February 9th, 2025
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A Stray Pup, A Second Chance, and a Killer on the Loose�Wagtail�s About to Get Wild!

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A Hacker, an Undercover Mission, and a Love Worth Fighting For.

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A Duke by any other name would smell as� dastardly?
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Shaken, Stirred, and Unexpectedly in Love�Can They Mix Business with Pleasure?

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As London's high society watches their every move, can these two brilliant minds find the formula for true love?

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Chocolate, Second Chances, and a Love Too Sweet to Let Go.

Tempest's Course by Lynette Sowell


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Also by Lynette Sowell:

Sleigh Bells Ring, October 2016
Paperback / e-Book
A Promise of Grace, July 2015
Hardcover / e-Book
A Path Made Plain, November 2014
Paperback / e-Book
A Season Of Change, June 2014
Paperback / e-Book
Tempest's Course, December 2013
Paperback / e-Book
A Texas Brides Collection, May 2013
Paperback / e-Book
The Cherry Blossom Capers, January 2012
Paperback / e-Book

Tempest's Course
Lynette Sowell

Quilts of Love #13
Abingdon Press
December 2013
On Sale: December 17, 2013
Featuring: Kelly Frost; Tom Silva
240 pages
ISBN: 1426752768
EAN: 9781426752766
Kindle: B00E0TND74
Paperback / e-Book
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Inspirational | Romance

Kelly Frost, a textiles conservator, is invited to the Massachusetts coastal town of Fairhaven to restore the centuries-old Mariner's Compass quilt. But there is one stipulation: she must live and work in Grey House, a former whaling captain's home, where the quilt is stored. There she meets Tom Silva, the caretaker of Grey House, whose heart seems as hard as the rocky Massachusetts coastline.

Over the long-lit months as Kelly works to restore the quilt, she is buoyed by occasional afternoon visits from Tom and other Fairhaven town members, and is drawn into their lives. And each night, as she reads stories in a daily journal penned by Mary Grey, she learns details about her newfound community members that help her see that their lives are as vivid and interwoven as the quilt pieces she is working to restore. But, when Kelly discovers a truth about Tom’s heritage hidden in the journal, she must decide if keeping the past to herself is the only way to ensure the hope of a future with Tom.

No awards found for this book.

Quilts of Love


42 comments posted.

Re: Tempest's Course

I read a bit of your blurb on Amazon. I too was a reader of the gothic romances when I first started to read romances at 13. Tempest's Course sounds so good!
(Cicely Kohlmeier 2:34pm December 5, 2013)

I haven't read any of Lynette's books yet. Tempest's Course
sounds like a great read!
Judy Burgi 2:47pm December 5, 2013)

Lynette, I am looking forward to reading Tempest's Course. I remember
rushing home after school to see a soap call Dark Shadows. Castles and
dark, ominous characters.
Melanie Backus 3:02pm December 5, 2013)

The big secret is what keeps you reading well past your
bedtime. lol
Deidre Durance 3:04pm December 5, 2013)

Thanks for stopping by and commenting, ladies. This was such a
fun book to write. One of the best parts was actually visiting
New Bedford and its historic district for research. LOTS of
big old houses!
Lynette Sowell 3:14pm December 5, 2013)

Gothic Romance! I have read so many of the oldies but goodies! Mary Stewart was another of my favorite authors from that genre! Phyllis Whitney and Victoria Holt were awesome, too! Barbara Michaels brought it all to a scary level, so she has always been fun! My grandmother had a rooming house that was a 1910's wooden home, and it was my favorite house EVER! Old houses are so much fun, because sometimes they have such wonderful suprises! My grandmother had cedar planks under her house as a foundation! And there was so many beautiful features in the house that you would never see in a house now. My grandmother's house had a sliding door that separated the front hall from the front bedroom. it was probably 11 feet or so tall! The door had always been locked, and I didn't even know it was there until after she died!
Sandy Fielder 3:14pm December 5, 2013)

Phyllis Whitney and Victoria Holt books are some of my fav oldies and very first reads. I loved them! I know your book, Tempest's Course will be one I'll love reading too, it sounds so good! I'm ready to take the journey.
Linda Luinstra 6:21pm December 5, 2013)

Perhaps....for instance, who reads Booth Tarkington's Penrod these days..anyone?
Susan Coster 7:11pm December 5, 2013)

Tempest's Course sounds intriguing. Can't wait to read it.
Jennifer Richardson 9:36pm December 5, 2013)

I do enjoy stories with gothic elements in them.
Maureen Emmons 10:00pm December 5, 2013)

Yes I do remember the old gothic novels. Am looking forward to reading Tempest's Course.
Denise Austin 10:42pm December 5, 2013)

When I was a teenager I lived on gothic romance mysteries---I'd love to read some updated ones.
Sue Farrell 12:03pm December 6, 2013)

I like quilts and gothic romances, so your book sounds great! Is the title, TEMPEST'S COURSE, the name of the quilt pattern on the cover?
Marcy Shuler 12:12pm December 6, 2013)

I don't a genre dies. It goes through a cycle before it becomes popular again.
Kai Wong 12:42pm December 6, 2013)

Wow, Congrats on your new book: TEMPEST'S COURSE. I like the
pretty book cover with Quilts of Love too! Gothic romance is
new to me but it sounds so fascinating and I would love to
win and read your new book this Christmas. Happy Holidays and
Thank You very much. Cecilia CECE
Cecilia Dunbar Hernandez 1:04am December 6, 2013)

I love Gothic Romances and all the focus on the old world charms!
Darci Paice 1:19am December 6, 2013)

I love the Gothic books they are my favorite.
Jane Thompson 2:52am December 6, 2013)

I like your twist on the old gothic concept!!
Cate Sparks 4:15am December 6, 2013)

This book sounds really interesting. I haven't read any of the books you mentioned but I am looking forward to reading TEMPEST'S COURSE.
Kathleen Yohanna 4:21am December 6, 2013)

i havent read any of her books but i will be checking her
books out now
Denise Smith 8:20am December 6, 2013)

I love gothic books and this one really looks like a great read. It's now on my list!!!!
Bonnie Capuano 8:40am December 6, 2013)

Your book sounds GREAT. I used to love the Victoria Holt and Phyllis Whitney books! Now that I've read your piece, I'll have to re-read some. AND thanks for the chance to win. But even if I'm not the lucky winner, you can bet I'll be getting Tempest's Course because I'm totally intrigued. Happy Holidays!!!
Nancy Reynolds 9:18am December 6, 2013)

Wonderful post and a captivating novel. I would enjoy
Tempests's Course. I read Victoria Holt and Phyllis Whitney's
Sharon Berger 9:45am December 6, 2013)

You are a Woman after my own heart!! This book is something right up my alley!! I don't quilt yet, but really want to try it in the near future, so any book that's written about quilting, I automatically snatch up and read!! I love reading about old buildings, too!! If this story had taken place in a lighthouse it would have been ideal, but I'll take an old building. I'm fascinated with archetecture from days past, and it breaks my heart when the old buildings are torn down, but that's another story in itself. Your book is actually two stories in one, from the sound of it, and is on my TBR list for the Winter. Since I live up North, once the snow flies, there isn't a great deal to do besides my knitting. I'm looking forward to reading your book, and looking at what pattern the quilt has. It might even be able to be incorporated into a knitting pattern of some sort, too!! Congratulations on your book!! Have a terrific Christmas, and I wish you all the best in the New Year!!
Peggy Roberson 9:51am December 6, 2013)

A genre never dies. It just sleeps.
Roxana Perez 9:55am December 6, 2013)

Looks interesting.
Richard Proctor 11:07am December 6, 2013)

I love books about small towns!
Maria Proctor 11:14am December 6, 2013)

Sounds really exciting! I hadn't thought about it as a Gothic romance
Jennifer Roland 12:12pm December 6, 2013)

I've come across a number of fine gothics lately, and have
been enjoying their reimergence. Your's sounds like fun and
I'll keep an eye out for it.
Janet Martin 12:29pm December 6, 2013)

I started reading gothics, then went on to Barbara Cartland then historical. Today I read anything that catches my eye. Love mysteries, romance and paranormal. I don't want to limit my choices, so I read anything that looks/sounds interesting. Thanks for the giveaway. Congrats on you book@ Merry Christmas & Happy New Year
Kimberley Coover 2:51pm December 6, 2013)

This sounds like such a fun read. :) Have always enjoyed
Gothic romances a good deal. Hope you have a lovely holidays.
Leslie Davis 4:03pm December 6, 2013)

Oh my! I do so love darkly brooding heroes! And the story line sounds very good. Thank you for running the contest.
Vennie Martinisi 5:11pm December 6, 2013)

Genres just evolve. I clicked on your contest here just because the quilt colors rocked on the picture.
Laura Gullickson 5:35pm December 6, 2013)

I love those old gothic novels.
Janet Gould 6:27pm December 6, 2013)

Congratulations onthe new book. Tempst Course another I must read. Heading to the book store when snow melts!!
Barbara Wells 6:34pm December 6, 2013)

Your book sound interesting. Thanks for a chance to win.
Linda Hall 8:55pm December 6, 2013)

As a librarian, I can't tell you the number of times people ask, "Who writes gothic novels now? I miss Holt and Whitney." I don't think a genre dies, good writers always find an audience, no matter the genre.
Sharon Ruda 10:02pm December 6, 2013)

Enjoyed your blog, brought back reading memories.
Sheila True 10:25pm December 6, 2013)

Thanks for stopping by, everyone! Yes, I do think genres go
through cycles. I think at some point the historical "sagas"
will make a comeback in their own way. I'm thinking of the
long, long novels with generations of families you get to
know as you read. Thanks for the fun comments, too!
Everyone stay warm, wherever you are ~
Lynette Sowell 10:40pm December 6, 2013)

Lynette, You caught my attention with the two names that started my daughters reading. I had all of their books and reread them often. The names on the books were great too.
That type of gothic genre really never went out of style, just changed to more sinister ingredients. I really like big novels that follow families and characters from the young to the old. Your book is a must read!!
Rosemary Simm 2:38pm December 7, 2013)

A genre never dies; it just changes names.
Michelle Willms 10:03pm December 7, 2013)

I think that genres just get re-invented.
Mary Preston 8:14pm December 8, 2013)

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