Entangled Teen
May 2013
On Sale: May 7, 2013
Featuring: Madelyne Summers; Logan
352 pages ISBN: 1620612380 EAN: 9781620612385 Kindle: B00B6U1818 Trade Size / e-Book
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Young Adult
On the outside, seventeen-year-old Madelyne Summers looks
like your typical blond cheerleader—perky, popular, and
dating the star quarterback. But inside, Maddie spends more
time agonizing over what will happen in the next issue of
her favorite comic book than planning pep rallies with her
squad. That she’s a nerd hiding in a popular girl's body
isn’t just unknown, it's anti-known. And she needs to keep
it that way. Summer is the only time Maddie lets her real self out to
play, but when she slips up and the adorkable guy behind the
local comic shop’s counter uncovers her secret, she’s
busted. Before she can shake a pom-pom, Maddie’s whisked
into Logan’s world of comic conventions, live-action
role-playing, and first-person-shooter video games. And she
loves it. But the more she denies who she really is, the
deeper her lies become…and the more she risks losing Logan
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26 comments posted.
Re: The Summer I Became A Nerd
I love learning about just about anything, but especially history. If the History channel is showing something about actually History, especially in the United Stated, ie: wars, I'm gone for the day. (Tawnya Bentley 10:24am May 22, 2013)
When you're a knitter and crocheter like I am, you tend to become obsessed with anything to do with your craft - mostly yarn!! If I happen to be out shopping, I can't help myself if I see some yarn on sale, and buy a few skeins, whether I need them or not. We call it our "stash," and you could say that I have a healthy one that my Husband isn't even quite aware of. The problem is that when I need to make something special for someone, I don't have the right gauge on hand that I need, and have to go out and purchase more to make the item or items, in many cases. Lately it seems to be baby gifts, and all of my yarn is too heavy to make something for little ones. Anyway, your book sounds like a really fun read. I'm sure that it'll strike something in me, going back to my childhood, which was many moons ago, and I could use a few laughs about now. I've gone through some really stressful times the past few months, and to even be taken away from it all for a while through your eyes would be well worth it!! Congratulations on your book!! (Peggy Roberson 10:39am May 22, 2013)
I like to do sequin art and jigsaw puzzles, and when they are on sale I stock up. (Wilma Frana 11:31am May 22, 2013)
i am a computer freak i am really good at fixing them also so i guess you can call me a nerd (Denise Smith 11:40am May 22, 2013)
I am norkilious - nerd, dork, delicious - that's what my friends say and DH. I love comic books (and lost a collection to an ex), used to play a little D & D - yes, people that are the bosses in this life now, I am a Whovian and knew the Tardis before it became popular, Cosplay wasn't even a word when I was growing up and dressing up. I let my Nerd Flag fly and I am proud. I love to learn new things, laugh hard, and find interest in even the mundane. (Carla Carlson 11:54am May 22, 2013)
I guess I would have to say I am a nerd about art/painting supplies. I always want more and more just to make sure I have enough of everything. I do the same with beading; have to have every color, shape and size bead to keep in case I get the urge. I also do this with books; I have to live to be 140 to get all of the books read that I have stacked up in my house right now, yet I keep buying more of them. A book addict for sure. But I know that I am not alone with wanting and collecting books!!!!! (Cynthia Blain 12:05pm May 22, 2013)
I am a nerd about reading and libraries. I am crazy about books, reading and visiting bookstores and libraries. Have always been that way. (Sharon Berger 12:15pm May 22, 2013)
I'm your typical book nerd- love reading therefore I visit lots of bookstores and the local library. I was a geeky nerd in school- in "gifted" classes due to a higher IQ so picked on quite regularly. (Amanda Ray 12:24pm May 22, 2013)
I'm a nerd about several things. I quilt (aka fabric collector according to my Mom); all those cool tools & colors. I'm also a Star Wars fanatic. My sister-in-law finds this a bit strange... (Laura Gullickson 2:52pm May 22, 2013)
i am a reading nerd (Debbi Shaw 4:19pm May 22, 2013)
Since I'm an aging nerd, I'd probably love this. Thank you. (Irene Menge 4:55pm May 22, 2013)
I let my nerd flag fly! I love all things Doctor Who, Star Trek and BBC! I know people are surprised when they find this out about me! My dad was a nerd and I grew up watching Star Trek with him...must have rubbed off on me! (Suzanne P 5:49pm May 22, 2013)
I am a book nerd.. gotta love reading!!! (Mya Bainbridge 6:55pm May 22, 2013)
Yes, I am a Nerd for sure and love to enter hundreds and hundreds of Online Contests and Sweepstakes. Also, I have always lived my life in the Twilight Zone and do not follow the crowd for sure. I am a one of a kind Nerd for sure. Makes me think of the squares trying to fit through the circles. Hee Hee. Thanks for great contest and congrats on your new book. Sounds like a Winner for sure. Thanks, Cecilia CECE (Cecilia Dunbar Hernandez 8:03pm May 22, 2013)
Sci-Fi shows, museums and places of historical or natural interest, and books of course. This sounds like a fun book.
Thanks for the giveaway opportunity. (Sophia Rose 9:02pm May 22, 2013)
Can't think of a thing I really nerd out about. I'm a take it or leave type of person. So, I guess i'm a nerd about doing my own thing. (Sheila True 9:46pm May 22, 2013)
Sounds like she is the best of both worlds. I am a nerd in that I love to read all the time. (Tiffany Gronn 9:56pm May 22, 2013)
Books! :) (May Pau 9:49am May 23, 2013)
I am a book nerd--love reading and can never have enough books, including a large selection of cookbooks. I love trying out new recipes, since I love cooking and baking! (Linda Luinstra 6:50pm May 23, 2013)
I have a couple of things I go crazy over ... books, there are certain authors I have to have to books from and actually have a list of I won't miss one and the other is video games ... either my DS (which my son got me started on) or PC games... the puzzle and search and find kind. (Annetta Sweetko 10:07pm May 23, 2013)
I am a nerd when it comes to keeping up with politics. After taking a government class in college, I just can't help myself. LOL (Gladys Paradowski 10:50pm May 23, 2013)
Books, Star Wars, and 80's music. Guess I've pretty much dated myself... LOL! (Debbie Burdeen 3:24pm May 24, 2013)
I COLLECT ALOT OF THINGS BOOKS, ORN.. (Shelley Summers 5:15pm May 24, 2013)
I am a nerd when it comes to collecting muscle car magazines and die cast cars, rock 'n roll oldies music CD's, and cool lighted beer signs. Like books too! (Rich Cook 5:24pm May 24, 2013)
Office supplies and books. :) Some movies too. (Penny Mettert 10:23pm May 24, 2013)
Why do Americans (some of them) feel they need to insult intelligent people? In Ireland we call smart kids swots meaning they read and know the answers at school, or brainboxes, which is not that insulting. We've learned the word geek off television. Tend to use it for people who like messing around with computers. And we all need those, yes? This nerd word, you seem to use it like for someone who lives in a box. And it seems to be the ultimate person who wouldn't get a date. (Clare O'Beara 7:35am May 25, 2013)
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