February 11th, 2025
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Love, Secrets, and Second Chances—February’s Must-Read Books Await!

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A Stray Pup, A Second Chance, and a Killer on the Loose�Wagtail�s About to Get Wild!

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A Hacker, an Undercover Mission, and a Love Worth Fighting For.

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A Duke by any other name would smell as� dastardly?
� delightful?

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Shaken, Stirred, and Unexpectedly in Love�Can They Mix Business with Pleasure?

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As London's high society watches their every move, can these two brilliant minds find the formula for true love?

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Chocolate, Second Chances, and a Love Too Sweet to Let Go.

Death Threads by Elizabeth Lynn Casey


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Also by Elizabeth Lynn Casey:

Patterned After Death, June 2017
Mass Market Paperback / e-Book
Needle and Dread, April 2016
Paperback / e-Book
Wedding Duress, April 2015
Paperback / e-Book
Taken In, August 2014
Mass Market Paperback / e-Book
Let It Sew, November 2012
Paperback / e-Book
Dangerous Alterations, November 2011
Paperback / e-Book
Deadly Notions, April 2011
Pinned for Murder, October 2010
Mass Market Paperback
Death Threads, May 2010
Sew Deadly, August 2009

Death Threads
Elizabeth Lynn Casey

Southern Sewing Circle #2
Berkley Prime Crime
May 2010
On Sale: May 4, 2010
Featuring: Tori Sinclair; Colby Calhoun
288 pages
ISBN: 0425233413
EAN: 9780425233412
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Mystery Woman Sleuth | Mystery Cozy

The Southern Sewing Circle mystery series continues.

Yankee librarian Tori Sinclair is basking in the warmth of her new circle of friends from South Carolina's Sweet Briar Ladies Society sewing circle. That is until local author Colby Calhoun reveals an unflattering secret about the town's historic past-and then disappears, leaving a bloody trail behind him. And when Tori begins to see a pattern of the townsfolk's age-old Southern pride standing in the way of justice, she knows it's time to unravel the mystery.

No awards found for this book.

Southern Sewing Circle


60 comments posted.

Re: Death Threads

Thanks, Kate! I'll have to check out Her Mother's Diary...thanks for the tip!! Now that I have a little time between deadlines, I'm looking for some stuff to read (that's not mine)! ;)
(Elizabeth Lynn Casey 8:12am April 22, 2010)

Thanks, Kate!!
Elizabeth Lynn Casey 10:07pm April 23, 2010)

Thanks, Kate! I will check it out!!
Elizabeth Lynn Casey 8:52am April 24, 2010)

Great interview , it is always super to read about new author and different genres that I not normally drawn to!
Audra Holtwick 1:57pm May 1, 2010)

I find that agents are telling me the cozy is falling off in popularity, although readers I talk to say they follow several cozy series. I can't find any agent who handles cozies. At a writer's conference, an editor told me I needed a hook (like "the knitting mysteries" or "plumbing mysteries"), so I put the hook in my query. Still nothing. Who is buying and who is repping cozies today? You can't trust the websites that search for agents, as they haven't been updated for centuries. . . .
Shalanna Collins 12:54pm May 12, 2010)

Sewing and mysterys are two of my favorite things, sounds like a lot of fun.
Theresa Norris 6:01am June 14, 2010)

The books sound fascinating with all the different personalities being brought together.
Joanne Reynolds 6:26am June 14, 2010)

Sometimes, people read series for the characters, not the genre. :-) There are a few authors who I would love to tell: "Don't bother killing anyone in this book, I'm just here to visit with your characters".
V Scott 7:06am June 14, 2010)

Absolutely love the cover & title of your book. Sounds like an enjoyable cozy read that will keep me guessing. Keep up the good work.
Donna Petrilla 7:28am June 14, 2010)

I dont read too many mysteries, but I love the covers and sounds like a nice read and my aunt would love to borrow it too.
Pat Lieberman 8:30am June 14, 2010)

Love the cover....cant wait to read the book
Julie Parrish 8:41am June 14, 2010)

Being a southern and enjoying sewing and reading, I am looking forward to your new series.
Sheila True 8:56am June 14, 2010)

this series sounds very good. will watch for it:)
Barbara Studer 9:01am June 14, 2010)

Thanks for stoping by, everyone! And Happy Reading!!!
Elizabeth Lynn Casey 9:32am June 14, 2010)

Having read the first two books in the series, I'm looking forward to reading the next one.
Dru Ann Love 9:53am June 14, 2010)

Thanks for the giveaway! My mom loves your books, I'd like to win it for her. TY
Christine Hirth 10:26am June 14, 2010)

I love all kinds of books. I'd love a chance to win yours! Thank you!
Christina Hirth 10:28am June 14, 2010)

If I win this books it looks like I'm going to have to start at the beginning what a joy!
Shirley Hundelt 10:30am June 14, 2010)

I would love to read this. Thanks for the giveaway.
Ashley Domes 10:43am June 14, 2010)

Read the first book, can't wait to read the second. Thanks for the new series.
Pat Wilson 10:51am June 14, 2010)

Looks like a great read. Interesting!
Felecia Digsby 10:53am June 14, 2010)

Dru Ann and Pat, I'm trilled you've liked the books so far!! And Pat, I hope you like DEATH THREADS just as much!
Elizabeth Lynn Casey 11:07am June 14, 2010)

This sounds really good! Sewing and Southern, can't beat that combination. I love cozies...
Ivy Truitt 11:27am June 14, 2010)

Sounds like books I would enjoy reading!
Deena Mayhew 11:50am June 14, 2010)

I love mysteries and would like to add yours to my list of authors.
Kathleen Pearlman 12:27pm June 14, 2010)

You are so right about craft groups. My knitting group's members range from early 20s to late 80s. And everyone gets along famously.
Marlyn Beebe 12:40pm June 14, 2010)

i love to sew so this is a must read !
Debbi Shaw 12:48pm June 14, 2010)

Sewing is such a great topic for a series besides all the great food, quilting and knitting ones. They all seem to involve solving a mystery about someone inadvertently or deliberately being killed. Good luck with a nother one in the fabric and tapestry of good reading.
Alyson Widen 1:22pm June 14, 2010)

Sounds like a very interesting series... would love to read it!
Colleen Conklin 1:52pm June 14, 2010)

The Sewing Circle Mystery Series puts me in mind of the BSC book Maid Mary Anne, where Mary Anne and Claudia start a sewin club for some of their charges. I enjoyed that book in my youth and I look forward to enjoying this series as well.
Laura Albert 2:15pm June 14, 2010)

The Sewing Circle Mystery Series sounds great. I have several friends who I would enjoy sharing these stories with.
L Green 2:39pm June 14, 2010)

Love you book titles! They have to be good reading.
Marjorie Carmony 2:48pm June 14, 2010)

Now I have more books to put on my TBR pile. Can't wait to start reading them. I love how you put ladies of different ages - my best friend is about 25 years older than I am but we still have so much in common and she gives great advice!!
Josie Roetemeyer 3:28pm June 14, 2010)

I can see why at first the ages could throw things off, but they have a common factor linking them together, so it works out anyways. And we all have our roles to play in the different groups of people we socialize with.
Jessica Badeaux 4:02pm June 14, 2010)

Sewing and a mystery sounds interesting! Don't sew much now but always remember the first thing I sewed: an apron!
Susan Stenvog 4:44pm June 14, 2010)

Hobbies do bring people of different ages and backgrounds together. Sewing is a good one as it has been around for a long time. I'm looking forward to more of this series.
S Tieh 5:05pm June 14, 2010)

Girlfriend, look at all these comments!! Lovely article from a lovely person! I'm so proud of you!!
Sharon Galligar Chance 5:28pm June 14, 2010)

This book is on my wishlist! Thank you for the giveaway!
Lisa Garrett 5:29pm June 14, 2010)

I'm loving the idea of the Southern Sewing Circle series! I also like the fact that I can still start with the first in the series.
Betty Gelean 5:37pm June 14, 2010)

sounds like a good read
Sagrario Vigil 5:57pm June 14, 2010)

What a terrific series. New to me & now I must read. Love the title.
Mary Preston 6:12pm June 14, 2010)

Hello Elizabeth, Please enter me in your fantastic contest and please let me know when I am a winner too!
May God bless you with success!
Cecilia Dunbar Hernandez 6:37pm June 14, 2010)

I belong to a knitting group, and after reading your blog, I can relate completely!! We all have different backgrounds, and are of different ages, yet we get along so well, and help each other in personal ways, as well as our knitting. Although I'm not familiar with your books, I'm very intrigued with the story line, and will be sure to look for your books!! I'm anxious to read them!! Thank you for writing stories that hit so close to home!!
Peggy Roberson 7:29pm June 14, 2010)

I belong to a dance group that started years ago. We don't all actively get out and dance any more, but we do all get together once a year if not more often. The range of ages, and jobs held by the people in the group, ethnicity all is a huge range that jells together into one great time when we all get together again. I love series with a richness in the characters, a range of people, it makes it much more interesting!
Brenda Rupp 8:13pm June 14, 2010)

This looks very promising!!
Cathie Veres 8:14pm June 14, 2010)

There is nothing worse the a novel with characters like tissue paper cutouts. It is so refreshing to see an author who really understands the depth that this adds to any story, and sees ways to create excitement out of everyday life.
Sarah Dewbery 8:24pm June 14, 2010)

I'm looking forward to reading your books.
Pam Howell 8:30pm June 14, 2010)

Your book sounds wonderful! I'd love to
be in a room with all those wonderful
Molly Wilsbacher 9:01pm June 14, 2010)

I love mysteries and this looks great. Can't wait to read it and Thanks for the chance to win a copy.
Teresa Ward 9:06pm June 14, 2010)

This mystery sounds great. I love the variety of characters that comprise the sewing circle. I am looking forward to reading this book.
Rosemary Krejsa 9:17pm June 14, 2010)

I haven't read any of your series but looks great.
Loretta Canton 9:37pm June 14, 2010)

I love alittle romance and mystery mixed together.
Sherry Russell 9:37pm June 14, 2010)

this mystery sounds entertaining and sewing is a good thing, so the combination must be good; I would love to give your books a try.
Diane Sadler 9:40pm June 14, 2010)

I haven't read this series but I'd love to
Catherine Myers 10:50pm June 14, 2010)

I love mystery. Can't wait to read your first book.
Kai Wong 11:23pm June 14, 2010)

Your books sound fantastic! My sis used to live in So. Carolina and we sewed all the time whenever I went to visit her. Although I have not yet had the privilege to read any of your books (I just found you!), perhaps I will be lucky enough to win one. It is wonderful that you give your fans this chance to win one of your books. Good Luck everyone!
Cheri Minott 11:50pm June 14, 2010)

The dynamics are like that in our lives, the people we meet who seem to have none of our traits or fit into our age bracket are sometimes the ones that become closest to our hearts.
Darci Paice 1:23am June 15, 2010)

Thanks, everyone!

And Darci, I couldn't have said it better myself!
Elizabeth Lynn Casey 9:33am June 15, 2010)

Your characters are intriguing and I fully agree that interesting characters make the story.
Gladys Paradowski 10:54pm June 15, 2010)

this is one of my fav blogs
Joan Geisbrecht 3:56pm August 18, 2010)

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