The CEO of Duke Development had been on guard since he
discovered his mother's diabolical plot to marry him off.
Him and his brothers. And when his desirable new assistant,
Trish James, hinted she wanted more than just a business
relationship, Adam figured she was in on the scheme. So the
boss decided to play along and seduce the secretary…then put
a stop to his mother's meddling marriage plans once and for
all. But even Adam could not have guessed Trish's true
agenda for wanting him in her bed….
I loved the list. ALL very true. (Mary Preston 3:01am July 26, 2010)
Congrats on the new release, Kate. The millionaire needs a wife to help him decorate his mansion. (Jane Cheung 3:52am July 26, 2010)
A millionaire needs a wife because waking up alone, as well as eating home alone, and he does have to eat at home sometimes, can be pretty boring, and not give much meaning to your life. She can also show him little ways of enjoying life, that he may not have experienced before. All women find beauty in such unusual and different areas than a man would!! (Peggy Roberson 4:49am July 26, 2010)
I think he needs a good wife for the mornings, to start it off right if he has to go to work early or to have someone to cuddle with--other than a cat or dog--if he has a late day. The books sounds like great fun. (Sigrun Schulz 5:32am July 26, 2010)
Thank you, Mary! I had fun coming up with the list. (Kate Carlisle 8:44am July 26, 2010)
Jane, Of course! Every mansion needs a woman's touch. (Kate Carlisle 8:44am July 26, 2010)
Peggy, So true. He needs that companionship, just as we all do. Money isn't very good company. (Kate Carlisle 8:46am July 26, 2010)
Sigrun, Mornings are brighter with a little conversation, and evenings are cozier when you cuddle. Dogs and cats are wonderful, but they can't take the place of human companionship. (Kate Carlisle 8:47am July 26, 2010)
Yes, but after some of the news articles lately, he may need a wife, but he doesn't deserve one! A wife is a precious thing that choould be carefully taken care of - not someone to leave behind with his insanely georgous heirs while he dalleys with others. (Karin Tillotson 8:59am July 26, 2010)
Karin, I totally agree with you! But of course, Adam Duke, the hero of The Millionaire Meets His Match will never do such a thing to Trish! There are men - even millionaires - who are faithful and honorable. We just don't hear stories about them because they're at home with their families. (Kate Carlisle 9:48am July 26, 2010)
To pick up after him, he wouldn't want the maid to think he couldn't. Sounds like my kind of book. (Diane Sadler 10:42am July 26, 2010)
I love your post. It made me laugh. I look forward to reading your new release. (Robin McKay 11:30am July 26, 2010)
LOL, Diane! I'm sorry, but I wouldn't want a man who married me so I could pick up after him. He'd be waiting a looooong time for that kind of service. (Kate Carlisle 11:48am July 26, 2010)
Thank you, Robin! I love making people laugh. I hope you enjoy The Millionaire Meets His Match! (Kate Carlisle 11:48am July 26, 2010)
What a great list! My husband named a gun after me. He's not a millionaire, but a world champion pistol shooter. Does that count? (Kathy Bennett 1:32pm July 26, 2010)
Sounds like a fun book and I will be adding it to my summer list (Vickie Hightower 2:35pm July 26, 2010)
Kathy, That's so cool! That definitely counts. Did he name the gun Kathy, or did he give it a nickname after you like "Pistol Whippin' Mama"? (Kate Carlisle 3:00pm July 26, 2010)
Thank you so much, Vickie! I would love to hear from you after you've read The Millionaire Meets His Match! You can find me online at (Kate Carlisle 3:01pm July 26, 2010)
Not only is the wife a tax deduction, so are any and all the children. And somebody has to coordinate all the kids' schedules.
What a fun list! (S Tieh 3:10pm July 26, 2010)
Great point! Someone has to keep track of all those million-dollar schedules! (Kate Carlisle 5:24pm July 26, 2010)
I love this list! Especially #4. Although, he better not be too busy, or the wife may be watching the pool boy a bit too closely. (Cynthia Netherton 10:04pm July 26, 2010)
To cut his toenails?
The list was fun.
I have no intention of joining Facebook. I've heard too many things about that site. (Gladys Paradowski 11:27pm July 26, 2010)
I love the list! To pack for him when he goes on trips! Men can't pack! (Brenda Rupp 11:32pm July 26, 2010)
Cynthia, Right you are! LOL! (Kate Carlisle 8:50am July 27, 2010)
Gladys, LOL! I'm afraid we'd have to hire a toenail cutter to handle that job with my millionaire. (Kate Carlisle 8:51am July 27, 2010)
Brenda, Perfect! He needs someone to hang his expensive suits just so in the garment bag. (Kate Carlisle 8:52am July 27, 2010)
He needs a wife, because she'll have his best interests at heart - not like a hired housekeeper, valet, pool boy (I'd love to have a yard boy!), etc. But to have someone who loves you is the best of it all! (Cate Sparks 12:12pm July 27, 2010)
Cate, that's my favorite answer!!! :) (Kate Carlisle 2:29pm July 27, 2010)
I love this list! Getting him married keeps him off stupid reality shows too! (Lisa Richards 7:36pm July 31, 2010)