February 8th, 2025
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Love, Secrets, and Second Chances—February’s Must-Read Books Await!

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A Stray Pup, A Second Chance, and a Killer on the Loose�Wagtail�s About to Get Wild!

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A Hacker, an Undercover Mission, and a Love Worth Fighting For.

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A Duke by any other name would smell as� dastardly?
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Shaken, Stirred, and Unexpectedly in Love�Can They Mix Business with Pleasure?

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As London's high society watches their every move, can these two brilliant minds find the formula for true love?

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Chocolate, Second Chances, and a Love Too Sweet to Let Go.

Clobbered By Camembert by Avery Aames


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Also by Avery Aames:

For Cheddar or Worse, February 2016
Paperback / e-Book
As Gouda as Dead, February 2015
Mass Market Paperback / e-Book
Days Of Wine And Roquefort, February 2014
Paperback / e-Book
To Brie or Not to Brie, February 2013
Paperback / e-Book
Clobbered By Camembert, January 2012
Paperback / e-Book
Lost And Fondue, May 2011
Paperback / e-Book
The Long Quiche Goodbye, July 2010
Paperback / e-Book

Clobbered By Camembert
Avery Aames

A Cheese Shop Mystery #3
Berkley Prime Crime
January 2012
On Sale: January 3, 2012
Featuring: Charlotte Bessette
336 pages
ISBN: 042524587X
EAN: 9780425245873
Kindle: B005GSZYUM
Paperback / e-Book
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Mystery Woman Sleuth | Mystery Amateur Sleuth | Mystery Cozy

Charlotte Bessette—proprietor of Fromagerie Bessette, affectionately known in Providence, Ohio, as the Cheese Shop—is setting up her tent for the town's Winter Wonderland faire, where she'll offer fine wines and scrumptious cheeses. In the midst of the preparations, Charlotte meets an old friend of her mother, Kaitlyn Clydesdale, who has come back to Providence with plans to start a new honeybee farm.

When Kaitlyn is found dead in the cottage of Charlotte's assistant Rebecca, suspicion falls on Rebecca's boyfriend, a honeybee farmer himself. Charlotte knows this beekeeper wouldn't hurt a fly, so she decides to find the real killer. While the town buzzes with gossip, can Charlotte catch the culprit without getting stung herself?

Read An Excerpt

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Cheese Shop Mystery


55 comments posted.

Re: Clobbered By Camembert

i love trying different cheeses. It is always fun trying new things..Thanks for sharing.
(Dawn Staniszeski 10:07am February 25, 2012)

I don't cook much, but find reading books that mix mystery with humor are fun.
Molly Wilsbacher 10:25am February 25, 2012)

Your book titles are fantastic!!!!
Marjorie Carmony 10:44am February 25, 2012)

Mmmm....cheese. I feel like Homer Simpson when cheese is mentioned. I can't imagine a better setting for stories (and better excuse to indulge).
Holly Sanders 10:45am February 25, 2012)

Silvana Moscato 10:48am February 25, 2012)

Yummm...I just love the titles of your mystery series. I can't wait to get my teeth into your new book [sorry..that was bad :)].
Robin McKay 11:12am February 25, 2012)

Linda Bass 11:19am February 25, 2012)

I see how readers can get very hungry reading your delicious mysteries! Count me in!
G S Moch 11:41am February 25, 2012)

Hi, all. I'm on the west coast. Sorry to chime in late. What a great group of

Dawn, I like trying new things, too.
Molly, you don't have to cook to like cheese and mysteries. Isn't that fun?
Marjorie, I'm so glad you like the titles. I have so much fun coming up with
Holly, Homer Simpson and cheese (LOL!).
Silvana, if you love foodie mysteries, make sure you also check out the blog
Mystery Lovers Kitchen where I blog with other mystery foodies!
Robin, get your teeth into my stories. (Snort!) Too funny.
Linda, your hips need these mysteries? Perhaps I should consider writing a
hula mystery, too. (Okay, getting silly now)
GS: I have had a number of reviewers & fans say that they get hungry reading
them. Have a piece of cheese and perhaps a glass of water, tea, or wine at
hand. :)

Best to all,

Daryl Wood Gerber 11:52am February 25, 2012)

Hahaha...I'm sitting at my laptop reading through your pages and checking out each book while my son is finishing feeding his 3yr. old son. Then my son looks up at me and ask "what are you doing mom, we have to pick up your new compound bow and we're shooting today so you can set your sights and get a hang of it, I hope you don't plan on reading all day." I turn around and tell him "I'm checking out a couple of books about quiche and fondue" and he said "Oh, what kind are you going to make?" Hahaha! The books sound Delicious! Thanks
Margie Gagarin 11:52am February 25, 2012)

If you ever make it to the DC area, try Cheesetique. It is a cheese shop with a small restaurant. I literally dream of their grilled cheese sandwiches.
Pam Howell 11:57am February 25, 2012)

I am so hungry right now after reading your descriptions. I can't wait to get to the bookstore to grab a few of your books.
Jenne Turner 12:00pm February 25, 2012)

Oh, this looks good.I feel like I'm in France or Italy. Definitely going to pick up your books!
Kathleen Conner 12:09pm February 25, 2012)

Hi. I have only recently discovered your books. So far I have
read "THE LONG QUICHE GOODBYE" and enjoyed it. Looking forward
to reading more of your books.
Cindy Husband 12:21pm February 25, 2012)

Oooh, please enter me. I love cheese.
Erin Parker 12:25pm February 25, 2012)

These books would really be an experience - in more ways than one. For someone who is used to American, Cheddar, and Pepper Jack cheese, I know that there is a new, wide world that awaits me. The titles made me chuckle, but I know that I would adore the stories inside as much as you loved to write them!! Thank you for making the contest available!! The covers to your books are wonderful, too!! Great artistry!!
Peggy Roberson 12:48pm February 25, 2012)

I love cheese. My dream is to have a hobby farm, so I can even make my own. Yes, you can say I am obsessed with cheese. I love that your new book is set in a cheese shop.
Debbie Penny 1:03pm February 25, 2012)

I just ate lunch & you still made me hungry with these descriptions. Like others, I love the titles & would love to win the books - even if it means more time on the treadmill.
r w 1:07pm February 25, 2012)

I absolutely love cheese. I think it goes back to the fact that my gramma always had cheese on the table (along with bread, butter, pickles and cottage cheese) at every lunch and supper. I have more experience than most in my life with different cheeses....but I am still basically a cheese virgin when you think of all the cheeses out there. I am having lap band surgery and one of the foods they encourage at your meals is cheese because it is both a diary and a protein and some fat. I think I may do a cheese a month thing....trying a new one each month...really whenever I feel like it but you have inspired me to at least do it once a month. I love strong cheese. Right now my favorite and maybe my most exotic is hard asiago wedges. And one of things I have craved most while on my preop diet is a good sharp cheddar. What could be better to go with my cheese than your wonderful books?? except maybe delicious bread...but that will come later. Your books are not only great for the mind...they dont have calories.
Lori Cimino 1:27pm February 25, 2012)

I do love some cheeses, although trying to cut back for health reasons. Haven't read any of your books yet, Avery, but they are in my TBR pile. I hope you continue the series and have great success!
Sue Peterson 1:59pm February 25, 2012)

Avery, your books sound delicious! I haven't read any of them yet, but they sound wonderful. I had no idea there were so many unusual cheeses from different parts of the world. I enjoy eating cheese and dishes made with cheeses. Your books are making me hungry just looking at those detailed lovely book covers. I love that you sold your neighbors your pies. My sisters and I always came up with ways to earn extra money selling things we made to our neighbors, when we were young, too!
Linda Luinstra 2:42pm February 25, 2012)

Clever titles. I'd love to read one.
Nan Zahar 3:05pm February 25, 2012)

Margie, too funny. Tell your son that there are recipes at the back of the book
and there's a great one for quiche!

Daryl Wood Gerber 3:06pm February 25, 2012)

Pam, I adore grilled cheese sandwiches. So does my protagonist Charlotte's
good friend, Delilah, who runs the Country Kitchen. She's always on the
lookout for a new recipe. {I have to make my gluten-free, but it's the cheese
that matters, right?}

Daryl Wood Gerber 3:07pm February 25, 2012)

Jenne, Kathleen, and Erin, so great to see you here.

Cindy, I'm thrilled that you enjoyed the first in the series!

Peggy, thanks for the compliment regarding the art. I've been blessed with a
fabulous artist: Teresa Fasolino.

Debbie, a hobby farm sounds enchanting. Good luck with that venture.

Daryl Wood Gerber 3:11pm February 25, 2012)

Robin, cheese is worth a trip to the treadmill. :)

Lori, good luck with your surgery. I understand a little piece of cheese to help.
It's a very comforting food with lots of nutrients.

Sue, I love anyone who has a TBR pile. The one beside my bed is huge! LOL

Linda, aren't memories of when we were young fun? However, I have to admit
that my sister and I don't remember the same things. Now why is that?

Nan, my books are in libraries, too. If you can't find it there, ask your
librarian to see if she can track one down!

Best to all,

Daryl Wood Gerber 3:13pm February 25, 2012)

I hate to admit it, but my favorite cheese is called Rat Trap cheese!
Sherry Moran 3:45pm February 25, 2012)

How have I missed out on your books? I'm even signed up for the MWKB (or at least, I thought I was!), and hadn't seen anything about these!!

Anyway, one of the things my quartet likes to do after an evening of playing is to sit in the kitchen, gossip, and eat cheese and drink wine. (No whining with that cheese, please!)

Luckily, all the groceries in town have great cheese sections, and there's also a really good cheese shop up on the Square (Fromagination), not to mention all the artisinal (and award-winning) cheesemakers who are at the Famer's Market every week.

But then again, since Wisconsin is America's Dairyland, of course we have great cheese!!


Lynn Rettig 3:46pm February 25, 2012)

Okay, Sherry, you've stumped me. What is Rat Trap cheese?

Lynn, I sent a card to Fromagination! Love the name of that cheese shop. Not
sure how you missed out on my books, but I hope you'll read them all.

Daryl Wood Gerber 3:48pm February 25, 2012)

Yummy! I had Camembert for the first time this Christmas. I went back to buy some more and they were sold out. I was told that cheese was only "seasonal" and to come back next year. :(
MaryAnne Banks 4:00pm February 25, 2012)

Love cheese and when shops and food stores have cheese samples, because it's the best way to find out if you like them. Have always enjoyed a good grilled cheese sandwich, too, along with soup. Like mysteries and even better with food! Thoroughly enjoyed your blog and your research for your books, which I will have to check out.
Rich Cook 4:06pm February 25, 2012)

MaryAnne, there are lots of cheeses that are seasonal. Doesn't that make
them that much better? You anticipate? It's almost like a holiday when you
open one up.

Rich, thanks for the pat on the back. Yes, the research is the most fun!

Daryl Wood Gerber 5:02pm February 25, 2012)

I Love cheese. The Cheese Shop Mystery looks and sounds Great. Love it when I find new authors.
Kiki Winn 5:37pm February 25, 2012)

I have seen these books around the web. I just love the names and story descriptions. Sadyly, I can't have dairy products so a lot of cheese is off limits to me. I would love to have a wonderful local cheese store where I could shop. My farmers' market has a cheese stand that now stocks all sorts of non-dairy cheeses. Goat milk extra sharp cheddar is amazing! I am also a foodie and love to try new recipes. I'll have to check out your site! Thanks for the giveaway.
Jennifer Beyer 5:59pm February 25, 2012)

i dont cook but i do love cheese and to read!!
Jennifer Beck 7:13pm February 25, 2012)

I enjoy light-hearted mysteries, and think I will enjoy these!
John Billiris 7:30pm February 25, 2012)

What more could you want than cheese and a mystery.
Catherine Myers 7:44pm February 25, 2012)

Great list of titles, awesome imagination!
Good luck and happy writing!
Tracie Travis 7:53pm February 25, 2012)

What a delicious combination: cheese and a mystery!

OT Avery, were you named in honor of a family member named "Alfred"?
Joanne Hicks 8:23pm February 25, 2012)

This brings back memories of a cheese shop I frequented before it closed. Your books sound wonderful - looking forward to reading them!
Mary C 8:53pm February 25, 2012)

I have always love cheese. My critical mom who always decided that I should be on a diet. It has gotten so bad that I have been sneaking in cheese to my room.
Kai Wong 9:19pm February 25, 2012)

Can't wait to sit down with these mysteries and enjoy some string cheese and wine! Thanks for the contest!
Teresa Ward 9:38pm February 25, 2012)

To date, there are only a few cheeses that I truly adore. However, I can eat those cheeses with breakfast, lunch, dinner, and later for dessert. Now, I will have to try them while reading a mystery. Also, I love these series mysteries. I am in the middle of the Domestic Diva mysteries. Yours would fit in real well with this, since they are event/party planners. Of course, I hope I win. But I expect that if I dont, I will be looking for them at my local bookstore.
Kelly Knapp 9:39pm February 25, 2012)

The series looks fabulous & I do love my cheese.
Mary Preston 9:43pm February 25, 2012)

These books sound delicious!
Tina Rucci 11:44pm February 25, 2012)

Kiki, I love it when I find new readers!

Jennifer Beyer, I'm so sorry you can't have dairy. I totally understand. I can't
have wheat. I hope you can enjoy the stories despite the dietary restriction!

Jennifer Beck, it's not necessary to cook to read. Isn't that great? :)

John, Catherine, and Tracie, thanks for chiming in!

Daryl Wood Gerber 12:13pm February 26, 2012)

Joanne, actually Avery is my "chosen" name. It's a pseudonym. My real name is
Daryl Wood Gerber. It's a long story, but I love the name Avery Aames. First in
the literary alphabet, so far as I can tell. I guess Angela and Agatha would
come before me. :)

Mary, I'm thrilled that this brings back good memories.

Kai, I'm so sorry that your mom restricted your foods. It's difficult to deal with
others' opinions of what we should be, isn't' it?

Teresa, I adore string cheese. So simple yet so fun!

Kelly, I ADORE the Domestic Diva mysteries. Did you know that one of them is
up for the Agatha award for best novel? The Diva Haunts the House. It's

LL and Mary and Tina, so good to see you here. Thanks for posting a
comment! :}

Best to all,

Daryl Wood Gerber 12:18pm February 26, 2012)

Looks delightful and because it's words in a story, maybe not so fattening yet mouth-watering. I love books where food is interwoven as an integral part of the story. Kudos.
Alyson Widen 4:27pm February 26, 2012)

lucky us in New England, so close to Cabot cheese! great recipes on their website, along with videos of Grace Potter cooking up her favs on her band tour bus with the Nocturnals. Worth checking out!
Beth Fuller 8:26pm February 26, 2012)

Alyson, the books aren't fattening at all! :) (Unless, of course, you like to
chew paper.)

Beth, you are lucky. I adore Cabot Clothbound Cheddar!

Daryl Wood Gerber 11:12am February 27, 2012)

I was just informed by a very reliable source that the signings at Malice will no
longer be on the Terrace. They'll be on the Ballroom Level. Ooops!

Daryl Wood Gerber 2:35pm April 20, 2012)

I once attended a conference at the Golden Nugget in Las Vegas and was amazed at the bathrooms which had a painting above every toilet and had gold fixtures. The ironic part was a room for Gamblers Anonymous right in the hotel, so pretty close to the action, right? A lively discussion at our table had the others jealous since we kept cracking up over talk about parties with romance toys. Going back to your conference, it helps to have a calendar with the hours so you know which panels overlap and can sometimes go between them.
Alyson Widen 7:13pm April 20, 2012)

This sounds like a really fun evening surrounded by all of your fellow mystery
writers. So, do all of you have a gleam in your eyes thinking up new plots? How
about a book about a murder at a conference like this? Motive? Jealousy? Cool!
Congratulations in your nominations, Avery/Daryl. You are so deserving!
Connie Fischer 9:22am April 21, 2012)

I look forward to seeing you there, Avery/Daryl
Gloria Alden 5:12pm April 21, 2012)

Connie, we definitely have that gleam in our eyes!!! We're always cooking up


Gloria, can't wait to see you, too.

Daryl Wood Gerber 12:46pm April 22, 2012)

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