February 12th, 2025
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Love, Secrets, and Second Chances—February’s Must-Read Books Await!

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A Stray Pup, A Second Chance, and a Killer on the Loose�Wagtail�s About to Get Wild!

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A Hacker, an Undercover Mission, and a Love Worth Fighting For.

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A Duke by any other name would smell as� dastardly?
� delightful?

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Shaken, Stirred, and Unexpectedly in Love�Can They Mix Business with Pleasure?

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As London's high society watches their every move, can these two brilliant minds find the formula for true love?

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Chocolate, Second Chances, and a Love Too Sweet to Let Go.

Brenda Rupp


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June 16, 2010

408 comments posted.

Re: Dressed to Confess (8:35pm August 24, 2017):

Sounds like a fun book!

Re: Jaguar Hunt (10:13pm June 7, 2014):

Would love to win your book!

Re: Pure Heat (9:42pm May 13, 2014):

I haven't read your books before have read about fire jumpers
before intersting occupation!

Re: Risky Game (9:40pm May 13, 2014):

I don't have any favorite sports romance books. Yours look
pretty hot though. I am not much for football, love baseball
and basketball....

Re: Wild Ways (9:38pm May 13, 2014):

I've never read your books before. I definately see the link
between bad boys bikes etc. I had a guy who had a motorcycle
and was definately a bad boy who I was hot after whwen I was
very young!! He never did take me on!

Re: Jailhouse Glock (9:35pm May 13, 2014):

I love the title! My husband has a Glock so I know what it is
and what it looks like. The book sounds great. I've never had
to defend anyone.

Re: Captive Of The Border Lord (1:03pm December 20, 2012):

We used to go to my Grandmothers for Xmas, the entire family would gather, 4 Aunts 1 Uncle and all their kids. We had a great time and wonderful food and lots of presents. It was alwaays a great thing to remember. My Grandmother is 97 so you know what it means to me!

Re: Run The Risk (6:57pm October 11, 2012):

Lori I haven't read a lot of your books but the few I have read I loved. Would love to win this one!

dancealert at aol dot com

Re: In The Barrister's Bed (8:45pm October 10, 2012):

Oh yes! My girlfriend went to see a lawyer to separate from her husband and fell in love. He referred her to somoene else and asked her out. She's been married to him now for 16 years!

Re: Capitol Murder (9:27am May 4, 2012):


Re: Waking Up Dead (10:04pm November 26, 2011):

I would love to read the book. I've had eight surgery's to my back and neck and had spinal meningitis......I've woken up twice on life support and am only 52. So the book is interesting to me, I've had everything just about that they could do to a person happen to me other than losing a limb or my life. LOL Please enter me. dancealert at aol dot com

Re: Wild and Unruly (10:13pm August 28, 2011):

I would like to think it is possible. My husband thinks we are all still living in other slices of time. My first time travel book was "The Time Travelors Wife" I loved that book. NOw I look for books that are based on time travel!

Re: Shadow Of A Quarter Moon (10:10pm August 28, 2011):

It is all about the story, but the cover of the books draw me to them too.... I like the cover of your book!
I'm enjoying blogging for books and being able to win books by authors I've never read before and finding fantastic new reads!

Re: Magnificent Passage (10:00pm August 28, 2011):

I love historicals and I really love westerns! I've read some of your books and alwasys enjoyed them!

Re: Hold Me (9:45pm August 28, 2011):

True love came my way and I love my husband more now than when I first married him. I do believe in True Love and I would definately be very very sad were I to lose him. I think you can die of a broken heart I think seniors do that very often!

Re: A Gentleman Never Tells (9:40pm August 28, 2011):

I find typos or wrong words in every book I read! I haven't found any really bad bloopers though!

Re: What A Goddess Wants (9:38pm August 28, 2011):

I don't write but I've always been great at multi tasking. I was in a car accident and am in a neck brace and can't do a think. It is driving me crazy!

Re: The Full Moon Bride (9:29pm August 28, 2011):

I've always wanted to read one of your books I'm always interested in other cultures and your books look fascinating!

Re: Too Hot To Touch (9:24pm August 28, 2011):

My first cruse was an older boy down the street he used to stop by when I was baby siting a lady's kids and I would sit outside when they had gone to bed. He would stop if he was riding by on his motorcycle. He had a southern accent, really dark tan and really white teeth, coal black hair, I was in lust. I was too young for him but I still wanted him!
They say they alwaays come back and usually when you don't want them any longer. That happened by then he'd been a long time drinker was a smoker (ack!) and wasn't working. I was married and not interested, my sister was but she dropped him like a hot potatoe after she got to know him. He liked to smoke pot too and she didn't want anything to do with that! I think I have a permanant love of cowboys, the twangs, the hot men in books! The fictional ones are the best!

Re: Pleating for Mercy (9:17pm August 28, 2011):

I love reading and movies! I love dancing but am not able to dance like I used to!

Re: Dead Man's Switch (9:13pm August 28, 2011):

Oh yes I used to have many "stop the world and let me off days" when I was working. I don't have as many since I've been retired, but every now and then. WE all have them!

Re: Midnight Fear (9:09pm August 28, 2011):

The books ook like great thrillers! I would love to read them!

Re: Making Waves (9:04pm August 28, 2011):

I love George Clooney in anything or nothing! LOL I can't believe you don't watch movies. Your book sounds like a fun read!

Re: Only Mine (9:02pm August 28, 2011):

Congratulations on your new book. I love a good book and Fools Gold Series sounds like some great books. I don't believe I have ever read your books Susan but would love to. I'll have to put you on my list!

Re: The Landlord's Black-Eyed Daughter (7:54pm August 28, 2011):

I love a great ending where all of the problems are all tied up by the end. Some times I swear authors get to the number of pages they are to turn in and they just throw together an ending, leaving all kinds of things hanging, I hate those types of books! I love a great ending!

Re: The Orphan Sister (7:47pm August 28, 2011):

I had a pretty unhappy childhood growing up with a Dad who was an alcoholic. I did though get to go in the summers to stay at my grandmothers house up north, I had an Aunt who was only 3 years older than I and although there were a few years that we were apart by more than 3 years in growing and maturity, we spent so much time together. The carnival would come to Lakeview and set up on mainstreet. My Grandmpa was the editor of the nerwspaper and he got me free tickets for all the rides. I would make friends or ride alone it was so fun! One year I got involved with a summer project where we made our own moccasins and made dresess out of scratchy burlap bags and decorated them to look like Indians dress, and we learned a dance and performed for the crowd that year at the fair. It was so much fun and a summer I've never forgotten. I remember being on the Tilt a Whirl and my grandfather made them stop and check on me, my face was white and I looked ill. I told him I was ok why did he stop the ride? I was only on my fifth or so go round on that ride! LOL I rode myself sick and went back up to sleep in their apartment on main street over the newspaper and rested before going back. Summers were my saviour. I found out later that the man who I called Dad who was a drinker was not my biological father, I met my biological father at age 26 and he lived up north on a lake and he became the best Dad after Bob who was with me until he died at my age of 25 I think he was 52.
He had cancer and we became friends talking every day while I did the dishes at my apartment, he had to stop drinking for Chemo. I was glad for that year of his being sober before he passed away. Now I have a Dad who has done so much for me.

Re: Love Me Twice (7:35pm August 28, 2011):

I wasn't born with it but learned it at 30. I started taking dance lessons after flunking out of an exercise class I couldn't keep up with. I learned there was no hopping going on, it was all learned like walking, when you were done with one foot they teach you what to do with the other. They teach you what to do with your body and booty and arms and hands....I even ended for 2 1/2 years running a Swing and partner Hustle dance group/club which meant monthly to dance. I had to stop for my first back surgery at 35. I would take lessons and dance in betweeen surgery's but I've gone through eight surgery's to my neck and back and don't know aftetr this last one if I'll ever be able to dance again. I know I won't be able to compete on an amateur basis again, I had a state title in Swing for one year and partner Hustle and have various other titles a second in Cha Cha at another competition.... I love dance more than anything, anyone can learn to dance even if you can't hear the beat in music. I dance with such a fellow for over a year and often counted for him as he danced to keep him on time. It took him about 2 years but he eventually learned where the beat in music was!
Anyone can learn to dance with the right instructor!\
It's very hard to learn from a video as things are reversed.
Don't be too hard on yourself, Zumba moves too fast you have to learn slower!

Re: Fall From Pride (7:18pm August 28, 2011):

My grandmother here in Michigan lives near a fairly large group of Amish. We have stopped and bought bread from them, she has ordered different things made in their woodworking shops, and I always find them fascinating yes for all of the reasons you listed. I would love to read your books, as I have not read many books based on the Amish with story lines such as yours!

Re: The Edge Of Grace (7:12pm August 28, 2011):

I also hope your book shows your humor! I like to read books with a Christian tone as well as many other types. I did start a book, had a bunch of notes stacked up to go into it, and years later I never finished it. Writing is not easy, I once had a dance group that met monthly to dance and I put out a newsletter. I grew to hate that newsletter so much because I had to come up with an artical for that front page every month and make it readable as well as grammatically correct. I admire anyone who can tell a good story in their books! I don't think I"ll ever be able to finish that book I started. Good luck with your future writing, would love to read your book!

Re: The Bone House (7:00pm August 28, 2011):

I haven't read any of your books but I would love to read a good "page turner"! Your right, they don't do enough for the character in those movies it's just all action.

Re: Lucky Girl (6:57pm August 28, 2011):

My first date with my husband of 13 years was at a steakhouse that dancers hung out at. I ran a Swing and Hustle dance club of dancers that met monthly and I wanted to meet someone who at least loved to dance even if he wasn't trained in the type of dancing that I did which was ballroom and swing couples dancing. My hubby and I met on Match.com and we talked such a long time by email and then by phone before we met and I never saw a picture of him before he showed up on my doorstep. He saw a black and white of me just before he came to pick me up or perhaps the day before. He didn't have a scanner and mine was black and white. He was in a suit and looked like the accountant he was with a nice smile and blue eyes. We had dinner and some friends came in an older couple I had known for years.
Before I knew it my Tom had Manny pulling up his pant leg and showing him where he had gotten jungle rot in WWII and had more information out of this couple than I had ever been told. The band started up and I found out that this "accountant" in a suit could dance free style with the best of them. He had learned from his african american basketball buddies while in high school and college. My man tried some things I showed him and when the music was at it's best he would smile and his eyes would just reflect all of the fun he was having. We so enjoyed each other and my friends that night and I have to say, I who never did this, would tell friends forever after taht he came over and he never went home again. He took care of me when my back went out and helped me get dressed, take my pain meds and would drive me to work on his way to his.... He's taken care of me now through eight surgery's and bacterial spinal meningitis and still loves to dance. We don't get to dance much these days but we are dancing through life together and are as happy together now as we were in the beginning maybe more!

Re: Red's Hot Cowboy (6:45pm August 28, 2011):

I fell for a handsome man with a southern accent when I was young and I love reading about cowboys with their southern or Texas charm, unusual lingo and they are usually represented as handsome hunks and I can always see them that way! Love cowboys.......would love to read your books!

Re: The Things We Cherished (6:41pm August 28, 2011):

My husband always says that history tends to repeat itself.
We should never forget lest we relive it.
I've always found the war and holocaust fascinating to read about and to watch programs about. I always like to hear about survivors!

Re: Ward Against Death (10:35pm August 27, 2011):

My dream job would be to be able to teach people to dance and to be a competitive dancer. I used to dance but eight surgery's later and dancing isn't even something I can do any more let alone compete or teach. It was fun while it lasted.

Re: The Hat (8:26pm May 9, 2011):

I still have my Mom thank goodness and my Grandmother who is 96. They are both fabulous and I love them. Please give me a chance to win your book!

Re: A Family Affair (9:19pm May 6, 2011):

I have to say I'm from a dysfunctional family as well!
Happy Mothers day to you!

Re: Follow My Lead (10:27pm May 5, 2011):

Good luck with your book!

Re: Love Drunk Cowboy (9:18pm May 4, 2011):

I love reading romance stories that involve cowboys. What could be better!! I love cowboy boots too! No spurs though!

Re: Bastian (8:29pm May 1, 2011):

I would love to win one of your books to read!

Re: Total Abandon (5:57pm April 30, 2011):

I have a kindle but still like to have a print book to read also.

Re: Heart of Deception (8:37pm April 29, 2011):

I have hats but don't wear them any more. I actually look good in quite a few different shapes of hats but I don't wear them. I don't go places where I would feel comfortable wearing them any more. I couldn't believe some of the wild hats they wore to the wedding today. Fergies daughters were out of control!

Re: My Favorite Countess (8:36pm April 28, 2011):

Favorite doctor, wow I hadn't thought about it and after seeing everyone else's comments I would have to say the men of Grays Annatomy!

Re: Heartache Falls (6:39pm April 27, 2011):

I can't have pets, wish I could. The only pets I've ever been able to have were fish. I'm allergic to pet dander and feathers so no birds either.

Re: Never A Gentleman (3:29pm April 26, 2011):

I think this book will go to the top of my soon to read list.

Re: The Alchemy of Desire (9:31pm April 25, 2011):

I always like nice guys, I think they should win too!

Re: Hidden Embers (2:25pm April 22, 2011):

My favorite season is early summer before it gets so hot!
I live in Michigan and always get sick in the spring and in the late summer until the first frost!

Re: Cowboy Fever (9:38pm April 20, 2011):

My niece goes for horse therapy for the muscles in her legs.

Re: It Happened On Maple Street (4:22pm April 19, 2011):

Would love to win, this sounds like a great read!

Re: Tangled Threads (10:09pm April 18, 2011):

I love good books to read!

Re: A Marriage of Inconvenience (7:59pm April 16, 2011):

I take medication to keem my ocd under control. When my husband had cancer I was really bad, or so I was told, so they ended up putting me on some medication so I could sleep instead of staying up doing everything until it was perfect. It was a hard time. I have had several surgery's and have had to give up control of quite a bit and no longer worry about it.

Re: Song Of The Silk Road (9:24pm April 15, 2011):

I would love to read your book. I haven't read any of your books!

Re: Drip Dead (11:04pm April 14, 2011):

I do love a good mystery.
I would love to read these.

Re: Cowboy Fever (9:31pm April 13, 2011):

I love anything cowboy! I guess I've always been a little Texan through reading! I love the book cover.

Re: Snowball in Hell (11:03pm April 7, 2011):

I think this book sounds like something I would like to read. Please enter me . Thanks.

Re: Snowball in Hell (11:01pm April 7, 2011):

The book sounds like something I would love to read. Please enter me. dancealert at aol dot com

Re: Angel's Verdict (7:58pm April 3, 2011):

I've never read any of your books but would love to. I'll have to keep an eye out for them in the future!

Re: The Return Of Black Douglas (10:01pm April 1, 2011):

Wow that was a lot of research! Congrats on your new book!

Re: Mimosas, Mischief, and Murder (9:13pm March 31, 2011):

I moved five times in four years, I stil have cluttered up my last home, and we may have to move for a job to another state, and I'll have to declutter again!

Re: Yukon Wedding (10:53pm March 28, 2011):

I'm so not good at hiding things, I can't find them again if I do! I have a memory like a sieve.

Re: Sink or Swim (11:04pm March 25, 2011):

I like realiety shows. American Idol, Dancing with the stars The Bachelor ~ : ).

Re: A Lot Like Love (9:34pm March 24, 2011):

I love time travel books, modern romance, as well as the era of the Tudors.....
I love being alone in the house to curl up in my lazyboy glider which is made for women and is just the right size!

Re: Laird of Darkness (8:49pm March 23, 2011):

I like unconventional heroine's, and I like for there to be some humor.....

Re: Hummingbird Lake (5:21pm March 22, 2011):

A new book and a new baby, a great combination for you! Congrats!

Re: Highland Heat (9:21pm March 21, 2011):

The book sounds fabulous! I would love to read it.

Re: Angel Sister (10:50pm March 18, 2011):

My childhood memories that are pleasant are the only times I was allowed to stay at my Grandmothers. I had an alcoholic stepfather so home was pretty unpleasant.
The book sounds great!

Re: Tyler (10:12pm March 17, 2011):

Happy St. Patty's Day! Would love to win!

Re: Dead on Delivery (10:39pm March 16, 2011):

I'm always amazed at the process the authors go through when writing books! They will mention perhaps, that a character surprised them.....like the characters are telling them the story and not the other way around!

Re: So Close The Hand Of Death (12:02pm March 16, 2011):

I would do anything for those I love, who wouldn't?

Re: Angel's Rest (10:07pm March 12, 2011):

Congratulations on your rlease. The book series sounds fabulous!

Re: A Taste of Seduction (10:55pm March 11, 2011):

The book sounds great. Would love to read it.

Re: Seducing The Governess (12:07pm March 10, 2011):

I love historicals, please count me in!

dancealert at aol dot com

Re: Taste Me (10:16pm March 9, 2011):

I love J. D. Robbs (Nora Roberts). So many others, Catherine Anderson for sure, Linda Lael Miller, Lauri Lewis is a new one I loved her Leaving Avery. So many new authors I"m discovering by winning books. I'm loving this!
dancealert at aol dot com

Re: Scandal of the Year (10:59pm March 4, 2011):

I would love to win this book!

Re: Treasure Me (10:33pm March 3, 2011):

Reading about Scotland just makes me want to go there so much more. My husband's family were from there.
dancealert at aol dot com

Re: Wicked Seduction (10:42pm March 2, 2011):

I like your kind of crazy! I think You write good books and the readers like them. Keep them coming!

Re: Against the Law (1:15am March 2, 2011):

I absolutely love Kat Martin's books! I haven't read one lately I have such a big stack of books at home I need to finish.

Re: Beaglemania (9:25pm February 28, 2011):

Pets are good although I can't have any because of allergies. I miss that.

Re: Operation Forbidden (5:44pm February 26, 2011):

I love military romance stories! dancealert at aol dot com

Re: His, Unexpectedly (10:26pm February 25, 2011):

You have to really get along to survive long road trips! Too much togetherness in a car together is really hard on people when they start getting over tired and hungry

Re: A Light at Winter's End (10:38am February 24, 2011):

I really like Julia's books! Great interview!

Re: Bitten in the Bayou (3:36pm February 20, 2011):

Pretty Woman has to be my all time favorite!

Re: Storm Of Reckoning (9:50pm February 19, 2011):

Sounds like a great read! Good interview.

Re: Beneath The Night Tree (2:26am February 18, 2011):

I was with two other men for quite a while before I found the man who was right for me. At the time I thought those men I was with before were the right one, and eventually I found out the hard way that they werent' for me..

Re: Outcast Mine (8:07pm February 17, 2011):

The book sounds like a good read. i try to keep inside my comfort zone!

Re: Love Me If You Dare (10:06pm February 14, 2011):

I had a nice day with my hubby. He brought me home a rose, I have my sinuses go crazy if there are a bunch of them here at once. I was in a car accident, broke a bone in my neck and had surgery, and am in a brace. Can't do anything without my Tom, he won't let me and I'm not supposed to. 4 more weeks of this crap. You would think that I would love it right? NOT. But he is a great husband and he makes it as easy for me as is possible for anyone. I love him more each day, this was my 8th surgery since we have been married. Don't ask. Sigh...

Re: Breaking the Rules (6:38pm February 13, 2011):

Champagne with fresh strawberries on the side!!!!!

Re: True Colors (6:23pm February 13, 2011):

Sounds like a great book!!

Re: The Mistress' House (12:47pm February 12, 2011):

I'm sorry I have not read any of your books yet! I say yet because I know I will at some time in the future. I've takent note of your name!

Re: Dangerous Secrets (10:19pm February 11, 2011):

I would love to be able to read their story. I hope that you draw my name.

Re: Society's Most Disreputable Gentleman (2:12pm February 9, 2011):

I was attracted to a bad boy, ran into him after I grew up, and was so relieved that I missed out on that one! I did date another bad boy and will always regret that he was in my life. I was young and stupid!

Re: The Color of Heaven (7:46pm February 8, 2011):

Sounds like a good read. Nice post!

Re: Deadly Ties (6:14pm February 7, 2011):

Sounds like a good read. Thanks, count me in!

Re: These Things Hidden (6:32pm February 6, 2011):

I don't have children so have not experienced being a mother. For a while I had stepchildren, and that was very hard because they were brought up with values instilled in them by their mothers, whom I did not agree with. It was a very difficult time for me to be respectful of them, and yet try to have them respect my values when staying in my home with their father. Especially because there Father didn't pay attention to them until they did something that was so outragous that they got his attention. That was hard!

Re: Midnight Caller (2:16pm February 5, 2011):

Congratulations on your new release Leslie!

Re: The Mysterious Lady Law (8:54pm February 4, 2011):

I would love to win this book! Please count me in!

Re: Everyone Loves A Hero (4:25pm February 2, 2011):

I've gone thru times when my friends have had only months to live and they died, and have gone through eight surgery's myself, and may have another. Also had to fight bacterial spinal meningitis. I think I've had my moments by sucking it up and saying I was doing fine and bein there for my two friends that did die of cancer.

Re: The Irish Princess (7:47pm February 1, 2011):

The book sounds like a really fun read! Count me in!

Re: Burning Darkness (7:27pm January 31, 2011):

I would have to say, children and cheating also!

Re: Haunting Jasmine (6:46pm January 30, 2011):

Would love to read your book. Thanks for the contest, which means I could possibly win a copy!

dancealert at aol dot com

Re: Wild Man Creek (7:26pm January 29, 2011):

I haven't read the virgin river series, but would love to! I love Robyn's books, I just have a big tbr pile and don't have one of those there at present.

Re: The Werewolf Upstairs (6:40pm January 28, 2011):

We didn't get hit by the snow that everyone else got hit by, at least not to the extent others got it!

Re: Immortal Champion (4:52pm January 27, 2011):

I read romance so that I can be taken away to another place where everything ends with a nice story! In the end everyone is happy.

Re: At Hidden Falls (7:36pm January 25, 2011):

I can't remember a time when I wasn't without a book. I've always been a reader. I used to have a flashlight to read under the covers if I wanted to finish a book and didn't want to go to sleep! My Mom and Grandmother both encouraged us to read!

Re: Stroke of Midnight (9:30pm January 24, 2011):

Congratulations! Sounds Like a Great book!

Re: Mercy Blade (3:44pm January 23, 2011):

Thanks for the info on Witch Central. I'm not much for vamps and weres and fairy's, etc. Witches, yes I'll read about them.....

Re: Deadly Heat (6:16pm January 22, 2011):

I like all kinds of romance novels....

Re: Yours For The Taking (12:17pm January 22, 2011):

I am not able to work due to back and neck surgery's. Any time of work day at home that didn't include my neck brace (I just had another fusion) would be a great day for me, and one without restrictions so I could clean this place up!
My husband tries, but he just doesn't see what I do, or doesn't want to! ~ : )

Re: Yours For The Taking (12:17pm January 22, 2011):

I am not able to work due to back and neck surgery's. Any time of work day at home that didn't include my neck brace (I just had another fusion) would be a great day for me, and one without restrictions so I could clean this place up!
My husband tries, but he just doesn't see what I do, or doesn't want to! ~ : )

Re: Ten Ruby Trick (10:13am January 20, 2011):

I don't know that they were rogues, but the fellow in the Jennifer Aniston movie where she is picked up by her ex husband bounty hunter. Can't remember the name of the actor but he was definately what I would think of as a rogue!

Re: Yours For The Taking (1:58pm January 19, 2011):

I would love to have a day in Key West (my girlfriend just came back from there)without the neck collar I'm wearing due to a neck fusion surgery one week ago. I would love to be lying in a deck chair with my honey Tom next to me, sipping a margarita and feeling the ocean breeze on my body!

Re: Dreams' Dark Kiss (7:21pm January 18, 2011):

My Mom loved to read and I think that is where I got it. She had us to library's once a week when we were small to see such a smorgasborg of books! I know I always took home more than I could possibly read during the week, but as time went on that was no longer a problem because I would sneak a flashlight into bed with me to finish off whatever book I was into finishing at the time.

Re: Highborn (5:31pm January 17, 2011):

I'm a reader and can see your point. I couldn't write a book for the life of me!

Re: Stay Tuned For Murder (7:33pm January 16, 2011):

What a great article! Thank you!

Re: Pleasure Me (10:41am January 15, 2011):

I love being taken elsewhere with a great love story. I can be on my couch in my own home, yet be somewhere else in my mind taken there with a great love story!

Re: Nocturne (10:27am January 15, 2011):

I definately believe in love at first sight. I met my husband online through match.com and loved his letters that he sent to me. Then we proceeded to talking on the telephone and I still had no idea what he looked like. Then we set up a date he was there on my doorstep. Before the night was gone, I was a goner completely bowled over by this guy and him by me. I always say he came over and never went home. We married six month laters and are no working on our 13th year together.

Re: Mercy Kill (10:24pm January 10, 2011):

No definately it would not empower me!

Re: Senseless (7:40pm January 7, 2011):

I've never connected a book with a song. I love Katy Perry, I might see a singer as someone described in a book, but not the other way around. ~ : )

Re: Fatal Justice (9:07pm January 6, 2011):

Sounds like a great book! Please enter me!

Re: I Dream of Genies (7:12pm January 5, 2011):

The book sounds fabulous and I would love to read it!
Thanks for the opportunity!

Re: Deadly Identity (9:03pm December 30, 2010):

The only story I wanted to tell was how to survive being in a hospital with loads of problems and allergies. I survived
many things and thought I would share them with people, but didn't ever get beyond the beginning.....not much of an author.

Re: Cowboys Never Cry (6:34pm December 29, 2010):

I love books with cowboys! Please enter me!

Re: Red Ink (6:48pm December 28, 2010):

Please enter me in your contest! Happy New Year!

Re: Haunted Honeymoon (6:47pm December 27, 2010):

I have a good stack of a TBR pile for which I can find just the right book to keep my mind off the weather. I don't even want to go out when the weather is crappy! I love books that involve time travel but don't think I have any of those. A good one of those is hard to find.

Re: Haunted Honeymoon (3:34pm December 27, 2010):

I like anything that makes me laugh! In front of a fire, I would have problems staying awake! I would need somthing that would keep my attention and I think laughter is the best way. A little romance thrown in is always great!

Re: Pay Up (3:06pm December 23, 2010):

Thanks for the opportunity to win one of your books, I haven't read anything of yours yet. Happy Holidays!

Re: Double Cross (7:36pm December 22, 2010):

I have a hard time making decisions.... at least my husband says I take too long to make them. So I guess doubt would be mine!

Re: The Irish Warrior (8:19pm December 21, 2010):

I love to read!!! I like historical novels.

Re: The Winter Sea (4:28pm December 20, 2010):

Good article on how you do your research! And for the giveaway!!

Re: Precious and Fragile Things (6:36pm December 17, 2010):

The book sounds refreshing after reading too many predictable romances!

Re: The Heir (9:23pm December 16, 2010):

Sounds like a great book!

Re: Wolf Fever (10:41pm December 15, 2010):

I take my Tylenol for the aches and get in my chair and watch movies, If I'm not too sick, reading is also something I do when I'm not sleeping.

Re: Like Clockwork (10:43pm December 14, 2010):

The book sounds really great! Thanks for the great interview!

Re: Icecapade (10:44pm December 13, 2010):

Sounds like something I would like to read!

dancealert at aol dot com

Re: It Happened On Maple Street (8:19pm December 9, 2010):

The book sounds great! Would love to read it!

Re: All She Wants for Christmas (11:18pm December 8, 2010):

I grew up more at my Grandmothers home than mine. She lived in a small town, still does and I would sit in her window seat at night over main street and watch people come and go. My Grandpa was the editor and owner of the newspaper and they had an apartment over the press office. I loved that small town and still do! I love reading about them!

Re: Rajmund (2:10pm December 6, 2010):

Souds like a fabulous read!

Re: Jane Slayre (4:38pm December 5, 2010):

Trimming the tree is a favorite for me. I'm looking forward to it this year, we haven't put it up yet. No favorite books in mind, the ones you listed sounded like great reads!

Re: Royal Blood (11:05pm December 4, 2010):

I try not to get into exchanging gifts with as few people as possible. I do an enormous amount of buying online and having things delivered. I'm handicapped and don't feel well if I try to go out into the stores for any length of time, my back gives out, and I'm ina neck coller right now.
My hubby is laid off and I try not to spend a lot, if I don't shop, I don't spend.

Re: Sparks (9:53pm December 3, 2010):

The book sounds interesting would love to win! I've never had pets because I'm so very allergic. Wish I could!

Re: Twins Under His Tree (8:29pm December 2, 2010):

I would love to win a copy of Twins under his tree!
Thanks for the contest

Re: Outrageously Yours (11:16pm December 1, 2010):

Nerds need love too! I used to be a nerd in school too. I see someone else put that down.

Re: No Way Out (6:13pm November 29, 2010):

I would love to visit Kansas. I have a friend who lived there for a while she loved it. I always think of Dorothy and the Wizard of Oz when I think of Kansas!

Re: Gemini Night (8:32pm November 28, 2010):

This sounds like a fabulous set of books! I want to win!!

Re: Motor City Witch (11:43pm November 26, 2010):

I live 20 minutes out of Detroit in a suburb and understand completely why you chose Detroit. Thanks for the giveaway.

Re: Holiday Sparks (9:16pm November 24, 2010):

I love my Mother In Law who we brought home to die instead of putting her in a nursing home. It is difficult but a definate labor of love. She is still able to tell us she loves us, or where it hurts, which helps us help her. We don't know how long we'll have her but we will always be happy we did this.

Re: Her Kind of Hero (9:56pm November 23, 2010):

I met my hubby on match.com we did have a whirlwind romance, we are married now 12 1/2 years! Extremely happy.
I always told everyone he came over to pick me up for the first face to face date and never went home. LOL We did the emailing, then calling, etc. before.

Re: Dating Mr. December (9:05pm November 22, 2010):

Would love to read this!

Re: Honky Tonk Christmas (9:18pm November 19, 2010):

I'm thankful for my family!
My Mom is coming to town this weekend I look forward to seeing her.

Re: Miracle Baby (10:00pm November 17, 2010):

Wow I send Peggy Roberson's comments! I can't come up with a better answer for my fairy tale hero because she just put it into words for me.
Thank you Peggy!

Re: The Christmas Clock (10:51pm November 15, 2010):

I love Xmas books! Count me in!!

Re: Falling Home (10:55pm November 13, 2010):

I think there is a nerdy teenager in all of us!

Re: Deadly Intent (10:52pm November 11, 2010):

I would love to read the book.
I love that there are contests held to win them!

Re: The Forever Queen (9:06pm November 11, 2010):

I love reading about the queends of those years. Thanks for writing about another! Would love to read it.

Re: While Galileo Preys (9:32pm November 7, 2010):

Oh, would love to be able to write but reading is as close as I come to it.

Re: The Devil She Knows (7:54pm November 6, 2010):

My favorite place has always been my Grandmothers and the town she lives in. She used to live over the newspaper my grandmother owned and operated that faced downtown. Their backyard was huge and after he died she moved down stairs, bulding a little house on the land filling the area and facing the other best part about where they lived and how the lake! I still go there and walk down town and go check out the new businesses or old ones and take lots of pictures of the lake at sunrise and sunset. My grandmtoher is still living at 95 and still working and still loves to cook. She still has pretty large family dinners. She just starts cooking in advance and freezes things to take out to heat up when she has family mmembers coming and cooks some of it that day. She can't have the entire family there we are too numerous and also spread out more. I took friends for years up north to Grandmas and to Lakeview! Grandma's cooking is always special, she makes some fabulous things that I always look forward too. I don't know what I'll do when she is gone.

Re: Simply Irresistible (9:06pm October 29, 2010):

I love books that have a series of characters in books.

Re: Dangerous To Know (4:48am October 26, 2010):

I love having books based in interesting locations so that I may be there, taken away, while I lay on the couch reading, to a new place! Thanks to authors like you, I can be taken there!

Re: You're All I Need (8:27pm October 24, 2010):

Writing is no easy task, and there is so much more than the end product. I was aware of a lot of it but your article gave me more insight.
Cudos to you!

Re: Crossing the Lion (8:45pm October 23, 2010):

I'm not as good as you are to staying on task!

Re: Twilight Hunger (10:31pm October 21, 2010):

I would love to win the book! Thanks so much for the giveaway.

Re: The Making of a Gentleman (9:07pm October 20, 2010):

It's great to read a great book and also learn something new at the same time.

Re: Captive Spirit (8:19pm October 19, 2010):

I love having some history involved in my books!

Re: Pursuit of Justice (10:22pm October 18, 2010):

I love books that grab me from page one. I read a lot of different kind of books, as long as they pull me in!

Re: Silver Serenade (10:32pm October 14, 2010):

I love a good villian!

Re: Backstage Pass (10:22pm October 13, 2010):

I'm so allergic to cats, if someone even hugs me that have cats and have been around them, I have to take benedryl and changed my clothes

Re: The Secret History Of The Pink Carnation (10:18pm October 12, 2010):

I've not read any of her books but would love to! Her books look great!

Re: Sloane Hall (9:49pm October 11, 2010):

I really usually like books from the womens pov, although I have read some from the mans pov that I really enjoyed. I don't usually pick those, unless there is a story line that really grabs me.

Re: Sazerac Seduction (8:04pm October 10, 2010):

I'm married to him. He's been there for me when no one else was through the good and the bad!

Re: The 2nd Lie (9:56pm October 8, 2010):

Accidents are always painful and pains in the butt as they interfere in our lives! I hope you heal soon.

Re: Lord Lightning (10:44pm October 7, 2010):

Congratulations on your book!

Re: Seducing The Duchess (10:17pm October 6, 2010):

I've been reading for years since I was very young and my tastes have changed over the years. I wish I could write.
I always love a good book where I can get on the couch and escape to another place for hours!

Re: Friday Mornings At Nine (9:33pm October 5, 2010):

I love Forest Gump I could watch many times over. Crash really spoke to me, I hope it gave the message to a lot of people!
One that is really a story between my husband and I, I saw it the first time while in the hospital for surgery, is The Great Gatsby! The story is really too long to tell here but my hubby went and bought it for me after I got out of the hospital.

Re: The Spy Who Saved Christmas (11:17pm October 4, 2010):

I love reading, dancing when my back isn't bothering me, traveling and spending time with my family as none live close by. Lately I've gotten some beads and have been making book thongs. I love to visit my 95 year old grandmother who still works and plays cards, spends time doing things in her community in her small town.

Re: Sinful in Satin (9:24pm October 1, 2010):

I don't have recurrent dreams although I'm often in dreams with my abusive step father, he was verbally abusive and controlling, also I find im in dreams with people from a place where I worked where I ended up in the middle of a vicious law suit as a witness where I didn't lie and everyone else but the victim did, it was ugly....when those dreams happen I often talk during my sleep according to my husband. Any other dreams I have I don't remember. All dreams that I'm in I'm me!

Re: One Touch of Scandal (3:19pm September 26, 2010):

My reward is reading or time on my computer. Nice that you are giving money to benefit cats.

Re: Love Me (10:28pm September 24, 2010):

I usually notice a couple over a single man.

Re: For the King's Favor (8:45pm September 22, 2010):

Lately I've found that I really enjoy reading about real people in the romance novels. Your book sounds great.

Re: Secrets Volume 29 Indulge Your Fantasies (9:33pm September 21, 2010):

I would love to go to Scotland! Rome and Egypt, Wow!

Re: Captured by Desire (8:24pm September 19, 2010):

I loved your article, about the various names for occupations back in the day, very interesting! Thanks.

Re: Burning Up (9:39pm September 15, 2010):

I think I've been pretty much of a lifer in reading romance, just last few years started reading other genres

Re: Rebel (9:15pm September 15, 2010):

The series sounds greeat! I didn't have any knowledge of them before.

Re: Uptown (9:11pm September 15, 2010):

I don't think so, I've never thought of a color in conjunction with a book or story.

Re: Just One Taste (3:38pm September 12, 2010):

I never see any conferences in Michigan. I don't have a kindle, I like my books, I can read books on my net book but it isn't as much fun. Happy Birthday! Thanks for the contest!

dancealert at aol dot com

Re: Warrior (8:17pm September 11, 2010):

I haven't had a fan moment I haven't been to a signing or conference darn it!

Re: Stolen Son (9:55pm September 10, 2010):

Great heros make great books and your books sound like they are very intersting reads. Thanks for sharing!

Re: Desperate Deeds (8:16pm September 8, 2010):

I love to read romance but don't always want it to be predictable, so the suspence is a nice addition.

Re: Warrior (8:47pm September 6, 2010):

The book sounds great! Congratulations!

Re: Royal Blood (5:05pm September 4, 2010):

I love to have suspense in a book and have it make me laugh too! What a great combination!

Re: From The Dead (10:52pm September 3, 2010):

My grandmother is my inspiration. She is 95, still works 20 hours a week at the elementary school, is active in her church, plays bridge every Thursday and Eucre every Tuesday. She cooks extra when she cooks and freezes so she always is able to throw a meal together for whomever drops by. She had nine there for Easter this year! She loves to cook and takes part in bake sales at church, etc. She still drives, but not at night.

Re: Thrilled to Death (8:06pm September 2, 2010):

I love crime novels. Please enter me!

Re: Dark Deception (9:34pm September 1, 2010):

I am not working on anything special, but have to admire your persistance! Good luck with your new book. Have a great holiday weekend!

Re: Atlantis Betrayed (8:31pm August 31, 2010):

Wow sounds like a great book!
I'm not a good one to ask about destressing.

Re: Deadly Fear (8:05pm August 26, 2010):

I think I respond better to books with humans rather than monsters. If I'm to connect wtih a monster he better have human characteristics.

Re: Bond With Me (9:10pm August 25, 2010):

Sounds like a good read!

Re: Assassin's Heart (7:07pm August 24, 2010):

I would love to go through past life regression but can't afford to do that. I'm sure it must be expensive. I can't say I don't believe in it. I'm pretty open to most things.....I have a ghost in my house!

Re: Don't Cry (7:46am August 22, 2010):

I have a pretty large TBR going, and only buy a book I really want to read if I don't have it, if I win the funds to do so. My hubby unfortunately is laid off and it has been over a year. He worked 7 years as a corporate controller for a multi divisional construction company and now there is no work in Michigan. I think we'll be moving away from here and then I'll really need my books until I can make some new friends!

Re: Nemesis (6:34pm August 21, 2010):

I would love to read either of the Red or the White Queen!
I love reading and turn on the AC and put my feet up and read!

Re: Amelia Island's Velvet Undertow (9:31pm August 19, 2010):

Cute column. Please enter me into today's contest.

Re: Hero (9:14pm August 18, 2010):

I would imagine reviews are tough to read. I always try to be more than reasonable when I write a review on a book I've read and post it on Good reads. Even if it isn't my cup of tea I try to find redeeming qualities!

Re: The Star Necklace (8:50pm August 17, 2010):

I loved your story about Austria! LOL I think I would have been terribly embarrassed! Yeah I was told by a friend of mine who goes to clothing optional places, that the people that go to those are older not great looking have surgical scars, whatever and are just wanting to hang out but have no respect for young people who want to come and just be there to display themselves. It's about the freedom to do what they wish for the older crowd. Not seeing people who are great looking naked. Seeing someone changing clothings out in the parking lot, well that would have taken me by surprise!
dancealert at aol dot com

Re: Rule's Bride (9:03pm August 16, 2010):

I love a series, if I hit one I like I buy the entire one!

Re: Roast Mortem (9:32pm August 14, 2010):

I love blueberry pancakes but am allergic to buttermilk. They looked so good too! I'm married but that doesn't mean I can't look at, admire and read about firemen either!

Re: Home is Where the Bark is (11:26pm August 12, 2010):

I used to like to cook, not so much these later years. I like to read about cooking disasters because I've had enough of them to relate! It seems if you don't do it enough you lose it.

Re: Hell, Yeah (12:53pm August 12, 2010):

I loved the interview! I loved that song!

Re: The 1st Wife (10:39pm August 10, 2010):

cool book covers! I had a week I wouldn't repeat for anything it's been a bad one!

Re: A Highland Duchess (10:37pm August 10, 2010):

I love talking to authors about their different ways of writing, and talking with them. I love to read but can't write to see my life!
dancealert at aol dot com

Re: The Smuggler And The Society Bride (1:07am August 5, 2010):

I loved the excerpt! Thanks. I would love to read the book!
dancealert at aol dot com

Re: The Goddess of Fried Okra (2:12am August 4, 2010):

I absolutely believe in reincarnation. Not sure if I am a reincarnation of someone else, would love to be read!

Re: The Unexpected Son (10:58pm August 2, 2010):

What a great interview!

Re: Veil Of Night (10:30pm August 1, 2010):

I'm really envious!

Re: Monster in Miniature (11:15pm July 30, 2010):

I read many genre's. I would love to read your book!

Re: The Ark (9:21pm July 29, 2010):

This sounds like a really great book!

Re: Barely A Lady (5:41am July 28, 2010):

My favorite at the moment is Still Missing by Chevy Stevens

Re: The Millionaire Meets His Match (11:32pm July 26, 2010):

I love the list!
To pack for him when he goes on trips! Men can't pack!

Re: Moonshine (10:40pm July 23, 2010):

Sidekicks and friends are always great in stories, they help add to the story.

Re: Tomb With A View (10:37pm July 23, 2010):

I believe in ghosts. We have one that lives here, he was smoking here until my husband had a talk with him! Would love to read your book.

Re: Love and Scandal (9:18pm July 23, 2010):

I love the sound of your book. Thanks for the opportunity.

Re: Knight Of Passion (9:16pm July 23, 2010):

I would love to win your book. Thanks for the opportunity.

Re: Ice Cold (9:23pm July 18, 2010):

I didn't clean my either. I would love to meet those two authors!

Re: Suck It, Wonder Woman! (10:43pm July 17, 2010):

I love that guys are reading!

Re: Revenge for Old Times' Sake (10:23pm July 16, 2010):

The book sounds like a great read. I have to say I sleep like the dead, it's very hard to wake me up.

Re: Fortunate Harbor (11:20pm July 15, 2010):

I have friends from different times in my life and different places. They don't mix well. I love my friends!

Re: Murder in the Abstract (11:01pm July 14, 2010):

I love bad boys! Thanks for the opportunity!

Re: To Conquer a Highlander (10:32pm July 13, 2010):

I collect books, and old antique crackle glass pieces have a huge collection of it!
Love pins too!

Re: Ice Cold (10:27pm July 13, 2010):

I love Tess Gerritson, please enter me!

Re: The 1st Wife (10:44pm July 9, 2010):

I like to go outside and work in the garden. I feel closer to God then and feel as if I can sort things out there.

Re: The Wild Irish Sea (5:36pm July 8, 2010):

I would love to read the books! The top ten list is great!

Re: Money, Honey (12:38pm July 8, 2010):

I read Laurie Lewis's "Awakening Avery" which was great - rich with characters that were questioning themselves and their lives... Great book.
No perfect people! I hate books where the women are perfect in every way the men are gorgeous and the two are perfect together. Some authors go into such detail describing everything about the persons clothing, hair, eyes, etc. til I want to say gag me already, no one is that perfect!

Re: Crush On You (10:37pm July 6, 2010):

I love friends to lovers stories! My husband and I met through match.com and we emailed and talked on the telephone for a very long time before we met. So yes it was a friendly relationship until we met. I always have said he came over for the first date and never left, now 12 1/2 years later we are still happily married!

Re: Home is Where the Bark is (6:21pm July 5, 2010):

I'm allergic to animals so miss out on having a four legged animal in my home. I know I would really enjoy them if I didn't get sick from them!

Re: Unchained (5:46pm July 5, 2010):

My favorite family tradition is any time I get to see my Grandmother who is 95. I don't get to see her often. We used to be there to celebrate her birthday every year and I always looked forward to it but this last year I was not able to be there. My mother in law broke her hip and has needed my husband and I more on a basis of several times a week, now twice a day every day at the nursing home, so I haven't been able to see my Grandmother. I have to say though spending time with my mother in law watching her make such strides in learning to walk again with her new hip, etc., has been very rewarding. I still miss Grandma! She lives three hours away.

Re: A Cutthroat Business (9:16pm July 2, 2010):

Would love to read your book!
Thanks for the info on it!

Re: Her Sheik Protector (8:53pm July 1, 2010):

The first lines are so important! I give my books out once I read them, especially if they are good! Don't have any fabulous ones laying around to grab a first line from.

Re: The Fire Lord's Lover (5:51pm June 30, 2010):

Wow - I've never seen such a great description of their clothing, thank you for that. I read every word, and often I'll skim through long articles, not yours! Thanks again!

Re: Rapture Untamed (8:47pm June 29, 2010):

I love both. Some times I'll read a book that isn't a series and wish there were more! If I do read a good book that is part of a series I will usually try and get my hands on the rest!

Re: The Master & the Muses (8:54pm June 28, 2010):

There is no perfect hero. In fact if they are too perfect, they aren't believable.

Re: Dark Flame (8:28pm June 27, 2010):

Welcome Becky. You picked a good group to intern with. Fresh fiction is a great place to be. I hope I can win some books here ~ : )

Re: Hidden Wives (10:22pm June 26, 2010):

I love the sound of the book! Would love to win.

Re: Sworn To Protect (7:45pm June 25, 2010):

I love strong women!

Re: Fatal Affair (11:23pm June 24, 2010):

I love a man who is protective! Would love to read the book!

Re: Tempting a Proper Lady (9:39pm June 23, 2010):

I live for romance novels - they help me get through regular life challenges..

Re: The Devil She Knows (10:20pm June 22, 2010):

I would have to say that I would find a wandering man interesting but would only want to attach myself for happiness sake to a more stable man!

Re: Summer Sanctuary (9:33pm June 21, 2010):

To Kill A Mockingbird was banned? That is so surprising to me!

Re: Smooth Talking Stranger (9:48pm June 20, 2010):

My mother in law is in the hospital with a broken hip so we are spending our day there, she is legally blind and needs assistance eating, etc. She is very afraid of being there. My Dad lives up north and I had to be happy with just calling him to wish him Happy Fathers Day! He was happy to hear from me.

Re: The Lies We Told (9:47pm June 18, 2010):

I don't watch book trailers I like to read the books and be surprised.

Re: Royal Captive (11:45pm June 16, 2010):

Yes I did. I was a bookkeeper for a UAW Local thought I would retire from there. Ended up leaving through a lawsuit, after 11 years, someone elses, I had to testify..... Ended up in a completely different life, totally happy, have had 7 surgery's and been married twice, but am very very happy and my life is fabulous with my hubby even though I am not working any more.

Re: Dragon Unmasked (10:09pm June 16, 2010):

I was ill, I've had 7 surgery's in 8 years and meningitis. Too much medication means no reading. I always have loved it so as soon as I was able to put two words together I was reading again. It took a while to work up to entire books in a day again though.

Re: Seducing the Knight (8:47pm June 14, 2010):

I had a fabulous visit with the Titanic exhibit in Vegas when we were there. I then saw the tv video last night of the discovery of the ship, which hadn't been released before. I would have loved to have been with that explorer that went down and sent video up to the crew of what was on the ground with the titanic. It gave me shivers, the original exhibit did. If you ever get a chance to see it go!

Re: Death Threads (8:13pm June 14, 2010):

I belong to a dance group that started years ago. We don't all actively get out and dance any more, but we do all get together once a year if not more often. The range of ages, and jobs held by the people in the group, ethnicity all is a huge range that jells together into one great time when we all get together again. I love series with a richness in the characters, a range of people, it makes it much more interesting!

Re: Crush On You (10:18pm June 10, 2010):

It's been 12 years and even though I can't fit into it, I remember wearing a black and white geometric design jacket with medium black beads here and there on it, a short black skirt, black marilyn monroe piece of lingerie top as a top instead of lingerie with a tank top underneath it, I looked hot, which I can't say so for myself so much these days at age 51. It's been 13 years since we met and I still remember opening the door to my match.com husband and first date! It's still heavenly here even if I've had a few back surgery's and gained a bit of weight. He's aged as well and still loooks HOT!

Re: The 1st Wife (11:58pm June 9, 2010):

It's hard to go to a small community that is all established and you weren't apart of it then. My Grandmother lived in a small town where everyone knew everyone. I would go to stay there in the summers. I found even though we lived over the newspaper right on main street during those times. I felt horribly alone much of the time. The people hanging on the street who were my age were not friendly to me an outsider.

Re: Desire Me (10:37pm June 8, 2010):

The only scavenger hunts I have particpated in are on author sites. Never done one in real life. Sounds like fun!

Re: Guardian (9:42pm June 7, 2010):

I love series books! It's great to be able to continue following favorite characters. It is always like saying goodbye to good friends when they are only contained in one book!

Re: Blown Away (9:49pm June 6, 2010):

I don't get involved in challenges. I have read a ton of books this last month, but haven't kept count. I've handed them off to friends as soon as I have finished them so that they may enjoy them also, so they aren't in my closet to count. I have though put reviews up in Good Reads, for others to find. I will look next time I visit there at how many books I have read. There have been many authors and many genres. Great reads!

Re: Night Myst (11:30pm June 4, 2010):

I tend to follow my favorite authors whether they are in a series or not.

Re: I Love This Bar (8:07pm June 3, 2010):

I love this bar - I love this book - want to read it! Please count me in!

Re: Strange Neighbors (10:24pm June 1, 2010):

The book sounds like a great read! Please enter me in the contest!

Re: Ancient Whispers (9:27pm May 31, 2010):

Congratulations! Thanks for the chance to win a book!


Re: Blown Away (10:45pm May 30, 2010):

I read them as they come out unless I discover the author late and then I buy them all and buy them in order.

Re: The Journey Home (7:15pm May 29, 2010):

We share a lot of recipes in my family. I even started to put together a family cookbook.

Re: Die Twice (11:31pm May 27, 2010):

I love Chicago! Sounds like a great book.

Re: His At Night (8:37pm May 25, 2010):

Sounds like a great book! Count me in on the contest please.

Re: Band Of Angels (11:46pm May 24, 2010):

I've never been a bolter. Would love to read your book. Great interview.

Re: Lover's Knot (10:47pm May 21, 2010):

Please enter me in your contest. Nice interview, book sounds interesting!

Re: Sex And The Single Earl (8:38pm May 19, 2010):

I love small town stories! My grandmother has always lived in a very small town and her husband owned the newspaper and they lived over the top of it. I just love visiting there even though the newspaper is no longer and my grandfather has passed away. I love small towns!

Re: On Folly Beach (12:15pm May 19, 2010):

I'm so sorry for the loss of your grandmother, mine is 95 and stil working at the middle school 20 hours a week and driving! I don't know what I'll do when I lose her, but she has been great about keeping journals, pictures in albums by family's, has a family tree done, we found out we were related to June Carter Cash! Family is great!
I love family reunions so much and keeping photographs!

Re: A Thread So Thin (9:20pm May 16, 2010):

I didn't have an imaginary friend per se. I had books from my youngest age to lose myself in and dream of what might be. That is as close as an imaginary friend as I can speak of.

Re: Silent Truth (11:31pm May 15, 2010):

It sounds like so much fun! I wish I could come there but can't travel this year, husband is unemployed. Michigan has very high unemployment, worst in the US!
Please enter me in your contest!

Re: Small Change (10:53pm May 14, 2010):

I've never read Sheila's books but would like to!
Please enter me in today's contest.

Re: Getting In (11:13pm May 13, 2010):

Please enter me in the contest! The subject matter is a little too deep for me!

Re: Haunting Warrior (11:28pm May 12, 2010):

I love to read about time travel! I love the cover of your book! Would really love to win it! Time travel, I'm not sure I would want to go forward, more about going back I think.

Re: Sex Drive (11:51pm May 11, 2010):

I love television and books! I only glance at magazines when there are articles about stars I enjoy reading about. Books are usually picked up on the combination of the cover and the story line.

Re: Rumor Has It (9:11pm May 6, 2010):

The books sounds amusing, I would love to read it!

Re: Touching Darkness (9:47pm May 5, 2010):

I'm a housewife and my husband is laid off right now.
The best part is that he is my best friend! The worst part is that he is around all day and all night right now and I had grown used to being alone all day for seven years since he was laid off last. He helps me when I need help around the house, but he also makes messes with little projects that he starts too.
I really like to read it is my escape and I have such great respect for authors!

Re: In Shelter Cove (12:22pm May 5, 2010):

Using ordinary guys for hero's makes it believable. My husband has become my hero over the years, he protects me, he saved my life at the hospital = literally - he can do anything.... he's my hero!

Re: His Border Bride (11:09pm May 3, 2010):

It sounds dumb but I agree with everyone that I always love the latest hero of the current book I'm reading! I forget about the past book and concentrate and totally get engrossed in the present book!

Re: Blood Of The Demon (10:27pm April 30, 2010):

What is a great book for some may not be so great for others. I have a group of people that I rely on to lead me to great new books and some times I just look at the book front and back read a few pages and dive in and hope it is as great as it seems. I have one book that everyone told me was so fabulous, everyone! I didn't get it, the book moved so slow I gave up before I got to the fabulous part. The book, Eat, Pray, Love. For everyone there is a book, for the most part. I may not have been feeling well when I was trying to read the book, and perhaps when I'm in a great mood and healthy, I should give it another try, we'll see. I'm always willing to try new authors and new genres. Since I've been blogging and entering contests, I've gotten tons of books I might not normally have chosen... I have been on a run of great books of new authors, just finished another, such great fun! I always write a review for the new books! Such fun!

Re: Just Like Me, Only Better (11:16pm April 27, 2010):

I don't have any children and never could tell my parents what I wanted to be when I grew up as I never knew! I guess you have to be really talented as a child to be doing something you can build a career on, I guess I wasn't.
Please enter me in the contest. Thank you.

Re: A Thread So Thin (9:20pm April 26, 2010):

I try never to look back, the choices I made were made with all the information I had at the time, more information and I might have made the decisions differently, but we don't have that. I always say hind sight is 20/20. Please enter me in the contest! Thank you!

Re: Rule's Bride (11:02pm April 24, 2010):

I haven't read your books but would love to. The brides series sounds wonderful!

dancealert at aol dot com

Re: Silent Truth (10:01pm April 19, 2010):

My passion was always dancing, then I had 7 surery's on my back and neck and had meningitis. Obviously I can't dance like I used to, so am not always sure who I am other than a wife to my husband who loves me so much. He is pretty much my passion, no one has ever treated me better! I love reading, I am an avid reader, I spend time with my husband and friends of ours, he has an old corvette and I do car shows with him some of the time, but always take a book! LOL

Re: Reunion (11:53pm April 8, 2010):

Paranormal books are great!
Count me in!

Re: The Darcy Cousins (11:32pm April 5, 2010):

The book sounds fun, please enter me!

Re: Flirting With Forever (10:02pm March 29, 2010):

I LOVE Time Travel books!!
I've never read your books I would like to though.

Re: Forget Me Not (9:48pm March 19, 2010):

We all have to do the unexpected or let it happen to remain a little sane.

Re: Do They Know I'm Running? (9:45pm March 19, 2010):

I believe that is is alwaays amazing to me to be able to see how authors develope their characters and stories. My mind just doesn't work that way!
Thank you!
dancealert at aol dot com

Re: The Stolen Crown (11:09pm March 16, 2010):

I love historical fiction!
dancealert at aol dot com

Re: The You I Never Knew (9:04pm March 14, 2010):

I prefer to laugh when reading! Thanks!

Re: The Scarlet Lion (11:18pm March 11, 2010):

I hope to win! Please include me in the drawing!

Re: Fantasy in Death (8:42pm March 10, 2010):

Wow 30 books! Good for you!

Re: The Wild Marquis (8:41pm March 10, 2010):

I can't think of any books that have four sets of nice parents between the couple. Always conflict! Funny, I had never thought about that.
No one has a brady bunch family!

Re: SEALed with a Ring (11:11pm March 5, 2010):

I've been a dancer for 21 years, it's definately a part of seduction! We love to dance together, we still take lessons when we can.

Re: Plaster And Poison (9:38pm March 4, 2010):

I have not read any of your books but I would love to!

Re: Truly, Madly (10:08pm March 3, 2010):

I definately believe in love at first sight! I met my husband online, we met finally after chatting by email and then by telephone, and when he came to get me for the first date, I tell everyone he basically never went home. 12 years later we are still very very happy!

Re: Lake Magic (11:41pm March 2, 2010):

Please enter me in your contest. I can't remember my first romance, no way, I've been reading them since I was 12 or 13 and I'm 51 now. Too many years!

Re: Naked Edge (9:24pm March 1, 2010):

My husband and I have been through a lot of challenges in our marriage together, but they have only made us stronger. We are really compliment each other and get along really well. He was laid off one time for two years, we didn't fight, we were able to get through the time together stronger instead of letting it tear us apart!

Re: Seeing Red (10:15pm February 28, 2010):

I did work on my TBR stack this month, as I've been ill and couldn't get much else done. I read some new authors I wouldn't have read otherwise and loved them!

Re: Fantasy in Death (10:27pm February 25, 2010):

I haven't read anything in this series but would love to!
30 Wow!

Re: Saving CeeCee Honeycutt (12:51pm February 22, 2010):

I know what you mean, my friendships are the most important thing that I treasure.

Re: The Edge of Winter (9:45pm February 21, 2010):

I love Susan Wiggs! I've read all of hers!

Re: The Betrayal Of The Blood Lily (9:57pm February 20, 2010):

Books are always my escape! I like to get a really good one and stay on the couch until the last page is turned. I don't get to do that often!

Re: Kayla's Daddy (8:48pm February 19, 2010):

I loved the letter!

Re: Chick with a Charm (7:21pm February 19, 2010):

I'm neither, I'm allergic to pets. I have fish. Not the same you can't cuddle up with a fish. If I were to be either, I think I would say I was a dog person.

Re: Accidentally Demonic (10:29pm February 18, 2010):

Please enter me ! Thanks.

Re: Ordinary World (8:51pm February 15, 2010):

I'm glad you and your brother are so happy! My younger sisters are fraternal twins, and they aren't getting along right now. They are as different as night and day!
I hope they patch up their problems soon.

Re: Hot Stuff (7:54pm February 14, 2010):

My husband and I decide in advance if we are going to do much for Valentine's day. Some years, there is soemthing special we want to do, some years, like this year, I'm sick and our life is too busy after moving his Mom into a new home here near us, so we agreed to do nothing this year. I did though go online and use my paypal account to buy him a manual for his corvette that he wanted and told him it was his Valentines Day Present and if he could get the paperwork done that needs to be done that has been hanging over our heads, I would be very happy, and he said he would do that. Not very romantic but it was what each of us thought would be special to make the other one happy for the day, even though I'm down with a respiratory infection! LOL We have had years where we were aware of a special place we wanted to go to a dance we wanted to attend and we made those special plans. I think actually it is always best to be spontaneous and surprise your spouse with something special when they don't expect it a few times a year is a great thing!

Re: Raining Cat Sitters And Dogs (11:18pm February 11, 2010):

I'm not a writer but appreciate the article!

Re: Triumph in Arms (8:56pm February 7, 2010):

I like fairy tales and fiction, although some times teh fairy tales are stretched a little too far.

Re: Viking in Love (9:54pm February 4, 2010):

I love finding new authors. I found Catherine Anderson and had to have all of her books, then the same with Leigh Greenwood! So fun to find new authors!

Re: Drive Time (10:21pm February 1, 2010):

I'm really good at keeping a secret! But not from my husband! I don't ever promise to keep something from him that he should know.

Re: Hasta La Vista, Lola! (9:58pm January 30, 2010):

I like Dean Koontz, which really isn't a traditional mystery writer. Your book sounds great!

Re: High Noon (9:48pm January 30, 2010):

I've not seen High Noon and I know it's been out a while. I would like to see it though I love a good western!

Re: Forbidden Falls (8:29pm January 17, 2010):

I guess I am close to being a techie, but not quite...
Money keeps me from buying more toys! !:0

Re: The Keepers Of Sulbreth (12:40pm January 16, 2010):

I more often buy books because of the authors than because of the titles! I'm trying to break away from that and discover new authors now!

Re: Forget Me Not (11:08pm January 13, 2010):

Thanks for sharing! Count me in!

Re: Sleep No More (9:30pm January 12, 2010):

I've never experienced being around someone who has sleepwalked I think it would really not be a safe thing for them!

Re: Sizzle (10:32pm January 8, 2010):

Without a villian there can be no heroes. Think about it.

Re: My Dearest Mr. Darcy (9:25pm January 8, 2010):

I found the interview very interesting and would love to read the book!

Re: Fugitive (9:21pm January 8, 2010):

Looks like a good read.
I hope I'm able to read it!

Re: Angel Lane (8:50pm December 30, 2009):

I don't make resolutions as a rule, but started going to a gym with my husband, am resolving to keep going with him!

Re: Dragons Prefer Blondes (9:40pm December 27, 2009):

These books look like a lot of fun! I would love to read them!

Re: Kitty's House Of Horrors (9:39pm December 27, 2009):

Thanks for the great post!
I look forward to reading your books!

Re: Twenties Girl (12:04pm December 27, 2009):

I like reading books written in a location I'm familiar with, it always seems much more interesting!

Re: Searching For Pemberley (8:58pm December 25, 2009):

I think I would enjoy reading your book. I always have to slow down when it's written in a way I don't usually speak!

Re: The Gift (8:15pm December 18, 2009):

I missed out on a lot of things that you all experienced, my family was extremely disfunctional, a drunk for a stepfather, no Christmas memory's that are worth sharing. My memory's of Christmas were all from my Grandmothers house. She had those bubble lights on her trees every year and I still to this day find them fascinating!

Re: Gentlemen Prefer Succubi (8:13pm December 18, 2009):

I have a friend who makes a lot of candy for Christmas, I'll have to share this with her! Yummy!

Re: Divorced, Desperate and Deceived (10:22pm December 17, 2009):

I think the cover of your book is a fabulous choice! It catches the eye and makes you want to laugh and to read it!

Re: The Beautiful Being (10:18pm December 17, 2009):

I hate coffee but love reading! Can't write a story to save my soul!

Re: Dancing On The Head Of A Pin (10:59pm December 11, 2009):

I would love to gift this to myself!

Re: Red Kiss (10:57pm December 11, 2009):

I have a friend I got hooked on romance novels, she would love this!

Re: Remembering Ashby (10:56pm December 11, 2009):

I would love to win this book for my sister!

Re: Sounds to Die By (11:44pm December 9, 2009):

I would love to give this book to my sister, she can't afford to buy new books! She always gets mine from me!

Re: Urgent Care (11:40pm December 9, 2009):

I needed a good laugh!

Re: The Strangely Beautiful Tale of Miss Percy Parker (11:36pm December 9, 2009):

I would love to give this to my sister, she loves to read and can't afford to buy new books.

Re: Searching For Pemberley (11:21pm December 8, 2009):

I find the entire writing process that authors use fascinating. I wouldn't have thought that was how to write a book! Surprising!

Re: Red Hot Lies (10:50pm November 30, 2009):

I can't wait to read to your series. I hope it will be available soon!

Re: Dark Lover (10:43pm November 30, 2009):

I like contemporary books, a little bit of everything. I don't keep any of my books, I share them with my Mom, sisters, Grandmother, and they donate them to their libraries in the end.

Re: A Father For Jesse (9:28pm November 27, 2009):

I love free stuff!!

Re: Knit The Season (9:18pm November 27, 2009):

I would love to learn to knit!
I would also love to read your book!

Re: Captive of Sin (8:16pm November 26, 2009):

I agree some of the time only a fantasy man will do! ~ : )

Re: Stolen Heat (3:27pm November 23, 2009):

Your book sounds like a great read!

Re: It Happened One Night (3:25pm November 23, 2009):

My husband is my best friend! Eleven years together, and we met online!

Re: Prime Evil (12:28pm November 22, 2009):

I don't have stories in my head, I don't understand how authors get their books written.

Re: The Vampire Diaries: The Awakening (12:27pm November 22, 2009):

I've never seen either of those shows.

Re: The Monuments Men (9:00pm November 20, 2009):

I would love to read this!

Re: The Splendor Falls (8:01pm November 19, 2009):

The book sounds wonderful.

Re: The Splendor Falls (7:59pm November 19, 2009):

I haven't read Splendor Falls, but would like to!

Re: Dark Legacy (7:58pm November 19, 2009):

This looks like a fabulous book! I hope to win it!

Re: Kill Zone (10:48pm November 18, 2009):

You have such a great outlook!

dancealert at aol dot com

Re: The Sari Shop Widow (10:45pm November 18, 2009):

I don't believe anyone has to be nasty!

dancealert at aol dot com

Re: Men Of The Otherworld (10:44pm November 18, 2009):

I vote for Charles!

dancealert at aol dot com

Re: Over My Dead Body (10:04pm November 16, 2009):

My grandmother is the best cook! I started a family cookbook which features many of her favorite recipes because I love her cooking!

Re: Dead Pan (4:39pm November 15, 2009):

I love the sound of this series, can't wait to read it!

Re: Love You To Death (9:29pm November 12, 2009):

This one sounds like a great read! Good excerpt!

Re: Willoughby's Return (9:28pm November 12, 2009):

I love a ball gown! And Dancing in one!!

Re: Kindred In Death (9:21pm November 12, 2009):

My rule for these holidays is that I can't buy for anyone as my husband is laid off. Anything I may have that I can share with my family such as books I've read that they might like I package up and ship to them.

Re: Remembering Ashby (9:19pm November 12, 2009):

Wow! What a great excerpt!

Re: While My Sister Sleeps (7:29pm November 10, 2009):

It sounds like you have to eat, sleep and breathe any new book you have written and any you are working on. It must be exciting and exhausting at the same time.

Re: The Secret Agent's Surprises (7:28pm November 10, 2009):

That is so true! I was able to put to good use my talents when I started a dance club, unfortunately 2 1/2 years into it I had to have back surgery and had to get out of it. My friend though has been running it for the last 11 years so it was a good thing.

Re: Kindred In Death (7:26pm November 10, 2009):

I don't have a list but found todays post an interesting read!

Re: The Promise (7:25pm November 10, 2009):

I started reading at a very young age and would rather lay around picturing myself in another world than to go outside and play and was caught quite a few times with a flash light undeer the covers after lights out! I always have a book out in lines at the post office, doctors waiting rooms, etc.

Re: Storm Glass (7:22pm November 10, 2009):

I do always put a note at least on Goodreads.com when I read a new book so the author or others will know I liked it and why! I hope to be able to read your new book!

Re: Spinning Forward (7:20pm November 10, 2009):

I am looking forward to your new book!

Re: The Wrong Side of Dead (8:59pm November 9, 2009):

Definately not a gold digger, but a true love!

Re: Captive Desires (8:58pm November 9, 2009):

I so want to win! I'm a dancer, but a swing dancer!

Re: Wild Blue Under (7:40pm November 9, 2009):

I always did like that saying, "When Pigs Fly!"

dancealert at aol dot com

I love humerous romance stories!

Re: Rainwater (5:23pm November 7, 2009):

I don't watch book trailers, or at least I haven't until I've been on book sites so much lately. I do like to read Sandra Browns book.

Re: One Lucky Cowboy (9:39am November 5, 2009):

I would love to read her book!

danceaelert at aol dot com

Re: Killjoy (3:26pm November 3, 2009):

I don't really like villians, I'm more for heroines!

dancealert at aol dot com

Re: The Cowboy From Christmas Past (3:10pm November 3, 2009):

I haven't had that problem with cooking a turkey I always call my Mom or my Grandmother for advice as it is something I would only do about once in five years. There is only the two of us so unless we were having company turkey, a whole bird, wouldn't be on our menu, take out would! dancealert at aol dot com

Re: Frostbitten (3:02pm November 3, 2009):

I've definately read a book where I had to struggle to finish it. I think it was the authors writing of a certain section also that turned me off. I can't remember which book it was I struggled with so, it was fairly recent, but I have memory problems and a few books away and all I can remember is if I liked a book or not, not the specifics, blame it on age, medication and a bout with meningitis.
Any or all. So, yes, I really do try to finish the books, they are fairly pricey, and I hate to put the book down and not finish, if it is an author I usually like. Like you I will try to get past the struggling part and get through to the ending. I have only once or twice put a book down and absolutely not finished it.

Have a great day!

dancealert at aol dot com

Re: Final Approach (11:17pm November 2, 2009):

Save some of it to put on a gingerbread house for Christmas! LOL

dancealert at aol dot com

Re: Scorched (7:11pm November 2, 2009):

I would love to be entered in this contest!

Re: Captive Desires (7:09pm November 2, 2009):

My passion is dancing. I have had back and neck surgery's so can't always take part and have to be pretty careful, but when I can't dance (ballroom, swing, latin, etc.) I read, my other passion.

dancealert at aol dot com

Re: Haunted (6:57pm October 30, 2009):

Eastwick is awesome! I love the show!!

Re: What The Duke Desires (9:12pm October 29, 2009):

I would love to read her book!
Please enter me!

dancealert at aol dot com

Re: Mr. Darcy Vampyre (9:11pm October 29, 2009):

Some kind of vampyre, please enter me! dancealert at aol dot com

Re: Mr. Darcy Vampyre (8:11pm October 28, 2009):

I didn't know that I would want to read a vampyre book as one I read lately wasn't my cup of tea. Yours sounds more like I think of the old barnabus collins in dark shadows that I watched back in the day. Although I have to say, I caught a rerun in the last couple of years at one point and had to laugh at how campy the show was, and the music for the drama scenes. My childhood girlfriend and I were laughing about it. She still loves the vampyres, and I think I would like to give them another chance and read your book!

dancealert at aol dot com

Re: My Unfair Lady (1:14pm October 26, 2009):

I loved the letter. This sounds like a fun book!

Re: Hot Flash (10:22pm October 25, 2009):

They sound really great!

Re: Possess Me At Midnight (6:50pm October 25, 2009):

I've never read your books but would lvoe to.

Re: My Wicked Vampire (6:48pm October 25, 2009):

I've never read your books but would like to!

Re: Smart Girls Think Twice (9:24pm October 23, 2009):

I love bad boy heroes!

Re: Lucky Break (9:21pm October 23, 2009):

I love your books!

Re: Santa Honey (9:20pm October 23, 2009):

Please enter me in the contest!

Re: Possess Me At Midnight (1:14pm October 22, 2009):

I have not read any of your books, but would love to!

Re: Ravenous (12:22pm October 20, 2009):

I would love to try this recipe. I'll have to save this one for when my family is visiting!

Re: Loot the Moon (12:20pm October 20, 2009):

Motivation - I have to keep to a schedule, that way I get the things done when I need to. Mess with the schedule and I have trouble getting things done.

Re: The Other Mr. Darcy (11:02pm October 16, 2009):

What an unusual book! I would like to read it.

Thanks for the contest!

Re: Soulless (4:08pm October 15, 2009):

I've never heard of steampunk at all but then I'm still not sure what "meme" means.

Re: A Marquis To Marry (4:07pm October 15, 2009):

Your book sounds like a fabulous read! I haven't ready any of yours. I would definately like to!

Re: The Trials Of The Honorable F. Darcy (4:04pm October 15, 2009):

For some reason Jane Austen is still really popular today!

Re: The Promise (2:04am October 14, 2009):

I think we are all wondering where the time went. I look in the mirror and don't see me any more! I'm a different person inside and out.

Re: The Hunt (2:02am October 14, 2009):

If I was supposed to write a book every time life threw lemons at me, I would be up to my ears in books! I probably do have several books in me!

Re: A Marquis To Marry (1:59am October 14, 2009):

I've always been insppired by Amelia Earhart and Princess Diana

dancealert at aol dot com

Re: A Hollywood Ending (9:00pm October 11, 2009):

Danielle Steele and Nora Robers are definately in my inner circle. I've recently discovered Linda Lael Miller, but my all time favorite is Catherine Anderson and Carolyn Davidson!

dancealert at aol dot com

Re: The Promise (8:58pm October 11, 2009):

I would read the books if I could. Unfortunately I'm allergic to dust so can only read new books or books on tape. If I could read old books I would save some of my favorites to read again,I know my sister does!

Re: The Cowboy From Christmas Past (1:30pm October 5, 2009):

I enjoyed your story, I can't have animals, other than fish due to allergies. I think it would be nice to have a dog!

Re: Demon Ex Machina (1:27pm October 5, 2009):

I love chocolate as much as books and dancing. I have never had Godiva Chocolate!
I always have to have nut free chocolate so tend to stay away from the shops that display it all together.

Thanks for the opportunity!

Re: Lucky Break (9:11pm September 29, 2009):

I love your books! They are always great reads!

[email protected]

Re: Air Time (1:34pm August 25, 2009):

I met my husband on December 26 1997 in person after meeting him online through match.com months before. It was really love at first sight for us, I tell everyone he came over and never went home! We married on September 26, 1998 so you can see we really didn't know each other very long before we decided to marry. We've gone through a lot of ups and downs, a lot of downs as I've had a lot of surgery's but he's always been there right by my side as I've been with him through two long stints unemployed. He really is my life partner and I know he feels the same way about me. He tells people, in front of me and when he is on his own, that I'm the nicest person he's ever met. How can you not love a guy like that?

Re: To Tempt The Wolf (1:30pm August 25, 2009):

I haven't read any books such as yours until the one that I won recently which has vampires and such in it. It's hard to wrap my head around those types of subjects, your book sounds better than the one I'm reading, I won't mention the author. I guess I would have to write a book about dancers, as I've been involved in the dance world (partner dancing, ballroom, swing, latin, etc) for 15 years. I've heard every kind of thing and I often think of writing a book based on real characters but perhaps changing the story lines enough so as not to make anyone angry. I'm sure many model the charactes in their books from real people! At least those are the ones that give you an idea to a fresh book! Thanks for the giveaway!

Re: Skykeepers (1:24pm August 25, 2009):

I'm sorry, I haven't read any of the books, but it sounds so interesting I may have to pick them up! Good luck with casting!

Re: Gordath Wood (1:22pm August 25, 2009):

I always have a book with me, in the bathroom, bedroom, car, will read standing in line at bank, at the stoplight, used to read witha flashlight I snuck into my room when I was a kid. Now when I travel with my husband, we will rent a room and I have to have the lights out when he goes to sleep, I always take a flash light with me so I can read without disturbing him as I don't have another room to go into. Some characters I can't get out of my head!!

Re: The Fixer Upper (1:19pm August 25, 2009):

I'm a reader and there are no books considered empty calories with me. I read a little bit of everything, but romance books are my favorites. Since I've been entering contest, I've started reading books that I wouldn't normally be attracted to, and have found them to be interesting. Thanks for the giveaway!

Re: In the Master's Bed (1:13pm August 25, 2009):

I don't have any children so the date only means the kids will be off the streets in our neighborhood, so we won't have to worry about them running out between cars, etc., when out during the day.

I loved school when I was going as a child and always looked forward to going back and would be excited to see what teachers I was going to have and who was going to be in my class.

Brenda Rupp

Re: The Cowboy From Christmas Past (1:02pm August 25, 2009):

My mother in law has macular degernation, in the dry form and she really doesn't see much at all, she uses her side vision.

Re: Notes From The Underwire (12:22pm August 25, 2009):


Brenda Rupp
dancealert at aol dot com

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