Love Inspired
February 2013
On Sale: February 5, 2013
288 pages ISBN: 0373877986 EAN: 9780373877980 Kindle: B009YEVHKA Paperback / e-Book
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Inspirational Romance
Running an ESL school is hard work, but helping immigrants
has always been a dream of Gracie Garcia's. When her school
is threatened by real-estate developer Jake Peoples, Gracie
hopes that getting him to attend a class will change his
mind. But a lesson in love was something neither one signed
up for. Learning about Gracie's work reminds Jake what
family is really about. But just as he's starting to come
around, a revelation about his past threatens his future
with Gracie. When things look their bleakest, can Jake
save her dream
and his place in her heart?
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44 comments posted.
Re: Saving Gracie
Yes, life has to be savored and enjoyed. Not raced through. Ever since I was diagnosed with breast cancer I realized that life is short and learn how to enjoy it. Wishing you the best of health, happiness and success. (Sharon Berger 12:14pm August 22, 2014)
Having health issues myself, and learning how to live with a new "normal," my life has become overwhelmed on a daily basis. Since I'm now accustomed to it, I now take the day doing baby steps, since anything more than that sets my health back, sometimes to the point where I become bedridden. Once I wake up, and get out of bed, I only do what I feel I am capable of doing for the day, and no more than that. There are occasions where I have a burst of energy, and will push myself a little more, but I have learned my limitations, and try to reserve that energy for special things that I can enjoy with my Husband. It isn't fair to him if I use that energy on things that only I can enjoy and leave him out of the equation. I'm sure that you can understand that. Since you have a health situation yourself, I will keep you in my prayers, and I hope that it not only isn't serious, but that things get resolved for you, so that you can continue your writing, and can raise those 2 little sweethearts the way you had intended. They're at that age where they need a Mommy that's well, and can do fun things with them. If your health issues are a little more serious, you'll find a new "normal" like I had to do, and will still find a way to have fun with those sweeties!! God Bless You!! (Peggy Roberson 12:25pm August 22, 2014)
I love taking time out each day and just listening and watching nature... it calms me and lets me appreciate things. Also love spending time with my nephew even though he can act crazy at times... (Colleen Conklin 1:08pm August 22, 2014)
Now that I am fully retired I learned to just sit back and have a nice cup of tea and read and that's what I try to do each day! (Bonnie Capuano 1:42pm August 22, 2014)
and the news reported tonight that retailers are already putting Christmas items out! That's way too soon for me! Of course I do like to get things done early, so that I can relax and not rush at the holidays. (Diane Sallans 8:51pm August 22, 2014)
I try to take life one day at a time as sometimes I do not get the luxury of having more than that. With my household it can't be more than on most days. Too many children, grandchildren, mom and myself to worry about so I just say "Enjoy it while it lasts!!!!" (Tina Ullrich 9:11pm August 22, 2014)
Taking more walks! (Diane Pollock 12:26pm August 23, 2014)
Time with my granddaughter. We do not rush. When we take a walk, we amble. Looking for treasures. Checking out the clouds. When we do art, we wait for things to dry. There is nothing like a grandchild to remind you how good it is to slow down. (Lisa Hutson 1:41am August 23, 2014)
Knee surgery has forced me to take everything more slowly...it's a nice test of my patience! (G S Moch 10:55am August 23, 2014)
I'm doing less housework and shopping on the weekends, maximizing my relaxation time by reading a bit more and watching DVDs from the library. (Anne Muller 11:28am August 23, 2014)
Retirement makes one realize that life is to be enjoyed (Jean Benedict 11:34am August 23, 2014)
as a senior, well in 80's, i realize that truly you must take one day at a time, and believe in"god's will". accept what you cannot change. complaining will not change anything and be grateful for each day. (Mal Kaplan 12:26pm August 23, 2014)
I love my retirement. Life has, in some ways, ratcheted up with the addition of parental care, but retirement from paid work has given me the opportunity to take advantage of any small amounts of breathing space I am afforded. (Deb Philippon 12:44pm August 23, 2014)
I am truly learning to just take each day as it comes and appreciate what I have in life. It has been a tough year, but everyone goes through rough times, and knowing that has helped me to just stop and smell the roses. (Shawn Andree 1:01pm August 23, 2014)
Since I gave up my car, I'm walking more and taking public transit. You have more time to look around you when you're no longer behind the wheel. Life moves at a different speed now. (Sue Ahn 10:25pm August 23, 2014)
I spend every morning with a 15 minute gratitude walk. (Barbara Calder 12:49pm August 24, 2014)
Retirement has allowed me to slow done and do things that I enjoy. (Susan Rollison 12:52pm August 24, 2014)
I am disabled and try to take one day at a time. I hate the way stores are rushing the seasons. I try to enjoy each one. (Sandy Bartles 1:07am August 24, 2014)
I love my semi-retirement. I still have personal interaction but others, but I have time to do the things that I like to do. (Mary Smith 4:46am August 24, 2014)
"Life's a Journey Not a Destination" (Sherry Butcher 6:06am August 24, 2014)
I love pumpkin pie flavored coffees. They sure are starting early this year. Love to win and read your book. I review all I win. God Bless (Jane Squires 7:40am August 24, 2014)
Iam retired and love to take life more slowly. (Ron Frampton 8:10am August 24, 2014)
Oh, we all need more grace. (Mary Ann Dimand 11:58am August 24, 2014)
I love anything pumpkin, thanks for the giveaway. Loved learning more about you and your books. (Nancy Wolfe 12:18pm August 24, 2014)
I am retired and an actually busier than I was when I worked, but I love it. (Judy van Ryn 1:26pm August 24, 2014)
I didn't really start to appreciate small things, like the wonder of a dandelion until after my girls were born. They are now in college!! (MaryAnne Banks 1:43pm August 24, 2014)
After caring for my mother with Alzheimer's I've learned to cherish every moment with my loved ones. (Vicki Davey 2:09pm August 24, 2014)
My magic moment is curling up with a good book and losing myself in a different world. (Rita Kelly 2:27pm August 24, 2014)
I'm split between walking my dog and reading a good book. (Sandra Spilecki 2:32pm August 24, 2014)
Everyday I pray that God will sjow me something in the day to appreciate. Sometimes it is the clouds in the sky, the rain, babies smiling at me, one of my customers telling me a great story or just listening to the silence. Things happen in our lives that helps us to appreciate the very breath we take. (Sonnetta Jones 2:39pm August 24, 2014)
I slow down each day by taking time to read. Sometimes I feel like I don't have time but it's my time to really relax and enjoy myself. So I always schedule reading time into my day. (Denise Austin 3:41pm August 24, 2014)
I too have been slowed by medical treatments this past 8 months and know that someday soon, all that busyness will return - but now is what I have and I do what I can and I appreciate the sunny days and that wonderful couch for a nap! (Beth Fuller 3:44pm August 24, 2014)
Thanks for the chance to win. My idea of relaxing is flexible. Sometimes it is just sitting down and reading and sometimes it is when I laugh and sometimes its when I am in my thoughts. (Sally Hannoush 4:19pm August 24, 2014)
Still working on that by doing deep breathing exercises whenever I feel overwhelmed (often).... (Elaine Seymour 5:28pm August 24, 2014)
As I get older every day I slow down more and more. I might be slowing down but I always take time to relax and read a good book. I like to keep my mind active, love to read. (Sharon Extine 5:35pm August 24, 2014)
I agree that life is a journey not a destination. It is also important to remember that it is not unusual for people to have health issues. There are only so many people in the world and a lot of various health issues. IT HAPPENS! What were the true overall chances that none of the many health crises that happen to people every day would pass us by? Obviously, I am speaking as a person with a health issue as well. At first, I thought, why me? After a few months it helped me to think of it as why not me? Did I believe I had a Get Out Of Jail Free Card? I hope this helps you somewhat and does not offend you. I would not dream of being offensive. I am just trying to share the realization that helped me more than twenty years ago. (Shelley Maier 5:35pm August 24, 2014)
Life is so short. And as you get older, it flies by faster and faster. I try to live each moment, in the moment. And sometimes, those speed bumps turn into blessings. After a family crisis that lasted for years when my kids were little, I wanted to become a full time teacher rather than a substitute. I was really good, didn't realize that I'd made myself irreplaceable. But if I had gotten that class, I never would have pursued any higher education to become a school librarian. And that is where my heart lies. When I started becoming less physically fit, I wondered how I was going to do my job. Didn't realize that my students and former students loved to help and were just looking for something to make them feel useful. With each roadblock there has been a detour. And I have to say, some of those detours have been wonderful. Today, I'm enjoying the fact that I'm sitting here in my nightgown, not having to race around ANYWHERE, because tomorrow? Tomorrow is our kids' first day of school, and I have to be on duty. Happy, smiling, and full of hugs. If I'm not happy and peaceful inside, I can't be what my students need. Enjoy the moment! (Marcia Berbeza 6:14pm August 24, 2014)
Lol. I have to laugh. I live in UT and my daughter in Washington. We are getting an early Fall. She posted on FB the other day that all she needs now is her Pumpkin Spice Latte. Too funny! (Vicki Hancock 8:19pm August 24, 2014)
"The most wasted day of all days is one without laughter" -E.E.Cummings (Catherine Myers 8:26pm August 24, 2014)
To enjoy life and to step back and take things slowly... I either read, build Legos with the kids, love to cook and bake and I hope to get my garden started again- it has been too long. (Christine Arcidiacono 9:00pm August 24, 2014)
Just trying to spend as much time as I can with the grandkids. Have gotten to have lots of fun with them this summer! (Kathy Church 9:02pm August 24, 2014)
I now need a small ladder to reach things. It takes longer to clean and do repairs around the house. But that's OK , it will get done. So I just take my time. (Deb Pelletier 9:14pm August 24, 2014)
Since I work in retail, I tend to be a bit early on everything. However, Fall is the one season that I like to savor. I love the leaves, Pumpkin ;-) and Halloween. (Karin Anderson 9:17pm August 24, 2014)
Kristen, You look absolutely amazing in your fall outfit photo here! I wish you the best with your health issues. Nothing is more important than the time spent with your children. My three, are now grown, and I really miss those moments spent with them reading books, playing games, helping with homework and art projects, and activities outdoors. I have the memories and photos, but it's not the same. They grow up too fast, and soon become parents and make us grandparents, which is, another joy in life. My oldest son, who thought he'd never have children but really wanted some, is now, happier than ever. He remarried, was blessed with a young daughter from his new wife's previous marriage, and then, they had their own babies...a set of twins (a boy & and a girl), within their first year of marriage! This was a long wait, meant to be. My youngest son, has one son, and now, recently, had a baby girl (they are 9 yrs. apart...but both born on the same day)! He is already spoiling her! So in a very short time, I went from one grandchild for many years, to a total of five! Now, I'm feeling old. I just don't know where the time goes. This has been the fastest summer I can remember, with Fall almost here! Kids will be so excited to get back into the school days "groove" (the younger ones, anyway)! (Linda Luinstra 5:43pm August 25, 2014)
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