Lily Revere is free-spirited and fun loving--two dangerous
qualities in a witch. Especially while planning her sister
Anica's engagement party, and she needs a date! She's
determined to bring hot Griffin Taylor, but he's a divorce
lawyer who claims his job has warned him off romance. He
may pretend he's just not into her, but she knows better--he
only needs a nudge in the right direction.
Slipping a love elixir into Griffin's drink may not be the
noble thing to do...but it sure works! Lily's dreamboat drops
all defenses and the two discover they're perfectly matched
in every way. There's just one problem: Are Griffin's
feelings the result of some truly good witchcraft...or is he
really in love?
I don't have either right now! I think I would be more a cat person but I like both. We can't have a cat because son has an alergia to them. To me cats seem to keep theirselfs clean and you don't have to walk them because they will use a litter box. They do like to set in you lap and be patted. They just seem to be more calm. (Gail Hurt 1:49am February 19, 2010)
3 cats deign to reside with me. They wake me for treats no matter that it’s the weekend. They greet me at the door when I get home for their dinner which must be served before anything else gets done. They spread their charm between my husband and I not favoring either. I have 2 all black domestic short hairs and a long hair tortie that I wanted to name after Ethel Murman as she is tiny with a BIG mouth. I was voted down so she is now named Emily. My daughter has a rottie named Athena who is a sweet girl. I just don’t have the energy required for a dog I guess. (Donna Antonio 5:27am February 19, 2010)
We have had both but at the moment we have one cat, Jinx. She, of course, rules the house. I love how she manages to look down her nose at me when she is sat on the floor! She will climb on me in the night for a cuddle but if I ignore her she will go and wake my daughter instead. She will not drink from a bowl only a glass - one in each of my daughters rooms and will wake them in the night when she is drinking!! But no matter how much a pain she is, she is one of the family. (Barbara Hanson 6:14am February 19, 2010)
Like you, I love both, but am definitely a cat person. What independent little creatures they are! (Joanne Reynolds 6:23am February 19, 2010)
Definitely a dog person. We have 2 little Yorkies, Spencer & Kirby. They are brothers. Right now they are in bed with by husband. Except for barking a lot, they are perfect. Today is also my Daughters birthday. So it's a great day. (Pat Wilson 9:47am February 19, 2010)
Hi, Gail! Ah, those pesky allergies. Two of my grandkids have them, but I just heard that acupressure might help. Worth checking out!
Donna, you're so right! Dogs take more energy than cats. That must be why I'm a cat person, too. :-)
Jinx sounds a lot like Eve, Barbara. One cat, but she's the queen of this house, for sure!
Joanne, I love the independence of cats, too! (Vicki Thompson 9:50am February 19, 2010)
Happy B-Day to your daughter, Pat! Yorkies are so adorable. And so tiny! My cat would make two of them. (Vicki Thompson 10:36am February 19, 2010)
I'm a dog person (that's even my Chinese zodiac sign) but I appreciate cats, too. A lovable 16-year-old mixed breed dog and a hyperactive 4-year-old ferret are part of our family now. The rest of the family would love a cat, but hubby doesn't like them at all. (G S Moch 10:49am February 19, 2010)
Hi, there, GS! My son is a Dog in the Chinese zodiac, and he really fits the profile. LOL about the hyperactive ferret. Aren't they all? (Vicki Thompson 11:25am February 19, 2010)
I'm a cat person. Love my lucky cat! (Sherry Russell 12:15pm February 19, 2010)
I have a lucky black cat, too, Sherry. Lucky for me, lucky for her. ;-) (Vicki Thompson 12:24pm February 19, 2010)
I am an animal lover!!! We always have a house full of critters... We have a black cat, Zoom Zoom that is 18 years old, 3 dogs, 3 birds, plenty of fish... etc. Love them all... (Colleen Conklin 12:54pm February 19, 2010)
I have a Russian Blue named Max who rules the house. His stomach alarm goes off at strange times and I must take care of feeding him immediately. (Barb Volker 2:20pm February 19, 2010)
For me it depends on the pet. That's how I choose. (Leni Kaye 2:33pm February 19, 2010)
I love both cats and dogs. Had a dog when I was young. When he died and dad said no more, I convinced him to let me have a cat. Which he kept when I moved out. Now we have two dogs. (Lena Lee 2:34pm February 19, 2010)
I love both, but am partial to dogs. We lost our Sammy a few years ago and do not want to start over with a new animal at this time...she is still missed. I volunteer at the Humane Society instead. (Deanna Stillings 2:40pm February 19, 2010)
Colleen, it must be lively at your house!
Cats have that ability to rule a house, Barb. They train us well, don't they? :-)
Smart words, Leni. Dogs and cats are not all created alike, that's for sure.
Lena, I'm glad you got to have a kitty after your doggie friend died. The saddest part about dogs and cats is that they don't live as long as we do. I'm hoping Eve, who is coming up on 6, will live to be at least 20. (Vicki Thompson 2:41pm February 19, 2010)
Deanna, volunteering at the Humane Society is a great way to still have animals to love. I know how tough it is to lose a beloved pet, but how terrific that you're donating time to homeless animals! (Vicki Thompson 2:43pm February 19, 2010)
I have to tell you that I am in love with all of your books! I'm glad to have found you as an author!!!
~krista (Krista Eyler 3:11pm February 19, 2010)
I don't have either right now but I had a dog as a kid and my boyfriend has a cat. So I like both (Sandy Giden 3:12pm February 19, 2010)
Krista, thank you! I'm so glad to have found you as a reader. :-)
Sandy, I think it's a good sign if a guy has a cat or a dog. To me it means they have a kinder, gentler side. (Vicki Thompson 3:28pm February 19, 2010)
I would have to say both. We have a dog who I adore but my daughter brought home an all black cat name Chris but we call him Chrissy. He is kind of tempermental though. He likes to be loved on when he is in the (Joy Hoormann 3:48pm February 19, 2010)
LOL, Joy! You don't suppose that cat is temperamental because you call *him* Chrissy? (Vicki Thompson 4:51pm February 19, 2010)
My cats, Fergie and Lady Diana say Hello! Blessings, Marjorie (Marjorie Carmony 5:03pm February 19, 2010)
My cats Fergie and Lady Diana say Hello! Blessings, Marjorie (Marjorie Carmony 5:06pm February 19, 2010)
I'm more of a cat person. I like them more because they're more self-sufficient. I have a black and white cat, named Salem. She's so tiny, but she is very chubby at the same time. I also have a Husky cross named Chase. Haha, he's four years old, but he acts like a little puppy. (Shantal Mohammed 5:15pm February 19, 2010)
I am a dog person and I belong to Storm and Shadow...two cockapoos. (Robin McKay 5:30pm February 19, 2010)
I have a soft spot for both, although I cross the street when faced with any of the dogs that have jaws that lock. They all seem to have personalities close to their owners and sometimes the same mannerisms in body language. The longer one is around a cat or dog the easier it is to read their mood. We had a dog that had a vocabulary of 50 words including old and new sock (these had a knot in them whereby we played tug-of-war with the dog ferociously defending his spot. Both dogs and cats are good listeners and rarely voice an opinion of your discussion. Oh, another thing is they reduce blood pressure and can calm you down in a matter of minutes by their presence and especially when stroking their fur. I like to discover the special spot where they love to be scratched. I remember times when the cat would purr and weave between my legs especially after a long trip. The dog would go bananas doing his own stroking machine with my hand in one place and the dog going back and forth. Looking for treats and when hungry you can always tell when pets want attention, they are intense with focus and won't leave you alone until satisfied that their needs are met. It reminds me of a few friends, I've met. (Alyson Widen 5:50pm February 19, 2010)
I am more a dog person but cats seem to just show up out of the blue & adopt us. We would truly miss them if they were not around. (Mary Preston 6:22pm February 19, 2010)
I have both, but I am more of a cat person. My cat owns me. (Lisa Garrett 6:24pm February 19, 2010)
Marjorie, greetings back to Fergie and Lady Diana! Am I to assume they're both princesses?
Self-sufficient is the right word for a cat, Shantal. Chubby and tiny sounds very cute.
LOL, Robin! I was sure Storm and Shadow would turn out to be German Shepherds. Hugs to your little ones!
Alyson, I love your description of coming home to pets who need attention! I'm also convinced they have the ability to learn many words. Ah, if only they could speak!
Mary, those cats know a soft touch when they come across one, LOL.
Lisa, there is NO doubt that my cat owns me! And she's proud of it. (Vicki Thompson 6:34pm February 19, 2010)
"Eve’s her own person . . . um . . . her own cat." You had right at the beginning there! They definitely are people, in my book (so to speak!). I have been cat-owned most of my life, but my current lease doesn't allow any animals, so I have to depend on friends cats (and dogs, in a pinch) for my cat "fixes."
For those of you with allergies (or with family members with allergies), I just learned about a cat breed that doesn't have the dander that causes the allergies. It's a Siberian, and looks like a Maine Coon cat, only bigger and with longer fur. Nicolai is eight months old, and was just adorable at our dinner party the other evening. He made sure he got the (you'll pardon the expression) lion's share of the attention! I have NEVER seen a cat with fur this long, and I've had long-hairs in my life, including one who was part Maine Coon. Nico's tail fur alone, unfuzzed (as in when he would be mad or scared), was at least about 8 inches from side to side!! He was just too cute for words!!
So, yes, in belated response to your question, I am a cat person.
Lynn (Lynn Rettig 6:59pm February 19, 2010)
I'm neither, I'm allergic to pets. I have fish. Not the same you can't cuddle up with a fish. If I were to be either, I think I would say I was a dog person. (Brenda Rupp 7:21pm February 19, 2010)
Lynn, that's fascinating about the Siberian. I'm going to have to Google those! Also, I know that some dog breeds are sort of hypo-allergenic, too. Anyway, I'm hoping one day soon you'll be in a place where you can have a kitty, or two, or . . .
Brenda, fish are pretty cool, although I agree you can't cuddle them. They do have personalities, though. Maybe one day you could check out the Siberian Lynn just mentioned. (Vicki Thompson 7:31pm February 19, 2010)
I have a dog. My husband and I are lucky because we get to take her to work every day. (Pam Griffith 7:34pm February 19, 2010)
I am a dog person. They are there when you are sad and curl up with you are cold. (Patricia Kasner 7:38pm February 19, 2010)
I'm a cat person. It is amazing how quickly they take over your heart and your house. (Rosemary Krejsa 7:40pm February 19, 2010)
Thank you for your post, Vicki. I like dogs, but I've never had one for a pet. I'm definitely a cat person. During the last 20 years I've had 12 cats. Not all at the same time, of course!
Right now I have four: a black-and-white adult male named Archimedes (Arky for short), a five-month old calico/tabby bob-tailed female kitten named Farrah, a white adult female named Lucretia (Creesha for short), and a golden tabby adult male named Spartacus. They're my "furry children"! (Mary Anne Landers 7:41pm February 19, 2010)
I'm an animal person in general but lean more toward cats (I have three!) but if I was home more I would definitely have a dog too! :) (Michelle K 8:11pm February 19, 2010)
I do love dogs but I am a cat person. I've always had cats throughout my life. Currently, I have two black cats (they are a black siamese/gray tiger cat mix) who are sisters, Lily and Coco. (Margay Roberge 8:23pm February 19, 2010)
Hi Vicki! I am so a dog person. I have a very spoiled 10 year old English Springer Spaniel (a cousin to the Cocker Spaniel ). Her name is Bridgette and she has dog beds in two rooms in the house her day bed and her night sleeping bed. She has a very own cabinet just for all her treats and so many toys and stuffed animals she would make a little kid jealous. I do have a 14 year old cat named Precious we rescued her when she was a kitten. She is very smart but she has always been a county cat so she like the outdoors. I have a electric heating pad in her cat house on the front porch so I keep her toasty all winter long. Anyway it doesn't usually get that cold where I live at but this year has been a doosey. I am so looking forward to reading Chick with a Charm. I have never read a book you have written that I didn't enjoy. (Gigi Hicks 8:34pm February 19, 2010)
Pam, how great for both you and your doggie, to be able to take her to work!
Patricia, you are so right that a dog is often more ready to comfort you than a cat, although sometimes my cat will sense I'm sad and come sit in my lap.
Mary Anne, your "family" sounds lovely.
That's the thing about dogs, Michelle. It's tough to have them if you're gone a lot, but cats seem to fare better under those conditions.
Margay, your kitties sound so beautiful!
Hi, Gigi, and thank you for the warm fuzzies! Your Bridgette sounds spoiled rotten, and what fun to spoil animals, huh?
Rosemary, it's great to meet another cat person! (Vicki Thompson 8:49pm February 19, 2010)
I'm heading off for the evening, but it's been fantastic to be here today! I've loved all the pet stories and wish we could all meet in person with our furry friends. At least we could talk about them here, though! Thanks for a lovely day! (Vicki Thompson 8:51pm February 19, 2010)
Yes, Please enter me in your Contest and currently we have 5 Dogs that are cute Chawinnies! Chihuahua/Dachsunds and lots of fun and I grew up having cats all my life on the farm in KS too! God bless, Cecilia 74 Cece [email protected] (Cecilia Dunbar Hernandez 9:04pm February 19, 2010)
I have not read any of this series. They Look Good. (Pat Lieberman 10:01pm February 19, 2010)
Yes, definitely enter me; forgot to say that. (Pat Lieberman 10:02pm February 19, 2010)
It's funny that pets grow to fit their names as humans often do. I have a solid black longhair cat named Lola. She's the Mae West of cats. When someone comes to visit, she prances into the room, and you can almost hear her say "Of course you came to see me." That old Sarah Vaughan song "Whatever Lola Wants Lola Gets" certainly applies to my Lola. She's the queen of this house. (Jill Hayden 10:18pm February 19, 2010)
I have always been a dog lover, especially big huggable ones. Cat's are pretty much good for drop-kicking. Just kidding! Cats are too aloof. I like the buddy that will come up and snuggle with you just because! (Molly Wilsbacher 10:21pm February 19, 2010)
Congrats on the release! It looks like a great series.
I am more of a cat person. I love both but prefer cats. Right now I have 2, one inherited and one I picked out. Someday I would love to add a dog but not while living in a smaller apartment. The cats keep me amused at least though. (Donna Simmonds 12:20pm February 20, 2010)
Love cats. I live with 3 cats. All have different personalities, mewows, and get into a lot of trouble. They keep me company and I enjoy them. (Brenda Hill 12:51pm February 20, 2010)
We don't have either right now, but my oldest son (age 7) really wants a pet. I don't really have any experience with cats (had 2 dogs growing up), but were currently researching getting a cat. (Jamie Prusinski 8:08am February 20, 2010)
I love dogs, but they are like some husbands - SOOOO needy. A cat lives with you, a dog lives for you. Did that make any sense? (Karin Tillotson 12:16pm February 20, 2010)
Yes, Please enter me in your Contests and Yes I love Animals and grew up with dogs and cats on the farm in KS and many other animals too. Currently, we have 5 Chawinnies; Chihuahua/Dachsunds that are loads of fun. Bundles of Joy; hee hee; LOL God bless, Cecilia 74 Cece [email protected] (Cecilia Dunbar Hernandez 2:57pm February 20, 2010)
There's plenty of both cats and dogs in my house - I raise foster kittens until they are old enough to adopt for the local humane society and my two dogs and permanent cats "help me out" by making sure the kittens know about both dogs and other cats. [email protected] (Penny Tuttle 3:06pm February 20, 2010)
Dog person here. In fact, I am the treasurer for a nationwide volunteer dog rescue organization. (Deborah Lary 4:38pm February 20, 2010)
I'm a cat and dog lover. My dog treats my cat like she is her baby. I love to watch them play. (Mitzi Hinkey 6:22pm February 20, 2010)
I consider myself a dog person -- just think puppies are cute and there are no claws, but cats seem to like me -- they always choose me to curl up to at my dd dance studio:) (Kelly Holt 8:22pm February 20, 2010)
i was never an animal person until my twins went to college last year. I got a coton de teleur pup and im a total dog freak now. We just had 8 pups in november and they were so so cute! I also have a cat in the mix. Love to win the contest! (Barb Wild 10:31pm February 20, 2010)
Hi Vicki, I would have to say I have always been a cat person until I got my long-haired mini Dachshund, Leo. He is definitely my "main man" much to my husbands distress! I do love them both, cats are so much more independent than dogs but neither of my cats "loves" me like my dog does! (Sharla Long 11:32pm February 20, 2010)
I'm definitely a dog person. I have 3 rescued Minaiture Pinschers and volunteer with IMPS - which is how I ended up with 3 rescued MinPins. LOL (Donna Holmberg 4:02am February 21, 2010)
I'm both, I really love all animals. Currently I'm sharing my house and heart with 3 cats and a rabbit. (Stacey Brucale 10:20am February 21, 2010)
I love all animals but i would have to say i'm a cat person. All my life as far as i can remember we had always had a cat in the house. but i have a story about a cat that i loved dearly. her name was Rosie she was given to me as a kitten & I spoiled her rotten. she was a beautiful orange & white cat. I had her for about 2 years then one horrible day the neighbours dogs killed her. broke my heart. a few years later we had moved, after we unpacked a calaco cat came to our door she looked hungry so we took her in & fed her. put an add in the paper but no one claimed her. so we took her to the vet for shot's & check up. thats when we found out she was pregnant. when it was time for her to give birth she wouldn't leave my side. so i watched her have the babies. the babies that came out were grey & white, but the last to come out to my surprise was Orange & white. I was so excited till i seen the mother was having trouble with her, the head of the baby was stuck, the mother started getting frantic and was trying to pull the baby out by the toe but doing so she was actually pulling the toe off. so i had to stop her and i put my hand on the baby and wiggled the head out. well the baby was fine but i knew in that instant i was keeping that kitten, because it had the same markings as my old Rosie plus it was also a girl. it was almost like the old Rosie came back to me. as you can guess i named her Rosie. I had her for 7 years spoiling her rotten. I kept her in the house never letting her out. but about a year ago she started getting sick. I rushed her to the vet he kept her over night, the next day he gave me the worst news of my life rosie had a brain tumer & i had to make the decision to put her down. I must of cried for a week. but then i got to thinking she came back to me once maybe she'll come back to me again. so now i'm waiting to see if she does come back to me. (April Kirby 12:49pm February 21, 2010)
I am a devoted dog person, and although our Emmie is in doggy haven, my memories of her keeps us both happy & sad, she was our best friend on earth. (Wilma Salas 11:10am February 22, 2010)
Well my sign names is catslady5 lol. But at the moment I have 6 inside cats. I've had as many as 8. I also take care of ferals/strays. I have a covered porch that is fixed up just for them. I can't say I'm not a dog person though since I've had two and loved them dearly. (Jeanne Sheats 6:43pm February 22, 2010)
I'm definitely a dog person. My 2 mutts are totally pampered. (Summer Sharp 12:07pm February 24, 2010)