February 12th, 2025
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Love, Secrets, and Second Chances—February’s Must-Read Books Await!

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A Stray Pup, A Second Chance, and a Killer on the Loose�Wagtail�s About to Get Wild!

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A Hacker, an Undercover Mission, and a Love Worth Fighting For.

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A Duke by any other name would smell as� dastardly?
� delightful?

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Shaken, Stirred, and Unexpectedly in Love�Can They Mix Business with Pleasure?

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As London's high society watches their every move, can these two brilliant minds find the formula for true love?

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Chocolate, Second Chances, and a Love Too Sweet to Let Go.

Murder At Hatfield House by Amanda Carmack


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Also by Amanda Carmack:

Murder at Fontainebleau, June 2016
Mass Market Paperback / e-Book
Murder at Whitehall, December 2015
Paperback / e-Book
Murder In The Queen's Garden, February 2015
Paperback / e-Book
Murder At Westminster Abbey, April 2014
Paperback / e-Book
Murder At Hatfield House, October 2013
Paperback / e-Book

Murder At Hatfield House
Amanda Carmack

Elizabethan Mystery #1
October 2013
On Sale: October 1, 2013
Featuring: Princess Elizabeth; Kate Haywood
288 pages
ISBN: 0451415116
EAN: 9780451415110
Kindle: B00AR49IX4
Paperback / e-Book
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Mystery Historical

1558. Kate Haywood, a simple musician in the employ of a princess, will find herself involved in games of crowns as she sets out to solve the murder of the queen’s envoy....
England is in tumult under the rule of Queen Mary and her Spanish husband. Confined to house arrest at Hatfield House, young Princess Elizabeth is the country’s greatest hope. Far from court intrigues, Elizabeth finds solace in simple things: the quiet countryside and peaceful recreation, including the melodies of her chief musician and his daughter, Kate Haywood.
But Kate will prove herself most valuable when an envoy of the queen—sent to flush out heretics in the princess’s household—is found dead on the grounds of Hatfield. Acting as Elizabeth’s eyes and ears, Kate is sent out on the trail of a killer whose mission could destroy her family, friends—and the future of England.

No awards found for this book.

Elizabethan Mystery


44 comments posted.

Re: Murder At Hatfield House

I too love the Elizabethan period....would love to see these recipes you're trying! If I could meet one historical figure it would probably have to be Leonardo da Vinci....because well, he was and still is amazing! Looking forward to reading your book!
(Brian Smith 4:18am October 21, 2013)

I love history, most periods, and I love strong woman in history.
Chris Coulson 6:36am October 21, 2013)

I love history, most periods. I especially love strong, vibrant, willful woman
in history.
Chris Coulson 6:38am October 21, 2013)

Wow had this on my calender not to forget then almost did as got flu and cold but I love the historical periods the long dresses and all of the dressing up for dinner when children most of them treated parents with respect. Clark Gable I would of loved to meet and then of course mentioning him then a strong women against him is great stuff to see or read.
Peggy Clayton 7:23am October 21, 2013)

Love this cover...I love reading historical romances and this is one I definitely want to read! Thanks for the great giveaway!!
Bonnie Capuano 9:45am October 21, 2013)

Oh, I am in love with this whole story already - I have been a fan of historical romances, myself - as well as a fan of Nancy Drew and Anne of Green Gables (or as I always referred to her, as she referred to herself - as "Anne with an 'e'")! Thank you so much for the opportunity to win this fantastic book!
Felicia Ciaudelli 9:57am October 21, 2013)

I enjoy historical novels greatly and I am entranced with the
1930's British era and would most have loved to meet Sir
Winston Churchill. Your novel sounds captivating and very
Sharon Berger 10:50am October 21, 2013)

i love mysteries, and even though i usually don't get this particular genre for myself, the cover is beautiful, and if i win i will definately want to read this before i give it to my daughter.
Sue Hieber 11:10am October 21, 2013)

Can't wait to read your new book. AND please hurry with your latest work in progress especially the Elizabethan recipes- I love to cook and have several 'old' English recipes. Don't laugh but I've become intrigued by Cromwell, Oliver Cromwell. He is a very complicated figure to understand and so many differing opinions helps to keep it complicated. In reading history or historical novels I like the facts- as true as can be found- to be entwined with local lore/scenery/dress etc. I remember most of what I read and I hate to have thought something was fact just to find out it was fiction!!! I want to be entertained too though! My daughter and I might be called Anglophiles...she lived and study there for two years and has made lifelong friends from that time period. So glad I found your series!As we know most murder mystery writers at least English writers, need to do a Christmas murder mystery. Have you done one yet? Would love to add to my Christmas Murder Mystery Collection. Those not aware find that title unnerving!
Mary Hubbell 12:07pm October 21, 2013)

I like all different time periods in stories although one of my favorite is the Regency time period.
Maureen Emmons 12:24pm October 21, 2013)

I like the Elizabethan era. I love the way women dressed and the balls they held in the lavish mansions. I haven't read any of your books but would love to. Thanks for the giveaway.
Gayle Pace 12:28pm October 21, 2013)

I love the Regency and Victorian eras, the influenece of science in the eras always facinated me. If I could meet anyone, I would have been interested in meeting Charles Dickens or Mary Shelly.

Mindy :)
[email protected]
Mina Gerhart 12:40pm October 21, 2013)

Can't wait to read this.
Tina Lechuga 1:25pm October 21, 2013)

My favorite time period would be The Tudor Period. This was a hard question because it's like asking which is your favorite child. I would have been interested in meeting any of Henry VIII's wives, Shakespeare, Dickens or Elizabeth I.
Terry Studer 2:03pm October 21, 2013)

The entire Tudor period is one of great interest to me, but Elizabeth's life (not just her reign) is truly fascinating.
Carol Gowett 3:12pm October 21, 2013)

One of my favorite time periods is the Regency period, though I enjoy reading books from all time periods. Love the cover of your book
Jean Patton 3:32pm October 21, 2013)

I like the American west settlement years or the early 1910s-30s. I'm not sure why exactly. The early twentieth century maybe because of all the different clothes styles and great fabric.
Laura Gullickson 3:40pm October 21, 2013)

This book sounds fantastic! My favorite time period is Regency.
Margaret Branca 3:50pm October 21, 2013)

The Tudor period is so interesting and I don't think I've read a mystery set in that time period so I'm anxious to read your book.
Sue Farrell 4:09pm October 21, 2013)

This sounds very good thanks
Penney Wilfort 4:20pm October 21, 2013)

I'll read almost anything... but I love, love, love the
Scottish Highlands anytime.

Linda Townsend 4:41pm October 21, 2013)

I love most historicals prior to the 1900's, gotta say that I lean toward Highlanders and Vikings. I also favor story lines where the heroine / or hero have a gift. Also it is always good when there is a mystery to solve or an antagonist that wishes harm but of course they must be circumvented. If I could meet someone in history it would be King Charles, I know he was a lech but he was also said to be quite handsome and masculine.
Marcelle Cole 5:54pm October 21, 2013)

sounds really good excited to read this [email protected]
Denise Smith 6:07pm October 21, 2013)

This sounds like a very good historical mystery. I've always loved that there is always something new to be learned when reading any historical book which makes them so interesting. If I could meet any historical figure it would be a toss up between Albert Einstein and Benjamin Franklin (both very intelligent, interesting men). Love your book cover!
Linda Luinstra 6:15pm October 21, 2013)

Would love to read this one!
Barbara Wells 6:32pm October 21, 2013)

I love all BOOKS ! My favorite mystery I would really love to read this one !
Angelina Howell 7:04pm October 21, 2013)

Sounds like a great book, I love the Elizabethan period.
Rita Wray 7:36pm October 21, 2013)

Wow, Congrats on your new book: MURDER AT HATFIELD HOUSE. I
love the book cover too! Yes, the Elizabethan period is very
fascinating and this sounds like a great book to win and
read this Fall. Also, I found some Elizabethan recipe
websites you might like to check out. Thank You very much.
Cecilia CECE
Cecilia Dunbar Hernandez 8:28pm October 21, 2013)

Old Elizabethan Recipes
Visit this site dedicated to providing information about Old
Elizabethan Recipes.Fast and accurate details and facts
about Old Elizabethan Recipes.Learn the secrets ...
Elizabethan Recipes - Celtnet
Elizabethan Recipes edited, translated and adapted for the
modern age. Want to create an Elizabethan feast? Look no
Elizabethan and Tudor Recipes, th Page - Celtnet
Celtnet Recipe List, Elizabethan and Tudor Recipes, th Page
Elizabethan Recipes | Recipebridge Recipe Search
Elizabethan Recipes containing ingredients allspice,
almonds, anise seeds, apples, apricots, asparagus, basmati
rice, bread crumbs, butter, caraway seeds, carro
Elizabethan Recipes - Food.com
Looking for a recipe? See all elizabethan Recipes - Food.com
- Talk with your mouth full
Elizabethan Food Recipes - Buzzle
Elizabethan food recipes are extremely delicious and
pampering. Here are some of the delightful recipes that you
can try for your breakfast or meals.
Elizabethan Era Food and Drinks Recipes For festivals ...
Food and Drink Recipes in England during the Elizabethan
Elizabethan Food Recipes
The Elizabethan food recipes you find on this page are
supposed to be from England between the years 1558-1603, it
was the reign of Queen Elizabeth I.
Desserts Elizabethan Recipes - Ask.com
Are you looking to make Desserts Elizabethan Recipes? You'll
find the most unique and interesting Recipes here!
Elizabethan dessert recipes - CookEatShare
Cecilia Dunbar Hernandez 8:30pm October 21, 2013)

Home Page – Featured Flavor | Elizabethan Desserts
“Elizabethan Desserts is the Beeze Kneeze" - well, according
to this little lady…thanks for shout out, Paige! Read the
full article ... Featured Flavors ...
Elizabethan Food: Elizabethan Food. Elizabethan Food and
Drink varied according to status and wealth. In the early
Medieval era meat was a sign of wealth.
Elizabethan Chicken Recipe - Food.com - 114955
Chicken is surprisingly delicious when combined with fruit!
This recipe makes a creamy sauce that is flavored with
nutmeg instead of the traditional mace.
Elizabethan Food,Elizabethan Era Foods and Drinks,Recipes
Popular Elizabethan Food,Elizabethan Era Foods and
Drinks,Recipes,Lower class,Upper Class
Elizabethan Recipes Sack Posset - English Heritage
Elizabethan Recipes Sack Posset Ingredients 1.1l single
cream . 300ml sack (traditionally this was Madeira, but any
fortified wine such as sherry, marsala or port ...
Medieval and Elizabethan Recipes sweet dishes Website for
Medieval and Elizabethan Recipes sweet dishes Ugborough
Parish, Ugborough Church, Ugborough History Society and the
Friends of St Peters Church
Elizabethan Chicken recipes - FamilyOven
Elizabethan Chicken recipes . Results: 1 - 10 of 36116 with
Don't like pepper? try 'no pepper'. Recipes; Videos (137)
Elizabethan Chicken ...
Elizabethan Recipes and Food - Elizabethan recipes and ...
Elizabethan Recipes and Food- British (United States) -
Offering honey sweetened products based on 400 year old
recipes. Features jams, preserves, mustards, s
Cecilia Dunbar Hernandez 8:32pm October 21, 2013)

I'm really fascinated with all time periods, but tend to gravitate towards the late 1800's to early 1900's. I'm not sure what that period is called. I love learning more about how they lived during that time, and the prominent people who lived during that time who helped shape the different countries. If I could meet anyone, the first person on my list would be Helen Keller, because I patterned my life after her. That in itself is a long story. After her, I would have to pick Margaret Thatcher, Queen Elizabeth, Princess Diana, and Presiden Reagan. Those are just a few that come to mind. I would really love to read your book, because English History is one topic that always peaks my interest, and I would love to have your book for my Fall reading agenda. The story is too wonderful to pass up, and I know that I would enjoy it.
Peggy Roberson 8:35pm October 21, 2013)

hello i seen your book on ama zon and it look great and would love to read and bogon it for you i read all kind of book and then they are great info to read and see how author does her books
Desiree Reilly 8:59pm October 21, 2013)

I love historical especially when there is a mystery thrown in. Your book sounds
MaryAnne Banks 10:55pm October 21, 2013)

I like the Victorian's Era. So much is about to happen before the Great War.
Kai Wong 11:15pm October 21, 2013)

What an intriguing book! I love historical fiction, especially the Elizabethan and Regency periods. Thanks for the great giveaway.
Bonnie H 12:13pm October 22, 2013)

Winston Churchill - larger then life.
Mary Preston 6:28am October 23, 2013)

I will admit--any mystery with a Tudor setting grabs my
attention. Or Egypt, or set in the Roman Empire. I like
historicals, period. Love your cover!!
Janet Martin 10:57am October 23, 2013)

I like any historical books. This one sounds great.
I like Napoleon's Josephine and have read a lot about her as well as going to some museum exhibits about her.
I would like to meet Titian the artist, he is an ancestor of mine.
Leona Olson 12:24pm October 23, 2013)

There are a few historical figures that stand out in my mind. One period of time that facinates me is the Gold Rush. I would love to meet the unsinkable Molly Brown. She was such a survivor! I loved the musical about her. And Colorado in the Gold Rush times had to be amazing! The land was unspoiled. The views breathtaking.
Another person I would love to have met would be Cynthia Ann Parker. I read Ride the Wind, and I thought she was such a larger than life kind of person. She was supposed to have been related to my grandmother's family. We used to have our family reunions at Fort Parker. She was kindnapped by a Comanche warrior and later fell in love with him. What a wonderful story.
Matin Luther King, Jr would have been another person I would have like to have met. It would be wonderful to spend some time talking to him about his philosophies. He was a brilliant man. I did get to listen to his dad talk one time when I was in college. The Reverend Martin Luther King, Sr was an amazing person. He lost his wife and his son to racial violence, and yet he loved all people.
Marilyn Monroe is another person that I have always been facinated with. She was so fragile yet so dynamic. She's in icon today. She had relationships with some of the world's most interesting people of her time... Carl Sandberg, Arthur Miller, and the Kennedys to name a few.
Sandy Fielder 12:57pm October 23, 2013)

Thank you so much for all the fascinating comments!! I have been in the midst of moving, and there was a snafu getting Internet set up at the new place, so i am way behind. But I hope everyone enjoys visiting the Elizabethan era with me!
Amanda McCabe 2:18pm October 23, 2013)

I love the American Revolutionary War period. My father came from the hills of North Carolina, where traditions were old and technology was non-existent. It started an interest in living history. When I was younger, I participated in living history re-enactments. If I could meet one person, I think I would like to meet Thomas Jefferson. He was an avid reader and inventor whose extensive book collection was left to Congress on his death and became the basis for the Library of Congress. His way of cataloging books is still used today.
Marcia Berbeza 9:38pm October 23, 2013)

I just love a good book!
Melanie Backus 11:28pm October 23, 2013)

Victorian times fascinate me. I enjoy learning from all sorts
of historical novels and the romance is a plus between all the
morals and expectations of the times.
Alyson Widen 7:19pm October 31, 2013)

I have been to Hatfield House. Saw a genealogy that
Elizabeth prepared (or that was prepared for her) tracing her
lineage back to Adam. Would love to read this book!
Zebi Slut 10:45am January 18, 2014)

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