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Love, Secrets, and Second Chances—February’s Must-Read Books Await!

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A Stray Pup, A Second Chance, and a Killer on the Loose�Wagtail�s About to Get Wild!

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A Hacker, an Undercover Mission, and a Love Worth Fighting For.

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A Duke by any other name would smell as� dastardly?
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Shaken, Stirred, and Unexpectedly in Love�Can They Mix Business with Pleasure?

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As London's high society watches their every move, can these two brilliant minds find the formula for true love?

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Chocolate, Second Chances, and a Love Too Sweet to Let Go.

Utterly Charming by Kristine Grayson


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Also by Kristine Grayson:

Fiction River: Christmas Ghosts, June 2013
Charming Blue, September 2012
Paperback / e-Book
Thoroughly Kissed, June 2012
Paperback / e-Book
Up On The Rooftop, January 2012
Paperback / e-Book
Utterly Charming, October 2011
Wickedly Charming, May 2011
Mass Market Paperback / e-Book
Simply Irresistible, March 2011
Completely Smitten, February 2011
Trade Size / e-Book
The Trouble With Heroes, November 2009
Totally Spellbound, August 2005
Absolutely Captivated, January 2004

Utterly Charming
Kristine Grayson

She's wide awake and dreaming...

October 2011
On Sale: October 1, 2011
Featuring: Alex Blackstone; Nora Barr
320 pages
ISBN: 1402248512
EAN: 9781402248511
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Romance Paranormal

This time when Sleeping Beauty wakes up, she wants nothing to do with the man who kissed her. Consoling Alex Blackstone, the rejected suitor who is a brilliant magician but inept when it comes to women, falls to modern career woman and lawyer, Nora Barr. Nora now has to deal with Beauty's evil stepmother, and the discovery that Alex just might be her own personal Prince Charming...

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53 comments posted.

Re: Utterly Charming

My favorite is BEAUTY AND THE BEAST. I just love the 'inner beauty' side of the story.
(Mary Preston 8:34am October 19, 2011)

This sounds like great fun!!!!
Marjorie Carmony 8:35am October 19, 2011)

My Favorite Fairy Tale , would be where the woman is real, no perfect body, just an everyday woman, Yet the Man takes the time to to see past the outside and look at inside!
Staci Thacker 8:42am October 19, 2011)

I'm definitely checking out the new tv shows, but I'm not holding much hope as I think it would be difficult to translate to tv.
Pam Howell 8:46am October 19, 2011)

Not sure about the lawyer angle ;) but sleeping beauty is such a classic.
Karen Gervasi 8:52am October 19, 2011)

Silvana Moscato 8:52am October 19, 2011)

I think this story sounds like a great new twist on the fairy tale theme. My
favorite fairy tale is still the old stand-by, "rags to riches" story of Cinderella. I'm
not really checking out any of the new tv shows- I don't watch very much tv
Debbie Burdeen 8:54am October 19, 2011)

Once Upon a Time I think I'll check out---but I've heard that Grimm is a litte on the dark side so I think I'll pass on it.
Sue Farrell 9:08am October 19, 2011)

I would have to say that it's a toss-up between Cinderella and Pinnocchio. Both of them touched my heart for different reasons ever since I was a child, and there isn't enough space to get into it here, but those to called out to me immediately. The others are good as well, because who doesn't love fairy tales? I can't wait to read your book, because I also love authors who put spins on fairy tales. I'm a big fan of Gregory McGuire who does an odd spin on the Wizard of Oz characters, and brings them to life in unexpected ways, for example. The cover of your book is outstanding. Congratulations.
Peggy Roberson 9:12am October 19, 2011)

Yes, I plan to watch the "Once Upon A Time" series -- looks very interesting. My favorite fairy tale would be Beauty and the Beast. I love the story and have seen the Broadway show each time it comes to town. Looking forward to reading your fairy tales books.
Pat Walker 10:44am October 19, 2011)

The Once Upon a Time series looks interesting and I would say my favorite fairy tale is Red Riding Hood.
Maureen Emmons 11:00am October 19, 2011)

Sounds like a good read
Karima Chiali 11:01am October 19, 2011)

I love Cinderella...
Leanna Morris 11:12am October 19, 2011)

Ha Ha- Love the idea of Prince Charming falls in love with Sleeping Beauty's lawyer! I am looking forward to reading your book Kristine. My fav. fairy tale is The Little Mermaid.
Christine Arcidiacono 11:21am October 19, 2011)

I think my favorite fairy tale is the Princess and the Pea.

Your book sounds like a lot of fun with Prince Charming falling in love with Cinderella's lawyer. Lol!
Cathy Phillips 12:19pm October 19, 2011)

Ive always liked Cinderella. Its a so beautiful fairytale,
Shirley Younger 12:23pm October 19, 2011)

My favorite was Sleeping Beauty, even though I could recite Cinderella by heart before I started first grade. I will check out Once Upon A Time. I like the way you twisted your storyline.
Beverly Beltz 12:31pm October 19, 2011)

I find it a stretch to believe lawyers make the best romantic heroines, but they do have a lot to argue about, so I guess it's true. My favorite fairy tale is Cinderella and the catty relationship between the sisters.
Alyson Widen 12:44pm October 19, 2011)

Kristine, I like that you got on the band wagon and starting writing a little twist to your stories. As much as
I love fairy tailes, I lean towards Jack and the Bean Stalk as one of my favorites. I can't even begin to imagine what you would do with that one. Thank you.
Rosemary Simm 12:50pm October 19, 2011)

I am thinking about watching Once Upon A Time... have not decided if I want to add another show to the ones I already watch... as for fav fairytale... sleeping beauty!
Colleen Conklin 12:51pm October 19, 2011)

My favorite is Cinderella. I love the rags to riches stories. I have already set my DVR to record Once Upon a Time. Looking forward to it.
Gail Hurt 12:52pm October 19, 2011)

I would say that Cinderella is still my favorite. I had to smile just reading the
synopsis of your book, "Utterly Charming." It sounds like something that I would
thoroughly enjoy reading. I admire how you let your imagination flow that you
can weave a fairy tale into a novel. I will definitely be on the lookout for this
show as well. Thanks for the heads-up!
Connie Fischer 1:33pm October 19, 2011)

I would definitely say my favourite fairytale is Cinderella, because what girl doesn't want to find her own Prince Charming? But having read the other responses, I'd have to put The Princess and the Pea as a close second.
Laura Albert 1:41pm October 19, 2011)

Wow would luv to win a copy of the book Utterly Charming by Kristine Grayson.....and my favorite fairy tale show is Snow [email protected]
Lnda McFarland 2:20pm October 19, 2011)

Snow White is my favorite fairy tale with Little Red Riding Hood a close second
Teresa Miller 3:08pm October 19, 2011)

My favorite fairy tale is Beauty and the Beast. Even before Disney did its adaptation, I loved this story. And, yes, I will be watching Once Upon a Time.
MaryAnne Banks 3:35pm October 19, 2011)

Hansel and Gretl. Want to eat that house too!Plus, in some versions the children's mother is restored to life and all is well. Funny how fairy tales change with the times - some old versions of Cinderella have some fairly gruesome stuff happening...
Beth Fuller 3:40pm October 19, 2011)

It's funny how things come in bunches. I am planning on
trying those new shows - it's a great time of year for them
since they are a bit scary. My favorite tale is Beauty & the
Beast - especially the Disney version.
Diane Sallans 4:33pm October 19, 2011)

Im a Beauty and the Beast fan!! Not sure Ill watch the new shows though, rather be reading a good book!
Julie Parrish 4:55pm October 19, 2011)

I would have to say I have two favorites, Cinderella, because every girl dreams of being a beautiful princess with a handsome prince charming. I played the evil stepmother in a school play performed before an audience in 6th grade--so I have never forgotten that, and Jack and the Beanstalk, because of his fear he overcomes to reap the rewards to help his family out. Both are rags-to-riches and dreams-come-true type stories with happy endings. They seem to have such an impact that you remember them well throughout your life and if a new twist or version of an old tale is re-invented it draws interest. I always enjoyed both fairy tales and nursery rhymes read to me, by my mother, so many times, I memorized them all by age 5. Your book sounds very good and I would love winning a copy of Utterly Charming very much.
Linda Luinstra 5:02pm October 19, 2011)

My fav has always been cinderella. I have loved all the movies that they have did about her. I love it because no matter what bad stuff happened she always got her happy ending. As a little girl I was so happy and hoped that the same would happen to me.
Thanks for the giveaway and the chance to win.
Chris Bails 6:40pm October 19, 2011)

I like the 1964 Once upon a mattress,with Carol Burnett.Based on the , Princess and the pea story. Funny
Deb Pelletier 6:50pm October 19, 2011)

I love the cover of this book and the story sounds really good. Thanks for the chance to win!
Jennifer Langford 7:27pm October 19, 2011)

I absolutely love fairy tales. I don't think that I can just pick one as my favorite, but the first one I think came to mind was Alice in Wonderland. It was one of the fairy tales I've known. The second that I thought of was Cinderella. I like how the fairy godmother helped to bring the happy ever after. Mostly what I love about fairytales is that even when the characters' lives get extremely tough, at the end things work out and they have a beautiful happily ever after. I have never heard of those shows until I read this, so I'm going to check them out. I hope to be able to write a fairytale and publish it. Well, hope you have a great day and keep writing. :)
Meghan Anderson 7:28pm October 19, 2011)

My favorite is Sleeping Beauty. I plan to watch Once Upon A Time.
Jennifer Langford 7:29pm October 19, 2011)

I don't watch much TV anymore. My favorite fairy tale is Beauty and the Beast. Thanks for visiting.
G S Moch 7:47pm October 19, 2011)

I've really loved all kinds of fairy tales ever since I was
a little girl -- You know: the Olive Fairy Tale Book, the
Red Fairy Tale Book, the Green Fairy Tale Book -- I love
them all! Since I've gotten older, I've read lots of Fairy
Tale Rewrites and I love them too! It's hard to pick an
absolute favorite, but probably Beauty and the Beast -- it's
just such a great story of love DESPITE outer appearances
(and there are some great retellings out there as well).
I'm really looking forward to reading Utterly Charming. Oh,
and I probably will watch all the new series eventually, but
not until they're out on DVD -- I don't have the patience to
get just one snippet at a time!
Kathryn Mahnken 8:11pm October 19, 2011)

Cinderella is my favorite. I love the mice making her dress and Godmother singing Bippity Boppity Boo.
Sheila Mulholland 8:45pm October 19, 2011)

I am going to watch Once upon a Time. My favorite fairy tale is Cinderella. I always wished I could be the owner of the glass slipper and ride in the pumpkin carriage too.
Teresa Ward 9:21pm October 19, 2011)

I am going to try the new show, and I think my favorite fairy tale is Snow White.
Lisa Kendall 9:25pm October 19, 2011)

I'm a beauty and the beast fan too!
Lisa Garrett 9:30pm October 19, 2011)

My favorite is Cinderella, book sounds great. Thanks for giving me a chance to win it.
Amy Milne 9:32pm October 19, 2011)

Beauty and the Beast. Thanks for the giveaway.
Mary C 9:41pm October 19, 2011)

My favorite is Beauty and the Beast - I guess I like to route for the underdog. I always felt so sorry for him.
Jeanne Sheats 9:56pm October 19, 2011)

My favorite is Beauty and The Beast .Kristine I cant wait to get my hands on a copy of Utterly Charming I read Wickedly Charming and love love loved it .
Wanda Flanagan 10:11pm October 19, 2011)

I love Beauty and The Beast because Belle is so smart! I plan to watch the show. I am really enjoying the redo of all the classics!
Jennifer Beyer 10:43pm October 19, 2011)

My favorite fairy tale is SNOW WHITE, because I just loved those dwarf's. I'm probably going to check out the new tv series.
Kathleen Bianchi 11:30pm October 19, 2011)

My favorite fairy tale is Cinderella.
G. Bisbjerg 12:04pm October 20, 2011)

I am a Cinderella girl because I root for the underdog and I
come from money-strapped origins. I also find I am a
trailblazer in regard to things. When we went to find my
engagement/wedding set we couldn't find the setting we
wanted anywhere. We designed our own. A few years later you
saw what we were looking for everywhere! I'm the same with
purses, wallets and jewelry :-)
Lenna Hendershott 11:50am October 20, 2011)

Oh, I am looking so forward to getting copies of your books!! I love fairy tales & as a child had [and can't find now] a book of Japanese Fairy tales....
Cate Sparks 4:45pm October 20, 2011)

My fav has always been Beauty and the Beast. But I like lots of them.
Patti Paonessa 10:06am October 21, 2011)

I am definitely looking forward to the 2 fairy tale based tv shows, Grimm and Once Upon A Time. I love anything fairy tale related. My favorite books are a series that were published I believe back in the 90's by Dorchester Leisure, they were part of the faerie tale series and were wonderful! Wish they would republish those!
Shauna George 6:11pm October 21, 2011)

My favorite is Beauty and the Beast.
Kara Lepard 7:43pm October 22, 2011)

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