The name’s Sinclair. Zoe Sinclair, P.I. My stomping
grounds are the neon-lit streets of Las Vegas, where
anything can happen. And believe me, in my half century
here, I’ve seen plenty. Now might be a good time to
mention that I’m a 150-year-old mage, though I don’t look
a day over thirty. Anyway, like I said, I’ve tackled all
sorts of weird cases here in Sin City…but this latest one?
It’s a doozy. See, the Fates need my help. It seems those
three wacky gals have been booted from their lofty
station, and the only way they can be reinstated is to
live among mere mortals for awhile—and get hold of an
important piece of magical merchandise that’s gone
missing. They hitched a ride here from L.A. with a regular
guy—but there’s nothing “average” about this Joe. He’s got
the most gorgeous blue eyes I’ve ever seen. He’s also got
magical powers he’s been denying all his life…one of which
appears to be wrapping me around his little finger. Not
that this could possibly go anywhere, considering my track
record. So here I am, knee-deep in an otherworldly
adventure with three crazy Fates and the man of my dreams.
Something tells me this case is far from closed…