February 8th, 2025
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Love, Secrets, and Second Chances—February’s Must-Read Books Await!

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A Stray Pup, A Second Chance, and a Killer on the Loose�Wagtail�s About to Get Wild!

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A Hacker, an Undercover Mission, and a Love Worth Fighting For.

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A Duke by any other name would smell as� dastardly?
� delightful?

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Shaken, Stirred, and Unexpectedly in Love�Can They Mix Business with Pleasure?

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As London's high society watches their every move, can these two brilliant minds find the formula for true love?

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Chocolate, Second Chances, and a Love Too Sweet to Let Go.

Linda Luinstra

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424 comments posted.

Re: Justified (5:01pm June 20, 2015):

Going to Grandma's house in the country town where she lived every other Sunday afternoon. My mom's sister lived in the house across the road with her brood of 7 children and we had 8. We'd have our own softball team and played with our cousins on her huge vacant lot next door to her house. She'd cook up corn-on-the cob from her garden for us. Grandma had a vacant lot which was all filled with every type of berry bush there was. We'd pick berries and eat many before bringing them in to her. We always had hours of fun & hated leaving. I remember playing dominoes, cards & the walnut shell game when it got too dark outside. We also did a lot of hiking along the railroad tracks and county roads and came back with handfuls of fresh asparagus that grew wild.

Re: Courtship of the Cake (4:49pm June 20, 2015):

My favorite cupcake is chocolate chip. I love wedding themed romance books and this sounds like a very good one for me to read.

Re: Snow White Lies (4:43pm June 20, 2015):

Creativity and hopeless romantic. These sound unusually different with that paranormal twist.

Re: Desperate Measures (4:36pm June 20, 2015):

I didn't know there was peach tea or chocolate mint tea. Think I'll go look for those also...both do sound good. Apple tea and lemon tea are good. I have not read any of your books yet but others recommendations are very encouraging for me to read them.

Re: Outlaw Hearts (4:26pm June 20, 2015):

I've always enjoyed any type of western or historical western themed books. My father did also. I have read many. One of my favorite authors is Jodi Thomas. I absolutely know I'd cherish having a copy of Outlaw Hearts! I do have Paradise Valley which I haven't read yet and really love the book cover.

Re: Daughter of Valor (4:58pm June 13, 2015):

That would have to be my dad who served in the Navy during WWII. He fought during very harsh times, with little food, aboard a large Naval ship in the humid South Pacific. I read a diary that was published as a book by a fellow crewman he was aboard his ship with. My father read it, and stated he had planned to write a similar book. I waited until my father was deceased to read it. I learned so much more that my father never discussed, and it brought tears to my eyes what they endured during those times. I'm happy he made it home alive. He was a terrific father.

Re: Against the Tide (4:43pm June 13, 2015):

I love a good intriguing thriller. I haven't read any of your Brodies of Alaska series yet, so am unfamiliar with Dylan, Nick or Rafe. I'm sure they're all great guys.

Re: Alive (4:27pm June 13, 2015):

My favorite drink is a Strawberry Margarita or a good Lambrusco wine. I'm not much of a drinker and like a simple good tasting drink when I celebrate. Your Sangria recipe sounds really good. I've never had one but from ingredients know I'd like it with all the fruit. Thanks for the giveaway.

Re: Five Brides (4:16pm June 13, 2015):

I think I could buy a lovely wedding dress going in with four strangers if it happened back during those years when times were harder and people weren't frugal with their money. This book sounds like such an interesting story, and I love reading books like this and must read it!

Re: Then Sings My Soul (5:41pm April 12, 2015):

I enjoyed reading your post about the elderly. Old age brings on many aches, pains and moving about, along with sadness, when family forgets about them when they become too busy in their own daily lives. So when they are able to express themselves of some past memories and tell their story to someone that will listen, it is exciting to them as they can forget about what ails them for awhile. There are so many wonderful things to see every day and learn, and the beauty of it all is a miracle.

Re: A Horse for Kate (5:22pm April 12, 2015):

My favorite memories are from when I was little starting at age 4, when my mother would read to me and my two younger sisters every evening. We cuddle close and listen intently. She had a huge Child's World Set that had one book in it of all nursery rhymes, fairy tales, etc. with very vivid colored pictures on glossy pages she read from until we had it all memorized. Then I received many Golden Books on my birthday and we read all those. I was the best reader in my first grade class of over 30 kids, because of all the reading, I recognized simple words. I've remained an avid reader my entire life and my sister received many awards through her years of teaching, as she too, excelled in school and was top of her class in college and went on to get many additional degrees. So I'm a strong believer that early reading leads to a better education when children gain a fondness for it and look forward to reading more and more. Your book looks wonderful, and I've loved horses since I was a child and rode them on my uncle's ranch only ten miles from where I now live. Back then, it was four hours away for me to travel to his home to do this.

Re: Red Handed (5:56pm March 25, 2015):

Enjoyed reading the Five Things Lists. About the only ones unmentioned are, "I have a bad headache, I have to get up really early in the morning, I really need a shower, or I've had a long day." The old stand-by excuses. Sounds like quite an interesting story.

Re: SEAL My Home (6:14pm March 23, 2015):

The covers are similar, but I like SEAL of My Heart the best. The guy has a nice, honest, younger look and is attractive. This is quite a large series of which I haven't had the opportunity to read yet.

Re: One Step Too Far (5:20pm March 16, 2015):

One Step Too Far sounds like a very interesting, captivating read. I know this is a book I'd very much enjoy reading so I can uncover Emily's secret. Sounds like a page-turner! I am making a list of all your books, so I can get started with your others.

Re: Spring Fever: Shifters in Love (4:19pm March 14, 2015):

I became fascinated reading two different authors books in both shifter angels and wolves/werewolves...so those are my two most favorites, since once I started the angel series of 3 books, that were so good, I couldn't put them down and hated for the series to come to an end. I love those that draw you in so deeply. Paranormal romances of all types intrigue me. As a kid, I stayed up til the wee hours watching every vampire, werewolf, mummy, monster movie one after the other, every Fri. night with my sister. We loved them!

Re: The Snow Globe (5:38pm March 11, 2015):

I love historical fiction and your book sounds amazing. I am also fond of snow globes and have a collection. This is such a beautiful book cover, and the storyline captured my undivided attention, as it will others. Much success with it!

Re: You're So Fine (12:20pm December 31, 2014):

I guess I failed to answer one of your questions. One thing I learned as an ending in my own life, when I divorced, is to be careful and wise as to your future choices...your spending, job and partner choices. Everything matters for a good outcome. The more time and thought in making wise decisions gets you better results.

Re: You're So Fine (12:11pm December 31, 2014):

I love single mom stories and how they meet their new guy and the interaction with her child or children. This sounds like a great story with a happy outcome. Hard to believe we'll be ringing in 2015 already. Happy New Year!

Re: Geared For The Grave (7:41pm December 2, 2014):

Sounds like a great book and brings back memories from days when I first tried to ride my mothers bike at age 5. I had to get help from the older neighbor girl to hold me up, while I pedaled. In no time, I was riding all over standing up. I was much too small to sit up on the seat! Fabulous book cover!

Re: Thief of Glory (6:17pm August 25, 2014):

My father served in WWII in the Navy upon the USS Montpelier Naval Ship and battled throughout the South Pacific. He talked very little to me about what happened, but would talk to my brother over breakfast (when they were alone) about it. Finally, when one of his fellow crewmen wrote a book, from a daily diary he'd kept hidden (which was against all military rules), I got the book through our library and read it. My father had read it years before I had, and owned it, yet never let me read it. I was shocked to learn what I did. Things that happened aboard the ship, on the islands they row-boated to and what they found, food rationing to the point of starvation because of lack of supplies, the intense humid heat and long hours of chores they were dealt, including hours of walking back and forth length of the ship, carrying huge heavy bombs and stacking them, to be fired at the enemy, one on each of their shoulders til they were very bruised, close calls, and coming upon other ships destroyed and bodies floating in the water. It was more than I could stand and brought tears to my eyes, thinking about my father, just in his early twenties and what he endured and witnessed during those years for fighting for our country. Books like this, as well as yours, are of great interest to many to read these true accounts, as there is no better means to find out. Many veterans do not wish to tell and relive these memories, simply because, many of them are bad and painful. My mother wrote a huge piece of accounts that happened to my father years ago. I remember reading and re-reading it. My father had close calls many times, and it was just a stroke of luck he lived. His fellow crewmen calling his name to come over when they walked onto a beach, and before he even walked a couple steps toward them, hidden land mines blowing up and blowing off these other guys limbs and blinding them.
My father was a patient, likeable man with many friends. He passed away in 1997, from cancer in

Re: Saving Gracie (5:43pm August 25, 2014):

You look absolutely amazing in your fall outfit photo here!
I wish you the best with your health issues. Nothing is more important than the time spent with your children. My three, are now grown, and I really miss those moments spent with them reading books, playing games, helping with homework and art projects, and activities outdoors. I have the memories and photos, but it's not the same. They grow up too fast, and soon become parents and make us grandparents, which is, another joy in life. My oldest son, who thought he'd never have children but really wanted some, is now, happier than ever.
He remarried, was blessed with a young daughter from his new wife's previous marriage, and then, they had their own babies...a set of twins (a boy & and a girl), within their first year of marriage! This was a long wait, meant to be.
My youngest son, has one son, and now, recently, had a baby girl (they are 9 yrs. apart...but both born on the same day)! He is already spoiling her! So in a very short time, I went from one grandchild for many years, to a total of five! Now, I'm feeling old. I just don't know where the time goes. This has been the fastest summer I can remember, with Fall almost here! Kids will be so excited to get back into the school days "groove" (the younger ones, anyway)!

Re: Billionaire Blend (4:50pm August 25, 2014):

Cleo, I really love your recipes. I love baking and cooking and look forward to adding these to my recipe collection. I have always enjoyed sharing them with my relatives after trying them out myself. I also love reading very much. I plan to read all of your books. I enjoy reading everything about authors on Fresh Fiction, and feel it's a great way to get to know you personally!

Re: Mirror X (7:26pm July 10, 2014):

I want to read your book. Will it come out in trade paperback soon? I do not have an e-reader. It sounds very good, and I enjoy reading books like this, and watching doomsday preppers on tv. People think this is weird and these people are strange...but they may indeed be smarter than the rest of us, when they're prepared for everything, and we're not.

Re: Perfected (7:51pm July 9, 2014):

Procrastination. I used to be so organized and on top of everything, go-go, all day long. As I've gotten older, I don't try to get it all done each and every day and put it off til tomorrow, and still it might not get done. I also seem to be opinionated. I often give my opinion or advice to others who seek out my help. This can be good and bad sometimes, so I often tell them it's their choice and to use their own judgement.

Re: Firewall (7:45pm July 9, 2014):

Loved reading all the information which is very insightful. Thanks for the tips. Firewall sounds like a great read.

Re: Muffin But Murder (7:55pm June 30, 2014):

I can't wait to read this humorous cozy mystery. Sounds like a very good series to read, and just what I need right now.

Re: Montana Bride (7:54pm June 25, 2014):

I love the historical western romance novels more than any other genre. It's amazing the number of books you've written. This sounds like another great book. I will be sure to write these titles down of your latest books and get these to read. Thanks!

Re: Monday, Monday (6:44pm June 18, 2014):

I was a teen in the 60's and enjoyed all the music during that time. That was some of the best music and still enjoy it to this day. This book sounds very good, and I love the title. Now, I've got the song going on in my head!

Re: Once Upon a Highland Autumn (6:34pm June 18, 2014):

I love the covers on your books. Once Upon a Highland Summer with the red plaid is so eye-catching. I love anything with ghosts and castles thrown into the story and enjoy historical romances.

Re: Somebody to Love (6:07pm June 18, 2014):

I enjoy historical romance stories and this one sounds really good and one I could truly enjoy!

Re: Love Potions (4:14pm June 8, 2014):

This sounds like such a good book with a cute title, which I would love to read. Hot Scottish guy in a kilt with a little magick, mystery and mischief...what could be better?

Re: Wedded In Scandal (6:29pm June 5, 2014):

Mother of the Bride should wear colors to compliment/coordinate with colors of the wedding. Colors a shade or two lighter or a shade darker than the bridesmaids. Traditional or formal weddings should be longer hemlines which are more dressy and these dresses are lined. Shorter lengths (non-traditional) are fine for informal and outdoor weddings. Mothers may choose to wear a "matronly" color like beige, taupe, camel, tan, or gray. If the floor-length gown is strapless and the wedding is in a church, it is best for the mother to choose a small jacket, bolero, or something to cover the shoulders during the ceremony. The most traditional colors for Mothers of the Bride were always pale pink, beige, sage green, and baby blue. It is advised not to wear black, red, or white, so you don't look like you're attending a funeral (black), don't stand out (red), and don't look matchy-matchy and blend with bride (white). It is advised that Mother of the Bride consult with Mother of the Groom about color she has selected so Grooms Mother can select her color which will be different. I think the gown you chose is perfect! I really like it, and you'll look nice! Hope this helps a little with uncertainties you may have.

Re: Tempest In A Teapot (8:08pm June 3, 2014):

I have a very good memory stemming back to my childhood from age 3 on up. Many things have stayed with me and I've always wonder why they resurface in my mind. In some cases, I think it's because of the greatness or fondness I had for a particular thing or event. Sometimes, it's the hilarious moments I shared with particular people and what we did together. I love your book cover, it's very nice and sounds like one I'd enjoy reading!

Re: Love For Beginners (8:02pm June 3, 2014):

I wouldn't mind taking my vehicle to a garage with female mechanics if they had experience to do the work. I've spent far too many hours in the last month dealing with car repairs of a multitude of issues. These books you've written must be meant for me to read!

Re: Rose House (2:08pm May 24, 2014):

Your beautiful book cover is so captivating it draws my attention to want to read it, as does the storyline. Your travels sound enjoyable and fun.

Re: Somebody Like You (4:55pm May 17, 2014):

This sounds like a wonderful story that I want to read. I just watched a movie last night very similar with hate, jealousy, mistakes, hurt, tears, laughter and forgivesness called, "Seasons of Gray" which is a true story. It was almost unbelievable what this one man went through in his life with his own family. It is a real test of his endurance and strength through faith. I truly enjoyed this movie, as I know I will your book that will be a captivating read!

Re: Risky Game (6:38pm May 13, 2014):

I have to tell you that I have sons named, Shannon and Shayn (Shane-just spelled differently)! I found this interesting and somewhat coincidental upon reading about your books. My Shayn was involved in every sport and excelled at all of them. Many colleges sent their scouts out watching my son play football trying to recruit him by offering scholarships, so he could play college footballfor them. He didn't accept any of them, since that wasn't his career path. I also have a son named, Shawn. I am quite interested in reading your books. I enjoy Susan Elizabeth Phillips books very much. She is one of the first authors I got started reading with many years ago. I've heard Jaci Burton writes good sports romance stories. However, I will start reading yours first as I haven't dipped my toes in the sports genre yet, and I'm looking forward to reading something different.

Re: Rise And Shine (4:46pm May 10, 2014):

This sounds like a great contemporary fairy tale book, and I like the idea that you used the Sleeping Beauty fairy tale to build from. Instead of awakening to Prince Charming and the "happily ever after", that she awakes to the world of reality and is faced with many shocking, unhappy things having been asleep for ten years. I have to read this book; it sounds so good, and I love the cute cover!

Re: Cottonmouth and the River (5:16pm May 9, 2014):

This sounds like a very well thought out children's adventure story book (a little like a Huckleberry Finn plus). I have always loved reading children's books to my children, probably because my mother always read many stories to me and my sisters and I enjoyed this special reading time so much. I love the cover for your book!

Re: The Language Of Silence (7:16pm May 7, 2014):

Your books all sound like amazing reads. I love covers. They're very unique and beautiful. I can't wait to read these.

Re: The Paris Time Capsule (6:28pm April 28, 2014):

This sounds like a wonderful mystery novel. The cover is just beautiful. There are many unexplained mysteries in life. I have also experienced premonitions in dreams one to two days prior to them actually happening exactly as seen in a dream or in thoughts. I have a sister that experiences this also. In fact, she actually visualized where a child murder victim could be found and the exact last name of the killer and went to the authorities with her information. It was all true. It freaked her out, and she doesn't know why this all came forth to her. So this is a very unexplained mystery why some people receive these detailed messages from something that has happened or is about to happen! I would so enjoy reading your book.

Re: Lighten Up (5:18pm April 25, 2014):

When I got my first car, my father preached to me to never give rides to friends anywhere. I went against his wishes and carted many friends around everywhere, including to jobs out-of-town. This ended up coming back to bite me in the behind when I was forced off the road by a semi truck rounding a sharp curve and into my lane head-on. I was forced off the road and went off the shoulder down an embankment. This caused one passenger a head injury laceration, and my car frame to be all bent which totalled my car. None of the girls paid me that night toward gas which they owed me for the week, upon getting their paychecks. The girl with the injury sued my insurance almost 7 yrs. later (which was the allowable time frame many years ago) and received a lot of money for a small scar covered by her hair. So, I should have listened to my father, as he was right as to why I shouldn't drive friends around when I'm a teenager.

Re: A Broken Kind Of Beautiful (4:59pm April 25, 2014):

I think when people are kind and do nice things for others by going out of their way. This is often ignored by many and taken for granted, however, it is a very beautiful person that does this. People that wait on you at counters in stores, pharmacies, etc. that are pleasant and take the time to help you find things, smile, and tell you, "Have a very nice day now," are examples of this and their kindness shines through. Your cover for your book is beautiful and goes well with the title. I look forward to reading it!

Re: A Perfect Distraction (6:12pm April 10, 2014):

Anyone that has all white walls in every room must be pretty boring. White furniture on top of that...gosh, is that for show only, since these people couldn't have children! I once had a realtor come through my house. All my walls painted in very pale shades. She told me to paint all my walls white whenever I decided to sell it. I thought she was crazy. Supposedly this gives a home a clean look and makes rooms appear larger. I don't think I've ever been in any home that has white walls throughout. I'm not a purple person. I don't think I'd feel comfortable in that purple room in your photo, but everyone has their own tastes. It looks off-balance with those weird archways and a TV thrown off to the side (strange decorating). I do like some wallpaper. I have it on one wall in each of my bathrooms with painted wall on opposite side. Many of my neighbors have barn red living rooms. I really think it looks gross!

Re: Rising Assets (3:37pm April 6, 2014):

I do not own an electronic reading device. I enjoy reading paperbacks. Please DO NOT include me into your contest for this, but I wanted to comment on what drives me crazy. I must say, just the other day, I had an appointment for an oil change, and upon lowering my car from the lift, they broke the large spring by the stabilizer. Instead of telling me they did this when they drove my car out, I had to find out for myself as I tried to leave. The car was making a very loud noise and scraping by the front tire. Upon inspection, they admitted they did this, however, only bent it away from tire so that car was driveable. No offer to replace at their cost...but told me they'd order the part and I could have it put on the following day for $100-$150. Came the next day for appt., and they didn't have the part even ordered yet to put on! He saw me walking in and started going online to order the part, but couldn't find one, only sold in pairs for $359. He finally decided to try salvage yards for used and found one, which couldn't be gotten until the following day. He wasted my day telling me to come back tomorrow! This was so irritating and very inconsiderate when someone does this. Used cost was $159. Quote wasn't even right, since he'd told me less than that for new!! Great customer service! I also dislike when people lie to you and try to worm out of what they've said, when confronted. They lose your trust by not being honest about it.

Re: The Red-Hot Chili Cook-Off (6:47pm April 3, 2014):

Love any kind/variation of nachos. I have many recipes. One for Southwest Nachos: 1 lb. ground beef, 1 can diced tomatoes (drained), 1 can tomatoes (with green chilis, drained well), 1 can corn (drained), 1 can black beans (rinsed and drained), 1 packet Taco seasoning, tortilla chips, 1-1/2 cups cheddar cheese (shredded). Brown ground beef, drain grease. Add all ingredients except chips and cheese. Bring to a boil. On a large cookie sheet or baking stone, make a layer of tortilla chips. Spoon meat mixture over chips. Top with cheese. Brown under broiler just until toasty.
Love your books, Carolyn. I've read most of them...but haven't read this one yet!

Re: How to Handle a Cowboy (6:20pm April 3, 2014):

I love books in a series when authors incorporate the characters into the next book revisiting their lives to find out what they're now doing (having a baby, etc. after they'd fallen in love and gotten married at the end of the previous book). Carolyn Brown does this. I especially love cowboy stories! I never pass up on any I find anywhere...I have to read them all.

Re: An Accidental Life (5:35pm March 29, 2014):

I am in a bit of shock as I read this! For one thing, my siter's name is Jill Stanek...however, her last name is changed now that she is married. She lives in MN. and has always been a teacher with many degrees. She also taught at many colleges and was the founder of the first National Geographic Bee which started in the state of MN. many years ago. She was awarded by the MN. State Governor for her accomplishments and honored with a Day of The Year named after her. She then traveled nearly every country throughout her career choosing one or two students to join her. She recently retired. I am sending her a copy of this as I'm sure she will find it of great interest about this woman who shares her name. It is most interesting to me, and this must be an outstanding book to read.

Re: Dyed and Gone (3:57pm March 29, 2014):

I love all the ingenious ideas for using bobby pins! They also work well when you need a makeshift zipper pull. I think the pink rose bobby pins are very pretty. And, who doesn't need a cute little inexpensive bookmark? Thanks!

Re: Pretty Reckless (6:50pm March 24, 2014):

Will your book, "Pretty Reckless" come out in print? I don't read e-books as I don't own an e-reader. I would love to read your book if and when it does. I love all cowboy books and enjoy authors Carolyn Brown, Jodi Thomas, and many others. My favorite sexy, bad-boy cowboy in movies was Clint Eastwood. In books, I'll take 'em anyway they come from any author writing about 'em!

Re: Kissing with Fangs (7:15pm March 20, 2014):

I really enjoy paranormal books! I haven't read yours yet, and they do look and sound good. I only read paperbacks, not e-books (love your covers, nicely done).

Re: Silence Of The Wolf (7:09pm March 20, 2014):

Chase in Cougar's Mate looks good, and so does the storyline. I definitely have to read that one soon! I'm assuming he is the cougar shape-shifter (sexy)!

Re: Silence Of The Wolf (7:01pm March 20, 2014):

I really need to be reading your shape-shifter wolf books, since I love wolves and have read other books with werewolves. I've seen your books on our library shelves. Duncan, Jake, Tom, they all sound like good heroes and do look good on those fabulous book covers! Howl...lol!

Re: Shadowed By Grace (4:07pm March 16, 2014):

I LOVE TO READ EVERY DAY! My favorite spot is curled up on my comfortable couch. Even if I have something I want to watch on TV, I get plenty of reading time in, since there are so many commercials that last forever. I find myself staying up very late when I'm into a really good book. I love many genres and your book sounds great and grabs me just by the great-looking cover! I always share any good book I've read with my friends when I run into them.

Re: Dating, Dining, and Desperation (5:54pm March 15, 2014):

I used to live in a small town and loved it. Everyone was friendly and you got to know every store and the people there. It was an enjoyable and beautiful town, and I miss it so much!

Re: Desperately Seeking Suzanna (6:58pm March 13, 2014):

My favorite dessert(s) would have to be German chocolate cake, cheesecake topped with strawberries or cherries, and warm apple pie streusel cake topped with homemade hot caramel topping. Very pretty book cover...love the purple! Seems like everyone craves the "don't have sweets" even more when on a diet.

Re: The Rancher's Second Chance (6:39pm March 12, 2014):

I've always loved cowboys since sharing in watching many westerns as a child, with John Wayne, Clint Eastwood, and of course, Gunsmoke along with my Dad. He always had a western/cowboy novel in his hands. I started reading cowboy/western historical romances when I was older. I always like the rugged overall look of cowboys and their tough attitudes and watching them ride off on their horses.

Re: Some Like It Wild (6:21pm March 12, 2014):

OH THIS DEFINITELY SOUNDS LIKE A VERY GOO-OO-D BOOK! All good girls love the tease of a bad boy when they've lived a sheltered life. Love the cover and can't wait to read this story and how Laney gets involved with Jake and what ensues!

Re: Lip Reading (4:43pm March 8, 2014):

For some reason reading your post brought to mind a movie I just watched last night, "Dallas Buyers Club" which was quite good and based on true life events. For a guy that was supposed to live a mere 30 days, he found his own survival cure to live longer, and he lived another 7 years. He spent many hours helping others with his disease and going to lengths to obtain the products needed for himself and others. I'm sure your book has a lot to do with your background in the medical field. It must be a great outlet for you to write in what spare time you do have.

Re: How Sweet The Sound (4:24pm March 8, 2014):

No signs of Spring here in Wisconsin, but it is warming up and slowly melting down some of our 4-5 ft. piles of snow in our yards and at the end of our driveways. It was 40 degrees yesterday and 30 today, so that's helping. Once, we can see the ground again, there may be hope to see flowers popping out of the ground! I've seen plenty of cardinals in my backyard all winter and a couple days ago, a woodpecker, but no robins yet!

Re: Anointed (5:46pm March 6, 2014):

I would love to be able to perform some magic whenever necessary. It would be fun too! I wouldn't mind becoming invisible at times just to see what some of my relatives and friends are doing or talking about. I've often said, "I'd love to have been a fly on the wall."

Re: Must Love Dukes (6:00pm February 27, 2014):

We had gone over to a couples house that were newlywed friends of ours. They also had invited over two other couples. We got started on the topic of wedding gifts they'd received, and the number of duplicate gifts they had to return. I piped up, "Yeah, I know what you mean...we got 4 electric knives, so I returned two and exchanged for something else." I had no idea that one of the couples present had given us one of those knives, until she said, "I hope you kept the one we gave you!" I nearly crawled under my chair (I was so embarrassed that I couldn't speak)! I really inserted my foot into my mouth that evening!

Re: Hot Rock (7:09pm February 26, 2014):

When you love their music there's a bit of a sexual attraction to certain ones in a rock group and they don't have to be bad boys. When I was a teenager, I was in love with Paul McCartney in the Beatles. I wanted to pull him through the TV set and give him a big kiss (he was such a dreamboat). I love looking a Steven Tyler too; his rocker image with his long hair, cool clothing, way he jokes around. I couldn't get enough of watching him as a judge on American Idol last season! I was in love with that bad boy!

Re: Tempted by the Soldier (7:00pm February 26, 2014):

I'm addicted to romance books (I'm always reading every day). I love chocolate like everyone else, but try to limit myself to buying some only once every couple of weeks. When I do, I can't stay away from it! Also, getting on the computer which is for an hour or two almost daily. Thanks for the chance to win your book...hope the guy on the cover comes along with the win! lol

Re: Mint Juleps and Justice (4:29pm February 22, 2014):

Nancy, I want to hug you during your grief and let you know that my mother also passed away last week (on Feb. 16) from cancer, and I know it's hard to lose a loved one, even more so, your companion in life. I hope your writing and contact with people gets you through this by keeping busy.
I enjoy both types of heroes in books I read, and just the mention of pecan pie...is making me very hungry (esp. since I never ate today--to go get my taxes done)! I want to read all your books, and they do sound like great stories worth reading!!

Re: The Wedding Game (5:51pm February 2, 2014):

I love weddings. They're each different and so romantic and beautiful. It's such a happy time, just like reading a romantic story about a wedding is joyful. Would very much love to read your book!

Re: Teacup Turbulence (7:25pm January 27, 2014):

Both books sound great. The cover on Teacup Turbulence is just adorable and I absolutely love it! I love dogs, and I have to read this little mystery for sure!

Re: Poison Town (4:58pm January 25, 2014):

Poison Town sounds like a very good edge of your seat type of book and not far from the reality of much of what really is happening all around us today (as many suspected of the fiberglass plant in Ohio). I agree that the cover art for your book is fabulous! I hope your book does well, and I'm going to read your others also.

Re: Wishing On Buttercups (4:38pm January 25, 2014):

The only insecurity I can remember was when I was younger. It never failed, if I had to get up in front of my classmates in school to give a book report or read something, I'd get so nervous, I could hardly look up from my paper like we were instructed to. I didn't want to see all those eyes looking at me. This was probably because I was a shy kid. When I was a senior in high school, I started to overcome that an be more outgoing. I've always loved sewing and doing craft projects of all kinds, so I like this contest, and am looking forward to reading your books!

Re: The Splendour Falls (6:28pm January 23, 2014):

I can't say that I have ever lived out a dream of my own, but love when I can do so through reading books. I love looking at old castles in documentaries on TV or in movies. They are so fascinating, huge and beautiful. I'm sure the one in France was magnificent to view, even from a distance. What a great setting for writing your book!

Re: More Than A Touch (5:00pm January 19, 2014):

What really defines a good book for me is the way the story is told and how captivating it is. Then you find it hard to put the book down, because it's that good! I truly love authors that are so descriptive that you feel transported into the story with the characters and get lost in it. Then when you've finished the book, you think, I'm definitely going to have to read that one again, someday. One author like that and is one of my most favorites is Sarah Jio. I've read each book she's written as they come out, and they're all fabulous. She is so gifted as a storyteller. If you haven't read any of her books, you have no idea what you've been missing!!! She's one of the best.
I love your book cover so very much...it looks just like a painting and very beautiful. I have not yet read any of your books, but plan to.

Re: Sadie's Secret (4:36pm January 19, 2014):

Sadie's Secret sounds like a great historical mystery that I would enjoy reading along with the other two previous books, as I haven't read any of the books you've written. We've had so much snow on a daily basis, so I don't get out much and love to stay in, keep warm and read, read, read!

Re: A Perfect Distraction (6:22pm January 13, 2014):

You're definitely not alone! I have so many eyeshadows, I've lost count. Seems like the powder ones last forever, since such a small amount is used each time. Lipsticks and lip glosses, I tend to use up quickly. I have many bottles of nail polish but don't wear it very often. I did learn years ago that when perfumes or colognes have any particles floating inside toward the bottom, it's time to toss them. They are getting bad, and the scent will not be the same and stronger (good for up to 3 yrs., usually). I'm sure the same holds true for body lotions, creams, etc. After a couple of years, time to toss and avoid skin reactions. I can attest to this from one lipstick I hadn't used in 2 or more years. My lips swelled up from it. I couldn't wait to throw it away! I think powder blush keeps the longest of any makeup item. I think women tend to be attracted to the makeup aisle and new products and buy more whether they really need it or not!

Re: The Magic Between Us (7:07pm January 9, 2014):

Part of the problem so many kids do not want to read books is they feel like it's associated with school. They don't mind watching TV or playing video & electronic games, and that's part of the problem with how they use their spare time. So a Kindle is an electronic device which intrigued your son to try it...then, he discovered reading a book on it was pretty cool. My youngest son didn't have a big interest in reading, until he discovered he could stay up later when he was supposed to be in bed sleeping on a school night, if he had a book and a flashlight! I caught him and he confessed he'd been doing this for some time, and liked reading now in this sneaky manner!

Re: The Purchase (5:16pm January 8, 2014):

This book sounds very interesting, captivating and worth reading. It is always interesting to learn new facts through authors that do their research and incorporate this into their novels. I didn't know that winter coats were not worn in the winter either. I definitely want to read this! book.

Re: Paws For Murder (7:37pm January 2, 2014):

I love animals and this sounds like a wonderful cozy mystery that I'd love to read! Cute cover!

Re: Freezer I'll Shoot (5:39pm December 29, 2013):

I haven't made too many resolutions in the past years, but this year I am. One of which is to get all my recipes that I've jotted onto slips of paper, written out onto nice recipe cards. I've put this off for way too long. Also, I want to make the effort to read even more. I have many books I want to read and hope to at least try to get 3 or more books per week read. I also love being organized, so I have a couple of projects to work on (I like everything in a certain place together and when I need it). My grandmother and father were both like that (neat freaks)! However, I seem to have more stuff than they had back in their day. I love the very cute and colorful book cover for Freezer I'll Shoot! Exercise, yeah...I need to do that more often, too!

Re: Welcome Back To Apple Grove (5:52pm December 21, 2013):

Love homemade cut-out frosted and decorated sugar cookies, date fingers, and pecan tassies (all so good), and of course, homemade fudge (chocolate and peanut butter). Thanks for the great giveaway and love the book cover!!!

Re: Unclaimed (5:53pm December 12, 2013):

I wanted to add, that I love your beautiful book cover with the wolf. The colors are beautiful. I love wolves esp. werewolves paranormal books so much, anyway. Thanks for the contest!

Re: Unclaimed (5:49pm December 12, 2013):

I especially love getting together with family. But also love the Christmas music and movies, new Christmas books that come out to read, baking Christmas cookies and the beautiful Christmas lights and decorations, especially outside in front of all the homes (so gorgeous)! We have one home in our neighborhood that decorated the entire tiered roofline, windows, doors, etc. with bright deep blue lights, and it's breathtaking. Looks like a Christmas card.

Re: Undressing Mr. Darcy (6:02pm December 9, 2013):

I would choose Chris Hemsworth or Johnny Depp for my choice in getting undressed (gotta have some eye-candy) at this PARTY! I better bring a fan! I love your book cover.

Re: Hard As It Gets (6:59pm November 25, 2013):

I love any story with dogs or puppies. I lost my cute small dog of nearly 16 yrs. a couple years ago, so I now have to substitute the stuffed plush ones. I read a lot of romances but cannot recall any one in particular with an animal character. Would love to read yours which sounds great!

Re: Bikers and Pearls (5:17pm November 11, 2013):

My favorite passion would have to be reading that began when I was 4 yrs old. My mother bought a set of Child World Books from a salesman and read to me and my two younger sisters every night, from the one that had every nursery rhyme, fable and children's story in it. It was a huge, thick book with glossy, colorful pictures. We loved snuggling up and listening her, and we were mesmorized. She read it over and over to us. I had the entire book memorized, so I'd pick it up and start reading it to my sisters (even tho I couldn't read yet). My father would come home in the evenings and listen and couldn't believe it. He thought I knew how to read. He always talked about this with me as I grew up. Somehow, it helped me when I did learn to read, because I was the top reader in first grade when we started with the Dick and Jane books. I always loved reading to my three children. We'd get 30 books at a time from our library, so they got read to a lot. Loved your story about your Grandpa Grover!

Re: Daughter Of The God-King (5:46pm November 10, 2013):

This sounds like a very interesting suspenseful mystery. I would love to read this book as my sister took a trip to Egypt and came back with beautiful photos and stories. This is one I can't overlook reading!!

Re: Promise Me Texas (5:44pm November 8, 2013):

I don't recall any white lie I've told that has had any drastic impact on my life. I do love reading your books very much, because you're such a terrific writer. You're one of my very favorite authors, and I just reserved this book at the library, but would love to own a copy. Of all the authors of cowboy/western romance stories...you're the best!!!

Re: Upon a Winter's Night (7:13pm November 6, 2013):

My favorite part of Christmas is spending time with family and sharing good food and past memories and stories with everyone. Our family keeps growing with more grandchildren (my son had twins this year and my other son is expecting next year). Very beautiful book cover!

Re: Scion of the Sun (6:49pm November 4, 2013):

I've also enjoyed reading a few YA paranormal books. I just happened to be walking through that section at our library and discovered them. I do not recall which authors they were any longer, but I did enjoy reading them. I really love your book cover! This sounds like a great story!

Re: Born Wild (5:51pm November 2, 2013):

I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE motorcycle stories. I just got two to read recently! I can't wait to read this one which sounds very good. Love your cover very much!!

Re: Because Of Audrey (3:46pm October 25, 2013):

My sister and I had a couple of girlfriends that moved into our neighborhood to Minnesota from Japan. They had lived there for several years because their father was an airplane pilot for Pan Am. They had these beautiful embroidered silk Japanese Geisha girl kimono-type dresses, so we all dressed up in them for Halloween. We really stood out, because they were shiny heavy silk fabric and bright colors...one red, one turquoise, one green, and one white each with intricate colored embroidery work. We all had long dark hair and put it up and used chopsticks poked through it. We found it difficult to walk in them, because they are cut very narrow through the legs to the ankles. We did the makeup on our faces and the bright red lipstick. Got lots of compliments and had a fun night! Our friends never told their mother what we wore, since she wouldn't have allowed them to take these out of the house to be worn by all of us for Halloween trick-or-treating! These were the best and most memorable costumes we ever wore.

Re: Milkshakes, Mermainds, and Murder (6:40pm October 24, 2013):

When my son was eight yrs. old, we happened to go into a music/book store and there was a crowd of people around a table. When I went to look to see who it was sitting there, I was stunned to see Chubby Checkers. My son wasn't familiar with who he was, so I told him. I can remember dancing to the hit song, "The Twist" in high school. All of a sudden he got up and started walking down the aisle. My son asked if he could get his autograph, even tho he had no pen & paper handy. So he stopped and autographed the back of my son's white t-shirt he was wearing. It was so funny, because my son then said, "Is that o.k. Mom, he's writing on my shirt?" Chubby started out his long message, "To my friend" and filled up the entire back of his shirt before signing it.

Re: Milkshakes, Mermainds, and Murder (6:27pm October 24, 2013):

I've met a few celebrities over the years. When I was a young girl, I met Dottie West. She was talking to me and gave me her autograph. Years later, I met Johnny Cash and his wife and they both gave me their autographs. He was so nice and actually talked to me for a few minutes, even though, there were others wanting his autograph. It was a very hot day, yet he was still all dressed in black. Black suit and black shirt, etc. Your book looks like a fun read, and the cover is a hoot!

Re: Murder At Hatfield House (6:15pm October 21, 2013):

This sounds like a very good historical mystery. I've always loved that there is always something new to be learned when reading any historical book which makes them so interesting. If I could meet any historical figure it would be a toss up between Albert Einstein and Benjamin Franklin (both very intelligent, interesting men). Love your book cover!

Re: Christmas Quilt (3:37pm October 20, 2013):

I enjoy Christmas and have always loved decorating my tree in all different one-of-a-kind ornaments (many handmade by my crafty family). I know I'd enjoy reading this book as I'm in love with the storyline and the beautiful book cover. When I was little from ages 2-4, my mother always dressed me up in sunbonnets that were so cute with my outfits whenever I was outside playing or going somewhere. She took photos, and I resemble "Sunbonnet Sue" in them! Sure would love to own a quilt as cute as that one pictured which is priceless!

Re: The Butterfly Sister (3:11pm October 19, 2013):

I love fall and snuggling up with good books. I can't wait to read The Butterfly Sister. It sounds like a really good mystery, and a book that would be hard to put down! I love the book cover very much, too.

Re: A Lady's Secret Weapon (5:24pm October 18, 2013):

I love the dash of danger as well as some fun and wit with romance. It's 46 degrees here today, and I'm cuddling up with a good book tonight. I do a lot of reading in the fall and winter months. Looking forward to reading your book. Is your favorite color purple? I noticed all your attractive book covers have that color in them (it looks regal and romantic)...love them!

Re: Behind the Shattered Glass (5:08pm October 18, 2013):

None of the choices would give you an enjoyable life. I'd have to choose laying fires at 5 am. I think I could tolerate being a house servant during this time period if treated decently. I wouldn't mind the daily tasks.

Re: Run The Risk (7:31pm October 16, 2013):

Love a good romance suspense that keeps you on the edge while reading it...sounds really good and would love to win and read this! Great book cover!

Re: The Training (5:33pm October 3, 2013):

Love the book cover and the title of your great new book! I am a rule follower and would love to read about someone bending and rewriting the rules (nobody's perfect)!!!

Re: Long Shot (6:58pm October 1, 2013):

I'm not sure what is traditionally worn beneath the kilt (hopefully underwear...maybe shorts)! I saw somewhere that the kilt was used by the Scottish men, when removed, pitched as a tent to have shelter, when walking miles and miles through the countryside. Apparently, it has quite a bit of fabric wrapped around and around. This book sounds like a cute romance story. I'd love to read it!

Re: The Rebel Fairy (3:24pm September 29, 2013):

Enjoyed reading your post about fairies and the two little girls and their mischief. I think everyone enjoys fairy tales from the time we're children. This sounds like a really adventurous, delightful story, and one I'd like to read this fall. I don't have a Kindle, so I'd have to read the paperback version.

Re: How To Date A Dragon (4:33pm September 28, 2013):

I have to agree that books are a great escape from the stress in every day life, and some are quite uplifting with bits of humor. Others that are not and paint a miserable life with problems, make ours seem so insignificant in comparison. I have not read a dragon shapeshifter and firefighter book before and this one sounds like a hot romance I'd love reading. I'm glad you've found your niche in life and things have turned around for you...that's so terrific. I actually have nightmares about a couple of the places I've worked. I'm glad I no longer have that stress to cope with any longer, and am relieved to wake up knowing it was all just a really bad dream! Thanks for sharing. Books are so enjoyable, I just love them!

Re: Dirty Trick (6:03pm September 25, 2013):

Caramel apples, apple pie, apple cider, pumpkin bars with cream cheese frosting, pumpkin pie, homemade soups and chowders, chili, corn bread, banana bread and burning fall scented candles, snuggling up on the couch with some great books to read in front of my fireplace. Also, love fall decorating (colors are so pretty). I don't have a Kindle so I won't be able to read your book...so don't count me in for your contest.

Re: Gideon's Call (4:49pm September 21, 2013):

I love books. When I built my house 30 years ago, I made sure I had built-in bookcase shelves on each side of my fireplace. It started out that they looked a little bare with very few books on each of the ten shelves. In about five years, they were all getting full. Then, I filled the deep ledges meant for knicknacks, 3 rows deep. Now, I've moved on to storing them in boxes. I have trouble parting with the good ones I've already read, but force myself to, a few at a time. I love reading and have learned a lot more that I didn't in school. To me, it makes a home cozy and comfy. I love being in my family room with all my books!

Re: Dark Road Home (4:21pm September 21, 2013):

This story sounds so good. With all the research you've put into writing it, I'm sure there is much to be learned about Ellis Island and the many immigrants who came to America seeking out a better life. I will definitely be reading this historical fiction book.

Re: Severed Trust (4:02pm September 21, 2013):

I know I'd love reading this series about Texas Rangers. I haven't read any of them yet. Severed Trust sounds quite good, and I'm loving your book covers.

Re: To Wed A Wicked Highlander (5:29pm September 20, 2013):

As for the blingy jeans your daughter wants, tell her not to get to excited about them. I bought a pair and the studs and rhinestones were glued on and upon the second time being worn, they started coming loose and falling off. I saved a couple that I found and others starting to fall off...why, I don't know! How does one reattach these and make them stay on, if the manufacturers glue didn't even hold them? I've found I'm better off going to Goodwill and thrift stores for the designer jeans and pay between $4.99 to $7.99. Most are brand new from stores when they've been donated with all tags attached. Styles come and go so quickly that paying a huge price for one clothing item isn't wise. I used to waste a lot of money on clothes and wished I had it all back. I'm very thrifty now and get ten items for what I used to pay for one!
I dread driving in snow storms with deep huge drifts or sleet in the winter, because it always terrifies me. I also hate going to the doctor or hospital for tests. Just can't stand blood tests. Had one last week, and now they want me to go in and do it again. They couldn't do it all at the same time (this is so lame)! I was relieved when it was over with the first time. This is enough to fry my nerves. That's why I need to relax with a good book, and get my focus elsewhere. My sister lived in Lancaster, PA. for many years, and then moved to FL. Glad my kids are grown. I don't have to give in to their wants and begging for things any longer (esp. when they're in high school)!

Re: True Spies (5:30pm September 14, 2013):

I would enjoy and be drawn to both where love is rediscovered between two people already married or where two people meet and fall in love. Both are equally intriguing to me. I lived next door to a married couple who divorced, fell in love again and re-married, divorced again, then went on to do things together and remain friends, but each re-married other people. Sure is interesting and mind-boggling. This sounds like a wonderful book.

Re: Honeymoon To Die For (6:41pm September 10, 2013):

I think a person gravitates towards covers on books and movies that are colorful and eye-catching, because they stand out. Yours definitely do just that! If they're written by an author I'm familiar with and enjoy, then the cover art doesn't matter as much to me, because I know I want to read it. The same holds true for movies. If it has actors I like, I will get the movie to watch. Authors I'm unfamiliar with, I will read the brief storyline on the back cover to see if it's something I'd enjoy reading or a movie that sounds worth watching. Attractive covers do make a difference as to what stands out on the shelves. I don't judge a book or movie by its cover in my selections.

Re: Damek's Redemption (6:01pm September 9, 2013):

I enjoy reading both vampires and werewolves. I lean just a bit more toward werewolves, because I've read a few really good werewolf books. I haven't read any of yours yet, but I plan to (only because I hadn't run across your books or heard of you before today). That's why it's so great to find new authors at Fresh Fiction!

Re: Effortless With You (4:53pm September 7, 2013):

I see this is in e-Book format...will Effortless with You be coming out in print?

Re: Effortless With You (4:49pm September 7, 2013):

I think some of the best books written are the ones that involve your own experiences and adventures within your family as inspiration and then woven into a story. I can recall so many episodes throughout my life that would certainly spin into a great book. I'm sure it gets easier with each book you sit down to write. I absolutely love the cover...beautiful! Best of luck with it!

Re: Against The Ropes (5:40pm September 6, 2013):

I love reading books with humor incorporated, which makes a book fun and enjoyable and often unexpected. This sounds like a fabulous book I'd love reading!!

Re: Bad Nights (5:34pm September 6, 2013):

I have to give you credit for having done such adventurous, brave things for your research for your books! Can't say that I'd have the backbone to do it. Bad Nights sounds like such a good book, and I definitely want to read it!

Re: The Good Wife (5:58pm September 3, 2013):

This sounds like a great story, and I'm really looking forward to reading it, especially, since it's received such high ratings. If you have trust issues, then I don't think you can possibly love "too much".

Re: Unforeseeable (5:18pm August 30, 2013):

I haven't read any of your books, but I really want to read these in this series! Unforeseeable sounds like a great mystery and would be a captivating read. Thanks for sharing and for the chance to win it.

Re: The Mysterious Death Of Miss Jane Austen (7:44pm August 29, 2013):

I'm truly fascinated by the mysterious death of Miss Jane Austen. I'm thinking someone in the household (perhaps even a cook, servant or the family friend) could have slowly and secretively been poisoning her with arsenic. I would enjoy reading your book very much.

Re: What the Bride Wore (7:14pm August 29, 2013):

My titles of books (above) ran altogether making it confusing. I had spaces in between when I typed it up. So, will list them over again.
Sarah Jio...Violets of March, Blackberry Winter, The Bungalow, The Last Camellia.
Karen Kelley...Where There's Smoke, Where There's A Will, Smoking Hot.
Cindy Holby...Angel's End, Colorado Heart.

Re: What the Bride Wore (7:08pm August 29, 2013):

I enjoy different romance genres. I especially love and have enjoyed every book written by Sarah Jio...
Violets of March Blackberry Winter
The Bungalow The Last Camellia
I would also recommend Karen Kelley these books were very good...
Where There's Smoke Where There's A Will Smoking Hot
I loved Cindy Holby's cowboy romance books...
Angel's End Colorado Heart
When I find good author's I like to read all their books, and I'm enjoying many.

Re: Written in the Stars (6:18pm August 28, 2013):

I enjoyed reading both your incredible stories. It seems that intuition lead you in the right direction. Written in the Stars sounds like an incredible book. I wish it was in print format (I don't have an e-reader). Is this a first for each of you writing a book together?

Re: A Rancher's Christmas (6:50pm August 26, 2013):

I think my "must haves" would be a general store, cafe, and a saloon. Love the cover for your Christmas book and sounds great. Can't wait to read it!

Re: Wicked Beat (5:50pm August 23, 2013):

Love, love, love a man with a great sense of humor. It's always great food for the soul and keeps everyone in good spirits. I can't wait to read your books, because I know I'll be a new fan of yours just from what I've read so far!

Re: Cowboy Seeks Bride (5:42pm August 23, 2013):

It is always sad when one of your series comes to and end, but a new series of yours is something I look forward to. I am a big fan of all your books. They are all very good, have just the right amount of romance and become addicting! I'm looking forward to the Cowboys and Brides series. You're my favorite author in the cowboy/romance genre!

Re: Strung Out To Die (6:24pm August 19, 2013):

I think your book sounds great. I haven't read cozy mysteries, so I don't know what I'm missing. This is one I'd love to start out with reading, just because of the beading/jewelry making in it. I enjoy crafts and could learn something from it.

Re: Three Days on Mimosa Lane (3:51pm August 17, 2013):

When I was nine years old, I'd gotten a new, nice long-length winter wool coat. Being I was the oldest of eight children, I'm sure the coat was meant to be passed down, when I outgrew it. However, I loved going ice skating nearly every day during the winter. One day, after going into the warming house to get warm near the old-fashioned wood stove, I was talking to friends with my back too close to the stove, and I started my coat on fire. The kids all screamed for me to get outside and roll in the snow to put it out. I had an enormous hole in the back of my new coat, so there wasn't much coat left. My mother was so upset with me, that she made me wear the coat everyday to school the way it was, because my parents would not be able to afford to buy me another new coat! I was made fun of by the kids, and everyone would ask me if I knew I had a huge hole in the back of my coat (over a foot across and down). My student teacher got a small jacket from her fathers clothing store for me and had my third grade teacher call me on a Sat. to come to her house to pick up the jacket. It was more of a spring jacket, but I was more than excited about getting any new jacket to wear, after all the humiliation I went through wearing the coat I'd accidentally ruined. It was meant a lot to me, that this college-aged girl cared so much to do that.

Re: Once Upon A Tartan (7:05pm August 15, 2013):

I enjoy reading and writing. However, the only writing I've done is lengthy letters and poems. Many have told me I write "books" and I should be an author. I just never took it seriously, even though it would be fun to attempt it. I think I'll stick to reading, which I love to do. I love romance novels of all kinds. You must be such a busy person with both a law and writing career. I don't know how you manage so much. I have so many books I want to read and many new ones are in e-book format (so I could definitely make use of a Nook HD). Best wishes with your newest release!

Re: Pattern for Romance (6:29pm August 7, 2013):

This sounds like a very detailed fictional historical book. I can't wait to find out more about Honour and her bridal quilt needlework creation. Would love to win and read this, as I'm a craft person, and this really appeals to me!

Re: A Little Bit of Charm (6:11pm August 7, 2013):

I love the Amish and their simpler way of life. I've never seen an Amish village or community. It would be so interesting. Would love to read your new great book this summer. I know I'd really enjoy it, since you've really done your research. Congrats on your 2012 Lime Award for Book 1 and for being nominated for 2013 Lime Award for Book 2! I will have to read those also.

Re: A Brew to a Kill (6:38pm August 6, 2013):

I'm anxious to read this book and check out the recipes. I will be checking out your Weekly Reading Round-Up which sounds fun, since I'm an avid reader! The chocolate muffin is making me hungry--looks so-o good (I can't locate the transporter button) lol!!

Re: Date with Destiny (5:43pm August 5, 2013):

I love to read. I really was touched by the character Vera Ray in the book, Blackberry Winter written by Sarah Jio. She was such a dedicated, loving mother throughout her hardships in the story. All Sarah Jio's books are fabulous and are well written, and very hard to put down. I've read every one she's written as they come out...Violets of March, The Bungalow (another beautiful, romantic story), Blackberry Winter, and The Last Camellia. She's my favorite author. I'm amazed at how she finds time to do all her writing with three very little boys at home, travel, work on her new house, etc. I love your romantic, beautiful cover for Date with Destiny.

Re: Plain Fear: Forgiven (5:53pm August 2, 2013):

I like both, but bad boys have the edge in any story. It's always interesting to see how they can sometimes change their lives around when they meet just the right gal. This series sounds great, and I'm loving the book covers!

Re: Traveling Light (3:38pm July 28, 2013):

Your book is one I can truly relate to. I'm from MN. originally, and have seen many eagles along Lake Pepin while traveling along Hwy. 61 through Lake City and Red Wing, MN. They love the bluffs, tall trees and all the open water. You can see them sitting up in the trees or flying. It's not something many people every get to see, especially bald eagles (which are more scarce in population). I'd love to take the adventure with Paula on her travels and read this great book! I'm a nature and animal watcher, as well as a people watcher.

Re: The Outcast Prince (5:59pm July 25, 2013):

I love paranormal romances! I just started reading them about three years ago. For those that haven't ever read one, they don't know what they're missing! Yours sounds like the type of story I'd really enjoy very much, from everything I've read! I'm writing this down on my TBR list. The cover is awesome!

Re: A Spy to Die For (5:38pm July 25, 2013):

This sounds like a terrific spy romance book. I can't wait to read it...are there really 100 secrets? I hope to find out what they all are! Sounds like a fun read, and I love the book cover!

Re: Reckless (5:28pm July 25, 2013):

Some of my most favorite action movies are the superhero movies--Iron Man, Thor, Captain America, Spiderman, Incredible Hulk, etc. I love all Johnny Depp movies (esp. all his Pirate movies). I think Angelina Jolie did great stunts in some of her movies. There aren't many female actors that do their own stunts. I can't wait to read this book! I love the cover...very eye-catching!!

Re: Rugged Hearts (6:42pm July 24, 2013):

I was influenced by our nice school librarian at the school I attended from third grade through ninth grade. She always let me come to the library and help her with the typing, sitting at her big raised desk checking out the students books, filing books away, putting the outer jackets on the new books, etc. I loved it so much, that she formed a library club and she kept track of our volunteered helper hours at the library, so she could award us prizes at the end of the year. I always had 60 to 125 hrs. The prizes were for 50 hrs. I got a brand new huge dictionary one year and a brand new huge encyclopedia the next year. I always thought I'd become a librarian, but in high school changed over to secretarial courses and became a secretary, which I loved very much. I got my first job right after graduating from Vocational/Technical college secretarial courses, and worked the the Area Chamber of Commerce & Tourist Information Center. I had a wide variety of jobs (including lots of typing on electric typewriter--no computers back then), and loved every minute of it!

Re: Moonlight (6:13pm July 24, 2013):

I'm more of a shifters fan. I enjoy stories with werewolves. Is Moonlight available in print copy? I don't own an e-reader, but I'd love to read this book which sounds great. I love the name Lana (it's my sister's name)!

Re: Kissing My Old Life Au Revoir (5:39pm July 22, 2013):

Just wondering when you plan to travel to Ireland to go inside the cottage you purchased and stay in it? At least you had a peak through the windows. I'm sure it's cute and a good investment. I've never done anything quite like that but have had to make some tough, yet wise, decisions during my life with no regrets. At least now, you won't have that would've, could've, should've feeling had you passed on it!

Re: Raspberries and Vinegar (4:28pm July 21, 2013):

I used to have enormous gardens and canned and froze lots of vegetables. I always had so many tomatoes that I even made my own homemade tomato soup and put it into canning jars. It was the best soup ever with lots of flavor. I love cooking from scratch since everything tastes so much better. I think I have recipes for about everything. My mother-in-law did a lot of cooking and baking and we passed many recipes back and forth, including some from the church ladies potlucks. I have scoured recipe books over the years and found many good ones and have been asked for my recipes every time I've brought a dish to a picnic or get-together. Your book sounds like one I'd surely enjoy reading!

Re: If The Shoe Fits (5:15pm July 11, 2013):

One that has always struck me as romantic and beautiful was the winter sleigh-ride scene in Dr. Zhivago. I saw this when I was very young and loved it. I must say, I was mesmorized by it! I also loved the scene from Pretty Woman when she walks into the clothing boutique where the clerks had snubbed her a few days prior, dressed to the "nines" and they didn't recognize her and she said, "Remember Me?" She then gave them a piece of her mind about how they treated her by the way she looked! Your book sounds good, and I'm loving the cute cover!

Re: Jungle Fire (6:13pm July 10, 2013):

I like all types of settings with a captivating story. Your books sounds like it will keep the reader on the edge. A jungle setting sounds like an adventure I'm ready to take!

Re: Pennsylvania Patchwork (5:55pm July 10, 2013):

I can't wait to read your Amish books! With all the research you put into getting them written with accurate facts, I'm sure they'll be very interesting. Would love to win, but I may check to see if our library can get them in for me. I'm wondering how sociable the Amish are if you were to start a conversation and ask them questions about their lifestyles when they're out in public selling their foods and goods.

Re: All Out of Love (5:35pm June 28, 2013):

Great quiz! I had all D's. Guess, I'm a Lori Wilde book lover! Maybe, that's why I have two of your books right now to read! Can't wait to get my hands on your new one. I'm a cowboy romance book lover.

Re: Wish You Were Here (6:14pm June 27, 2013):

I have many summertime childhood memories. I enjoyed playing hopscotch, marbles, badmitton in our big yard, croquet, rollerskating, going swimming, fishing, and biking everywhere including running to the store for penny candy that filled a bag! We usually spent Sat. going to a movie and the library afterwards getting books and viewing those trays of postcard-type double-printed cards through those heavy wooden adjustable view finders. Those were the days! I can't wait to read your new book!

Re: Luck of the Dragon (5:59pm June 27, 2013):

I also used to have three boys under the age of 10, so I know what going out with them is like. You need about four more hands and a set of earplugs! Never a dull moment!
Your first book sounds great...and now that mine are all grown up, I have plenty of time to relax, put my feet up, and enjoy reading!!!

Re: Smoking Hot (5:46pm June 27, 2013):

I absolutely LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your books in this series! I read, Where There's Smoke and am just finishing up reading, Where There's A Will. I was hooked after reading the first one...it was so good and a real page-turner! I definitely needed a cold shower afterwards, especially since no angel has appeared at my door! And, no, it would be hard to have angelic thoughts after what a good-looking nephilim does to you!!! Whew! Hope you keep writing these books (I don't want them to end)! You're my favorite author, for sure!

Re: The Look of Love (5:11pm June 21, 2013):

These are my type of romance books I love reading. I'm writing these all down, so I can get these for my summer reading and get introduced to the Sullivans. Congrats for being a NY Times Bestselling Author! That's a huge accomplishment!!

Re: Grounded (5:37pm June 20, 2013):

I have never read any of your books before, but to have written 120 books is quite an accomplishment...WOW! I will have to check out Neta's YY House of Hope series also. I'm betting our library has some of them. Grounded sounds like a good one for me to get started on in your new Windy City Neighbors series. I hope they do well for you both!

Re: Widow Of Gettysburg (6:43pm June 19, 2013):

I have only watched a few book trailers, and they do influence me to want to read the book. The majority of the new books I've found just reading excerpts about them when they're advertised by authors on Fresh Fiction or sent by email to me from authors. I have a long list I want to read from my favorite authors and I'm adding more and more new authors daily of books I can't wait to read! Your books sound very good, and I am now going to watch the trailers!

Re: If The Shoe Fits (6:17pm June 19, 2013):

I really enjoy a variety. I especially love Elvis, Beach Boys, Queen, Kansas, Boston, Foreigner, Ted Nugent, ZZTop, Lionel Richie, etc.; just to name of few of my favorites.
This book sounds so good...I really want to read it since Cinderella was one of my favorite fairy tales as a child. I was even in a Cinderella play, on stage before an audience, when I was in 4th grade (I was the wicked stepmother)!

Re: Just One Kiss (3:31pm June 15, 2013):

I would use it towards home repairs much needed (new roof, new bathroom counter and sink, water heater, new driveway, new garage doors, new front window that leaks, etc.) All things put off that I couldn't afford. I would also give some to my grown children. My car is 13 yrs. old, so I'd probably also get newer used car.
I enjoy all your books that I've read. I haven't read them all yet (there are so many)! I just got Three Sisters, so that's my next read.

Re: Billion Dollar Cowboy (6:34pm June 13, 2013):

Hell yeah, Carolyn...you're doing the right thing everytime you get going on a new cowboy story and series. I love reading them all and don't even need to read the back copy. I see a new book cover with the Carolyn Brown and I'm all over it! I have truly enjoyed every book you write, and always look forward to the next one. You're one of my most favorite authors!!

Re: One Day in Apple Grove (5:59pm June 13, 2013):

I have not attended a Reader's Event or ever heard of any in my area in WI. I'm sure they're a lot of fun. I do enjoy reading romance books especially cowboy/western themed ones. So I'm looking forward to reading your frontier romance book when it's released. I'm always delighted to find more authors with books in that genre (Jodi Thomas has written several).
Very cute and enticing book cover...makes me want to grab and read it right now! Have fun at all your Reader's Events!

Re: Summer at Mustang Ridge (5:15pm June 11, 2013):

I love cooking and have many recipes I've made up and some I've changed around to my liking. My grown children and friends always comment that even their small children love these dishes. Some of my favoites are Fluffy Meatloaf, Chee-Easy Macaroni/Chicken Casserole, Old Fashioned German Potato Salad, Oven Beef Stew, Chili, Lemon Cheesecake w/Cherries on Top, and a huge assortment of Bars & Cookie Recipes. Love your book cover, and I can't wait to read it! I am a big lover of cowboy/western romance books as well as western/native American jewelry.

Re: The Survivor (7:16pm March 7, 2013):

Try to avoid walking to your vehicle alone (especially at night); leave a store or business when someone else or others are going to the parking lot. Remember to use your car alarm on your key fob to get attention, if someone is coming near you and you're frightened (they will be sure to walk or run away). It's not a bad idea to carry a sharp object with you--a tiny jacknife, letter opener, seam ripper, etc. (to stab a hand that might grab for you). Keep a notepad with you to jot down license plate nos. and descriptions of any suspicious person(s) or activity your may wish to report. Keep car doors locked even after you get into your car. Anyone can jump right into your car and cause you harm or carjack your vehicle and take you with them. Many years ago, while stopped at a red light, I had a man jump into the passenger side of my vehicle--he wanted a ride, and I screamed at him to get out of my vehicle and he did (I was lucky he cooperated). Do not carry a lot of cash on your person or in your handbag. A robber will snatch your purse or even pretend to have a weapon to get it. We had a spree of handbag thefts from shopping carts while women were distracted looking at products on shelves and not keeping a close eye on their handbags. He'd grab them and leave the store shoving it inside his winter jacket. They finally did catch the guy who acted alone and did this numerous times. Report unlit areas and burned out street lamps to the city. Many areas remain dark when no one lets the city know they're out. Always double check that your windows and doors are locked on your home before leaving and before going to bed. Keep a baseball bat or spray handy where only you know it is by your bedside and backdoor. Do not open your door to any strangers after dark that you're not expecting. My son was robbed of everything at knifepoint in his apt. building when he was awoken late at night. His apt. was located next to the front door and they bagged up everything at took it

Re: The Blue-Ribbon Jalape?o Society Jubilee (6:12pm March 7, 2013):

This sounds like another great one! I'm loving the characters in this book already--hooker turned preacher! I've loved reading all your books with the cowboy themes and the humor thrown in. You're one of my very favorite authors and I'm really looking forward to reading this one!
My middle name is Luella, and I didn't know there was a small town in Texas with that name. Love those small towns and all the grapevine gossip. I grew up in a small town. I will be anxiously awaiting reading the next two also.

Re: The Christie Curse (2:39pm March 3, 2013):

It wouldn't be possible for me to write with my daughter, as I don't have any daughter, only sons. I also don't think I'd enjoy writing with my mother from another state. She loves to write, however. If we lived in the same city, it might then be a possibility. I love that the two of you had that experience and it worked out. I guess the saying holds true, "two heads are better than one." Can't wait to read this book which sounds good!

Re: Protector (4:29pm March 2, 2013):

I usually always keep a book or two in the car, for times I have to sit waiting in the car or in a waiting room for an appointment. I'd rather be reading one of my books than old magazines any day. It definitely takes my mind off getting in the dentist's chair or seeing the doctor and the waiting time seems a lot less. I once had to wait over an hour and a half, and I was so grateful I brought a good book and got several chapters read! I think the nurses and doctors were having an extended break (since everyone seemed to disappear)! I also love holding onto books I've read from my favorite authors, not really knowing if I'll get around to reading them again, but I like to keep collections from those authors together on my bookshelves (like treasures)! Maybe, it's actually book hoarding.

Re: Wait Until Dark (3:50pm March 1, 2013):

This sounds like a fantastic book. I haven't read many military romance books and I'm sure they're gaining popularity, because so many can relate knowing someone active in the armed forces serving our nation. I'd love to read your whole Night Stalkers series, and the covers are more than enticing! Keep up the great writing!

Re: Scorned Justice (5:38pm February 23, 2013):

Love revenge movies and books. My absolute favorites were War of the Roses and The First Wives Club. Love when women stick up for themselves and get even with revenge! Your book covers are fabulous and can't wait to read them all...they look GREAT!

Re: The Moses Quilt (4:02pm February 16, 2013):

The sacrifices they made and how hard they had to work for very little to provide for their families. They had no modern conveniences and did so many tasks with very basic implements to work with. We take all our appliances, mowers, and farm machinery for granted, whereas, they would be grateful to have owned even one of those items we use today.

Re: Wildcat (6:06pm February 14, 2013):

I'd have to let my eyes do the talking I'd be in a state of shock. I'd be happy to see my stallion again and that he came back to me with a bonus. I may have to jump on and go for a ride with Jerden!

Re: Once Again A Bride (5:33pm February 9, 2013):

It's too bad your nineteenth century desk can't talk! Wouldn't it be fascinating to find out who originally owned it and where it came from? Some of my most cherished things are old handmade quilts and many doilies and potholders with crochet work made by our grandmothers and a very old rocker with the leather tooled seat (which my father-in-law found in a barn in pieces over 45 yrs. ago). I also have a couple of very old cuckoo clocks from Germany that I love and cherish. Loved reading all the blogs on this today!

Re: Lady Eve's Indiscretion (4:51pm February 9, 2013):

I love horses and any books or movies with them in. There's something romantic about watching a couple out for a ride on them or stopping to talk and walk their horses. They are so beautiful and graceful to look at. I haven't ridden any since high school. I haven't read any of your books yet and look forward to doing so, after reading your post.

Re: Seven-Night Stand (4:37pm February 9, 2013):

Some of my favorite romance settings are in the country, a small town, vacationing on a tropical paradise island with an ocean front setting to walk along. Brings back memories from the book and movie, "The Thorn Birds", which was so intensely romantic!

Re: Soul Deep (5:18pm February 4, 2013):

A lot of friendships develop into love relationships in the work place. Over the years, I have witnessed this where I worked for 20 yrs. Some, even married. Most did not last long and they did not stay together--even the married ones! For some reason, it's all fun and love-struck at work, and when together in real daily life, it's not anymore, and they quickly grow apart. I think in a book, it's romantic when they become a couple and we're left with the HEA ending--because that's what we're wanting for them. Would love reading your book very much!

Re: Murder for the Halibut (6:58pm January 28, 2013):

I love your top ten reasons and the titles you come up with for your books are so clever! Covers are fantastic too. The writing bug has really gotten you good, and readers won't have to wait long to get your next book(s). It's always frustrating when you find a good author and have to wait 6 to 12 mos. As for what I'm insecure about, I always feel like I'm having a bad hair day...I always seem to hate the way my hair looks, even if it probably isn't as bad as I think it is!

Re: Beeline To Trouble (6:27pm January 21, 2013):

I do enjoy juicy romantic moments in my cozy mystery...it adds a bit of flavor or spice into the story! Love the cover of this book!

Re: Fall Into You (6:09pm January 21, 2013):

I love reading books in a series in order because when the same characters are used, I'm familiar with who they are and not confused. I liked reading connected standalone series too. Especially, when it's a really good one and I'm hooked, then I'm sure to read all the others. You are a new author to me, and I'm anxious to read your books.

Re: After the Rain (5:48pm January 21, 2013):

If I could go back and have a do-over, I would not have gone along with my husbands (now ex-husband) choice to relocate to another state for a new job. I would rather have stayed where we lived where both our large families were. It's a long story, but a female co-worker of his in the process of divorcing, started hitting on my husband and having an affair with him. We divorced and he married her (5 mos. later)! We had a wonderful marriage for 25 yrs. and I was blindsided. I had no idea this was going on. So, I'd love a do-over and have back my high-school sweetheart and best friend! I've had to try to put it behind me and it's been a tough road to travel.

Re: Doomed (6:58pm January 15, 2013):

Favorite greek myth would be about Hercules and Hydra (with her many snake heads, that would grow two more if he or his twin brother chopped one off). Your books sounds very interesting and would be fascinating to read!

Re: Thread On Arrival (6:35pm January 15, 2013):

This sounds like a great series I'd enjoy reading. Thread on Arrival captures my interest with the treasured tapestry which is a map which reveals pirate treasure! I'd love to win it in paperback.

Re: Finding Home (5:10pm January 13, 2013):

Some of my happiest memories from childhood were during our summers. My sisters and I were hired to go out to the huge farm where there were fields upon fields of strawberries and earn money at a young age. Of course, we spent it almost as fast as we earned it each day. It was fun to spend and a lot of work to earn as the pay was very low (only 5 cents for every heaping quart container filled)! We also loved going to visit our cousins on Sundays in the little town of Trempeleau, WI. We'd visit grandma and our aunt and seven cousins that lived across the road from each other. We'd pick corn from our aunt's garden and she would cook it up for us to eat. Grandma loved asparagus so we walked along the railroad tracks at the back of her property and picked her bunches that grew wild. We also visited her berry patch and ate lots of her berries (every kind you can think of she grew). We played a lot of softball and made forts in the fall from leaves from the big trees. They both had lots of property to run around, explore, etc. We always had so much fun we just hated to head home in the evening.
I love your picture of you with your two white horses. I've always loved horses (very beautiful animals). My uncle owned several when I was younger, and I loved to ride them.
Love your book cover and I'm looking forward to reading your new book, which sounds great!

Re: Kiss Of The Betrayer (3:47pm January 12, 2013):

When I was growing up, as the eldest of eight siblings, my mother always delegated jobs. We had a dishwashing schedule for the four oldest and many other chores. Our house was spotless, always! We didn't have a choice or the consequences were not good! It seems like there's always so many things to get done and not enough time. I only had 3 children and I did the majority of the house cleaning, but did delegate job chores that were simple enough for them to accomplish. Never any complaints if they wanted favors and allowances. Now that they're grown up and gone, it's still a task to get everything done without helpers. A person can only do so much in a day, so I find it's easiest to do a few things each day and not try to do it all at once (it's not so overwhelming). It doesn't matter if you work a job or not, you just push yourself harder and work at tasks quicker when your time is limited. Then you just might have time to settle in with a good book at night...if you can stay awake, after all is said and done!

Re: South Of Surrender (7:05pm January 9, 2013):

South of Surrender sounds like a book I'd love to read, and the book cover is beautiful. I will also want to read your upcoming books (Hard Ink series, especially). Thanks for all the info with your excerpts and release dates!

Re: The Missing Manuscript Of Jane Austen (3:39pm January 6, 2013):

Writing sounds like it's so challenging and so much work. I love writing but after reading how complex and involved it is, my hat is off to authors that make it appear easy to us (the readers). I'm looking forward to reading your books.

Re: Seven Days Normal (3:29pm January 6, 2013):

Loved reading your story. Your wondering mind full of ideas is what's led you to become an author and this is your meant-to-be God given talent. Wishing you much success with this book and those to come! Looking forward to reading it!

Re: A Little Bit Wicked (3:42pm December 29, 2012):

I usually don't make any New Year's resolutions, because it's difficult to keep them. I've done so much better just writing down what I want to accomplish by writing them down and keeping the list out, so it stares me in the face til I get them done...one at a time. I find myself crossing many off, but then adding on new ones. I like organization, so it gives me a great feeling to work at something. I, also, would like to lose a few pounds and have become much more health conscious and watch what I eat. Where I live there are so many overweight people and kids, and I attribute it to so many fast-food restaurants everywhere in a city of 60,000 people. Would love to read your book, and good luck with the exercising and weight loss. It's all in disciplining yourself to do it and then stick with it. I've always done better when I do it with a friend or two, and then, see results.

Re: Fallen Angel (3:15pm December 29, 2012):

I'm grateful for my family and that they're healthy, having a warm home, great books to read for enjoyment and new authors that share their stories with us. Your time travel romances sound wonderful and I look forward to reading them!

Re: The Billionaire's Christmas Baby (4:57pm December 28, 2012):

I'm grateful for my family and that everyone's in good health, that my oldest son found a wonderful wife and they are expecting twins (a boy & a girl) in a few months, and having a nice home and one smart, terrific 7-yr. old grandson, of my youngest son, to keep me smiling.

Re: Live And Let Love (4:38pm December 28, 2012):

I love books with romance, adventure, spies and have parts that make me laugh. I'll have to get the first two books in your Agent Ex series. Love the cute cover! CAN'T WAIT TO READ IT and WOULD LOVE SO MUCH TO WIN!

Re: Secret Santa Baby (4:30pm December 27, 2012):

I remember back when I was in high school and I was standing in the doorway to the living room at my boyfriend's house, when his father kissed me! I was more than in shock! My boyfriend's two younger sisters were laughing and pointing up...unbeknownst to me was hanging mistletoe in the center of the arched doorway! I never forgot that (I was grossed out)!
Love your book cover for Secret Santa Baby (I'm sure the book is as good as the cover) and would love to read it!

Re: Christmas On Mimosa Lane (5:05pm December 26, 2012):

Would love this fantastic Christmas book to read and I love the cover so much! Need a good story to relax with.

Re: Renegade (4:57pm December 26, 2012):

I love watching all types of Christmas movies this time of year and especially enjoy Home Alone, A Christmas Story, Miracle on 34th Street and all the Hallmark Channel Christmas-themed movies. I also really love reading all types of Christmas romance books. I just finished Holly Lane by Toni Blake and really enjoyed it. We didn't have snow when I first started the book (which starts out with them snowed in and seemed so romantic), but we have plenty now on the ground and it's cold too, which gave us our white Christmas!

Re: Deadly Patterns (6:29pm December 17, 2012):

My favorite holiday treats to make are date fingers, iced cut-out sugar cookies, pecan pie minis (made in mini muffin tins), candy cane cookies, and chocolate fudge. I'm going to make your caramel corn this year for sure! Also, love making strawberry or cherry cheesecake. So-o good!
Am loving your cover of your book...brings back all the memories of my years of sewing from the age of 12. I loved making anything and everything and loved the fabric shoppe located a couple blocks from my house that let me charge my purchases. It worked out great for me! Would love to read this book very much!

Re: Fortune's Hero (5:28pm December 15, 2012):

I'm sure in the future we will all drive some type of vehicle that uses no gasoline (all electric or some other newbie invention to make them run), and our new homes will all be computerized for everything, and when you go to a drive-up at fast-food restaurants, you'll touch-screen your order in (self-service), instead of giving it to a person on an intercom, and our cars will be equipped with more gadgets including built-in telephone, back massager, remote steering, and a device that suctions away rain and no more wiper blades! More jobs will be done from our homes.

Re: A Seal At Heart (5:10pm December 15, 2012):

My team would be my sons and my brother. We help each other out and solve each others problems together, and it's great to have them to rely on even though none of us reside in the same town. Would love to read your new book!

Re: Just A Cowboy And His Baby (4:52pm December 15, 2012):

Anyone that hasn't read Carolyn's, "Red's Hot Cowboy" is missing one good book...one of my very favorites! Amazon rated it 4-1/2* but I'd give it 5* and that's no lie!!! Keep going with writing those fantastic books, Carolyn.

Re: Just A Cowboy And His Baby (4:25pm December 15, 2012):

I love reading all your great cowboy books. I'm never disappointed and love them and will hate to see the Spikes & Spurs series end. I know you will keep coming up with new stories (maybe more with two gals in competition for the hot cowboy's attention...did I say, "cat fight?" I will keep reading every book you write!!

Re: Love Thy Sister (5:33pm December 11, 2012):

Enjoyed reading how your love for reading books in the attic developed into your writing and becoming an author and learning other languages. Grandparents are always so special when we're young and things they have. I always admired my grandmother's old bubbling lights on her Christmas tree when I was little, they just fascinated me and when she'd take time to give me some piano lessons. I'd love to win your book and hope you do well with your new book, Bosom Bodies!

Re: Holiday Buzz (5:54pm December 8, 2012):

Holiday Buzz sounds like a great book, and I love recipes. Thanks for sharing and would be delighted to win this!

Re: Rancher's Son (5:44pm December 8, 2012):

My sister lived in Florida for 25 years; she was a court reporter there and worked long hours. I visited her once and Disney World and was amazed at all the palm trees and orange trees and the humidity in Ft. Lauderdale/Miami. I enjoyed the ocean, which I'd never seen before or walked along! I had no idea that Florida was a big beef producer. It was a beautiful state to visit, but I know of nothing unusual about the state.

Re: Jane's Gift (5:26pm December 8, 2012):

There are several books on my wish list and now I'm including Jane's Gift. They are: Glad Tidings and Angels at the Table by Debbie Macomber, Christmas On Mimosa Lane by Anna DeStefano, Something New by Janis Thomas, and Mistletoe Cowboy by Carolyn Brown. Nothing's more relaxing than cuddling up with a book in front of the fireplace during the Holidays. Merry Christmas and would love to win this awesome book!

Re: A Christmas Bride / Christmas Beau (6:44pm November 28, 2012):

I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE reading Christmas romance stories!!! Really gets me in the Christmas spirit! I'm ready for some new great Christmas books to read, and I especially love your books! Would sure love to win these (what a treasure they would be)! M E R R Y C H R I S T M A S !

Re: Christmas Confidential (6:27pm November 28, 2012):

I love to collect a different angel ornament each year for my tree. I have quite an assortment from hand crocheted, crystal, handmade fabric ones, glass, etc. I love going to craft fairs/shows to find unique ones. A lady I used to sell Avon products to gave me the idea. She had angels all over her tree from around the world that she collected when she traveled. Her tree was so unique and beautiful!
I also love cooking and baking cookies. So when my grown sons come over there is plenty to eat, and I keep things warm in several crockpots.
One of my favorite traditions is driving around on Christmas eve (early) and looking at all the yard lighting displays around town. This has been done in my family since we were little kids. It's so pretty. There is a huge house in my neighborhood with such a beautiful huge display that they add something new to every year. They have so much to look at that we have to park to take it all in! They have a huge wide front yard for it all in front of their home with three garages on each side of their wide long driveway--six garages in all!

Re: Rogue Rider (6:18pm November 20, 2012):

This looks like a great series, I'd love reading. Thanks for the chance to win Rogue Rider!

Re: A Wedding In Apple Grove (4:58pm November 17, 2012):

Many years ago I grew up in a small town and loved it! When I married, we built a home in a brand new subdivision which once housed the outdoor drive-in movie theatre. We were one of the first people to build there. In no time, we discovered that four couples we knew and graduated with were also building homes there. Three of those lived on our block. It was nice and we loved it! After 6 yrs. we had to move to relocate for my hubby's job and so did our good friends and next door neighbors. We all ended up divorcing, after moving to bigger cities. I guess, something can be said for the cozy, quaint, laid-back life of small town living. I think people that all know each others business tend to stay together and are happier.
I sure love small town setting romance books, and I think your cover is more than cute! I can't wait to read this book...it sounds so good!

Re: Ashes Of Twilight (4:14pm November 17, 2012):

The storyline for your book Ashes of Twilight sounds very intriguing. The book cover is beautiful and unique...I love it and would enjoy reading your book which is something quite different from anything I've read before!

Re: The Twelve Clues Of Christmas (5:07pm November 11, 2012):

My fondest most memorable Christmas was the year I took our first son, age 3, out for a drive on Christmas eve to look at all the Christmas light displays, then over to Grandma's house for cookies and hot chocolate and to meet up there with Dad. When the three of us left and arrived back home, there were huge snowy boot prints on each carpeted step going up to the living room and over to the Christmas tree. My son was screaming, "Look, Santa came while we were gone, I can see his footprints." His eyes were as big as saucers when he saw four huge metal Tonka trucks under the tree, along with many other gifts. We have always kept the tradition going out looking at the Christmas light displays with our three children growing up--as our parents did with us. My brother does this also with his large family of 14 children!

Re: What The Cat Saw (5:21pm November 10, 2012):

I had a cat growing up that was so sweet and another, when I first got married, given to me as a Christmas gift when it was a very tiny kitten; it fit in my hand. Each cat has a different personality and some are very smart and understand what you're saying to them. I love the storyline to your book very much and it really sounds like an amazing book I'd love to own and read. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for this one!

Re: Heart of Danger (4:53pm November 10, 2012):

It doesn't sound like your trip included much pleasure during your visit to New York during Hurricane Sandy--more of a terrifying, stressful experience. I would have gone into panic-mode being in the dark in an unfamiliar place and with no way to contact anyone! I hate any kind of storms and have never been in a hurricane situation, but my heart goes out to all those suffering from what's happened to them as a result. I think some of life's toughest experiences make us stronger. Your books sound good. I just watched the true story movie, Clear Lake, WI. which was a little eerie. The town was evacuated in 1994 because people were dying from some strange epidemic and several turning up missing--they left everything behind. I'd never heard of this and was a bit surprised since I live in WI. It definitely grabbed my attention, and I'm sure reading your books will, too!

Re: Enslaved (5:50pm November 9, 2012):

I don't recall that I've read a book with a damaged hero, but I would love to read this one and how he overcomes his issues. Cover is great!!

Re: Christmas On Mimosa Lane (5:50pm November 8, 2012):

Tinker Bell embroidered on the top of her plaid Disney pajamas.
My favorite holiday memories are from my childhood. Mom always saved her S&H Green Stamps from all her trips to get gasoline for her car in a kitchen drawer. When it was about a week before Christmas, she'd have the two oldest kids of eight children, (my sister and I), glue all the pages of stamps into books. Each filled book had a value of $2.50. This took us several hours. By the time we finished we had 16 to 22 books filled each year. The following day, I got to be the one to go to the large store to help pick out the gifts for my sisters and brothers. It was so much fun, since they had a huge assortment of toys and games. I remember all the stuff we'd come home with and my mother being so pleased she didn't have to spend any money to get it all! Back then, those items were so inexpensive so we really made a haul! We had fantastic Christmases as a result, we wouldn't have had otherwise. Can't wait to read your first book in this series. The cover is beautiful!

Re: The Snow White Christmas Cookie (3:46pm November 4, 2012):

Your Berger-Mitry mystery book series look and sound wonderful. I love the cover--it's beautiful, as well as all the covers for the others in the series are! I would love to own a copy of your new book!!

Re: The Warrior (6:33pm November 1, 2012):

I love old castles, reading anything about them (legends), and viewing pictures of them in books or on TV, and even portrayed in movies. Gerard Butler is one of my favorite actors (love listening to him talk). I admire him even more for his great acting and for taking on the role he did in the true-life story in the movie, "Machine Gun Preacher". It's a heartbreaking great movie in which he did an amazingly stupendous job! Everyone should see it; you won't be dry-eyed through it. I love the cover of your book, and look forward to reading it!

Re: Down for the Count (7:22pm October 29, 2012):

My story is very similar to Ann's above. My girlfriend dared me to leave a note on a guy's windshield we went to high school with. I decided to make it look like a parking ticket and put it on his windshield. Payment was taking me out to the root beer stand. He reciprocated right away and came over to my house on his motorcycle (much to might surprise). I was shocked he came through. We started dating and he became my husband two years later! I was happy I went through with her dare, because I was on the shy side and was something I normally wouldn't do, but I had danced with him at a high school dance at the YMCA, so he wasn't a complete stranger.

Re: Midnight Exposure (7:06pm October 29, 2012):

I really liked Katniss Everdeen a strong heroine in both the book and the movie, Hunger Games. She really showed her strength and courage. Another favorite of mine is Eve Dallas from JD Robb. I would very much love to win and read Midnight Exposure and find out what challenges she's up against and does to survive!

Re: Kissed By A Vampire (5:51pm October 28, 2012):

I like the mix of suspense and paranormal which makes the story more interesting. This book looks great and all your covers are fantastic!

Re: Iced Chiffon (5:44pm October 28, 2012):

I love cozy mysteries especially those with bookshops, bakery, antique stores, pets, sewing, knitting, crocheting, ghosts, etc. Would love to win this and Iced Chiffon will be on my TBR list.

Re: One Night with a Hero (4:54pm October 27, 2012):

I enjoy reading about military heroes and learning about some of what they experience while serving. They fight hard for our country and to protect us and our freedom. Also, they all look good in uniform (military or dress). One Night with a Hero sounds like a great book, I want to read!

Re: Lady Louisa's Christmas Knight (5:45pm October 26, 2012):

I really love reading Christmas stories. It gets me in the Christmas spirit and joyful mood just reading about different holiday traditions, decorating, snow, cozy fireplaces, family and friends gathering together, etc. All very captivating and heartwarming!

Re: Mistletoe Cowboy (5:25pm October 26, 2012):

I enjoy reading all your books. The characters do become real people when I'm reading a book as well written as yours are. I always hate to see them end, but yours always end on a happy note, which I love. I am anxious to read this new book, Mistletoe Cowboy. I'm a fan of series books! Keep writing those great cowboy romances...love 'em!!!

Re: Blood Therapy (5:33pm October 23, 2012):

Your vampire books series sound great and the timing is perfect for your giveaway, being so close to Halloween!!

Re: Rev It Up (4:58pm October 20, 2012):

I like books that break the rules. I love the unexpected, the not knowing what's going to happen next or where the story is headed for that element of surprise...which is so interesting, it's a real page-turner. I enjoy authors that don't go off in too many different directions that make the story get confusing, stupid, or lose my interest. Many times, I'll read the first few pages in the beginning from a book that looks good to me, if I'm captivated (no matter what the genre is), then I'll get the book that leaves me wanting to keep reading more. Love your cover...it's H-O-T!

Re: Death, Taxes, and a Sequined Clutch (5:19pm October 16, 2012):

I think Tara should teach her former lover a long overdue lesson. However, in my own personal experiences, I have found that what goes around comes around (without any revenge needed by the cheated on or dumped person). Some guys thing the grass is greener on the other side and end up with much worse than what they had and discover this much sooner than later. Then when you've found a new person, they're totally jealous. This sounds like a book I would really like a lot, and I definitely plan to read it!

Re: Tall, Dark, and Divine (7:03pm October 15, 2012):

TALL, DARK, AND DIVINE has a little different spin, and I'm looking forward to reading this lst book in the series! The cover is very nice, too!

Re: Born To Be Wild (6:41pm October 15, 2012):

The first time I actually went horseback riding was at my uncle's ranch. I was 14. He owned several horses. My aunt put me on her huge horse named, "Black Beauty" and told me she was a nice horse. I rode all around the fenced in acreage with her and was really enjoying myself, until the horse saw my uncle at the gate and took off at a fast gallop with me shifting off to one side with the saddle. It looked like my leg was about to hit the fenceline as she took off, scaring the bejeezus out of me. When she halted abruptly, I fell to the ground with the saddle at her side, my one foot was caught in the stirrup. I wasn't intent on trying riding again after that, and went to riding his surrey cart pulled by his miniature pinto pony! Something a little safer and very cute. I still love horses, but would rather watch others ride them, since, I have permanent back injury problems from a motorcycle accident. Your book sounds like one I'd enjoy.

Re: Run The Risk (3:31pm October 14, 2012):

I can't think of any at the moment that I've read. I will have to read the books you've mentioned above. I think you're new book sound very good and like a fun read. Thanks for sharing!

Re: Run The Risk (3:23pm October 14, 2012):

Obviously, both Youslorytiffany Andesonr and Tdotietzorlan Andesonr are foreign hackers. What does cheap immitation copies of Tiffany Earrings, Bracelets and Necklaces have to do with authors and books? ? ? I, for one, could not be the least interested; if they're trying to do business in this manner. I'm sure they're cheap imported FAKES made in China! I hope no one is falling for this and their way to advertise this (junk)!

Re: Shattered Silence (2:51pm October 14, 2012):

I absolutely love cowboy stories, but I've never read one with Texas Rangers. This sounds like a very interesting series. Margaret, the cover art for Shattered Silence is really gorgeous and unlike any other I've seen!! You must be so proud of this book. I look forward to reading all of them!

Re: Against His Will (5:02pm October 8, 2012):

I can't wait to read your books and find out more about the characters as they fall in love and make compromises.

Re: Wild Encounter (4:36pm October 7, 2012):

I would try to outwit the kidnappers for my survival and a plan to get away, even though it would be very hard. Where there's a will, there's a way; so I wouldn't give up. Your book sounds intriguing.

Re: The Ruins Of Lace (3:20pm October 6, 2012):

Very interesting story with the history behind lace. So glad you were finally able to get your book finished to get it published for us to read. I'm sure a lot of research went into this, and it's fascinating to be able to read such a well thought out story you worked diligently on with all the rewrites and revisions. I'm really looking forward to reading it!

Re: Savage Hunger (5:51pm October 5, 2012):

This book sounds great! Love the cover! Going to the Amazon would be quite an experience but I'd rather stick to reading about it in a book. I always loved watching Tarzan as a kid and envied Jane (what was I thinking)! Ha! I'm definitely going to read this one for sure Terry. Your books are so good!

Re: Dark Light Of Day (7:06pm October 2, 2012):

Would love to read your book after reading your post. Love the name you chose, Noon Onyx (so fitting for your story). I'm wondering if anyone has read Wander Dust by Michelle Warren? It's supposed to be a time-travel fantasy story which I've got on my TBR list. Jill, your cover is breath-takingly beautiful, and I'm adding your book to my list also. Thanks for your great post!

Re: Until My Soul Gets It Right (5:58pm October 1, 2012):

I'm not in a book club, but I do enjoy discussing any very good book I've recently read and recommending it to other readers. There are so many newer authors and it's fun to discover another favorite through F.F. blogs, etc.

Re: Construction Beauty Queen (5:03pm September 29, 2012):

I loved growing up in a small town in southeastern Minnesota. It was so safe and it seemed like you knew just about everone--or they knew your parents or siblings, when you ran into them and started talking with them. I especially like that in the winter, I could walk four blocks to the ice skating rink, stay late and walk home alone or with my sister and feel safe. We rode our bikes everywhere, too, and never ran into any problems. In my late 20's I moved with my husband and two children for his new job to a larger city in Wisconsin and haven't felt the same since. Small towns are so much nicer and family-oriented and people have more time for one another. I can't wait to read this new book which I can relate to!

Re: Renegade (5:51pm September 27, 2012):

I really got into reading over 35 years ago when my oldest son was only two. When we built our first house, we didn't have central-air conditioning (an oversight by us and the builder). So during the hot, humid summer months, I would go to our basement guest bedroom (where is was cool) and lay down on the big bed with him to read a book, while he took his afternoon nap. He always went right to sleep, and I enjoyed my quiet, relaxing time reading. When we moved out of state and built another house, we made sure we had central-air and plenty of bookcases built-in along each side of our fireplace across the entire wall of our family room that go to the ceiling. I had very few books starting out to grace the many shelves. In the next five years, they started filling up. They are all full now and then some, because I ran out of shelves, so I resorted to storing the overflow in boxes (ones I haven't read). I, too, have even mistakenly purchased books I already have.
Nancy, you've got me wanting to go through my books now and start doing some "pruning" (weeding them out)! I know it will be a big project to let go, but it's time! I have a few favorite authors that I have most all their books. I do have a couple of Kathleen Woodiwiss's including SHANNA. Thanks for your great blog today, and I'm enjoying reading everyone else's (knowing I'm not alone in my addiction)!!

Re: Diary of a Vampire Stripper (5:36pm September 26, 2012):

The best Dracula ever to star in movies was Bela Lugosi... he was very scary, creepy, and realistic. My sister and I used to watch Dracula movies (when everyone else in the family was sleeping) late every Fri. night (of course, this ages me--it was so many years ago). We were scared out of our wits, and my sister would not leave my side even when they ended and it was time to get into bed! I always had to reassure her that it wasn't real, but she never believed me! Your blog today brings back such treasured memories from my childhood. Anyone that loves vampires would love these older movies he starred in. I also loved Vincent Price in everything. Your book sounds good, however, I do not own any type of e-reader, so don't enter me in your contest. Thanks!

Re: A Home For Nobody's Princess (7:18pm September 25, 2012):

Home is where the heart is...where you feel comfortable and happy to be with your family. Your book sounds wonderful!

Re: Seduction's Shift (3:54pm September 23, 2012):

Panthers have mysterious eyes and are sleek and beautiful looking. Paranormal romance with panther shifters is very unique. Looking forward to reading your book!

Re: Got Game? (5:43pm September 22, 2012):

I have never golfed, except I have played mini golf a few times. I am intrigued by your book. My sons all golf, so I know they find much enjoyment in the sport. Much success with your book.

Re: Where There's A Will (5:43pm September 21, 2012):

I love romance books and HEA endings. This sounds like such a good book--I have to have it! Absolutely, love the hot, hot cover!

Re: Charming Blue (5:16pm September 21, 2012):

Hi Kristine!
Love the idea of a twist in the classic fairy tales idea you have! Who doesn't love fairy tales and the memories going back to our childhood that never leave us?
As for the amount of sex you write into your romance, you can't please everyone's tastes. Some want a little tease (to be left imagining for themselves about what could be), and others want every explicit detail to read about! So for me, I'm happy in the middle-ground for a more tasteful story. Charming Blue sounds good and I'm looking forward to reading it! Love the characters names and the book cover!!

Re: Deadly Little Lies (7:16pm September 18, 2012):

I remember when I was four yrs. old, my mother purchased a set of Childcraft Books. These books had beautiful, colorful illustrations on thick, glossy pages. The one that had the children's nursery rhymes and fables was read to me and my two sisters at night about three times a week. I very much looked forward to having these re-read over and over, until I had every one memorized, to the point that, I would grab the big heavy book and read each page to my two sisters. My father told me once when I was older, that he was amazed how mesmorized my sisters were, sitting on each side of me, while I read the book to them when I was only five. As a result, I was the top reader in my class of 30 in first grade. I remember my mother purchasing the Bobbsey Twins books for me when I was in second grade and I enjoyed those. I have many favorite authors and a huge library of books today. I too, loved reading Victoria Holt. Have always loved LaVyrle Spencer's books,
and once she retired from writing, couldn't part with her entire collection (guess they'd be part of my comfort books).
I so enjoyed your blog today, Jeanne. Brings back such fond memories, especially today, on my father's birthday (even though he's passed 16 yrs. ago). Thanks!

Re: The Curse (6:36pm September 17, 2012):

I do not have an e-reader (unsure if I want one yet or not).
I'm happy reading print books and holding them in my hands...even tho I know I've been missing out on getting many free downloads of new books offered by authors. I do not wish to read from the computer and would rather be curled up on the couch and cozy when I read a book. I do have more than one keeper shelf (several bookcase shelves), in fact. I keep certain complete series of favorite authors and my autographed books. I do love the Keeper Kase too! A house isn't a home without lots of good books in it to make it homey!

Re: Three River Ranch (5:42pm September 17, 2012):

I have never posted anything embarrassing over the internet that I recall. Not that I've never done anything to be embarrassed about in my life! I remember back in my senior year of high school when two of my girlfriends and I decided to go out to the all-boys college in the town we lived in. We entered the back door of a building, not knowing it led into the boys dormitory. We saw a huge room with couches, chairs, fireplace, etc. and sat and waited to see if some boys would come into this lounge area and talk to us. Much to our surprise, "hot sweaty" boys who were heading in and out of the showers (wrapped in nothing but white towels) were passing the open doorway where we sat!! They started yelling and screaming, "Oh, whoa, there's girls in here!" We were laughing really hard and a few of them joined us...after they headed upstairs to their dorm rooms to dress! Met some nice guys and never got in trouble for being there. Maybe this was the highlight of their dull Fri. night!
Three River Ranch looks like a book I'd enjoy very much...cowboys and romance are my favorites, and I'd love to read this!

Re: A Place Beyond Courage (5:40pm September 7, 2012):

You've got my attention! I haven't read one of your books yet; this one sounds really good, and it's obvious you put a lot of time and research into it. Thanks!

Re: In Rides Trouble (5:32pm September 7, 2012):

WOOWEE!!! That Frank "BOSS" Knight looks pretty tough, rough and muscular! I like his Harley, "Boss Hog" too! Where's Becky "REBEL" Reichert in her motorcycle shop?? This series sounds phenomenal and I look forward to reading them all and get my ride started! AWESOME!

Re: Hannah's Joy (5:52pm May 7, 2012):

I would love to win this book! I'm fascinated by the Amish and their lifestyle. I'm sure reading your books will give me an even better insight.

Re: Royal Street (5:40pm May 7, 2012):

OMG I love pirates! I'd date an undead pirate, especially if he looked as good and sexy as Johnny Depp did as a pirate in his movies! I'm so excited about this book.... Yeah! THANKS FOR WRITING IT!!!

Re: The Proposal (5:52pm May 5, 2012):

I am looking forward to reading a new series. The Proposal sounds really good and I'm anxious to read it!! I know I'll
enjoy it! Thanks.

Re: Tempting the Best Man (5:07pm May 4, 2012):

Enjoyed reading your post, Jennifer. I haven't read any of your books. I agree with you completely. Thanks for the chance to win a copy.

Re: Lady Maggie's Secret Scandal (7:21pm May 3, 2012):

I have been faced with making difficult and impossible choices at high costs. I learned through these experiences not to be too trusting and have a back-up plan. A lot can be said of and learned through Suzie Ormann. Love reading and anything with a little romance. Looking forward to reading this one!

Re: Demon's Bride (4:31pm May 2, 2012):

I like commoner heroes; heroes that have to struggle, work hard and earn their way to make things happen and must be strong, romantic and compassionate. DEMON'S BRIDE sounds like quite a good story!

Re: Under His Protection (4:40pm April 30, 2012):

I love alpha heroes in fiction. In real life, maybe, not as much! Something intriguing in reading about them. Your books sound great!

Re: The Vampire Shrink (5:06pm April 27, 2012):

I remember my brother telling me of episodes with a ghost in his home. TV unplugged turning on. TV when plugged in, coming on by itself, he turned it off, then it would come on again. While he's washing dishes, cupboard doors opening on their own all the way, then slamming closed. A figure of a woman in a white long gown being seen and disappearing,
and a ghost coming up behind him and placing his large hands onto his shoulders and completely turning him around, and nothing visible. He said most everything happened at night when the house was quiet. He looked into the background of his home, and found out that it was once used as offices for a lumberyard, which still didn't tell him why strange things happen in his house.
I enjoy a good ghost story and all the ghost hunters stuff on tv. I don't think I'd want to encounter any in real life, but I sure love reading about them and would love your book.

Re: Enraptured (6:00pm April 26, 2012):

My favorite movie villain is Heath Ledger when he played The Joker in the Dark Knight. He did such fabulous acting!

Re: Homefront Hero (6:35pm April 25, 2012):

I think heroes take on personal risk and unexplainable challenges when circumstances arise, showing unbelievable courage. They act on instinct without second guessing themselves, and by no means expect reward for their heroism and bravery. We all enjoy reading about ordinary people and
their heroic acts in every day life and stories involving fictional characters in books. It's uplifting!

Re: Somebody To Love (5:20pm April 24, 2012):

I had to start over and move to another state, when my husband found a new job. I had lived in MN. for the first 28 years of my life in a small town. It was an exciting change but we missed our families. Would not have changed anything, since I love this larger city and the friendly people I have met and worked with. Would love to win this book and am going to get your newest book, Somebody To Love, which is just what I'd like reading!!!!!

Re: Blackmailed by the Italian Billionaire (4:08pm April 23, 2012):

To Sigrun Schultz & Peggy Roberson:
May I suggest an excellent newer author with old-fashioned romance to you both? I just read her first two books and they were both fantastic and very well written. Please check out The Bungalow -and- Violets of March by Sarah Jio.
You will be in love with her excellent writing. She is my very favorite author, and I can't wait for her next book out in Sept., Blackberry Winter. Your libraries can order them in if they aren't available. The Bungalow is a love story that takes place during the war and is so-o good! I couldn't put it down and read it all in one day. Happy reading girls...I'm sure you'll be exceptionally pleased and as in awe as I was!! Sarah Jio must be highly intelligent to write a story so detailed and mesmerizing that you feel like you're there!

Re: Blackmailed by the Italian Billionaire (4:25pm April 22, 2012):

Since women have become stronger and more independent, holding more powerful, high-paying jobs, once traditionally held by males and more women in the work force, along with high divorce rates, roles have changed. Therefore, romance novels of the future, with the heroine being stronger than the hero wouldn't surprise me, but would be a fun, modern twist having the woman take charge.
This sounds like a book I'd really love reading...great title too! Who doesn't love an Italian and a rich one??

Re: No Dress Required (4:20pm April 21, 2012):

I like both connected books and stand-alone stories. With connected, it's a little disappointing when an author uses too much repetition in the story with the characters involved. The waiting period of up to a year before the next one comes out is also a disadvantage, when left wanting more to read. With stand-alone, the story ends...not to be continued. If the author is a favorite, I'll still want to read future stories, knowing they come to an end and some do a little too abruptly leaving you hanging with questions in your mind.
You are a new author to me, and I'd love to win this awesome book.

Re: Untouched (4:19pm April 20, 2012):

1, 6, and 10 would definitely be my favorites! Love the fun (wish) list! Thanks!

Re: The Zen Man (6:48pm April 17, 2012):

Most of the hot Private Investigators that were my favorites were from TV series. Enjoyed Jack Lord-Hawaii Five-O, James Garner-The Rockford Files, Peter Falk-Columbo,
Tom Selleck-Magnum P.I., Robert Wagner-Hart to Hart and MONK (loved the humor with this germaphobe)! I'm sure your book is awesome, too, and I'd love to read it!

Re: The Fallen Woman of Vil?gos (5:36pm April 16, 2012):

I definitely remember having experienced deja vu before. I't a very strange, unusual and overwhelming feeling that I've done this or experienced this before, have been there before as it feels familiar (even though I'm sure I haven't), or somehow have known this person well, before, that I really don't know and have just met (just through conversation). It's an unsettling feeling and makes a person wonder why this happens infrequently.
I would love to read this exciting book. It sounds so good!

Re: A Plain Death (5:47pm April 14, 2012):

Sometimes it's all about timing, being in the right place at the right time. You and Nicole being in Florida, your getting the courage to email her, meeting up and having lunch together, signing you and giving good advice to run with, Amish stories to incorporate as subject matter into your mystery writing. Love reading how this all came to be for you, and can't wait to read your books which sound so very good! Your faith in yourself and enthusiasm to do what you love brings you the success you deserve!

Re: Mariana (6:51pm April 12, 2012):

Keep the original without revisions, just correct errors in spelling, words omitted, etc. Story sounds great - I'd love to read the re-issue of M A R I A N A. Beautiful cover, too!

Re: The Wolf Who Loved Me (5:10pm April 12, 2012):

No, I've never done anything to warrant keeping a secret to trust someone with. This book sounds like a great read that I need!

Re: Trouble Me (3:55pm April 9, 2012):

TROUBLE ME sounds like a fantastic story that I'd just love reading. I'm anxious to find out what happens between Rob & Jade after he realizes he knows her!! Great post....thanks for the giveaway, Laura.

Re: One Hot Cowboy Wedding (4:59pm April 7, 2012):

I just LOVE, LOVE, LOVE all your books! I just got Darn Good Cowboy Christmas to read, and I really enjoyed Love Drunk Cowboy and Red's Hot Cowboy (excellent books)!
I think every cowgirl needs a cowboy of her very own...for All of the Above, I might add that they're good with their hands (I mean handy)! Love when you throw in the rodeos, county fairs and huge family picnic get-togethers into your stories. WOW...I'm there! I cannot wait to read this new book, ONE HOT COWBOY WEDDING. Your cover is gorgeous and playful! Keep 'em coming, girl! Thanks!

Re: Vigilare (4:26pm April 7, 2012):

I don't mind reading about a tough, strong heroine since it's not unusual, since roles have changed over the years, with women holding jobs previously held by men and as single parent head of households. It's always nice to discover she may have a soft side, somewhere, that comes out in the story.
I do think a man can be beautiful in many ways. Being helpful, loving, kind, considerate and thoughtful with gentleman mannerisms shown toward his partner. Yes, Extraordinary=Beautiful!
This sounds like a great book!

Re: Lessons After Dark (4:52pm April 6, 2012):

Enjoyed your great post and reading the few lines from your latest book, Isabel. Sounds really good, and the cover is very captivating too! I think you and your friends were having way too much fun on your graduation day with the bets! Good wishes for much success with this book also.

Re: Woodrose Mountain (5:23pm April 4, 2012):

Reading about people surviving difficult challenges or tragedy is inspiring to me and uplifting, with what they've been dealt with. This is a part of life facing and struggling and dealing with hardships, and I think everyone encounters this more than once in their lifetimes, themselves or in their family. Their courage to get through it makes them a stronger person, overcoming obtacles and finding new outlets for happiness. This book sounds good, and I'm sure many will enjoy it, as they can relate in some way with the story. I want to read BLACKBERRY SUMMER-Book 1 and would love to win WOODROSE MOUNTAIN-Book 2. Thanks for the giveaway and much success with your new book!

Re: In Search of Lucy (4:16pm March 31, 2012):

Love the roadtrip plot for your book and the adventures they ensue along the way. I love when I take a road trip along the Mississippi River, along Hwy. 61 through Minnesota. The scenery is so breathtakingly beautiful, not to mention the wildlife, bald eagles and beautiful bluffs. This book sounds really good and I can't wait to read it!

Re: A Light On The Veranda (5:44pm March 30, 2012):

The setting gives the foundation and is a "character". It is even more interesting when authors, such as yourself, take the time to explore and do the research for their books to take us on a more fascinating, descriptive and captivating journey with some factual history of actual places and/or events thrown in.

Re: True Highland Spirit (5:20pm March 30, 2012):

Love a woman warrior (that's awesome)! Like my heroine to be independent, confident, with a likeable personality, and I like my hero to be protective, strong, good-looking, with a sense of humor.
Joan of Arc was very young girl when she fought in battles she led (very confident and strong-willed).

Re: Vicki's Key (7:00pm March 28, 2012):

There is a sexiness in a man with a Celtic accent, because we hear it less often, it draws us in and we love listening to it which makes him more exciting, appealing and interesting. I've always loved actors with an accent...Sean Connery with his English accent and actors that use the Irish brogue.

Re: The Chase (6:33pm March 28, 2012):

I'm often reading with the TV on, since there are so many commercials in between shows anyway, and I like to make use of that idle time, because I'd much rather be reading. I've been enjoying watching American Idol lately. I also really like America's Got Talent (which hasn't started it's new season yet), and Lifetime movies. I will have to check out Castle as I've never watched it. Your book sounds very good.

Re: Sanctuary Cove (6:08pm March 28, 2012):

I absolutely agree with you about television shows today. There are far too many gruesome crime shows and reality shows (unacceptable viewing for young audiences). For example, the Kardashians...is it any wonder why young girls believe they are super role models and want what they have and how they look and act? Kim could never survive in a small town setting or begin to know what she's really missing and has probably never had the time to pick up a book! I'm from a small town and loved growing up in one, where it was safe to ride my bike anywhere I wanted to go.
Readers enjoy the quaint, serene, neighborly small town-life to read about and that's why Debbie Macomber's books are a hit with all ages, and something pleasant to read. Thank you for the chance to win your book which I know I'd enjoy and fall in love reading something delightful!

Re: Texas Baby Sanctuary (4:56pm March 27, 2012):

I absolutely LOVE Cowboy/Western stories that take place in TEXAS! I can't get enough of them. I just finished reading one by Carolyn Brown and one by Jodi Thomas (two great authors of cowboy books) with great strong Texas heroes. I'd love to read yours, Linda, as I'm sure it's equally as good from the excerpt I've read...thanks for sharing and giving us another great one to read!!!

Re: The Wings Of Morning (5:49pm March 26, 2012):

This book sounds exceptionally good. I love Amish-themed stories and set during WWI makes it even more interesting. Loved the post!

Re: Sex, Lies and Contracts (4:51pm March 23, 2012):

I like heroes to have plenty of sex appeal, be kind and good-hearted in nature, be strong and helpful to the heroine, and having a bad-boy past or problems to face and ready for changes in his life that can only come about by meeting the heroine. Then it's a page-turner for me. I think he's jumping off the cover of this book--WOW, is that guy hot!!! I don't have an e-reader and only read paperbacks. I wish authors would offer us a choice if we win. Thanks.

Re: Assassins In Love (5:24pm March 22, 2012):

I think most romance stories do take place in small town settings, and a cruise ship, or space ship, or on another planet would be a less common setting, especially in an imaginary world and makes it even more interesting to read. Love your cover and your book sounds fantastic!

Re: Believe It or Not (5:05pm March 22, 2012):

I always enjoy finding out what the characters names are in the book I'm going to read, because I look forward to seeing new and different names that authors use for their stories and how they fit the characters in the story. This story sounds like a funny romance from what I've read so far with strippers, psychics, free spirits, and an accountant. I look forward to reading it--just picked it up at our library....but would love to win and own my own copy!

Re: Sticks and Stones (6:02pm March 21, 2012):

I would love to be able to write a book with my father. He always wanted to write a book of what took place while he was in the Navy in World War II while being on the USS Montpelier Ship. He is now deceased and had a diary and many notes. If we wrote this together, it would have been all his memories and notes and my input and suggestions along with the typing of the manuscript. Since that never came together, I think I'd have to write a book with my sister, because she's quirky and funny and we could definitely come up with something fun! She took some writing classes in college. I love that 3 sisters collaborated together and came up with a good book which I'd love to read! How great is that?!!!

Re: Cassie's Grand Plan (4:48pm March 20, 2012):

I enjoy the living in the City of Parks. There are many nice ones along the river and the ski shows they hold are fabulous. They win awards every year for being one of the only ski teams to build a five-man high pyramid. They have a different theme every year and different shows. I also love all our antique stores and handmade crafts stores to shop at in my town and the wonderful library that has lots to offer and can get any book or movie DVD you request. It's great here with friendly people.

Re: The Needle In The Blood (5:36pm March 17, 2012):

I viewed the Facebook Page and it's quite interesting how the "winged rodent" resembles "Batman" on the tapestry! Also liked the "History Undressed" portion (so colorful) with the knights with shields. I like artwork and appreciate things like this and find it very interesting. Thanks!

Re: The Needle In The Blood (5:26pm March 17, 2012):

I am fascinated at the images of the tapestry and detail as well as colorful. I'm sure there are hidden messages in the story they depict which hold symbolic meaning from the times they were produced and that's why they were created to tell the story through needlework. So beautiful and imagine the hours spent. I'm sure there are a few others such as this Bayeux Tapestry in museums, that have withstood their test of time. Thanks for sharing this amazing story and how it was incorporated into your book.

Re: A Seal In Wolf's Clothing (4:58pm March 17, 2012):

Sorry for the typo error in the title of your book...should be, ' A SEAL in Wolf's Clothing'.

Re: A Seal In Wolf's Clothing (4:50pm March 17, 2012):

When I first saw the covers for your books, I thought WOW! Those beautiful wolves on them. I just couldn't wait to get your books, since I love werewolf stories. I've got both Dreaming of the Wolf and Heart of the Highland Wolf.
In answer to the question...I envision "hot and sexy" because of the sexy males pictured on your book covers along with gorgeous-looking wolves. I can't wait to read all 9 of your wolf books, and I've got my list I carry with me. I must congratulate you on being such an avid writer to have written this many wolf books since 2008 and to be on the USA Todays Best-Seller List for this latest book, 'A Seal in Wolf's Clothing'. I hope you'll continue to keep writing these. I would love to win and own this new book!

Re: Sketch a Falling Star (5:07pm March 12, 2012):

Interesting post! I've had experiences with lost time. I think mine is due to getting so caught up in what I'm doing or working on that, it's almost impossible to accept the amount of time that's slipped away. Some is due to daydreaming and not staying focused. I get lost in books and wish I had even more time to finish, rather than put it down. I was admiring the beautiful, eye-catching cover art of your book, because I LOVE ghost stories/mysteries and really want to read this one for sure, because it looks so good!!!

Re: Under The Covers (3:39pm March 10, 2012):

I have experienced the empty nest syndrome after raising three sons. There are times when they're young, when you wish they were out of your hair (that's why the peaceful moments when gone to school or with friends were so nice to fit it what I wanted to get done). Then when they've grown and left, it's too quiet and peaceful, and you begin to miss the noise, chaos, cooking bigger meals, the interaction of helping them with homework, playing games, and running them to their activities, and long to have it all back again. The realization kicks in of how fast they grew up, and where did the time go. Then you wait for them to get married and have children to share some of your time with. I have one grandson which I don't see as often as I'd like, since he lives in another state. But he's joy to have around when I do see him, we have so much fun!

Re: Against The Night (3:11pm March 10, 2012):

I love to watch good movies and especially western-themed new or old. I loved the movies Brad Pitt starred in: Legends of the Fall and Jesse James...also, Curious Case of Benjamin Button (all exceptionally good). I watched a lot of westerns when I was young growing up because my Dad was a huge fan of all the John Wayne movies and he watched them over and over (changing the channel wasn't an option in a one TV household back then). He also watched the Gunsmoke series and never missed an episode. He read every western paperback he could get his hands on. In turn, this rubbed off onto me, since I love western/cowboy romance books. I would be more than thrilled to read your latest release, Against the Night, Kat! Sounds great.

Re: Texas Pride (5:41pm March 8, 2012):

Reading romance books does make me think about my relationship and how I can make it better and add some spark to it. I love to escape and relax with a good romance novel...ESPECIALLY COWBOY ROMANCE...Yippee!!! They're my favorite and addictive! Yours looks great and the cover is terrific (sexy cowboy & gorgeous horse).

Re: Fever (6:11pm March 7, 2012):

What He Says (when it comes to repairing something): I can "jimmy-rig" this, I guess.
What He Means: I don't really know how to fix the darn thing, but I'll do the best I can at f...ing it up in the meantime.
Or... "I'll tell you later." Meaning: I really don't want to tell you at all, and by waiting, I hope you'll forget all about it altogether.
Just a couple of my favorites...lol. What a great blog! Love your book and cover!

Re: Sweet Enemy (5:19pm March 6, 2012):

I love how the characters meet, become attracted to each other, and find ways to or accidentally keep running into each other, fun encounters, then the flirting and brief touching. The anticipation builds waiting for their first kiss moment, and the thrill continues as they grow fonder of each other, until it builds and escalates into a strong, loving physical relationship and where that leads. I would love to read your book which sound great.

Re: Dire Needs (3:40pm March 5, 2012):

Re: Dire Needs (3:34pm March 5, 2012):

I like both, but lean more toward being a series bait junkie. When I've found a great book, I anxiously await the next, because I'm now addicted to that author. I know I'd enjoy your book since I love a story including a biker, wolves, witches and ghosts. I'm very interested in reading this new book and all your sequels to come! I'm happy to find a new author of something I love reading. You look so much like and resemble my youngest sister, too. I like you already.

Re: The Rodeo Man's Daughter (6:42pm March 1, 2012):

I've been avoiding my class reunions because I married my high school sweetheart, and we've since divorced, so I would have to run into him there with his second wife. So many couples in our class that met in high school and married, are divorced now. My close friends, both in our class that married and became our next-door neighbors, divorced after moving to another state. Both she and I, were pregnant with our first child at our 5th Reunion, and we both had 3 children, and both our husbands left us for their new love affairs they had at their jobs! She remarried; I did not. I have trust issues now, since too many men cheat. I love reunions and seeing everyone, and hopefully, I'll get up the nerve to attend one of them again, if they have one this summer.
I've only been to one rodeo and I love horses and cowboys and reading cowboy romances (their like an addiction with me). I'm currently reading one by Jodi Thomas, and hope to win yours!

Re: A Sliver Of Shadow (5:30pm February 29, 2012):

People have instant attractions which they may consider to be "instant love" or "love at first sight" if it leads to love, but happens only after they get to know each other and feel they have a connection which builds and turns into a committed, loving, lasting relationship. They may love you for your smile, your eyes, or overall looks, but that's physical attraction only.

Re: Miss Hillary Schools a Scoundrel (5:41pm February 28, 2012):

Schools have changed so much in the past 200 years. My father was born and raised in Canada on a farm. When he was only 7 yrs. old, he was journeying with his brother, 5 yrs. old to a one-room school house over 7 miles away on horseback or by sleigh, in bad winter weather. The school had a wood-heated stove in it, and one teacher taught all the different grades. He was strict and punished the kids in front of everyone--striking their hands on both sides with a switch, til they hurt so bad they could barely hold a pencil. Sometimes, my father's parents would instruct him to take his youngest, 2-yr. old brother to school, because they had so many chores to do that day. When he did this, the teacher would punish him for it (because his baby brother did not belong in school). He'd then get punished when he got home from school, again, by his mother, because his 5-yr. old brother would tell her he'd done something naughty at school cause the teacher punished him. Without even letting him explain, she hauled him out to the barn and spanked him with wood planks. I wonder how many kids would go to school today, if they had to travel that far and be responsible for their young siblings or had strict rules including physical punishment? Kids today disrespect teachers in their classes and have computers, more books, and libraries. My father loved reading, and I'm sure he'd have loved to be attending a school with a library in it. When I was in school that was my favorite place to hang out. I spent an hour or more after school every day there, since I lived just across the street. I helped the librarian do all her typing, checking out books and putting them away on the shelves, putting on the new jacket covers on all the new incoming hardcover books, etc. My classes were pretty large (25 to 30 students). My father had that many in his whole school.

Re: Clobbered By Camembert (2:42pm February 25, 2012):

Avery, your books sound delicious! I haven't read any of them yet, but they sound wonderful. I had no idea there were so many unusual cheeses from different parts of the world. I enjoy eating cheese and dishes made with cheeses. Your books are making me hungry just looking at those detailed lovely book covers. I love that you sold your neighbors your pies. My sisters and I always came up with ways to earn extra money selling things we made to our neighbors, when we were young, too!

Re: The Rogue Pirate's Bride (5:19pm February 24, 2012):

I read romance novels because they're uplifting. I love reading about how the characters meet, where, what takes place when they're finally attracted to each other, problems they're faced with and reasons why it shouldn't work for them, and how it then starts to develop into a relationship that leaves you wishing you could have that, if you could trade places with the characters, to have the romantic, better life with those enjoyable adventures filled with desire, passion and romance, and of course, the happy ending. Thanks for the giveaway, Shana. Love this blog today!

Re: The Legacy Of Eden (7:24pm February 22, 2012):

Imagination gives us wonderful and great ideas to explore or invent with endless possibilities, and gives authors the means to write great books. It's possible to write about places never visited anywhere.
My ex-husband was born and spent his childhood in Iowa. He told me how he walked home from school, down the country roads, past rows of cornfields, and always stopped daily at the BANGO Popcorn factory. They would give the kids huge brown paper bags full of all their test popcorn free. He loved popcorn and looked forward to munching all the way home, and claims it never spoiled his supper.
I love your book cover art, it's beautiful!

Re: King of Darkness (6:36pm February 22, 2012):

I love paranormal reads and would love to read your book which sounds great! I love to drink cranberry juice, apple juice, orange juice, grape juice and lemon soda. I do drink coffee but not everyday and can live without it. Gotta have my juice, as I feel it's a healthier choice, and I love combinations in my juices...cranberry-pomegranate is very good! Thanks for the chance to win "King of Darkness".

Re: Courting His Favorite Nurse (5:48pm February 21, 2012):

Hi Lynne! When I was a kid I enjoyed heights...climbing up and onto everything (trees, buildings, etc.) and jumping to the ground. Never got hurt, just got lucky. I'd challenge myself to anything and rode every carnival ride there was, hiked and climbed hills and bluffs, dangerous adventures. Now that I'm older and wiser, I am scared of heights, and do not think I'd enjoy a hot-air balloon ride. Two days ago, I viewed a hot air balloon in the sky while driving. I was mesmorized watching it. I think they are beautiful to look at, and I know there is danger involved. Anyone wanting to ride in one should go with a highly qualified, experienced person. I often see one in my neighborhood that navigates his pretty low and I've watched and taken photos; it. Pretty scarey because he comes down pretty close to the treetops. Ironically, his balloon colors resemble your book cover. So, I'll probably keep my feet planted on the ground and remain a viewer and a dreamer of what it could be like to view everything from high above.

Re: The Last Beginning (4:31pm February 19, 2012):

My worst Valentine's Day ever was when my (now ex) husband removed his wedding band, told me he lost it (ha! ha! when he never took it off) and I found it in the ashtray of his car, where he often kept loose change, because he's a non-smoker. I decided to keep it and not disclose that I had it. He never missed it! Why? He had a girlfriend and was going to church with her! She wouldn't want the congregation to think she was with a married man! Who was she fooling (only her mother, from what I was told). So much for the romance...we got divorced a year later (after separating). They got married. It still feels bad or ugly to me, because we had such a wonderful marriage until she started working with him and hitting on him because her marriage failed (crying on his shoulder at work, so she could get hugs and sympathy from my man of 27 yrs.).

Re: The Night Is Mine (6:23pm February 16, 2012):

One last thing I forgot to add, he used credit cards for everything--every time he got gas for our cars, etc. I never fell into the credit card "crutch" which robs a person with their enormous interest rates and late fee penalties. I don't own a credit card to this day and doubt I ever will. Too many people don't realize what they are actually paying to have handy-dandy convenience cards to depend upon.

Re: The Night Is Mine (6:10pm February 16, 2012):

When I got divorced, after 25-yrs. of marriage, it hit me like a ton of bricks that I would now have to handle paying the bills. This was something I'd never done. I relied on him, and he handled all of that. He wasn't good at it, but he was the bread-winner, so I figured he knew what he was doing (on the honor roll in High School and a college graduate with a B.A. degree). We were always behind on bills and never got a family vacation. I was only working a part-time job that I just started, when he made his move to leave me and our three children to be with his co-worker, girlfriend (I was in the dark about). I wrote up a list of all the bills with their amounts and when due, including a mortgage payment and a second mortgage. I got a second part-time job. With less income than he had, I had no trouble paying all bills alone and keeping on top of them, never getting behind each month, along with property taxes due twice a year, which were huge. I managed to keep my house and pay it all off by myself. The month prior to my last payment on my home, the bank manager informed me that my ex's name that was also listed on the account, had a very low credit rating, due to his getting behind on his own bills with his new wife, and that mine was very high. I'm sure it's now higher without his name on anything of mine. I left with a smile on my face--what a pivitol moment of accomplishment. Had I taken charge early on in our marriage, I have no doubts, we could have had vacations with what I could have saved for us.
I enjoyed reading about your travels and your bicycling around the world and all the countries you've been to, Mr. Buchman. I'm sure you could incorporate much of that into a good novel.

Re: Kismet (5:57pm February 15, 2012):

For me, I describe "word fail" as having an Alzheimer's moment (caused by mental block, forgetfulness and/or being nervous at the time). Usually, I don't have difficulty at all describing or remembering things all the way back to the age of 3 yrs. old, only when confronted or put on the spot about a certain event or episode, I may forget names or a word I want to describe what I'm talking about. It's frustrating, when I have to come up with another word which isn't the one I'm looking for to express myself.

Re: A Scandalous Countess (6:08pm February 14, 2012):

I like both eras but would choose Regency as my favorite. The Georgian era had such elegant dresses (layers of underclothing). It's no wonder why they carried their small hand fans (they got so warm, it kept them from passing out).
No air-conditioning in those days. Great to read about and view in movies from those time periods.

Re: A Fitting End (4:15pm February 10, 2012):

If I were to write a cozy mystery series, I'd probably choose something that would include ghosts into the story. I enjoy the fact that they can move things and make their presence felt to the living, and that's intriguing to me; how their spirit lingers in the same place...old attics, barns, libraries, basements, old mansions and homes, etc.
I love your colorful and very detailed book covers, Melissa.
I just saw your book "Pleating for Mercy" yesterday displayed at our library. I remember it because the cover really caught my eye. Now that I've read your excerpt about your books, they interest me. I always loved sewing, and spent many long hours at it, when I learned how in 8th grade home economics class. Thanks for the contest and much success with this book series!

Re: Stud (5:53pm February 8, 2012):

I've found that movies are never as good as the book, because you're expecting more, but details and parts are often left out. Movie-makers try to get it as close as they can in the allocated amount of screen time and make cuts. Often a really good book makes you really want to see the movie, and then leaves you feeling dissappointed. If you see the movie first, you may or may not desire to read the book. A lot of the true story Lifetime movies, that were also books, are done pretty well. However, the Jessica Lynch story was very poorly done, and viewers only got a brief general idea of what actually happened to her and the book far outweighed the movie. Anyone wanting more details, truths and education, would most definitely be further ahead reading the book.

Re: Darkest Highlander (5:51pm February 6, 2012):

I do enjoy the combination of the mix of magic with historical romance which adds the spice and mystery to the
story, and makes it more luring to the reader, and they must have tortured heroes, also. Love the cover art for your books!

Re: Far from Here (4:33pm February 4, 2012):

I've always enjoyed all types of crafts. Years ago, I spent countless hours teaching myself the old, time-consuming art of quilling. I'd put my baby to bed and spend hours with this tedious craft. Most who saw what I'd accomplished, had no idea of the time spent creating these projects, made with colored paper strips and curled and pinched into floral arrangements and designs and glued. Wedding invitations framed are gorgeous done with this overlay. My current creations and hobbies include silk/dried floral arrangements in baskets and wreaths, crocheting, cross-stitching (ornaments for X-Mas), painting and cooking and baking (which I love). In the near future, I want to get into jewelry-making and scrapbooking. I like decorating and coming up with ideas to make things.
I think it's fantastic that your mother took on the painstaking furniture refinishing projects and hours of her love put into it. Your book is one I definitely want to read, and I love the cover very much!

Re: The Lord Of Illusion (2:08pm February 3, 2012):

I would love to have the ability to solve problems of any kind, as they occur, for family and friends and perhaps, myself, so no one has to suffer financially, physically or mentally, by just wishing for it and rubbing on a magical ring. That would be my incredible magical power and choice!!

Re: Alpha Instinct (5:26pm February 2, 2012):

I LOVE PARANORMAL ROMANCE because it allows me to escape into a world filled with the unusual and different characters from the supernatural, ghosts, shapeshifters, alpha heroes, vampires, werewolves, fantasy and magic; combined with the romance which gives an intriguing, escape reality story. I enjoyed your excerpt today!

Re: Chosen By Sin (6:22pm January 31, 2012):

Romantic suspense with a touch of paranomal is one of my very favorite genres. I love to read and Chosen By Sin sounds like quite a world to delve in to, with a mix of vampires, werewolves, werebeasts and shape-shifters! This sounds good and can't wait to read it!

Re: The Stubborn Dead (4:26pm January 28, 2012):

I read books, do crossword puzzles, listen to music, watch a funny movie or clean. Love collectors and think they are creative, artistic people that have a passion to do this. It's a rewarding feeling to run across that little treasure you're seeking for your collection. I collect Cherished Teddy figurines, Precious Moments figurines, musical snow globes, glass/porcelain small handled baskets & bells, Barbie dolls & their outfits, vintage crocheted & tatted doilies/table scarves, etc. Love thrift stores and can always find something that needs to be added to one of my collections, which makes the treasure-hunting so much fun! Your book cover is great! I don't have an e-reader, maybe someday. Natasha, how many ponies are in your collection? I only wish, I still had a few of my childhood favorites today. My father threw so many nice things away--he was OCD about neatness, and he made weekly trips to the dump. I cried many tears over my lost items that he threw out, when I was a little girl.

Re: Hold Me If You Can (4:53pm January 26, 2012):

Your Soulfire Series with the humor added in, having tortured warriors doing cross-stitching, crocheting, poetry, etc., leads me to believe you're a bit of a comedian, besides being an author (what an imagination)! I have not read this series, but definitely want to with a twist like this in the characters becoming perfect mates. I'm ready for a good laugh!

Re: Fever (4:56pm January 25, 2012):

Great interview, and I feel it's important to set goals (but not too far in advance), and it then sets forth something to look forward to accomplishing. The best approaches when working is to work well with others and be positive about their input in their suggestions and ideas. It's easier said than done in both work and personal life, but I've always found out that it's better for you, being upbeat rather than downbeat and you get further ahead, especially when you want others to hear and respect anything you put forth. Criticisms and negativity doesn't go far with most. I love your new release, Joan, and would love to own it and of course, Cindy's series, as well. You've both been really busy!

Re: Falling For The Fireman (4:07pm January 24, 2012):

Everyone admires brave firemen who risk their lives and safety, daily, through their selfless heroic efforts. They must be strong both mentally and physically to accept the challenges of this career choice. Many of them are good cooks, and what woman doesn't love a hunky, sexy guy cooking for her (heating up the kitchen)!! They serve and protect. Would love to read this book which sounds great!

Re: Amazon Heat (3:57pm January 23, 2012):

Rayna, I will read novellas, however, I am not as fond of them as a full-length book of over 300 pages. Novellas may be something people would enjoy on their e-readers. I think authors that have a good story to publish and can't come up with a longer story, this is a good idea to do a novella, because some enjoy a quick read while traveling or waiting in a doctors office, and for busy people on-the-go, even sitting in the car waiting (that's when these stories are convenient and kill the boring moments)! A series may not go over as well as full-length novels do, but that's only my point of view. Thanks for the excerpt, I enjoyed it and much success with your new novella!

Re: Dreamers (2:41pm January 21, 2012):

Hi Shawn! I'm a dreamer, too, and also always feel a need to help other people out with their situations, problems. I've always been one to assist whenever I can. I'm not sure why, but my father was that way, and my mother, the complete opposite (kept to herself). He'd repair anything for anybody even outside in freezing temps. Your book sounds very intriguing and captivating. It would be very confusing and shocking to find out everything I believed about myself was false and very hard to swallow and accept. Loved your post and this is a terrific storyline and is one I'd greatly enjoy reading.

Re: Sex, Lies and Surveillance (5:38pm January 19, 2012):

My favorite spy, I would have to say, was Don Adams on the "Get Smart" TV series (this dates me), but he was so funny, to the point of hysterical, and loved Barbara Feldon, too. Your book intrigues me and love a spy story with a bit of humor thrown in! Would love to own this book!

Re: Lure of Song and Magic (5:24pm January 18, 2012):

I am a believer in psychic abilities--many people have this. I am unsure why it happens more strongly for some people than others with actual visual details. I have experienced this phenomena myself at times. More so, if something bad or dangerous is about to occur. It's a repetitive, strong persistent feeling, that I visualize and can't get out of my mind, prior to it happening for anywhere from one to two days to a few hours away. Because, I know what will happen, I try to avoid it, because before when I didn't, it happened every time, exactly how I thought it would. Only, at one time, did it actually benefit me. I kept thinking about how much this test I needed done, at the Dr. cost, and I couldn't afford to have it done at the time. In my thoughts, the Dr. was telling me, not to worry about it, there'd be no charge. This procedure on my vocal chords was quite expensive to check for polyps (which I'd had done once before). I kept thinking, what a stupid dream that keeps popping into my head. When I got to the doctor, the following day, I told him just to look at my throat and not to do any tests, since I had no insurance or funds for this. He said, "I'm not busy right now, let's do this, and I'm not going to charge you anything!" I nearly fainted. I thought this is unbelievable, since I have never been to any doctor that did anything for free! I was so shocked, I almost told him about my premonition, but when he took me into the room for the testing and his nurse was present to help him, I chose not to, thinking it might not be good for him, if it got around the clinic. So the possibility of magic is everywhere. Thanks for the great contest, and I own several of your great books!

Re: Made For Marriage (5:20pm January 17, 2012):

I believe hard work and perserverance, along with generating an interesting story, really helps an author get published. There is a lot of competition, so the book needs a grasping beginning. It's good you kept going and didn't give up on your goal to be a successful writer. It's a real knack to be a good one and get the edge. I think you've found yours and how to go about it the right way. Thanks for your interesting info about your rejections and what you had to go through to get published. I'm sure it's very frustrating, when it's something you love and are passionate about, so I hope you can avoid the slush!

Re: Scrumptious (3:56pm January 16, 2012):

Career-wise everything has come bits & pieces (guess I was satisfied doing about anything) being a secretary, accounting, sales, cashier, food demonstrator, daycare provider, factory work, hospital admitting, volunteer, etc. and my love of cooking and baking. When my 3 children were in school, it didn't take long for the teachers to discover this and phone me to send more goodies for their holiday celebrations and school carnivals. I was always cooking and baking at home, as a young kid, and enjoyed it. Always, wanted to enter a bake-off or try my hand at developing a new food product-line to market or writing a cookbook (but that has not transpired). This chefs romantic story with actual parts of your life thrown in, sounds like a fun read and something I'd enjoy! Talk about food, did I fail to mention, one of my jobs I held was working in a candy factory with chocolate covered, coated Easter eggs, bunnies, and cordial cherries. It was fun (all college kids, seasonal work). Thanks for the contest.

Re: Dylan (2:58pm January 15, 2012):

My favorite books to read are cowboy romance books. I'm so glad to read the excerpt for your books, so I can read these and hope you have plans to keep going with the series or start another. Love the cover for Dylan and watched the video which is colorful and cool. I was hooked on Carolyn Brown's cowboy books and glad I found you today, so I have another author for my favorite genre to read! I'm going to get Tyler and start the series out from the beginning. I'm in heaven and can't wait to get started! Thanks for the contest (keeping my fingers crossed for this one...my birthday's tomorrow), and I want to read all about the "birthday girl" named, Ronnie!

Re: Sins Of The Highlander (5:43pm January 12, 2012):

Would love to read this book which sounds so-o-o good from the great excerpt. It's impossible for me to choose just one "must have" trait. My hero must be strong, brave, sexy and passionate, handsome, have a sense of humor, be loyal and intelligent. That about sums up what he needs to have to spark my interest...maybe, light my fire!

Re: Risking Trust (6:54pm January 11, 2012):

The most recent book I've read that really put me in the zone was A Stolen Life by Jaycee DuGard. I read over half the book in one sitting. It was unbelievable how that little girl accepted and adjusted to her abductors treatment. I also read Sarah Jio's first book, Violets of March and am anxiously awaiting her second book, Bungalow, which was just released. I was in the zone with the first one...it was so good, and I know the second one will be too, from the storyline and review I've read about it. I don't have an e-reader for ebooks so I'm not in the high-tech zone yet!

Re: Bride By Mistake (5:24pm January 10, 2012):

I do enjoy marriage of convenience stories, pre-arranged marriage, or mail-order bride stories are all good, and how the characters slowly discover more about each other and grow, then fall in love. This story sounds great and I enjoyed what I've read so far from the excerpt. If I could have an arranged marriage with someone (even tho this actor is married...but let's pretend he wasn't), I'd choose Johnny Depp. I love his enthusiasm and his abilities to play so many terrific roles in movies, and he's good-looking. I definitely want to read this book to find out more about Luke and Isabella through their marital journey!

Re: Pretty Persuasion (5:10pm January 9, 2012):

Most of the books I select to read have been very good and would definitely merit 4 to 5 star ratings. I usually select books that sound like something I'd enjoy reading, then judge after reading a couple chapters, if it's captivated my interest and how much I'm enjoying it. If I love it so much it's hard to put down, then I try to get all that particular authors books to read. If it doesn't and is a boring or confusing book, I do not finish the book. I've only had about three that I've not finished. One was by a new author (her first book) and it was so drawn out and boring and storyline so unrealistic...that I could barely give it a 1 star rating. I was actually surprised she found a publisher for this new hardcover book that came out this past summer. She may have thought she could be a writer, but she'll never be successful at it. I felt she grabbed parts of it from a Lifetime movie, from the 60 pages I read, because it was somewhat familiar to a movie I'd watched but very drawn out and dull. I've found a few authors that are successful writers to have many errors in their books...misspelled words or a word deleted from the sentence. I don't know who's doing the proof reading, but I have been more than shocked by this at how many I've found in just one book. I do see individuals giving star ratings about books from reviews and they can vary because some are even using 1/2 stars. Not sure how dependable ratings really are, however anything 4 or 5 stars must be worth checking out.

Re: Hushed (4:37pm January 7, 2012):

This year my goals are to discover more new authors and to read even more books (by turning off the TV--even though, I often read during commercials), to organize all my newest recipes I've copies onto recipe cards and file them, go through my closets and get rid of a few things I no longer want or wear, and to get back into my craft projects again. I enjoy crocheting, making silk floral arrangements, wreaths, Christmas ornaments, etc. I love being busy and these are my 2012 goals of which I may have additions to later. Patti P...I hope you feel better soon! I've had back trouble my entire life, migraines, fibromyalgia, etc., and I can relate to how hard it is to clean. Just do a little at a time or find someone willing to help you. I was born with a congenital spinal fusion and have degenerative discs from an accident, so I know the pain that goes with back trouble. Just don't get depressed about it, and keep telling yourself, someone has health problems much worse than you do. Keep your chin up!

Re: Demon Crossings (5:15pm January 5, 2012):

Eleri, your book sounds very good. I do not own any type of ereader, either. I'm uncertain if I will get one. I really prefer reading my books in hard copy, but then I haven't ever owned one to know if I'd like reading my books this way. I haven't heard any comments from anyone about these, except for yours, and I'm sure they're wonderful. I hope this new year brings around more jobs in our country, so less people have to struggle to keep a roof over their heads. It saddens me greatly for the people that have lost their homes and belongings, because they couldn't find a job anywhere after closings, layoffs, or cut-backs. So that is my hope for the new year! Thanks for your excerpt about your new book. I enjoyed reading it.

Re: Hot Rain (5:26pm January 4, 2012):

I've never tried online dating. I think it's a risky way to meet someone, since there are probably more people that have hidden problems and thus, have had trouble getting dates. For the serious, genuine individuals with good intentions, it may be great if they are shy and can express themselves better on-line and find their soul-mate easier this way. You have to use good judgement and not be too quick to believe everything they say about themselves...if it's too good to be true, it probably isn't! Some just want someone to use and support them ("sugar mommas" or "sugar daddies"). I'm sure most people have seen, "America's Most Wanted"; need I say more. You can never be too trusting. For all those that have had good results with it, I'm very happy. It seems more popular than ever with so many websites for it. However, it does take some of the romance out of meeting by chance, through friends, being at the right place at the right time, at a party, etc.; the old-fashioned way. Maybe, a time-saver and good for those who don't like the bar scene and meeting drinkers. Kat, I like your books and I'm going to get these to read and covers are great!

Re: A Demon Does It Better (6:11pm January 3, 2012):

It would be fun and fascinating to hang out being inside a critter for awhile and getting to see and explore everything from their perspective. Might be fun just to climb around and snoop (if I were a cat) and get pampered laying around on cozy pillows. Love the title and the cover of 'A Demon Does It Better'.

Re: A Promise Of Safekeeping (5:17pm January 3, 2012):

Collections and treasures I hold onto and collect are music boxes, teddy bears, porcelain & glass bells and small glass baskets w/handles, old vintage crocheted doilies and books (which fill my bookcases surrounding my fireplace on both sides). Your novels sound wonderful and I think old keys are neat (I recall skeleton keys from when I was a little girl)! Looking forward to reading these books.

Re: Sweet Reward (4:48pm January 3, 2012):

I love to read about tortured heroes. This sounds like a great series that I haven't read yet. I enjoy all types of romance novels and am looking forward to reading these. I'm writing them all down.

Re: The Angel Of Blythe Hall (3:22pm December 30, 2011):

When my youngest son was only 11 yrs. old, he asked me to take him to the mall. He marched into the large jewelry store located in the center and started talking to his best friend's father (the owner). The next thing I knew my son was telling me to pick out any ring, I liked, for my Christmas/Birthday gift, and he'd buy it for me! He felt bad, that I wouldn't be getting any gifts from his own father, since he'd left home to live with his co-worker, girlfriend; then wanted a divorce. So we picked out a Black Hills gold & opal ring together (even tho, I protested that I didn't want him spending all his savings on such a big purchase). It brought tears to my eyes, that my son had such a big heart. He still checks my fingers, whenever he sees me, to see how 'his ring' is holding up (which I still wear everyday) 17 yrs. later! It's the most unexpected and the best gift I've ever received and cherish so much, that he wanted to take on his father's role that year. Love your piano, Darci and your memories that you'll always have that go with it! I also have three, grown boys and my oldest loved playing guitar and also, is a very good artist (painter). Music is wonderful for kids--brings the family and friends together. Really enjoyed reading your blog and loved the subject matter to comment about!

Re: Lover's Leap (3:49pm December 29, 2011):

CONGRATULATIONS on your success as an accomplished author and having written 25 novels!!! The ETERNITY SPRINGS series sounds like my favorite genre to read. I've seen them displayed at our library and the book covers are very beautiful. I am definitely looking forward to reading this series and appreciate this generous contest.

Re: The Last Slayer (5:22pm December 27, 2011):

This sounds like a great book to read and love the characters names. Really sounds like you've put a lot of thought into creating this adventurous story. Thanks for sharing bits of it!

Re: Mozart's Last Aria (4:50pm December 27, 2011):

This historical mystery book sounds very intriguing. I, too, love the beautiful cover and cannot wait to read this new, wonderful story about Mozart as a young, brilliant composer and your version of the mystery surrounding his life and death, which really interests me! THANKS for something new and great to read and much success with this book!

Re: Finding Felicity (4:01pm December 23, 2011):

It's a good time of year to remember the many hungry people that would so appreciate a few groceries to get by (and would be so appreciative). So remember, to grab a few canned or boxed goods that you may not really need in your cupboards or pantries and take them to any drop-off barrels and bins at your grocery stores, libraries, etc. to go to the food pantries that pass them out to the less fortunate and low-income families and the homeless. Many people are jobless and are struggling. You will feel good inside to know you made a difference in someone's life--which one day could be you! That's why everyone needs to care about others so they'll feel delighted at this time of year. I saw a couple men walk in the cold with backpacks yesterday just to go into our donation pantry for a couple loaves of bread. The one stopped and wished me, "A Merry Christmas". I had to stop and donate some food today just thinking about the high cost of food and how excited a person can get just for a loaf of bread! Merry Christmas to Everyone! Peggy Roberson...I'm sure your sister will come around, eventually. I have four sisters and we have our ups and downs. If she doesn't respond to your apology in a few days, she doesn't have a big heart like you do. Hope it all works out and best of luck.

Re: Wedded In Scandal (4:49pm December 22, 2011):

My biggest time wasters are the computer, reading book/author blogs and daily news articles spotlighted on Yahoo, reading paperbacks, and my fav shows to watch on TV. I also enjoy browsing through our local library for new books hitting the shelves. Of course, everyone should feel guilty for slacking on the housework (cleaning), but the dust never ends or the dirty dishes! Bad habits once acquired, are hard to break. Thanks for the great blog and contest!

Re: Lady Seductress's Ball (4:11pm December 19, 2011):

WOW! The table full of cookies looks wonderful! My favorites to make that I've always enjoyed and make for my assortments at Christmas are mini pecan pie tart cookies, date rice krispie fingers, caramel chow mein clusters, and spritz holiday decorated cookies. I'm currently reading a couple books: Susan Mallery's, 'Completely Smitten' and Carolyn Brown's, 'Love Drunk Cowboy' and 'Darn Good Cowboy Christmas'. I'm always into two to three books at a time, simply because, I have one in the car and several at home. I don't have an e-reader, and only read paperbacks. Another really good cookie that I love is the one with the piece of Snickers bar baked inside. YUM! Merry Christmas and hope everyone gets plenty of cookies to eat!!!

Re: Sleight Of Paw (5:48pm December 18, 2011):

Seems like most photos I've been in are shot of me, I'm not looking at the camera, looking down so eyes look closed or sitting down opening a gift, and it's all legs! I must say more look horrible than good. One quickly taken in the back yard while I'm holding my dog was the best ever--I actually appeared as though I'd lost a bunch of weight (over 50 lbs.). It turned out so good, my son framed it and keeps it on his desk at his house!! I'm smiling too. Maybe, the best pics are the ones that are done in a hurry without posing or thinking! Sofie, your last photo on your blog, by the stone wall is very good of you! Thanks for the great idea to blog about--fun to read everyone's experiences!!! Merry Christmas!

Re: How To Worship A Goddess (3:49pm December 13, 2011):

Growing up in Minnesota, I did a lot of ice skating and spent many hours on the ice in freezing temperatures. Whenever I wanted a break I'd skate to the hockey rink behind the main skating rink and watch the boys play hockey. I enjoyed it watching them play this rough sport, since I went to school with a few of the players. They move so fast on the ice and are having a great time! Maybe, I thought they looked hot or cute in their uniforms while playing the game (not sure, being this was when I was in 4th through 9th grades)! Liked the action and danger involved. Remember cuts, but not any loss of teeth. I was definitely a snow girl and loved winter very much.

Re: Shield of Fire (5:39pm December 10, 2011):

I never was at a loss for coming up with gifts for my three boys when they were teenagers. They loved anything sports-related, because they played various sports, computer games, gift certificates for the roller-skating rink, McDonald's or pizzas, winter gloves, caps, heavy winter socks, art supplies (for my artist son), and starter tool sets for tinkering on their bicycles, etc. Always fun to buy for and never a problem--even tho everyone says that girls are so much easier to buy for.

Re: Mistletoe and Margaritas (5:11pm December 10, 2011):

Hi Shannon! I've lived in both MN. and WI., so I'm familiar with and do enjoy the four seasons of the year. However, when it's bitter cold or we have huge snowfalls and blizzards, I'd love to be living in Hawaii or in a tropical place with warm breezes and a beautiful beach to relax on! I can remember many times the minus zero temps in MN. and frozen car doors (no fun)trying to get to work or getting out of work and having to keep a shovel in the trunk to shovel my way out to get my car out to make it home. But I can't complain about the other seasons and fall being so beautiful with all the color of the trees on the bluffs which is so breath-taking. Wish you were offering a paperback over ebook format for your giveaway, since I don't own any type of e-reader, and I'd love to read this book. Merry Christmas!

Re: Hellsbane (5:28pm December 8, 2011):

I have always loved since I was a small child, a tradition in our family, that my brother still holds dear and does each year on Dec. 23 or 24, taking the family to look at the many beautiful Christmas lighting displays in front of the homes, etc. Also, love getting together with my siblings and all their children (as many of us that can each year, since several are from one state, but not all of us), and we have a huge buffet that everyone contributes to that is always fantastic. There are 8 sisters and brothers and 31 children & grandchildren. So it's a huge houseful if most show up and a noisy, fun time together! I also, prefer reading my books from paperback or hardcover, since I do not own any type of e-reader and wish authors would consider the option, for those of us that do not, in their giveaways. Thanks!

Re: Dreaming Of The Wolf (5:04pm December 8, 2011):

I love to cook, and my favorite soup I make, homemade, is cheesy broccoli soup and my other favorite to make is chili with macaroni and cheddar cheese added in. I enjoy making my own pizzas and adding fresh cooked ground sausage to them, mushrooms, etc. That's one of my favorite go-to meals. I would love to win your latest 'WOLF' book, since I recently discovered, I simply love werewolf books, when I read my very first one, 'The Pack' by Jason Starr. I am definitely writing all yours down, so I can read them all! I am so happy to discover you as an author, from your blog, today! Thanks!!

Re: Wild Thing (3:30pm December 5, 2011):

Hi Robin! I think opposites do attract and can have some common interest(s). They may compliment each other in many ways even when one is outgoing and the other a more interverted personality (which can, in time, get the quiet person to open up more during their relationship). Often the other tends to respect and like the others favorite interest/hobbies that they weren't too crazy about.

Re: Hushed (3:12pm December 5, 2011):

I love romances with a good story. I'm a sentimental and happily-ever-after romantic. If I love a good story from one book an author writes, then I will read all that particular authors books--because I've found if one is good, they all are. I don't own an e-reader and prefer to read paperback books. I wish authors would consider offering both options to blog winners. Thanks!

Re: Beyond The Darkness (4:28pm December 4, 2011):

My life-changing story would be having to learn to rely on myself and no one else (after an unexpected divorce) and facing the challenges of learning how to be thrifty and live with a lot less, in order to pay all the bills and home mortgage by myself. I discovered that if I could do it, only working part-time, anyone could, when push comes to shove. Yet, my wealthy sister and her wealthy husband, combined together, making well over a half-million per year, needed monetary help from my mother, to buy major appliances when theirs were ruined from a storm (according to her). They are major spend-a-holics and shouldn't need to rely on anyone with 50 times my income! My youngest brother also relies on my mother, because he has a gambling addiction and practically lives day and night in the casinos--which I'm proud to say, I've never set foot in, my entire lifetime. It's a rewarding accomplishment for me that I raised my 3 kids on my salary, kept my home and paid it all off, alone and didn't feel deprived not setting foot in any stores, except a grocery store. People do not need many things and are spoiled. My sister has 5 closets stuffed with top brand-name clothing, shoes, handbags, etc. which couldn't be worn in her lifetime. If she had half of what she squandered, she could buy appliances many times over! Your series of books look and sound like they'll be great to read. Thanks for the contest. You look like a very lovely young author.

Re: Hunter Of Shadows (5:21pm December 2, 2011):

I recently read a very good book that was impossible to put down, it had a few 'whoa' moments in it! A paranormal novel, 'The Pack' by Jason Starr. I didn't know what to expect and loved the werewolves. It was nothing like I'd read before and I picked it by it's cover--and was amazingly surprised and very intrigued!

Re: Hot Zone (5:26pm December 1, 2011):

I love most, family getting all together and watching the little ones excitement and enjoyment of their gifts. I would wish for unemployed people to find jobs to lift their spirits during this time of year. It is so difficult in our area. I would be happy with anything I receive. I wouldn't mind some books and an e-reader. HAPPY HOLIDAYS TO YOU AND YOUR LOVELY FAMILY!

Re: She Can Run (6:54pm November 29, 2011):

Love to read your type of books with a mix as long as romance is thrown in, that captivates me as a reader with any unexpected twists for the intrigue!

Re: Miss Darcy Falls in Love (5:19pm November 28, 2011):

Recently, I've been reading a lot of western romance novels, and I'm ready for some historical romance again, and this one sounds great with the music theme in it. I played the violin as a child and only 3 students took string instruments as a course--one being the music instructors daughter and the other two being my sister and I! It seems almost unbelievable, but most kids couldn't afford instruments. Mine was given to me by my grandmother and my sister's was rented (a viola). Loved reading the posts and excerpts from Miss Darcy Falls in Love.

Re: Waking Up Dead (3:57pm November 26, 2011):

I'm sorry you went through such a painful ordeal after your surgery (which is certainly depressing), and that you never gave up on getting your book written and it sounds like the end result is really good, from what I've read so far. I've been through surgery hoping for a miraculous outcome, only to be in just as much pain, if not more, for years afterwards. I would love to read this and your following books.

Re: The Spy Who Left Me (3:54pm November 25, 2011):

I will be attending my company Christmas party, decorating the house and tree, and baking goodies to share. I'm not fighting crowds on Black Friday. I will be buying books for my 6-yr. old grandson to read. That's how my love of books started, when my mother bought and read me books (many over and over, again), and I loved every minute of our storytime together, which was also enjoyed by my two sisters. I cherish those memories.

Re: A Crimson Warning (3:30pm November 25, 2011):

I am thankful and grateful to have three healthy, loving grown children, my friends, a warm home, and to be able to have a wonderful Thanksgiving meal. I'm appreciative for so many good authors to keep bringing such wonderful stories for us to read and cuddle up with during the freezing cold winter months!

Re: The Storm That Is Sterling (4:31pm November 22, 2011):

My favorite tormented hero would have to be Tristan in the movie, Tristan & Isolade. A great movie. My favorite way to spend Thanksgiving is with family, watching football after our huge meal with our favorite team, the Green Bay Packers! They've had an outstanding season so far and we can't wait for their next game on Thanksgiving day! We love to play games later in the evening (UNO, Yahtzee, Scrabble, or card games), and having dessert we didn't have room for after the big meal. LOVE the Giveaway and the new book sounds very good too!

Re: White Dawn (5:49pm November 21, 2011):

I just happened to read the excerpt from your book, White Shadows, and I gasped, when I found out the characters names! I was born and raised in Winona, MN. and you have used the name Winona in this book. Winona was a real-life Indian maiden that lived there and leaped to her death, off the bluffs, when she couldn't marry her Indian lover. They have a very large bronze statue of her there. It has been moved from central park (when they put in the Post Office), then to Lake Park and to Levee Park along the Mississippi River. Her name is pronounced, "We-no-nah" and Winona Ryder was born in Winona, MN. and that's how she was given her first name. Her family moved, when she was young, to California and she started her acting career. I already entered above and just wanted to add this.

Re: White Dawn (5:26pm November 21, 2011):

Susan, I'm wondering if you are any relation to the author, Cassie Edwards? She writes the native American romance novels, and coincidentally, you have the same last name, and do as well and cowboy/western romances too. I absolutely love your book covers. This is my most favourite genre to read, perhaps, because my father always watched and read westerns (I get that from him). I've always enjoyed writing very lengthy letters and my sisters all encouraged me to write, since they said my letters were so descriptive they were like reading books! I actually toyed with the thought of writing childrens books, after many years of checking out dozens at the library to read to my children. I just knew I could write one better than some I'd just read to them and my ideas ran wild. However, I never did, finding myself involved in too many other things. I prefer reading paperback books (over e-book format or at the computer--since I don't own either) and use the library's. Enjoyed reading your blog and was amazed to learn that it took 9 yrs. to get White Wind published (whew)! Sounds like a ton of hard work and long hours went into writing it, and a lot of patience. I give you a lot of credit for not giving up on it! I'm going to have to get your books since I was unfamiliar with you as an author before today! Thanks so much for the contest! I, too, would prefer a paperback if I win.

Re: The Return Of The Stranger (4:36pm November 20, 2011):

I love the fact that you took an old favourite classic romance story and gave it your own twist. I think it's great that your teacher inspired you enough with his story-telling, the day of the storm, for you to have the passion to read the whole book and have those memories. Not only are many authors doing this (as I have found reading different romance novels) but movie producers, as well. I don't mind it if it's not copied too much. I read two books that were so similar, I wondered which author copied the other's story. In both stories, they'd purchased a run-down inn that needed total restoration. I very much enjoy reading romance stories and prefer the happy-ever-after type endings, rather than sad, like Nicholas Sparks does in many of his stories (made into movies). Thanks for the giveaway...your book is one I can't wait to read!!

Re: The Fallen Queen (5:03pm November 19, 2011):

My very favorites are the Scarlet Letter and Joan of Arc. I find the story intriguing. How she was a peasant girl (that dressed in mens clothing) born in France and led the French army to several victories during the Hundred Years' War. Then she was sold to the English and burned at the stake, being declared to be "a witch", at the young age of 19. Then 25 yrs. after her execution was pronounced innocent of the false charges by Pope Callixtus III and he declared her a martyr and named her, "Saint Joan of Arc". She is considered a heroine of France and a Catholic Saint.

Re: Under The Moon (4:43pm November 19, 2011):

Under the Moon sounds like a book I'd enjoy reading. I also prefer paperbacks opposed to e-book (I don't own a Kindle & don't like to read my books at the computer). I think pets are a small addition to a story and pet lovers certainly like them in the books they read, because it shows the character(s) are loving and kind-hearted. I've owned cats and dogs over the years (but have none at the present time). My last pet, a Shih-Tzu dog, lived for almost 16 yrs. and passed away in Feb. of this year. She was my second dog of that breed (my previous one lived 13 yrs.). My favorite cat I had from age 7 thru high school loved to chase and catch birds in the yard. She was very good at it. I don't recall ever seeing her with mice, but I'm sure she would have left them laying outside as she did with the birds and feathers. I think this is like a 'game' for cats to catch things, because most of the time they're not doing it for a feast! I'm looking forward to reading your book.

Re: Fortune's Son (4:03pm November 19, 2011):

This book sounds interesting and fun! LOVE the interview and characters names. I had a friend with that same and a bit unusual first name, Sukey, when I was younger. I love the cover and her breathtaking beautiful dress! Thanks for the giveaway!

Re: The Highlander's Heart (4:00pm November 16, 2011):

I like my tortured hero to deal with both his internal demons (to give him inspiration and strength to fight his battles and struggles along his journey) and being tortured by his troublesome heroine (to give him more challenges to gain her trust and heart), which makes the characters much more interesting. This Highlander, David, looks awfully good on the book cover. Thanks so much for the chance to win a copy...I'll try not to drool on the cover, if I do!!!

Re: Darn Good Cowboy Christmas (4:19pm November 15, 2011):

Carolyn-I know the contest is over, but I just wanted to make a comment in case you did come back to this site. I just love all the covers on your books so much, not to mention to you that your books are just fantastic! I'm currently reading, 'Love Drunk Cowboy' and love it. I just got 'Honkey Tonk Christmas'. I love how detailed or descriptive your writing is and I must say, your are now one of my very favorite authors and I am planning to read all of your books. I always loved LaVerle Spencer (who retired from writing), because she wrote similar to the way you do, and so does Susan Elizabeth Phillips. It makes the reader feel so engrossed as if being there with all the visual details! Keep writing the romantic cowboy stories, since there aren't enough of that type out there. I LOVE THEM! I will be watching for all your new ones to come out! Thanks so much!

Re: Until There Was You (3:54pm November 15, 2011):

Love your books! I have two of your other books and would love to win this new book which sounds great (and love the prom setting thrown in). Brings back a few memories for me from my high school days!!

Re: Guardian Agent (6:43pm November 14, 2011):

I will read novellas. I'm sure they're gaining popularity because they're a quick read. I notice there are some authors putting them out together (two or three stories into one book). If they are a good captivating story, then I will read them. Love paperback books and don't care for so many authors going to e-book instead of offering both options. There is an abundance of Christmas novellas now coming out. Love a book in my hands while waiting at appointments, etc.

Re: Genie Knows Best (6:49pm November 10, 2011):

Hi Judi! I thoroughly enjoyed your post and outtake from your latest book, 'Genie Knows Best'. Love the concept of a magic bottle and mayhem and perhaps, some granted wishes! I am going to check out your books and am glad to find out that they don't have to be read in any particular order. Wish I had a magic bottle and 3 wishes to be granted!!! I might have to have that guy on the cover of your book as one of my wishes!

Re: Liver Let Die (5:43pm November 9, 2011):

Liz - In reply to your question about songs with the name, Linda, in the lyrics, I recall, one of my favorites which is, 'Give Me Three Steps' by Leonard Skynard. There are at least three that I've heard many times on the radio, but I can't recall the other two right now, only that one where he's singing about, 'with a girl named, Linda Lou.' This is my name Linda Lou. The song my mother named me after is a different one from many, many years ago, and I don't know or recall the name of it. Hope this helps ease your mind! Thanks for asking!!!

Re: Risking Trust (7:31pm November 8, 2011):

Perfection is overrated indeed. No one is perfect--those that think they are, are not. They may be wealthy and successful in their lives, but make mistakes that cost them (but will never admit it). People love to read and watch about those people and their downfalls in their lives (whether it be movie stars or politicians). That's why flawed characters are more appealing in a novel to read about, because no one loves a person that is just too perfect! They say people learn by their mistakes and strive to be perfect, which never happens. Look at Lindsey Lohan, she just can't learn and doesn't want to grow up and act her age and craves publicity in the tabloids (Playboy is her next endeavor). Her cash flow must be getting low after paying for all her numerous lawyer fees! You never mentioned how long you slept with your blanket before your father took it from you. Many kids take theirs with them and not just to bed. I'm sure you'd have outgrown it, eventually (it just gave you that sense of comfort and security). Thanks for the great excerpt, I enjoyed it! I have not read any of your books yet, but am looking forward to doing so.

Re: Tall, Dark And Cowboy (7:05pm November 7, 2011):

My husband and I, along with our two very young sons had to move away from our families in our hometown in MN. several years ago, so he could obtain a job in retail management (since there was nothing available for an entire year where we'd been living). It was very difficult not knowing the area or anyone in WI. where we moved. We sold our home in MN., rented for a year, built a new home, and he found a good job. It was a huge adjustment (since I missed my large family and his family of which we resided only 3 blocks away). I remember being very lonely in the beginning. I decided to sell AVON so I could get out and meet people. It was the best idea I ever came up with. I made friends quickly and kept busy. We divorced after 13 yrs. He moved to IL. and I'm still in WI. and love it here. If I were to move again, it would be back to MN. only to be around my family and old friends there (it's always in the back of my mind). I have a son living in AZ. I've never visited that state yet, but if I liked it, I wouldn't be against moving there, since I've had friends here with relatives living there and they all love AZ. Joanne, love your book cover and the book sounds just great. I've always been partial to contemporary western romance novels, and definitely have to read this one and also, 'Cowboy Crazy' when it comes out next June.

Re: Liver Let Die (3:37pm November 6, 2011):

Liz, you were curious as to what part of the country had your book in their library. It's in southern Wisconsin (close to the Illinois border). We have a great library and it also has 55 computers available for patrons for daily use. If they don't have a book, they will order it. Incidentally, my mother told me she chose my name while listening to a popular song with my name.

Re: North of Need (2:55pm November 6, 2011):

What are the titles for the other 3 books in your Hearts of the Anemoi series and do you have any idea as to when they will be released?

Re: North of Need (2:52pm November 6, 2011):

Hi Laura! I love my hero to be sexy, charming, handsome, loyal, honest, romantic, sweet, caring, kind, with a sense of humor and a great body--just a few of my favorite hero attributes! Your book sounds like a fantastic read, my type of book! I don't have a Kindle yet, either, and would much prefer a paperback. Can't wait to read about Owen & Megan. Love that this will be in a series of 4 books and will be looking for the others to read.

Re: Liver Let Die (5:15pm November 5, 2011):

Names are important to identify us. They are used to carry on a family name from a grandfather or father that has passed or a grandmother or mother that has passed, etc. in memory of that person to the next generation. Because your grandson needed a name for each pig so he could relate to and identify with, shows the importance of a name even to a small child. They're smart and clever (and also might be looking to make the story last longer, in doing so, because it might let them stay up a little longer)! My mother had three sisters. The first sister, married a guy with the first name, 'John', so did the second sister, then the third sister, my mother, then the fourth sister, broke off her engagement with a guy named, 'John', but found her new soul-mate and you guessed it, his name was also, 'John'. To top that off, my sister, married a guy named, John and my brother named his son, John. That name is getting tired in our family. I forgot to mention, my other brother's middle name is John. One of my son's is named, Shawn, which is a derivative from the name John. So it must have been a strong or important name from years ago, used frequently. In book titles, it gives a lot of character and yours is very catchy, 'Liver Let Die'. Love the cover also. I saw it in our library with the new books a couple days ago. The mallard duck caught my eye, because my father did a lot of hunting and fishing. I ate a lot of duck, pheasant, geese, and fish growing up. I have to admit, I never thought I'd miss eating all that so often, but I really do, since my father is deceased. Love the book cover very much and one I will have to read!

Re: Engaged in Sin (4:36pm November 5, 2011):

I think it's very important to a good story when an author takes the time to do a lot of research for the details for the story, which makes it more fascinating and interesting for the readers. Everyone loves to learn more, especially historical. I've learned many things myself, just watching the history channel. My father served in WWII in the Navy on the USS Montpelier naval ship and told me many memorable and fascinating stories and information about islands they took small boats from the ship and rowed in to. He wanted to be an author and write a book about the events that took place on and off his ship. He kept a diary and documented many things. A friend of his, had the same idea, and wrote the book. A close friend of his did lose his sight and an arm, as my father and his five friends docked their rowboat onto the beach. One fellow stepped onto a land mine buried in the sand. Needless to say, their fun of eating, drinking, and souvenier hunting (good times) were cut short!
Enjoyed reading your post, Sharon. Much success with your new book, which sounds fantastic, because you worked so hard at it!

Re: Darn Good Cowboy Christmas (3:44pm November 5, 2011):

To Alen Michelle: Why are you advertising on Carolyn's book comment blog site???? We're not interested in reading all that which is just plain ridiculous and wasting space, in my opinion, or do you think you're 'SANTA'? We don't buy for ourselves at Christmas anyway!! Too bad, we can't delete your garbage! Carolyn, it's a shame that people take advantage of a good thing. Maybe he needs more 'ka-ching' (sp.) in his stocking! I'm planning to read all of your books and love the library idea (since I have one in my home) and I wish you and your family an early 'Merry Christmas'.

Re: Darn Good Cowboy Christmas (4:55pm November 4, 2011):

I love cowboy stories, so I hope Santa will keep that in mind and bring me a few paperback books from Carolyn and maybe a Kindle or Kindle Fire also. I want all my family and friends to be healthy and happy and for people to be at peace in the world! Thanks for the opportunity to have a chance to win your new book (which sounds like a terrific one to read)!

Re: Always a Temptress (6:29pm November 3, 2011):

I love reading series. When you read a really enjoyable book you look forward to another by that author. I recently read a new book, "The Pack" by Jason Starr. I enjoyed it and wanted more, only to find out he's writing a sequel right now to it (paranormal thriller). I'm unsure if it will be a series. I enjoyed Robyn Carr's Virgin River series, Barbara Freethy's Angel's Bay series, and Nora Robert's Bride Trilogy series, among a few of my favorites. I'm always open to reading anything and looking for more good books in a series to read, and I am going to read yours, since I love anything with an enticing romantic story. Yours sound awesome!

Re: The Virtuoso (6:29pm November 2, 2011):

I very much enjoyed reading your post about you and your books. You are quite an accomplished author. I must now read all of your great books, which sound intriguing. Much success with your two latest releases!

Re: Embrace The Highland Warrior (6:12pm November 1, 2011):

When I hear unexplained noises at night, whether they be inside or outside my house, I usually have to investigate to put my mind at rest as to what caused the unusual, odd noise. Once while sitting in my family room, reading with the TV on, I kept hearing an unusual nasty growl. I turned the volume off, looked out my patio doors, only to find a bobcat sitting on my picnic bench near my bbq grill. We'd barbecued chicken a couple hours earlier and he must have smelled it from a long way. A very nasty, vicious-sounding animal. I was happy he ran off into the darkness when I turned on the light and he saw me! Most noises usually come from pipes or the furnace in the house inside and others from animals outside. I got a kick out of your job history, Anita. Love the pickle factory job, and I can relate, because I held a candy factory job (and I felt like Lucy & Ethel many times). Fortunately, it was only part-time seasonal work for 3 mos. while I was attending school! Loved reading about your book, it sounds very good.

Re: Enchanted Destiny (6:02pm October 31, 2011):

Your book sounds fun and interesting--definitely a page-turner. I love the cover, it's very bright and eye-catching! Thanks for the review and a chance to win it!!!

Re: Radiant Desire (4:01pm October 30, 2011):

I don't know if anyone's seen Brad's movie he made and starred in, "Tree of Life", but he plays a tough, mean father role in it. It's hard to believe the handsome image is lost, in viewing this very strange (not-so-good), movie. A very unusual role for him. Guess, is alpha is coming out!

Re: Radiant Desire (3:55pm October 30, 2011):

I think Brad Pitt is somewhat an alpha male because he shows a great deal of emotion and caring through his efforts to build homes in New Orleans, and doing much physical labor himself. If he wasn't a take-charge person, he wouldn't get involved in any such efforts. Angelina is definitely the stronger alpha in their relationship. She has a big ego and can walk into a room and own it, with her tough-girl immage. Perhaps, it's rubbing off onto Brad, and that's why they're good for each other! LOVE the beautiful book cover for Radiant Desire, Inara!

Re: A Maverick For Christmas (3:37pm October 30, 2011):

I've been fortunate to have friends that have listened, shared and given me advice when I was feeling low in my life (while going through divorce). I don't know how a person could survive traumatic episodes in their lives if they didn't have friends and family's support. I've been my brother's sounding board for a very long time, through his difficult marriage, and I'm sure it's helped. He remains separated from his wife, although they remain friends and do many things together (it's been difficult for him to get over her affairs and her planning a wedding behind his back to her boss--even though it went sour and never happened). I have always tried to give positive encouragement to uplift his spirits and help him feel better through it all. If she'd just be sorry for everything she's done, instead of denying it, they'd probably be back living together. The trust is gone and most of the love is lost, but his outlook is very good and he jokes around a lot. I look forward to reading your book!

Re: Romancing The Countess (4:45pm October 28, 2011):

Loved reading your post. Ashley, I'm sorry your pregnancy was so difficult and painful for you at a time you were trying to accomplish your writing for your book. Guess the saying, "No pain, no gain" comes to mind! As for historical romance novels, I think it gives me more insight into past history. I love old castles, their countryside and history of them and who lived in them (even though I've never seen any in person, only on TV). I love the elegance of the attire worn in those days. Congratulations on your latest book and thanks for the contest.

Re: His Last Duchess (6:53pm October 27, 2011):

Gabrielle I love your sweet little dog. Enjoyed your post about your daily routine and your life. I'm sure the teaching a few days each month can be a bit of a challenge at time with the troubled, difficult kids (then the peace and quiet and relaxation is something to come home to and really appreciate)! It sounds like writing has it's difficult moments at times (hitting a roadblock). That's why daydreaming is a good thing and can get the juices flowing again. I often do this when I can't get to sleep or after waking up in the morning or staring out windows. I have not read any of your books yet but hope to soon.

Re: Ecstasy Untamed (7:33pm October 26, 2011):

I recently watched, "The Adjustment Bureau" which was one of the weirdest movies I've seen lately (especially how Matt Damon needed to be wearing a hat in order to go through doors and exit to unexpected surroundings). It was a very imaginatively written movie. Would love to win and read your book. The covers on your books are great!

Re: Entice Me (6:41pm October 25, 2011):

I've never tried any of the dating sites myself, even though I've been tempted. A very young gal I worked with tried several and had very poor results, as you did. One charged her quite a monthly fee which wasn't cheap for the couple dates she had. My only advice would be, instead of actually having a first date right away, get to know the person over the phone by asking questions--hobbies and interests, occupation, why they're single or are they divorced with children, etc. Then if they seem to be someone that you feel you could actually have something in common with and enjoy their company, actually schedule a small meeting-type date at a small restaurant or coffee shop and make it clear that's all you want. I think men need to actually be told that you're looking for a relationship with a person, not a sex-buddy for "quickies." I wish you good luck a however you choose to go about it, it will be quite a learning experience and I'm sure by the time you find the right guy, you could write a book from your experiences! Don't be in a rush and be selective. Good Luck!

Re: Dire Threads (3:05pm October 23, 2011):

My mother inspired some of my creative skills since she was always good in art and drawing, and also, knitting. My Home Economics teacher in junior high sewing class was a strict perfectionist, but it still inspired me to have a great love for sewing. Since we had two sewing machines at home, I was constantly sewing all my clothes, as well as, giving my neighbor girlfriends sewing instructions and teaching them to sew garments for themselves. I always loved making crafts and painting. I later taught myself crocheting, cross-stitching, and quilling. I really got into making many items because I was so passionate about everything I'd get into making. My ex-mother-in-law inspired me, along with what I'd learned in Home Economics in school, to love cooking. She always had so many fantastic recipes from her church and neighborhood gals, that I'd copy and make. I got many good recipes throughout the years from co-workers and from friends that I love, and now pass them along to my grown children, who have enjoy making their favorites they'd enjoyed as kids at home. Halloween costumes and make-up for my 3 kids was always fun. We'd put together homemade ones and they'd get so many good praises and comments on them. One neighbor thought my son's makeup was professionally done--she asked him about it and couldn't believe it when he told her his mother did it, because of all the shading involved in his skeleton face. He was excited to tell me about it when he came home, how everyone was telling him how good he looked. I also taught myself embroidery when I was younger and made a lot of pillow cases and dresser scarves (something I haven't done in years, only because it's very time-consuming). I still love to do everything else including making ornaments and of course, my love of reading books! Love your book cover art for "Dire Threads."

Re: Haunting Embrace (4:07pm October 22, 2011):

I enjoy the journey through time travel with a tortured hero, having empathy for his life's struggles he endures to find out what changes lie ahead for him. Forbidden love and romance in new surroundings and the outcome, makes it a truly engaging read! It would be fascinating if we could tumble through time, going back and forward, to see where we'd rather be in our lives!

Re: Flawless (5:23pm October 20, 2011):

Yes, I believe bad boys can be redeemed. He can have a bad past, having been abusive and self-centered and then, make changes improving attitude and behavior showing a different side, just to be with a good woman, he feels he can trust, love and respect. There are some lines that cannot be crossed (cheating, for one) on his road to a happy ending. Really love the beautiful, sensual book cover of FLAWLESS, and look forward to reading it!!!

Re: Utterly Charming (5:02pm October 19, 2011):

I would have to say I have two favorites, Cinderella, because every girl dreams of being a beautiful princess with a handsome prince charming. I played the evil stepmother in a school play performed before an audience in 6th grade--so I have never forgotten that, and Jack and the Beanstalk, because of his fear he overcomes to reap the rewards to help his family out. Both are rags-to-riches and dreams-come-true type stories with happy endings. They seem to have such an impact that you remember them well throughout your life and if a new twist or version of an old tale is re-invented it draws interest. I always enjoyed both fairy tales and nursery rhymes read to me, by my mother, so many times, I memorized them all by age 5. Your book sounds very good and I would love winning a copy of Utterly Charming very much.

Re: Attracted to Fire (5:26pm October 18, 2011):

I love your gift pack giveaway! I have never visited Texas, but my mother's father's two aunts lived together in Dallas, TX and ran a childrens clothing store for many years. So my mother got to visit them a couple of times. I also had friends from El Paso. Loved the stories about Texas and I'm sure it's gorgeous country. Your latest book sounds great and one I must read.

Re: Against The Storm (5:05pm October 17, 2011):

I'm unsure if there is a trick to getting published, but as the saying goes, "If at first you don't succeed, try, try again." Obviously, that's what you did and through your diligence in helping your husband, you succeeded. Congratulations on your 50th novel, which is quite an accomplishment! I love western-themed novels, and would love to win a copy of your new book, "Against the Storm." I love the cover of the book and am looking forward to reading the other new releases you have coming out next year. I'm sure you've worked long and hard to get these written and published.

Re: The Rose Garden (4:31pm October 12, 2011):

A good supporting cast adds much more depth, interest and dimension to any novel because of how every character has their own individual personality and how they relate overall to the main character, which helps with how the story all enfolds along with them. The Rose Garden sounds like a book I would very much enjoy reading!

Re: Unleashed (6:44pm October 10, 2011):

There are so many choices but I'd want to choose to between being a koala bear, a dolphin or a large sea turtle just because they're sweet-looking, fun-loving creatures. I wouldn't want to be a mean, vicious animal--even though I love the beauty of them and watching them in movies (especially wolves).

Re: Chosen By Fate (4:31pm October 9, 2011):

I like mixing genres--variety is nice and throwing in the romance and sex always adds the spice and intrigue, often with a little mystery and humor. Guess men a shallow when it comes to what they read; women like variety, and that's why they can multi-task so much better than a man! Your brother is somewhat clueless, since most women are not crazy for his favorite or highly-recognized author, John Grisham. It's best to stick with what your gut tells you is best in your writing, especially since women are usually right and do more reading than men! Good luck with your new books!

Re: The Goblin King (5:51pm October 7, 2011):

I watched a true-story movie entitled, "Soul Surfer" last night (a new movie). It's about a young girl that loves to surf and it's her life, until while surfing with friends she loses one of her arms when a shark leaps up beside her and bites it off. She nearly loses her life and is discouraged that she'll never be able to surf again or have a boyfriend and friends because of her appearance. However in her depression, she volunteers to help with a group during a tsunami and finds others have it much worse than she does and finds the strength and courage to pursue her dreams in National Surfing competitions. She wins awards, has thousands of friends and a tremendous outpouring of fan mail and does more volunteer work. She really inspired me, because you realize if you think you have it tough, someone else always has it much worse, and if you don't give up and apply yourself as she did, you'll succeed in your hopes and dreams and be happy. Books, movies, the beauty of the outdoor natural landscapes, as well as viewing people's artistic abilities in paintings and craftworks have always been an inspiration to me.

Re: The Goblin King (6:25pm October 5, 2011):

I loved the movie, Tristan and Isolade which was one of my very favorites. Who wouldn't enjoy a movie with a romantic hero involving battles, swords, and danger to be with their lover? Viewing a movie or reading a book is an inspiration because of the depths main character goes through to obtain his desires in his life. Love your book title you arrived at through all your ideas and look forward to reading it!

Re: Roommates (6:23pm October 4, 2011):

I really like the names Steele, Xander, Chandler, Brevan, Rory, and Landon (just a few of my favorite male names)! I love, love, love Hawaii 5-0, also, and the reality shows--Storage Wars, Auction Hunters, American Pickers, Picker Sisters, Operation Repo and any of the Real Housewives. I hate commercials (such a waste of time) so I read books during them, especially since they seem to be lasting longer all the time and so many are repeated. I can get some good reading in. Thanks for the contest and hope you find more names to choose from.

Re: Baer Truth (3:57pm October 3, 2011):

I have only been out west once (several years ago) and visited Jackson Hole, WYOMING. Very cool western town. We never went to Cheyenne (ironically my Shih Tzu who was almost 16 yrs. old, I'd named Cheyenne--she passed away this year). I love western contemporary romance stories and yours sounds good. It's funny how the mind wanders to come up with all the ideas originating from naming cows and cow jokes while traveling on the road. I'm sure hot, sexy, Joe Baer wouldn't give up his thick, juicy steaks to follow in Abby Clark's vegetarian footsteps even if she's a sex magnet for him! Can't wait to read your new books, and I haven't heard of "Frontier Days" before. There are a lot of cattle raised in that area and also buffalo. Thanks for the contest!

Re: Chaos Tryst (3:21pm October 2, 2011):

A gal I worked with thought she was doing me a favor by lining me up a blind date with her single neighbor guy. She bragged him up to be a "Mr. Wonderful" so I gave in. He called and we went to dinner. He didn't seem to be my type, but I thought we're here now, and it's just a dinner. Then when we were almost finished, he announced he'd been in prison for seven years! He took out a red leather wallet to pay for our meal, and I nearly fell off my chair. I was totally turned off, and knew I just had to get out of there. He drove, so I had to get in the car with him, which I didn't care to do at that point (in the back of my mind I was thinking--is he a rapist)? He told me he robbed some guy coming out of a casino that he'd seen win in Las
Vegas--that was a slight relief, but I didn't want to be involved with anyone that did that either. It was quite an experience as he continued to brag about himself and never asked me much about myself. Then on top of all that he told me his occupation was a "repo-man". Seemed perfect for a guy with his past! This was one of my most awful dates. He even had the very nerve to tell me the last date he'd had was with a hooker he met in a bar in Chicago, that robbed him while he was sleeping (how ironic)! I almost broke out laughing! I couldn't wait to jump into my car which was parked outside his apt. and fly home! I was so grossed out! This is almost one you'd read as fiction in a book even though it's true.

Re: The Norse King's Daughter (4:20pm September 30, 2011):

I found a "new-to-you" new author during a slump, Sarah Jio. I read her book, "Violets of March" which was extremely good. She is now one of my favorite authors and I think you'd love reading her books, too, Sandra.

Re: The Norse King's Daughter (4:05pm September 30, 2011):

If I get in a reading slump, I'll visit the library and look for something new and different to read by choosing a different author (from the newer books section) instead of one of my faves or going online and reading author reviews from various genres. Gotta have the right book to fit my mood and boost my interest--the hate to put down type of book after reading just a few pages. I do have quite a huge TBR library collection of my own to go to. Many of your favorite authors, are some of mine also, Sandra.
Can't wait to read your latest book!

Re: Jennifer's Garden (5:18pm September 26, 2011):

Romance and gardening seem fascinating and I think men like seeing a woman that can get her hands dirty in a vegetable garden or a flower garden. I also had that unusual experience with pumpkins and zucchinis. I planted pumpkin seeds, but actually got more zucchinis--even though I didn't plant any zucchini seeds. My neighbor's garden had them the year before, so I figured somehow the seeds from her plants got over into my garden. It was quite a surprise, and I went on a quest to acquire recipes in which to use all my zucchinis. I never knew there were so many good recipes. Your book sounds very good and I look forward to reading it.

Re: Fitzwilliam Darcy, Rock Star (7:16pm September 21, 2011):

Music helps us express our emotions whether it be present day or oldies that bring back memories of what we were doing during those times in our lives. Songs can uplift us or sadden us. Your book cover is fantastic and it sounds very good and something a bit different. I would love to win and read it!

Re: Murder By Mocha (7:46pm September 20, 2011):

My favorites when it come to snacking are pretzel rods dipped in the tubs of cheddar cheese spread, Granny-Smith apple slices dipped into caramel, nuts (like cashews, sea-salted almonds, etc), and cheesecake (any kind). All great for "thunder thighs" and then some but so-o good! And, I forgot to add, cheese popcorn--love that, too. All goes good while reading or taking a break in between!!!

Re: To Sketch A Thief (5:27pm September 18, 2011):

Mary Ellen commented about how her sister chose the same name for her dog that her dog had, well two of my sisters chose the same first name for their first-born sons. My older sister that had chosen the name Patrick, first, was very upset in the beginning over this, however, a couple years later her son at the age of 7 was accidentally killed when he was run over as he left school to walk one block. My sister then appreciated our younger sister having his first name to in a sense carry his name in his memory. So many names can have a significant meaning when used without much thought going into them and in other cases they do. I love all the unusual and new names that many authors come up with an often jot them down. My youngest son, asked me for my list to go through to name his first child, so it came in handy. Now, you're all wondering what the name is--it's Xander. He told me now that he started school, he has another boy in his class with that name, but spelled with a Z--Zander (the way it's pronounced). Pet names are easier to come up with often times by their appearance or traits. Love the book cover, Sharon. Especially since I've had Shi Tzu's in the past that resemble your dog somewhat.

Re: The Last Rising (5:35pm September 17, 2011):

The feeling of his hot breath caressing her and his fingertips and hands touching all the right places and all the climaxing. Very drawn out and most readers wish it all would go the way their imaginations are leading them, when they go to try it out! Especially, the all-night long love-making and then again the next morning--whew-wie!!!

Re: Stone Cold Seduction (6:46pm September 15, 2011):

I love your advice to close your eyes and take some deep breaths a few time a day. Everything is so rushed and stressful today. It's good to live without all the unhappy thoughts and turn to things more relaxing and enjoyable to free your mind. Reading a good book, does just that, relaxation for the mind and body!

Re: Out in Blue (6:16pm September 15, 2011):

My favorite paranormal physical trait would have to be angel wings, since they're so beautiful. Vampires are interesting characters, but the fangs and blood diet is a little gross. I'd rather read about angels even in a romantic or unusual story.

Re: The Dragon And The Pearl (5:57pm September 15, 2011):

Costuming is important for actors and actors to feel their roles in movie-making and is beautiful to look at from the wardrobes of many years passed. The Chinese and Japanese silk & satin kimonos, etc. are very beautiful. My sister and I made friends with two sisters (Americans) who lived in Japan for over ten years when their father was a pilot for Pan-American Airlines. They had many kimonos that were gorgeous--bright red, turquoise, etc. with embroidered stitching. We borrowed them and dressed as Geisha girls one Halloween. We felt very special in them, but it was difficult to walk in these, but all the people complimented us on how beautiful we looked and where did we get these from. It's a memory, I've never forgotten. However, I'm sure the sisters got it trouble for sneaking this clothing for us to wear without permission from their mother! Your books look good and I'm sure very interesting to read and I'm looking forward to reading them.

Re: Wings of Fire (3:59pm September 12, 2011):

I would drive through a snowstorm for good books to read, and I usually grab a book just by it's cover prior to reading what the storyline is about. I really love the book covers and the colors used. Can't wait to read them. I haven't read much paranormal romance--mostly contemporary romance which will be a new experience for me. Thanks!

Re: Bel Air (6:39pm September 8, 2011):

My first and favorite car I owned as a teenager was a Bel Air (coincidentally, your book's title). My favorite quote,
"Live Well, Laugh Often, Love Much". There are so many good ones.

Re: The Wedding Affair (6:28pm September 8, 2011):

I just love your dollhouse your husband made for you, Leigh. It's a masterpiece. I never had a dollhouse when I was a little girl, but I would have treasured one like yours! I always took pride and care with any gifts I got and know if I had had one, I'd still own it to this day. I never owned a Barbie doll either. The only doll I ever had, I got at the age of 5 and it was a large walking doll. I remember the neighbor girls had everything, including a dollhouse and an outside doll house to play inside, so I got the enjoyment and fun in sharing theirs for the short time we lived in the house near theirs! I'm wondering if you ever had one when younger? You have a gorgeous one now!

Re: Deep Disclosure (6:04pm September 8, 2011):

I live in the now (the present). Learning from experience and mistakes made in the past, I know I would have and could have done many things differently that would have significantly changed the outcome of things now in my life. Some things I would never change and love to remember the good things from the past and often wish I could go back to re-live those times all over again. It's good to dream about past fond memories and what the future holds. Books, movies, and music are wonderful outlets and enjoyment to our world of living.

Re: Bel Air (7:32pm September 7, 2011):

When I was a little girl, my mother took us on Sundays to an ice cream shoppe where the ice cream was handmade. My favorite back then was called, "Zebra" ice cream. It was a creamy vanilla with a cake-like brownie swirled through it, and it was so-o-oo good! I haven't forgotten how I looked forward to those huge scoops on our cones. Today, I have several favorites--strawberry cheesecake, cinnamon, apple pie, mint chocolate chip, etc.

Re: Serendipity (5:16pm September 6, 2011):

I'd choose the Gamma because having a mixture of both is nice! An all-around take- charge nice guy that cares about your feelings. Variety is nice--happy-go-lucky along with take-charge guy with lots of romance! Love reading about all types and your new book sounds good and I love the cover!

Re: Diaries Of An Urban Panther (5:31pm September 1, 2011):

As a kid, my sister and I loved watching scarey, horror movies late at night together. In so many of them, the soon-to-be victims would stand there. We're screaming, "Run, run" at the TV set! I know if something jumped out at me, I would run, screaming loudly. Taking your chances, getting away, is better than doing nothing.

Re: Lucky Girl (4:44pm August 28, 2011):

My first date was actually arranged for me by my best friend while we were on a "all girls club" hayride one cool fall evening. The teacher of our school club had arranged for two guys from one of our local colleges to play guitar and sing songs while we rode on the large wagon pulled by horses. It was a fun evening until my friend told me the one guy would be taking me out to the movies the next weekend. I thought she was joking, but found out he wanted to, and I gave in and went. It ended up in a second date going to a winter formal dance at the college. That ended it when he accidentally bumped the round pedestal table of drink over and they all went into my lap. I was totally upset and embarrassed to be in front of 150 people with a stained dress--go to the banquet tables and out to dance that way. He got drunk and acted like a fool, so we left. I told him that was it and he still tried to put moves on me, until I kicked him out of my car and he sadly left. I think he liked me a whole lot more than I liked him!

Re: Red's Hot Cowboy (4:32pm August 24, 2011):

I love reading cowboy books and watching cowboy (westerns) movies. What inspires me was my Dad who always had one he was watching on TV or a book he was reading. He loved John Wayne movies and didn't ever tire of seeing them even if he'd watched them before and he loved that hot red-head, Maureen O'Hara too. So I didn't have a choice as to what we'd be watching growing up. I always loved the settings with the cowboys and horses. I loved horses, so when my Uncle bought property and horses, I couldn't wait to jump on the biggest one and go riding. Even though I was 14, and thought I knew how to ride a horse from watching TV, I didn't. I slid off saddle and all to the ground after galloping around so fast, I thought we were going to run into the fence. I guess, I needed some lessons and more instructions first. I loved Clint Eastwood and every movie he was in too. So that and the fascination of cowboy life, is almost a fantasy for most women. The cover on the book quickly attracts me to a good hot cowboy read. Yours are great!

Re: The Bone House (4:41pm August 22, 2011):

Brian, I'm curious how you chose the setting of Grand Rapids, MN. for your book. I am originally from Minnesota and had friends we used to visit in Grand Rapids, MN. It is very cold in the winters there. Your book sounds very intriguing and like a good page-turner that anyone would hate to put down. I can't wait to read it and even sooner, should I be lucky enough to win it. I haven't read any of your other books which sound really good also, and I plan to put them on my growing list of "have-to" reads!

Re: The Orphan Sister (5:03pm August 17, 2011):

This summer has been so hot and I have enjoyed it reading books both outside and inside and have discovered many good future reads through this website. This book sounds like it would be so enjoyable allowing readers to get lost in their own childhood memories (like being with their best friends, siblings, cousins, aunts & uncles, and grandparents) and what they did that brings back fond recollections. As a child I loved being with my cousins in the country (I am the oldest of eight) and we had seven cousins, so of course we couldn't wait for Sundays to go visit because we had our own softball team--because we were so matched in ages all being about a year apart. We'd pick berries from our grandmother's huge variety of berry bushes of every kind, asparagus the grew wild all over her property lines and back along the railroad tracks, corn, etc. Our aunt would make us a big meal that we'd be stuffed on an old-fashioned cookstove that was so beautiful. We'd go exploring and always have so much fun--no matter what we did or games we played! Can't wait to read this new book!

Re: Fezariu's Epiphany (8:07pm August 16, 2011):

A lot of hard work, creativity, and imagination combining history with fantasy and magic into a captivating and unique story of intrigue in the world of Elenchera. A very interesting combination and perhaps future movie material! Sounds like a great book anyone would love to read! Much success with it a future writings of a similar nature!

Re: Deadly Obsession (7:39pm August 16, 2011):

What Makes a Man Heroic? A man willing to express a kind, helping hand in time of need to another person, not worrying about themselves or even the risk (in some cases if it means putting their life on the line to help or to rescue another. That is an unselfish man--one who cares and expresses himself in a caring way. Everyday heroes--whether real or fiction in a book--everyone loves to read about one!!!

Re: The Vampire Next Door (7:10pm August 15, 2011):

These books sound fun and interesting and the covers are cute! I can't wait to read them and hope to win. Keeping my fingers crossed! I'm sure I'll enjoy them. I love books!

Re: Pleating for Mercy (2:56pm August 5, 2011):

I always loved sewing so much when I learned how in high school in my Home Economics class that I taught two neighbor girls who attended Catholic schools and didn't get this opportunity in their schools. We had great times together sewing shorts, dresses and skirts and spending all our babysitting monies at the neighborhood fabric store, called the "Cinderella Shoppe". It was the highlight of our summers and weekends. When I married, I made all my clothes for my secretarial job in the office. I saved a lot doing this. Today, I enjoy various craft projects such as making Christmas ornaments, crocheting, and of course reading lots of good books. I've always loved giving my projects away to family and friends as gifts and know they're loved and appreciated--when they are asking me to make them more!

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