February 9th, 2025
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A Stray Pup, A Second Chance, and a Killer on the Loose�Wagtail�s About to Get Wild!

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Shaken, Stirred, and Unexpectedly in Love�Can They Mix Business with Pleasure?

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Chocolate, Second Chances, and a Love Too Sweet to Let Go.

Christmas Quilt by Vannetta Chapman


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Also by Vannetta Chapman:

A Courtship for the Amish Spinster, November 2024
Mass Market Paperback / e-Book
An Unusual Amish Winter Match, November 2023
Mass Market Paperback / e-Book
Her Amish Adversary, February 2023
Mass Market Paperback / e-Book
A Chance to Heal, July 2022
Mass Market Paperback / e-Book
The Amish Twins Next Door, May 2022
Paperback / e-Book
The Amish Christmas Secret and The Amish Widow's Christmas Hope, November 2021
Mass Market Paperback / e-Book
An Amish Baby for Christmas, November 2021
Mass Market Paperback / e-Book
The Baby Next Door, April 2021
Mass Market Paperback / e-Book
An Unlikely Amish Match and An Amish Arrangement, March 2021
Mass Market Paperback / e-Book
An Amish Winter, January 2021
Paperback / e-Book
The Amish Christmas Secret, October 2020
The Amish Christmas Matchmaker and Amish Christmas Secrets, October 2020
Mass Market Paperback / e-Book
A Perfect Amish Match and Amish Haven, June 2020
Mass Market Paperback / e-Book (reprint)
An Amish Picnic, March 2020
Paperback / e-Book
An Unlikely Amish Match, February 2020
Paperback / e-Book
The Amish Christmas Matchmaker, October 2019
Paperback / e-Book
Material Witness, July 2018
Paperback / e-Book (reprint)
A Perfect Square, May 2018
Paperback / e-Book
An Amish Cradle, May 2018
Mass Market Paperback / e-Book
An Amish Table, May 2018
Mass Market Paperback / e-Book
An Amish Spring, March 2018
Mass Market Paperback / e-Book
Falling to Pieces, March 2018
Paperback / e-Book
Who the Bishop Knows, March 2018
Trade Size / e-Book
When the Bishop Needs an Alibi, September 2017
Trade Size / e-Book
Light of Dawn, July 2017
Hardcover / e-Book
What the Bishop Saw, May 2017
Trade Size / e-Book
Raging Storm, February 2017
Hardcover / e-Book
Sarah's Orphans, September 2016
Paperback / e-Book
An Amish Harvest, August 2016
Paperback / e-Book
Deep Shadows, July 2016
Paperback / e-Book
Joshua's Mission, February 2016
Paperback / e-Book
An Amish Market, February 2016
Paperback / e-Book
Anna's Healing, October 2015
Paperback / e-Book
Murder Freshly Baked, June 2015
Paperback / e-Book
Murder Tightly Knit, January 2015
Paperback / e-Book
Murder Simply Brewed, April 2014
Paperback / e-Book
An Amish Garden, March 2014
Paperback / e-Book
Christmas Quilt, October 2013
Paperback / e-Book
A Wedding for Julia, July 2013
Trade Size
A Home For Lydia, February 2013
Paperback / e-Book
A Promise For Miriam, July 2012
Paperback / e-Book
The Perfect Square, April 2012
Paperback / e-Book
Falling to Pieces, October 2011
A Simple Amish Christmas, October 2010

Christmas Quilt
Vannetta Chapman

Quilts of Love #11
Abingdon Press
October 2013
On Sale: October 15, 2013
Featuring: Annie; Samuel; Leah
240 pages
ISBN: 1426752776
EAN: 9781426752773
Kindle: B00E0TND9W
Paperback / e-Book
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Inspirational Amish | Holiday

Annie's life is deliciously full as the Christmas season approaches. She helps her husband, Samuel, attend to the community's minor medical needs. She occasionally assists Belinda, the local midwife, and most days, she finds herself delivering the buggy to her brother Adam. Annie's sister-in-law Leah is due to deliver their first child before Christmas morning, and Annie is determined to finish a crib quilt before the boppli arrives.

With six weeks to go, she should have no problem. . . but God may have a different plan. Leah is rushed to the English hospital when the infant arrives early, and Annie discovers the Christmas quilt may hold a far greater significance than she ever imagined.

No awards found for this book.

Quilts of Love


53 comments posted.

Re: Christmas Quilt

Sounds like good shelter against the chills of life.
(Mary Ann Dimand 9:06am October 20, 2013)

I love your cover and I wish I could sew quilts like that. Can't wait to read this book!
Bonnie Capuano 9:16am October 20, 2013)

I read A Simple Amish Christmas and loved it. I can't wait to read The Christmas Quilt---it sounds like a perfect read for this Christmas season. Thank you so much for the chance to win!
Juli Lear 9:21am October 20, 2013)

I always say a child is a gift from God.
Quilting is such a wonderful craft. I always make sure I look at them at the State Fair.
Appreciate the giveaway.
I still say Merry Christmas to people.
Leona Olson 9:23am October 20, 2013)

I love reading quilting stories, and Amish stories are an added plus!! It's funny that you should mention Sunbonnet Sue and Overall Sam. I used to crochet them as potholders for my kitchen about 25 years ago, and have a pattern to make an afghan in that pattern as well, which I plan on making in the near future as a throw for my bed. I've always loved those two, and gravitate towards anything with their figures on it. In fact, I still have the original potholder patterns from 25 years ago!! I'm thrilled to learn the background of the nine-patch quilt, since quilting is next on my list of hobbies to start, and would love to have this particular book in my collection, since it revolves around everything I adore. Thank you for writing such an informative posting, and what I'm sure will be an informative and wonderful book as well!!
Peggy Roberson 10:05am October 20, 2013)

I'm glad I am not the only one who is Christmas crazy. My tree will be going up November 1. And my mom and I have bought so many ornaments that her house has four full sized trees. I would have the same if I had more room.
Pam Howell 10:20am October 20, 2013)

I'm making a Sunbonnet Sue quilt for my granddaughter. Your
book sounds wonderful.
Theresa Norris 10:48am October 20, 2013)

I would love to read Vannetta's new story. She's such a great author. Yay, for a new Christmas story too!
Amy Campbell 10:50am October 20, 2013)

In England we haven't got the Amish communities you have in the States. I very much enjoy the Christian romances and Vanetta's are particularly inspiring and not in 'your face' like some others are. Would love to win the book and the ornament. It would be something to cherish and pass onto my daughter.
Manda Ward 11:05am October 20, 2013)

I guess we have a love of Christmas in common. Quilting not so much, but I would love to learn how to do that too.Thanks for the opportunity to win the book & a Christmas ornament.
Christine Schultz 11:07am October 20, 2013)

i cant sew i wish i could my in laws were always so good at
it love the cover of the book
Denise Smith 11:10am October 20, 2013)

Who wouldn't want an extra quilt at Christmas time! Sounds like a great book.
Clare O'Beara 11:16am October 20, 2013)

Your post was heartwarming and special. Sounds so captivating.
Sharon Berger 11:45am October 20, 2013)

What a beautiful message, we could all use a bit more
Christmas in our lives all year long.
Judith Cauthan 1:50pm October 20, 2013)

Christmas is my favorite time of the year too! Your book sounds wonderful. I would really like to read it.
Kathy Morrison 2:43pm October 20, 2013)

Wow, Congrats on your new book: THE CHRISTMAS QUILT. I love
the pretty book cover too! What a blessing from GOD! Pretty
Quilt and great book to read and I love knowing about the 9
fruits of the spirit--love, joy, peace, forbearance,
kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-
control. Yes, we all need to live like Christmas is here all
the time and put God First and live as Jesus Christ did all
the time. I would love to win and read your beautiful book
this Fall and Christmas too! God bless You and Thank You for
the great contest. Cecilia CECE
Cecilia Dunbar Hernandez 3:19pm October 20, 2013)

I enjoy Christmas and have always loved decorating my tree in all different one-of-a-kind ornaments (many handmade by my crafty family). I know I'd enjoy reading this book as I'm in love with the storyline and the beautiful book cover. When I was little from ages 2-4, my mother always dressed me up in sunbonnets that were so cute with my outfits whenever I was outside playing or going somewhere. She took photos, and I resemble "Sunbonnet Sue" in them! Sure would love to own a quilt as cute as that one pictured which is priceless!
Linda Luinstra 3:37pm October 20, 2013)

I love Amish stories.This book sounds like a warm, loving family story for the holidays.
Barbara Wells 4:28pm October 20, 2013)

Sounds like a great holiday story that can be enjoyed by everyone. Great book cover!
Rich Cook 4:47pm October 20, 2013)

Christmas stories are some of my very favorites! Thank you for the opportunity to win a copy of THE CHRISTMAS QUILT!!
Britney Adams 8:01pm October 20, 2013)

I love reading Christmas stories and I would love to be a winner of The
Christmas Quilt. Thank you for the opportunity.
Melanie Backus 9:27pm October 20, 2013)

I love Christmas stories, Amish fiction and beautiful quilts. I
love a fantastic book by a great author and I know that is what
this is. Thank you for the chance of this giveaway.
Barbara Thompson
Barbara Thompson 11:53pm October 20, 2013)

My children are everything to me, very, very special.
Chris Coulson 6:27am October 21, 2013)

Sounds really good. I love Christmas stories. Pretty cover.
Sue Brandes 6:49am October 21, 2013)

The Christmas season IS such a beautiful time of year - I love this story already - thank you so much for the opportunity to win - when I was a kid, on Christmas Eve, rather than leave cookies and milk out, I would put a whole stack of our Christmas records on so that Santa would have some mood music as he left our gifts! LOL
Felicia Ciaudelli 9:59am October 21, 2013)

Maybe this book will convince my wife to start quilting!
Richard Proctor 10:22am October 21, 2013)

I haven't read an Amish fiction book in a while. This one
sounds like a wonderful one!
Maria Proctor 10:34am October 21, 2013)

lovr the whole idea, as the mom of 6 and grandma of it seems thousands, i get it. also think the cover is very pretty. good job.
Sue Hieber 11:13am October 21, 2013)

Well, reading your blog page above gave me goosebumps. You give voice to the very reasons why Christmas is all year round for our family- playing Christmas music as I type! I've not seen your books before so this is a real treat for me since I love Christmas themed books. I'm always looking for them. Two of my grandsons 4 and 18 months will be here over Thanksgiving and their Mom, our daughter, has also 'indoctrinated' them so that the oldest asks for Christmas music in August. We are working on their Dad to 'allow' Christmas music before Thanksgiving! We will win him over yet! And quilting- I made a 9 patch crib quilt with my Mother's help when I was 9. I picked up quilting again in my 50's and then dropped it again for lack of time and space. I just might start again after reading you new book. Thank you!
Mary Hubbell 11:47am October 21, 2013)

I read alot of different types of books, but ones that include the Amish lifestyle and culture is way up there at the top of my list. I also thoroughly enjoy medical related stories. At this time of year, I'm also collecting this year's christmas reads, since they mean so much more reading them at that time. I would love to be able to add this to my list. Thanks for sharing.
Stephanie Strausberger 11:51am October 21, 2013)

It is always nice to celebrate Christmas and what it means.
Maureen Emmons 12:26pm October 21, 2013)

The cover is so pretty Vanetta,
I read the blurb & absolutly LOVE it, it looks like an almost perfect Christmas read.
Thanks for the awesome contest!

Mindy :)
[email protected]
Mina Gerhart 12:30pm October 21, 2013)

I am looking forward to the birth of my new grandson or granddaughter and your blog post hit home with me.
Susan Coster 12:31pm October 21, 2013)

Amish books are among my favorite. It's never to early to think about Christmas. It should be a happy time of year. Quilting can have a calming effect on a person. It's like therapy. Thanks for the giveaway.
Gayle Pace 12:32pm October 21, 2013)

Can't wait to read this
Tina Lechuga 1:26pm October 21, 2013)

I love Christmas time, my favorite time of the year. This is such a great sounding story.
Jean Patton 3:34pm October 21, 2013)

I love Amish stories.
Wilma Frana 3:38pm October 21, 2013)

I too love Christmas and look forward to reading your story.
Carol Woodruff 3:53pm October 21, 2013)

This sounds like a beautiful story.
Margaret Branca 3:53pm October 21, 2013)

Congratulations on your new book, I love these kind I can't wait to read this
Penney Wilfort 4:24pm October 21, 2013)

Can't wait to read ! For me the worst part of any book is the last page please keep writing !
Angelina Howell 7:21pm October 21, 2013)

I have held a baby recently. My little granddaughter was born Sept 30th. So sweet, I love her very much.
Rita Wray 7:40pm October 21, 2013)

Christmas and family can get crazy at times. It's nice to know I'm not alone.
Deb Pelletier 7:42pm October 21, 2013)

Vanetta, I love your books and would love to win. My email is [email protected]
Carolyn Smith 8:04pm October 21, 2013)

the book and then the way you did it is great i now the amish are great people some do not like them but me they have help me with a house fire a couple of year ago and i have quilt they gave me but when the area got hit by a tornado they came out and then just step in when no one wanted the work they cut it up and then they help people clean up well i lke the cover that you chose
Desiree Reilly 9:03pm October 21, 2013)

A quilt has so many meaning for so many people. Its meaning is different for each person. I usually find myself at this time of the year recycling worn out denims to be made into a quilt.
Kai Wong 11:13pm October 21, 2013)

What a lovely book! I also am a quilter and enjoy reading stories about quilting. Thanks for the great giveaway.
Bonnie H 12:09pm October 22, 2013)

I love to quilt...and there's nothing like the way a baby smells.
Marcy Shuler 5:04pm October 22, 2013)

I have never quilted a stitch in my life. But man oh man do I love quilting
stories. Thank you for giving us a chance to win and MERRY CHRISTMAS
to you!
Val Pearson 9:49pm October 22, 2013)

It is so nice to read about positives. Keep them coming.
MaryEllen Hanneman 2:16pm October 23, 2013)

My grandmother made quilts. All by hand. I once started one, appliqué and
embroidery. But it got destroyed before I could finish it. I went back to
crocheting then. :)
Penny Mettert 5:05am October 24, 2013)

Christmas is special to my family. Each if us have quilts made by our
grandmother. I am the person in my family that keeps the WV traditions
going each year. Love your title and cover. Would love to win!
Tina Hobbs 9:38am October 24, 2013)

This past spring, I went to a quilt show where each of the
various sized quilts had a story to tell. Reading about the
Amish and learning more about their traditions with cooking,
religion and sewing is enticing. I can't wait to feel what's
threaded through the fabric of your story.
Alyson Widen 7:17pm October 31, 2013)

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