February 16th, 2025
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Love, Secrets, and Second Chances—February’s Must-Read Books Await!

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A Stray Pup, A Second Chance, and a Killer on the Loose�Wagtail�s About to Get Wild!

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A Hacker, an Undercover Mission, and a Love Worth Fighting For.

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A Duke by any other name would smell as� dastardly?
� delightful?

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Shaken, Stirred, and Unexpectedly in Love�Can They Mix Business with Pleasure?

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As London's high society watches their every move, can these two brilliant minds find the formula for true love?

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Chocolate, Second Chances, and a Love Too Sweet to Let Go.

Deadly Little Lies by Jeanne Adams


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Also by Jeanne Adams:

A Jewel in Time, November 2014
Deadly Little Lies, September 2011
Paperback / e-Book
Deadly Little Secrets, September 2010
Dark And Deadly, June 2009
Dark and Dangerous, June 2008
Paperback / e-Book

Deadly Little Lies
Jeanne Adams

Safe is not an option...

Kensington Zebra
September 2011
On Sale: September 6, 2011
Featuring: Davros Gianakopulos; Carrie McCray
352 pages
ISBN: 1420108832
EAN: 9781420108835
Kindle: B005CRY7XW
Paperback / e-Book
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Romance Contemporary | Romance Suspense

Caught In A Game

Secrets are what drive billionaire security expert Davros Gianakopulos to succeed. And no one intrigues him more than striking art gallery owner Carrie McCray. But when a vengeful enemy traps Dav and Carrie in a ruthless battle of wits, the only thing he can trust is desire. . .

Carrie has faced down trouble before—betrayal taught her how. But staying one step ahead of those hunting her and Dav is as dangerous as her urgent feelings for him. Each move brings them closer to disaster, just as Dav's every searching kiss challenges Carrie's hard-won reserve. And he'll do whatever it takes to protect her. . .even putting their last chance at love on the line. . .

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118 comments posted.

Re: Deadly Little Lies

Hmmm. I actually enjoyed just about every book I read as a
kid. There were SO very many books that impacted me. I loved
Madeleine L'Engle, I read quite a bit of science fiction and
fantasy and even mysteries.
(Vanessa Primer 3:21am September 18, 2012)

You need to check for ad hacking, above....
I recently managed to buy on line several of the best books by the best author I read while a teen.
But in general I don't have time to re-read - I do keep the good books though.
The Horses of Petrock by Vian Smith was one I bought online and re-read, published in America as A Second Chance. Even better now I'm grown-up.
Clare O'Beara 7:44am September 18, 2012)

Hi Vanessa! I loved Madeleine L'Engle! A Wrinkle in Time, The Wind in the Door, etc. SO good! I loved a lot of sci fi and fantasy too. All the Narnia books, expecially! What was your fav L'Engle?
Jeanne Adams 8:24am September 18, 2012)

Hi Clare! I do think there was a hack there! Puma shoes? seriously?

I don't think I read the Vian Smith book, but can't be sure. I read every dog/pony/horse/cat/animal book I could find, so it's highly possible. I love that you went and bought some of the Old Favs online. I have too. I have most of the Silver Chief books now, and Norah's Ark, and Red Horse Hill and so many of the oldy-goody ones I loved. Problem is, so many of them slander one group or another - the irish, the natives, the group-least-liked-at-the-time - that I hesitate to read them to my kids. Sigh.

And being boys, Victoria Holt doesn't appeal, nor does Nancy Drew! ha!
Jeanne Adams 9:01am September 18, 2012)

Oh yeah, I've got the collection of books with pages so dog-eared they're hard to turn. Mostly mysteries and suspense. (Even a few old Nancy Drew's, just can't bear to part with them.)
Stephanie Strausberger 9:10am September 18, 2012)

When I was young, I did have old favorites I kept returning to. Now, I have a hard time keeping up with all the current books I want to read, so I don't often revisit books. In the past couple of years, though, I have reread several of Julia Quinn's Bridgerton books. They are still just as wonderful!
G S Moch 9:42am September 18, 2012)

It's a standard answer these days, but "To Kill a Mockingbird" has left the greatest impression on me. Perhaps not as much as a pair of Puma shoes leaves on some, but a great deal.
Michelle Donaldson 9:59am September 18, 2012)

I read so many books as a kid it is hard to pinpoint one to be my fasvorite. My brother and I would race to see who could read the most books and do book reports for a class ribbon. We never read less than a 100 books a year! Unfortunately I do not have the time to read that many so I pick and choose what peaks my interest.
Dark coffe, dark chocolate and a good book are the highlights in life! Thank you so much!
Teresa Sullivan 10:10am September 18, 2012)

There are many book i feel in love with when i was a teen. I read christine feehan, g.a. aiken, lynsay sands, alyssa day, patricia briggs, c.j wilson, judy mays and many others. These books helped me discover the writer in me and and the imagination that i have inside of me. So now i try to write books.
Anthonia Sharp 10:11am September 18, 2012)

I liked Shirley Jackson's short stories and My Antonia - try to be good to all - what goes around comes around.
Beth Elder 10:17am September 18, 2012)

I don't have any comfort books, but I do re-read a couple of series because I like them so much and I see something new every time I read: The Kate Daniels series, The Mercy Thompson series and The Southern Vampire series. They all have female leads and have the same main characters throughout the series. I think they're my favorites because I've seen the characters develop.

The only childhood books I revisit, maybe once every 10 years, Is Gone Away Lake and it's sequel.
Anne Muller 10:22am September 18, 2012)

Gone with the Wind has to be my all time favorite book!!!
Ashley C 10:39am September 18, 2012)

Hi Jeanne! *waves*

What a great post. I don't presently have a shelf full of old favorites. I have TUBS of them. Because we're restoring an old house, I've had to pack many of them up, and I have to admit, the extra space is nice while we're working, but I got such a wash of melancholy when I read your vivid description of how your favorites affect you. That's exactly how I feel. They are a comfort. I can escape into them no matter what. I AM reading on an e-reader now, and appreciate the space it saves, and love it that I can take all of my books with me. I already have my Keeper Kase and some cards. And I already have your book! *grin* so don't enter me in the contest. But I had to tell you that I was moved by your blog about favorite old books. I no longer have my Nancy Drews, but sometimes I wish I'd kept them. *sniffle*
Cassondra M 11:00am September 18, 2012)

I read so many books while growing up...but I still remember
"Mrs. Mike" My sister and I read and re-read that one til it
fell apart, then we fastened it with a rubber band and read it
some more!
Mary Hay 11:11am September 18, 2012)

I have several books that I read growing up which I still re-read from time to time. Smokey by Will James, Kazan by Oliver Curwood, and antything by Gene Stratton Porter. I've been able to get most of these free on my kindle so now I can keep the print copies but not wear them out since some of these are not in great shape.
Sandy Giden 11:31am September 18, 2012)

I grew up in a very religious household, where I was only allowed to read fiction. Fortunately for me, C.S.Lewis was considered "religious", so I was allowed to read the Narnia tales. Those books opened my world, and I went on to read his very adult sci-fi books, such as the Space Trilogy. Now, I love anything that inspires creativity and imagination.

When I was just out of grade-school, we were told to read Mockingbird, which was horrifying to me. I'm actually grateful that my mom went in and complained, so they reassigned me another book to read. =)
Kathleen Conner 11:44am September 18, 2012)

Thanks for a great post!! Congrats on the newest release!
Ummm... I think the book(s) that springboarded my love of
reading was the Harper Hall Trilogy by Anne McCaffrey
Erin Fender 12:00pm September 18, 2012)

Whoa! I pop off for a bit and here you are! Thanks for stopping in!

Stephanie, I loved mysteries too - hence the Victoria Holt! I loved The Egypt Club and Secrets of the Emerald Star. Still remember the plot of both!
Jeanne Adams 12:13pm September 18, 2012)

GS Moch, thanks for stopping in! I loved the Bridgertons but haven't revisited....must do that! And I agree, there are so many good NEW books too. I'm a member of the Romance Bandits Blog group and those gals are prolific! Amongst the group of us, there's always a new book out, or a guest with a great book to make into a new favorite. :>
Jeanne Adams 12:15pm September 18, 2012)

Hey Michelle D! Had to LOL about the Puma shoes. Oh...Atticus Finch....
Jeanne Adams 12:15pm September 18, 2012)

Hey Theresa! Nothing like a book, a cup of dark roast coffee and some rich dark chocolate, is there? Ha! My sibs and I used to do the summer Reading Races at our local library. OMGosh! We read so many books! It was fun though.
Jeanne Adams 12:16pm September 18, 2012)

Hi Anthonia! Oh, you have a wonderful reading list there! Patty Briggs is among my favs. Do you like the Mercy Thompson series or are you a fan of her Dragon Bones stuff?
Jeanne Adams 12:17pm September 18, 2012)

Hey Beth! I loved My Antonia! And how funny that you should post that right after Anthonia's comment! :> Her name made me try to remember My Antonia! Grins. Coincidence? I don't think so! *cue spooky music* Maybe I should reread My Antonia!
Jeanne Adams 12:19pm September 18, 2012)

Hi Anne! Gone Away Lake is one I missed, so I'm going to look that up. :>

Aren't series wonderful? I love recurring characters and locales. So much fun!!
Jeanne Adams 12:21pm September 18, 2012)

Hey Ashley! Did you love the sequel, Scarlett, or hate it?
Jeanne Adams 12:23pm September 18, 2012)

I have two old favorites Walker in Shadow by Barbara Michaels and Wingarten by Elsie Lee. Every couple of years I reread them, usually when I am feeling a little down and they make me feel better. Strange I know. Michaels opened the door for me to the paranormal. Ghosts, witches and murder. Victoria Holt-Nine Coaches Waiting, and more. Too many to mention. My Mom started me off with the Bobbsey Twins when I was seven or eight years old. I haven't been without a book since. Now I am writing my own.
In my junior year of High School Macbeth was by downfall. I didn't care for it that much. I read most of Shakespeares comedies in junior high school. I read, therefore I am.
Jo Anne Benware 12:24pm September 18, 2012)

Hi Cassondra!! *Waving madly* I hear you've got a visitor coming your way today...

So fun that you have Tubs of them. Won't it be serious fun and nostalgia to unpack them? Oh! How luscious!!

And what a lovely compliment on the post. Thanks!
Jeanne Adams 12:27pm September 18, 2012)

Gosh, I read so many books while growing up that I don't even
remember a special favorite one. There weren't many I didn't
like. Except, of course, some of the books we had to read in
school. I guess it's different if you HAVE to read them.
Teresa Kerr 12:30pm September 18, 2012)

I the "A Tree Grows in Brooklyn" was one of my favorite books when I was a kid. My other one was reading the Diary of Anne Frank. I loved to read, I had a teacher you made reading fun and my family were really big readers, so I don't remember there not being books in the house.
Cynthia St. Germain 1:01pm September 18, 2012)

I have read a lot of books that I have enjoyed a lot but I think my favorite books would be "The Raven Ring" By, Patricia C. Wrede, "Pride and Prejudice" By, Jane Austen, "Beauty Dates the Beast" By, Jessica Sims, & the Harry Potter Series By, J.K Rowling. I did have a few books I had to read for school that I didn't like but I don't remember them well and overall I think I enjoyed most of them.
Chelsea Knestrick 1:36pm September 18, 2012)

Hi Mary! Oh, I loved Mrs. Mike! What a great book. Hmmm....do I have a copy of that? :> better check. Grins. May have to do some shopping.
Jeanne Adams 2:01pm September 18, 2012)

Hi Sandy! Isn't it great that so many of those older books are now available? I love that. Glad you stopped in today!
Jeanne Adams 2:02pm September 18, 2012)

Hi Kathleen! I so loved the Narnia books. And they opened up worlds for me too. :> I read tons of fantasy and sci-fi thanks to C.S. Lewis. :>

Mockingbird can be a bit intense, can't it? Do you remember what you read instead?
Jeanne Adams 2:03pm September 18, 2012)

Hi Erin! Oh! Don't even get me started on Anne McCaffrey or Andre Norton. I think I've read everything either one of them wrote. I also loved McCaffrey's "adult fictino" books - Stitch in Snow, The Lady - but her dragon riders and harpers were my all time favs.
Jeanne Adams 2:05pm September 18, 2012)

Hi Jo Anne! Barbara Michaels! Yes! And Nine Coaches Waiting...wow, haven't thought about that one for a while. Grins. There's an old favorite, for sure. I loved Shakespeare as well, and have to confess that McBeth was a fav. Grins. All that "bubble bubble toil and trouble" business was just up my alley. I think it worried my mother terribly that I was more interested in the war strategies (how Burnam wood to Dunsiname didst come...)and the witches than I was in the pathos of Lady McBeth. And while As You Like It was her fav, I was only "meh" about that one. Snork!
Jeanne Adams 2:10pm September 18, 2012)

Theresa, it IS different if you HAVE to read them! I didn't actually stumble on a book I didn't like - even the mandatory reading - until Lord of the Flies. Oh, and then followed hard on by A Seperate Peace. Ugh. De. Press. Ing. Grins.
Jeanne Adams 2:12pm September 18, 2012)

Hi Cynthia! Thanks for stopping in today! I'm like you, I don't remember a time without books. :> That's a good thing. Ha! Anne Frank was one I enjoyed and was also saddened by. She was so hopeful and positive, in and of herself. Then to know she met such a terrible end. Sad. Sigh.
Jeanne Adams 2:13pm September 18, 2012)

Hi Chelsea K! I love Patricia Wrede. I've read everything SHE's ever written as well. Wish she'd write more. :> Thanks for popping in today!
Jeanne Adams 2:15pm September 18, 2012)

I love Marion Zimmer Bradleys The Mists of Avalon and read it every year. I love books and any genre! I will read anything I can get my hands on.
Felicia Plastini 2:21pm September 18, 2012)

Hi Felicia! Thanks for popping in! Heehee, had to LOL about reading any thing you can get your hands on. I often say that I'll read anything up to and including the cereal box on the breakfast table. Grins.

Love Marion Zimmer Bradley. Mists is a fav, but also loved her Darkover series.
Jeanne Adams 2:29pm September 18, 2012)

I am one of those people that only read a book once and then I am done with it. I rarely to never buy books because of this. I use the library like a mad woman though! So far as books that have affected my life, none really did when I was a child or teen; however, the book " Who's Pulling Your Strings? How to Break the Cycle of Manipulation and Regain Control of Your Life"
by Harriet B. Braiker truly changed my life and those changes affected my hubby positively and my relationship with my mother immensely!
Angie Lilly 2:36pm September 18, 2012)

GONE WITH THE WIND was my first but since then many many more
Debbi Shaw 3:17pm September 18, 2012)

Hi Angie! Thanks for popping in. Oh, I adore the Library. It's like one massive Keeper Shelf. Grins. As to Braiker's book, I've heard of it and heard it too was a "keeper"! My version of that, from non-fiction, is Tony Robbins's Awaken The Giant Within. It truly changed my life, as did doing a couple of Tony's workshops. :> Congrats on the changes. You go, girl! :>
Jeanne Adams 3:18pm September 18, 2012)

Patricia Wrede has written a lot of books that I love. I just finished the last book from her Frontier Magic Series & I really enjoyed it. I agree & hope she starts another series soon.
Chelsea Knestrick 3:26pm September 18, 2012)

Nothing beats Frances Hodgson Burnett's A Little Princess when you're feeling ill-used. Aside from A Little Princess, tomato soup, and hot buttered toast.
Mary Ann Dimand 3:27pm September 18, 2012)

Jeanne, what a lovely post. I have a bookcase in my bedroom that's full of my keepers (and the books I've written - so it's kind of what I'd seize if the house went up in flames, which might cause a problem, it's a BIG bookcase!). Your post made me think back fondly to some of my own faves that I've read over and over. A COUNTESS BELOW STAIRS by Eva Ibbotson (perfect comfort read). The Lymond Chronicles by Dorothy Dunnett (wow!). CRY NO MORE by Linda Howard (expect I always cry buckets when I read it). MR. IMPOSSIBLE by Loretta Chase (giggle my head off in that one, love Rupert!). Might stop there or I'll be here all day!
Anna Campbell 3:36pm September 18, 2012)

as a child i was introduced to anderson's fairy tales and grimm's as well as the yellow, green, blue..an asortment of color fairy tales...and altho i am an octogenarian i still believe in fairy tales..and am a "serial" reader....
Mal Kaplan 3:37pm September 18, 2012)

Shelly Caggiano 3:40pm September 18, 2012)

I have Susan Mallery's THE SHEIK'S SECRET BRIDE to read every year or two. Always enjoy it....
Wish I could email you re keeper case/cards, but Canadians can't buy US postage (or anywhere else for that matter, except for Canadian postage) - and Americans can't put Canadian postage on outgoing mail, even to Canada; yours must be US postage going everywhere. Bummer, for sure, until I can get to the US and buy my own postage stamps there!
Elaine Seymour 4:01pm September 18, 2012)

The Poisonwood Bible by Barbara Kingsolver is one of my favorites... as is Watchers by Dean Koontz... as is anything by Barbara Samuel... oh I HATE having to choose!!
Roxanne Snopek 4:02pm September 18, 2012)

Great post, Jeanne! I have many favorites and among them are the ones I taught (which most people probably hate LOL). A Separate Peace is lovely and I still enjoy reading Lord of the Flies over and over.

Among romance, however, my read again and again go-to writer is JD Robb's In Death series.
Jo Robertson 4:17pm September 18, 2012)

Jeanne, my problem is having too many keepers! I've seen several of my favorite
authors mentioned--Madeline L'Engle, Marion Zimmer Bradley, Andrew Lang's the
"color" fairy books. I also love To Kill A Mockingbird.

Dorothy Dunnett's Lymond series is a keeper though I don't have the energy to
read it often. Ditto for LOTR, of course.

I have favorite books on the iPad, even though I still have the paper editions. The
iPad holds a charge for only 10 hours. If some storm takes out the power lines, I
want to be able to read.

In romance, I have so many keepers, they're hard to name. I'd surely leave
someone out, so I'm not going to try for a list. I will say Kathleen Woodiwiss's
Shanna has been on my keeper shelf ever since I first read it. And I have an
extensive list of Georgette Heyer. Favorites there are Regency Buck, The Unknown
Ajax, and Frederica.
Nancy Northcott 4:33pm September 18, 2012)

Too many favorites to choose just one! My older sister and brother loved to read and introduced me to many romance, romantic suspense, mystery, western and science fiction writers. In high school, I fell in love with Shakespeare, Jane Austen and Charles Dickens.
One of my favorite books is Harper Lee's To Kill A Mockingbird.
Mary C 4:35pm September 18, 2012)

Great book
Kent Cook 4:51pm September 18, 2012)

I am also a fan of George MacDonald. When I was little I loved the movie "The Princess and the Goblin" and then when I was older I read the book as well as the sequel "The Princess and Curdie". After that I read a few more of his books but "The Princess and the Goblin" will always be my favorite of his books.
Chelsea Knestrick 4:58pm September 18, 2012)

I have many favorites which are all the Daphne Du Maurier
books which I find captivating and wonderful.
Sharon Berger 5:03pm September 18, 2012)

mmmmm dark chocolate, coffee & a good book - that's a good
time. When I was a kid I read a series that was old (even
then) - Cherry Ames, Nurse - so I thought I wanted to be a
nurse (later realized it wasn't for me). Also Bobbsey Twins
were my first mystery books.
Diane Sallans 5:15pm September 18, 2012)

I was not a fan of reading as a kid... having to do book reports made me lose interest... later on some fantasy books caught my attention and then romance novels drew me back in and hooked me. I love my comfort books... smile seeing them on my shelves.
Colleen Conklin 5:27pm September 18, 2012)

I will have to say that the Bradbury book are my go-to books because of their creativity and my first glimpse into fantasy. OMG, would I love to win those chocolates!
Susan Coster 5:37pm September 18, 2012)

Hi again, Chelsea K! Ohh, I love that Frontier Magic series and I also have heard of the Princess and the Goblin, but haven't read it. Grins. I'll hve to look it up!
Jeanne Adams 6:31pm September 18, 2012)

Hi Mary Ann D! Ahh,soup and toast clears most ills, doesn't it? And The Little Princess and the Secret Garden? Old Favorites for sure!
Jeanne Adams 6:33pm September 18, 2012)

Hi Anna Campbell, you faboo writer you!! Had to LOl about heaving the bookcase out the door in the event of a fire. Grins. And you KNOW I share your love of Eva Ibbotsen's COUNTESS. What a wonderful book. Sigh. And Mr. Impossible is another fav as well. :> ALL your books are on my Keeper Shelf. And I'm DYING for the new one - it's out Sept. 25, right?
Jeanne Adams 6:37pm September 18, 2012)

Hey Mal Kaplan! Welcome! I love and still love all the Grimms, Andersons and fairy tales of all ilks. So glad to know you're still a serial reader at your young age. Grins. What's the latest fav read?
Jeanne Adams 6:40pm September 18, 2012)

Hi Shelly C! Wow! You like my books too? COOL!! Thanks! Sounds like I'm in great company on your bookshelf there. Have you read the new Lyndsay Sands?
Jeanne Adams 6:41pm September 18, 2012)

Hi Elaine! We'll have to figure something out about that postage thing....hmmmm....I'll ask Dianna, because that woman thinks fo everything! Grins. Thanks for popping in today! :>
Jeanne Adams 6:43pm September 18, 2012)

Hi Roxanne S! Thanks for stopping in! I love Barbara Michaels too. Not as big on Dean Koontz, but one of my BFF's has everythign he's ever written on her keeper shelf! :>
Jeanne Adams 6:44pm September 18, 2012)

Hi Jo! Great to see another Romance Bandit popping in! I'm glad SOMEONE enjoyed A Seperate Peace! Hahaha! And In Death is definately something we agree on even if we diverge on Peace. Grins.
Jeanne Adams 6:46pm September 18, 2012)

Hey, Jeanne, you sweet-talking Romance Bandits devil, you. Thanks for saying such nice things about the books. Yeah, SEVEN NIGHTS IN A ROGUE'S BED is out in a week!!!! Huzzah! Ditto for you on the keeper shelf - I really will get a hernia if I ever have to carry that bookcase to safety. ;-)
Anna Campbell 6:56pm September 18, 2012)

I remember when I was four yrs. old, my mother purchased a set of Childcraft Books. These books had beautiful, colorful illustrations on thick, glossy pages. The one that had the children's nursery rhymes and fables was read to me and my two sisters at night about three times a week. I very much looked forward to having these re-read over and over, until I had every one memorized, to the point that, I would grab the big heavy book and read each page to my two sisters. My father told me once when I was older, that he was amazed how mesmorized my sisters were, sitting on each side of me, while I read the book to them when I was only five. As a result, I was the top reader in my class of 30 in first grade. I remember my mother purchasing the Bobbsey Twins books for me when I was in second grade and I enjoyed those. I have many favorite authors and a huge library of books today. I too, loved reading Victoria Holt. Have always loved LaVyrle Spencer's books,
and once she retired from writing, couldn't part with her entire collection (guess they'd be part of my comfort books).
I so enjoyed your blog today, Jeanne. Brings back such fond memories, especially today, on my father's birthday (even though he's passed 16 yrs. ago). Thanks!
Linda Luinstra 7:16pm September 18, 2012)

Hi Nancy! You and Anna C both love the Dunnetts. i've not yet gotten in to them, but I'm determined to do so since I love the two of ya'll and I know you have great taste! :>

The color fairy books - Lang - are totally cool. :>
Jeanne Adams 7:16pm September 18, 2012)

Hi Mary C! Atticus and Scout are faves on a lot of people's list today. :> Mockingbird is one of those unforgettables. :>
Jeanne Adams 7:17pm September 18, 2012)

Hi Sharon! Dame Daphne is on my keeper shelf, for sure! :> thanks for stopping in today!
Jeanne Adams 7:18pm September 18, 2012)

Hi Diane S! I love those old books. Didn't read the Nurse ones, though I remember my children's librarian trying to GET me to read them. Not for me, just animals and all that back then! Hahaha! Azeet Paratrooper Dog! Barnner, Forward! Misty of Chincoteague! That was me! :>
Jeanne Adams 7:20pm September 18, 2012)

Hi Colleen C! You're not alone in that "book reports put me off" bit. I wish I'd had teachers like my pal Jo Robertson. I'll bet she made old Knowles's Seperate Peace worth reading. :> As it stands now, I remember it with loathing. Grins. Glad you found Fantasy and Romance to rekindle the lurve!
Jeanne Adams 7:22pm September 18, 2012)

Hi Susan! Godiva's another of those "cures for most ills" isn't it? Grins. :> Thanks for commenting.
Jeanne Adams 7:31pm September 18, 2012)

Hi Linda! Oh, I loved your description of reading to your sisters! Such a wonderful memory. My Mama and Daddy, both gone now, used to read to me all the time, and would get all four of us kids together and we'd read the Shakespeare plays, each of us taking a part. Really fun! :> It does make you nostalgic, doesn't it, to remember reading with them? Sigh. :> Good stuff.
Jeanne Adams 7:38pm September 18, 2012)

Anna C., I'm DYING for Seven Nights in a Rogues Bed. Seriously. DYING. You write such engrossing, brilliant books, I'm always keen to get another. (You must take some speed writing classes, m'dear! I need faster Anna C fixes!!)
Jeanne Adams 7:39pm September 18, 2012)

your book sounds very dangerous and a great one to get my hands on to read plus the other gifts are a great bonus..hope to win
Kimberly Hoefs 7:49pm September 18, 2012)

Great post, the book sounds great, I'd love to read it.
Wilma Frana 8:26pm September 18, 2012)

I fell madly in love with Sherlock Holmes when I was in high school. Honestly, I don't remember much of the assigned reading from school because I was reading so much fun stuff. But, I still have a soft spot for Shakespeare!
Jennifer Beyer 8:30pm September 18, 2012)

Hi Kimberly! thanks! What a lovely compliment. :>
Jeanne Adams 8:35pm September 18, 2012)

Hi Wilma! Thanks!
Jeanne Adams 8:36pm September 18, 2012)

HI Jennifer! I loved alll the Sherlock too. What fun it is to go back to that too, btw. It never gets old.
Jeanne Adams 8:38pm September 18, 2012)

Awww, thanks, my friend! x
Anna Campbell 8:39pm September 18, 2012)

I know I read alot as a child but I can't remember any books until jr high. I loved John Steinbeck, his small books back at that age. And many of the other classics. My first and favorite romance was GONE WITH THE WIND and I read that in the summer before 9th grade. Fantastic, wasn't it! I have reread SHOGUN many times. Oh, I loove dark chocolate, so you can send some anytime now.
Kathleen Bianchi 8:39pm September 18, 2012)

Hey Anna! Luv yer show, babe!
Jeanne Adams 8:46pm September 18, 2012)

I loved the Anne of Green Gables series when I was a kid.
Maureen Emmons 8:46pm September 18, 2012)

Hi Kathleen! Dark chocolate rocks, doesn't it? Yummmmm. Oh, Shogun...now that's a good one!
Jeanne Adams 8:48pm September 18, 2012)

I love my books and there are many I'll never part with. I moved recently and started to put some aside to give away but the stack was very small. I didn't realize how many books I have until I started packing them. I love my Victoria Holt books and will never give them away.
Rita Wray 8:49pm September 18, 2012)

Hi Rita! Had to LOL about the packing. OMGosh, packing books is soooooo heavy duty. Last time I moved, the movers kept looking at the book shelves and shaking their heads. Grins.
Jeanne Adams 8:58pm September 18, 2012)

In Jr. high school we had to read (The Outsiders), not my favorite. But in High school I did like( MacBeth).You can't go wrong with William Shakespeare. I even named one of my cats Shakespeare,aka..Shakes.
Deb Pelletier 9:02pm September 18, 2012)

You really want to age me, don't you? LOL Growing up, I remember reading Little Women. I was trying to recall whether that was part of a series, because I have around 3 of those books still packed away. I also love Autobiographies - not because I'm nosy, but because I'm fascinated. They mostly have to do with the Royal Family. The one book that impacted me the most as a child was the Autobiography of Helen Keller. After watching the movie "The Miracle Worker" on tv, I became fascinated with her, and wanted to learn more about her. In fact, after reading her Autobiography, I admired her so much, that I tried to pattern my life after her. In my 20's, I suffered an accident that forced me to alter my lifestyle completely. If it wasn't for reading her book, I don't think that I could have gone through everything I did, nor change my life. She was an amazing woman!! Now I'm looking forward to reading your book with the sexy cover for a good change of pace. It'll be just the ticket to usher in the Fall with a nice hot cup of cocoa and my kittens!! The book will probably be with my stack of books that are the "special" ones.
Peggy Roberson 9:06pm September 18, 2012)

Hello, this looks great. will be adding it to my to be bought list..
Holly Vanderhule 9:06pm September 18, 2012)

Hi Deb! Outsiders is good. I don't think I'd reread it, as it was sad too, but memorable! And yes, Shakes (cat and man) rocks! :>
Jeanne Adams 9:13pm September 18, 2012)

Hi Peggy! Little Women is a total Old Fav! And I like autobios too. I particularly loved one I read on Jimmy Stewart a few years ago. I love that The Miracle Worker helped you in your trials. And thank you so much for your lovely comments. :>
Jeanne Adams 9:31pm September 18, 2012)

Hi Holly! Thanks!
Jeanne Adams 9:33pm September 18, 2012)

Victoria Holt is a author I go back and reread and also anything by Stephen King. Thanks for the contest!
Teresa Ward 9:53pm September 18, 2012)

Thank you for your post and giveaway, Jeanne. I have plenty of keepers. Most aren't titles or authors the Fresh Fiction crowd would easily recognize. They're just books I've read over the years and enjoyed. I rarely reread them; how can I with the flood of new and reissued titles? But I can't bear to part with them.

You asked us for the titles of books that impacted us when we were children or teenagers. Well, I certainly read a lot when I was young. But if you're talking about books that changed my life, none of them did---then, now, or at any time. The only things that have changed my life have been my actual experiences in the real world.

That's why I don't hold with the idea that a book, movie, type of music, video game, or any other cultural product can have a powerful adverse effect on its consumers. Or for that matter, a beneficial one.

I believe we read, watch movies, listen to music, and so on for aesthetic enjoyment. It can transport us, but not fundamentally change us. For that, there's reality.

Good luck with the release of "Deadly Little Lies"!
Mary Anne Landers 9:57pm September 18, 2012)

I read Lord of the Flies. I still remember how that book left me feeling yucky from the inside out.

Two of the memorable books I love are The Count of Monte Cristo and To Kill a Mockingbird.
Kai Wong 10:24pm September 18, 2012)

Hi Teresa W! I like Stephen King but once through is usually enough for me! Ha! His imagery is so vivid, I can remember great swaths of the books....shiver....
Jeanne Adams 11:03pm September 18, 2012)

Hi Mary Anne! I'd love to know some of the keepers. I bet you'd be surprised how many we'd all recognize. :> And thank you for the good wishes. Deadly Little Lies is already out - Sept of 2011 - but Deadly Charms will be out late Oct. :>
Jeanne Adams 11:04pm September 18, 2012)

wizard of oz!!!!!
Jennifer Beck 11:05pm September 18, 2012)

Hello Kai! I felt the same way about Lord of the Flies. Never ever want to re read THAT one! Ha! I adore the Count of Monte Cristo and most anything Dumas as well. :> You're also in great company with the Mockingbird.
Jeanne Adams 11:06pm September 18, 2012)

Oh, Jennifer! Wizard of Oz indeed. Did you read all of them? SO good! Frank Baum was brilliant
Jeanne Adams 11:06pm September 18, 2012)

I devoured everything in the library as a kid---so I couldn't possibly pick a favorite---but the worst for school---I think that was The Education of Henry Adams---UGH!
Sue Farrell 11:44pm September 18, 2012)

I have always loved Julie Garwood's historicals, especially THE SECRET, SAVING GRACE, FOR THE ROSES, and LION'S LADY.
Carol Woodruff 12:16pm September 19, 2012)

I read & re-read all of Enid Blyton's books as a child. Her fairy stories I loved particularly.
Mary Preston 8:14am September 19, 2012)

My favorites are Lord of Scoundrels, Cotillion, I Start Counting, anything by Jane Aiken Hodge or Mary Stewart. I have books which are over 40 years old.
Phyllis Lamken 10:12am September 19, 2012)

I think the most impactful book for me as a teen was The
Diary of Anne Frank. I was the same age as Anne when I read
the book and I was so bothered by it, I read it again and
again for a two week period. I think I was hoping if I did,
it would end differently. I think that's when I realized how
truly evil some people can be.
Margay Roberge 11:09am September 19, 2012)

Growing up I loved Anne of Green Gables, I also have this love for Gone With The Wind, The Scarlet Pimpernel, Frankenstien - let's not forget Dickens, and DH Lawerence. For pop culture books at the time there were the Sweet Valley High books (yes, I am dating myself).
I have always loved books and can't live without them.
Carla Carlson 11:51am September 19, 2012)

I discovered a love of historical fiction with a bit of mystery from reading Jane Eyre and the Scarlett Pimpernel and William Faulkner's As I Lay Dieing is one of my all time favorite reads.
Theresa Norris 5:40pm September 19, 2012)

There are two books I also go back to. They are The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe and Jenny and the Cat Club. From time to time I would go back to them. It like visiting old friends.
Kai Wong 6:39pm September 19, 2012)

I have two that I go for in those moments of need. A Knight In Shining Armor and The Wolf and the Dove. The last being the book that got me hooked on reading and made my heart soar with love for history, medieval being my favorite.
Leah Weller 9:29pm September 19, 2012)

Old Favourites: ANYTHING by Madeline L'Engle (I'm reading a memoir of hers right now, in fact!), ANYTHING by Georgette Heyer, whether historical romance or her 1920's mysteries (which I guess would be a historical nowadays), ANYTHING by Anne McCaffrey, may she RIP (what a terrible loss!), and the list goes on and on.

Most disliked forced read from school? Joseph Conrad's "Heart of Darkness." Ugh. Totally creeped me out, and I don't think I ever was able to finish it.


Lynn Rettig 1:14pm September 20, 2012)

I discovered Jane Austen in high school and it ignited my love of romance
novels. I started with historical and expanded to paranormal and everything
in between. The keeper Kase is a great idea as I am now an owner of a
Ann Sheiring 6:20pm September 20, 2012)

I do still remember the books I was forced to dissect at school - torture. I also remember the books I loved growing up. Mostly because I re-read them so many times. BLACK BEAUTY among them.
Mary Preston 10:20pm September 20, 2012)

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Wu Anna 10:59pm September 22, 2012)

Romance, mystery and a bit of food seem to be in most of the books I'm reading nowadays.
Alyson Widen 1:43pm September 29, 2012)

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