I love your books and have read them all. I haven't yet got to the re-read stage however, my 18 year old daughter re-reads all the previous books in a series when the next is due out. Never fails, I don't know how she does it! (Barbara Hanson 8:35am September 29, 2011)
I love your books. I found one of your books at a yard sale and fell in love. I have read a lot from the library and have quite a few now. I love to read and would love to win this book and add to my collection. Thanks for the giveaway and the chance to win. (Chris Bails 10:48am September 29, 2011)
OMG! I know exactly how you feel! My boyfriend is always exasperated w/ me whenever I'm in a slump bemoaning the lack of something to read and he points to my giant TBR bookcase full of books. Sometimes, I'll get into a slump if I read too many books in a row of the same genre or they are all dark and violent. Then I have to force myself to pick up something completely opposite/different to kinda "reset" myself. I'll also go to the used bookstore and do exactly what you do. Go to the dollar rack and pick out some one I haven't read before. Cheap enough so no guilt if I don't like it and fabulous if I do.
Thanks for the giveaway! (Erin Fender 12:32pm September 29, 2011)
I have been reading you for years. In a reading slump I do bookswap, go back to favorites, switch genres. Sometimes mixing it up seems to help, every third book pick up something different. If its really bad, sometimes you just need that break, it will never last too long, especially if your out getting fresh air, relaxing the mind, soon it wants activity. (Carla Carlson 1:32pm September 29, 2011)
I read different genres, so when I'm in a slump with one, I switch to something else. For a while, I may read more mysteries and thrillers, then switch back to romance. And if all else fails--I work crossword puzzles! Good luck. Thanks for visiting. (G S Moch 1:45pm September 29, 2011)
I read different genres, so when I'm in a slump with one, I switch to something else. For a while, I may read more mysteries and thrillers, then switch back to romance. And if all else fails--I work crossword puzzles! Good luck. Thanks for visiting. (G S Moch 1:45pm September 29, 2011)
When I get into a slump, I visit the library after dropping the kids off at school. I pick an aisle and start at the top and look at each book to see what plot sounds good and any authors I haven't read yet. Once I get 10 books I check out. I have found many great authors that way that I still enjoy reading to this day. (Christine Arcidiacono 2:29pm September 29, 2011)
I have had times when I look at my TBR pile and see nothing that interests me... plenty to choose from, but nothing that stands out and says read me now! When that happens, I go to my shelves and pick one of my all time favs that I love to reread no matter how many times I have done so already... (Colleen Conklin 2:34pm September 29, 2011)
I either switch genres or reread favorites - all depends on my mood. (Mary C 3:01pm September 29, 2011)
There is always a book for me to read, no matter how many times I have read some of them! I currently have 6 boxes I got from a relative, each holding at least 50 books, all of them unread by me. Don't think I'll be running out of reading material for a while!! (Patricia Cochran 4:23pm September 29, 2011)
I am always looking for a new book to read and I really get worried when I only have a few left in my personal stash!!! (Jean Benedict 4:59pm September 29, 2011)
Love your Viking books, they make me laugh out loud while reading. I look forward to your latest. (Maude Allen 5:18pm September 29, 2011)
I haven't read one of your books, but I'd sure like to. I love Vikings! (Jennifer Langford 5:31pm September 29, 2011)
I just don't have those anymore since the net came around...there's so many great reviews that it makes it easy to find new authors when I need to! ;) (Diane Pollock 5:52pm September 29, 2011)
I always have several books in my TBR pile, so don't get into any slumps. In fact, books are in all my rooms and I take one with me just in case there's a few moments to read. (Alyson Widen 6:01pm September 29, 2011)
I don't think I have ever been in a reading slump. Too many wonderful books. (Mary Preston 7:32pm September 29, 2011)
hate reading slumps, though just not having just the right book in the tbr pile that your "in the mood" for when you would like to read is just as bad ;) I sometimes will try switching up time periods or genres, though there are times when a fave off the keeper shelf is perfect cause you just know you'll enjoy it and it will get you over the hump. So looking forward to your latest! congrats on it's release :D (d Kenney 7:36pm September 29, 2011)
Hey, y'all, thanks for posting. Yeah, I think changing genres is sometimes the answer. But taking a break from reading, no way! I would go into deep withdrawal. The problem is that sometimes, even with boxes full of unread books, there are times when nothing appeals. That's where I am today, but you know what? I picked up an old Jillian Hunter book, and it is hilarious, about a bunch of pirates trying to turn themselves into Scots nobility. So, slump over! (Sandra Hill 8:14pm September 29, 2011)
I do get into a slump at times. It is hard to break out. I just look for the best book I can find and that usually gets me back on track. (Lisa Kendall 8:38pm September 29, 2011)
L do get in reading slumps at times, but usually doesn't last long as I love to read. (Colleen Jensen 8:54pm September 29, 2011)
Thanks for the interesting comments that you made. The list of the writers, will get me out of my "slump" because I will look their books up. thanks Your books sounds unique and interesting. thanks for the giveaway too. (Dayle Butler 8:57pm September 29, 2011)
Reading slump!! Books everywhere and not a word to read. I go to the library or local book store and pick up randum never read authors and see if the story apeals. I like scotish guys, strong women,and laughter, along with historical romance... (Betty Jones 9:22pm September 29, 2011)
I can't say that I really get in a reading slump, so to speak. My interests are varied, so I'm never at a loss as to what I want to read. If a particular title or cover jumps out at me, I'll give the book a look. I don't necessarily look for the author right away, and that's how I've been able to find some gems. I never would have found the series by Gregory Maguire, which have to do with a bizarre slant on the Wizard of Oz, or the book that still haunts me to this day -- Roses by Leila Meacham. I have my favorite authors, but it's fun to find a new author, and add them to my collection. I'm anxious to read your book as well. I'm sure it's another gem. (Peggy Roberson 9:34pm September 29, 2011)
When I get into a novel slump, I usually read an anthology or two, or I'll put in book on tape (CD). I one a few dozen and that usually breaks my slump. (MaryAnne Banks 9:40pm September 29, 2011)
I may re-read some of my favorite books . (Deb Pelletier 9:47pm September 29, 2011)
I love reading books. Thanks for giving me a chance to win your book. (Amy Milne 10:06pm September 29, 2011)
I go through Good REads... they have good recommendations... or I just re-read my favorites... (May Pau 10:11pm September 29, 2011)
Librarians rarely experience a reading slump and rather must aggressively engineer time to read all the wonderful offerings for which professional advance reviews endlessly tantalize. Some librarians enjoy the pleasure of library collection building for their constituents in addition to themselves and glancing at new arrivals prior release to the public.....as I have. One of my dining rooms walls is lined in cherished books so that, even when I dine solo, I am among dear, stimulating friends. (Carla Schuller 10:37pm September 29, 2011)
I haven't had a reader's slump for awhile. Most of the time I look for some sort of highlander books, that is how I found Sandra's books. (Charlene Fraley 10:43pm September 29, 2011)
I rarely have reading slumps since my TBR stack numbers over 400 and crosses multiple genres, but there are times when nothing looks good. While re-reading old favorites sometimes works, I look for something fun to read. Anything from comic strips to novels. Some of my favorite funny novels to re-read are yours. I love your books and look forward to your venture into paranormal next year. (Rhonda Pitts 11:33pm September 29, 2011)
I have had this happen to me a few times lately. I usually fall into my habit of an autobiography of someone I'm interested in then. (Debra Simning-Chapman 12:02pm September 30, 2011)
If I am in a slump, I go back and read a book I have not read in years (Julie Fine 12:56pm September 30, 2011)
I keep a bookshelf in my bedroom with unread books of assorted genres. If I get in a slump, I browse and if nothing there catches my eye, I go to my husband's pile (he reads only adventure and science fiction) for a complete change of pace. One of his and I'm happily back to mine. (Sharon Mitchell 2:25am September 30, 2011)
In one of my few reading slumps, I read most of the Viking II books; I'm still missing Viking Heat. It was a time in which I really needed some fun in my reading and I knew I would get it from these books. Thanks for writing such enjoyable and often laugh-out-loud books. (Sigrun Schulz 3:13am September 30, 2011)
Only way to avoid a slump for me is to get some audio booms to listen to when driving to work...I actually pay more to the use of language that way .Love the kind of roller-coaster ride only Hill can create. (Diane Brixius 6:52am September 30, 2011)
Whoo..Hoo!! I snagged "The Norse King's Daughter" right out of the rack right on the day it came out. I love these Norse Princesses series, lots of laugh and what a hoot these series have been. Now, I'm collecting the rest of the old ones that have been reissued this year. Your book should break my "reading slump" I'm having at the moment, I know I'm having this slump thingy bec my reading speed is slowing down, takes more days to finish a book, and it doesn't help w/ school in session and lots of homework, different kinds of reading now too. Which YOUR books are the ones that would be in the midterm and final exam. I'm sure I'll remember every word and every little detail in them... and sure to get A+++ ... Alas! it isn't so. I'll climb out of my slump so how, and your last book in the Norse Princesses will sure give me a booster and much needed. (Joy Johnson 8:24am September 30, 2011)
Love all the suggestions here. And, Carla, I think of books as my friends, too. So, can anyone gives us suggestions of new-to-you authors you discovered during a slump? My favorite find was Elizabeth Hoyt. (Sandra Hill 9:07am September 30, 2011)
I've had that problem too many times. When my TBR pile doesn't inspire me, I turn to the internet. I ask if anyone has any books to recommend, I discovered a new author that way. Also, I follow a lot of authors (including you) on facebook and email and that's a great way to see what my fav authors are offering. (Tanja Haack 9:38am September 30, 2011)
When I'm in a reading slump, I tend to ask other readers on my favorite used paperback website (paperbackswap.com) what good books they've read lately. I also play in a lot of used book swap exchange games on that site which help me to discover new authors. Sandra- I love that you admit to finding new-to-you authors by recycling a used book- I do the same! I love to see another person get enjoyment from a book that I liked too. (Of course, many authors become auto-buys for me this way too!) Sometimes I'll try an altogether new-to-me genre. One I've recently really gotten into lately is Urban Fiction (UF). I've really enjoyed Grave Witch by Kalayna Price, and First Grave on the Right by Darynda Jones. Your newest book looks quite interesting, Sandra- I'll have to check it out! (Debbie Burdeen 10:42am September 30, 2011)
I love books & carry one with me wherever I go. My daughter & I have several hundred books. We have a better library than our neighborhood library. It is very rarely that I give them away. I once donated 125 books to Goodwill. I read all different genres, but I still sometimes get into a slump. I will sometimes do sudoku, pyruko, or crossword puzzles or work on something artistic...then I am ready to read something new. I sometimes will re-read my books. I read the Lord of the Rings (1st edition hardback) 3 times. Sandra - your 1st loves happen to be my 1st loves too (plus Phyllis A. Whitney & Victoria Holt). (Beverly Beltz 11:37am September 30, 2011)
Our public library has a book sale, and I love to go. You can find some real gems! At the end of the sale the library features a $5 a bag sale. That's when everyone goes crazy, and it's really fun! (Sandy Fielder 12:27pm September 30, 2011)
For my reading slumps I turn to old favourites and keep an eye open at the library for something that peaks my interest. Usually I find it's something in a different genre to what I had been reading. (Ilona Fenton 1:19pm September 30, 2011)
Sometimes I sit quietly. It helps recharge my batteries. I also find a way to switch it up. For instance, I will ask my kids to broom and mop the kitchen and I will polish the kitchen cabinets. By the time we are done, I feel better and I can usually refocus my energy where it needs to be! (Jennifer Beyer 1:56pm September 30, 2011)
I've never had a reading slump. I will tire of a genre but my TBR pile is SOOOOO big I've got a LOT to pick from. I read romance but all genres of it. I also read a series in order from start to finish. I found you by your VIKING titles and LOVE them - the humor. TRY G A AIKEN'S DRAGON SERIES. It reminds me of yours with the LARGE FAMILY dynamics and HUMOR. I'm having a BLAST! P.S. I have all your books, but a signed one "Very, Virle Viking" is my favorite :-) (Lenna Hendershott 2:04pm September 30, 2011)
If I get in a reading slump, I'll visit the library and look for something new and different to read by choosing a different author (from the newer books section) instead of one of my faves or going online and reading author reviews from various genres. Gotta have the right book to fit my mood and boost my interest--the hate to put down type of book after reading just a few pages. I do have quite a huge TBR library collection of my own to go to. Many of your favorite authors, are some of mine also, Sandra. Can't wait to read your latest book! (Linda Luinstra 4:05pm September 30, 2011)
Love your books. You weave in about the eviorment. If I need a laugh it is always your books. My favorite is "Frankly, my dear" as I love BLONDE JOKES Marcia Brooks 09-30-1 1 (Marcia Brooks 4:09pm September 30, 2011)
I found a "new-to-you" new author during a slump, Sarah Jio. I read her book, "Violets of March" which was extremely good. She is now one of my favorite authors and I think you'd love reading her books, too, Sandra. (Linda Luinstra 4:20pm September 30, 2011)
never been in a reading slump and i can as way find something to read!! (Jennifer Beck 5:08pm September 30, 2011)
from the time i watched Tony Curtis as a Viking i have been hooked love your books (Brenda Hook 7:33pm September 30, 2011)
When i get into a reading slum i write stories or add to the ones that i started and never finished. Plus i go to the library to get more different titles that i have yet to acquire. (Anthonia Sharp 7:42pm September 30, 2011)
I don't get in slumps often, but if I do, I have a couple of ways out. The obvious: switch genre, or subgenre. I mostly read historical romances, but an occasional Harlequin Presents (usually 3-4) works. Or I listen to an audio book. THe great narrators can make even books I have read before get me reading again. Of course, there is (as you point out) the back list of favorites. I love Sharon Lee & Steve Miller's Liaden, and just reread all of them in Augest when they published their latest. (Elizabeth Krentz-Wee 7:46pm September 30, 2011)
I don't think I have ever been in a reading slump. I read several different books at a time and if one dosen't interest me I am always able to pick up another. I check out up to 50 books from our library and I have several bookcases of unread paperbacks. LOVE TO READ! (Teresa Ward 8:10pm September 30, 2011)
I usually take a break and watch a good movie. Most of course are books first and it reminds me of how often the books are better and makes me want to begin reading. (Margaret Faria 8:15pm September 30, 2011)
Yes, your books look great and I would love to win this wonderful contest too. Please enter me in this great contest and please let me know when I win too. Thank YOU very much and GOD bless everyone too. Thanks, Cecilia (Cecilia Dunbar Hernandez 8:59pm September 30, 2011)
I am always reading reviews in my magazines and online. I usually find something interesting and then either buy it or hit the library..then no more slump. (Kirsten Kimball 9:20pm September 30, 2011)
I've never read about the vikings, can't wait to start on your series (Joyce Williams 9:22pm September 30, 2011)
I have read 10-12 of your books and loved them all. I think it was either late 90's or early 2000 that I read them. Ordered few and got some at our local Friends of the Library "Old Book Sale". I love both romance and mystery, suspense, thrillers. I was in a slump few weeks ago as I was reading lots of mystery, etc. and just couldn't find a book I wanted to read even with all the romance books I had so I went to Amazon and got one and more at our local New & Used Book Store. I go through phases were I read only romance then only mystery, etc. I now have supply of both so hopefully I will not go into a slump again soon. lol I would love to read the trio you are giving away as I have not read any of them. Thanks for the great giveaway. I have been reading over 60 yrs and now that I am retired I read even more so constantly looking for great bargin buys. misskallie2000 (Brenda Hill 9:41pm September 30, 2011)
I love your books, and have read most of them. On 10/18 it's my birthday, and this would make a great gift..lol Thank you for continuing to share your gift with all of us lucky readers. Take care and have a great fall season!! (Tammy Camp 10:02pm September 30, 2011)
Love your books. When in a reading slump, I go back and pick out one of my favorite mysteries, one with some humor in it. It makes me smile while reading and gets me back in the mood. (Constance Biller 10:19pm September 30, 2011)
When I get into a reading slump...I take a break and start shopping around for some new authors to add to my reading list. Then a book comes along that breaks it. (Jennifer Lower 10:29pm September 30, 2011)
I don't have readin slumps often, but when I do I tend to try and watch tv, mostly the news, or what people call the news. After maybe a few days of this, I crave any book that can transport me somewhere else. I never have to look to far. I search out my fav authors to see if they have anything new or check my twitter to see who they suggest I read. Never disapointed!! (Lorraine Rodriguez 11:19pm September 30, 2011)
I wait until I get an urge for a certain genre and it just "feels right" to pick up and read a certain book. (Cathie Veres 11:37pm September 30, 2011)
I have never been in a reading slump. There are so many wonderful books out there. The only, only time I don't read is when I am extremely sick - say with a migraine or a high fever. Other than that, I have read everyday since I can remember. All the books mentioned above sound wonderful. (Jeanne Sheats 12:08pm October 1, 2011)
Generally I give my mother ten bucks and tell her to surprise me. Since she'll pick up just about anything, I'm always surprised and good or bad, I've found some winners among them (Meghan Finley 1:19am October 1, 2011)
I try to find authors that I haven't read before. Right now I am reading through Cormac McCarthy novels. They aren't always easy and they are definitely thought provoking. I know when I go back to my regular reading, it will be a nice change. (Debbie Penny 9:22am October 1, 2011)
I go to either the bookstore or the library and plan to spend about 2 hours just wandering around looking for new authors to read. (Sue Farrell 10:32am October 1, 2011)
I just finished reading the book summary and think that it is absolutely amazing. Okay, so for your problem, which I do hate it when it happens to me, I would suggest the authors Avi, Joan Lowery Nixon, and Garth Nix. They are really good authors and I absolutely love their work. As for the reading slump, I normally just look up book giveaways and find those sites, which is how I heard of you. Also, I am wanting to be an author when I am older and was wondering if you could give me some pointers. i am actually trying to work on a few books now and I'm a little stuck. The help would be very appreciated. Hope you have a nice day and hope to hear from you. (Meghan Anderson 10:56am October 1, 2011)
I always enjoy your books....I love the humor! It makes the books fun to read. (Rowena Huser 11:11am October 1, 2011)
i love books with a happy ending but i value it more when it has passion, love, life, heart, truth, justice, hope, faith, and loyalty all wrapped up in one. It helps when your bored. (Anthonia Sharp 12:38pm October 1, 2011)
Enjoyed your blog. I never really get in a reading slump, it's finding time to read that's the problem. (Sheila True 1:47pm October 1, 2011)
I make sure I never, ever run out of books!!! I've read all the authors you've read, and I reach out to authors and different genres at times. Recently, I've discovered Sandra Brown, great thriller, romance author!!!!!!! (Joanne Bozik 3:32pm October 1, 2011)
i love your books and i can hardly wait to read this one. it looks like a wonderful read and the cover is gorgeous.
[email protected] (Tammy Ramey 4:25pm October 1, 2011)
I have been reading your books for years! When I get into a slump I usually ask a friend or family member for something that they have read and liked--I have found many a new author that way. (Kris Bowers 6:00pm October 1, 2011)
Linda Howard's Mr. Perfect usually gets me out of a slump. It's my "go to" repeat fixer upper. (Molly Wilsbacher 9:24pm October 1, 2011)
I think i was in a reading slump about twice. what i do is watch romantic movies. I know sounds strange but it gets me out of the slump. I also like to change books around so i wont get into a slump. what i mean by that is i will read historical's for a few days then i will switch to paranormals, then contemporary's. it seems to keep me reading. I will also reread older books like I must of read the Mallory series by Johanna Lindsay 4 times, I love your Viking series 1 my fav is The Outlaw Viking & the Tarnished Lady. (April Kirby 11:42pm October 1, 2011)
I enjoy reading your books (Areta Nadozirny 12:14pm October 2, 2011)
I would love to read this; I love Vikings1 (Mary Smith 3:25am October 2, 2011)
Sanda, I never get tired of your books. I especially like the humor, which is always clever and helps keep me in a good mood. Looking forward to reading your new one! (Kathleen Conner 7:08am October 2, 2011)
When that happened to me,I went to Amazon and started looking at books.Once I knew what they were about I knew what interested me.I have recently read books i never would have before.I used to stick to the same batch of authors. I have read so many GREAT books this way!Q (Nancy Salerno 7:30am October 2, 2011)
When I get in a reading slump I take time off and catch up on magazines and tv shows. I have two sources of findong new books. My condo has a book swap once a year and that lets me try new authors. Then my mom goes to the library's annual sale for charity. The last day they sell the remainders for a $1 a bag, so she gets books that look interesting to try. (Pam Howell 8:12am October 2, 2011)
I forgot to mention that I listen to books on CD when I don't seem to have the time to read. I'll listen commuting, gardening and sometimes taking a walk. I'll only read historical romance, but I'll listen to several other genres, like Steve Berry and James Rollins. (Molly Wilsbacher 9:35am October 2, 2011)
When I'm in a reading slump, I usually go for a walk or to the gym for a good workout, or even do housework. I also visit my favorite blog websites and go on Facebook. Thanks for the giveaway! (Cathy Phillips 9:46am October 2, 2011)
First, I love your books, they make me laugh. I seem to frequently have this problem. I'll usually end up in the books for sale room at the local library, which also helps them out. (Lynne Mauro 11:23am October 2, 2011)
The Viking Doll really caught my eye. I have just the place for it in my den! (Janice Milliken 12:06pm October 2, 2011)
When I am in a reading slump, I start re-reading the books I especially liked that are in my bookshelves. Of course, there's many Sandra Hill books that have been reread many times. (Patsy Hagen 1:30pm October 2, 2011)
I have re-read so many of your books. There are times that I just need to visit "old friends". Thanks. (Angela Bartlett 2:46pm October 2, 2011)
Nothing gets me out of a reading slump quite like a good historical romance. Highlander or Viking romances are always great go to books for me, can't go to long without reading one! A new author for me, but one I will definitely have to put in my TBR list! (Lexi Hansen 3:39pm October 2, 2011)
I love your books and you jokes section on your website. (Gwen Hansen 3:40pm October 2, 2011)
Something funny like G.A. Aiken. (TinaMarie R 4:10pm October 2, 2011)
When in a slump I go for an old favorite and that makes it all better. Some of that category are Mary Lasswell's books about the old ladies living together, drinking beer and eating. Very tame quick reads but I love those old ladies. These are not easy to find as they were written in the 40's and 50's but worth the search. (Nancy Sorrels 5:14pm October 2, 2011)
My wife reads books to me when we're on a road trip, and I've always found yours to be a fun way to pass the time. (John Billiris 5:45pm October 2, 2011)
You guys are amazing. So many of you have taken the time to visit, and so many wonderful suggestions. Thank you so much! Sandra Hill (Sandra Hill 5:55pm October 2, 2011)
I can't wait to read this book! (Jennifer Langford 6:48pm October 2, 2011)
I have so many books stashed away that I can change genres pretty easily. I got to AAUW sales too and also have discovered new authors that way. I've won some books, some good, some not so much. But if I enjoy them, I'll look for more by that author. These Vikings certainly look like a lot of fun! (Diane Sallans 6:52pm October 2, 2011)
love you books (Brenda Hook 7:09pm October 2, 2011)
Odd that you asked that question. After oh, about 25 years of reading all the time this past year has been on struggle. It might be that my eyes are giving me trouble I will be 48 next week. I have had to break out the reading glasses and I am prone to getting headaches.
When I do read is not for a lengthy time and I tend to read shorter books lately. Also, some of the stories are just not for me, but I do love a Viking story. I cut my romance reading teeth on the good ole bodice rippers of the 80's. I still have to pull them out every now and again and re-read. Sandra I have read every Viking book you have written and loved them all. (Gigi Hicks 7:56pm October 2, 2011)
I just came out of a slump. A 3 year reading slump. I went the tried and true route, rereading my favorite authors and Sandra, you were on the list! My Fair Viking and The Blue Viking are the ones I grabbed off my keeper shelves along with some by Marsha Canham, Sue-Ellen Welfonder, Karen Ranney, and Virginia Henley. That got me back in the mood to read and to try the ones on my TBR shelf. I can't wait to read The Norse King's Daughter! (Leah Weller 9:21pm October 2, 2011)
Love to read you stories!!!!!!!!!!! (L Green 11:20pm October 2, 2011)
I love first novels, and have tried sampling them for years. With a long list of favorites to keep up with, it can be hard to squeeze them in, but I always manage to snag half a dozen or so each year. (Janet Martin 9:10am October 3, 2011)
I am certainly relieved to see that others get into a "book slump." That's when I grab a book I've read before and loved. This seems to help me get over that "affliction" and back into the game. Connie Fischer [email protected] (Connie Fischer 10:24am October 3, 2011)
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