Sandra Hill | Looking For New Books September 28, 2011
Do you ever get into a reading slump where, despite your teetering TBR pile,
there's not a single book that seems to interest you Read More...
Sandra Hill | Aging Well December 19, 2010
Some things in life age well. Wine. Scotch. Men and women with good bones
and healthy physiques. Well-crafted furniture. Master paintings. And books.
Sandra Hill | Can we talk? March 11, 2008
About book covers, I mean.
Oh, I know, this is a subject that has been beaten to death, but I've had some
experiences of
Humor has become a hallmark of Sandra Hill's books. She
started out with Vikings, tried a medieval knight, moved
into the Old South, then the California gold fields, on to
modern-day Manhattan, Memphis, Maine and Galveston. But
one element that has remained consistent in all her books
is the laugh-out-loud humor.
Sandra's first book came out in October 1994, and since
then she has published fifteen novels and had novellas in
four anthologies, from Dorchester Publishing, Warner Books (now Grand Central Publishing) and Berkley Sensation. In addition, she will also be writing for Avon books in the future...a return to straight historical romance. So, there will be at least seven more contemporary, time travel and historical romances in her future, the common thread being humor.
Married for more than thirty years (to the same man!!!),
Sandra is the mother of four sons. Living with five males
(not to mention a male German Shepherd the size of a small
horse) is enough to make any woman develop a sense of
humor, Sandra often says. Either that, or go mad.
The most gratifying thing to Sandra has been the amazing
reader response to her books. Close to 20,000 readers have
taken the time to write to her over the past five years
(some of them repeatedly) to tell her how much her books
have touched their lives. This is the one thing Sandra
never expected when she first started writing...the need
for laughter in a world that is becoming increasingly
stressful and sometimes downright dreary. She is only too
happy to help and promises her fans that her well of humor
is not about to run dry for a long, long time.