The Fallen Woman of Vil?gos
Ursula Grey
Red Sage
April 2012
On Sale: March 31, 2012
Featuring: Lukas Holt; Karolina
ISBN: 0014183765 EAN: 2940014183765 Kindle: B007QIG6LQ e-Book
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Erotic Historical
Karolina's survival is dependent upon her wits and beauty.
She uses men as they use her, remaining with them only long
enough to take what she needs before disappearing in the
night. Barely escaping her last relationship with her life,
and with little more than the clothes on her back, she is in
desperate need of a benefactor. She hatches a plan to feign amnesia in the hope of obtaining
assistance from a stranger, but not just any stranger. If
she is lucky, she will employ the ruse on a man of means.
When she spies a grand house nestled on the outskirts of
Vienna, she decides upon it as her destination. Will she
convince the inhabitant to provide her shelter until she
determines her next move? No widow, spinster, or doddering
old fool—the master of this house is a handsome and virile
man, whose eyes sparkle with intelligence. Lukas Holt is
surprised by the appearance of a woman at his door. Although
skeptical of her story, he allows her entry. As a doctor, he
is eager to help her regain her memory, as a man, he is
intent upon healing her—body and soul. She is clearly in
need, but more so, there is something hauntingly familiar
about her... Nothing will prepare him for her shocking revelations. The
good doctor comes to a stunning conclusion regarding who
this woman is...and why he can never let her go. Reader Alert! Did spanking and
voyeurism exist in the 19th century? What do you think? I'll
bet it's been going on for centuries...
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37 comments posted.
Re: The Fallen Woman of Vil?gos
OMG this sounds like such a great story I can't wait to read it! best wishes Irene (Irene Nash 12:53pm April 16, 2012)
This sounds like a great book and I am looking forward to reading it. I do not recall having ever actually had déjà vu however I have had a dream where I felt like I was having déjà vu. It was really strange and when I woke up from it I could still feel it and the dream stuck with me. I hope you have a great day. (Chelsea Knestrick 6:03am April 16, 2012)
I love historical fiction too. (Lisa Garrett 7:57am April 16, 2012)
This sounds like a great book. I love historical and I did have a lost love BUT I found him again and married him!!! (Bonnie Capuano 8:50am April 16, 2012)
Oh wow....I am in love with this story already - I definitely have had experiences of deja vu in my life - I also believe in love at first sight, and that immediate "knowing", even though I haven't yet experienced it - I know it is out there.
Thank you for this great offer and have a fantastic day. (Felicia Ciaudelli 8:58am April 16, 2012)
thanks so much the story sounds really interesting i would love to read this (Denise Smith 9:01am April 16, 2012)
wow i like the pic it look like leperchan hide out hope you have t he best of the y ear and then i would love to read and blog on the book
desi the blonde at msn dot com (Desiree Reilly 9:06am April 16, 2012)
Sounds like a great read. I'd love to win it. (Mary Hay 9:29am April 16, 2012)
Deja Vu is very real and sometimes very, very overwhelming. I have had a couple of cases over the years where I can even "remember" smells or sensations that accompany the memories. I love the poem. Thanks for sharing it! (Jennifer Beyer 9:40am April 16, 2012)
Oh definitely. There are a few places that seem very familiar to me even though I have never been there before... Love your book! (May Pau 10:35am April 16, 2012)
Deja Vu for me has only happened with places---there have been a couple that have seemed so familiar even though I had never been there before. (Sue Farrell 10:50am April 16, 2012)
Yes, I think deja vu is real. I would love to read your book. (Debbie Penny 10:51am April 16, 2012)
Yes, I believe deja vu is real. I feel the phone is going to ring before it does many times. Your plot sounds exciting. Keep writing! Pat Pascale (Patricia (Pat) Pascale 11:07am April 16, 2012)
Yes, I think deja vu is real though it has never happened with me in a love situation. This sounds fasininating with the man never wanting to let her go. I definately want to read this! (Kathleen Bianchi 11:09am April 16, 2012)
I haven't experienced Deja Vu, thank goodness. Today and tomorrow is all that I can hand;e. Blessings, Marjorie (Marjorie Carmony 11:12am April 16, 2012)
This is definately a story for my to read list. I agree with those who say that deja vu is real. I have had many experiences where I "knew" something I shouldn't or could tell what someone was going to say before they said it. Or do something before they did it. I tested the theory a few times. Once before we entered the room to ask my dad something I told my sister that our dad would start to answer us and the phone was gonna ring. She laughed...but it did. I said I just had this "memory" of it happening that way. I have no idea where those things come from. (Patti Paonessa 11:27am April 16, 2012)
I have experienced deja vu before nothing big just the feeling that this has already happened. (Beth Elder 12:15pm April 16, 2012)
Quite a few times I have had Deja Vu... it is weird when you have a conversation and believe you have had it before word for word... or been doing something and look around and say to yourself, I have done this exactly the same before... (Colleen Conklin 1:20pm April 16, 2012)
Yes, many times, especially when traveling in Europe.
I can't begin to count the number of times I've been somewhere that I KNOW I've never been to before (at least, not in this lifetime!), and been able to drive around it without looking at a map and get exactly where I was going, without getting lost.
It's also happened some in this country, but nowhere near as much.
Deja vu all over again, that's all there is to it!
And since I love Austria and Wein, this sounds like the perfect book for me!
Lynn (Lynn Rettig 2:10pm April 16, 2012)
I love to read about other countries. (Wilma Frana 2:49pm April 16, 2012)
Deja vu, I never have. The book sounds great. (Deb Pelletier 3:25pm April 16, 2012)
Deja vu is such a strange feeling. I have experienced it before. I just remember the feeling that I have either dreamed the experience or had the experience before. And, sometimes I will know exactly what someone will say next and what will happen next. The strange thing is that it goes as quickly as it comes. And the thoughts and feelings only last for second or a couple of short minutes. It is very disconcerting when it happens. You feel like you have no say so in how the episiode will pan out. It is almost like small moments of destiny. Deja vu hasn't happened to me in a long time, but I do remember the unsettling feeling it causes. (Sandy Fielder 4:51pm April 16, 2012)
I've often wondered if having a deja vu experience(s) mean that a person is using more of their brain than usual. Could having deja vu be human instinct or female intuition? Over the years I too have experienced deja vu. (Joanne Hicks 5:25pm April 16, 2012)
I have experience Deja vu, even when younger. I used to thing it was relative to a dream I may have had since so,e have been repeats. Pretty creepy and confusing trying to figure out why a place or stuation seems familiar. Reminds me of The Matrix and the cat Keanu Reeves saw in one frame. (Marcelle Cole 5:32pm April 16, 2012)
I definitely remember having experienced deja vu before. I't a very strange, unusual and overwhelming feeling that I've done this or experienced this before, have been there before as it feels familiar (even though I'm sure I haven't), or somehow have known this person well, before, that I really don't know and have just met (just through conversation). It's an unsettling feeling and makes a person wonder why this happens infrequently. I would love to read this exciting book. It sounds so good! (Linda Luinstra 5:36pm April 16, 2012)
My Husband and I have moved to a new area of our State, and we have had a chance to go on little jaunts to see some areas that are close enough for a day trip, to get familiar with the area. When we've been to some of these spots, I get the feeling that I've been there before, even if I never have. The other odd thing that has happened to me is when we've gone into lighthouses, which I truly love. When I went in to a couple of them, and touched the brick on the inside of the lighthouse, I could swear that I've felt someone's spirit that used to live there. It gave me a feeling of peace, and that made the trip inside the lighthouse more enjoyable, as well as memorable. I love the plot to your book, and am looking forward to reading it. The cover is well done, too, with that shroud of mystery to it. Congratulations on what I'm sure will be a good seller!! (Peggy Roberson 6:55pm April 16, 2012)
Well, more than one person can resonate with you and you feel like you've always known them. It doesn't happen too often, but when it does, everything seems to click in place and there are less disagreements. (Alyson Widen 6:56pm April 16, 2012)
Yes, I have a long lost love and I sometimes think of where he is, married? etc? I believe everyone has one......... (Joanne Bozik 7:56pm April 16, 2012)
I frequently have deja vu. It sometimes gives me goosebumps! (MaryAnne Banks 8:46pm April 16, 2012)
I have experienced deja vu and can be nice & also unsettling. I love the poem and am looking forward to reading your book! (Wendy Hulbert 8:51pm April 16, 2012)
Boy this books sounds great. Thanks for giving me a chance to win your book. (Linda Hall 10:28pm April 16, 2012)
i have experienced deja vu more times that I can count, but the most unique cases in my life are when I felt like I dreamt something sometime before and it happens in actuality. Maybe I'm psychic. LOL (Hyunjin Jeon 11:51pm April 16, 2012)
FALLEN WOMAN OF VILAGOS looks wonderful. (Mary Preston 9:26am April 17, 2012)
I've experience it a few times myself. It is always weird when one notices it. Fantastic post. (Savannah Chase 11:19am April 17, 2012)
The book sounds wonderful and I would love to win! I have experienced deja vu more than once, but I remember it most when I first met my husband for the first time! (Ann Thaxton 10:10pm April 17, 2012)
Lol, not really, but it sounds...kinda magical! I've yet to experience it, and I really do want to! :P Haha. (Chia Yet Peng 5:51am April 18, 2012)
I am going with Richard Castle, I know he is a writer but in the show he does more PI work. (Gail Hurt 12:01pm April 18, 2012)
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