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Love, Secrets, and Second Chances—February’s Must-Read Books Await!

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A Stray Pup, A Second Chance, and a Killer on the Loose�Wagtail�s About to Get Wild!

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A Hacker, an Undercover Mission, and a Love Worth Fighting For.

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A Duke by any other name would smell as� dastardly?
� delightful?

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Shaken, Stirred, and Unexpectedly in Love�Can They Mix Business with Pleasure?

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As London's high society watches their every move, can these two brilliant minds find the formula for true love?

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Chocolate, Second Chances, and a Love Too Sweet to Let Go.

Money, Honey
Susan Sey

July 2010
On Sale: July 6, 2010
Featuring: Elizabeth Brynn; Patrick O'Connor
320 pages
ISBN: 0425235483
EAN: 9780425235485
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Romance Contemporary

FBI Agent Elizabeth Brynn reluctantly goes undercover with "retired" professional criminal Patrick O'Connor to bust a counterfeiter-only to find herself tempted by him to get under the covers

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84 comments posted.

Re: Money, Honey

I have just discovered Ilona Andrews books and love them. Actually I picked On The Edge up thinking my daughter might like it and I got into it. Then we had to get the others.
(Lena Lee 3:15pm July 6, 2010)

I loved the outlander series and when Jaimie remarried when he thought Claire was gone forever to him and then ran back to his true love.
Darci Paice 1:16am July 7, 2010)

Jennifer Ashley's book THE MADNESS OF LORD IAN MACKENZIE featured a very atypical hero for a romance novel. Her hero has Asperger's Syndrome. He was wonderfully unique.
Cheryl Castings 1:30am July 7, 2010)

Congrats on your debut release, Susan. I've a couple of historicals where the hero is a virgin and the heroine is the experienced one and it was quite refreshing.
Jane Cheung 4:16am July 7, 2010)

Hi, Lena! I'll have to try Ilona Andrews--I've heard her stuff is good & I've just never gotten around to it. My TBR pile is so tall....I just discovered JR Ward, myself, & have at least four books to go. :-)
Susan Sey 8:09am July 7, 2010)

Darci, I just recently read Outlander myself! Oh my gosh, it was so wrenching, that first book! I keep trying to work my courage up for the second. I mean, I loved loved LOVED the book but wow, that first book when Jaime's held captive & tortured? I'm getting anxious now just thinking about it. Diana Gabaldon does such a great job of defying expectations re: character behavior while continuing to create satisfying, rich characters though. I think I'll have to pull it together to read on. Thanks!
Susan Sey 8:12am July 7, 2010)

Cheryl wrote: "Her hero has Asperger's Syndrome. He was wonderfully unique."

I love it when an author is able to give her character a challenge like Asperger's & make it feel and sound authentic. I'll have to check that one out.

I read an old Mary Balogh once where the heroine (I think? It's been a while) was deaf and/or mute. I didn't think I'd enjoy that, as witty repartee is often my favorite part of a romance novel, but she totally worked it.
Susan Sey 8:15am July 7, 2010)

Jane wrote: "I've a couple of historicals where the hero is a virgin and the heroine is the experienced one and it was quite refreshing."

Oh, the hero as the virgin! I love that little twist on expectations! Especially in a historical because it's such a dramatic departure from the norm, & there's such rich territory there for humor. I'm kind of a sucker for uncomfortable humor. :-)
Susan Sey 8:17am July 7, 2010)

This book sounds great and I would love to win!!
Edwina Cowgill 9:22am July 7, 2010)

Sounds like this one might be that perfect combo of romance, mystery, & a tad of thriller!
Linda Dowdy 9:23am July 7, 2010)

I recently discovered Gail Carriger and her steampunk novels starting with Soulless. I was very pleasantly surprised by how Ms. Carriger was able to blend urban fantasy with a historical romance - it was totally fun and I have ordered the other books to read them because now I have to know what happens with the heroine.
Maria Durst 9:25am July 7, 2010)

I like the variety that comes with romances, they are never the same.
Barbara Hanson 10:32am July 7, 2010)

Hi, Edwina! Thanks for swinging by! You're entered to win, so good luck!
Susan Sey 10:49am July 7, 2010)

Hi, Linda! I'd love to think Money, Honey is a perfect combo of romance, mystery & thriller. I tried hard. :-) Hope you enjoy it!
Susan Sey 10:50am July 7, 2010)

Maria, I've never read any Steampunk but it sounds super intriguing. I've put Gail Carriger on my list--thanks for the recommendation. I love historicals & this sounds like a great, fresh twist.
Susan Sey 10:51am July 7, 2010)

Barbara, I'm so glad you said how much you like the variety in the romance genre! It's like the best secret in the publishing industry. People think romances are all the same but we who read (and love) them know the truth. There's a huge variety on the Happily Ever After shelf.
Susan Sey 10:53am July 7, 2010)

I've been reading several of Betty Neel's romances. I like the older bachelor getting knocked off his feet by a young English woman.
I also like the more independent women in today's books not needing a man but usually still falling in love. Victoria Dahl, Luann Mc Lane are two new authors that I like.
Laurie Gommermann 11:25am July 7, 2010)

I have never read any of your books but I love the chance to try!
Felecia Digsby 11:27am July 7, 2010)

I liked the Outlander series.Exciting and hard to put down.
Cheryl Lynne 11:28am July 7, 2010)

I used to be one of those people, I was a Sci Fi or merder mystery gal but then I was at a freinds for a week with no books and she had a historical romance and I loved it, I was done with it in 2 days and I got hooked :)
Vickie Hightower 11:59am July 7, 2010)

Laurie G, I cut my teeth on the Harlequin presents where the 30ish hero is brought to his knees by an innocent 17 yo heroine. I still love them. :-)

But I, too, really like the contemporary heroine who's totally in charge of her destiny. Victoria Dahl is a big favorite of mine, too. She gave me a great cover quote. :-)
Susan Sey 12:00pm July 7, 2010)

Hi, Felecia! Money, Honey is my first book, so you're not behind. :-) Good luck with the contest!
Susan Sey 12:01pm July 7, 2010)

Cheryl L, I just discovered Outlander! I read the first one & it was such a wonderful but wrenching read I've been working up my courage to dive into the second one ever since. Worth it, though, huh? I'll have to check it out.
Susan Sey 12:02pm July 7, 2010)

Hi, Vickie! Welcome to romance! So glad you got hooked. You'll find there's plenty to satisfy a mystery/SFF girl around here. :-)

I just discovered JR Ward recently & will not be satisfied until I've knock off the entire Black Dagger Brotherhood. :-)
Susan Sey 12:04pm July 7, 2010)

I am a huge romance reader,
mostly contemporaries. I love
when an author switches things
up, there are so many stories
out there that just seem to
repeat themselves, sometimes I
find myself wondering "Have I
read this before?" Even when I
know it's a brand new book.
Your new book sounds very
intriguing Susan! I am always
looking to find new authors to
read, I usually burn through a
book a day. Good luck with
your debut release! And thanks
for the chance!
Erin Thompson 1:16pm July 7, 2010)

hotter than the temperature
Debbi Shaw 1:28pm July 7, 2010)

Hi, Erin! I know what you mean about the familiarity of some books/plots from certain authors. A friend of my mom's keeps a notebook in her purse to keep track of her reads so when she's in the bookstore/library, she can verify whether or not she's read that book or not. It's especially handy when an author's backlist gets re-released with a fresh title and/or cover.

Glad you stopped by! Good luck with the contest!
Susan Sey 2:15pm July 7, 2010)

Debbi wrote: "hotter than the temperature." Which would be crazy hot around here. We're looking the mid-nineties in the eye & crazy humidity. Which is why we're all inside. :-) It's a good day for a cool air conditioner & a hot book.
Susan Sey 2:16pm July 7, 2010)

I would have to say that your take of the hero being the insecure, but gorgeous one, would be a great take on this genre.
Joanne Reynolds 2:41pm July 7, 2010)

I saw someone say they started reading the J.R. Ward books. I have to admit paranormal is not my typical thing. I did read the first one and was pleasantly surprised how much I enjoyed it. Didn't like book 2 as much, and haven't yet found the motivation to move on, but it's on my TBR shelf.

I love books that give me romance, humor, and suspense as I feel Money Honey must do.

Thanks for blogging with Fresh Fiction and telling about your story.
Sandi Shilhanek 2:44pm July 7, 2010)

Hi! I, too, have enjoyed reading a few historicals in which the hero is the virgin. Personally, without real medicines, the possibilities of contracting STDs would have prevented me from dabbling with a rake. Ew.

As for all books of one genre being the same, that would mean that all books of a series are just copies of one book. :)
S Tieh 2:53pm July 7, 2010)

I hear you on the 'same story' irritation.

I had a variation of that while visiting Chicago with a (male) friend, who said 'What do you want to do now?' to which I replied 'Go to the Natural History Museum'. His response? 'Museum - that's just the same thing over and over again!'
To which I said 'Like football is the same thing over and over again?'
He didn't get it, he just exploded into a long explanation of how it was completely different each time. Heh.
Maya Missani 4:00pm July 7, 2010)

I envy you writers for all of the original thoughts you put to paper. Thank you!
Marjorie Carmony 5:05pm July 7, 2010)

My favorite is the brooding alpha male that thinks he is not good enough to be loved by anyone, no matter how much good he does for the world. He is always proven wrong by "the One" woman with enough guts to stick it out!
Kelli Jo Calvert 5:20pm July 7, 2010)

I like Caridad's new Sin Series where she mixes current science with romance, thriller, and adventure!
Karin Tillotson 5:27pm July 7, 2010)

I love the variety in romance... I read a historical where the heroine had a handicap and everyone except the hero treated her as if she was a doll, not an actual person...
Colleen Conklin 5:47pm July 7, 2010)

I do not want to know what is going to happen 20 pages into the book - I want to be kept guessing!!
Teresa Alexander 5:58pm July 7, 2010)

I am struggling to think of a twist not mentioned. It's all good. Cheers!!
Mary Preston 7:23pm July 7, 2010)

I like the older woman and younger man (who's not a gigolo!) twist...
Alyssa Caralla 7:36pm July 7, 2010)

The one book that I read in the past few months that stayed with me was Roses, by Leila Meacham. It was a love story that went on from teenage years until old age. I don't want to spoil the plot, but I couldn't put the book down!! It's a rather long book, but so well written that the pages fly through your fingers!! So many twists and turns throughout the story!! I can't wait to read your book as well. It sounds like a great summer read!!
Peggy Roberson 7:55pm July 7, 2010)

Money honey sounds sweet to me. I don't know about twists on genres. Is that a crossover between categories?
Alyson Widen 8:15pm July 7, 2010)

My favorite twist was I once read this love story where it was only at the end of the book that you realized one of the main characters had died at the beginning of the book and it was as if the other person were dreaming of what their life would have been like had the death not happened. I had to immediately re-read the book.
Pam Howell 9:14pm July 7, 2010)

Joanne R, I think the insecure hot-as-heck hero is a fun twist! I hope you enjoy it!
Susan Sey 10:16pm July 7, 2010)

Hi, Sandi--I hope Money, Honey delivers on the promise! And I encourage you to keep on with JR Ward's Black Dagger Brotherhood--I'm really enjoying it!
Susan Sey 10:17pm July 7, 2010)

S Tieh--I'm LOLing about the possibility of contracting an STD from a rake. They don't cover that usually in historicals. Hope you enjoy Money,Honey!
Susan Sey 10:18pm July 7, 2010)

Maya M, I'm chuckling about every football game being different but every museum being the same. :-) It's all about what you love, isn't it? I don't quite get why people love football but there you have it. I indulge them on it, (I've been known to yell Go Big Red if necessary but I have to be prompted by my Nebraska born husband), & I expect them to indulge me. :-) Every romance novel is different & totally worthy of individual inspection.
Susan Sey 10:20pm July 7, 2010)

Hi, Marjorie! Thanks for stopping by today! I, too, am in awe of writers' creativity, especially the prolific ones.
Susan Sey 10:22pm July 7, 2010)

My opinion of romance stories is just the opposite of what you mention. I am simply astounded at the different plots and backgrounds that romance writers come up with. The book I am currently reading, Captive of Sin, by Anna Campbell, has a very unique hero and story. I haven't quite finished the book but I have been totally captivated. The "75-cent words" that I find in romance stories make it obvious that the writers are not nincompoops.
Gladys Paradowski 10:24pm July 7, 2010)

Kelli Jo C, I love that archetype, too! The broody alpha male with a chip on his shoulder & the protective streak a mile wide who's redeemed by the love of a good woman. *big happy sigh*
Susan Sey 10:25pm July 7, 2010)

A Knight in Shining Armour by Jude Deveraux is one of my favorite book. You have a main character who meets a knight from the past and then travel to the past to solve his murder. Once she solved the knight's murder, she get thrust back to her present time. She is separated from her knight by time and then find him again in her time. I still love this book.
Kai Wong 10:26pm July 7, 2010)

Karin T, I'm really intrigued by the sound of the Caridad series. I'll have to check it out!
Susan Sey 10:27pm July 7, 2010)

Colleen C, I just read Uncertain Magic, (I think that's the title), a Laura Kinsale? And the heroine in that one had access to a magic that make her feel like a freak. It was so well-written the way the hero responded to her gifts. I love that convention, too.
Susan Sey 10:29pm July 7, 2010)

Looking forward to reading Money, Honey. Sounds like a fun read! Thanks for the chance to win a copy.
Teresa Ward 10:41pm July 7, 2010)

Teresa A, I'm with you! I hate when I see the plot twists coming a mile away! I want to be surprised AND satisfied, tough combination.
Susan Sey 10:48pm July 7, 2010)

Hi, Mary--I know, we've covered a lot of ground here today, haven't we? Thanks for stopping by!
Susan Sey 10:49pm July 7, 2010)

Alyssa C--I like the older woman/younger man twist, too! I think Suzanne Brockmann did one a while back (Mike Muldoon's book?) that I just loved.
Susan Sey 10:50pm July 7, 2010)

Peggy, thanks for the recommendation! I'll have to check out Roses--I love books that cover a good chunk of the hero/heroine's lives. That's why I adore trilogies & connected books--I love the opportunity to check in the the hero/heroine a few years into their happily ever after.
Susan Sey 10:52pm July 7, 2010)

Alyson W, I think Money Honey's being sold as romantic suspense because there is an element of crime caper to it. But I think the heart of the story is the romance. So it's a little cross genre but it's a romance at heart.
Susan Sey 10:53pm July 7, 2010)

Pam H., I love books that make you rethink everything you thought you understood about the book! I read the English Patient like that--finished it, said, "Huh", then turned back to page one & started again. I also loved Shutter Island by Dennis Lehane that way.
Susan Sey 10:54pm July 7, 2010)

Hi, Gladys--I'm so glad you're loving Captive of Sin! I loved that one, too, & I know Anna's a word junkie so she'll be pleased to hear you're enjoying her .75 words. :-)
Susan Sey 10:55pm July 7, 2010)

Teresa W--thanks for stopping by! Good luck in the contest--hope you enjoy the book if you get lucky!
Susan Sey 10:56pm July 7, 2010)

Kai Wong, I'll have to look up a Knight in Shining Armour! I thought I'd knocked off Jude Devereaux's entire cannon, but I haven't read this one. Hmmmm. Off to the bookstore I go! Thanks!
Susan Sey 10:57pm July 7, 2010)

I like when a character has something that makes them less than perfect. I like "normal" people.
Cathie Veres 11:54pm July 7, 2010)

Cathie, I'm totally with you on "normal." It's so refreshing when the characters aren't perfect. I particularly like it when they aren't stunningly gorgeous, either. :-)
Susan Sey 11:57pm July 7, 2010)

I read Laurie Lewis's "Awakening Avery" which was great - rich with characters that were questioning themselves and their lives... Great book.
No perfect people! I hate books where the women are perfect in every way the men are gorgeous and the two are perfect together. Some authors go into such detail describing everything about the persons clothing, hair, eyes, etc. til I want to say gag me already, no one is that perfect!
Brenda Rupp 12:38pm July 8, 2010)

Hi Smoov!

Just thought I'd follow you for a stop on your blog tour. Oh yeah, "follow" in a couple of ways. ;-)
Loucinda McGary 2:53am July 8, 2010)

I like the premise. Congrats on the book.
Deborah Lary 10:56am July 8, 2010)

i like the scenario, keep writing
Debbi Shaw 1:40pm July 8, 2010)

Hello Susan, Please enter me in this fantastic contest and please let me know when I am a winner too! God bless you with success always, Cecilia
Cecilia Dunbar Hernandez 1:40pm July 8, 2010)

Well, I might wonder how someone can write a romance book purely because I could never do it myself. But I've been reading romances since my early teens when I was able to buy a used romance book for 10c. I tried "real" literature but they never satisfied me. So I just decided to go with my type of reading material, with kudos to everyone who manages to actually get one published. So kudos and great success to you, Susan.
Sigrun Schulz 4:41pm July 8, 2010)

Looks awesome! I have to have it! I like a love triangle twist.
Joelle Beebe 6:17pm July 8, 2010)

Charlotte Featherstone doesn't
shy away from an untraditional
HEA. In Sinful, the ending
ruffled a few feathers but I
found it very realistic,
therefore more heartfelt. I'd
love to read Money, Honey!
Jennifer Ma 8:55pm July 8, 2010)

My favorite is when a younger
man falls for an older woman.
So many of those stories have
had me in tears with the
tenderness that the hunky guy
show to the woman who
generally has a few more
wrinkles and isn't quite as
buff as he is.
Lisa Richards 9:10pm July 8, 2010)

Fbi agent & criminal turned "good" is a great theme. A bit like White Collar on tv except for the love angle which would make it that much better.
Christine Schultz 10:56pm July 8, 2010)

Brenda R wrote: No perfect people! I hate books where the women are perfect in every way the men are gorgeous and the two are perfect together.

I hear that! Susan E. Phillips wrote a hero with just a big honkin' nose one time & I loved it. And him. :-)
Susan Sey 9:32am July 14, 2010)

AC wrote: Just thought I'd follow you for a stop on your blog tour. Oh yeah, "follow" in a couple of ways. ;-)

Yeah, one good top ten list deserves another! Good to see you, AC! Looking forward to my copy of the Wild Irish Sea!
Susan Sey 9:34am July 14, 2010)

Deborah Lary wrote: I like the premise. Congrats on the book.

Thanks, Deborah! Hope you enjoy it!
Susan Sey 9:35am July 14, 2010)

Debi Shaw wrote: i like the scenario, keep writing

Thanks, Debi! I plan to, Berkley willing. :-)
Susan Sey 9:36am July 14, 2010)

Cecelia wrote: Please enter me in this fantastic contest and please let me know when I am a winner too!

Done! Good luck!
Susan Sey 9:37am July 14, 2010)

Sigrun wrote: Well, I might wonder how someone can write a romance book purely because I could never do it myself.

You'd be surprised, Sigrun! I never thought I could write a book either. And believe me, my first couple tries were unholy messes.

But you stick with it, you get better. :-) Hope you give it a shot someday.
Susan Sey 9:40am July 14, 2010)

Joelle B wrote: Looks awesome! I have to have it! I like a love triangle twist.

So glad you're interested! Good luck with the contest!

And I love a good love triangle myself.
Susan Sey 9:41am July 14, 2010)

Jennifer Ma wrote: Charlotte Featherstone doesn't
shy away from an untraditional

Oooooh, I love her. I'll have to check out Sinful.
Susan Sey 9:42am July 14, 2010)

Lisa R wrote: My favorite is when a younger
man falls for an older woman.

Oh, yeah, I love that one, too! I think Suz Brockmann did it particularly well with good ol' Mikey Muldoon & his...Joan? Was that it? The baby faced Navy SEAL & the heroine with a few miles on her, & all that gorgeousness devoted to a girl's inner beauty?

Yep. That does it for me.
Susan Sey 9:44am July 14, 2010)

Christine S wrote: A bit like White Collar on tv except for the love angle which would make it that much better.

People have been telling me this a lot lately! I've never seen this show but clearly I'm going to have to check it out!
Susan Sey 9:45am July 14, 2010)

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